
103 Reviews
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The Acolyte (2024– )
K Kennedy gots to go!
6 June 2024
Business school teaches you that the primary purpose of any company is to create value for the stakeholder. But the lead of the Star Wars division instead is working to alienate its core audience. This isnt Star Wars, this is a pedestrian teenage angst story cloaked in jedi tuniks with a couple of light sabers thrown in for camouflage. The cast seems okay too, but the story is so weak it wouldnt have passed muster as a 1970's after school special. 180 million dollars for this?? Imagine that the Phantom Menace is now receiving some respect because in comparison to this latest offering it now seems like a classic. Fire Kennedy and do it in spectacular fashion please.
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Tracker (2024– )
Great premise with poor execution not Bear Gryllis (mild spoilers)
12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I would rather have seen the story of how he found the girl at the beginning of the show then how he tracked the kid who had been kidnapped. I thought this show was going to be a bit more outdoor tracking then looking up information on the computer. The back story alluded to in the protaganist's childhood doesn't really seem that interesting. The end scene where he and the kid he is rescuing have to jump into the river is sort of an roll your eye moment. Of all the options they had there, jumping 100 feet into a raging river of unknown depth seems like the one you would be least likely to choose.

All in all I'll hang for an episode or 2, but I see nothing about the premise or character so far that interests me. Other than if I can do a few hours work and collect 50k reward, that seems neat.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Obviosly the "bad" CGI was meant to be that way.
19 June 2023
Obviously the bad CGI was meant to be that way. I don't understand those complaints. Probably one of the best DC movies with original story telling since the Dark Knight Series. Michael Keaton was great, and overall a homage to the good parts of the Snyderverse. So many tributes to so many people's visions of what the DC universe should be. The Salkinds and Jon Peters should feel honored. How sad that Ezra Miller has such talent and he cant be sane in his real life. Overall it was a nice wrap up to the DC universe, though I realize a couple more are on the way. I am interested to see what James Gunn will do, but the super hero genre may be going the way of the Western overall. I cant think of too many characters I still havent seen some version of.
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Don't watch it as a sequel/ music
2 June 2023
If you don't watch this movie as a sequel, but as an adventure movie, you will appreciate it. The Black Stallion was a special movie, so to try to recapture that story would be fruitless. This movie is completely different and the character of Alex is much different than his young self. Its just a nice family story that has enough going on to keep your attention. What is really underappreciated though is the soundtrack. Its very good, and adds to the quality of the movie.

I think if this movie wasn't a family movie it would have a cult following. It definitely is one that the critics got wrong and I believe in retrospect many would be much more kind to it today.
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65 (2023)
Okay premise bad execution
8 April 2023
Very Pitch Blackish sort of feel to this, but without any real character depth. Adam Driver works his heart out, but he doesnt have any real dialog, so its mostly just running around. Crucial mistake in creating a language barrier between he and the girl as it lessens the connection they have. The dinos are not visually impressive, even by the original Jurassic Park standard all those years ago. I think there was 1 jump in the whole movie. Space scenes are okay, but not that visually appealing. The ship's design was weak, especially the interior. Who puts cabinets and draweres on a spaceship? No back story to the girl at all or why she was even on the ship. When you think of the things that make a good movie, connection to the characters, engaging story, fantastic visuals, and great acting, this film misses on all marks.
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Barely scrapes the surface
23 March 2023
The problem with this documentary is that it doesn't go into the details at all. Its just a collection of first hand stories, but there was so much going on. Have yet to see a satisfactory doc or miniseries on this event.

1) why was Koresch able to have multiple and underage brides??

2) how did he become.the leader? Its a dark story 3) what laws were the ATF pursuing. Gun laws were much less strict at that time 4) why didnt the ATF call it off after everyone said the element of surprise was critical 5) why were the hostage rescue team and the hostage negotiators kept separate 6) why was Gary N sent packing 7) what information did Janet Reno actually see 8) how much tear gas was used (it was incendiary) 9) who took the blame?

You could have done a whole episode on any one of these questions, but instead the producers just rehash the common info anyone who paid any attention knows.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Lost, Fringe, and the Leftovers
28 January 2023
I don't want to include any spoilers so I'll concentrate this review on convincing you that if you liked Lost and Fringe, you'll like this show too. Justin Thereaux is amazing, if I hadn't seen him in the Mosquito Coast, I would not have realized how good he is. I'm also a huge Carrie Coon fan, and she is absolutely terrific here. The event of literally biblical proportions that sets the premise for the show is so thought provoking. Don't expect all the answers at the end of the series run, that's not its intention. Rather its meant to display the drama of people wrestling with these questions. Its a very wild ride, but in the end we see the human spirit's ability to overcome and find happiness in a very emotional finale. Stick with it.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Couldn't finish it
3 January 2023
The premise is interesting, a professor at some university who along with his fellow faculty have a super ego type view of their knowledge and importance on subjects that are based in pure speculation. They provide their students with no applicable skills or knowledge that would be meaningful in the real world, yet seemingly are admired and honored for their work.

Likewise the professor has a melded family from his previoud and his wife's previous marriages. Their kids have no real grasp of the real world and their parents are too self involved to really assist them in growth. This family is then tossed into a disaster situation where their lack of real world knowledge is contrast against such needed information. The film completely fails to hit the dark humorous tone or contradictions it wants to highlight. It comes off like some sort of Spielberg rejected script for Close Encounters. I couldnt finish it.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Rian Johnson ruined Star Wars...
25 December 2022
But thats not the only reason this is a bad movie. What a waste of a great ensemble cast. If you like well thought out, clever, murder mysteries...look elsewhere! The only good thing here is the over the top acting by Daniel Craig. Plus who did the lighting on this movie? Yes these stars are aging, but they all look 70 years old in this cinematography. Has beens on Murder She Wrote got better treatment. Last you will not be able to "play along" with the characters, because they purposefully keep some very big information from the audience for the first 3/4 of the movie and purposefully show misleading flashbacks to mislead you. Rian Johnson is simply not a good writer... the fact that he still takes internet commentary so seriously is proof of that.
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She Said (2022)
Way too easy on the famous people
14 December 2022
Sure we know the famous victims, but not once does the movie hint at the famous enablers who knew what was going on but still did nothing. This story gives the facts you already know, but plays like a poor version of All The Presidents Men sans any of the men. If you watched this movie you would think no one but the victims knew what was going on, when in reality the rumors had been whirling around for years. Remember Weinstein had just gitten a standing ovation at the Oscars a couple of years before bt the Damons, Afflecks, Streeps, Tarantinos of the world, and they all had at least heard the rumors then. So this movie did nothing to add to the discussion in my book.
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Very very light spoilers.
8 December 2022
This is a good movie and Aubrey Plaza is amazing in it. What I love about this movie is its logic. Everything she does is a logical step for someone facing her situation, if they have the courage to make those decisions that could have dire consequences. She is mostly surrounded by men who try to take advantage of her, but in each situation she moves forward only if it is the correct move for her. One of the best scenes in the movie is when a women in power tries to take advantage of her and rationalizes it by telling her that it was rougher for women back in her day. Emily sees right through this. She's no feminist pioneer, she is doing the exact same thing as her male counterparts. There are no leaps of disbelief you will need to make with this film.
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The English (2022)
Missed it by that much.
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Haunting, interesting, sad...I found the entire series captivating until the last two episodes where the motivations of some of the minor characters became less clear. The scene with the heroine and the villain in England was too unrealistic

The chemistry of the two main characters, the unflinching portrayal of thr viloence and harshness of the west in the second part of the 19th century, and the cinematography are feature film class.

In the end the resolution of the story is not terribly satisfying. Frankly I was more interested in what happened to Eli than Emily Blunt's character. I didnt have to have a happy ending, just a more complete one.
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Causeway (2022)
The unsaid
4 November 2022
This is a story about 2 hurt people who find each other and build a bond that strengthens them both. I found Brian Tyree Henry's performance inspiring. Less so for JLaw. The issue with this movie is it tries to convey everything through mood and display rather than interaction. Everything is under the surface and while that can ring true to life, its sometimes difficult to take in entertainment. Even the pivotal scene, that you know is coming, when our 2 characters have to finally let out some of the things they have been keeping from each other, ends up somewhat muted, and still a bit too reserved. So this movie is a bit unsatisfying at the end. I stll recommend you watch it for Henry's performance though, he really is at the top of his game.
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Good story, so-so movie
2 October 2022
Its a really good story. The movie is just so-so and I think really misfired on some poignant moments. I am talking about the journey this guy took and those incidents that left a mark. Not horrors of war type moments, but those moments of realization that his assumptions were wrong. I just dont think Farrelly has the feel for telling that type of story.

The message is of course one we have seen over and over, and told much better in other films. You can mix humor and drama very well in a story, its done all the time. Farelly however seems to dull down the humor and reign in the drama so that neither have any particularly satisfying moments. I mean come on, this guy went to Vietnam during the war to pass out beer. You want to know more about that, but this movie doesnt tell that story well.
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Could have developed into a scifi writers dream
6 July 2022
8 stars for nostalgia. For some reason the carnival episode of this show locked in my mind from when I was a very young child, and I finally decided to watch the whole series on youtube of all places. I always was a fan of Roddy McDowells. So I can see why this show didnt make it. For one they had to do a lot of location shooting and redesign sets every week, thats expensive. Second it was rushed, they didnt have the characters flushed out and end up dumping 3 immediately. (One only screamed all the time anyways LOL). 3RD SPFX cost something , while limited on this show, they were there.

But if it had made it, it could have developed some really good episodes I am sure. Each weak everthing but the 5 main characters changes. You can have aliens from other worlds, people from any time in history, the premise is wild. Its basically a blank sheet for any story you want to tell. With DC Fontana as story efitor, no doubt there would have been some good ones. But alas it was not meant to be. These shows need to find their feet and there was no time. Might show up in a reboot someday though...who knows??
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Really good. Not understanding critics.
4 July 2022
Don't worry, there are no politics here left or right. You'll definitely feel a bit conflicted about the protaganist at times, and wonder if he is going too far. There is particularly one scene on a beach that gives you pause. Its an engrossing thriller about a man that has nothing left to lose.
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Evil (2019–2024)
This show is whack, but in a good way
27 May 2022
This show is all over the place, in an interesting way. I mean the angels and demon background of each episode is sort of standard, but the show first is about the characters who are very interesting. Then secondly there is this non standard bigger connecting mystery that ties all the events of the episodes together and still isnt clear what is exactly going on.

Kristen, the main character is just so interesting. Such a strong and sexy female lead. Yet she also can show this gaping vulnerable weakness which literally puts everyone around her in jeopardy at times. Even the 4 daughters each have a uniqueness that individualizes them. In fact her interactions with her daughters is one of the best parts of the show.

I really was expecting an x files clone or something similar. It is NOT that. There are again some standard episodic elements, but they are basically there to drive the interaction of characters. If the xfiles had focused on the personal lives and interpersonal relationship of scully and mulder, then maybe u could draw some x file comparisons.

3rd season is about to start and I'm going to stick with it. You need a bigger sample size than 1 or 2 episodes to get hooked.
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Night Sky (2022)
Scifi is backseat to drama
22 May 2022
I don't even could get that far into fan theories because they really tell you very little about whats actually happened. The family drama takes up so much of the screen time you only get bits and pieces of the larger story. By the end of episode 8 you only know a littke bit more than you did in episode 1. Interesting but patience was growing weary by the end.
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Jonah Hex (2010)
I liked the dog.
13 May 2022
Thats why it gets 2 stars. Any movie that has a dog being rescued gets a star for that Otherwise, wow I dont know how I found myself watching this but boy was it bad. I think Meghan Fox is reading her lines off cue cards. You can tell it was meant to be much longer and the supporting characters flushed out. It appears when the studio got a look howver, they edited it down to get more showings so their losses werent too bad. Looks like bad directing and cinematography were the main issues. Cnt really blame story as its obviously been heavily reworked. Pass on this bomb.
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C'mon its fun
8 May 2022
I rather thought it was fun, Mike Meyers talent is on display. Keele and Ken have some fun too. Its not the funniest thing ever, but its pleasant enough for a diversion. The scene where they replay the scene without the vulgar words which makes it even more vulgar is very clever.
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Moon Knight (2022)
No better than Netflix Marvel
27 April 2022
Overall unimpressed with all D+ Marvel efforts. Not one has had me excited for more. This one is boring most of the time. THe actors are best part of all of these.
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Moonfall (2022)
Yup, its bad
5 April 2022
I didnt think my expectations could be any lower, but boy its worse than I could imagine. Horrible acting, dialogue, editing, directing, music, SFX, and story. I know this was made independently but how??? How did money find its way to this movie?
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Suspicion (2022)
Ending ruined it
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So the big secret was that the oil companies used dirty tricka to hide the truth about Global Warming? Are you kidding me? Thats not a secret; its just what happened and comtinues to happen.

The ending was confusing and wrong.
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Watchable but...Dan Brown
1 March 2022
I stopped reading Dan Brown for the same reason this story isnt great. People solving complicated puzzles seem to do dumb things. If the viewer can guess what is going on, then why cant the supposedly ultimately smart characters?

From what I understand there are a lot of changes from the book. The acting was okay, but direction was bad, and dialogue worse in many cases.. its so frustrating to see unrealized promise...but thats Dan Brown.
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Reacher (2022– )
Really good
5 February 2022
I am surprised by people who gave the low ratings. I found it very watchable without the filler minutes that many of these series have now. Perhaps the villains weren't as good as some other shows, but they sure did evil things. Some pretty strong supporting characters for the cast, and some a bit lackluster.

I am sure there will be a season 2 and I hope it will be stronger than many of other Prime season 2 series.
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