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Emotionally Poignant Film: 'The Almond and the Seahorse' explores memory loss in relationships
10 January 2023
"The Almond and the Seahorse" is a thought-provoking film that delves into the topic of memory and its fragility in the context of relationships affected by traumatic brain injuries. The performances by Rebel Wilson and Charlotte Gainsbourg are noteworthy, they both are able to convey the emotional turmoil and the complexities of the characters they play, The film's subject matter is both compelling and unique, and it's creditable the way it attempts to shed light on a condition that is not often explored on screen. The film is well-intentioned and emotionally poignant.

Although the film has some pacing issue and the plot feels overstuffed at times, it ultimately has a strong emotional core that makes the audience feel invested in the characters and their struggles. The film's episodic structure might be disorienting at first but it ultimately creates an engaging narrative structure.

Overall, The Almond and the Seahorse is a thought-provoking film that explores a subject matter not often explored on screen. While it has its shortcomings, it's strong performances and the emotional investment it creates with the characters, makes it a worth watching experience.
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X (II) (2022)
An enjoyable slasher
17 April 2022
I think this is one of the better slashers of recent days. You could almost say the genre is dead, but this movie holds up quite well. Has excellent pacing, a couple of tense scenes, great lighting and a tasteful amount of blood on screen. Although it could have had another layer of 'scare', the movie didn't come across as trying too hard, which is sometimes better than taking those overdone risks. Because the film was set on a ranch in the late 70s (which is a vibe I love), it did give a slight texas chainsaw massacre vibe. Not necessarily a bad thing. I enjoyed it :-)
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Earthlings (2005)
We eat animals, they deserve respect from us.
23 November 2014
The problems with Earthlings is mostly from the effect has on people. Due to the nature of the film, people come away from it with an OMG reaction which is what the documentary was going for, but relies on emotion more then facts. Throughout the film, they say that these are the norm, however many times they will show other countries, now if people live here and support the AR movement then cool, however I can't help what another country does to it's animals, we have enough trouble trying to do it for humans. Now that isn't to say you shouldn't care, I simply believe that they presented the worst situations, said they were the norm (perhaps because they went only to bad farms?), and the solution given wasn't to improve conditions it was to not eat meat at all.

Now, the computer industry isn't exactly good for the environment (even through recycling), but are you going to give up your computers or would you rather improve the industry? Just saying.

If you want to get someone interested into caring for animals who doesn't, this is a good doc., but it should be used more for informing on the worst not a reason to change your diet.

If you think that killing animals is equal to murdering humans you will likely disagree with me, however it isn't about you reaffirming what you already believe in, its about trying to get people to care. People will disagree with you, and this film (as they should) but it shows that we do need to improve how we treat animals.

"We eat animals, they deserve respect from us." -Temple Grandin
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