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Succession (2018–2023)
I love you, but you are not serious people
29 June 2023
It's without a doubt that Succession is one of the most chaotic, anxiety-inducing, satirical, and phenomenal TV series in recent history.

A media tycoon and his family members in a race for succession of the biggest media corporation in the world.

Let's start with the cinematography. This show implemented a similar style to The Office, where the camera is purposefully shaky and frequently changes focuses to induce a sense of realism. It worked perfectly in this series, showing the detailed and subtle facial expressions and nonverbal signs. It felt disorienting at times, adding to the sense of recklessness of this show.

The pacing was relentless. Just like real life, everything in this show moved like a nonstop tidal wave. Characters used innuendos, jargons, and analogies so frequently that I felt lost many times. They almost never explained what was going on, and just let the story unfolded itself. It's hard to be distracted because you would have to rewind to catch up.

The dialogues were incredibly crafted. Every main character had a different manner and choice of words that reflected their personality. Many times whatever these characters say, there's always a hidden meaning underneath. Of course, they can say one thing, but do the opposite, so you have to analyze what they say and have some doubt.

I don't think I saw a bad performance from any of the cast. The actors for Logan, Kendall, Shiv, Roman, and Tom embraced the characters' personality so well. They all had phenomenal scenes that left me in awe.

This TV show felt like it spiraled a lot, but at the core, the writer masterfully sewn a journey for each of the main character. These characters could be so unpredictable that left me scratching my head and screaming internally. However, what's funny was that they all had a pattern to their behavior that shaped their character arc. Each character had a theme or a cycle that you think they could break out of, but they couldn't.

Overall, Succession took me on a roller coaster of emotion. The amount of backstabbing and unpredictability was overwhelming. It got better and better after each season, and until the very end it always left me in awe.

S1: 8/10 S2: 9/10 S3: 9-9.5/10 S4: 9.5-10/10.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Fun train ride
3 August 2022
Domo arigatou

This is the movie where if you love action and you just want to turn off your mind and have a fun time, you will get it. It's hilarious while filled with blood and kills. The fight scenes were all solid, especially those with Brad Pitt. Towards the end the movie went full awol and I had a blast with the ridiculousness.

Also holy smoke I didn't realize how stacked the cast of this movie was. Every character had some distinct personality and the actors clearly had fun with their performance. The style of each character is elevated through the vivid storytelling and editing. Whenever an American movie takes place in Japan, the style is always hecka cool and badass, and it's the same here.

My main problem is first the pacing can be a bit slow. I think 10 minutes could be trimmed off to keep the movie fast-paced throughout. The story has a lot of characters, and the way they all tied up wasn't as smooth for some characters.

Overall, a fun action thriller. 8/10.
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It's too wholesome
25 July 2022
This is the dose of wholesomeness that I need everyday.

For such a simple concept, Dean Fleisher Camp created a brilliant and heartfelt story that I'm sure will touch the heart of all audiences. It's weird that I felt so much for a one-inch shell that tried to find his family while taking care of his grandma. It was practically impossible to hold back the tears. Marcel's snappy dialogues and nativity made him an adorable kid. His journey was all-around wholesome. There's some heartbreaking moments, but overall it yielded such satisfaction that there were tears of joy from me.

The movie also touched on the topic of popularity and how fans treat famous people. It can be a source of stress when fans do not know their boundaries.

Overall, I think this is a simple yet near-perfect joyful ride that filled my heart with happiness. It's a big dose of dopamine and serotonin. 9.5-10/10.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Could have been worse
23 July 2022
And again MCU quickly pumps out another show with pretty low quality.

I wanna go straight to the CGI. Based on the look of the power, I can see that the staff is definitely overworked. Gosh it was horrendous and fake. I cringed every time I saw Kamala used her power.

Coming into the show, I expected myself not enjoying and might be annoyed the tone, because it is similar to those shows on Disney channels. Also there's a recent show on Netflix called Never Have I Ever that has the same tone and I absolutely hated it.

However, I was surprised that I enjoyed it. I didn't find Kamala annoying, but actually funny sometimes. The actress was great. Since the show introduced the Muslim community to MCU, there were mini history lectures included, which I enjoyed because it wasn't heavy handed. The plot itself wasn't super surprising, but there was an interesting twist near the end.

Besides the CGI, there were a couple of major problems. The acting from the side characters was pretty bad, especially the mom character. The action scenes were mediocre at best. There was one fight scene between Kamala and a character that was the most cringe fight I have watched in a long time. The exchange between them was laughable.

Overall, it's a mediocre show that I didn't hate as much as I thought, surprisingly. 6-6.5/10.
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26 June 2022
Isekai is one of the genres that don't really suit me. There are some supposedly great ones like Angel Beats or No Game No Life that I actually don't like. And Skeleton Knight in Another World certainly is not the anime that will get me like Isekai.

The animation was not the issue here. I actually think the anime looked pretty solid. It was kinda fun watching all the explosions and fights, which are the only thing that kept me from losing attention.

My biggest problems are the characters and story. Both components are so bland and boring. Each character is the too straightforward with almost no development. The main warrior is just too darn overpowered, making him even more boring than the rest.

I had some interest in the group's journey where they fought monsters. Besides that the story with the different kingdoms is again boring. It didn't have that much screen time, and I don't think they would be much of troubles against the main characters.

Overall, it's just not for me. 6-6.5/10.
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Dorky but I love it
26 June 2022
Spring Season 2022 is a social season filled with a host of romcom. Although not as popular as Kaguya and Komi, Aharen is for sure funny in its own unique way.

I still remembered how much I laughed watching the first episode. The situations where Raidou tried to comprehend Aharen was exaggerated in such dorky ways that got me cracked up. There was so much fun with such weird humor.

The subsequent episodes were more of less the same, but I still enjoyed them because I realized that I loved the bizarre humor of this show. It did get a bit old though. I don't think a newbie to romcom would laugh that much watching Aharen. So it depends on how much you can tolerate humor.

The romance aspect was unexpectedly good. It wasn't focused on as much until near the very end. Similar to the humor, the romance is not usual like other anime. It was both subtle and direct. This is mostly because of the odd dynamic between the two main characters. My critic here is that I would like one or 2 more episodes to build the romance further. It's adorable nonetheless tho.

The side characters is another dorky aspect of the show. Each has their own quirks. Although not all of them cracked me up, I was still amused at how weird they are.

Overall, the show is just as incomprehensible as Aharen, but I loved it. 8-8.5/10.
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Fan service and homage
15 June 2022
How many T. Rex getting hurt does it take to stop this franchise?

The conclusion to the Jurassic World trilogy. The movie itself is not really about the plot. Instead, it's an amalgamation of references to past movies and fan-service moments, and I had a fun time.

If you rewatch the previous 5 movies leading up to this one, the callbacks would be so in-the-face. Multiple quotes, objects, and characters made me do that Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme. They were littered everywhere throughout the runtime. Even the ways some of the characters died in this movie were copies from previous ones. Not gonna lie it's pretty satisfying recognizing those references.

Even though Dominion doesn't offer fan-service to the level of Endgame or No Way Home, there were still a lot. Not all of them worked though, as some felt kinda cringe.

However, this doesn't discredit the solid sequences of actions in the movie. Once they forced the setup of the plot, the movie turned into constant chasing and dinosaur attacks. The sequences were handled well and created high levels of intensity. The jump scares didn't feel cheap or predictable, heightening the intensity furthermore.

I have mentioned many of the problems of this movie. The plot was basic to the bone. It's just there so we can have a proper movie. The villain character was the typical forgettable evil villain. The dialogues were corny, and sadly even the veteran cast members could not save those lines.

Overall, if you come in expecting a thrilling adventure with lots of service and homage, you will have a blast. 7-7.5/10.
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31 May 2022
A pensive exchange of messages between the two main characters who want to be together despite the long distance that slowly tore them apart over time.

I'm not gonna lie and say that I was a bit confused and often bored at what was happening. It's just too pensive for my taste. There wasn't really a plot, just characters reminiscing about their pasts and describing what they were doing.

I felt pretty disconnected from both characters. However, I actually could relate to the character in episode 2 a bit. It's sad for her character because of how she could not express her feelings.

Now to the animation. Basically I can just save every single frame of this movie as a wallpaper. It's so breathtakingly gorgeous. Many scenes, especially in episode 2, had me gazed in awe. Some might say the title should have been "5 wallpapers per second."

The last episode somehow touched me a bit. I could see the harshness and sadness of the situation.

Overall, a beautiful and meditative movie, although I don't feel connected to it that much. 7/10.
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RRR (2022)
Very fun
30 May 2022
I usually don't dig Bollywood movies that were too over-the-top, which is like most Bollywood movies. However, I gotta give it to RRR for making it actually fun and exciting.

Horrendous CGI aside, the dance scenes were super dope, especially that dance battle. Me and my boy actually wanted to give the dance a try. It won't be that good, but the point is that the actors were damn entertaining and amazing executing those moves.

The action scenes were just as badass. It's so hilariously ridiculous and stupid that I loved it. It's basically a superhero movie. The two actors were also the important part that made these scenes entertaining.

The story itself was not bad, even though it dragged so much during the middle part. I was bored for a good chunk, waiting for more action scenes. The backstories didn't really add much to the present plot, even though they provided some more fun action. And of course, I didn't feel any emotional connection to any of the characters, as I just wanted this movie to be all about the over-the-top action.

Overall, it's a highly entertaining movie that I had a great time even though there's still many problems with it. 7.5/10.
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Loved that speed so much
28 May 2022
Come on, Mav. Don't think. Just do.

Now that's a dangerous advice, but it's an advice that produced an amazing thriller. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Maverick is probably the best action thriller of this year.

After the opening scene, I knew that I'm gonna get some amazing cinematography. The shots at the beginning are definitely going to be on my wallpaper lists. I loved how the beautiful blue color made it look like Tom Cruise was traveling in space. It was magnificent.

In the first movie, the training arc was annoying for me because of the choppy editing and confusing technicality. Maverick improved on this significantly. I had so much fun watching Tom Cruise trashing on the graduates. The editing was clear and actually helped making the training thrilling and enjoyable.

Another reason was Maverick had that the first didn't have: a clear direction. Maverick set up a destination that was high-stake that made me invested in the training of the characters. The border between life and death was clear.

The third arc was where the intensity was at the highest. A large part was due to the great set up from the training arc. I was so invested to a point that I became emotional. Oh man it was so goddamn amazing and thrilling.

Now with a host of new characters, it's obvious that some will be focused more than the others. I think the movie did a decent job balancing all the characters, although I would like to see the other less important characters shine more.

One way was to have the training arc longer. At one point I looked at the time on my phone and was surprised that 1.5 hours had already passed. I felt such good vibes from these characters that the movie went by fast. At that point I wanted to watch another 1.5 hours of this movie.

The romance improved from the first. It was a lot sweeter, but I still had the same problem of not having as much significance as I wanted.

There were important moments that happened to the old characters that returned from the first. This didn't hold as much weight as I wanted to mostly because of the first movie's fault for not setting up the characters that well.

Overall, I had a blast and will for sure watch it again. This time it will be in IMAX. Can't wait to be blown away again. 9/10.
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Moon Knight (2022)
7 May 2022
Everyday I wake up, then I start to break up, lonely is a man without love...

A brand new character introduced to the MCU played by the great Oscars Isaac.

With such a brand new character, the first episode was a solid way of hooking me into the character. With only 6 episodes, there were a great amount of curve balls that became wilder every time.

Oscars Isaac was again phenomenal. He had to play more than one characters, and he was able to make each persona unique. The man carried almost the entire show with his performance. The rest of the cast was decent as well.

I'm sure audiences that know about Egyptian gods will love the lore of this show. I found it interesting, but not enough to invest me. Also, with such great buildup, the finale was a bit of a letdown.

Overall, for such a new character, the writer did a solid job creating mystery and uniqueness. 8-8.5/10.
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Many shapes of beauty
1 May 2022
Back then, if we could have heard each other's voices, everything would have been so much better.

Aiya it's gonna be a while to emotionally recover from this movie.

Even though I felt the runtime was a bit long, I loved the pensive tone of the movie. The gorgeous animation and music really set me in a contemplating mood. The quietness throughout didn't feel melodramatic, but instead captured the lack of voices that many characters had.

The relationship between the two main characters and their struggles was masterfully crafted to create a emotionally depressing tale. The symbols of koi fish, firework, notebook, and more were at times quite too complex for me to comprehend. Still I was engaged in the story, and multiple I was on the brink of tearing up. The way voice was communicated in different shape was beautiful.

I watched this movie a while ago, but I still remembered the ending well before coming to this rewatch. However, this time the ending was all the more emotional, and I could not help but letting the tears lose.

There's some minor problems like uneven focus on some of the minor characters and occasional pacing issues, but they didn't really bother me that much.

Overall, a beautiful drama in many shapes. 9-9.5/10.
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Masterful storytelling
30 April 2022
Movies are made not only for writers and directors to express themselves, it also for audiences to see themselves in the shoes of the characters. There are countless times where I imagined myself playing that character from that movie. This is why I absolutely adored this blend of narration by Satoshi Kon.

It's his 2nd movie, and I can see how masterful he is at mixing two different elements in such elegant and smooth way. The transition between scenes of different movies was phenomenal and dynamic. I love how the interviewer character changed himself into different characters and re-enact the scenes. It's exactly how movies are for audiences.

The heartbreaking story of this movie was also investing. The symbol of the key and her unrelenting love got me pretty sad at the end.

Overall, I absolutely enjoyed the eye-opening and beautiful storytelling. 8.5-9/10.
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Nostalgia hits
30 April 2022
Oh now I want to walk in Paris at midnight in the rain.

Man Owen Wilson walking in Paris with classy people and lost in nostalgia was the feel. It's a fantasy, and the atmosphere was so magical and angelic. It's like I'm revisiting the fun time when there's less care in the world. I felt a lot for Wilson's character because I couldn't wait to fast forward the day where his character had to deal with the infuriating fiancé and jump to the midnight in Paris parts.

Probably my biggest problem, more like it's me and not the movie's fault, was that I didn't recognize the famous people that were shown, as well as the change in eras. Because of this, a couple of times I couldn't feel the same excitement as Wilson's character, although I get why he's excited.

Overall, it's a chill and vibe movie that I had a great time with. 8/10.
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29 April 2022
Divorce? Bankrupt? Suicide? You're fking losers, you're losers!

Another movie where Toni Collette is part of a dysfunctional family.

At the beginning I was a little bit confused about the tone. It was serious, but interjected with silly moments. It took a little while before I was able to laugh my ass off at the wild things that happened in this movie.

The third act of this movie was what made it amazing. It paid off so well all the suffering and dysfunction that happened before it. It was incredibly wild, but at the same time all so wholesome. I love the way they still came together even though each one of them had their own personal struggle and frustration that set them apart. Also there's no preachy or overarching theme. Instead the movie was a lot more mundane, and I appreciate it for that.

Overall, a hilarious and wholesome movie. 8/10.
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Bubble (2022)
For such caliber, it was still a disappointment
29 April 2022
Coming into 2022, this anime was one of my most anticipated movies. We have the director of Attack on Titan Season 1-3 and Death Note, WIT studio, writer of Fate/Zero, and the composer of Attack on Titan coming together to make this sci-fi action thriller.

Let's get the obvious out of the way. The animation was breathtakingly gorgeous. There was never a boring shot. Every single frame and motion was jaw-droppingly beautiful. WIT studio poured their heart out to make this masterpiece of animation. Just like in other anime from WIT like Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song, the close-up animation of character's face was distinctly angelic. Those moments were special, and I'm still in awe.

However, sadly the story did not deserve such godlike animation. There's a blend of Little Mermaid, spiral, bubbles, and parkour. Unfortunately these elements did not work out very well. The first half of the movie felt like it was going nowhere. The characters were mostly uninteresting, which made the emotional scenes less impactful. The encompassing theme of this movie just did not land.

Overall, I don't think it's bad, as I still had a good time, but with this much power dedicated to make this supposedly masterpiece, Bubble was still a disappointment. 7-7.5/10.
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Perfect Blue (1997)
It's a trip
28 April 2022
Another addition to the obsessive artist genre.

This was quite a trip. I love the elusive blend of reality and fiction. The transition sometimes actually tricked me into thinking what I saw was really happening to the main character. The mystery combining with disturbing kills and obsession made for a psychological thriller that kept me at the edge towards the end. 8-8.5/10.
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Promare (2019)
God tier animation but mediocre story
28 April 2022
Man this anime burns.

I have been wanting to watch this movie for a long time. My god the animation was legit god tier. U cannot get bored when there is so many vibrant colors and moving pieces for almost 2 hours straight. It's beautiful and exciting from start to finish. There wasn't a any slow or dull moments.

It's amazing that I watched it while lying down, so I felt pretty sleepy. But the reckless pacing and fire animation actually kept my eyes wide opened.

The story was typical, and the villain was very obvious. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but towards the end I realized the story didn't make a lot of sense. The villain's motivation was actually justified. The backstory behind the premise didn't even feel complete.

The characters were meh as well. They were all straightforward without any unique quirk that I can invest on.

Overall, it's a mediocre story saved by incredible animation. 6.5-7/10.
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Nick fkiiiiiiiing Cage
23 April 2022
Time to watch Paddington 2

A movie where Nick Cage played Nick Cage down on his luck with family and acting. Now I know Nick Cage is a damn icon, but I have to admit I don't want a lot of his old movies, even his popular ones. So I didn't get a large chunk of the references in this action comedy. I'm sure that that took away a lot of the potential enjoyment that I could have had.

Still, I thoroughly enjoyed the duo of Nick Cage and Pedro Pascal. They were amazing and gave me a lot of laughs.

Overall, it's a good time glorifying the legend. 7-7.5/10.
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The Northman (2022)
Masculinity as its weirdest
23 April 2022
I will avenge you father. I will save you mother. And I will kill you Fjölnir.

Robert Eggers's third feature, and this time it's a big budget revenge fantasy. Similar to the previous two, this one retained most of the A24 vibe look and dreadful atmosphere. The cinematography and music for the most part were amazing as expected. There wasn't as much disturbing visuals as I wanted, but I still liked what I got.

The story itself showcased incredible amount of toxic masculinity. Men were literally acting like wild animals and showing muscles. It's like the A24 version of 300. Also, there was another theme of fate, which I had a bit of an issue with.

But maybe it's because of the studio interference, but there were a couple of scenes and pacing issues, especially near the beginning. This got me a bit confused at the motives of some of the characters. Taylor-Joy's character was pretty confusing too. The mythology behind the movie, although not as complicated as in The Lighthouse, still was a bit much for me.

Overall, I still enjoyed the movie a lot despite some of its problems. 8.5/10.
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The Bad Guys (2022)
Very fun
23 April 2022
We maybe bad, but we're so good at it

This was a surprisingly fun movie. The plot of this movie was goofy and surface-level, but it's fast-paced animation made it so much more enjoyable than it should have been. For 100 minutes, I was constantly amazed at the amount of energy and excitement that this movie maintained. It reminded me of The Mitchells vs the Machines and Into The Spider-verse. Honestly if the story wasn't so predictable this movie would have been phenomenal.

All the voice actors were great. Each one of them brought charms, energy, and silliness to this already chaotic movie.

Overall, I loved the chaos and goofiness. Definitely worth check out. 7.5-8/10.
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8 April 2022
I watched the first one a long time ago, and to be honest I remembered almost nothing. However, I don't even care, and luckily the second one doesn't relate to the first one that much.

Kids will for sure love this movie as it is very silly with basic jokes. Also the CGI for Sonic and the others were very solid and colorful.

However, for me I found this movie to be unfunny and boring. This is also due to the story being supremely formulaic. I was so dang bored and almost fell asleep couple of times. It had no business being 2 hours long. It should have been 1 hour 30 to 45 minutes at most. Watching in 4DX helped a bit because the seats constantly moved, there's air shooting out from the sea next to my ears, and there's water that rained on me.

There's also a bunch of cheesy dialogues and quotes that felt stupid and cringe. This is just another lame attempt at teaching the young audiences.

Overall, a boring and too long movie. I even skipped the post-credit because I didn't want to be late to watch Ambulance. 4.5-5/10.
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Great animation but story is alright
6 April 2022
Whoa a movie about cinephiles. Cinema Paradiso! Really need to watch it.

As an anime, the animation was amazing as expected. The transitions were smooth and cool. The part where Gene edited the movie was pretty dope, and it was the most exciting part of the story.

As a story tho, although I get the passion, I did not agree with all the messages. There's a discussion on the length of a movie between Gene and Pompo that I for sure do not agree. This point became significant later, and it annoyed be a bit.

I also found the message pretty surface-level. It's not a whole lot different from other movies about passion for something. This made the plot fairly predictable.

Overall, it's an okay and easy to digest anime. 6/10.
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I don't want to see that sunrise
29 March 2022
We'll just make tonight great.

Bye Goodbye Au revoir Later.

Conversational cinema holds a special part for me. If done right, I could go through more emotions just by listening to people talking than watching any other movie genres.

This philosophical yet beautifully romantic movie left me with feelings and yearning. Ethan Hawks and Julie Delpy were a match in heaven. It's weird how drawn in I was, watching a couple walking about Vienna and talking about life, death, reincarnation, morality, feminism, and more. I could listen for twice the movie runtime, and maybe I wouldn't even be bored.

That fake telephone scene. Oh my, it's one of those few times that I catch so much feelings. The more they talked, the more I wanted the soon-to-be sunrise to never come.

On one hand, I think that it didn't really matter whether I understood what they were discussing about or not, because the chemistry and seemingly genuine interest between the two characters are the real point.

However, on the other hand, I think it's important that I comprehend the idea from each conversation. I had this thought that the movie isn't really realistic, because who would ever talked that much philosophy on a honeymoon? But then maybe it's not meant to be realistic. By discussing so many aspects of life yet included them inside one small but significant night, the director wanted me to be able to appreciate the wholeness of life while not forgetting the little moment that also makes life special. And that's exactly what I felt.

Also to the point that the movie felt unrealistic and absurdly peaceful. What if, these two characters just recently died. Now they are in some kind of purgatory before going to heaven. That's why they talked about life and death, reflecting on their lives. And also why they can only meet each other for one night before going to heaven. It may not make sense.

Overall, it's one of the most beautiful piece of cinema that immersed me from the moment the conversation started. 10/10.
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27 March 2022
Is this peak romance?

Another season another romcom to put a smile on my face every week. Although it's not the best that I have watched, My Dress-Up Darling still shows why romcom is one of the best anime genres.

The relationship between two main characters with completely opposite social personalities was adorable. The unique element of this show was beautifully mixing cosplaying and making hina dolls, two seemingly unrelated hobbies. And just like other romcom, the more I watched the more I'm dying to see that peak romance moment. The show did a great job at making you excited while teasing you at the same time. There were a good deal of moments that became heated very fast.

Overall, a hilarious and adorable romcom. 8-8.5/10.
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