
14 Reviews
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Players (2024)
Charmless and immature.
19 February 2024
I think the basic premise would have been more believable if this was a college comedy. If the cast and characters were all under 25, the lack of maturity and self awareness would have made sense. But to have characters in their 30s and 40s acting like scheming horny frat boys wasn't entertaining. I usually find Gina Rodriguez and Tom Ellis to be charming. Here... not so much. He came across as dull. There was little chemistry between them. Her character really didn't make a ton of sense. You are an attractive woman in NYC, if you really have to try that hard to get laid, you are doing it wrong.

I haven't seen Damon Wayans Jr. In many things, does he always act like he is sleepwalking? Maybe he just agreed to do this for the paycheck. I get that. Just wish it didn't show on screen.
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My Norwegian Holiday (2023 TV Movie)
Too many silly coincidences.
3 December 2023
It's a hallmark Christmas movie so I didn't have high expectations. As Ted Lasso put it "They suck, but they're great - but they also mostly suck, but they're also kinda great." Nonetheless some are better than others. This isn't one of the better ones. The basic premise isn't terrible but the execution is beyond cheesy, not to mention unrealistic. The setup felt super rushed. Again it's a hallmark movie so I don't expect gritty realism but the coincidences are absurd. Is Bergen Norway a common vacation spot for midwesterners? What are the odds that these strangers be connected? I don't fully buy the actions of the characters. Who goes to that much effort for a total stranger? Who is that trusting? And during the holiday season who has that much free time?

I also didn't see much chemistry between the leads. At least the scenery was pretty.
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Fingernails (2023)
Very slow sci-fi on super flimsy premise.
3 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think I may be too cynical for movies like this. The pseudo science is just so unbelievable, the pacing is very slow and the main female character seemed really off for most of the film.

The basic premise is that through our fingernails (which had to be removed for some reason), a test can determine if you and the person you are being tested with are in love. Our fingernails can in fact tell a medical doctor a few things about our health. But the idea that they can indicate love however is so far fetched. And I really don't understand why pulling the nails out painfully rather than looking at them under say a microscope was the method. Also how would our fingernails indicate which specific person we are in love with? I kept waiting for the reveal that Luke Wilson's character was actually a fraud.

I am have no issue with whimsical sci fi when done well. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind is one of my favorite films. I even enjoyed Timer, a movie with an extremely similar theme. But Timer was a lot more entertaining. It really delved into the technology and the films universe, so you understood the motivations of everyone in it. Fingernails to me just felt flat.
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Love Again (I) (2023)
Almost too sappy for the Hallmark Channel
3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off.. the accents were all over the place! I don't understand why this had to take place in NYC featuring mostly Americans. It was clearly filmed in London and had a majority British cast. I thought it was very distracting. And also why do romcoms main characters always work in publishing! Magazines in particular are a dying industry, it feels so 1997.

The actual story is cute but the execution felt rushed to me. We didn't have enough time with John and Mira as a couple to get attached. "falling in love" based on some texts felt silly. The whole courtship felt like it needed more time and less shmaltz. I also felt like the whole Celine Dion as magic all knowing Cupid was kinda ridiculous.
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Rock of Ages (2012)
Silly but fun, filled with 80s rock anthems.
5 September 2022
Came home from working (it was a long night), smoked a little weed & drank a little wine and I watched Rock Of Ages. I don't know if it was the substances I consumed or the absurdity of the musical but honestly it was kinda fun. Tom Cruise sounded a lot better than I expected and Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand... well I'll leave you to see that. Paul Giamatti was perfectly cast as a slimy agent. And Mary J Blige singing 80s rock was something I didn't know I wanted.

And the few cameos from famous 80s musicians was very cute. I never saw the stage show, so I cannot compare but overall not a bad way to spend a couple of hours unwinding after a torturous night at work.
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Insipid, ridiculous and a waste of good scenery.
4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I admit to occasionally enjoying the formulaic romantic comedies Netflix produces. I have even liked a few that Kat Graham has starred in. This one however is not worth watching. In fact I didn't even make it all the way through.

It's about two grown adults with zero chemistry that act like bratty children when a mix up happens causing them to have to share a villa. I don't really understand why they weren't angrier at the owner of the villa who was at fault. I would have demanded a full refund, contacted the site I used and roasted the guy online. Seriously they were each entitled to compensation and/or a decent solution.

The point is rather than act like an adult the main character decides to force the guy to leave in such a childish, petty and quite frankly potentially harmful way. It was after that part that I realized I didn't want to watch the rest.
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Partner Track (2022)
Glossy soap about young lawyers in NYC.
29 August 2022
The acting is one dimensional and the dialogue for the most part doesn't sound realistic. To be fair though I only got through the first two episodes. It is a pretty show, the cinematography showcasing the posh parts of Manhattan. The wardrobe department putting the actors in lovely clothes. Unfortunately it feels as about as deep as Emily In Paris but without any sort of knowing wink at the audience. In other words it takes itself too seriously. I recognize that a show realistically detailing a corporate law firm would be a massive snooze fest but this feels like a total fantasy. And not in a trashy fun way like I was hoping. I was expecting a superficial, light but fun show about young, pretty people. But it was just so boring. And the "villain/love interest" was just so cartoonish.

I give them credit for placing this in the world of mergers & acquisitions though. They don't make it a fascinating place but at least it's not yet another show about publishing.
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We Broke Up (2021)
Slooow and boring.
11 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have enjoyed the main cast in other things but this was just so slow and boring. We don't get enough of a glimpse into the main couples life to see the reason for the conflict. And we definitely aren't given a reason to root for them.
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Permission (I) (2017)
Boring plot, awful characters
12 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you are expecting an intelligent, interesting take on ethical non monogamy... this film is not it. At a dinner one of the four main characters gets drunk and berates the main couple for only ever being with each other. Then he seems surprised and angered when they take what he says seriously.

I realize it's just a movie but the fantasy that everyone you meet will not only want to have sex with you but will be an amazing person and great in bed too? Haha The quickie Will has with the bartender is the most realistic fling.

The only character I had any real sympathy for was Dane. She should have told him the situation from the beginning. I'm sure he would have slept with her anyway.
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Summer in the City (2016 TV Movie)
Feel good silliness
11 April 2021
Is it cheesy? Yes. Implausible? Absolutely! Obviously not filmed in NYC? Yup.

But as far as Hallmark movies go... it's not bad. The leads are attractive and convincing. The story is not entirely cliched (although a bit predictable). It has all of the elements of a feel good, I don't want to have to think rainy afternoon movie. You know the kind of movie you put on when you just want something silly and easy.
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On the Rocks (2020)
Good cast but slow and boring
3 April 2021
I like the premise and I love Bill Murray but this was sloooowww. And a total waste of Jenny Slate in a glorified cameo. It's fine if you need something not too engaging on in the background but otherwise you might be bored.
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The One (I) (2021)
Very disappointing.
14 March 2021
I'm five episodes in and I keep waiting for the reveal that the main character is some sort of sophisticated A.I robot. She's very wooden. I have never seen the actress in anything else so I can't tell if her acting is a deliberate choice or if she was raised by Siri and doesn't understand basic human emotions.

The "science" part of it isn't particularly compelling either. You don't need a degree in biology or genetics to know that the main premise isn't very strong.

There are a few sympathetic characters but not enough to care about what happens to them.
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Ginny & Georgia (2021– )
Not at all what I was expecting (in a good way).
25 February 2021
This show surprised me. It's more than just a teen drama. I appreciate the racially mixed casting and the delving into issues faced by biracial kids. All of the comparisons to Gilmore Girls are purely superficial and take away from the darkness that I felt this show did very well. I think the casting was really well done. I say kudos to the casting of the "teen" actors. They all looked pretty young (they looked 20 instead of 25-30 like usual in these shows).

If you are expecting something as light and fluffy as the GG, you will be disappointed. But if you want something entertaining with very dark tones and some pretty realistic teen characters... give it a try.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Easily the worst film currently on Netflix.
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is no one to root for. Not the evil protagonist or her equally evil girlfriend, not the victim (who turns out to be not much of a victim), not the mob boss, not the judge (who really should have been disbarred for his obliviousness & lack of judgment), not the crooked doctor, not the nursing home staff... I have certainly enjoyed films containing anti heroes and immoral characters. But usually they contain some sort of redeeming feature. Or at the very least they are charismatic. There is none of that here. We do not delve into the main characters psyche. We never get a glimpse into her past to explain why she is a sociopath. She is completely one dimensional. Maybe a more charming actress could have done more. Or maybe the script was just so poorly written that no one could have elevated it. Either way this was a horrible film. You spend most of it hoping the main characters experience karma in the worst way possible.
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