11 Reviews
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Having You (2013)
Why I Love British Films
4 June 2023
Good actors immersed in their characters carrying us along their emotional journey. No heroes - real people are imperfect! No villains, although an occasional unlikable character.

In a time where so many films rely on special effects and extreme plot twists and turns, it's lovely to just settle into a film that will pull you in emotionally. Yes, it moves slowly, but it moves you, makes you identify with and empathize with these less than perfect people.

Jack's flaws are prominently displayed and yet we find ourselves sympathizing with him, understanding the choices he makes even if they are wrong, rooting for him to find his way.
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Emotionally Destitute
14 May 2023
The plot is all over the place with little credibilty throughout most of it. The characters don't engender much, if any, sympathy or empathy. All the 'emotional' moments were completely manufactured and completely unengaging. It all seemed very ham-handed and contrived and not one relationship felt believable. It was pretty much impossible to genuinely care about any character or to really want to know how the story ended.

I love Colin Firth and he was the best thing in it but that's not saying a lot; the bar was very low! Sadly he was pretty much wasted.

There are a number of nasty reviews here about Helen Hunt's looks. Unnecessary and irrelevant. What matters is the script was all over the place and her character wasn't someone you could care about.
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Emotionally Devastating
16 April 2023
This movie captures the horrors perpetrated by the Catholic Church in Ireland for.centuries in a way that will just break your heart.

The abuse of power by the two evil priests, the blind eye turned by those who had the power to stop them, the suffering of all these young boys, the courage of the boy who spoke up and the teacher who was determined to change all their lives. All of this told in a way that made it real and personal and deeply moving.

In spite of all that anguish, there are moments that will make you smile, even laugh, and in the midst of all the heartbreak, there will be some tears of joy. You will believe every moment and every character because each is written and acted so well - even the 'evil' characters are not made out to be cliches.

A story that may not be new but told in a way that will pull you in and make you care deeply.
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The Fixer (2008–2009)
Violent but....
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I normally loathe violence in my TV mystery/crime shows. (one reason for my love of series like Midsomer Murders - the violence almost always happens off-screen) but this series won me over.

I really liked the cast, if not the characters themselves, very much. They all have somewhat conflicted pasts, making the relationships between the four main characters complex and interesting. I particularly loved the somewhat innocent Calum, who provides most of the comic relief but, also, is the center of one of the most painful episodes. (And, incidentally, looks a bit like he could be related to Taron Egerton!)

These are people doing bad things for, sometimes good reasons, oftentimes very selfish motives. They must work as a team, relying on each other and yet, trust is generally absent, creating stress and dangerous mistakes.

I cringed at the violence but I ended up caring about John and Callum.

My only complaint is that there was no resolution at the very end - who w'wins', John or Lenny and Symmonds?
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Frettin' (2017)
20 January 2023
I really wanted to like it: I adore quirky little British independent films but...no, just didn't do it for me. No plot, which would have been okay if the characters' emotional stories had been engaging but they just seemed superficial. No real emotional impact, all surface. Even the amusing bits seemed too self-conscious, working too hard at being eccentric. It didn't make me feel enough and it didn't make me laugh enough.

I think it's a sad sign that what stood out most to me was how the heck did Tim's shirt stay so pristinely white and unwrinkled after living in it for ..days? ...weeks? And then, near the end, he leaves work, goes home, then to the bridge - and his fingernails are dirty? And why did they litter so much?!

If you want beautifully written, quirky little British stories try This Beautiful Fantastic, Tortoise in Love, or Dare To Be Wild.
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Emma. (2020)
Emma-nently Dreadful!
27 August 2022
Did anyone involved in this production actually read the novel? It comes across as if they based it on a book report or some other superficial description of the characters and events.

Anya Taylor-Joy is simply awful. Johnny Flynn is woefully miscast as Knightley. There is absolutely no sense of their years of affectionate sparring. (He is far too young, by the way.)

No emotional connection between any of the characters so the viewer feels no vested interest in the resolution of any of the relationships. It's all so shallow; no real, believable emotions.

Miranda Hart is enjoyable and touching when hurt by Emma. The ever-wonderful Bill Nighy is good but underused.

This was not made for Austen fans. Go watch the Romola Garai or Gwyneth Paltrow versions. (Especially for their superior Knightleys!)
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The Village: Episode #1.1 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
Heartwarming and Heartrending in Equal Parts
26 July 2022
Well cast, well acted in a gorgeous rural setting, a story of all the ups and downs and secrets and scandals and conflicts of a small English village before and after WWI as young Bert (touchingly played by 4 actors but especially Bill Jones) grows up.

Teeming with complex, three-dimensional characters: even the 'bad' ones having some kind, moral moments; even the 'good' ones occasionally giving in to negative impulses. (Although the villains are real and you will despise them!)

You very quickly come to care for these people as they face life's hardships and challenges and, sometimes, tragedy. It keeps you involved and invested in how things will sort themselves out.
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Tradition (I) (2019)
Don't Bother
19 July 2022
Trying way too hard for Irish charm and wit. A few funny funny lines but no actual movie here. More of an over-the-top Oirish skit show. No real plot, no one that you actually cared about and most of the shenanigans completely unbelieveable. (Especially the ridiculous mugging by the court reporter played by Brian Harty.)
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Daphne (2017)
8 July 2022
There wasn't a single character I cared about. Nothing happened. Maybe Daphne was so dysfunctional and detached from life because she actually watched this film!
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Déjà Vu (1997)
7 May 2022
I can live with the somewhat silly premise - I love a romance, even if it requires a huge degree of suspension of disbelief - but the dialogue was absolutely ghastly from start to finish. Repetitive, superficial, unbelievable and most of it contributing very little to either plot or the emotional experience of the characters.

Some good acting (aside from the leading lady) but completely wasted in this amateurish 'home video'.

Aside from that, some lovely scenery and I love those old songs so, unlike others, I actually enjoyed the background music.
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Were We Watching the Same Show?
25 April 2022
I simply cannot understand how anyone has given 10 stars to this horrifically bad show. I'd give negative stars if that were an option!

In spite of a cast of really talented actors, the characters come off as superficial, selfish, unlikeable and completely unbelievable. Why would anyone care about where their stories led them? Why would anyone care about the relationships when not one of them was based in any sense of genuine emotional connection? Plot device after plot device in place of any real emotion.

Whether mystery or history, the Brits have been making the best TV series in decades, but this series is incomprehensible. I think perhaps the popularity at the time of original airing was due to the shock value of the gratuitous nudity, making it seem very avant garde and ahead of its time. Now. It's just an embarrassment. This was the worst show I have ever watched.
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