
11 Reviews
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Buying Back My Daughter (2023 TV Movie)
Stupid Characters
24 March 2024
Please don't waste your time watching this ridiculous film. Every single character in this film made nonsensical decisions from the daughter to the parents to the trafficker. I am not an expert on this subject matter but even I know that no one would do the silly things that these people are doing. One of the biggest irritants of all were the parents. I felt I was more upset and anxious than they were, especially the father. I don't even know why his character needed to be there. His character was so poorly written and made him so passive and useless. The mother was just stupid. I'm amazed that Megan Good signed up for this BS. The greatest actor in the world couldn't help this script.
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Damsel (2024)
Decent But Wants To Be, "Game Of Thrones" So Bad
10 March 2024
It was a decent ride but unfortunately, there were no twist or turns that I did not see coming from a mile away. I predicted nearly everything that took place and it ended exactly the way I knew it would. I tried to create, "Game of Throne", vibes but kinda fell flat. There were also some things that didn't make much sense, i.e. The messages. Several plot holes and logic issues as it pertains to this. Aside from this, the girl kept exposing her location every five minutes because of all the noise she made. She became very irritating to endure due to her stupidity in not understanding the value of being quiet I wanted to scream at my laptop. Ridiculous. If I never watched this movie, I would've missed nothing but I'll also say, it's not horrible. I just felt like I was on a flatline plateau for the entire movie. There was no climax for me since I predicted everything including the nature of the bugs. Saw that a mile away too. 😒
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Extinction (2018)
Stupid Characters (Kids)
17 December 2023
Stupid Characters, mainly the kids. There is nothing worse than stupid characters even kids should have basic common sense but sadly it is lacking in this film. It's like the kids, go out of their way to talk too much, or create more grief for the entire family.

The entire apartment scene where they were trying to get out was a complete disgrace. I couldn't make it past that point. I was just too agitated to continue on with this film. I feel that it they had rewritten this film without the children, the pacing and story would've been much better and it would not have taken anything away from the story.
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The Lobster (2015)
17 December 2023
I can not stand films like this. The film overall is odd and strange with some good points made but having an open end just shows me how lazy you are as a writer or director. Tell a story and see it through to the end. I don't invest time or money for me to make up my own ending. I pay to see YOU do that. Netflix is notorious for this which is why I stopped watching their mess. If you're not able to complete what you start then you're not worthy of story telling.

I've noticed a trend in this area for some time now and for those who don't want an ambiguous, open end, this film is not for you....
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The Cleaning Lady (2022– )
6 March 2023
I finished watching 2 seasons of this show and the main character is such an annoying leech who creates toxic environments for everyone around her. She cares for her son but destroys everyone around her in the process. I found her to be irritating by the time I finished the show. Waste of time.

The other issue is the writing. I think that the storyline was repetitive. Every few episodes, her son has some sort of problem. It's like they ran out of ideas and would just throw him in as a monkey-wrench when they couldn't think of anything else to plug in. I was over that storyline. Arman's storyline was actually more interesting even though they kept recycling the same story with different villains. Overall, I could've skipped this.
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The Courtship (2022)
Contradictory and Ridiculous
1 May 2022
This girl is not intelligent at all. The show hasn't finished yet but I can see that she shows poor judgement in men. She puts herself out there then embarrasses herself when she finds out things about them later that she would've known had she spent more time with them. To me she is not serious about marriage. If she were; then she would respect her temple more instead of treating it like common trash as she did in one episode. If I were the men there, I'd have little to no respect for her and just try to stay as long as I could to keep getting weekly checks, lol.

She had the audacity to be concerned about a suitor who was convinced she was the one for him and showed signs of a person who would fully commit but then favor to another suitor who shows fear of commitment. Girl, please make up your mind or sit down somewhere. Just ridiculous. I'm done with this show. I'll cut her a little slack though because I have a feeling that she has to go along with the script for entertainment purposes. It's all scripted, fake and nonsensical. Poor writing and trashhh.
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Red Table Talk (2018–2022)
4 April 2022
This show is a disgrace to the black family. I had to go out of my way to block the fb page and Jada's page to make sure it never enters my feed and this was a year ago. This show displayed the battering and emasculation of a man in real time and that same battered man acted in a vile, degenerate way at the oscars. ATTACKING A MAN WITH A LEARNING DISABILITY!!!! I AM SICK TO MY STOMACH. I will NEVER EVER, watch anything again with Will or Jada's name on it. Where was this energy for August Alsina? Only a COWARD, would attack a man with a learning disability.
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Impeccable Storytelling and Filmmaking
30 November 2021
This film is AMAZING! There are so many layers from poverty to the lack of care and respect for Veterans and lack of opportunities for those who live in certain areas/districts. It shows how the cycle of elitism keeps the money flowing on certain levels, never trickling down in the form of opportunities for the lesser fortunate. Master filmmaking with great commentary. These characters are intriguing and fascinating. The acting is simply stellar.
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Jessica Biel's Character was Useless
21 November 2021
Why was Jessica in this film? It seemed like her characte was there for eye candy and had no real story purpose. Technically, Ryan Reynold's character didn't need to tbe there either but I enjoyed his comedic relief. This film was watered down and horrible. It would've been better if they had less characters and more emphasis on blade.
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Biography: WWE Legends: Shawn Michaels (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
19 June 2021
I stopped watching wrestling in the mid 90's to my regret. I wish I had kept up with it, just for Shawn. This man's arc in his life is so inspiring and incredible. He went through so many changes. God did a work on this man. I hear he was hard to work with in his early career but I remember him also saying that when he got into the business that people made it hard for him so when he got on then he was upset about that and did the same to to others. He eventually matured and evolved into the man he is today.

To this day, his skills are unmatched and he really did carry the company on his back. When WWE was failing in ratings, he would do all these gimmicks like create DX and it worked. Not only was he comedic gold but his acrobatic athleticism and ability to play with the crowd and his opponents is what made him so charismatic. I still LMAO at the match he did with Gus Kantarakis when he toyed with him and made him chase him outside the ring then got back in the ring then rolled out again and ran to go sit amongst the audience as if he was a spectator.

The way he did his signature moves with ease including the smallest of things such as laying or jumping on the ropes was AMAZING. Shawn is a legend and a credit to game. His SWAG was out of this world. There has never been another like him and never will be sadly. Thank you for pursuing your dream and sharing your gifts with us. SALUTE! Watch the documentary. It's such an inspiring and highly entertaining story. His was by far the best!
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Monotone Acting
27 May 2020
I am a huge fan of the first one with Chris Evans but this one is more of a nuisance and the lead character, Andre, is so passive and monotone with his emotions. He doesn't strike me as a leader like the character in the movie did. I can tell, this is going to be a waste of time. The story is no better.
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