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One Very Significant item from a really good Doc
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone interested in JFK's assassination MUST watch this!

ONE VERY SIGNIFICANT item that caught my eye (SEE BELOW).

The assassination was an extremely dramatic event in my life. I just turned 14, and my father had passed away at age 48 less than a month prior. I vividly recall every event for the following week like it was yesterday. It's the day our country lost it's innocence.

I've watched a literal myriad of documentaries and read many books on the topic. I'm skeptical of most all conspiracy theories, but I still yearn to know the truth (While I'm resigned to never really knowing,)


Dr Perry, in a press conference following JFKs death stated 3 times that he concluded the wound to JFKs throat was an ENTRANCE wound. (and yes, all Parkland Drs concluded the same)

That presser started at 2:16pm and lasted about 30 minutes, so Dr Perry left the room at 2:46pm.

About 34 minutes into the show, Dr McClelland recounted, literally: "When he (Perry) left the room someone came up to him, who Dr Perry thought maybe was a Secret Service man. And he told Dr Perry, you must never, ever say that that was an entrance wound again, if you know what's good for you".

So, at 2:46pm on Nov 22, someone (presumably a Secret Service Agent, or other govt person?) was bullying Dr Perry to fall in line with 'all shots coming from the rear'. That eventual narrative wouldn't have started till much later, following the events that let to finding Oswald and forcing the single shooter conclusion on all of us.

Smells of fish doesn't it? To add a little pepper, Dr Perry altered his comments later (for Warren Commission and other comments) to say he couldn't really be sure. Also, that sometimes entrance wounds can wind up being exit wounds. (all that of course months and years after that Nov 22 "warning").

Fish isn't better with pepper, by the way.
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Nova: Universe Revealed: Milky Way (2021)
Season 48, Episode 18
Solar System not Milky Way
5 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Another great episode of Nova. By all means find time to watch it. But...

But be aware this episode is more of a finish of the "Planet" episodes. It wraps up with Pluto and the Kuiper belt. All good, but it's not about the Milky Way galaxy, it's really more of a wrapup of our solar system.

Don't get me wrong, its indeed a great episode, it's just mis-named, hence misleading.

I'll admit to being a bit disappointed, as I was looking for some of Nova's great insights... this time into our Milky Way Galaxy, but it's not that.

Just be aware of this as you start tuning in, then you can avoid being mislead as I was, and enjoy the journey.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
More about Character Development & the human experience than "the walkers"
28 November 2023
I have been captivated by this series especially after the character development was completed. I preferred original TWD, but after Morgan's crossover this series really took off. I hung in there to the end, including the final season when IMDB ratings dropped, like a ton.

To me, that final season was somewhat disappointing, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Those characters deserved a good ending, with all the drama the main WD series provided in spades. They got that.

One complaint I did have was the continual previews (spoilers that is) during every commercial. Why would you do that? Other shows do it too much as well, but the WD shows led the way. I realllly dont like spoilers.

But I did like this show. Don't let the walkers & some blood stop you. It's really not too gory. The character development is well worth the journey.
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Captivating. Brings this village to life
16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are certainly plenty of holocaust documentaries and movies available. Frankly we should watch all the footage there is. Every one I watch, I come away knowing or feeling a little bit more empathy for the people of the time, and most especially it's victims.

This one takes fullest advantage of 3 little minutes, innocently shot in a small village in Poland. By the time the film ended you had to be impressed with the volume of confirmed information gleaned from the footage. The fact they were able to put names on so many faces, AND were able to document what happened to most everyone in the village only a few years later, was impressive. Hearing one survivor, that was recognized, describe what he recalled brought the village to life.

This film, more than many, personifies individuals of the time, and helps the viewer feel (at least a tiny bit) what it must have been like to have lived in Poland in late 1938. It certainly made an impression on me.
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Well I liked it
26 July 2023
Unbelievable how many bad reviews people took time to write. Well, I liked it. It is exactly what it purports to be. A retelling of a classic story, with it's own twists.

Great casting with Jude Law, who gave us a very representative Hook. Gaffigan was perfect as Smee (only wish he had more lines). Small parts for Molly Parker and Alan Tudyk were spot on. Ever Anderson was as good a Wendy as I've seen, and Alexander Molony did Peter very well. I loved that they didn't leave out Tinker Bell or Tiger Lily. Both roles were well done, and added to the plot.

This version of the story won't go down as classic, but it made me smile, and I enjoyed it. It is maybe the best of all in leaving you with the morale of the original story. Growing Up. I'll never be too old to enjoy a retelling of this story.
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Elemental (2023)
Good for entire family
2 July 2023
Entertaining and enjoyable movie. Might not be top tier Pixar, but don't discount it. Anything that provides a couple hours of fun, with plenty of humor that adults can enjoy as much as kids is worthy. This film is definitely worthy. You may find yourself saying wahn-wah with a rim shot a few times. Personally I think we need all the rim shots we can get, especially in this tense divisive time.

The plot may not be Hitchock worthy, but rom com plots are alive and well, even when animated. You're even rewarded for your time with a few life lessons. Not real deep ones, necessarily, but good ones. Kick back and just enjoy it!
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Fire Country (2022– )
Seal Team fan
2 May 2023
Well this show won't win any Emmys, and as many other reviews note, it's usually an unrealistic melodrama. So... its clearly not for everybody.

But,if you can overlook all that, and if you (like me) hated to see Thieriot leave Seal Team, and wanted him to play that exact, same character somewhere else, then your wish was granted.

I'll hang with it for awhile, cause it can be fun & entertaining. Also, it's predictable enough so it will be easy to catch up with, even if ya miss an episode or so.

I catch up while on my exercise bike. It does help distract me from the grind. Rather watch this than the news!
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Rom Com with a view. Don't miss it because of bad reviews!
26 April 2023
So many reviews out here just miss the point.

This is a Rom-Com. Of course it followed the similar script, with a few twists, same as any other romcoms. Reviews out here that complain that there wasnt anything different from other romcoms just miss the entire point.

If you commit to watching a rom com you know exactly what you're gonna get. You should just get comfortable and enjoy it. Sure some are better than others, but don't complain that "it's the same as all rom coms". Smh, what did you expect? Dinosaurs or aliens?

This one indeed offered that familiar formula, and added a great cast AND even better views! Bali is beautiful no doubt.

Good flick. If you want a rom com, here ya go! Enjoy it, we did.
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RRR (2022)
Trust yourself it's a worthy trip!
16 April 2023
Well, Bollywood meets Marvel World?

Not really, but put yourself in any Marvel movie where you're more than willing to cheer for your hero, regardless of the odds. Blend in some Bollywood style, then add a large course of honor, some loose history and the bonds that most of us grew up with.... (and in 2023 sadly wonder where it's all gone). Well movies are still alive and kicking. And can still make us feel like there are human elements striving, against all odds. A drift from reality (which is what movies are all about anyway, right?) and enjoy this movie.

Tuff out the first 30 minutes of introductions, then strap in for a ride you'll enjoy.

Best of Bollywood I've seen.
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Entertainment is what movies are all about, right?
3 April 2023
Entertainment is what movies are all about, right?

Well, watch this movie with that attitude and you'll be rewarded. As much as I like a good comedy movie, too often they miss the mark and are just too forced & simply not funny.

Watch 1950's SYfY movies with the right frame of mind and I assure you'll be entertained.

They're SYFY genre, which is always fun. They portent to not be comedies, which avoid the forced funny lines that beg for a laugh track.

Now in 2023 they even serve as "period pieces". Not cause they predict the future, but rather that they portray a 1950's period. Innocence. Simplistic projections of what will come.

Ultimately, entertaining and if not hilarious, they're funny, like "smile on your face" funny.

They also remind me of high school Friday night dates, on your date's couch while parents are in bed & your honey cozies up cause she's scared (ha). But great memories.

Gotta love all thise 50's SYFY movies, and especially this one, which has attained cult status.
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Fire of Love (2022)
Countering the critical reviews here that misrepresent.
1 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wouldn't have taken time to comment, but after I scanned other reviews, I had to.

First off, the narration was perfect! I'm not sure what the other reviewers out here wanted (professional wrestling announcers?). The tone the narration set was exactly what this documentary called for. While the footage reveals how catastrophic and devastating these eruptions are, they also showed an artistic and almost symphonic beauty. Making this into an Action picture would have been a huge mistake.

This was a spectacular documentary. The footage was incredible, even though one review called it grainy compared to what he expected. (they passed away over 30 years ago dude. Sure today's technology could show more clarity, but for what was available at the time, AND seeing how dangerously close they had to get for these shots, well it's amazing.

Hats off to all who put this documentary together, and salute to Katia and Maurice for living the lives they chose. They paved the way for scientific research into volcanoes, and did it THEIR way!
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FBI: Most Wanted: Chains (2022)
Season 4, Episode 5
McDermott needs to go
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Any chance McDermott gets killed & replaced?

If so, enjoy the show, assuming you stuck around long enough to witness it. I won't know cause I'm out the door now. I enjoyed this show, and the character development, so tried to survive Julian's departure.

MCDERMOTT has ruined every episode he's been in. I predict a huge drop in ratings for this show. A shame for the other characters. I almost stopped when I saw McDermott was hired, but gave it a fair chance. I've had enough. There's plenty of content I can turn to for my life's diversions. I'll leave my overall "9" in honor of Julian & the other characters, but McDermott gets a "1".

I'm gone.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
WATCH and Enjoy !
24 July 2022
Watch and enjoy!

Another Excellent job continuing the Star Trek world with yet another very fun and imaginative story.

If you wish your SYFY to be more complex, elaborate or like Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, you're in luck. You can have both (I love deep SYFY as much as anyone), but don't overlook the value in a fun TV series that entertains and allows you smile and enjoy.

I see many negative reviews here. Speaking as someone who watched the original Kirk and Spock version as a youngster, while sitting on the floor in front of a newly color tv, the Star Trek world has always been my favorite SYFY storyline.

Wonderful Character development that leads us to love the characters (well, despising some--by design), but always.....always....we see and enjoy a storyline set among the stars--on some distant planet (or the Federation's home base-Earth). Yes, Star Trek stories often have happy endings, and often (as in Season 2 of Picard) are more unexpected than you'd think.

There's nothing wrong with that. In today's world we could all use some happy endings.

Nitpick if you must, but you can't ruin this for me, and hopefully not for anyone deciding if they'll watch or not.

I hope this series continues as long as it can, and will be followed by another then another then another. Simply continuing to live long and prosper.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Quick, Hide behind the Chainsaws
5 June 2022
Well, I keep watching. The show is chock full of the stupidest people anywhere. And they continue doing the stupidest things over and over. Its like a good B movie, or the commercial where the teenagers hid behind the Chainsaws instead of usng the car with engine running. Still it somehow keeps your interest. It runs the edge of jumping the shark, but just skirts past without doing so. Yeah, I'm still in. I question why, but can't stop...yet at least.
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Catfish Jumps Shark
14 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I see several really deep and insightful comments on this episode.

I won't engage with then on opinions of Benson (your choice, you're allowed). We keep watching for some reason.

My comment is a totally unrelated elephant in the episode. The idea to catfish one of the Priests using the exact same MO as the rapist used only days earlier shouldn't be expected to work in middle school. Of course it works.

I give allowance to 1 hour drama episodes, corners must be cut there's barely 50 minutes to tell the whole story, but please just don't insult our intelligence quite this much. You're better than that.
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FBI: Most Wanted (2020– )
I'm Out, Too!!
25 April 2022
Dylan McDermott = bad choice.

Stole that title & first line from another review.

It's the exact wording I intended to use & (no surprise to me) here's this review & a lot of others agreeing.

I hated to see Julian McMahon leave, but actors are human & have their own priorities & career choices. That's surely understandable. How a show handles these changes will vary. Sometimes I like the choice & may even feel it's an improvement.

Not this time. Dylan McDermott is the worst replacement character I can recall.

I'm out.
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How We Roll (2022)
23 April 2022
Hope this show makes it. It's simple, has talented actors, an interesting twist (based on true story, and a unique setting (bowling). It's a nice stress reliever.
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Well Done..and..FUN
13 January 2022
If you can't just kick back and enjoy this I feel bad for you. Let yourself laugh and smile. This is just a fun movie. (with excellent amination, which you can always count on with DreamWorks.
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SEAL Team: Nine Ten (2021)
Season 5, Episode 3
Caught me off guard
27 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't enjoying this episode, with the back stories etc. I love Seal Team for the action, and indulge the stars' family lives as something they kind of need to do. I look fwd to getting thru it and on to the action.

I didn't see this ending coming. It tied everything together and turned the episode into something else entirely. Good job by the writers.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Let me have this all you haters.
11 October 2021
Look this story line isn't real. This isn't a Reality Show.

This show can be fun. I've heard it compared to "Lost".

These shows don't always provide fluid logical reasoned plotlines, or even characters, but they can be entertaining, and fun.

"Lost" used to be frustrating at times, but that was mostly due to the viewers (me included) wanting to plotline or characters development to move forward. I was captured.

It's too soon to know if La Brea will totally jump the shark or not, but so far it's simply been the beginnings of an intriguing story.

If it's not for you, change the channel. These reviews don't have to be facebook hating. If you get your kicks from shooting down everything, just pick something different. I wanna see where this goes.
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Critics need to chillax! This is a good flick
21 May 2021
So, first off, you KNOW this is based on Rear Window, so why would both amateur & pro critics criticize this movie because of that?

No spoiler to say its based on Rear Window, but different and well done. Trust the good reviews.

Strong cast, and an award worthy performance by Amy Adams.
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Bull (2016–2022)
Well, Ugh
15 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really like this show, and hope it continues for as long as it can sustain itself.

The Ugh is due to the storyline with Benny running for DA of NYC. This (S5E15) episode's revelation, that his opponent has pulled out of the race, is the strongest indication that Benny might win, hence would no longer be attorney for Bull.

I cant envision the show without him pleading cases for Bull. At a minimum it'll be a huge challenge to pull off. Chunk is ok, but no Benny.

Hoping Benny stays.
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FBI: Brother's Keeper (2021)
Season 3, Episode 11
I'm tryin'
5 May 2021
Really want this show to be worthy. But, it's been slippin' away.... this & recent plots have been too predictable, even given the latitude I'm very willing to give these 1 hour shows. I want them to survive these streaming days, but, well crossing fingers this one will step up.
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Clarice: Ugly Truth (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Here we go
20 April 2021
So, all the haters that have gone out of their way to slam this show, esp the ones saying there is no character development... this episode has it all.

I really hope this show gets renewed. Plotlines are growing on several sides. The acting is good, the writing is just fine. Some of the shortcuts a 1 hour tv show often takes are present, but as the show develops there are opportunities for the writers to tighten this up as well.

Entertaining show.
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Debris (2021)
X Files?
26 March 2021
X Files? Or melting of Fringe and X Files? Time will tell. Unique premise. Hope it can stand up! So far so good.
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