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Don't waste your time...
3 September 2023
We either love or at least enjoy most Hallmark movies. We've watched some of them over and over again. Not this one...

The dialogue and the acting seemed so forced with this one, that we couldn't get through it. We tried. We gave it at least an hour. But we were suffering. The plot is decent. It's something about the casting and the actors. The dialogue seems forced. So many others could have carried this movie so much better. There seemed to be little chemistry. It's not the actors themselves. They'd all do better in different roles.

At the time of this review, 26 people had rated it, with ratings obviously higher than the one the four of us who were watching it came up with.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
17 October 2021
I loved this program, when it originally aired. Sadly, though, it's gotten to the point that it's almost painful to watch. Actually, we couldn't even get through the last episode. When the writers started turning Max into a whiny weak character last year, the writers started the downfall. I'm truly sorry about that because we did enjoy watching it.

Recent reviews indicate that many others feel the same. I won't waste your time reviewing something that is so clearly in the throes of a terminal illness. Will the writers choose to revive this show, or are they just going to let it fail and be a write-off? Only time will tell. Right now it needs emergency surgery to even sustain itself. It's truly become a waste of time.
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Hot Bench (2014– )
22 September 2021
It's rather interesting reading some of the reviews. The judges here are not three actors. They all have very strong legal backgrounds and court experience. The ignorance is in the eyes of the reviewers, not the judges. It's amazing that reviewers are so arrogant and/or lazy as to not even bother to research the backgrounds of the judges before making "dumb" comments. Know your facts rather than spouting off ignorance. You only end up embarrassing yourself. That said, one would have to wonder if many of the user reviews come from those who lost their cases on the program.

Tanya Acker, a graduate of Yale Law School, has more legal background that most lawyers. At Yale Law School, she was awarded an Earl Warren Scholarship and a Coker Fellowship by the Yale faculty. She has served on the bench in Los Angeles County Superior Court. She has extensive experience as a lawyer.

Patricia M. DiMango served as a judge for many years in a variety of positions in New York. She received her law degree from St. John's University where she graduated in the top 10 percent of her class, and received awards and scholarships in recognition for her other academic achievements. In addition to her Juris Doctorate, she holds a Master's Degree from Columbia University in Developmental Psychology and a Bachelor's Degree cum laude from Brooklyn College in both Psychology and Education. In 2012, she received the Alumna of the Year Award from Brooklyn College and was also the recipient of the prestigious Rapallo Award. In 2013, she was the recipient of the Distinguished Judiciary Award from the Catholic Lawyers Guild and was named "Woman of the Year" by the New York State Supreme Court Officers Association. In 2014, she was named "Woman of the Year" by The New York State Court Officers Association. (She also served as an ADA for numerous years).

Prior to joining HOT BENCH, Michael Corriero served as a prosecutor in the office of Manhattan District Attorney Frank Hogan, a criminal defense attorney and a judge for 28 years in the criminal courts of New York State. For 16 years, he presided over Manhattan's Youth Part, a special court he created in the Supreme Court of New York State designed to focus attention and scarce resources on young offenders prosecuted as adults pursuant to New York State's Juvenile Offender Law. Under Judge Corriero's leadership, the Youth Part became a model for mobilization and coordination of treatment and social services for children prosecuted in adult courts. He retired from the bench in 2008 to become the Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City.
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4 July 2021
The message, of course, is to have faith in the Lord. It's pretty simple and straight forward.

The actors did a great job, every single one of them, because nobody overacted, a problem that seems common these days. Any of us might have been there. The conversations flowed. I happen to enjoy Peter Coyote's talents, so that's why we chose this movie, and he's real, but so is everyone else. The story could have been better written, but that's not the fault of the actors. They did an excellent job.

The storyline is the problem, specifically the ending. From the beginning it's clear where the story is going, and how it's going to play out. I don't want to discuss it specifically, because that would mean sharing spoilers. Without giving away anything, the lapse in time between leaving the mountain (during the storm at the end) and the outcome of the bedroom scene at the end, fails to impress. The movie could still have had the same outcome, but it could have been handled differently, perhaps having that same outcome take place at the lake rather than at home. You'll know what I'm referring to, if you watch the movie. Still, it's easy to overlook that, and just think of this as a feelgood movie. Perhaps if we all had a little more faith, things might end up better for everyone.
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A Taste of Summer (2019 TV Movie)
Much better than most Hallmark movies.... It's a nice feel-good movie.
6 June 2021
While this is a typical Hallmark movie, there was something about this one that is better than most of them. I won't waste your time with the plot - everyone knows a Hallmark plot by now. I admit to enjoying most of them. But some are better than others. This is one of the better ones.

I'm not exactly sure why this was better. The two leads are married to each other so the acting was comfortable, and not forced. Interestingly enough, though, something about the beginning was a turnoff and if the remote had been closer, and a dog not sitting on my lap, I would have changed the station. I'm glad I didn't. It quickly improved, and I enjoyed it. It left me feeling good. There were slight differences to the typical Hallmark movie, which was a nice change.

We know how they're going to turn out, but this one carried some positive messages too, that people can take with them. People don't always win, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's trying that matters. And if you win, that's good too, but no matter what, it's the trying that counts.

This movie tried, and turned out to be a winner. Watch it. Neither the actors nor the script disappoints.
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Christmas on the Menu (2020 TV Movie)
Don't waste your time....
20 December 2020
There are so many Christmas movies out this year, so the bar has been raised. Don't waste your time on this one. The movie is boring, we all know the plot by now, and Kim Shaw's performance was so superficial that it was difficult to watch. She smiled her way almost all the way through the entire movie. It's not realistic. It's not how real people behave and react. As far as the script itself, for the first part of the movie, the character was too know it all for me, and difficult to like or warm up to. It wasn't easy to root for her. As the movie progressed, she became an okay character, but still, that obnoxious grinning and smiling was a turnoff. She was almost a little too giddy. I know of no woman who exists in a continued state of giddiness. We did make it through the movie, but nobody here would recommend it when there are other better movies available to watch.
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The Christmas Listing (2020 TV Movie)
7 December 2020
I won't waste anyone's time on a full review of this disaster. This movie was impossible and painful to watch. The acting is awful. The actors seem plastic. The script is so forced. We can't believe any company would stoop so low as to produce this catastrophe. High school plays are actually 100 percent better. We hate to criticize so harshly, especially during holiday season, but this is a waste of time. We got through about an half hour, hoping it would get better, but it kept getting worse and worse. Lexi Giovagnoli stars and is also the producer which is probably why she has star billing. There has never been a worse performance in the history of TV movies, although much of the cast is just as bad. We were looking forward to settling down with some hot cocoa, and enjoying this movie during the COVID shelter in place guidelines, but even the news, as awful as it is, is a better choice. Sorry, actors and everyone else involved in this production - it's truly awful. PS For the most part, we don't leave negative reviews. We realize that viewers are different and some of us love things others hate, and some hate things others love. Sometimes a movie is in the middle. Sometimes only tolerable. This is neither tolerable or has anything to like, and based on reviews so far, as of the time of this writing, just about everyone couldn't stand this movie. We truly feel bad being harsh, but it's an awful movie. Almost anything else on TV is better.
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Love at Sea (2018 TV Movie)
Not exactly sure why I bothered watching the whole thing, after the first twenty minutes.
5 March 2019
I think the other reviewers pretty much covered all the problems with this movie, so I'm not going to waste your time with a lengthy review. I do think that because this movie got off to such a weak start, it became difficult to stay committed to it. The acting was not strong enough, and for the most part, it disappoints. Still, there was enough substance in it for me to watch it until the end, perhaps because it took part on a cruise ship, and not in the usual Hallmark venues, although I did truly fall asleep in the middle. I suspect a stronger cast along with a better script might have made a substantial difference.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Mixed feelings... Good potential
25 September 2018
I was very hopeful when I saw the previews for this program. I wasn't, however, hoping for such a focus on the sci-fi (or whatever you want to call it) aspects. Like others said, this is reminiscence of a Lost or similar program in reverse. I had hoped this program would focus mainly on stories of the passengers integrating back into their old lives, dealing with all the changes that had taken place in those five and half years. The focus seems split more than I'd like it to be, although, let's be honest - if this had happened in real life, we can be sure the authorities, the scientists, and everyone else would be following their every move until an answer was found.

That said, I disagree with some who claim the acting is lackluster. The acting is low key and subdued, just the way most real people live. If the actors were overly dramatic, it would change the thrust. This is low key real life behavior or people who are supposed to be genuinely confused. In that regard, I think the acting is fine.

All pilot episodes have to accomplish a lot - they have to capture the attention of scores of people, all with different interests. I suspect better is yet to come. Many shows are discarded by folks before the programs are ever given a chance to develop, one way or another.

I intend to watch this program for at least a few more times. If it goes downhill, that will be it. However, I think it has good potential to last for at least a few seasons and keep us interested.
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Truly, Madly, Sweetly (2018 TV Movie)
Don't waste your time... This is the worst Hallmark movie ever.
23 September 2018
This movie was difficult to even watch. There was no chemistry between the actors, almost everyone seemed miscast, and everything about this movie seemed forced. Even the facial expressions seemed contrived.. The lack of screen chemistry between the two leads is surprising. For the most part, if this movie was real life, it would seem that they almost didn't like each other, or were angry with each other. It's that bad.

I've seen Dylan Neal in other programs, including as one of the leads in Cedar Cove. It's difficult to explain how he could be a natural in other productions, and so forced in this one, especially since he and his real life wife are the writers for this disaster.

Whomever was responsible for hair styling - well, that's another issue. Nobody's hair looked particularly natural, not adults nor child.

Karen Holness , however, deserves credit for her acting under the most difficult of conditions.

I'm not sure what's really responsible for this disaster. I imagine better casting might have made a difference, but I'm not sure how much. It almost seems as if the characters were just reading a script, rather than acting it.

I usually enjoy the Hallmark movies, but this is one to avoid at all costs.
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Adrift (I) (2018)
7 September 2018
The reviews seem quite mixed and repetitious. I won't waste your time with an in depth review because, sadly, this movie is both a waste of time and money.

I usually enjoy disaster movies, in particularly, the ones that are are true or are partially based on something that really happened. But there's something about this one that just seems to make it drag without engagng us. The idea of using flashbacks to tell the story is excellent, but the chemistry between the two leads seems to be lacking in the flashbacks and, as others pointed out, the script seems, well, too scripted. The actors seem too stiff, almost as if they're reading from a script.

Six of us feel it just doesn't mesh, but none of us are sure why, except perhaps that the chemistry between the actors was so lackluster, that we just couldn't really get into it.
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6 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We loved Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool. It's a movie that can be enjoyed more than once, and in fact, is even better the second time around.

The script, adapted from actor Peter Turner's book, is based on the true story of the final days of Gloria Grahame. Directed like an old-time movie, Paul McGuigan brings to the screen excellent performances by all actors, with exceptional performances from Annette Bening (as usual) and Jamie Bell. This movie is best enjoyed without any preconceived notions, so I will not share anything near a spoiler. Needless to say, however, as most everyone who checks a rating on this movie already knows, a young Peter Turner fell in love with aging Hollywood actress Gloria Grahame, but their time was sadly limited due to Gloria Grahame's cancer.

For those who like to know the basis of what they're watching in advance of viewing a film, there is plenty of background information available. For my part, I watched the movie first, then did some research, and then watched it again. Armed with factual information, it was more meaningful seeing it again.

While not for the very young, this is a movie most everyone else can enjoy. There's enough life lessons here to leave you thinking.
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The Resident (2018–2023)
Great show - great message....
15 April 2018
I've very much enjoyed this show for a variety of reasons. I like the premise. The writing for the most part, is excellent, The acting is perfect. The story lines, despite the fact that they might scare people, are sadly true. If it takes a drama to get the message across to folks, so be it.

I have no complaints about the show. The cast members are well suited for their roles. While the fact that doctors lie about the conditions of patients and then treat patients for non-existent conditions might make people uncomfortable, I know these behaviors to be true and accurate. I'm also aware of doctors with medical conditions who should have retired long ago. This is real life, folks, and it's being brought to you on the small screen.

Think about some of the messages here. Treatment of poor versus rich... Doctors who shouldn't be operating, operating. Doctors treating non-existent illnesses to make a buck... Medical errors. Disasters covered up....

Watch it. You'll understand why it's imperative that you take a pro-active position in your own medical treatment after seeing this.
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Roseanne (1988–2018)
15 April 2018
I was surprised to enjoy this revival as much as I did. The writing is fresh, and doesn't miss a beat, seizing every single opportunity to get a laugh out of viewers. It deals with issues faced by many Americans. The original cast has matured well, and does a great job pulling off the lines. The chemistry's excellent, and perhaps the maturity of the actors allows for them to pull off the zingers even better than they did the first time around. It's fun to watch. You won't be disappointed.
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All over the place, it's not worth the time...
15 April 2018
We had hopes for this film, but it seems that it was all over the place. While we're fans of Andie MacDowell and some of the other cast members, the writing and directing was so poor that it brought down the actors, through no fault of their own. Of eight of us, nobody could relate to any of the characters. The writing seemed all over the place. We're not exactly sure what the real issues were - if there was just one major problem that pulled everything down, or if everything was off in and of itself - but either way it was a waste of time and money. There are some pretty good movies around. This was no one of them.
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Spinning Man (2018)
15 April 2018
We very much enjoyed Spinning Man for a variety of reasons. It's a well written psychological mystery which plays a philosophy professor's search for ultimate truth against that of a detective's desire to solve a crime. It reminded us of the thrillers/mysteries of the past because it didn't rely on action scenes and special effects, so it was more realistic and easy to get into. There's more to this movie than it appears at first glance, and we admit to going back and watching parts of it a second time to enjoy the parallels.

All the actors are well suited to their roles. We have no complaints. It was well directed and the script written to leave folks wondering right until the very end. A problem we have with many of today's thrillers is that they're overwritten for effect, or overacted - this is neither. It's evenly spaced, and moves well, and it's not all that far-fetched, so therefore, draws the viewer in. If you've seen North by Northwest, or Rear Window, while the plots are totally different, Spinning Man moves at a similar pace.

Our family is glad we watched it and have no regrets.
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Call the Midwife (2012– )
14 April 2018
Call the Midwife is an awesome series, and probably the best currently on television. The story lines are excellent and seems to be, for the most part, historically correct and accurate.

This series is based on the best-selling memoirs, Call the Midwife, by Jennifer Worth, who died six months before the first episode aired. The series depicts, in part, and has been expanded upon, her work as a district nurse and midwife in the East End of London during the 1950's and 1960's. Obviously, story lines needed to be expanded to create a long-running series such as this, but that does not hinder the enjoyment of the program, and in fact, probably adds to it, as it allows for development of new and existing characters.

Every single cast member is believable. The acting of everyone is phenomenal and realistic. The writers have done an exceptional job with the scripts. The sets seem to be relatively accurate for the time period. You couldn't ask for a better more realistic series.

While some reviewers have complained that this strays away a little from the memoirs, I can't see that anyone could expect a long running series not do so. When Jennifer Worth was writing her memoirs, she was writing them as a memoir and not in preparation for a long running television probgram. For this to have worked for television, , more needed to be added, and the script writers have done it in an exceptional way.
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14 April 2018
Our family really enjoyed the first Pitch Perfect movie. The second one, not as much, but still, it was redeemable. Pitch Perfect 3 just tries too hard. I'm not even going to waste anyone's time on pulling it apart in a review - it was a waste of our time trying to suffer through it, so I won't waste yours with reviewing something miserable. There are so many great movies and good ones out there to watch - this should NOT be the one to waste time and money on. The script is terrible, and you can't ask for or expect much from actors when the script becomes ridiculous. It's painful to watch and embarrassing for actors who probably envisioned something much better than this. The only reason this even gets two stars is because the singing is pitch perfect.
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
WORST PROGRAM EVER- and I mean in the history of television
24 March 2018
I love the police dramas, the legal dramas, the medical shows, the shows about the fire departments and first responders.... I was looking forward to this. Sadly, it was difficult to get through even five minutes of it. But I was hopeful that it might get better so I decided to watch it to its conclusion.

The writing is awful. The acting is worse, but how can one act when one is given such an awful script. It's unrealistic. The camera work stinks. There's nothing redeeming. The casting is horrific. The female lead is just horrible. She might be good elsewhere, given the chance, but certainly not here. This show seems so cheaply made, as if someone just threw it together for the four to six year old crowd. What an awful failure. What an embarrassment for ABC.

I thought, when I saw the commercials this might give Chicago Fire a run for its money, but no way. Chicago Fire is a solid ten. Station 19 actually deserves no stars. If I was an actor on Station 19, I'd be truly embarrassed.

This is a colossal waste of time. A minute watching this is a minute too long. I have never in my life seen anything as bad as this program.

UPDATE...Although I vowed to never again watch this show, friends from out of town who were visiting wanted to watch the 4/12/2018 episode as they had never seen it, and it was sandwiched in-between Gray's and Scandal, which were all wanted to watch. My original opinion stands, although I have some additional perspective on it. For whatever reason, we all found something offensive about either Jaina Lee Ortiz's acting or her character or some combination of both. We all felt that if that character was removed, the story line about her dad promoting her to lieutenant dropped, along with the unrealistic captain competition, the show might have a better chance of survival. Her story lines, her character and her acting (weak) is what's pulling the show down. Of course, in all fairness, the story line comes from the writers. Still, the role needs an actress with more strength and more presence. She might do fine in another role, but not this one.
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Breathe (I) (2017)
We loved this movie...
17 January 2018
This movie, based on a real life events, proves that attitude can conquer, to some extent, much of what life throws at us. Andrew Garfield deserves a best actor award at this years Oscars. His performance was perfection as he takes us through a range of emotions. The real life story itself of Robin and Diana Cavendish is amazing in itself, and it's brought to life on the big screen in a very positive way. Real life son Jonathan Cavendish's ability to help bring their story to the big screen is an added plus. The directing by Serkis is excellent. The casting was superb all around. And the acting of all cast members is superb.

This is the best movie we've seen in ages.
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9/11 (2017)
Surprisingly better than we expected....
17 January 2018
This movie was better than expected. There's not much more that can be said or written about 9/11 - it's part of history. However, this movie is about the will to survive no matter what. You really can't laugh about that. Charlie Sheen actually commits to a serious portrayal of a character. While we expected this to be a waste of time, it wasn't. It's an okay movie. The characters are as developed as they can be, given that this is a just minutes of their lives. Whoopi Goldberg's performance is notable (in a good way) as is that of Luis Guzmán.
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Enchanted Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
So bad we couldn't watch the whole thing....
12 November 2017
We couldn't get through this movie. We gave it chance after chance. We're suckers for holiday movies, no matter how bad they are, but this one is in a whole other ballpark. The acting seemed too forced. The actress, who we're not familiar with, was difficult to listen to - her voice seems rather screechy at times. The characters didn't seem to mesh. Obviously, since this is a romantic movie, they would, eventually, but it was too miserable an experience to try to sit through it. I hate writing a negative review, but this movie should have had zero stars if that had been an option. Very disappointed. We always enjoy the holiday movies and could even watch them all year round, except for this one. This is a movie to avoid.
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Future potential, but really bad choice of candidates
8 June 2017
There was actually great potential for an interesting program which is why I watched it multiple times. I hoped it would get better. Unfortunately, we have a whiny woman and a guy who can't seem to decide much of anything for himself. David seems to be led around by a pretty faces, and flattery, and is blind to what is. While he thinks he's kind, he's basically lying to all the women he's dating, telling them pretty much the same things. The women are extremely catty. I don't know real life women like this, and I've been around for a long time. To have ten women all similar seems against the odds of probability. As for Vanessa, she often seems rather superficial. She wants from the guys what she herself can't or won't give.

If some of the kinks could be ironed out, there might be the potential for an interesting show. I can't see this being renewed without changing it.
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We usually love this type of movie, but this fell short. Casting failures made it painful to watch.
27 November 2016
After reading the reviews, we had such great hopes for this film. My friends and I usually enjoy films such as this, but because of extremely poor casting of the leads, this movie fell flat. It was painful to watch. There were ten of us here. Most wanted to shut it off before it was even over. None of us can account for the reviews from others. We all agree that this movie would have worked much better had other actors portrayed the characters. The male lead, sorry to say, should consider changing occupations. He was painful to watch. We feel uncomfortable writing this review, but feel the need to save others from the pain. This is the first time in our lives any of us has ever had difficulty finding much good about a movie. It was a painful waste of time.

If you're looking for an awesome movie, try something like Secrets in the Snow which is a perfect 10.
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The Convenient Groom (2016 TV Movie)
Truly a waste of time. (This contains spoilers).
25 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was truly insipid and a waste of time. I would not have lasted through it, if I had not taped this and was too tired to find the remote to change the station. It's definitely not worth anyone's time - there are much better movies out there to watch. There's little redeeming to say about it. Usually I can find a lot of good about unpopular movies, but not in this case.

Even the description, "A young celebrity marriage counselor discovers herself left at the altar of her own highly-publicized wedding...." isn't accurate. She's not left at the altar - far from it - she finds out even before the wedding announcement is made publicly that her boyfriend isn't interested in marrying her.

Vanessa Marcil is 48 years old, and while age is not necessarily a reflection on anything, trying to have a mature woman (who looks her age) act almost like a teen, doesn't play well. Dressing her like someone in her late teens or early twenties is another big fail. The big bulky glasses aged her even more and were ridiculously distracting since they took up about a third of her face. Her performance (and her physical movements) seemed forced. Casting Vanessa in this role was a great mistake. This movie would have worked better with a different lead. Additionally, the character, as written. has no insight into her own reality for part of the time, again seeming forced. And I agree, as others pointed out, that Vanessa's fascination with her own hair is totally annoying. She's constantly touching her hair, or her face.

The lighting isn't flattering to anyone. Some of the outdoor shots used the sun against the actors, and didn't benefit them. Again, agreeing with others, the makeup was really bad, too. Too heavy makeup ages people. David Sutcliffe, at least, seemed more comfortable with his role, and comes off as a natural. There's no way to have any sympathy with the initial plight of the main character since she's not likable. If I was a guy, I would have dumped her, too.

Don't waste your time with this dud.
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