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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Boba Fett was a villain...
21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
... so in order to make it believable that he now is a different guy, we needed at least another episode.

He endured a lot with the sand people and with the lost of his new "family". His character should have had more screen time, specially on flashbacks that could make his new role as good guy more credible.

Apart from this, it's a great show. Good action sequences, respect for Star Wars heritage, characters and chronology.

I just hope Cade Bane isn't dead. Or maybe we can see him in Kenobi...
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Not bad but... The end ruined it...
21 February 2022
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This movie is very entertaining, with nice action sequences and an interesting story.

The bad guy we wanted to see was Blofeld, so it's kind of disappointing to see so little of him, eventhough he was able to manage his organization in prison!!

Safin was only mildly interesting and his motives are poorly explained.

However, the movie could survive all of this, because we can tell it's much more personal, much more about Bond and his ghosts, as well as a real homage to the entire saga.

The problem is that killing him and stopping him from having a connection to his family is a huge nonsense.

Bond deserved an opportunity to be with Madeleine and their daughter, after so much loss and suffering with Vesper and all his friends.

It makes absolutely no sense to kill him.
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Heartwarming, Outstanding, ESB-Level Star Wars
2 February 2022
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Every Star Wars fan always wondered what happened to Luke after RotJ, and always wished to see how his story continued.

Finally, we get to see a small bit of that story, as we have Luke working to rebuild the Jedi Order.

This is an emotional episode, that brings us back memories from Dagobah, Yoda, and all the struggles Luke faced to master his abilities.

Now, the tables have turned and we see Luke as a Master, trying his best to show the ways of the Force to his student, Grogu.

Much like Luke himself, back in ESB, Grogu is not focused and has his heart in another place. However, unlike Yoda, we see that Luke still has his own doubts, still wonders how to choose the right path.

Luke and Grogu have a heartwarming relationship, but we can also relate to Grogu's relationship with Mando, his father figure. We can feel his inner conflict, as the survival to the Jedi purge still haunts the little padawan.

We even get to see Ashoka and Luke together, as well as a glimpse of a great Clone Wars/Bad batch character, Cad Bane.

This episode is every bit as Star Wars perfection as the original trilogy. It's perfect, with all the right ingredients, leaving us in a cliff hanger, just like ESB left us waiting to get to know what happened after a certain Boba Fett kidnapped a main character...

Thank you David Filoni! Thank you Jon Favreau!

The Force is strong with these two.
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Even worse than the original ending...
14 January 2022
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Let's face it. It's very hard to write a good ending for this character. He's the bad guy, althoug we all like him and want him to get away with everything he did. There could be a huge number of ways to finish this. But making his own son become a murderer... it's really a very stupid idea... We saw that Harrison's character was evolving towards a normal guy, that he wasn't confortable with Dexter's passanger. So, it would never feel good to finish this as a father & son serial killing team. It made sense that he was caught, it made sense that he died, but never killed by his own son. The season was very good, very entertaining. It almost felt like it cleaned up the bad way the original show finished. Unfortunately, the ending is even worse. Shame.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Can I love Homeland and hate Carrie?
15 March 2021
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The show is amazing. Fantastic writing, acting, directing. It has the perfect amount of action, drama and intrigue. Great twists, storylines make perfect sense... but as a father, I cannot help hating a little bit the main character. From all that she has done, the amazing spy work, I really hate what she has done with her kid, and I feel it should be different for Franny. We already had an undeserved very unhappy ending for Brody's kids. We could expect something better for Franny. Carrie's condition is horrible and dangerous, but she deals with her kid in a very selfish way, and we can guess series finale should be horrible for Franny as well. I am hoping season 9 comes out to. I would love to see the show continue, and I would be happy to see this plot fixed.
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Another (entertaining) "remake" with some confusing elements
19 December 2020
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Do you remember the Hoth initial scene? It's here... and the battle between Luke and Vader, ending with the death of the the Emperor? Also here... and Luke training in Dagobah with Yoda (who didn't want to train him in the first place and had contact with a force ghost)? That's right there. Chasing a damaged ship? Check...

Just like The Force Awakens, this movie picks up too many elements from the original trilogy. And that is the main problem, because it doesn't decide if it wants to be an original story or meant to pay respect to Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

Also, that scene with the casino is pointless and tries to bring some unnecessary morality and social justice to the movie.

All these elements mixed up make up a nice movie, packed with some great action scenes. But it's somewhat confusing and not very logical.

It's not a bad Star Wars movie. It's just not good enough to be a timeless classic and lacks some originality.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
Eleven at least! ESB masterpiece heritage material!
18 December 2020
This Chapter is a masterpiece, well worthy of Empire Strikes Back or A New Hope... To all the people who still didn't watch it, please avoid any spoilers! It is suprising, astonishing and incredibly emotional... right balance with action, pace and characterization. And a wonderful ending. Thank you!!!
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Why do Star Wars fans hate Star Wars??
19 December 2019
It's not George Lucas' vision. The main crew doesn't have the same chemistry has the original one. It has some loose ends... This why it doesn't deserve 10/10. It's the first (on the new trilogy) with a proper original story. TFA was like a remake of ANH and TLJ was a mix of moments of ROTJ and TESB. This one has its own idea, and it's a good one. We can argue about some loose ends, for sure. But the story doesn't fail our expectations, it respects SW heritage and conflicts (the main one, the inner conflict to go down a dark path). It's frantic and has amazing battles, fine light saber duels, it gives Rey a solid background. There is a lot to like. Forget about most reviews and enjoy!
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Man of Steel (2013)
3 November 2013
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I mean no disrespect. But the idea of having a superman hidden for 33 years, until an oppressor arrives and chases him... That story was told by the Bible. And I don't see the point of retelling it with aliens!! I have to say that the SM vs Zod fight is good, there's lots of action, explosions and destruction, good special effects, the journey to find the ship in the ice is good,...

So where is the failure? The storyline. Trying to reboot a series is no peace of cake. Last time they did that to superman, it wasn't good. This time, I think they went too far. There is very little point in all the krypton action. And one of the best parts of all superman stories - the "conflict" between superman and clark kent -is gone. It makes no sense that he stays in the dark for 33 years, and the first thing he does when discovered is to talk to an unknown journalist. I think the storyline makes no sense. Far from being faithful to superman story, this reboot tries to give a different perspective to this dc universe, but in a poor, senseless way, Pity.
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Amazingly BAD
1 August 2013
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I will never understand how they made Morgan Freeman and Charlie Sheen to join this movie.... It wants to be clever, it wants to deliver an unexpected ending and it wants to be funny. But it is a total failure.

We've seen some Owen Wilson funny movies but in this one his character is terrible. We don't connect with the "burglar" (like we do in Ocean's eleven). He is just a dumb crook being played by everyone. Charlie Sheen is even worse. No funny jokes, a stupid character. Morgan Freeman... Such a waste of talent!!!!!! Very SAD! Terrible lines!

The only thing it made me pay a little attention and make myself watch it 'till the end was hawaii's beaches and great landscapes - it really makes us want to go there!! And the very hot female character- who barely acts but brings some joy to the screen.
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How I Met Your Mother: The Time Travelers (2013)
Season 8, Episode 20
3 April 2013
OK, so we all know the show is loosing it. But... why do they make completely pointless episodes???? This one is just terrible. The only thing it adds to the story is the fact that his future wife is seeing a guy. How can anyone spend an entire episode taking the "big picture" nowhere? It's just a stupid contest about a drink and a stupid discussion with future and not so future Ted and Barney about... nothing interesting. We have had bad episodes. But this is a new low for HIMYM! The episode deserves this long text ONLY because the review has a minimum length. Otherwise, skip this episode and save 20 minutes of your life to do anything else. Mine are gone. It's really sad. It's getting painful to see what is happening to a once great show.
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
For me, it's over...
3 January 2013
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Forget about watching the new episodes, with Walden Schmidt. Not only, the actor is not very talented, not funny nor the character is interesting, but also has the huge job of filling Sheen's shoes. Let's be honest, the show is nothing without Charlie Sheen. OK, Jake and Alan are also great characters. But the thing about this show was the issues between the two brothers and their trouble raising a kid. It makes no sense to change the main character. They should have cancelled it. No doubt the Charlie-Alan-Jake seasons are fantastic. But that is it. Forget that someone even tried to make episodes without one of those three. It's better to remember it as good show, as it was.
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Friends (1994–2004)
Best show ever
7 December 2012
For me, no doubt that Friends is the best sitcom ever.

For ten years we see 6 characters, with fabulous chemistry between them, growing from young employees, a bit irresponsible and goofy, to full grown ups with filled lives. But not in a sad, soap opera way. With loads of fun, stressful, painful, happy and peaceful moments, Friends pushes any viewer to sit in the café sofa and join them into, sometimes a pointless discussion or a meaningful drama. This is life, with good times and bad times, clever sense of humor, great acting, superb writing, fantastic characters. And they could do it for ten years without loosing any bit of the show's magic. Amazing!
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
Loosing it? Maybe...
6 December 2012
How I Met Your Mother is a very simple love story, about a guy meeting his wife.

We can easily connect with all the characters. They are very "human". We can see a lot of a "pre-middle" age crisis in Ted, romantic, dreaming about settle down. Lily and Marshall are that couple we all know that has been together forever. Robin is the hot and sexy out of our league friend/dream girl. Barney is the self-centered but funny friend who sometimes we can't stand, but we can't live without.

Being that simple and straight to the point, how can you make it last for so long? And why????

Overall, the first seasons were very good, with lots of twists and turns, funny clues and an overwhelming Stinson! But after season 5... I think they lost the point. Nowadays, we see very little development in each character. There are episodes with no story at all. Flashbacks, which used to be one of the best parts of the show, are becoming lame, stupid and pointless. 7 out of 10, only because it would be unfair to ignore that it started as an excellent show...
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One of the very best...
10 July 2006
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...If not the best 007 of all! Roger Moore's humor and the cold war are two of the best ingredients of this movie.

The search for a submarine and ship tracking system in the middle of the cold war is not only perfectly possible as a real mission for a secret agent, but also an excellent story to make a movie about!

Therefore, I think this 007 has a quite simple but very effective story, because, as usual in any Bond mission, if he fails, there will be serious repercussions to the world (sometimes, it was total annihilation,but this time it would be "only" about great changes in cold war strategy, which would fit perfectly in the history scenario, imagining this story as true), but these consequences are real, can be fitted into a real part of our recent history. Apart from its not very detailed technology and political games, this could almost be a Tom Clancy's novel!

Added to this, the traditional Moore's sense of humor, the great action sequences (like the ski descent and the yellow Citroen chase) and really evil villains(Kristatos is a cold blooded murderer, with no respect for life, not a fool idealist like Blofeld), all mixed up, become a really great spy movie, where Roger Moore makes a great performance, leaving the slightly goofy Bond of Live and Let Die way behind! In fact, I think that with this movie, only Pierce Brosnan is better at the part than Roger Moore.
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