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Jack (1996)
Unbelievaly well acted
27 June 2006
I'm sorry, but just having read a few of the comments on here I am absolutely astounded! The problem is that what people seem to be doing here is reviewing the film as one whole pot, where as that is not how it works. I film has so many layers that it is impossible to tell how great it is without reviewing them all. Everyone seems to look at the plot and disregard it straight away when the acting in it is so unbelievable. Robin Williams may well be a very childish man but this went so beyond anything that can even come close to a normal personality, he is completely convincing 100% of the time, at no point in the movie do you ever doubt his being only 10 years old. This film may have a strange plot and weirdly written but the acting is phenomenal and William's is, of course, the star in the show. I actually feel very sorry for the actors around him in this, how can they possibly shine when with him and they were all great as well so that just heightens Williams' ability. This is a fantastic film simply because of Robin Williams!
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Fantastic artist, Fantastic DVD
27 June 2006
Christina Aguilera is my all time favourite singer with an unbelievable voice and this is the perfect DVD to prove it. Not only is she singing the songs that made her famous but she sings completely live throughout all and when you here someone sing live, thats when you know how great they are, you get the genuine article right there in front of you with nothing but their own voice to fall back on. Her vocal range is shined right out of the arena, her power boomed through the room and the entire thing was focused on her singing. I don't think there is much point doing a performance and speaking through most of it or lip-syncing or wearing as little as you possibly can just so that the audience will stay. However, Christina did none of this, she spoke to the audience with true heartfelt words, and although she wore sexy clothes that emphasised how great she looked, the show was never steered away from her singing, which as said many times was truly phenomenal. With great guest appearance with the exception maybe of Lil' Bow Wow and short breaks to view Christina behind the scenes footage, Its an amazing show for all fans of great work.
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Funny but slightly hypocritical
27 June 2006
I loved this film, it is extremely funny and fantastically performed by the breathtakingly wonderful Reese Witherspoon. There was great humour and an extremely imaginative but gripping storyline. However, I did find it strange that throughout the whole film, the idea was that Elle was discriminated against because she had blonde hair, when in reality, it was because she was a very ditsy little rich girl who didn't know anything about anything other than fashion. If you watch the film closely, I don't see any of the students having blonde hair, this is obviously a trick to make Elle stand out more in the crowd as the dumb girl. The only line which suggests the film is discriminating blonde's is 'you're breaking up with me because I'm too blonde?' Which was never actually said by anyone other than Elle, that was her interpretation of him calling her too stupid really, throughout the film, the only one who makes any suggestion that blonde's are stupid is the blonde in question. However, other than this, it was a great film and a fun watch for all the family to enjoy
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It was disappointing
27 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The special effect's were great, the tension was completely believable and the fear in Tom Cruise seemed genuine. However, it would appear in my mind that these three facts were the only thing that made this movie bearable. The storyline was so tacky and predictable, the classic tale of an absentee father who is reunited with his two bratty children who both hate him, they go through a very difficult and frightening experience and then mushy gushy, they're all just one big happy family and everything turns out fine. The acting, other than that done by Tom Cruise was very poorly done and little Miss Dakota Fanning played her usual type-cast of a little girl smart-alek (too smart for her age) but with a new twist, in this one she gets to screech her way through 3/4 of the film. I was very disappointed in this film, it certainly did not meet up to expectations at all.
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Home Improvement (1991–1999)
Fantastic comedy for all the family
27 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a teenage girl I have to admit, I like most of my peers do watch some rubbish on TV, as my parents are forever reminding me. However, this show even has my dad in fits of laughter. Its a great show with comedy to suit all types with great one-liners to clown's play slap-stick. It also deals with real life situations that people really can relate to, from the everyday sibling rivalry, to terrifying medical emergencies (the more serious shows like Randy's cancer scare or Jill's hysterectomy). Every show, including the more serious episodes has you laughing. It is filled with a great cast that have a very natural on-screen chemistry which is very rare to see in a show like this nowadays. I love the show and think it's very well acted by the hilarious cast with fantastic idea's (Such as Allen's idea of never seeing Wilson's face, genius) Excellent show 10/10!
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8 Simple Rules (2002–2005)
This show is a tribute to all great dads
26 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This show is beautifully done. When it first came out I though it nothing more than a light-hearted family comedy with quite a few good one-liners. It seemed to express many families really well too, with different concepts of both parent and child, however, like I said, I never thought any more of it then a good watch on an evening. However, my view was shot out the other window when the tragic death of the fantastically funny John Ritter accrued. The programme stood it's ground and really commended the characters life in a very sensitive way that also touched the hearts of all the admire res of John Ritter, a fantastic actor with the talent to do anything. When the show aired after Ritters passing, I really wanted to just give my dad a hug and let him know how much he meant to me. I thought this shone threw the acting talents of the three children, particularly that of Bridget's character, who was worried of the last words she said to him. It reminded me that no matter what horrible things I say to my dad, I don't mean them and it's very important that he knows this. Great Show
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Two of a Kind (1998–1999)
Not bad for the Olsen Twins
26 June 2006
I have to admit that I can't stand the Olsen Twins. They're both exactly the same and play exactly the same characters in exactly the same movies all the time. However, this was slightly more original. Not only was it a clever idea for a show, but also it showed the girls as two separate people which I think, besides this show, has never been done before or after (Except maybe It Takes Two which was also worth a peek in) However, the real praise for this has to go to the characters of Carrie and Kevin who are far better at dishing out the laughs. I have to admit, I did enjoy this when it was on, it was some time ago now and I tried watching it again recently but due to my own growing up found the humour more dry, however, I can't deny that when I was an 11 to 12 year old I did like this show very much.
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Spider-Man (2002)
I'm Torn
26 June 2006
I did like this film, I though it was cleverly made and well done. My problem was with the actors. I thought the casting of Aunt May was superb, she was what I expected of her, as was the green goblin, however, Tobey McGuire and Kirsten Dunst as the leads? I don't think so. I'd always imagined Peter Parker as butch but sweet-centred, McGuire was far too sensitive, however, I do think that he played it well, creating Parker that way, I just feel he was the wrong type for the role. Again, Kirsten Dunst was a strange choice I feel, she portrayed Mary-Jane as very needy and desperate, and on a more personal level, I didn't think she was really pretty enough to play her either. Howver, it was a well done film and worth a watch on a rainy afternoon.
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Zoey 101 (2005–2008)
Obviosly only because she is who she is
26 June 2006
I've seen this programme a few times and the more a see of it, the less I like it. Jamie Lynn Spears was approached to do this because of the fact that she is Britney's sister and I'm sorry to say that that in the show is obvious. They've created the character Zoey to be everything people want to believe Jamie Lynn is, clever, original, smart, pretty, popular etc. The characters around her are only there to make her look better, by being smarter then them, more popular than them, more wanted by boys then them. There is nothing original about this and it's poured with money, so every kid there has the coolest of fashions and stuff. I also have to say, for a 13 year old girl (or however old she is, can't be much older) she wears very mature clothing, those short skirts are too short, it makes young people want to wear them, and all that make-up, this adds to the rising problems of why young girls get into so much trouble. The only thing I will say is that the opening credits are sung by Jamie Lynn and, given her age, isn't bad at all, much better than her sister anyway when it comes to vocal ability. Sorry, it's too mature and yet too dumbed down. It's poorly acted with predictable story lines and there is far too much stereotyping going on too.
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Unfabulous (2004–2007)
26 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OMG! I am so surprised looking at so many of these reviews, this is a totally predictable show with absolutely no potential to be anything more that a kids TV show. Yes I am aware that it is just a TV kids show but what self-respecting actor ever made it big after a kids show? the plot lines are unrealistic and give young teenagers false hope that you will get the boy you want and everything will turn out OK at the end of it. And also, that girl may be related to Julia Roberts but it is obvious that the acting gene has not passed itself down to Miss Emma, and sorry to say it, but she can't sing a tune either. I'm giving it a 3/10 and the only reason it gets a 3 is because it seems to entertain some kids, however, it is poorly acted, not funny, badly written and over the top. Its totally pathetic!
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Guess Who (2005)
Racial, it was offencive
26 June 2006
I have only seen half of this film and i have to say that I was very surprised at what I was watching. I guessed the ending and later I found I was correct, all the 'laughs' I had seen and heard before and I sat there completely board as though I was staring at a blank screen. However, I've seen plenty of films like that before so why was I so surprised at this one? For the simple fact that had this film been reversed and it was a black man coming into a white family, no one could have gotten away with it. I am a strong believer that racial abuse of any kind is unforgivable, but why doesn't the door swing both ways? Why is it perfectly acceptable in a film for a black family not to want a white person in it but not the other way around. As a young white girl, I find this outrageous and am very surprised that it would seem either many people don't see my view or do and are too chicken to raise the point
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Titanic (1997)
This film is far too underrated now
26 June 2006
This film won 11 Oscars, was on everybody's favourite film's list and was cast with some of the most talented actors of it's time (probably ever for these particular roles). However, now it seems that people are embarrassed to admit how great Titanic really is, for the simple reason really, that people made it famous. Many people now wish to disclaim the performances (particually that of Leonardo DiCaprio) just because after the film came out they became world-wide heartthrobs, and the fact that they delivered truly memorable performances is thrown aside. I love this film and am proud to admit it. It's an excellent film that, no matter who disagrees, will live forever and go down in history as one of the greatest ever made!
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Incredible performance by Leonardo DiCaprio
26 June 2006
I am a huge Johnny Depp fan, I think of him as one of the world's greatest actors and this film in no way undermines my view of him at all, it is truly a touching and memorable performance. However, even the great Johnny Depp was out shined in this film by the unbelievable role of Arnie Grape played by Leonardo DiCaprio, if I didn't know any better I'd say that he really did suffer from a serious mental illness. This is by far one of my all time favourite films thanks to DiCaprio, I have a new real respect for him as an actor that I had never noticed before, but now the more I see of him, the greater I think he is, and not just because he's gorgeous and I'm a teenage girl, but because he is one hell of an actor! Well done!
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