
25 Reviews
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
All due respect to this show but it's overrated.
19 November 2023
It's not hard to see why this show was so popular when it aired and completely changed TV forever. But truth is, it's not the best show ever. The characters are top notch but the story itself is boring and doesn't really go anywhere. There's no clear plot arch and events often feel random and don't have any lasting story impact. Deaths seem sometimes to just be filling a quota and characters are forgotten about and never mentioned again. I don't fault the cast at all but the writing just doesn't seem to have a clear vision. Doesn't hold up but that doesn't mean it's not worth seeing just once.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
A mind bending series destroyed by its own ambition.
6 January 2023
Westworld is one of the most technically perfect shows ever produced. From the beautiful 35mm film it was shot on, the incredible production design, one of the best soundtracks and sound designs of any show ever, and the mostly flawless visual effects, Westworld was designed for those looking for a big screen experience on the small screen, and like most movies, watching it on anything but a big screen with a big surround system is doing this show a disservice. Season 1 is an absolute masterpiece of filmmaking and is virtually flawless and is well worth the time. Season 2 immediately took the show in a new direction and it never recovered. Season 2 has many high points but the decision to focus more on the hosts than the humans is a mistake that plagues the rest of the shows run. Season 3 is a completely different show with the same characters and not even the constantly booming score can keep it from dragging. Season 4 came back with a vengeance and did a great job for the most part of taking the show both back to its roots and in a new direction at the same time. Overall I am sad to see this show canceled. After the misstep of season 3 I was very hopeful that they would have a great 5th season to wrap up the series. Well I will miss returning to Westworld, we will always have the first season to come back to, and watch the final credits roll wondering just how good the show could have been if the writers kept the show pointing North instead of wandering around exploring concepts that had no reason to be in this show. The saddest part is that with so many shows that fall from grace, we will never get to roll back the clock and give the creators another chance.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
One of the best shows of all time.
21 June 2022
Who knew that a prequel to the untouchable "Breaking Bad" would surpass it in storytelling, world building, and suspense. Most of the old favorites are back and better than ever, and Vince Gilligan continues to make every episode a home run. Not since the early seasons of GOT have I been so glued to a TV screen. This show will surely stand amongst the giants for years to come.
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Firefly (2002–2003)
Good, could be better.
23 May 2022
The world building and production design in this series is superb, but the writing is very sub-par. Characters don't always act believably or consistently, and too many story lines end with ex-machinas. The visual effects are pretty dated too but you can't detract too many points because of that. It's a shame that this show didn't get the chance it deserved because it has so much potential, but failed to get there in the episodes they did produce.
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M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell and Amen (1983)
Season 11, Episode 16
A masterclass example of how to end a series.
29 December 2021
Mash was huge, and needed a proper send off.

Written and directed by the show's lead, this is a shining example of what can happen if the studios trust their cast and crew members and let them do it right. Easily the best series finale of all time just ahead of Breaking Bad.
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Lacks the magic of the original 3.
1 November 2021
A visually pleasing film that lacks the heart and soul the other 3 toy stories had. Although it has its bright spots, it ultimately has too many unnecessary or out of place characters that bumble their way through a paper thin plot to an underwhelming ending. Fun in places for sure, but the amount of nonsensical decisions and cliches make it uninteresting for adult fans but it also may be too dark for some kids. Fans of the movies may find it worth watching but it is far from a masterpiece.
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One of the best nature series of all time
19 September 2021
BBC continues to raise the bar for nature documentaries. Incredible photography, great writing, and very moving. A great reminder for new generations of what our planet uses to look like.
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Duck Dynasty (2012–2017)
Entertaining but far to scripted.
20 June 2021
This show has many entertaining episodes but most of it is scripted nonsense that would have got writers fired if it wasn't marketed as reality TV. If you don't mind the fact that 80% of the show is "The Office" level of believability and just want to watch rich people go hunting and complain about technology then the first few seasons are worth a watch but the later seasons just get repetitive and boring.
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Criminal Minds: Angels (2014)
Season 9, Episode 23
Not the best CM episode.
29 April 2021
The story is slightly better than normal but this is one of the most poorly directed episodes of the season.
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Don't believe the review bots.
16 April 2021
Just so you can be informed correctly. Any of the 7,8,9,10 scores you see are from bots. Any of the scores below 4 are from real people.

That is all.

Have a nice day.
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Apollo 13 (I) (1995)
The best space film of all time.
5 April 2021
Everything about this film is incredible. The performances are amazing. The effects are flawless, and best of all, it is a true story. I cannot recommend this film enough.
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Nothing about this episode works.
1 March 2021
The X-Files is known for its dark and gritty view on the supernatural so why did they decide to ruin their legacy by literally making fun of it? 10-3 is a very poor attempt at having a comedy episode in a serious show and if you don't know it is going for comedy, you will be confused at the strange tonal shift at first and then just feel insulted that they are taking the main characters and having them do stuff so offensive to who they have come to be in the last 9+ seasons that you will wonder how the actors did not just walk off set. I have never seen a show literally look in a mirror and laugh at itself this badly before. Seriously though CNN is funnier than this episode is and they aren't even trying.
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The only reason it is rated so high is for the ending.
26 February 2021
Because nothing else in this movie makes sense. Purple dude looks for rocks and tries to be scary. Things happen. Heroes change all the rules around about what powers they have and why. More things happen. Oh yeah, spider man can survive in space without oxygen. Bunch of guys fight purple dude instead of going to the other side of the galaxy and hiding. Some stuff happens. Purple guy is sad. Random generic battle at the end with an extremely random army of space dogs that lasts way to long because the earth guys are incompetent. Some more dudes fight purple guy and should have no chance at killing him but somehow don't die instantly. Ending is pretty cool. Kansas would be proud. Also Tyrion Lannister just shows up for no reason.
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An amazing but paper thin experience
26 February 2021
This movie was built for the big screen. And it knows it. The visuals and booming sound design is incredible. But the plot is sadly just a generic rendition of the hero's journey that thousands of films have done before. The ending does try to be something new but if you have seen a movie before nothing in this one will surprise you. But let's be honest, you just saw an awesome trailer and bought a ticket so grab your popcorn, set aside the plot holes, and be blown away by some of the best visual effects ever seen on the big screen.
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Waste of an ok story.
26 February 2021
As a fan of character driven dramas I expected to enjoy this film, but I was very disappointed. This movie has one huge sin and that is that it is painfully boring. The acting is abysmal, the plot is painfully generic and offensive to both sides of the argument, and the camera work, editing, and soundtrack is strange and confusing in places. It seems like with some re-writes, a better cast, and a competent director, and more than a $20 budget this could have been good but as it is, it is just a mess of a film that even the erotic scenes can't save. I don't want to insult all the people that rated this a 10 and the best movie ever but I honestly don't understand what they see in it.
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Troy (2004)
21 February 2021
If you haven't seen this film yet it is worth the time of any fan of epics but please WATCH THE THEATRICAL CUT ONLY!!!! Don't be tempted by the extra run time. The directors cut has several elements such as re-scoring of crucial scenes that completely ruin the movie. Also the dialogue is way tighter and doesn't have loads of pointless and sometimes insulting lines. I have honestly never seen a director's cut that is this much worse than the theatrical film and am thankful for studio executives.

Have a great day
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The Office (2005–2013)
Am I missing something?
9 February 2021
So many people call this the best TV show ever bu I don't understand why. Yes it has some great episodes and some really funny moments, but the writing is beyond stale. All the characters are completely one dimensional, with one or 2 exceptions per episode it is the same lazy jokes, and the Will they won't they stories are so unrealistic and were fun the first time, not the 20th. And let's not forget the whole documentary style is so inconsistent and often doesn't make any sense. I know a lot of people that like this show and I can see why but this is nowhere near the best show ever and anyone who has seen season 8 is only lying if they disagree.
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One of the most interesting documentaries airing today.
30 January 2021
Ok, yes the old host is better. But Raphael gets better as the seasons go on. That aside this is one of the few new documentaries that has glued me to the screen. Well shot, informative, and enlightening, you will be shocked what goes on behind the walls in the world's toughest prisons.
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A series everyone should experience.
6 November 2020
Absolute incredible. Unless you are a professional in the field you have never seen anything like this. It is unfortunate though that the camera technology does not hold up because so many of these stunning images just don't look as good as the more recent of BBCs series.
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Rocky II (1979)
Predictable and slow but it sticks the landing.
31 July 2020
This movie has some problems with both the story and the editing but if you can get past how boring the first half is the second half is good and the end fight is surprisingly gripping.
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A good movie ruined by bad filmmaking.
10 June 2020
This movie is a prime example of a solid film destroyed by an incompetent editor. The cast is great and the story isn't bad as far as Bond films go. But the action, which is the center of the film, is almost completely unwatchable. Which is unfortunate because there are a few brilliant shots hiding in there. It does play better then some of the old bond films but it's easily the worst of Craig's.
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Watchable, but nowhere near a masterpiece.
3 June 2020
Bond has never been prestige TV but can usually provide dumb fun. If you can get back the mediocre plot and cringe worthy CGI it's not a terrible film. The action isn't bad and the main characters are at least likable. Sure there are many many better movies out there but if you are a fan on Bond it provides enough Bond to make it worth watching.
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Gilligan's Island (1964–1992)
A true classic from the golden era of family TV
28 April 2020
One of the best TV shows that appeal to literally every age. This show is consistently fun, over the top silly, genuinely enjoyable, and surprisingly smart. The comedy rarely feels dated and with the exception of some very obvious effects often feels fresh enough to have been filmed yesterday.
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Swimming Pool (2003)
A strange gem.
24 March 2020
This movie spends most of its time trying to make you decide if it's horribly boring or a brilliant slow burn. But it is undeniably entertaining.
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Great family Christmas film
26 January 2020
A fun and exciting Christmas film but unfortunately the staggering amount of errors that can't be explained by a magic train weigh the film down for me. This movie is geared towards younger audiences and kids will love it but it unfortunately doesn't feel as magical as it should. Also the animation, as revolutionary as it was, does not hold up and feels very clunky in spots. But there are definitely plenty of bright spots and the camera work is very good by any standards. If you are just looking for some family fun on Christmas Eve look no further but don't expect a cinematic masterpiece.
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