
5 Reviews
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After the Flood (2024– )
You can see the working parts
25 January 2024
The convention of not answering her phone, works once. Twice. But not every time. It began to annoy me. The characters feel stock standard - like pick the type to appear in a mystery thriller: The anger Police Chief; the nagging, distrustful, misogynistic husband; the annoying in-laws; the evil rich developer; the handsome, enigmatic hero with the dark past (who literally saves the baby); the useless town councillor; the side kick who asks the (sometimes dumb) questions and is always telling our leading character they "can't possibly do that ".

I'm a completest so I saw it through but it's as previous said, watchable but Happy Valley or Vera it aint.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
The first episode was hard going but don't give up on it
23 December 2021
I thought this was just going to be another bleak series about man's inhumanity to man with everyone corrupt and terrible. It's not. It's actually, at its heart, about redemption, about the good in all people, the potentiality of people to keep others safe.

Others have spoken as to what the series is 'about' as in action and plot but I want to commend the writers for the depth of characterisation. Even the 'baddies' (well, some of them), have heart.

The overwhelming sense that I get of what drives the main character (and the police and the prison wardens) is protecting the innocent, keeping safe as many people as possible, understanding that there are rules and consequences but, ultimately, the town manages large prisons, full of criminals and that requires a clear head, a firm line.

I really am enjoying the series and became invested after the second episode. Also, there's a bear in it (and a nod to Hawkeye).
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Be a OAR person not a BED person
22 April 2021
An OAR person takes ownership, is accountable, is responsible for their lives; a BED person blames, excuses and denies.

Angie J spends all this episode blaming everyone else for why things don't go her way; she makes excuses for why she's not successful and denies what the experts see as obvious. It was a challenge watching her continue to jeopardise the opportunities given. If ever there was an example of what not to do.
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1pm Daily Update (2020– )
Drama (and public reactions) to rival 'Game of Thrones.'
30 August 2020
The critics' responses often draw public backlash but nothing so far has dented the hero worshipping of the two leads. The writers of this unfolding opera are holding their punch lines and plot twists close to their chests which has the desired outcome: the country stops for the Ashley and Jacinda show and, despite the need for season two, New Zealand has welcomed all characters back to take us into the unknown.

critics = journalists
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Head High (2020– )
Nervous to watch but worth it
15 July 2020
Friday Night Lights is my all time favourite show. I would love an Aotearoa New Zealand drama to be as good. I held my breath in the first episode, waiting for a misstep which didn't come. The writing and characterisation rings true. There has been some criticism that the white vs brown narrative is simplified. Sadly, I've been around high schools for three decades and the 'types' shown in this show are exactly as I've experienced. The second episode, I was crying from the start. There is the risk of that the characterisations might fall into tropes or caricatures but, thankfully, so far, the script writers give the characters shade. The acting is brilliant. The look and feel is authentic - those of us from Auckland will feel it is so recognisable. My hope is that the story line continues to develop.
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