
31 Reviews
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Adult World (2013)
Subtly Amusing
20 January 2024
Well, the headline says it all, I was subtly amused at times, and the movie did a good job of it.

The film is about honesty, creative integrity -I think-, about the fact that being honest with oneself is perhaps one of the most difficult things that anyone can do, to themselves.

The protagonist is lost, hasn't a clue about what it is to be honest about her art, self absorbed and full of it but with the help of the people around her, she learns to grow, and realizes that in the end, we can't all be great, but we can all be true to ourselves.

I believe the movie is worth the watch, it's a fun little ride, and albeit the ending lingers for a couple of beats more than it should, in the end this little piece of work has a lot to say.

So if you're thinking about this one, do it, and enjoy the ride for what it is, and I think you'll also find yourself subtly amused from time to time.
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Lackluster Ride
12 January 2024
Great performance by all involved, and it feels like an honest movie, therefore, I believe this is one of those movies that you're either gonna love or hate...,and speaking for myself, this was a dumb movie.

I think the point of the movie is to make the audience uncomfortable, as well as try to create a portal -pov- into the main characters chaotic psyche..., at lest that's what I thought until it kept pulling me deeper into the rabbit hole, and at some point I just got lost, and for me, that's not a good thing.

If I have to contemplate and put in work just to grasp the basic meaning, then, speaking for myself, that's a sign of a bad movie. A work of art that's too self absorbed, to the point that it bears no regard to the general audience.

It has no direction, other than conveying a bad trip. A bad allegory about how we are all at the mercy of our childhood years, as well as bound to our ego, making us believe that we are the center of the universe..., maybe???
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A truly survival primal experience
25 December 2023
This is an exciting ride that hits those survival instincts within you from multiple levels. The film is a visceral experience, and you feel those primitive instincts start to pop from the beginning, and they don't stop dancing to the beat until, well, almost the end.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a purely visceral experience. The film, for all intent and purposes, really only has one act that takes center stage for most of the film, and that's perfectly fine considering the audience will find themselves too busy satisfying those survival juices.

The film has excellent cinematography, and does a superb job playing with the lighting, giving the film an almost white and black feel to it at times, making it almost seem as though the audience is experiencing a POV from the corner of their eyes. Needless to say, you will be spooked, and you will feel as though you are nothing but prey to the antagonists of the film.

That being said, I feel as though the story isn't fully fleshed out, and I believe that will be obvious at the end of the film. By no means is this a bad movie, it's a fun ride for sure, but the lack of depth, coupled with the lazy ending, left me personally feeling as though something was left out of the experience.

BUT, like I've said, it is a fun ride and IMO, definitely worth a watch. Buckle up and enjoy the roller coaster.
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Vice (I) (2018)
A partisan, albeit solid movie
8 November 2022
Christian Bale's performance is outstanding, as most often is the case. The rest of the cast also deliver solid performances.

The production value is well done, outstanding set and costume design; the editing is on par. The movie's heavy subject is lightened by the somewhat mockumentary feel to it (kind of). I'm attempting to rate this flick on the movie itself, aside from the politics, and the movie is solid, well done on all sides, and the ride is definitely worth the watch.

My critique comes from the fact that it keeps breaking the third wall, which in my opinion keeps the audience from fully becoming engulfed in the story world. It's also very politically partisan, which creates a very one dimensional picture, lacking any sense of depth; which is a shame because Christian Bale along with the budget of the film could have created something much more stimulating and deep.
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A ride without direction that gets lost in the end
6 November 2022
The cinematography, design production and film score are well done, that's why I gave this movie a 5.

However, it all starts with the batter, and the story is without direction, unfocused in its development, which leads to a rather dull second act, and a third act that feels nonsensical.

There are moments that the picture pulls off here and there, which are horrific in their own right; still, the overall effect is unclear, which personally left me neither scared nor creeped out.

The story is unpolished, but like I mentioned before, there are moments here and there, and the production value is solid; view at your own risk.
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The Lodge (2019)
Started out great, but went nowhere in the end
3 November 2022
The movie started out great, a visual buffet with horror subtlety sprinkled all around promising a visceral ride, the first act left me feeling excited with anticipation of things to come. The last act of the film wasn't bad either, delivering truly horrific anticipation of things to come, but nothing ever really manifested.

In the end, I believe the pace of the film is too slow for such a thin plot. The visual story stops being impressive after the firs act, the second act is way too slow, and the third act left me, and I believe much of the audience feeling rather disappointed with the flick.

In the end, if you're looking for a classic scare, I think the movie is not for you; if however, you enjoy visual story telling, and don't mind a slow pace, then it might be worth a shot.
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Not a bad premise, but went nowhere
1 November 2022
First of let me say the acting is well done, I watched the movie because of Amanda Seyfried-the lead actress, and she didn't disappoint. The other actors also pulled their weight; the movie is interesting enough to keep you engaged, and the first act in particular is nicely done.

In the end, the movie is just dishonest, there is a reason genres exist. Look, I will never hate on pieces of work that attempt to create novel ways in which to tell their stories, unfortunately though, this flick failed to pull off whatever it was trying to pull off. The third act is not particularly good, and the ending is plain lazy.

If you're on the fence on this one, and watching it for the horror aspect, don't. If you feel like giving it a shot for any other reason, well let me say this, I gave it a five because the ride wasn't half bad.
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Barbarian (2022)
Underwhelming story, solid flick nonetheless
30 October 2022
The cinematography is solid, the acting and editing is well done, and the screenplay is also solid; but the overall story is left wanting, it started out as a short story, and unfortunately it never fully fleshed out.

The movie is well done however, it will leave you saying what the #*$# as the picture creeps you out in truly horrific and surreal ways. It gives you all the slasher goodies and delivers them in a fresh package. I'm not a slasher fan, but I checked out the flick because it was rated so high, and I'm glad I gave it a shot, the ride was well worth it. Like I said, the story falls short somehow, but the ride is well worth the watch.
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The Endless (I) (2017)
A good ride, but without a plot or answers
25 October 2022
First off, let me say that this movie is a solid flick, it is provocative and the ride is well worth the watch.

Saying that, the plot is thin, too thin in my opinion, but that's just me, however, the cinematography and the special effects are on point, and the script is superbly done.

My main problem, like I said, is the plot is thin, what's the point of the movie? Whatever I want it to be, okay, but what is going on? Whatever I think is going on; to me that's a cop out for an otherwise good picture.

If you're just looking for a good ride, give this one a shot. If you're looking for something with more substance, this one might not be for you.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
A solid, suspenseful thriller.
24 October 2022
If all reboots and franchise sequels were given this type of overall effort, the phrase, "another reboot/sequel, ughh", wouldn't be a thing.

I gave it a seven, but if I watch it again and feel the same way, it'll go up another notch.

The movie 'pulls it off', which is always first and foremost-the priority; the lead actress (Elisabeth Moss) gives an outstanding performance, and the other actors pull their weight as well. The framing is nicely done, and the editing is powerful. The sound design is alluring, drawing the audience in and supplementing the movie viscerally.

Like I said, this movie is a solid, suspenseful, psychological thriller, and reimagined beautifully. Is it perfect, no, but it's absolutely worth a watch, to say the least.
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Run (I) (2020)
Superb performance by all sides
22 October 2022
As the tittle proclaims, superb performance by all sides, especially the lady playing the mad mom (Sarah Paulson). The movie relies heavily on suspenseful psychological horror, and pulls it off quite nicely, to say the least.

I gave it a seven because it's the first time I watch this film, but if I ever watch it again and feel the same way, I'm sure I'll give it an eight.

The movie melts all the most intimate, and unconditionally loving parts of human relations-the family-and turns it into something horrific and sadistic, up until the very end.

Like I said before, outstanding performances by everyone.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Pretty solid film
21 October 2022
I don't know where all the bad reviews are coming from, nostalgia is a temptress for hate, remember berries, sniff.

Anyways it's not a GREAT film, it's a tad slow in the second act, HOWEVER, it pulls it off; I was weirded out at the appropriate times, and the suspense was nicely executed. In the end, this film is not really geared towards my taste, but I enjoyed giving it a try nonetheless.

It's well acted, and the cinematography is also nicely done, it's what it is, a slasher horror supernatural thriller. If you're a fan of both the supernatural and slasher genres, and you're on the fence about this one, give it a try and I'm sure you'll enjoy the ride.

I'm a fan of the supernatural, but not the slasher flicks, btw.
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Solid flick, albeit a bit off in the editing
17 October 2022
First of, let me say that this movie could have been better if the editing had been a little more consistent with the overall flow of the flick, which in my opinion carried a suspenseful aura with it. The shacky stop and go, along with a few scenes in the second act just didn't mix well with the rest of the picture.

SAYING THAT, THE MOVIE is well thought out nonetheless, it just didn't land with the aforementioned critique; however, the film is exciting and the flow of the story will keep the audience on its toes.

If you're on the fence on this one, go for it, it is well worth a watch. Like I said, solid flick.
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The Cursed (2021)
Classic Gothic Horror at its best
16 October 2022
I'm only giving the picture a seven because it's the first time that I watch this film, however, if I ever watch it again and feel the same way, I'm sure my rating will go up a notch or two.

It is a bit slow at times, but overall it's well done; the cinematography hits the spot with this kind of genre, the acting is well done, and the direction of the film is horrifically suspenseful.

The suspenseful scenes will leave you with your mouth open at times, and give you goosebumps at others.

If you're a fan of classic gothic horror-which I'm not in particular-, this one is right up your alley, and if you're not, I still think the audience in general will find this flick well worth a watch.
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The Wretched (2019)
Refreshing, wonderous supernatural thriller
15 October 2022
I gave it a seven only because it's the first time that I watched this film, however, if I ever see it again and feel the same way, I'm sure my rating will go up a couple of notches.

First off, the prologue is what's off with this movie; the story needs a tad bit more flushing out, really, how the @$$@ did the prologue make any sense?

Aside from that knit picking-kind of- the story is a nonstop horrific visceral experience. I mean, the acting, cinematography, the direction, and the editing is well done.

The story is good, and the flick ends up not so much scaring the audience, as horrifying them with the possibilities that the antagonist provides to the world. Well done, and refreshing; like I said before, the movie carries a creepy vibe with a light wonder undertone, well worth the watch.
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Crimson Peak (2015)
Interesting, but to me, it seems flat.
11 October 2022
Maybe I'm not getting the whole vibe of the whole classic gothic genre, but the story seems dull. Don't get me wrong, the cinematography is beautiful and the stage direction is superb, but the story is flat out boring.

The cinematography and stage direction is the reason I give it a five.

Not sure where this movie was going, like I said before, maybe the story is not for me; so I will say this, if you're looking for a "horror" flick, this movie is not for you. The scares fall short, as well as the escalation to the finale, which is anticlimactic and mundane.

So, again, if you're looking for a classic horror flick to wet your whistle, pass on this one. If you're a whole fan of the 19th century gothic style genre, maybe you'll really like this picture.
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Demonic (I) (2021)
Not a bad movie perse, but definitely mundane
8 October 2022
The movie has wonderful cinematography and is well thought out. It dares to break the mold, and the movie makes an honest attempt to do so; it just doesn't land, and hey, sometimes that happens.

From what I can see, the main problem is that it tries to sprinkle a little bit of this, a little bit of that and a little else of this and in the end it doesn't really do much of anything. The movie is part slasher and supernatural, mixed with sci-fi and sprinkled with elements of a tactical thriller; and in the end I think much of the audience ends up feeling like, Eh.

In the end, I didn't like the movie, and the only reason I give it a five is because it looks like the team tried their best, the kernel just wasn't good. Genres are there for a reason, and hey, fortune favors the bold, but more often that not, the brave fall; and this movie failed, in my opinion.
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The Northman (2022)
Delightfully Artful, Brutally Inciteful
16 September 2022
The movie is classically poetic and visually aesthetic that mixes the surreal with the natural. It's a one show pony (it's based on Norse mythology), however, it's story is intriguing and it's varied enough to keep one on their toes. Just know what to expect, it's a classical story, in every sense of the word, however, it's beat is not boring, to say the least.

If you're a fan of historical dramas, this one won't disappoint. The end is predictive, but the ride is worth the watch. Not to mention its visually creative, and is very artful in nature, without any of the smell.

I rated this a seven because it's my first time watching this film, and I'm on the fence about rating it a star higher, however if I watch it again and feel the same way, my rating might go up a couple of notches.
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A solid film
15 September 2022
Passionately written and poetically tragic. This film is a romantic film geared towards masculine personalities, and it delivers well. The film has you hoping and sighing throughout its course.

If you're on the fence, go for it, it has all the goodness you hope to expect from this type of genre, without being plagued by any of the superfluous and mundane moments a lot of films of this type seem to have, especially nowadays.

It has two very well respected actors involved, which is why I gave it a shot and I'm glad I did. Not really my type of genre, and it's my first time viewing the picture, which is why I gave it a 7. However, if I ever see it again, I'm sure my rating will go up.
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The Order (2003)
Solid good flick, even though it's a bit off.
11 September 2022
First of, let me say this movie is worth a watch.

Saying that, the whole idea of the antagonist is off putting to the universe in which it exist. That is the reason, in my opinion, The movie disagrees with many members of the audience. Viewers might disagree with me, but it does require one to force the idea through, and that is not the mark of a good film.

Saying that, the movie is visually encapsulating, and the screenplay is solid with good performances by all involved. It mystique captures the viewers attention, the story evolves organically, and leaves the audience satisfied, as well as intrigued.
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worth a watch, if just to fill a lonely night
10 September 2022
For someone that's not really into romance, a typical guy I suppose, the movie didn't disappoint. I faintly remember seeing this movie when I was a young teenager, back in the last days of the old millennium, and gave it a watch just for kicks. I have to say, it plays well, even after all this time.

It's light enough to want to re-watch (for me anyways) and heavy enough to take a breath at the end. Combining a Shakespearean language style with a modern English tongue gives it a zany feel that hits the spot for this type of flick, and the tone of the film compliments the loose style of the movie.

If you're sitting down by yourself on a lonely night, or day, and feel a little reminiscent of past...whatever, definitely worth a watch. And if you're into romance, then I suppose it's a no brainer.

In the end, the fact that the film pulls it off, is a testament to the quality of... well the movie.
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Not enough story for such a slow movie
10 September 2022
Beautifully shot, and the landscape takes a character of its own, but the story unfolds at such a slow pace that it leaves one uninspired and unimpressed.

I was only able to watch it halfway, for a rule of mine is if its only half good, its no good. The story starts slow, which is fine for a western, almost expected in some ways, but if fails to deliver anything worth while as the whole first half of the movie could have been shot in fifteen minutes or less, in my opinion.

This sort of material is best left for a novel, where the visceral and the methodical can truly be explored, which is what I feel this film is attempting to do, but fails flat.

I gave it a five out of ten, for the simple reason that it seems a good number of people enjoyed the film, but I suspect a whole lot of people also felt similar to myself, untuned in thought and superfluous in nature.
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White or black, it speaks to all of us even now more than ever.
14 August 2022
The white saviors are put to the test and when it gets real, they must see if it was all a façade. Black or white, we are all trying to do our best.

"You see yourself as a colored man..., but I see myself as a man." And vice versa.

Is it a bit slow, yes. Is it a bit cheesy, yes. Am I happy I can honestly say it's worth a watch, yes. I gave it an eight out of a respect, but for an old movie from the 1960's, a seven is not bad.
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Rawhide (1951)
14 August 2022
I have to admit, for a western made in the 1950's, the movie holds its own, even by todays standards. It keeps you engaged and makes you feel like a real stakeholder. A little cheesy, of course, but not bad for an old timey flick.
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Radioactive (2019)
For a movie, not bad
13 August 2022
This type of work is something that an episodic production is best suited for. The story feels rushed and unexplored. All in all however, if you have the time it's worth a watch, not a bad movie.
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