
49 Reviews
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Night Watch (2004)
deceitful film, good idea, excellent premise but awful storytelling.
13 March 2005
This film is a true fiasco, it promises a lot, but delivers true boring storytelling, bad acting and awful action. The photography is decent, the acting is the worse i have seen. There is no direction in this film, the premise is really good, but the director is a dumb person, that makes a bomb of a film, and it explodes in his hands. This film is an overall disaster. This film is a waste of time and resources. There has been a lot of reviews praising this bad film, maybe those people are hired by the distribution company to post those lies, because these films delivers nothing but boredom and bad acting and awful direction. I really think this films starts with an excellent idea and a real good premise, but all is wasted in stupid sequences and nonsense of a bad fantasy and worse story.
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High Tension (2003)
relentless suspense, supreme stylish horror and gore
13 March 2005
The High tension film images, colors and photography are masterful. Lets say that director Aja and collaborators, have achieved a supreme horror tale, a surprising story of blood and unstoppable horror. This is a film that stays in your mind long after you have seen it. As simple as a true nightmare from which you cannot awake. This film uses elements of horror and gore, that already exist of course, but Aja uses them and combines them to tell us viewers, a surprising magnificent and haunting story. The mixing of elements is just simply correct,the acting is top notch, and the special effects are just the best to see. The gore is used as an element of the superb story, and not as the main element, like in other movies, that use gore as an excuse of horror. This film is true horror.
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Killing Cabos (2004)
entertaining, good. with flaws, really good all the same.
6 February 2005
hi, I assume that you are moviegoer, let me tell you that what happens in Mexico is that we Mexicans think that everything that we make, even cinema in this case is "chafa", that means "poorly and badly done". If a Mexican does something, or attempts to create a product, or actually does it, in this case a movie, then, thankfully not all Mexicans of course, we say that is "chafa", just because it is Mexican. We Mexicans hate our products and our culture. I have seen that this happens in some other countries too, not just Mexico. But hopefully that is changing in Mexico , the proof is that Matando Cabos, did well at the Mexican box office. Of course this film has its flaws, what movie doesn't, films goals primordially is to entertain, this films achieves this greatly. assume this and (Mexicans), shut up and help, don't just criticize in a hateful way. Go see films, no matter the origin or the genre, it depends just in the mood of the day.
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Returner (2002)
superb and well crafted sci fi film
10 February 2004
This film I rented this past weekend, I had my doubts because i actually havent had good experiences with asian films, they are too silly and badly made, with characters that sometimes are supposed to be funny but are ridiculuos instead. With exagerated action and stupid acting in general, But I saw the image for this film, and i kind of like it. So I gave it a shot. And let me tell you this film has no silliness in it, I LOVED IT. IT has plenty of emotive acting, and relly good action. WHAT I LIKED THE MOST IS THAT AS DIFFERENT AS ANY OTHER ASIAN FILM I HAVE SEEN, THIS ONE IS REALLY WELL CRAFTED. The acting is excellent I LOVED THE CHILDS CHARACTER AND THE ACTION. I actually went to buy this film, I HAD TO OWN IT TO SEE IT SEVERAL TIMES. Really superior film. And though it has some elements from other famous films, these elements are well intertwined making an excellent experience of a film. And these days what film is utter original, come on!!!, the importance of a film is the craft of it, the emotions that it conveys, I am looking forward for the next films of this director Takashi Yamazaki. WAY TO GO!!!
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Undead (2003)
great achievement
25 December 2003
When I saw the cover art for this DVD, I thought it was quite cool, but in some way just another zombie creature film. But I was wrong this australian guys and brothers that made this film, deserve some awards, The story though a little predictible, it achieves new levels of dark humor action, western in one piece of celluloid and story. The acting is real good, the sepcial effects are awsome. The action is very cool. This film is really worthwhile watching several times. I will be looking for more films from this guys. Real good stuff.
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really cool short film
16 November 2003
I just had the opportunity at last to see this amazing short film. It cost me a lot of effort but finally i got a grab at this really good piece of art. Movies should be given to hardcore fans of the comic characters, this guys involved in this short film, did a better job than famous Joel Schumacher and all that money and famous actors in the awful flick they made. This is a great example that the heart of a movie is not a famous director or actor like val kilmer or george clooney, or schwarzenneger, my good this short film is a jewel and far more entertaining than the film directed by joel schumacher, the studios should learn that. This film rocks.
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really excellent movie, no complaints.
14 September 2003
I had the opportunity to see this excellent film, at last. Here it was released until septmeber 12. Well the time waiting, was worth it. I really was expecting some bad, silly, movie, to say the least. I had read all the reviews by users and by the critics, most of them have just ripped apart this film, I really dont know if I am in some kind of twilight zone here, but LXG, is not bad at all, as all had been saying. They all write that this film is awful, and it is not. I liked it better than Pirates, damn, maybe they have seen some other film or something. Because, LXG, has excellent story, characters, FX, it is like a dream come true. And let me remind you that in dreams and fantasy stories, reality can be bend at pleasure. So stop complaining about this film being bad, and just enjoy it.
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disturbing beginning to end. great.
14 September 2003
This film has no compassion at all with us moviegoers, from the beginning of the film until the end of it this film is excellent, disturbing, scary, no wonder why it was rejected by other studios, this idea by rob zombie has come out from his deepest and most disturbing nightmares. wow!!, this Zombie is good, it gives a unique vision of horror, scary and disturbing style. Rob Zombie rocks!! please make more films. This is real hardcore horror film.
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Hulk (2003)
full of deep emotions, great storyteller
6 July 2003
This film is not just another summer action packed, senseless film. This movie shows that a great story can be told, and that can surprise, and be reinvented even if we already know what it is about. THe direction by Ang Lee, rapports a lot of deep very emotive feelings. Using the cinematographic language, he makes the audience feel connected somehow to the stream of emotions, that vary, from love, anguish, anger, pain, desire, that the characters live through the story. Excellent movie. The only thing that I didnt like from studios nowadays is that somehow they are showing audiences a lot of scenes from films, in the trailers on TV, and that spoils a little bit the surprise of warching the special FX first time when going to the theater. Specially in high budget films, like Matrix, and Hulk etc.., please studios a trailer is just a sneak peek, dont spoil the fun. I watched involuntarily so many times the special FX from the Matrix reloaded on TV, that they even bored me when I went to see the film, the studios are maybe so desperate to attract audiences that they ruin the whole movie expirience.
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overloaded, overused, exaggerated
6 July 2003
I am an unconditional fan of the Matrix I have seen it a dozen times. I just love it, but this sequel is very disappointing, it is just exaggerated and simply stupid, it has nothing to do with the original, Wachowski brothers what a shame, i wont be seeing the Revolutions, maybe not even on video. You were tramped by the success and the financial freedom that the original gave you. You should have sticked to the spirit of the original, the underground spirit and mood, that were so attractive in the first one, the dark and simply corrosive environment of the first one that pulled people to see the original Matrix. Sorry, but this movie sucks. Another example of a sequel of success, like Blade 2. On the other hand, the Animatrix are some other thing, they still have the original spirit. The Animatrix are amazing, not like this senseless film.
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Equilibrium (2002)
master director
5 July 2003
kurt Wimmer, with a tight budget achieved the completion of a superb film. The story behinf this movie is deep and touching, the action though simple is unique and surprisingly refreshing. The acting is real good, the mood of the whole film is amazing, it is not like other action films, that deal with action solely and leave just a poor story, this film is no stupid paraphernalia, this film is a cult classic.
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Hulk (2003)
in depth story, excellent treatment
2 July 2003
Excellent choice of direction, this movie is not just another summer lame stupid actioner, like Lara Croft Tomb Raider for example or Charlies Angels, of course I also love to see lame stupid action movies. My point is only, that this movie is intelligent and goes deep in emotions and to the origins of the characters, specially the misunderstood heroe Hulk. Most of the action we had already seen in the trailers on TV, the important thing is the drama treatment, the action just completes the excellent film. If you just want to enter the theater and see action, and you dont want to use your brain at all, then go see another movie. If you want an excellent film, with action and a superb story, then go see the Hulk. Just a masterful adaptation!!
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Equilibrium (2002)
simply a masterpiece
23 April 2003
the Amazing, Now One of my heroes, Mr. Kurt Wimmer, is one of the best directors nowadays, simply because he managed to make this excellent film with a short budget, action movies with a brain are difficult to make, but this film proves that is possible. It has no reminiscence to any other movie, it has nothing to do with Matrix or Gattaca, this movie stands on its one. It deserves a better recognition, the only similarity with other good movies is that this movie is an excellent piece of art. Simply one of the best. Way to go Kurt Wimmer.
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Daredevil (2003)
very dark, extremely good, better than others
12 April 2003
This movie, this movie has a heart. The director is amazing, this mfilm is compelling, this film gives us comic fans, that there are people that can convey the original idea of a comic to the big screen and do it as expected and better. The first example is Stephen Norrington with Blade, and now with the upcoming LXG. But Daredevil, By my hero now, Director Mr. Steven Johnson, simply gives us comic and movie fans the correct idea of a comic hero in the screen, Please keep the good work, and pay no attention to the people that say other thing. This movie is Up there with the original Blade, and X men.
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Avalon (2001)
1 February 2003
for a lot of time I was looking forward to see this movie, here in Latinamerica japanese or any oriental movies have no distribution in theaters, we can find some of those movies in some underground stores, and I just found Avalon, I was expecting something good, but the only good thing in this movie is the first scene, the rest of the movie is boring and senseless, just plain stupid, with a lot of useless scenes, and a boring story. I am wasting my time even writing about this film. Sorry but is the truth.
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superior plain and simple
11 September 2002
since crying freeman, Gans showed his superior skills to tell an action story, but in this movie he shows a masters director skill, he deserves a lot recognition. Dacascos as well deserves better recognition, i hope they team up again in svereal more movies. This movie uses a lot of resources and Gans uses them well, this movie only flaw is the fate of Mani, I think it could have ended without doing that to Dacscos character.
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Blade II (2002)
real good sequel
9 June 2002
This movie has the distinctive details and excellent direction that is characteristic of Guillermo del Toro, I think that at the begenning it lacks of a better introduction, something a little bit faster, and surprising, but the next action and choreography of the fights, make us want more of it. I really miss the presence of the female charachter that stayed with Blade at the end of the original, I wish that somehow they can bring her back in the next part. Please hurry with Blade 3. But make it as good as this first two.
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Druids (2001)
really just plain nonsense
22 April 2002
This movie seems to be made by some drunken director that had no sense at all of cinematography, I have seen B movies , that are more interesting and exciting than this stupidity. I cant believe that there are people that can make this kind of nonsense and there are several, like the nonsense called battlefield earth, I dont know if there is a contest to make the worse and more stupid movie wasting a lot of money, wow !! what an effort to make bad movies!!
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high espectations poor results
28 March 2002
I went to see this movie because i liked the trailer, I thought this movie was going to be good, I am a horror movie fan. Let me tell you the only thing good of this boring movie, was the makeup special effects, the story has potential and all, but it was handled in a poor way, this movie results to be a total deception. Come on, this director ruined a good story, sorry, but is the truth, the only people that might get scared with this is a little kid or a sensible girl.
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daring funny and interesting film
28 March 2002
This movie pushes the limits of a topic that most of the times filmmakers dont even dare to touch, the only movie that is kind of near to this excellent one, is Crash by filmmaker david cronenberg, but unlike crash, y tu mama tambien.. handles a story that is truly believable and nor pure fiction as crash, this gives its true meaning and force to the story and to the surprising ending. And besides all this movie is also funny, just go see this one, you will feel something.
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Life Kills (2002)
great effort best results
7 February 2002
This movie deals in a really good way with an interesting romantic comedy, that is brought between and by two somehow very different type of person, but at the same time have a lot of common aspects that attract them. I think this is a really funny movie, very well acted and directed, the production is excellent too.
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strange but good political comedy
26 January 2002
This movie starts with a really funny and classical political Latin American scene, it advances at a good pace, but at some point it turns to be a little bit long and eerie, the eeriness is enhanced by the digitally produced scenarios that though not really believable are a good effort. I think the movie is a little bit difficult because of the sudden story turns, but it turns out to be a funny and enjoyable film.
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Un mundo raro (2001)
a great and different type of humor
26 January 2002
This movie marks the new beginning of Mexican comedies for this 2002, I think it deals with black comedy really well, Casas is a really good translator of Mexican tv´s showbusiness. The movie uses simple elements of Mexican social reality to take the moviegoer to its own reality, and show it as an "odd one" and really funny. This movie is intelligent and pungent.
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JRR Tolkien would agree!!!
27 December 2001
In the 80s i was real young, I was a child of nine years, my parents took me to a theater to see a film called Lord of the rings, this movie was animation. I was surprised and marvelled by that movie, the characters and the story, even if that film didnt have a coherent ending, I waited for several years for the sequel of that amazing story, it didnt arrive. Later I learned that the film was based on the books by Tolkien, I love to read, but for some reason y havent read those books. Now that I have seen this live film adaptation of the story by author Tolkien, I really am thankful that no other filmmaker dared to mess with these fantastic stories along these years, Jackson is no other thing but a genious filmmaker, all my life I had waited for someone to deliver this kind of magic in the film fantastic genre, I thought tha with labyrinth and the Dark Crystal, I had seen all and the best that films could bring us moviegoers to fantastic stories, but I was truly wrong. LOTR fellowship is worth the greatest praises is already having, let alone say about this great filmmamker Peter Jackson. JRRtolkien, if alive would agree.
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Labyrinth (1986)
one of the best
27 December 2001
i have seen this move several times, on video of course, when I was a child i saw it several times at the theater, I think this move has been underrated, this movie deserves better in the history of fantasy films. I think the new generations deserve to watch this movie at the theaters.
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