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Night Gallery: Finnegan's Flight (1972)
Season 3, Episode 9
So dumb it's beyond stupid!
3 June 2024
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Finnegan's Flight was so dumb it's beyond stupid! Finnegan ( Micky from Rocky) was a life long felon who can not take incarceration anymore. Finnegan's Flight starts out interesting with a story development of hypnosis helping Finnegan's incarceration. Finnegan has the ability to take hypnosis to a higher level of making the subconscious into reality. Starts out find but becomes silly. Good acting, directing etc, but regrettably no hypnosis can not do this. All the way down to the memorable stupid ending. The prison explodes threw hypnosis. Blanking type stupid. I remembered the ending for the wrong reasons. 3 stars.
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Night Gallery: The Other Way Out (1972)
Season 3, Episode 8
Not bad, but a repeater!
26 May 2024
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The Other Way Out was not bad, but a repeater! If you saw the other revenge motive Night Gallery episodes we got dejavu. The Other Way Out was easy to figure out. Starts out strong a desperate guy on the road involved in black mail. Very, Rod Serling the desperate guy story angle. Good casting, and strong acting, but part way threw one see the sinister revenge plot. A man with a plan, which was underestimated was the plot twist. Reminds me of the plot in every 80's horror revenge story. The wrath of the wronged. A twisted ending which fits the twisted late 70's to 80's revenge horror genre. Not bad, but repeat of a repeat. 5 stars.
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Did not mind it!
26 May 2024
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You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan I did not mind it! Ozzie plays a crazy science guy in a 50's fashion of a family sit com. I did not mind it, but morbid for 50's wholesome T. V. Someone dumb enough to do such a stupidly is believable in todays world. Less bizzarro now then 50 years ago. The ending saves the installment. Twisted, in a funny way! Smile Please was just another stupid comic stick. The viewer could see the sight gags which are old. I had a feeling about the jump scare twist ending. So bad actually I found the ending memorable. Both installments are lame, but the saving power was the twisted plot twists. 6 stars.
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Better then the original!
21 May 2024
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The original was a great horror concept! Being isolated in the middle of no where with home invaders, but the film dragged in spots. Chapter 1 copies and builds on the original. Chapter 1 compared to the original, which had none, started with character, and environmental story development. A off the road town called Venus in Orgon that had a mysterious murder, a nice couple with character faults of being too meek, and a strange town which does not like outsiders builds a environment of creepiness. Questions was the car deliberately sabotaged? Was the air B & B a set up by the waitress? When the body was found was that the first test run? Why was the hotel closed? Un like the original I actually feel for the victims, and have an un easy feel for the town of Venus which the cabin was located by. Don't even stop for gas there type of town! The added environmental, and character development create a tone and rhythm for a slow burn horror movie. I felt something bad will happen, but what was going happen? Just a matter of when more than if? The following is Tamera here etc had more effective then the original. Chapter 1 had modern up dates, a few different spins, and changes which make the film chapter 1 and improved update. I bet the waitress was one of the strangers? 7 or 8 stars. Believable horror movie which was actually scarry! ( No need for effect or C G I here.)
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I did not mind this one!
19 May 2024
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The Ring with the Red Velvet Ropes, I did not mind this one, but I should have! Basically, Rod Serling refurbished the episode A Game of Pool for a Night Gallery version. Even if I get the story and a fine story on re run of an old Twilight Zone Serling can do it just as sweet. What makes The Ring with the Red Velvet Ropes was the casting: Chuck Connors does a Chuck Norris tough guy boxers role perfectly right down to the knock out punch. Joan Van Ark seduces the pants of Connors as the diva which adds some hot sauce which the Game of Pool did not have. The supporting character are believable and set the tone for the big match. The boxing match was chorography perfectly. A memorable episode 7 stars.
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Night Gallery: Rare Objects (1972)
Season 3, Episode 4
Starts out strong!
17 May 2024
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Rare Objects starts out strong! Strong acting by Micky, with old school mob set up at the bar. The episodes back ground developmental storyline creates the feel of grit/desperation of gangster who's about to be rubbed out! There was a way out for the aging gangster, but at a price. The plot device of what way out keeps the viewer guessing, and glued to the t v screen. Then I remembered watching the ending of this episode years before, while in high school watching a rerun from an independent t v station form North Dakota. OOO that ending! In true old School, old Twilight Zone, Rod Serling lame plot twist ending fashion. The gangster will be part of a Zoo for this rich dude. Memorable but lame. Good enough to be remember, but so lame I remember the episode because of lame ending. 6 stars.
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One of my favorites!
16 May 2024
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The Girl with the Hungry Eyes is one of my favorites! The old black widow, the siren story of beauty luring a man to his own death/destruction. A good story of the siren tragedy executed with great acting, and directing. A model makes a photographer a star as a sole represents the woman no man can resist. The still shots, and interactions makes the model a mix of beauty and charm, which puts any man into lustful desire with the siren's sinister plan. The special effects were okay, the script was predictable, but the casting and directing put The Girl with the Hungry Eyes into a memorable classic.
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A true classic!
15 May 2024
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The Caterpillar feels more like a short story than a T V episode. Set in Colonial times, with the old story of the worm that eats your brain threw the ear. The worst part was the stories without effects which make the viewers imagination run wild. What a plot twist about tables being turned was great. Caterpillar was creepy, keeps the viewers attention, and has few solid plot twists with a memorable ending. I give this nine stars. Little Girl Lost has a bad government story line with very scary characters. A unbalance scientist and no scruples handlers push (cold war story line) for the ultimate weapon. Strong points was the scientist acting, or really crazy sub story? The weak points are too dragged out parts with the daughter and too much dialogue of character development creates a predictable ending; but a memorable social commentary for the ending. Still, Little Girl Lost was good installment 7 stars. 8 stars for the final episode.
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Strong installments.
13 May 2024
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Strong installments. Classic Rob Serling what works with the waiting room was gunslingers waiting for one of their own. Each plays pokers, drinks and awaits a bad fait. Reminds me of the older Twilight Zones. What works was the stories each small arch character awaits to replay. I got the ending who the guy saw hanging in a dirty Western town. Last Rites was a scary story like the Shinning as Bill was slowly turning mad. Wondered if the wife knew? Bill, B should of turned into the Hulk to help this one out! LOL I found the ending a good twist. I remembered see this way back as a kid. Then ending has a early 70's evil twist. 8 stars.
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Well okay
13 May 2024
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The Green thumb one was interesting. The developer wants and old lady to die and hires a hitman. Green thumb interested the viewer with the build up, but the ending was about a predictable as burgers at Mc Donald's. 5 stars. The Funeral has an arrangement of old school, black and white, horror movie character meet for a Vampires funeral. Funny and stupid in an entertaining way! Amusing enough I give the comic installment 6 stars. The Tune in Dan's Cafe had the late 60's early 70's style repeating of filming events. Artistic, installment but annoying too watching a film loop playing with a skipping jukebox. Memorable in an annoying way. When will this skipping end? Maybe, that was the point! I give Dan's Cafe a five for lousy food and worse service. In all I give this episode 5 stars.
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Puppets Who Kill (2002–2006)
So stupid it's Hilarious!
11 May 2024
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Puppets Who Kill was so stupid it's Hilarious! I have a feeling a bunch of drunk guys who were bowling together came up with such dark humor. The idea of a half way house for puppet who kill was great. The half way house guy the serious guy was great. The rough Roco puppet was silly, but the sport jacket psycho puppet was just hilarious. What work was the outrageous lines the puppets would say. Puppets with guns, stolen cars, the rabbit episode was so ridiculously stupid was a should I laugh at this humor moment which burns into your memory. Demented humor which stick with you like someone farting in a elevator. 7 stars.
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great episodes, but epic ending failure on both installments.
4 May 2024
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The Beacon/One Life, Furnished in Early are great episodes, but epic ending failure on both installments. Saw the plot twists a mile away. I will use a hockey analogy; The Beacon/One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty was like a player doing great stick work on a break away and misses the open net. The Beacon starts out interesting with a lost doctor stuck in a strange fishing village. Great lighting, sets, and casting. Stand out acting by B actor Martin Landau as the fanatic cult leader. Regrettably, The Beacon follows the Wickerman story closely to the dreaded ending. One too many time use of the surprise plot twist ending. One Life was a story about and angry man who's self discovery on a strange day of going back home and meeting his younger self. A misunderstood, kid who's dad did not know how to talk too. Close to real life material. The twist of his future self created the anger boy caught the surprise early. Yeah... Yeah saw the social message with the ending of in some way you create yourself and letting go of the past. The cab driver at the end I get it not worth it I liked that part. 7 stars. Strong stories, but the endings. Yikes 7 stars.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
So bad it's great!
3 May 2024
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The Fall Guy the movie, not the show, was So bad it's great! The old T V shows to big budget movies need that right mixture which make the film close enough to the old show, but different enough to stand out as new, which creates entertainment. The Fall Guy series made episodes thin on plot, plot holes, silly scenarios all for an excuse of having incredible stunts. Some episode were better then others. The Mad Comic version, which I own, had a skit about the series with Colt jumping over a plane with the famous truck truck then chasing the bail jumpers threw a shopping mall to hilarious show the weekly series silliness! The Fall Guy was the 80's stunt show competing against the Dukes of Hazards competing for the all those 14 year old audience of teenagers . 2024 series got the formula right. A thine on script excuses for stunts movie like a the old T V series. What worked: The Stunts. Silliness of the characters with some seriousness. A poke at Hollywood. The Romantic side of Colt mixed with the thumbs up macho character. What did not work: Well you really have to turn your brain of with this one. Missing the Howie and Jodi side characters; well maybe for part 2. Turn your brain off a laugh film. Like Colt I give this film a thumbs up 7 stars.
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Night Gallery: Pilot (1969)
Season 1, Episode 0
Strong pilot!
30 April 2024
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Strong pilot with all good stories right out the film can. The greedy nephew kills his rich uncle and there was paintings to project revenge from the grave. A mix of film and paintings makes for a surreal episode with a twist ending. The women who want to see was a episode of ruthlessness and a twist were the rich women gets to see during a black out. Spielberg brings out creative insights with a violent twists. Nazi war criminal which mixes what the character evil was. There was a mix of photos of fishing with special effects and the good mix of film and art. I like the collage of art and film which make for a great ending twist. One of the strongest installments 9 stars.
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28 April 2024
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Okay! Or jut okay! Pickman's model had a bit of mystery. Directed and acted like a well done romance novel. Well the ending was a bit predictable, but still watchable. The Dear Departed had a con show with a love triangle. The build up and story line was okay. I found the conclusion lame. All build up and a big fissile. An Act of Chivalry was a lame attempt at humor. Sight gag humor. Funny but lame. I give Pickman a seven, Departed a four started out strong, but ended lame. Chivalry a three. In my calculus I give this installment a six out of ten stars. Watch the Pickman's Model/The Dear Departed/An Act of Chivalry one time only.
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One out of three was a classic!
27 April 2024
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I remember watching these episodes with my friends the boys. The Shadow Man had it all. The jocks, geeks, popular girls 80's theme. Well a smart but arrogant nerdy kid has a Shadow Man under his bed. The episode takes a turn on popularity and costs. The special effects, 80's backdrop and the plot twist ending makes Shadow Man memorable. My buddy Tony thought the kid was a jerk! The Uncle Devil show was a take on the old episode about the kid who got what he imagined, but with a twist about parents who never pay attention. Humor but in a disturbed way. Opening day has a murder plot, and loops the two characters together. Bizarre but effects conclusion; was it in his mind or did the man have a future vision. Deep ending. 6 stars the disturbed episodes.
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Not bad but not great either.
26 April 2024
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Well if you had to pick the better of the two I liked Dead Woman's Shoes. What works was the transformation of a clerk who's wears the shoes dropped off by a lawyer who's wife recently died. These shoes are not the ones from the Wizard of Oz! Hell no, but bad ass shoes which possess the person who wear them by the old wife. Well, the clerk acting like the rich women was great acting, but the viewer asks why did the happen? Which was the plot device which keeps the viewer wanting more. A murder victim wanting revenge plot twist was great. Wong's Lost and Found Emporium well let's just write was a better short story than a t v installment. A fantasy story Wong finds after years of not caring gives Wong what is lacking in the guys life. It just took too long to divulge the wholes story. You wanted to like Wong, but it just took too long. Split the two and I the N0v 22 installment 6 stars.
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Probably a better book than a movies.
23 April 2024
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The Incredible Shrinking Man(1957) was probably a better book than a movies. I remembered watching this when I was about 4, when my family lived in Portage La Perrie. Just some little guy running around. Cool special effects. My wife mistakenly down loaded this classic,; a mix up when I was talking about the Incredible Melting Man. So we watched it any way: What work: The special effects from 1957 held up well. The cat trying to eat the little guy. Bigger and bigger cups etc. The fight with the spider etc. I liked! What did not work. Radiation and bug spray caused the shrinking!?! Lame. Stared out strong with protagonist wondering what was happening, and going to the carnival part the movie took a down turn as the Shrinking man slowed down. Better read as a novel than a movie as the survival of the basement became long and stretched out. More of an effects movie for todays C G I culture. The story of man survival was okay, but I would of preferred and ending of the little guy getting eaten by the cat. Call me demented. 6 stars.
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Just another one of those 80's teen sex comedies!
22 April 2024
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Just One of the Guys is just one of those 1980's teen sex comedies. Well hot look gal Terry pretends to be a guy for a week to prove sexism for not getting her article published was the movies twist. Has the usual boobs, the over horny brothers who non stop sex problems and stereo typed guys. During the 80's you would not get the police called on you for that and forced counseling of the brother. Anyway Terry's rich, good looking boyfriend etc want to be a reporter. Some overtop humor with boyfriend, the bully, stupid pranks, and the love interested which thinks Terry was a guy blends a decent story. Done better than must teenage sex comedies. Seen worse, but not a classic!
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The Twilight Zone (1985–1989)
Better than the original in some way worse in others.
21 April 2024
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The original series had some great classic shows like Terror at 20 000 ft, To serve man etc. Regrettably some long winded social message ones like Monster due on main street. Nothing will replace Rod Serling's narrative camera shot intros, with cigarette in hand! Smart not try and find a Rod clone for the remake! What works for the 20 plus years installment of The Twilight Zone from the 80's was not trying to be too much like the original but similar in the essence of the previous series. Instead of one whole show which can drag out there was two sometime and more installments for the show which never drag out a preach story, but too short sometimes for a classic story for some installments. I like it. Rod may not be there but many famous short stories and authors like Stephen King created some brilliant material. Some episodes are funny, serious, others flop but over all worth watching. 7 stars.
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Well I seen better but Entertaining.
15 April 2024
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Well I seen better but Entertaining. Teacher's Aide had a bit of a 1984 Ghost Busters feel. A teacher get's possessed by and evil gargoyle type of statues in a tough inner city school. Well interesting in a special effects way. Formulated in a 80's special effects show. Paladin of the Lost Hour has an old man who watched time. Being mugged but saved there was a story of the old man and the disillusioned army veteran. What works was wondering what will happened next. Sappy story. I liked it better the first times. This time I found the lost hour a bit of missing time; not as good the second time around. Sappy 6 stars.
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Lame and good!
14 April 2024
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Well we got a double installment in this one. I did not mind Examination day. Regrettably, Examination day was a bit long on the dialogue. The viewer has hints that the examination was not good by the parents facial expressions; what saves Examination Day was the hard hitting ending. A Message from Charity was well written, acted, and directed. What works was the story of a viral out break brings two people from different times together because of fever dreams. Good acting, and directing as two characters interact from different times. A twist was the witch trials and a smart teenager must figure out how to help his new friend. I liked the ending. Both had strong ending. 6 stars.
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The Twilight Zone: If She Dies/Ye Gods (1985)
Season 1, Episode 5
13 April 2024
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If She Dies Deblanco plays the concerned father quite well. The apparition/daughter part was interesting, but I saw the ending a mile away. Nice try. I heavy story followed by a silly story. The second one make one laugh in a silly way. Very 80s with two self absorbed yuppies and a drunk cupid. What happens was the protagonist was a power broker deal maker who now falls in love cause of an angry cupid. To fix his life the protagonist must power broke cupids love life. Very, Los Angles 80's style which just gets silly and sillier. The ending was just classic. So bad it's good, one of those episodes that just stick out in your memory. I give the two a combined rating of 7.
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Well a good mix
12 April 2024
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Little Boy Lost/Wish Bank/Nightcrawlers was a good mix of stories. Little Boy lost was a sad story but good one. A career driven women has a choice of a man she loves and her dream job. Has a photo shoot with a nice young red headed boy. A sweet story part. One of the saddest stories for The Twilight Zone about values. Wish Bank was a more swank woman's story about three wishes. A few sex in the city type comments. Shame, but a funny episode. Nightcrawlers was a cool episode about dreams a Utah dinner, state trooper, and vet. Cool when you are 15 but the episode just kind of lame and does not age well. A creepy episode. All three balance each other out. 7 stars.
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Not bad!
12 April 2024
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Well the next installment was well written. Healer was a decent written episode. A con man steals a healing stone and the viewer wonders what will happen next. Well acted and directed. I love the twist and moral of the story. Had me guessing. Children's Zoo was so bizarre and I just liked it. As a teenager with difficult parents one could relate with the moral of the Children's Zoo episode. I figured it out before the installment ended. Kentucky Rye was the weaker installment. Fun times at the bar was cool. Figured out the ending way too early. Got it with the drinking and driving episode. 7 stars. Not bad.
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