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Good adaptation of the novel...
18 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
All you folks complaining that you took your child to the movie expecting to see Narnia and were shocked that it was about a child's death do realize that the final book of the Narnia series ends up with EVERYONE dying, right? sigh...

This is a solid adaptation of the Newbury award winning children's book. The two lead actors are particularly good with AnnaSophia Robb finally coming into her own with a role that she nails. Much of the meat and content of the book is left intact while it seems to have been updated for current times...There are seem deep things at play here: friendship, imagination, a world with real hardships and obstacles to face, family, love, the nature of God... Bravo Walden Media!
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The Return of the Jedi of the Godfather trilogy...
18 July 2007
Remember everyone's high hopes after seeing Star Wars and Empire Strikes back for the third movie in that trilogy? Return of the Jedi hits the theaters - everyone sees it ready for a great finale to that series and...everyone comes out with mixed feelings. The great scenes of Jabbas palace, Bobba Fett, and the speeder bike chases are offset by the annoying toy marketing of the Ewoks and the reused plot device of the Death Star resulting in a film that doesn't end things up on a really satisfying note.

Godfather III is the Return of the Jedi of the Gfather series without a doubt. There are hints of greatness there - Al Pacino, Andy Garica, Talia Shire, Eli Walich are all outstanding. Some memorable lines too that rank up with the best of the Godfather quotes - "Everytime I think I am out they pull me back in!"...A handful of really outstanding dramatic scenes too. However, mixed in with all of that is "Ewoks" and "Death Star 2" crap as well that bring the movie down. Sophia Copolla, God bless her heart, is awful...the whole Vatican plot gets overly confusing and boring to the point where the viewer is just praying to God to make it stop...Robert Duvall's Tom Hagan is deeply missed in this movie... Ah well, you get the point.

Don't see it expecting the greatness of the first two Gfather films and don't see it expecting to marvel at everything that goes on. It is what it is - a flawed ending to a great saga.
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Decent children's movie with surprisingly deep faith themes
26 September 2005
OK folks, Citizen Kane this is not. However, if you want to see a pretty good adaptation of quality children's literature, you cannot go wrong with Winn Dixie. Kudos to Jeff Daniels, Dave Matthews, C. Tyson, and Eva Marie Saint... all of whom shine in their roles. I liked the portrayal of the South as well - they really capture the feel of a small town in Georgia, upper Florida, or the Carolinas very well. Don't forget to check out the parallels between the dog and Jesus, which while not overt, and definitely there! It was refreshing to see a movie that treats faith with respect, but does not have an agenda in pushing something down the viewers throat.
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The 4400 (2004–2007)
Great show that keeps getting better and better...
18 June 2005
The 4400 pays homage to a number of different science fiction shows, but manages to consistently put its own unique and original spin on the story lines week after week.

The tone and the atmosphere of the show hit just the right notes. The acting is good all around with standouts Billy Campbell playing a totally different kind of character than in "Once and Again" and Conchita Campell convincingly playing equal measures of cute and creepy.

After seeing the first couple of shows in Season 2, I am looking forward to seeing where the 4400 is going to take us.
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The worst of the series...It cannot get worse than this
20 December 2003
God bless Randy Quaid...his leachorous Cousin Eddie in Vacation and Christmas Vacation hilariously stole the show. He even made the awful Vegas Vacation at least worth a look.

I will say that he tries hard in this made for TV sequel, but that the script is so NON funny that the movie never really gets anywhere. Quaid and the rest of the returning Vacation vets (including the orginal Audrey, Dana Barron) are wasted here. Even European Vacation's Eric Idle cannot save the show in a brief cameo....

Pathetic and sad...actually painful to watch....Christmas Vacation 2 is the worst of the Vacation franchise.
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28 Days Later (2002)
Ignore the bad reviews, 28 days is pretty good!
10 May 2003
Sure there are some plot holes and such in this flick, but I really liked it...It's creepy and unsettling, which is what a good horror movie is supposed to be.

I'd be interested in seeing the alternate ending sometime on DVD, but am glad that they went with the ending that they did. After living through all that hopelessness and despair for 2 hours, it's nice to have a little bit of an upbeat resolution.
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Great directing and soundtrack uplift mediocre script and acting...
28 January 2002
The best horror movies are the ones that contain a bit of truth in them...The Mothman Prophecies surprisingly falls under this category. A series of "events" in the 60's in Point Pleasant, WV lead up to a disaster on the Ohio River, whereupon the "events" abruptly stopped. This movie takes some dramatic license those events and characters, but accurately hits the highlights and captures the strangeness of those days... Great directing, camerawork, and an spooky soundtrack more than make up for the cheesy script and mediocre acting to give a scarey representation of the Mothman's visits and the Ohio River catastrophy where 46 people died (the movie trims that to 36). And the ending is more than suitable...leaving some things up in the air and providing no easy answers for what went on. Definently worth a matinee visit to the theather!
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Stunning - a true "event"!
2 January 2002
While not faithful to the letter, The Fellowship of the Ring captures the scope and sweep of Tolkin's epic. The casting, scenery, action, and script is dead-on perfect. Highly recommended! Let's hope the Oscars recognize this momunmental achivement.
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Adult comedy, so parents PLEASE keep the younger kids at home!
3 September 2001
AP2 is worth paying a matinee price to go see, it's not quite as fresh as the first one, but it has enough laughs that it holds its own.

An unsettling note through: I'm not a prude or anything but there were lots of elementary-aged and middle school-aged kids in the theater I was in. What's up with that? Parents, this is an ADULT comendy that is raunchy in every sense of the word. Have we gotten to the point where we want 4th graders on the playground cracking the kinds of jokes and swearing profusly like the actors do in AP2? If that's the state of things in America, then we can pretty much hang it up. Anyway, for God's sake hire a babysitter to watch your kids the next time you decide you want to come to such adult-oriented fare. Thank you.
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The Exorcist (1973)
Latest version will scare you beyond belief
21 April 2001
All the unfeeling losers on here who claim that The Exorcist is laughable or silly are dumb, cheese-eating rats.

Let me tell you - I just saw the 2000 Director's Cut DVD version and this movie is still vastly unsettling and frightening. Most horror movies we can laugh at, knowing that they would never happen in real life...This movie however, tackles a subject that perhaps DOES happen and that's what gets to us the most.

In the end, we're left with the startling images and sounds of a young girl screaming in pain and evil from within her room. And we're left with the thought that although good can always defeat evil, it's always with a sacrifice.

Check out the director's commentary on the 2000 DVD version....Friedikin's insights are helpful and help flesh out the real depth of the movie's themes. The extra 11 minutes of footage add a bizzare "spider-walk" scene where the possessed Regan comes down the stairs in a horrifying fashion as well as some medical exam scenes. Particularly interesting in the medical scenes is the doctor diganosing Regan with a form of ADD and putting her on Ritlin! Friedikin must consider this particularly ironic in light of the mass prescrptions of Ritilin in today's children.

One of the Top 10 movies of all time and certainly one of the Top 3 horror/sci-fi movies of all time.
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Striesand almost kills it...ALMOST
23 January 2001
Barbra Striesand is the most boring entertainer alive. Whatever she touches turns into a big, steaming pile of sappiness. When I heard that she was directing the screen version of the brilliant novel Prince of Tides, I almost wept for fear that she would destroy it.

Well, Striesand tries her best to be sure. Her directing is, for the most part, subpar and her acting is TERRIBLE. She looks like she's posing for the camera 90% of the time she's onscreen. argh!

However, Nick Nolte and Kate Nelligan are great...REALLY great. Also George Carlin is pretty good in a cameo role as a New York neighbor. These three folks all save the movie from being unwatchable. Nolte and Nelligan were robbed of Oscars that year, but at least they were recognized with nominations.

Also, I do give bonus points to a stirring soundtrack and an occasional stunning shot of the South Carolina Lowcountry.

Worth a rental but just be prepared for Barbara's presence when you watch it.
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The horror...the horror...
2 January 2001
This movie is not worth a rental even if there is nothing else interesting to see at the video store. Also, DO NOT...DO NOT go see it and pay full admission like I did at the local movie theater. It is NOT worth it.

The storyline and acting are sub-par at best and the whole thing amounts to one very badly done cliche.

And if you are grossed out by naked, smelly babies be warey of the grossly overdone diaper scene. It shows WAY too much to be humorous. I thought it bordered on being obscene.

Thumbs down big time for this piece of junk that Hollywood labels good entertainment.
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not a faithful adaption of book but still a good flick
1 August 2000
Cooper would be appalled at what they did with his Leatherstocking Tale's hero, Natty Bumpo. In all of the books about the character, he never looked at women romatically. He was too noble-minded and virtious and loved his chosen solo life as a plainsman and trapper to settle down with a girl. Also, only the bare bones of the plot of Last of the Mo makes it in to this movie. The rest is all concocted up by screenwriters. So...if you are watching this flick for school instead of reading the book - BEWARE! It is not a faithful adaptation.

That being said, though, I must say that this is an entertaining movie. The Native Americans are portrayed realistically and the acting all around is good. The end is especially cool when the awesome music kicks in and the characters are all pursuing each other around the beautiful mountain scenery (filmed in North Carolina's Blue Ridge mountains). Compare this with Mel Gibson's The Patriot (set a few years after this) and I think you'll like this movie more.
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ER (1994–2009)
Medical drama had a great start but has slowly gone downhill
20 May 2000
ER...I remember the first 3 seasons of this medical series fondly. The acting was outstanding and the action was intense. Excellent scripts kept the viewer rivited to the screen. The episode "Love's Labor Lost" from the first season ranks among the greatest hours of ANY television series. However, in season 3, the show lost the valuable Sherry Stringfield. After that, the show's chemistry and heart have slowly been unwinding. Don't get me wrong...the show still is above average and has added some great characters over the years: Carey Weaver, Elizabeth Corday, and Rocket Romono are all interesting and well-played. BUT, the scripts just aren't what they used to be nowadays and the additional losses of Clooney and Margalis and the actress who played the Physican's Assistant with AIDS have taken their toll. If Anthoney Edwards ever leaves I hope the show will end. He is the main reason to kept watching now.
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This is the way the world ends...Don't waste your time or $$$
14 May 2000
Once again, like in "The Ice Storm" and "Happiness", the left-wing crowd from Hollywood takes pot shots at suburban America.

We're treated to child abuse and neglect, drug use, infidelity, underage flesh, a string of endless profanity, a bloody murder, extreme cartooninsh intolerance...and apparently it's all the fault of the "normal" folks who live in the suburbs trying to hold down jobs and raise families.

Well, Hollywood, you can kiss my suburban butt. This movie is trash ...

Don't waste your time with it. Rent the 6th Sense instead. It is loads better.
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Return to Me (2000)
As close to a good "old-fashioned" flick as you can get
11 April 2000
Good movie...great performances all around (especially by Belushi and Hunt)... Also, the BEST thing about this flick is that it takes an old-fashioned approach to romance where there is an actual courtship between the leads, not bed-hopping. It was refreshing to actually enjoy a movie without people getting naked all over the screen and blowing each other away with guns. Parents, the only things you might find objectionable is a little salty language from Belushi's character and some semi-intense aftermath from a car crash. On the whole, though, I applaud Hunt for making a great comedy that isn't crass or trashy!
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simply pathetic
12 March 2000
Although there are some good one-liners thrown into this mess (delivered mostly by Willis), this is a terrible movie. Rob Reiner does have some good flicks under his belt (This is Spinal Tap, Stand By Me, A Few Good Men, Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, The American President, Misery), but good grief he also has stinkers like North and Ghosts of Mississippi. This movie falls easily under the latter category of movies. Contrived, stupid, too much use of the overdone music montage...The "story" meanders too much to be meaningful. And what's up with the "happy" tacked on ending? I would have been more appreciative if they had broken up and started a nasty custody battle over the kids. At least that would have called for some kind of acting talent from the peons involved in this horrible horrible movie.
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deep themes but not for everyone's taste
12 March 2000
Kubrick's last film is not a thrill a minute ride, but rather a slow paced look at the theme the title hints at: "being able to see a truth or falsehood that is right in front of your face" Throughout the movie the characters (mostly Cruise's doctor) are confronted with (mostly sexuality) truths or falsehoods about themselves and others and in the situations around them. Whether or not they choose to acknowledge those truths/falsehoods and then how they struggle with their decisions is the core of what this movie is about. Beautifully filmed, but the film still needs a good editor because it is soooo long to get through. Warning: this movie is not to everyone's taste. People walk around with no clothes on like they're in some kind of nudist club and the language is risque as well. Not Kubrick's best work...2001 still wins that hands down!
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Makes Jar-Jar look like Brando
17 December 1999
A couple of comments:

1) This special came on tv before VHS machines or Betas were popular. So, when it came on it was an EVENT, man. I can remember the buzz running through my elementary school before and after it. A kind of once-in-a-lifetime experience that was actually a watershed moment for the 70's playground set.

2) Now that I have stated #1, let me say this - IT IS TERRIBLE and makes Jar Jar Binks look like a classically trained Shakesperian actor. Ford, Fisher, and Hamill look strung-out on some kind of drug. The fx are NOT noteworthy and the script is not worth the bottom of a bird cage. If you cannot find a bootleg of this movie (look on E-bay if you are really interested) DON'T BOTHER. It ain't worth the time!
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War is a hypnotic, blood-soaked dream
16 December 1999
The Thin Red Line meanders along in a beautiful sort of dream-like trance puncuated with occasional cries and blood-soaked battle scenes. Beautifully filmed and thought-provoking - you know that something deep is going on beneath the lazy surface of the film as you take it in.

Different than Platoon or Private Ryan or any or war flick (except Full Metal Jacket) BUT pretty good. My one complaint is the celebrity cameos that keep popping up - they are more distracting than anything else. Sean Penn is good though.
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Kids (1995)
This is the way the world ends...
16 December 1999
A sickening look at today's teen wasteland. Not only will the (probably truthful and realistic) actions of the teens in this story make you queasy, BUT the acting is just annoying. You want to reach out and slap the scuzzy actors around (come to think of it, maybe that's the point of the film). The character Tully is especially obnoxious. ugh...

And hey, does anyone REALLY think that the actors were over 18 and adults when this movie was made? Suuuuuure. Man, the actors are WAY exploited here. I am suprised that the feds didn't try to shut down this flick as child abuse.

NOT a film for anyone under 18, that's for sure. God help us all - for me this film helps represent how our society is going down the toilet.
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Total Recall (1990)
open your miiiiind....
16 December 1999
Great Arnold flick even if the the plot is convoluted and has holes you could drive a tank through. As for if the 2nd half is a dream or not, who knows? The writers want you to accept it both ways.

My favorite character is of the half-baby man telepathic mutant Quato. When he cradles Arnold's head and hisses "Quaid, open your miiiiiind..." I cheer everytime!

I see a sequel is coming out in 2000 with Arnold reprising his role. I can only hope that they bring Quato back too! QUATO QUATO QUATO! YES!
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I am a conservative right-winger and this movie is GOOD!
16 December 1999
Folks, I am a conservative, right-winger in my theology and politics and I have say that I really liked this movie. The image of Christ it presents is a challenging one, to be sure, BUT it NEVER denies his divinity or his what his life, death, and resurrection mean. It simply imagines what would have happened if Jesus had been presented with the choice of living a normal life - the last and greatest temptation. Jesus here is an earthy Christ - he sometimes has trouble finding his point or he stammers over his words. In short, for much of the film his HUMAN side is emphasized more than his divine side. However, in the end it is his divine side that makes the choice to be the sacrifice for all the world. The greatness and power of his divine side is the last nad greatest image that we are left with.

My complaints are that (like Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell) there is no reserrection presented. The story simply stops after his death...That's weak. Also, the actors' New York accents and all American looks take away from the authenticity that the desert setting gives.

Peter Gabriel's soundtrack is simply awesome! Be sure to buy it on CD and give it a listen while you read the book Last Temptation or your daily devotional.
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Good movie, but comeon people Portman is exploited here
21 September 1999
A professional hitman takes in a 12 year old girl and teaches her his trade while taking revenge on the crooked cops who killed her family...

I agree with the gist of the reviews on IMDB that say this is a pretty good movie. For a "mindless" action movie it's actually got a good script and character development. Gary Oldman overacts a little, but it doesn't take anything anyway from the flick.

HOWEVER, this movie losses class because does exploit Nat Portman big time. She is slapped around and bruised, dresses in stuff way too skimpy for a person her age, and in the director's cut begs the hitman to sleep with her. Although she is a great and dynamic actress even in her early teens, this movie takes advantage of her BIG time. Although there are a lot of things about The Professional that I like, I am constantly uneasy when I view it because of the treatment of Portman.
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Glory (1989)
I cry like a baby-man when I watch this movie
8 September 1999
This movie is unstoppable brillance. Denzel, Morgan, Andre, and Matthew give career-topping performances that are matched by a believeable, outstanding script. The movie's attention to historic detail is pretty good (although the last scene where they storm the Fort is a little inaccurate) and I can safely say there will never be a better Civil War movie than this.

I swear to you that when Matthew Broderick goes out to see if his troops have deserted him and the music kicks in when he finds out, I cry EVERY SINGLE TIME. And when they are going to whip Denzel for deserting and pull off his shirt to find whip scars from when he was a slave and he cries tears of defiance - I FALL TO MY KNEES and SOB.

God bless this movie - I am getting jazzed just thinking about it. It was their one shot at glory, they knew the odds, and they took it...
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