
4 Reviews
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Salem's Lot (1979– )
Scared my pants off!
14 May 1999
'Salem's Lot, although not as good as the book (of course), incorporated so many original scenes that the movie was worthwhile: For example, the scene when the vampire hovers outside of the window and scratches, whispering, "Let me in, I'm your friend..." Oh my God, that gave me nightmares for years. In addition, the scene when the caretaker digs up the grave was very suspenseful and well made. Watch the full length version because there is more plot development and characterization. A truly great horror movie!
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The Fog (1980)
A frightening film
28 April 1999
The Fog is an instant horror classic from the first scene- a salty, old sailor tells a group of young children the true story of a ghostly, wrecked ship. The scene was so simple yet so thrilling that the viewer is hooked (no pun intended) for the rest of the film. The cast is great and the music sets the tone just as it did for Halloween. The best part of the film is that it made no attempt to explain everything away in a hokey horror sense (Why are the bodies returning to life?). Things happen simply because they happen. Much like Night of the Living Dead, the characters are not concerned with why they are in danger, but more concerned with getting out of danger. On a side note, John Carpenter has the best endings of any filmmaker on the market. Just as Halloween and The Thing both ended with a sense of foreboding and silent terror, The Fog ends with style and allows the viewer one final scare. A definite hit!!!
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The Evil Dead (1981)
Great cult movie
27 April 1999
I own the DVD Special Edition of Evil Dead and it has never looked better!! The audio commentary is spectacular and the behind-the-scenes/still photographs provide amazing insight to the cult classic. Many of the major criticisms about the film (corny acting, gratuitous violence, lack of plot) only add to the fun of the movie. I remember seeing the film with my dad years ago when it was truly an underground hit. I'm glad to see that Evil Dead is finally gaining the popular audience it well deserves!
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Halloween (1978)
The best horror film ever made
27 April 1999
Halloween is without a doubt the best horror film ever made. No movie before or since has captured the sheer terror of the dark and the unknown. The fact that the movie is so terrifying is made even more incredible because it was made on a shoestring budget over 20 years ago. The image of Michael Myers clad in deep blue with a bone-white mask still haunts an entire generation who saw the film when it first debuted. The entire film works on every level: the music, the lighting, and the slowly building tension until the most memorable showdown in horror film history. Halloween redefined the genre, paving the way for many inferior ripoffs. Years after people have seen the film, though, they still glance over their shoulders on Halloween night...
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