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Winter People (1989)
Start w/ a pot of strong coffee
5 February 2008
After 1:07, to be exact, and all that time, the story was weak, the lines were unrealistic, accents poor, characters unestablished buy two great actors, at that, finding it very hard to make some good out of what they had to work with, misc. were bad, it finally started getting interesting. Not a complete waste of time, but I almost killed it at 25 minutes, then started skipping till it got half way descent. I would not recommend this movie for 2 hrs of your life, unless it's all you got to watch up in a cabin; Snowed in. It's been done before. Same story at least a dozon times. I see a lot of people wrote good things about it, so don't take my opinion too seriously. It might have something I missed, that made it good. I just couldn't take anymore of the what the first 25 min. had to offer.
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The Score (2001)
Not bad,but a familiar story, w/ the actors to back it.
12 January 2002
Norton Has done a lot better, or maybe his character was to have a shaby mentally challenged act. Either way, De Niro is the pro as always and Malin Brando, the big boss. Brando shows of his impecable artistic, well aged talent. If you watch the DVD, check out the special features. Brando and De Niro show of there many improvisational clips that were finally picked from, to roll in the movie.Nortons' worst movie in my book.
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Chaplin (1992)
Robert.D.Jr at his best.
7 January 2002
Even if you dont like Chaplin, or R.Downey.Jr.,this is a must see for every one. The acting is phenomenal. Robert was robbed of the Oscar for this one. I never knew much about Chaplin, or liked him that well, but you have to put yourself in that day, technology, the performing arts and humor.Chaplin lived a very challenging life, and took it all with a "SMILE"
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The Mod Squad (1999)
Seems to go nowhere at first, and...
23 November 1999
the cast really haven't got into character yet, but then it clicks.There are some stupid lines and the plot drags, but the actors, especially Giovanni Ribisi are great,very funny, and the story gets better. I give it a 7.
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The Movie Sting,Adams,& Stewarts'"All For One" belongs with.
13 June 1999
Leonardo is always great in whatever he does,but this movie had an all out grand cast of acting.The story keeps you intrigued, and routing for the good guy.It's a chilling love story and a story of true loyalty, of the 3 Musketeers ,towards their real king vs what's right and wrong.Now! Leonardo plays two characters in this film and has you convinced he's two separate people; Dr. Jekyl & Mr.Hyde.The music is great and filming-very mature. If you like long (about 3 hrs)but Awesome movies,don't miss it.
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Two If by Sea (1996)
A little harsh "John Wright" the movie is pretty decent
23 May 1999
This movie is best explained by the staff at IMdb.I thought it was funnier than s**t.The plot wasn't really important for this movie to be worth watching.I haven't seen Leary ever play a bad role or stand up & I guess one would have to understand his humor,and if you do you will enjoy "Two if by Sea".If you don't like a movie,one can criticize,without such an outrage of anger.Come on!It's just the movies on a friendly database.Lighten up Mr. Wright.
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Way to exit with style!!
18 May 1999
The film I went to see 20 yrs ago,where in someone actually ran down the isle with a Michael Myers mask and scared the crap out of everyone,on Halloween night,comes back with the original feel.Jami Lee is back,and they brought her back with geniusness ,as they did w/ Myers in all the sequels.With no intention of having a sequel to any of these,J. Carpenter was talked into each new film thinking it was going to be the last one.They didn't get him on the last one,but it was carried out with excellence,and I'm sure he is not insulted by the sound track composition.It was to die for/very full sounding.Carpenter got a little more inventive,with the music,with each new film.This sound track will blow you away in surround sound.Genuine film, and the final touch to kill of any potential sequels.Halloween will keep you on the edge of your seat from 1,2,4,5,and finally the end,20 yrs later.
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Norma Jean & Marilyn (1996 TV Movie)
Mira & Judd are Fabulous!!!
17 May 1999
I really like Marilyn as she was,before this movie,and even more now.I've never been into her,like a fanatic,but even if it is not an accurate version,the movie is incredible.Even if they did'nt credit her talent,they credited her journey,and her stamina through it all.I can appreciate anyone who goes through the horror of drug addiction:It happens to be my business and I see a lot of it.Victims of drugs and alcohol are,more than not,people who are strong and have massive potential.This ironic but true.Two thumbs up for this awesome portrayal and breath taking performance in memory of a awesome public figure. Just goes to show how "It can happen" to the best of us.I've seen this movie 5 times & will watch it again.Like "Funny Girl",It's one of my all time faves,& was Ashleys' best yet.
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Angel's Dance (1999)
Be patient at the gets better.
15 May 1999
Lags hard in the first 15 min. or so,but then the weapons & shooting scenes are really neat and realistic.The story line is average,but Belushi carries the movie well,as the true pro he is,and makes it convincing and funny,while the others are somewhat uncomfortable with their roles.It could have been a real flopper,but it seemed as though Belushi went the extra mile to make it a film worth watching,even just to see his great performance.The film also adds some interesting,unexpected twists.Worth your time.
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Under the Influence (1986 TV Movie)
Star Performance by Reeves & Griffith
19 February 1999
This movie does an excellent portrayal of the alcoholic family, and the son's unconscious recording of his fathers'personality. Everyone plays their role well, but you could swear Andy and his oldest son developed a problem, on purpose, for the reality of this sad, but real, film.
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