Ride Your Wave (2019) Poster

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Depression Incarnate
prophetroastinc28 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ride Your Wave is a very traditional Anime with a sharp twist that will turn off alot of viewers who aren't used to the adult themes of it.

When I went into this I had a general idea as to what was going on. Masaaki Yuasa and Reiko Yoshida have a decent amount of works I'm used to. Unfortunately, heading into this I watched Lu over the Wall and didn't watch or catch most of the screenplay she's done are quite mature and depressing. Which is the best way to describe this movie.

I read somewhere that they 'spoil' alot of the parts in the trailers, but I managed to see none of that and assumed it was about a guy learning to surf while falling in love with an oddball. And I was right until the second act.

This movie is everything you'd think it is until the heroic main character dies in a fairly realistic fashion and the female lead takes it very realistically. She shuts herself off from reality, breaks down, and eventually begins taking comfort in a fantasy that is handled quiet well. For the sake of this review, it's that when she sings a song shared between her and her lost lover he appears in water. For the sake of the movie itself, no one can see him and it's treated as though she's having a genuine mental breakdown.

That is where this movie is quite strong, and where it loses alot of it's viewers. The entire second act of this movie is depressing. While plenty of Reiko Yoshida's works have dealt with serious topics on par with loss and the ability to move on past it, this is just depressing. All the montages and moments that the leads share together thanks to magic is lost when the reality is right there.

But to me this works because it's supposed to be depressing. You're supposed to be seeing someone unable to move on past such an impactful part of their life. They break down whenever they see anything that reminds them of that loss, and are unable to accept anything that would dare to threaten it. Even to the point that it becomes hurtful for you to hold onto.

Realizing that you need to let go of it becomes the third act, and the conclusion of the second act's entirety. For me it's where the depressing second act shines, when everyone realizes that despite the losses endured they will always have the love and strength of someone who is now gone. Also the conclusion of the film when it finally hits that he's gone, he's dead, and he isn't coming back thanks to a callback from earlier in the film coming full circle is genuinely enjoyable to watch.

I understand why alot of people tapped out and are complaing that this movie isn't enjoyable to watch, but I will defend that it's a perfect mixture of these two artist's doing their craft a staggering amount of justice.
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Really cool aesthetic
vivienneli10 July 2020
The plot had some pacing and character development issues but I still bawled like a baby. The idea is fresh and rid of clichés. Overall a decent movie.
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An alright emotional anime but the pacing and story development was lacking....
Irishchatter7 January 2020
When I first watched the film, I thought the pacing was way too quick for me to actually understand what was going on. Although I will say that the fire fighter scenes were pretty intense regardless if they were only training or had to attend buildings that were on fire due to fireworks.

I understood this films backdrop involving the feeling of losing someone through drowning and honestly the ending was a near hard hitter for me. However I would have liked if the couples experience together was more in depth because as I said yet again, it was rather rushed. It didn't give much in depth either with the other guy who had a crush on her or if he was going for someone else. Since I'm not gonna say spoilers to telling you who's who, it's best to watch the film.

Animation wise, it was pretty alright. Not amazeballs but it was easy on the eyes at least.

As much as the film did offer a bit of emotion, it's not the ultimate worse or disappointment I've ever seen. However room for improvement is what it definitely definitely needs in terms of story pace development.......
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Sincere and touching.
christangwu7 December 2019
Thank god the script writer avoids all the common cliche from a Japanese anime. It's a sincere and touching story, worth the time.
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Not the most surprising love story, but very well crafted.
mortymortadella29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hinako is a surfer, Minato is a firefighter. Both about 20 and they fall in love. Everything is ridiculously perfect, but one day Minato drowns while trying to save someone from the ocean. Hinako, understandably takes it pretty bad, but to her surprise, whenever she starts singing their favorite song, Minato's spirit appears in the closest body of water - be it a stream, the ocean, or a bottle of mineral water. The whole story is really about Hinako, Minato's friends and family, and how they slowly but finally learn to "let go". Of course, it's magical-realism, so in the end we get to witness some crazy action as well, where we surf down a skyscraper with our protagonists. Unfortunately, this is not the most original story, the characters are a little two dimensional, and the filmmaking could've been a little braver. It's fine though, the film looks really nice, colorful with constantly glowing orange hues and cool blues. The action looks fantastic as well and the environments feel very "lived in" and detailed. Seeing it on a big screen really adds to the experience. It is also paced well, has some pretty funny moments, as well as a couple of quite moving ones. Recommended if you manage to catch it screening somewhere, but not an essential viewing. There. Really not much else to say about it, but seeing the only other user review for this title is from someone who clearly has no idea what he's talking about, I wanted to add my two cents.
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Good ideas, imperfect execution, but it still mostly works overall.
Jeremy_Urquhart27 May 2024
The Masaaki Yuasa films I've seen before were a good deal more out-there and comedic than Ride Your Wave. After the first act, there are some fantastical elements introduced, but I feel like they happen a little too late in the film to discuss without running the risk of ruining things.

Basically, to try and stay vague, it's a fairly light and even sappy romance, and then things take a slightly stranger turn, but it never goes all out with the craziness like Mind Game and Night Is Short, Walk On Girl both did. I think I prefer those, even though Ride Your Wave has moments that hit harder emotionally and it feels more moving because it's quite grounded.

It looks great throughout. Again, without too many crazy moments, the visuals aren't as stylized as one might be used to with Masaaki Yuasa, but it's a good-looking movie and it still has a nice (downplayed) style, to some extent.

The final act is a bit weird. Things move away from the main character(s) a little, and then back again, and the side characters never fully fit into the story; not when they were sort of there in the background in the movie's first half, and not when they were kind of between foreground and background in the second half. I did also think Ride Your Wave was aggressively sappy for a while near the start, but the tone/vibe it has in the first half-hour or so does get changed up in interesting ways during the final hour.

It's not a seamless or perfectly executed anime movie, but it's a nice watch. Some moments work really well, there are a few bits that don't quite pay off, and then the rest of the film's fairly solid, if not quite amazing or anything. I think that overall, it's pretty good. Pretty, pretty, pretty good.
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Too kawaii
Movi3DO17 May 2021
Just surfing through life.

A romance anime that I found on HBO Max.

The animation for this movie was gorgeous and cute. The look of the ocean and waves were so refreshing. It just made me feel relaxed and happy watching this animation.

This movie had a one of those montages of a couple that would make you feel sad that you're single. The romance was cute and I enjoyed watching the relationship.

As for the story, something major happened midway that required the main character to move on. There's a big element of fantasy, but not one that I haven't seen before. The plot was pretty typical of a drama dealing with death and moving on, so there wasn't too many surprises. Also, the emotion wasn't as high as I wanted, probably because of the typical storyline and the light tone.

The characters were pretty okay and not unexpected. The main characters were focused mostly, and the two side characters wasn't delved into as much.

Overall, beautiful and refreshing animation made for a pretty enjoyable romance drama. 7.5/10.
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Spectacular and amazing!
crg_burns20 February 2020
This movie, without giving away any spoilers, was amazing. I loved the story. I've seen where people say it was predictable or just another love story. I have to both agree and disagree. Yes, there were aspects of "your standard love story" that made parts of this "predictable", but it was truly SO much more than that. This movie had me laughing, smiling, and crying by time it was over. The feels are definitely there. You can add in the fact that "Brand New Story" (the leading song) is sung by the main characters actual voice actors, the leading male voice actor being part of the band that wrote the song originally. This adds plenty of depth and connection that you wouldn't get if it was just a background song. With that last part being said, this movie may not work out as well being dubbed. I feel that the two characters singing the song really helps establish a connection that wouldn't be there other wise. It makes it specifically, "Their Song."

In the end, I find this movie to be phenomenal and remarkable on plenty of levels, and would be interested in watching it dubbed in my native tongue to see if the connection i mentioned earlier is still there.
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Predictable but my girlfriend loved it
peterrussell-2433816 February 2020
Animation was pretty solid, story was pretty good. Predictable but good.

I was calling out predictions from the start and they all came true. Still, knowing what would happen didn't stop this hardened rock of a man from shedding a buttload of tears, and you should've seen my girlfriend

She sounded like she was laughing, I looked over and she was hysterically crying in some parts, so I told her "stop laughing, this is a sad part" which made her laugh cry and then it was fun for me, as I only watched it because of Valentine's Day.

Still, in the end, it wasn't bad and I know she loved it.

If you like shoujo anime and bittersweet feels, this is probably one you'll enjoy.
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Amazing movie
matrixpsnbu18 November 2020
I watched this movie without watching a trailer or even reading what it was about and I loved it alot. It caught me off guard and became one of my new favorite anime movies. The animation style was unique and the story was really cute. The English dub was really solid matched the characters perfectly. Give it a watch!
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Beautifully Bittersweet
a_ihsan_t19 September 2022
I've been putting this movie on my to watch list ever since I watch the trailer, it seems very well animated and the colour just pop out and looking soo interesting. But, I've been reluctant on watching it since the story seems too lovey dovey and too sweet for my taste. I'm quite familiar with manga that dabble in the same area and I've avoiding those kind.

But oh boy oh boy, this one is good. Sure at first it felt like that, a couple start too fall in love and it's very romanticized. The good thing is the female and male lead sold it off very well and the voice actor really did a good job on building the chemistry between each other. So, instead of feeling cringe, i start to having fun too watching them.

I give it quite a high rating because I didn't expect much from the plot. But, this movie prove me wrong. Sure, the story is still chokefull of cliche. But, the movie make it feel fun and i know i probably not the main audience for this kind of movie, so to me it's all right. Also, like I said the animation is very beautiful. The colour is very vibrant, and the way they use colour to accentuate characters and the scenery is very on point. It's quite an eyegasm.

Recommend if you feel in the mood for some light hearted bittersweet romance.
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Such a sweet love story
arlindazhegu-276538 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was such a sweet love story, but way too sad. It'd have been perfect if they lived together happily ever after. But life can be so unfair at times. Really heartbreaking.
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Skip it.
jjblue20206712 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind repeated romantic anime movies, but in this movie, she met her boyfriend when he saved her, out of nowhere decided to go surfing and boom that's it, within the first 30 minutes, they go out, sing, surfing, kissing, and still within the first 30 minutes he's dead, and in my head i was like: are they really expect me to care about this guy?! of course not, way too fast, prolonged cliche fantasies, his buddy is just there , Your Name is good example of how to make a good one but didn't work here.
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Gorgeous animation
lisafordeay9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ride Your Wave is a 2019 romantic fantasy anime and tells the story of a young girl named Hakico who meets Minako a firefighter and they slowly start to become a couple. However when tragedy strikes with Monaco,Hakico is left heartbroken. But whenever she sings a song,Minako appears as a ghost through water. But will Hakico move on?

Overall it was a good movie. Somewhat silly but it was good regardless.
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Cute movie but it was quite misleading
alberthmatheus12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, everything in the movie pointed at it being a story about a girl falling in love with someone who she saw as a perfect and caring man, being on top of the world only for everything to be taken away from her all of a sudden, his death greatly impacting her character, making her so desperate for his return that she even starts halucinating an image of him in the one place she lost him in, only for her to accept that all of those delusions weren't what he would've wanted for her and she'd be able to move on.

I see a lot of people liked how the movie turned out, i did too, partly... but i really think the magic wasn't necessary, it ended so cliche :/
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Cute, loving and touching!!!
pinocchietto29 June 2021
Cute, loving and touching. The graphics are good and original! In my opinion it is underestimated... For those who love anime films of youthful loves must watch it!
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Ride Your Wave
fatemehsarbishegi29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a nice cute fantasy&romance japanese anime.

It started when Hinako picks a seaport city for college due to her love to surfing.

A fire accident happens in the building she lives in.

Hinageshi Minato a firefighter saves her And this is a start for them to establish a relationship. Well I won't spoil the rest of ittttt... It was a predictable anime but this didn't stop me of enjoying it... This is a great anime for those who are in a stage in their life that they need to move on from mourning period and overcome their grief.

This anime taught me how to love and then how to move on, how to be independent and live my own life.

As you know animes are full of colorful foods.

In this one there was the Japanese Omelette called Omurice. It sounded nice and I'm gonna make it.
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:/ 8/10
hpdpxv2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
8/10 because _spoiler_ In 80% of the movie, Minato Hinageshi ordered the voice for Hinako telling them to "stay together, stay together forever" in the tall building with that christmas tree. Such a scene should have happened a lot, it should not have happened. The girl was already there crying from her longing for him. They shouldn't have put that scene. Wasabi and yoko lovers reunited at the end of the movie. Minato's spirit managed to pass into the afterlife. Seeing this, Hinako was relieved. He became happy. I think he would have been free in his life spiritually and lovingly, but maybe he CAN'T BE FREE because there is a scene that I said shouldn't be filmed. They liken it to the "Given" anime series, but the Given 1000 does it. The sameness of the sound in the song repeated in the other note I broke. I mean, they never changed the sound, they didn't even bother. In most scenes, that song should have been sung with a knot in the throat. In my opinion, this is a huge mistake. It was still nice, let the colors be transitional. The characters were very successful. :// _spoiler_
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Made girlfriend cry
tmrnxynx18 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a cute movie, but she doesn't really get "closure" at the end or anything. She just cries in despair.

Needless to say, my girlfriend also cried.
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I was amped!
insatiableaskeri5 September 2022
The thing is when people are watching anime movies, they usually do not expect that it could be extremely touching and really intense. This is what exactly happened to me though, I was recommended to watch "Ride your wave" thousands of times, however, having come across some short videos on Tik Tok really got me interested!

Even though the story might seem a bit tacky, the plot itself and the portrayal of the characters is undeniably stunning! Sure, it had me crying out loud, especially at the end of the film. Never have I ever seen such a strong bond with a beloved one in an animated movie that could intrigue you over the course of the film.
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More of the same.
Hongwaree_Raitao2 October 2019
Same japanese romantic movie, nothing really special. Skip it.
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