Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Disappearing Game (TV Movie 2018) Poster

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Not up to par with previous Teagarden Mysteries.
coachanthony796 September 2019
I enjoy this series as it's easy to watch, often has some interesting plot twists, and the banter between Ro and Lynn adds some flavor and continuity. Many of the episodes I've wanted to give an 8, but then there would be some really weak dialogue, silly scenes, etc. and I usually end up posting a 6 or 7.

But with this episode, ugh, I was tempted to give it a 5 or worse! I enjoyed it for the story line, but the dialogue was often boring and some of the scenarios a bit outlandish - walking about the dorms like that, really???

I hope future Teagarden's will be better.
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Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Disappearing Game
JoBloTheMovieCritic20 July 2019
6/10 - you know just what to expect going into this one: lighthearted fun and a great mystery
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Decent episode
wjspears11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am a little baffled by all the really negative reviews here. This is, by no means, my favorite Aurora Teagarden episode, but I would hardly rate it the stinker that so many here seem to find it to be.

There were a number of shady characters, with plausible motives for the hit and run, and/or the kidnapping.

Who the kidnappers were seemed fairly obvious to me. But the "why" for the kidnapping and ransom was a genuine puzzle for me, that the conclusion made realistically clear, I thought.

The highlight--which no one has mentioned--is when Aida Teagarden (Marilu Henner) takes out her abductor. Aida's comment, as everyone stares at her slack jawed, "What? I'm a woman who lives alone. I've taken a few self defense classes!", was priceless.

The continual comment here that Aurora is pushy, and why would anyone talk to her, since she has no authority seems really strange to me.

Aurora Teagarden is tenacious--the one quality that probably links all fictional detectives--police or private. Why do people talk to Jim Rockford or Sherlock Holmes, for that matter?

It is kind of a "given" in the detective genre, that these characters have a knack for getting suspects or witnesses to talk to them. If the lead didn't have that ability, you wouldn't have a show.

On the plus side, Aida's character has grown on me. She was more actively involved this time, and not just the "nag" who constantly scolds Aurora for getting in the middle of things.

On the negative side, Detective Arthur Smith becoming the scold really did not work for me, especially since Aurora had a very personal interest in this case--and he has often in the past praised Aurora's "detecting abilities". Arthur's wife Detective Lynn Liggett-Smith is much better and more believable as the scold.
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It is just fun people.
sam-evans-11 August 2018
It is just a movie, from a book. All in fun. What is refreshing is there is no major bloodshed, no gruesome scenes, no in your face sex, no cursing. We need just silly, fun little mysteries that can take us away from the political garbage. Who cares if she works or not. The whole cast works well together. Although a few have changed from the past, but are ok. I look forward to these series and enjoy them. Prior to watching you know what you are in for. These are not Oscar winning shows. Simple middle of the week entertainment. Aurora's friend Sally cracks me up and the casting for Henner as her mother is down right spot on. Keep these coming if not for anyone else but me. Love them.
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Book series is great
cmcaninch-1816222 February 2022
The book series was cleverly written. The TV series not so much. I never can figure out why movies and TV series completely change character's names and change plot to the detriment of the story. I will say, I think the acting is well done and if I ignore the books, the story line is lighthearted and OK.
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Aurora and Nick go on a stake-out.
cgvsluis11 October 2021
Aurora is finalizing settled in her new house and she has a brand new next door neighbor Nick Miller, psychology professor at Lawrenceton College where Ro's cousin Phillip has just started. Ro tries to be a good cousin, rescuing Philip from the school's cafeteria. Aida and Ro invite Philip out with his roommate Josh to celebrate his birthday...but he ends up being a no show, which sets Ro's suspicious mind to work.

Meanwhile spoiled rich kid, Clayton Harris, is arrested for vandalizing a statue on the college campus.

Ro and Nick have an adorable meet-cute at her library where he is picking up a book on home repair... "I have a problem, too many books not enough shelves. I don't suppose you can relate?"-Nick "My mother told you about my never ending quest for bookshelf space."-Ro "Or I have insight into the psychology of librarians?"-Nick Their banter is adorable and what in addition to the mysteries is keeping me in this series. (One of my three favorite of the hallmark mystery series along with Hannah Swensen's Murder she Baked and Mystery 101...I keep coming back for the great mysteries and wonderful healthy relationships.)

Philip and Josh are missing and Ro finds Tammy's body which seems to have been involved in a hit and run. They find money in Josh and a Philip's room. When it looks like Clayton may be involved, the wealthy family circles the wagon...or do they? It turns out Clayton has been kidnapped. Gather the Real Murders Club...this is quite the mystery and Nick Miller was one of the last people to speak to Tammy. It is personal for both Nick and Ro and this is the mystery that brings them together.

Great mystery and the start of a new chapter in the Aurora Teagarden Mysteries. This is a must see for cosy mystery fans.
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Good kidnapping thriller..!
kamalbeeee1 September 2023
At starting of the two college guys spill the paint on infront college statue and ran off... Then a detective's and protogonist native young college guy got missed and she going to after him... But she finds out lot of mysteries and culprits... Finally she findout him and his friend as well... Mustch watch movie and series...!

At starting of the two college guys spill the paint on infront college statue and ran off... Then a detective's and protogonist native young college guy got missed and she going to after him... But she finds out lot of mysteries and culprits... Finally she findout him and his friend as well...
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On behalf of the visiting cousin from Arizona
bkoganbing10 August 2018
Candace Cameron Bure is back as our sluething librarian Aurora Teagarden in The Disappearing Game. A lot of the series regulars are also back as Marilu Henner as her mother, Lexa Doig as her helpful reporter friend and Peter Benson as the patient detective who really still doesn't know what to do with Auora. In some ways her sleuthing won't be containe as this involves a visiting cousin from Arizona now enrolled in school in her town.

On one night the cousin and a friend just disappear and a girl they knew was killed in a hit and run. Shortly after that another male student peer also disappears and now the police and the university have one dead and three missing students on their hands.

The solution is a little farfetched and all I'll say is that a bit of insanity runs in a certain family and not in the family originally thought to have it.

Fans of the series should like it.
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Wanted to like it -"spoilers"
alyancey-681876 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I like Candace Cameron Bure, but this movie IMO crossed the line. Bursting into a kids college dorm, bursting into a woman's home unwanted, a really ridiculous stakeout, multiple obstructions and interfering with a murder investigation and the police detective REALLY looking like a schlub. It was just too much.

I would think the writers could do much better than this. As others have noted, way too many holes all over the story.
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If you like the movie characters a little, read the books.
jvteach430 April 2019
Because I've read all the Aurora Teagarden books, by Charlaine Harris, watching the movies is a bit of a let down. The original book series was well written, with realistic characters, and strong story plots. The characters from the books have been changed quite a lot. Of course, trimming down a book to fit a 90 movie time is one thing, but white washing the characters to fit into Hallmark's moral ideals hurts the stories immensely.

Hallmark changed the order of the first two movies, causing us to have trouble understanding the characters and story lines. The reason Roe doesn't have to work is explained quite well in the second book "A Bone to Pick" and the introduction of many of the characters is covered well in the first book "Real Murders". This is lost in the movies due to the change in their order.

Aurora's character in the books, has more depth and intelligence, She is clever, resourceful and very funny. You watch her character grow from book to book, which doesn't happen in the movies. Her friends and family are also stronger in the books than the characters in the movies. Many of the scenes from the books have been changed so much you have trouble recognizing them.

Roe's character has been changed into a nosy, amateur; impeding justice every step of the way. She commits crimes during her "sleuthing" and gets in the way of the police investigation. I'm surprised she hasn't been arrested by the "real" cops. The character of Martin changed from a strong, forceful, business man with a mysterious past to a "fluff" character. Their relationship in the book is a bit steamy, and a real romance, but the relationship in the movies is more high school dating.

If you really want to enjoy this series, please buy the books and enjoy the adventure.
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Scripts are going downhill
gbgentleman6 August 2018
When the movies started, Aurora clues where usually ignored by the police which led to "believable" desire to follow them up in her mystery solving, but now she knows both the chief of police and the Mayor who both take her seriously. Yet the scripts still have her doing stupid things, interfering in investigations and putting hers and other people's lives at risk.

Come on Scriptwriters. Yes its Hallmark movies but at least TRY to use your intelligence and put together a movie that actually makes me want to believe in the main character instead of hoping she's arrested.
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Worst one yet
d-robold1 August 2018
Plot holes big enough for a moving truck to disappear in. How does she hold down a job? Where does she get enough nerve to to push her way in to investigations, people's lives, let alone anyone's home she deems necessary. It seems no one can refuse to let her run roughshod over any aspect of the story. She's read so many murder and true crime books she thinks she knows better than anyone, especially trained professionals; she is an educated woman with no respect for anyone else's education.
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Use to enjoy
Mliss4924 September 2018
I use to enjoy these Hallmark films but this time I was bored. Roe is so pushy and Sally is a weak person. Had enough of these.
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Swirling the drain...
sophistic2 August 2018
This movie is amateur hour, pure dreck. Bring back th good writers please!
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Good plot
pgooden30 July 2018
Good plot except for Aurora- the most irritating so called sleuth ever. How she does not get arrested for obstruction of justice or interfering with a police investigation I will never understand. The last straw was her busting in on a woman's house when repeatedly told no and then serving tea and cake in her kitchen . When does she work? who pays for her upscale house and clothes? This character has no believable qualities.
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alisdt224 September 2018
Last three weren't that good. Do not like the new characters and other changes.
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Saccharine Goop
vandelour3 August 2018
Why did I watch this? Why didn't I turn it off sooner? Why why why why...

And with all the bad reviews how is it possible to end up with a 6.5? Hmm?
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shesholder2 August 2018
The problem is that Aurora is now an aging librarian sleuth. This provides little basis for any creditable plot. Casting was also a little off as there was no chemistry between her and the new neighbor/boyfriend.
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judyharl19 September 2020
So sick of nosey bossy aurora telling law enforcement their job. She is always in the way Niall Matter is the worst man friend yet needs to get a personality .love Sally not a fan of Marilou Henner . Awful wigs
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People need to be honest
kitenasuttles2 May 2024
So much down voting on reviews that are being completely honest. The FACT of the matter is that Aurora is out of line often. She is a border line criminal. I know these shows are meant to be fun but the writing is just so bad. The plots are just too far fetched and they make Aurora into a complete idiot. The only reason she "solves" anything is because she outright accuses everyone until she gets it right, impedes on people's rights (like barging into their homes without concent), blabbing her mouth about everything to everyone, and breaks the law when she interferes into every investigation. If a father gets a ransom demand and they say no cops. It's HIS choice whether or not to go to the police NOT hers and yet she feels she is the only one who gets to make decisions. The police have said a billion times to stop interfering and it's in one ear and out the other. She does what she wants when she wants and nothing, not even the law, will stop her. The last one I watched she left her shot lover and another boy bleeding out, defenseless, and a baby upstairs, in an unlocked house as she ran across the street to peep in on the other house. I thought she was going for her phone to call an ambulance but nooooope, she went to go spy on the neighbors as Martin was bleeding out on the floor. She is ridiculous and I can not deal with it anymore. I have switched to the new Fixer upper with Jewel and I love those. I wish they would make more. At least she has common sense.
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The disappearing game
coltras3511 July 2023
The disappearance of her cousin Phillip (Dylan Sloane) and his roommate, following the suspicious death of the roommate's girlfriend, spur Aurora on to investigate. As well as enlisting the help of her friends, she is also assisted by handsome college professor Nick Miller (Niall Matter), who has recently moved in across the street and teaches psychology at Philip's college.

Starts out well, and it's intriguing for the most part, however it fizzled out a little with the running around, the muddled plot and a cast of too many characters. There's a good twist, but this isn't the best Teagarden mystery, yet it's not the worst either. Watching Aurora, Lexa, Aida and co. Investigating a kidnapping is fun.
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