Lake Placid: Legacy (TV Movie 2018) Poster

(2018 TV Movie)

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Where's the Croc.
wolfmanrtcw-354312 September 2018
If you're going to have a movie about a giant croc you should probably show it once in a while. The series took a big slam from the cgi over the time but honestly I still found them all fun and felt like it stayed in tune with the original plot up until now. I do like the series and so wanted to like legacy but it failed terribly. They had solid acting but obviously no budget for the cgi so I ask why make the movie at all. When they do show the croc it's blurred and unrealistic and you wait until near the end to finally see just how bad it is. The plot started out somewhat ok but went to crap quick. Why they went where they did (into a giant bunker) was I guess a diversion cause they had no budget to show the croc. Most of the kills scenes don't even show the croc and are inside in a dark bunker. I hope this isn't the legacy for real of this series. They need to go back to the roots with the local towns people and add in a couple of big city folks with the dark comedy and it would be a pleasure if we even got back past cgi budget. I gave it a 2 for the acting and only watched to the end because I'm a devoted fan. I Know the rating will drop to around 3 as it sits at about 4.4 due to cast and friends voting. Comon bring back Betty White and keep the action outside.
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Lake Placid Legacy: But why?
Platypuschow9 December 2018
6yrs after the creators lied to us and gave us Lake Placid: The Final Chapter we have yet another straight to television Lake Placid movie and it's unsurprisingly terrible.

Yet again people are on the run from an oversized crocodile in a movie with a wafer thin plot and a forgettable cast.

I mean seriously why? Why does this exist? Why do they keep pounding out these dreadful movies? I mean Legacy of all words to choose! Is this the Legacy that the franchise is going to get? Awful movies that you'll see repeated weekly on the Scyfy channel?

Skin this croc once and for all and let the franchise die, it hasn't been good since *Thinks* the very first film for crying out loud!

Poor movie just like the last bunch.

The Good:

Nothing comes to mind

The Bad:

Unshockingly poor cgi

Whole thing is just so very basic

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Horror movie 101 is don't go down the stairs

Joe Pantoliano must have owed someone a favour
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Deadly legacy
TheLittleSongbird13 September 2018
Found myself really liking the original 'Lake Placid'. Have found the follow-ups nowhere near as good and have not cared for most, the exception being the surprisingly above average 'Lake Placid: The Final Chapter'. Saw 'Lake Placid: Legacy' as means of seeing all the films, but with it being from SyFy part of me was apprehensive.

Have made no secret in the past of intensely disliking, and even outright hating a lot, a vast majority of SyFy's (near-universally maligned for good reason) output, though there is curiosity as to whether they are capable of making something good and compulsive about their output's badness. Admittedly, SyFy do have a small group of watchable films and the occasional (big emphasis on that word) above average one, unfortunately outweighed by the lacklustre at best and often dreadful films they churn out.

'Lake Placid: Legacy' is not one of their worst. That is not an endorsement, seeing as it is still very bad and often awful with pretty much all the same flaws that can be found in their other outings. As far as the 'Lake Placid' films go, it is the worst.

There is some semi-decent scenery and Tim Rozon tries his best, but that is pretty much it with the pros.

Scenery aside, 'Lake Placid: Legacy' looks cheap. As drab as the photography and how disorganised the editing was, it was the special effects that came off worst. Less than special is being far too complimentary, much of it is unspeakably atrocious. Can remember nothing about the music and the direction has no distinction or inspiration, it can't even be described as competent.

Rozon aside, the acting is the usual over-compensating and looking disengaged, and there is a real charisma problem frequently. Couldn't find myself interested or caring for any of the characters, characters that had no development to them (the few attempts were sketchy) and actually grate on the nerves.

Don't expect the antagonist to save it. It's criminally under-utilised and when seen it looks diabolical with inconsistent sizing, artificial design and stiff movement and has no personality let alone menace, not even unintentional goofiness. The attacks and atmosphere have no tension or suspense, instead being predictable, awkwardly and anaemically staged and above all ridiculous, the cheesiness and goofiness going too far. Not even gratuitous gore and screaming that is actually creepier than the effects and attacks can do much to make things a little better.

None of the story is engaging, wouldn't have minded the complete lack of originality if it wasn't so dull and colourless as a result of over-stretching a far too slight narrative and then having a lot of contrivance and incoherence. The dialogue never rises above risible, any attempts at tongue-in-cheek makes one face-palm, the silliness gets over the top and other parts take themselves too seriously.

Overall, very bad. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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How do I get 90 minutes of my life back?
happyjoe-708433 September 2018
This is 2018 and the original Jurassic Park (1993) looks far more real than this The animal is 100% computer generated, most probably on a ZX Spectrum.

Absolutely terrible acting, terrible plot, terrible waste of my time..
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My mistake!
masud-nishat29 August 2018
Rubbish movie and it's ain't the mistake of producer it's mine that I dared to watch it; what a wastage of time and money!
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Woah! Hey! Watch out for the Cartoon Crocodile!
MinistryofDoom20 September 2018
How would I describe this movie? GARBAGE. This movie is garbage. First of all, they tease us on the box art, and on the poster, implying that this film is going to take place in a lush outdoor environment with emerald green water and lush forestry. NOPE! You get teased by that for about 5 minutes in the movie when they're driving towards their destination...where the killer croc lives....but then the rest of it takes place in nondescript underground tunnels, storage rooms, corridors lined with pipes and blinking lights. There's also not much action...which is a major bummer. For a 90 minute film, if you were to cut up all the scenes that have action and stitch them together, you probably wouldn't get 30 minutes. Most of the film features long boring scenes of the main characters arguing with each other about which way they should go or acting frantic at the slightest distant sound which we're to assume is a killer croc stalking them from afar. Let's talk about the characters: The rebellious angry bearded hipster activist guy who smokes pot, the dorky computer hacker kid, the hot babe, her timid awkward sister who tags along, the athletic token black guy who's always ready to beat someone up. Do these sound like dumb stereotypes to you? That's because they are, and they're ridiculously under-developed, have really poor dialogue, and are so unlikable that by midway through the film you'll be rooting for the killer croc to eat them all and be done with it. Why are they even friends? Now about that croc. I guess the tight budget dictates what kind of movie you can make but if you're going to make a film about a killer crocodile, atleast know what a crocodile looks like, how it moves/swims/eats, and if you can't get a real one, please, please, please make your CGI crocodile look real. I can't stress how bad the CGI croc in Lake Placid: Legacy looks. To say that it looks like a really cheap cartoon is an understatement. It doesn't fit into the scenes properly because they didn't take into account the lighting, or shadows, or placement and in many scenes, it really does look like it was superimposed over a live action scene (I know that's what it actually is but it's not supposed to look like that!!). Any suspense or excitement quickly dissipates when this thing walks into a scene because it looks so ridiculous. Look out guys! The cartoon crocodile is coming! Run for your life, angry hipster dude! Finally, let's talk about the ending without spoiling it: Never mind there is no ending. No, seriously.
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The plot and the info has no sense
pauloazuela5 September 2018
The explanation of the other character about the croc doesn't have any sense to the movie. There's no application to the movie like about the bullet being useless and how it is able to climb and fit in to almost narrow spaces. This is poor despite being sci-fi horror movie. The content is bad.
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No Croc Here Dudes by Jaffer
zarmasih4 September 2018
Movie was a waste of time, unlike the Original movie, this movie makes no sense, we all know this movie is about the monster crocodile but in entire movie all you see is pathetic screams and gore but you can see crocodile for a few seconds, not to mention the worst animation (CGI) it's C grade movie, performance of the actors doesn't count if the movie is about something and showing something else, my recommendation don't waste your time
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Very poor
Stevieboy66612 October 2019
South Africa stands in for the USA and a cast of mainly Canadian and European actors play American characters, in some cases not very convincingly. Pointless and very poor sequel in the Lake Placid franchise this entry can only be recommended as a time filler to viewers who can tolerate bad movies. Worst thing about this is the abysmal "special" effects. Whether it is the creature, a swarm of bats or explosions the CGI suck big time. Predictable too.
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Excitement = Placid
MikeHunt107526 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had potential to be good, as it explains the origins of why these Crocodiles in these films are so big? This time around the movies taking place mostly inside a facility thats been breached and the humans inside are being hunted by giant croodiles while trying to find a way out.

When you see the Croc, you instantly remember back to how the original movie looked with Betty White and how the CGI was believable in a movie made nearly 20 years ago, then wonder how this sequel thought it would be good to use CGI graphics that would only be good enough to pass on a television show in 1990. Throw in some bad cliches like hacking things instantly with no download/transfer time, include a bunch of horror edits that make you think you missed something, and a killer Croc that's 50 feet long but able to shrink in size somehow to squeeze through locked manholes. "Clever Girl"? No... horrible continuity desicions. Thats the formula for this gigantic mess.

Not to mention there is eye-rolling unbelievable moments that just slap you in the face with an anvil if you try to suspend disbelief and just go with it... like, gasoline turns into a gel and is useless after 3 years, but this movies 25 year old working flawlessly petroleum didn't get that memo.

It's a shame, as the acting isn't too bad and they seemed to have tried their best... but the editing and special effects team ruined it for everyone... unless of coarse a you cant get enough of bad CGI of a 50 foot croc that has such super lung-power, that it can suck a human heads off it's body through a manhole sized window of a person standing 4 feet away!

I don't recommend this at all to anyone.
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An enjoyable if flawed effort in the franchise
After breaking into a secure facility, a group of eco-warriors looking to explore a supposedly abandoned island condemned as a radioactive hotspot find the area instead housing monstrous killer crocodiles left behind in a military experiment and must try to get off the island alive.

This was a fine if entirely flawed entry in the series. What makes this one quite fun is the rather exciting action scenes that really give this one a nice shot of adrenaline at times. There's a lot of fun in the initial manner of attacks from the croc here, starting with the discovery of the wrecked campsite and torn-up bodies leading nicely into the rather thrilling attack on the lake where the creature takes the boat and drags the victim underwater while in front of everyone. The later attack in the underground tunnels where they first encounter them first the first time is a stylish briefer sequence, and a later charge through a tunnel in the bunker illuminated by a flare as it slowly stalks the victim is quite an atmospheric touch. The finale where it tracks the remaining survivors inside the flooded facility or a great encounter in a trapped room filled with flammable gas makes for some nice moments, and when aided along by the fiery confrontation on the beach gives this some solid croc action. As well, there's some nice work to be had with the central premise and story idea here, from the more modern feel of the government cover-up as for why they're going to the facility that's nicely played out here with some fun points used to build up their whole point about the island and what's potentially being conducted there. This plays out as quite believable in today's world and the is handled with enough minor points to keep it going along with what the company was doing that it maintains a credible enough premise to get them out there in the long run which is fine enough to work here, and when it's filled in later on it gives this a wholly intriguing premise. Added along with some nice gore in the kills it has enough to like to hold it up over its flaws. The biggest problem with the film is the fact that this one relies far more on idiocy and outright stupidity from the characters to keep going. This one here relies far more on the inability to recognize the danger they're in at the beginning, which is exemplified by the obvious body parts and other carnage found all over the island when they arrive which should've signalled something was wrong and yet the best they can come up with is that it's all a prank. That kind of thinking is just utterly ridiculous to see thinking it's all real is not all that smart. This one also struggles at times to get going, spending far too much time on the exploits of their journey in the underground bunker than getting in plenty of croc action so it's pacing is way too off from what came before in the franchise where it relief far more heavily on the killer croc action from the start which this one doesn't really do much here as it alleviates the tension rather than ratchet up the fun factor. Combined with the less-than-stellar CGI that always shows up in these films, it really does lower this one somewhat.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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definitely watchable, not as bad as they say!!!
degryse-4410116 September 2018
OK, people are just so critical when reviewing movies these days! :S I didn't think this movie was that terrible! I definitely enjoyed watching it, as far as croc movies go this isn't bad at all!

Also many of these comments are not justified. You DO get to see the croc up close (like way closer than the characters would've liked), you're just left to guess a bit during the first attack in the water, but that only serves to add to the suspense. The acting's good, the croc doesn't look fake and the scenery's convincing. Perhaps the scientific background info isn't all that solid (they do try to offer some explanation but it isn't very detailed), but then again who cares in this kind of movie?

This movie definitely had me on the edge of my seat on several occassions and it seriously growsed me out! And I just LOVED the unexpected twist at the end, although if you pay close attention you could have guessed it. So it's a pretty decent monster thriller! this movie is much better!
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Poor visual effects and acting
lucianv-4702126 September 2018
The crocodile's in this film look so unreal compared to the first lake placid film, the crocodile's in this film was able to climb Ladders, walk through spaces that were small and turn around in small spaces,. The actors one minute said amphibians then in the next line said reptiles. The basic story line of the film was ok but the acting and the visual effects of the crocodile's was awful.
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Highly predictable...
espiesworld7 September 2018
Gator is huge outside but small inside the buildings... Just a horrible job creating this stupid, waste of a time, movie.
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Despite obvious flaws this is actually an okay movie.
jwmthurgood3 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is the sixth movie in the franchise and the first to take it in a more serious direction - there is no comedy to be found here. And this is where one of the first issues arises. Because of the low budget and it's tv origins there is no gore, no (perhaps 1) kills - most occur off screen, and this is where humour could have supplanted the lack of "horror". The second and most glaring issue is the lack of croc - she is glimpsed in the shadows and there is swish of tail here and foot there, but until the final act we little. This would have been fine if this was the first in the franchise and the killer was an unknown entity, but when you are six into the franchise it's a failing. Thankfully it doesn't prove to be a massive one as the acting is above par for this type of flick, photography is good and at least one scene bathed in a red glow impressed me enough to check out the directors back catalogue and the dialogue is as expected, cringe inducing in some parts, but actually okay in others.

There is nothing original here, it's competent, tightly directed and quite engaging towards the end. Rated R in the US it's yet to get a UK classification but I would go for PG-13 or 12A and would be happy for my 8yr old to watch it without fear of nightmares, questions about sex or hearing her tut every time someone swears.

With a bigger budget, some decent kills and possibly some flesh this could have been a massive shot in the arm to the franchise that, by number 3, had turned into a poor Piranha knock off.
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Worst Version of all Placid Movies! Reaches Barely Level B Movie. More into C
martinterr3 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I dont know how others can rate here so good. First of all, its clearly that the Movie had deffinetly really not a good Budget. So first they spared at the CGI Beast. Only for the last Parts for the Movie its to be seen, and there , everything is more then obvios CGI. There not even the wanted lower Resolution of UNDER DVD Quality could help to cover the computer animations. The only really wanted Graphical part ( close up ) really resultet a laugh out of me. The Actor move at the Bluescreen and the Computer graphic dont even fit half way. Including some other parts... all " Deaths" are already looking Joking cheap. Clearly to 95 % Movie Blood, and fitting dressed Puppets pushed into the scene as " Killed " Person. Even a Teen whould laugh there, how cheap and far from bit realistic that is done. Followed the Actors... Holy.... what the hell was there castet? Some Persons from Street with a maximum of 3 Days Actor training after? No one of them really get through a bit with their part. Best and funniest part was the non stop frightend Girl.. Hey... she reminded me as a copy of the small Girl from Jurassic Park 1. BUT only problem, she clearly mirrows there a under 12 ! year old child. And is herself clearly over 20.. .

Best whould had been, to SAVE this Movie.. Make some not really story Importand Cuts ( in way of they maded them, its not even a waste to cut the " brutal " scenes out ) and give the Movie Free for PG 12! you whould loose not even 3 Minutes from the whole movie.

Sorry, but even as direct for TV maded and Produced Movies, i saw already extreme much better productions.
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crnomarkovicmilanbl6 September 2018
I believe that i really have not seen anything worse than this. All the best to all who made this movie and good luck to all.
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Where's that damn crocodile?
peterp-450-29871622 November 2018
You people are out of your minds. The place you wanna go? It's off-limits.

This is really the most miserable film I've seen this year. Not only the story was totally stupid and completely absurd. Also, the acting was sometimes extremely bad. I'm sure there are local theater associations who could exceed this. Furthermore, there were certain elements in the story which didn't make sense. And last but not least, the subject this movie was about, was absent almost the complete film. You have to be satisfied with just the head of the monster appearing above the water or an approaching shadow with accompanying dangerous growls. Except during the denouement. At that moment the monster, that makes this island a dangerous place, is to be seen in all its glory. And that's also such a bad design. It would have been better if they left it in the shadows. As far as I'm concerned, they could have played it with a hand puppet. Probably it would have been the same. Horribly outdated CGI.

After watching this film I went looking for more information and came to the baffling conclusion this was already the 6th film about the famous lake. I'd never heard about this franchise before. And after watching this 6th movie, it's better that way. I don't feel the urge suddenly to view all other parts. And as far as I could read, the level of the predecessors was of the same caliber. You could say that for example, the "Sharknado" series is the stupidest film franchise of all time. But at least there was humor in it and it earned an unbeatable cult status. I'm sure that won't happen with the "Lake Placid" franchise. I'm afraid it'll get the same status as "Dinoshark" for instance. The status of "crap movie of the year".

In this film, it's a group of environmental activists who are challenged by a former member. Their actions consist of entering a facility of a dubious company that violates environmental guidelines and animals or human rights. Once they've worked themselves inside, they unroll a gigantic pamphlet. In my opinion, a ridiculous statement. But that's beside the point. And then, when they've decided to stop with these activities, they receive the challenge to explore an island where Lake Placid is located. It appears that it would be polluted with chemical or nuclear waste. But as soon as they've arrived at the site, they notice there's no radiation and that an immense lab has been built. And even worse. It appears that a giant reptilian monster is stumbling around on this island.

And yes, it's literally stumbling. Because our friend the crocodile isn't really swift-footed. Not difficult if you are a whopper of 15 meters. The fact that the monster swims rapidly under water is quite evident since he has such large feet. But on land, the thing is ponderous and slow. And yet this creature succeeds in squeezing itself through corridors, stairs, doors, and shutters one way or another. And the unfortunate gang who ended up there can run as fast as they can. This bad boy always shows up back again. To be honest, there were only two persons I hoped would survive. And those were the ex-marine Pennie (Alisha Bailey) and the journalist Alice (Sai Bennett). The rest were just annoying characters who actually deserved to be torn apart.

Is there nothing positive to say about this film? Yes, there is. The film poster looks great and was actually the trigger that made me watch this film. I'm even convinced that most energy has been put into the design of this poster. But in general, "Lake Placid: Legacy" is simply a bad movie. Inadequate acting, a ridiculous storyline and a monster that barely comes into the picture. And when it does, it looks terrible. In short, I hope they aren't planning to make another sequel. In any case, I will avoid it, if that's the case.
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One star for only the efforts of the filming team
brave_025 September 2018
One of the worst films I have seen for a waste of time...
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gabi_c-6450830 May 2018
Watched the whole franchise as soon as I found out one of my favorite actors would be on this one, and I think this one in particular has something the previous movies didn't have, which is tension and suspense from the start. It had a brilliant balance between the sub plots, the main plot, the humor and the action. The cast was amazing, and I love the fact the movie waited for the perfect moment to show the cocodrile. Which leads me to something I loved: the CGI. What a smart decision to show the cocodrile on the darkest scenarios, the CGI was decent and pretty good, something that amazes me since the previous movies (except for the first one) had such a fake and not that good CGI, that was my biggest concern about this movie, but glad it turned out decent and realistic. A highly recommended movie, worth the watch :)
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Almost 20 years later...
kryptkicker-308455 October 2018
Man I feel old! But I honestly don't see why this movie has been poorly received. As a horror fan I appreciate it may not be for everyone however it was fairly well acted, good cinematography and character development. The story expands and places a new spin on previous LP movies which makes this one one of the better sequels in that regard.

When considering this is a lower budget horror the gore is good, effects not ott and if you accept it for what it is, it's a fun fright night film.
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jahglory8 September 2018
This is the worst movie ever! The writer{s} should get back-slip for wasting 90mins of my time.
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Horrible CGI in an equally horrible addition to the "Lake Placid" franchise...
paul_haakonsen6 September 2018
I am not a Christian, but Jesus...

This movie was abysmal. I wonder why this movie even came into existence, especially since the movies have just been getting worse and worse since the first "Lake Placid" movie. Stop kicking the dying alligator and see how much money you can milk from its carcass, and just let the franchise slowly sink to the bottom of the lake and be forgotten already...

The CGI in "Lake Placid: Legacy" were just horrible. Nay, they were atrocious. It is hard to believe how a movie can have such ghastly and visibly horrible CGI effects in 2018. Does the CGI team and producer not even look at it to check the result? How can something so fake pass as being worthy to be in a movie? That is simply just beyond my comprehension. It was laughable effects.

Not even Tim Rozon could manage to lift up this movie. And quite frankly I was very surprised to see him in a movie such as this. I didn't even know he was in it prior to sitting down to watch "Lake Placid: Legacy". Possibly because I don't keep up with news on this sinking franchise. Also puzzles me why he would even be doing a movie such as this... But, oh well...

The alligator, aside from being compiled of God awful CGI, was just not menacing in any way. And the ludicrous sounds it was making was actually making me laugh. Yeah, it was that bad.

Why do I keep returning to watch these movies? Well, simply because creature features have always been alluring to me. And I keep watching them on the odd chance that this particular movie might actually be outstandingly good, although nine out of ten such movies are low budget and of laughable production and even worse CGI.

If you are familiar with the "Lake Placid" movies, do yourself a favor and stay away from this movie, because the alligator is desperately struggling a losing battle to keep afloat and holding the franchise entertaining.
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poor and predictable
pilot10099 April 2019
Not a surprise just another quick attempt to cash in on earlier and better movies in the series. Predictable and long winded.
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Got so bored I went off and cleaned my fish tank out
karentindale11 October 2019
Knew this would be naff, but as I was tired on a Friday and couldn't be bothered watching anything to taxing we chucked this on. Dull as the water in the lake, which barely featured in it. Lost interest and went to clean my fish out and video a new snail that had appeared in my aquarium. This footage was more exciting than this film. Barely any actual crocodile action and the characters were so boring, pathetic and one dimensional that I honestly was routing for the crocodile to end their, and my, misery and just eat them.
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