Anna (2017) Poster

(III) (2017)

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Unoriginal concept, awful movie
Stevieboy66611 March 2018
Two "comical" paranormal researches "borrow" an apparently evil, possessed doll called Anna. When I picked this DVD up from the budget section of my local supermarket I thought it could only be a mediocre "Annabelle" rip off at best. Oh boy, was I in for a shock! I'm all for low budget films & there are some very good ones out there. But this looks & sounds like it was shot using a mobile phone. The script & acting is awful, save for Kristin Cochell, who does an acceptable job of playing a witch. There are a few jump moments but the film's attempts at both horror & comedy just fail miserably. The special effects are rubbish too. This film may have worked as a short but at 96 minutes it really is a horrible ordeal. I only paid £2 for my copy. I certainly will not be keeping it. Don't waste your time or money.
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brendenlyle24 December 2018
Straight Trash!!!Too much of those two nerds talking and its all in one room. Had to turn off it was so horrible. Animals can act better than these horrible actors..
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Ken101110 December 2020
If u look for a scary movie then this ain't it but the movie was so bad that it was funny. Funniest movie I have ever seen. But if i'm being honest this movie has some if not the worst dialogue i've ever seen. Also the way they interprets the characters and the themes of the show is so below average executed, the themes and the narrative was so bad executed that the movie seemed too stupid. The characterisation doesn't suit the characters at all, and especially the visual characterisation.
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How Can I Put This....?
MoviesFromTheClergy28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My experience with watching this movie was a pretty bizarre one. It is played out like a straight up doll themed horror yet there are some scenes which have comedic elements when it comes to dialogue. It leaves me questioning whether this is a horror-comedy or not.

This is what I was thinking about the two main characters (who are friends, not brothers as the back of the DVD tells me): Imagine two people, who at times acted like they came straight out of a cartoon, taking a wrong turn and ending up in a horror film and occasionally bumble around trying to figure out what to do or how to talk their way out of crazy situations (i.e. The bar scene and the Satanic ritual scene). These two also follow the brainy friend/goofy friend schtick. Understandably, they act this way purposely as part of the plot involves stealing the doll, Anna (or Susan or Suzanna according to the paranormal museum owner) and using her to make a series of vlogs to record any paranormal behaviour she may exhibit during the week they plan to keep her for.

Now I have that off my chest, let's move onto the positives and negatives I have:

NEGATIVES: Dialogue audio at times is extremely poor and noticeable. Though there are a few scenes where it fixes itself only to go back to distortion and static feedback (there is one scene in particular where it's clear and crisp with one person talking but with another it's bad). Like what you hear during a low connection Skype call.

In the first half of the movie, there is an excessive amount of stock sound effects used to the point where it becomes increasingly annoying to hear. The biggest culprit being the same creaky door sound playing at least ten times on a loop. It does halt as the movie goes on and it then gets replaced by dubbed in heavy breathing, pants and grunts during the more suspenseful scenes.

The majority of the dialogue at times is cringe-inducing, especially during the more comedic moments.

POSITIVES: Aside from cringy delivery and poorly performed screams, the acting is so-so. The only credit I can give for a halfway decent performance is Justin Duncan who plays Jacob. There was a scene where our two leads are arguing in the middle of the street after running away from home and this was where I thought that Duncan's performance in that scene alone proved to me that if he was playing a more serious role in another movie, he would've done pretty well. The only time he really faltered were the supposedly unintentionally comedic moments in the movie. The two leads, to me, sounded like they were better off doing voice acting for an internet cartoon series since their character's personalities seemed more suited in that category.

Overall, I can say that this is all baby steps for this independent movie. Horror-comedy or not, I'm still keeping hold of my copy.
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dragonluna-106-7662111 November 2018
This movie was awful. I tried to watch it.. I gave up. Not scary, just sad. Rubbish.
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Hellish control
TheLittleSongbird19 July 2018
'Anna' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing if not particularly original premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive as well as the low rating and poor reviews.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films have are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Anna' is terrible, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is really nothing to recommend.

Lets start with the sole positive. The setting, while going too far on the simplicity, is fairly spooky at times.

Unfortunately, it is not done justice by the rather direct to video schlocky way it's shot and edited and the drab colour palette, so much so it was hard to appreciate it, it was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm. In particular, the camera work was a nauseous assault on the eyes with its excessive amateurish-ness.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and it's best not mentioning the uniformly lumbering and histrionic acting that shows a huge indifference to the situation and what is going on and extremely awkward prolonged pauses.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés, lots of unintentional humour that makes some of the film play like a really bad spoof and no depth whatsoever, while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags on forever with very little going on worth caring about and useless padding, never recovering. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Would not have minded the lack of originality (the film is extremely derivative and in a dumbed and watered down way) if the story and atmosphere were at least alright in execution, in reality they were both incredibly poorly done.

A lot of 'Anna' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending makes the film finish on an incomplete and confused whimper, while there have been far creepier and better used titular dolls and the film often fails to make sense, at worst it's incomprehensible.

There is not enough threat, and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, it is completely unimaginative and more odd than creepy, completely failing to show any sense of horror or creativity. Everything here is neither creative, suspenseful or nail-biting. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is leaden and like their heart was not in it or ill at ease, with the chemistry between the characters and actors coming over as constantly random and aggressive with the subtlety of an axe. This is very dreary and amateurish stuff that fails to be scary, interesting or easy to follow.

Overall, awful with no redeeming value apart from an element that is difficult to appreciate with it being complemented so badly. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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emilyhermann10 March 2019
In the opening explanation of the movie they spelled possible wrong... then when they are in the museum the guy LITERALLY gets his lines wrong... didn't make it 15 mins into the movie before turning it off. This movie was just god awful. Why redbox is carrying this is something I'll never know. Do they have standards? It makes me think could I make a movie and get it in redbox? I wonder. But seriously this movies is comically terrible would not recommend.
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stuip fim
wjmack29 June 2019
Stuip very bad acting i cant get the time back camera are bad
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Why can't people see the humor?
amalthea-956207 December 2018
Sure, if you are looking for a great plain horror movie, it's bad. But it was funny! Not funny bad, but funny on purpose. I got a kick out of this one.
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this point of view
mrmay-4801326 April 2018
Actor/actress can only perform as well as the director will let them, with that out of the way, i felt the director was too anxious to create suspense. the constant length of focus during each event only made me want to leap through the film rather than sit through the scenes. hopefully a remake will be in the near future creating a more dramatic approach to grab the viewers into the movie
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madisoncombs2 August 2019
I have never thought that there would be a movie so good that it would overshadow Avengers Endgame. BUT HERE WE ARE FOLKS!! I never laughed as hard as I did during this movie. While there are a few flaws, that is what makes it even better! There were times where I was in suspense, and/or scared, but that could be because I'm a wimp at horror. THIS WAS A MASTERPIECE AND I CAN NOW DIE IN PEACE BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN THIS MOVIE. 10/10! MAKE A ANNA 2 PLEASE!!
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So bad it's just funny
eirwen-4254826 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If your looking for a serious, scary, horror movie, then Don't watch Anna.

This movie was so bad it was funny. Whether that was intentional, I can't say, but from the tripped up lines, to the magic set that appears to be repurposed for every scene, to the over the top stupidity of the lead characters, I was laughing through out this whole movie.

I might even watch it again it was so ridiculous.

Stars are given based on my personal enjoyment of the film and plot.

6 - Good story idea, but low budget brought down the score.
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snickers-0984413 March 2018
This movie had a good story line going for it. I can't say that it's "unoriginal" because the events occurring in this movie actually happened. But as soon as the movie started, I could tell it was going to be bad. The acting, to start off, is by far the worst acting I've ever seen in a movie. It's almost as if these people acting in the movie were strangers picked up off of the street. Not only is this the worst acting I've ever seen, but considered that this was based off of the true story, the plot doesn't make sense AT ALL. How does it expect us to be able to fallow this bad acting when the plot is equally as bad. The only reason that I picked up this movie was because I wasn't thinking straight when at the rental store and though that it was related to Annabelle. As I got home though and put the movie in, I remembered the back of the disk case and that I had heard this story before and still thought this was going to be a good movie. In the end, I'm glad that I rented this movie and can just return it tomorrow. I do not whatsoever recommend buying or renting this movies unless you just want to waste your time. But if your into really bad movies, go for it.
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"Horror" there's a lot of confused people in my life then
torroutedipz2 December 2018
You'll get the air quotes if you watch the movie lol. Ok so maybe this should be a horror/comedy. From the dumb & dumber thieves to the goofy dialogue, it was the humor that made this watchable. The haunted doll story has been played out many times and it's not like this movie has anything to add from the horror aspect. If the movie had taken itself seriously I would've gone to sleep halfway through. However, the movie has some pretty funny dialogue between the two main characters. It's hard to recommend as a horror movie but I did find it enjoyable.
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Cynical garbage
passan-8067020 October 2020
Ignore the existence of this.

This audio-visual product is nothing more than a waste of time.
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Watchable haunted doll effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder12 October 2019
After hearing about a haunted doll, a pair of amateur paranormal investigators decide to steal the doll and bring it back to their lab to study it for their show, but the more they're around it the more they realize the stories about the doll's powers might be true and try to stop it.

For the most part, this one was an interesting enough effort. One of the film's best aspects is how the low-budget on display serves as a method of enhancing the atmosphere throughout here. The first scene featuring the doll among the family in their tight, cramped apartment has a great life to it with the strange lighting keeping the real content hidden away, while the later attack where it stalks the strange coming over to shoot with them carries the atmospheric lighting to a greater degree highlighting the doll running around out of eyesight tormenting her. A supposed ritual with a friend that causes some incredibly chilling scenes and visuals as they get in over their heads with all the demonic whispers and voices going on through the scene which sets up the stellar and over-the-top finale showcasing their descent into an atmospheric take on an alternate dimension. The final act of stopping the doll is rather fun, and with the doll's look being incredibly creepy-looking there are some enjoyable elements to be found here. That said, there are quite a few major problems with the film. Most of the issues stem from the outright infuriating leads that border on making this unwatchable. The impression given here is that the two and their banter is supposed to be funny yet they come off as being utter morons with the questioning of the actions they bring up making the viewer wonder why they're still friends or how they've survived in the world as long as they have. The arguing is even worse, displaying a juvenile outlook that further questions their survival skills while also highlighting the major factor in they're sheer unprofessionalism. Arguing opening in front of clients, leading them into dangerous situations against their knowledge that results in their death because of how unprepared they are and in general mocking the attitudes and lifestyle of the people they're coming to for expert guidance which is nearly unacceptable in a professional sense. Combined, that makes for a troublesome duo that we're supposed to be following. The other real issue with the film is the low-budget aspects that do this one some rather problematic features. There's not too many sets or locations, and the ones that are, look flimsy and about to fall apart, the concept of a paranormal museum taking up a single corridor and a room shown from two angles since it can't fit more than two people in the space as well as the props they're looking at. These here really showcase the overall cheap look of the film that's even further enhanced by the technical limitations with the sound and general photography. There are times where the dialog is completely stripped out of the scene despite taking place in a situation that should feature ambient noise or just disappears altogether as if it is so low it ends up rendering this hard to hear. That the lighting is so dark that it's impossible to tell scenes of what's going on, which are enough to lower this one altogether.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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Poor.. Very very poor
joyreeves-195171 March 2021
I bought this from the dollar tree.. And boy oh boy.. It was not worth 100 pennies.. Just saying.. The worst acting... The doll looked like Michael Jackson... Next time? Spend more than 5 bucks to make a movie..
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A joke worn thin ...
parry_na15 July 2022
After a written, grammatically challenged monologue telling us the following story is based on true life events, we enter into the world of Jacob and Shawn (Justin Duncan and Gerald Crum) as they steal a supposedly haunted doll to increase their online popularity.

This is clearly a deliberately comedic production and proves reasonably successful, whilst also displaying a typically low-key 'independent movie' feel, that actually feeds into the occasional feeling of unease. While this is all fairly successful, there are also many moments where the jokey attitude drags things down. You get fed up with their antics sooner than they do. 4 out of 10.
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eburton98421 April 2019
If you can get through the entire movie you're doing great. Looks like it was filmed in an old barn or warehouse.. terrible. Acting was not that great.
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stangsofast31 October 2019
Boring. Not funny. Not scary. Low budget. Bad acting. Its 2 goobers with a camera trying to video their experiment with a haunted doll. Seriously lame. Couldn't finish watching.
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YOU need a veggie plate
eirisatkinson1 October 2022
Iconic. Fantastic dialogue and unbelievable cinematography. Well written characters. Well worth the watch because it's really scary. My 6 year old kid watched it and is now so traumatized he can't look at poop without crying. A totally new unique story not plagiarized in any way. So incredibly original.

If you're looking for a truly outstanding horror experience watch this movie. It will blow your mind. This is the new The Shining. Mark my words you will be a changed person after watching this movie. So don't leave me hanging. Watch today for a lifetime supply of or veggie platters absolutely free.
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Be one with the dirt
nogodnomasters5 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Jacob (Justin Duncan) and Shawn (Gerald Crum) are dumb and dumber when it comes to paranormal investigations. They swipe a doll from a paranormal museum that is supposed to he haunted. The doll doesn't do much of anything until they realize they need a woman to sacrifice to the doll. Eventually the doll takes control.

The film is designed to be a spoof of the haunted doll horror craze. I liked the characters, the dialogue, the dumb look on their face, the girl who responded to the ad, the fake psychic, the satanist woman, and the scissors on a stick weapon. The negative side included the basic plot and failure to create a viable spoof. The cinematography needed improvement and the sound guy needs another profession. The sound was uneven and in one outdoor scene near the end you can see the wire that connects to the microphone dangling in the picture. No sense in doing a re-shoot. Who will notice? Smile funny. Not for everyone.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity. Brief scene of a woman in a nude suit.
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My magnumopus
knottfulpetals14 October 2019
This movie is.... a master piece of it's own. It is single handedly the greatest movie ever created. Mordor himself gently crafted this movie. It's otherworldly.. GODLY EVEN. J.R Tolkien couldn't create a better store. I have seen this movie 8 times. All of them on purpose. Please, watch this movie. Even just for the impeccable acting.
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Pretty bad but it made me laugh so hard
daveweir-2534724 October 2019
Right off the bat, i could tell it wasn't gonna be good but i didn't know if it'd be so bad its good or just boring. I soon got my answer. Most of the acting feels like it's straight out of an amateur , all the lines are obviously dubbed over, and i found the jokes either genuinely funny or the timing and delivery was so off that it was just hilarious anyway. Im glad i decided to watch this cause it cracked me up.
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