The Amityville Terror (2016) Poster

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Don't bother!
sweetness-8309114 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I checked spoiler, just to be on the safe side, but not sure if this will contain one or not, but I have to definitely agree with John Zappulla's review!!! OMG!! WTH???? This movie had nothing at all to do with Amitty!!! At least all the other ones they made had the original story line SOMEWHERE in the movie, be it someone mentioning the houses history, etc...but this movie has a new story line, no mention at all about the original, they even had the gull to make a new original and wow.....very very disappointing, not to mention, changing the entire original, making it up, that was bad on its own, but the actors/actresses were ........well, they seemed like they were making up lines or reading them from far away!!! It was awful, it was an insult to the original and all the sequels. Do yourself a favor and skip this movie all together, please!!!!! It wasn't even being the optimist I am, I tried to finish it thru all the way to the end,!! I am a huge movie buff and love my horror movies, but even kids would laugh at this one!!! LOL...If u do watch this, just for giggles....because that's what you will get, make sure to remember, you have been warned!! LOL
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Strange trend in modern horror movies
berg-7453210 December 2017
In all of the worst new horror movies a funny thing is happening, zero likable characters. When my friends and family and I everyone wants a horror movie we all have our favorite style one wants monster another slasher, someone else wants vampire and so on so it my take a while to pick and when we see a movie is shaping up to be crap we salvage movie night whit a sort of bad movie version of clue. The great thing about modern crap horror you hate almost all characters so It makes it very to root for how, when, and by who the characters are done away with. As you see I said nothing about this god awful piece of crap, I set out to savage this garbage movie but all that work had been done by others.
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Amityville WTF
shawnblackman24 September 2016
A new family moves into the infamous house which doesn't look anything like the original house ( I guess it did burn down a few times). It doesn't take long for the mayhem to start and we get to see the crappy CGI. Compared to the last couple of Amityville outings like Amityville Playhouse (2015) and Amityville Death House (2015) this one is a masterpiece which isn't saying much. There is a couple different spins in the story and way more nudity and violence than the Amityville house is used to.

I thinks its best to stay away from Amityville films for a bit. I say that but as soon as something like Amityville Zombies comes out I'll probably watch it.
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Looking for good Horror? Then skip this puppy.
johnzappulla8 August 2016
First, despite the title this film has nothing to do with anything remotely Amityville. The effects were so poor. Come on folks, CG software is cheap and there are plenty of out of work effects people that could have done better with freeware. Of course there is always the story line. Except in this movie. Did these people make this up on the fly? So with no effects, no story line and no script how could you expect anything more? THere is always a place for mindless sex and violence on the screen, but here you won't find mindless, just useless. I must admit I am something of an Amityville Horror snob. I owned my first home in Nassau SHores only 1 mile from the actual Amityville Horror house. Yup, there really is a house that the first movie was based on. It was on a side street and the traffic got so bad the town of Amityville had to post no parking signs for a couple of blocks and post cops to keep the traffic moving. Well, the house in this movie was probably owed by the producer and he got a write off to use it for the film. I think that's the best thing that could have ever come form this piece of trash. To sum it all up.... don't waste your time on this treasure.
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Couldn't be any worst!
d-koskinas-359-5960629 August 2016
I am a big fan of the previous Amityville movies, and I suppose this lame (straight to) DVD (?) production was targeting fans like me. This movie has some of the worst sfx I have ever seen. It is the kind of sfx quality a 16 year old produces on a PC for a you tube videos. Scenario ? Basic stuff, written by someone who obviously has no idea how teens talk nowadays, and had no intention of actually trying to write something even remotely interesting. I have seen many movies trying to cash in on popular franchises over the years, and this is one such movie. Do not even try watching it on DVD ...huge waste of time and money!
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The only "horror" part of the film is having to watch it
msblackeyes6813 January 2017
I read some of the reviews going into the movie. But I still decided to watch. Everyone has different tastes after all.......

Except for this little gem. I don't think anyone could sit thru this movie (if they managed to make it to the end) and say WOW that was great. Heck they wouldn't even say it wasn't that bad.

There are absolutely NO redeeming qualities in this movie. The acting. The special effects. The plot. The script. All were so bad that all you wish is to go back in time to the video store and when you are about to pick this movie the wall of DVDs crash down knocking you out for a few hours. Seriously you would enjoy that more.

If you are, like me, thinking surely these people jest. Go ahead. Watch it. Then come back here and write how you wish you would have listened.
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I mixed this up with The Awakening. Boy am I sorry.
myignisrules18 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not to be confused with Amityville: The Awakening (which is still due for release) Terror, is everything I hate about bad horror movies. It tries to piggy-back on a concept and story that has been done so much better before. Add to that terrible special effects (CG that you can do with Windows at home) and nothing acting by people you can't wait to see die (yet they take forever to do so). Plus, this movie takes 45 MINUTES BEFORE ANYTHING EVEN HAPPENS!

The really sad part is, I was gonna give this film props for the concept (an entire town aware that the house is haunted and evil, yet they allow people to move in, so that they can benefit) and then I remembered, THEY TOTALLY RIPPED THAT S%@T OFF from a much, much, much better movie called We Are Still Here.

Do not waste your time with this. Go watch any other Amityville movie and I promise you, even the crap ones are more entertaining that this.
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No, No , No, Nooooooo
tiggersmate12 September 2016
Why? That is the question. Why? I am a huge follower of anything relating to the Amityville Haunting case, especially 112 Ocean Ave. This movie has NO RELEVANCE whatsoever to this topic. It seems that they added the name Amityville into the title to encourage people to watch. I wouldn't bother! I bet the Defeo and Lutz families are turning over in the grave at this awful movie. Poor acting Poor story lines Poor everything. If you are looking for a scary, jumpy haunting movie, them I am afraid this is not what you'll be looking for. I was very excited when I sat in the movie theatre seat, coffee and popcorn all ready. The curtains opened, the lights went down, and the hairs on my neck stood tall. Fast forward half hour, and people around me were not taking any notice, nodding off to sleep, some even yawning.
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Amityville As A Storyline Is Definitely Over
djg325146 September 2017
The only good thing I can say about this Amityville movie is the actress playing the mom is very hot. Everything else sucks. Story stinks, acting is terrible, direction is juvenile. Women in their late 20s and early 30s playing high school kids?? An entire town that is evil? Nothing about this movie bears any resemblance to the original story although supposedly this takes place in Amityville. Boring, boring, boring. How did this movie get made?? How can the cast consider themselves actors and actresses? Like I said the mom is very good looking but other than that I had zero interest in this. Seems entertainment industry makes films to feed their own egos because nothing about this is worth watching. Like much of today's films this one just plain stinks and insults the audience's intelligence.
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Complete & utter garbage.
djeheuty29 May 2017
Probably the worst installment of the franchise and that is saying something. This film should never have been made. "The Amityville Terror" is an even bigger dud than "The Amityville Curse" (1990).

The original three films (1979, 1982, 1983) weren't great works of cinematic history but they were professionally acted, well directed and had good production values. This installment had NONE of those things.

Hollywood et al just need to stop with creating additions to this franchise. Its played completely out.
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The end of an era
Realrockerhalloween1 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Amityville Terror finally ends a long lasting series that spawned seventeen sequels beating out any other franchise, though paranormal activity is well in its way, to be limped along without a coherent story line or interesting material. Once again all ties to the series are cut where the famous legend of the house can be forgotten without an explication and a new family moves unaware of its history. Where New York has palm trees, residents all are in a conspiracy together like a small village and the house burns down instead of being destroyed by demons.

It feels like another remake to the first with a dysfunctional family, an unorthodox triangle with the husband, possession (wouldn't be Amityville without it) and the Defaoe murders being discovered again. It even rushes up the story lines rather it made since or not and the family becomes stronger for it. Lol, I kid you not.

The effects for the most part were awful from strings visible when Windows open, the creepy noises sound like constipation and the fire burning the living room seems like a red bulb lit up. While the actors try to make the most out of the script none truly reach heights not seen before or beat any of the previous poorly written entries caste members. When in doubt it could get worse the music was none existent or flat making you hang your head in shame for renting it.

No more Amityville sequels to ruin an amazing series I thoughtfully enjoyed for the most part. The bad is starting to outweigh the good ones.
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Nothing wants to live here
nogodnomasters28 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Jacobson family, the only ones in America who don't know the Amityville story, move into "the house." The house needs to be occupied and to kill people. Many of the townsfolk want them to stay there. The film centers around Haley (Nicole Tompkins) the daughter, who does the investigation work while dealing with the "Mean Girls" at high school, and oh yea, a boy.

Compared to the rash of independent low budget films with Amityville in its title, this one was a breath of fresh air, although not the most intense entertaining "B" horror out there. Crystal magic (or is it with a "k"?) seems to work against it.

Guide: 1 F-word. Sex. Nudity (Amanda Barton, Tonya Kay) Filmed in the section of LA that looks like Long Island. 8 stars on the Amityville scale.
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The Amityville Terror: Well I'll be damned
Platypuschow23 November 2017
I've been binge watching the Amityville films and they've ranged from below average to absolutely dire (More of the latter) I expected them to continue this trend until the end and then Amityville Terror came along.

With a name like that and a generic cover like it has I expected the worst but within moments I realised this was different.

For a start it has a budget, it looks great and has been well cast. Next it actually has a decent enough plot, far exceeding anything I've seen before in an Amityville film.

I didn't think that any Amityville movie would come out better than the original (And remake) but I can confidently say that this is the best of the bunch by far.

Don't get me wrong it's not perfect, but it's a well delivered effort and I personally enjoyed it.

The Good:

Decent opening

Competent cast

Good soundtrack

The Bad:

Fumbles a bit in places

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Clearly filmmakers think people don't know what the Amityville house looks like

There may be hope for the Amityville name after all
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terrifying for all the wrong reasons
disdressed128 September 2016
man,this thing was awful.brutally awful.bad acting.bad writing.bad was not realistic.the characters were not believable in the slightest.this film uses the tag line "based on true events".that is such a cliché nowadays and means absolutely is simply a marketing ploy to lure consumers in.there's really not a lot of positive things I can say for this piece of work.i just found the whole thing ridiculous and tedious.of course that's subjective.others may find this to be good movie.i did see a positive review on this site.the current rating of this movie on this site is 3.3/10.but for me,Amityville Terror is a 2/10
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Terrible Film
nofateredemption8 January 2017
I went into this with hopes of it being decent. As I've always been a fan of the Amityville films since I was a young kid. However, this left me cringing. Painful cringes. I thought my bones would snap from how hard I was cringing. The acting is terrible. Actually, terrible isn't even the right word for how bad the acting is but it's the best one for now. The characters are unlikable. The pace of the film is excruciatingly slow. It's just all around, BAD. If you are a fan of horror then my best advice is to Stay Away From This Film. Stay FAR Away! Rob Zombie makes better horror than this. And THAT'S saying something.
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Another IFC 'Horror' Movie.
wandernn1-81-68327420 January 2021
Oh Dear and in the very beginning our Faith is gutted and strung up!!! Sorry Faith!!!

But, cut to the new couple which is of course moving into this House....and their daughter, and the alchoholic sister!!!

+1 Star for a couple of scenes of T&A. That was good.

-1 Star for the smoking in the bathroom and apparently the teacher couldn't smell it when she walked in, derrrrrr.......

The movie just gets worse and worse. It's really hard to put all the bad into anything shorter than a book. I did make it to the end, so this one can end with a 2/10.
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Oh lord, this was atrocious...
paul_haakonsen13 May 2019
Well, given the title of the movie "The Amityville Terror" then you just know that chances of this being a good movie were going to be slim to none. And with that information, I still decided to sit down to watch it. After all, it is still a horror movie.

But my suspicions did ring true, and this turned out to be a dreadful movie that just carried the title of a once glorious movie; a movie that has been diluted beyond recognition by one questionable sequel after another.

This movie was atrocious, and it didn't take long before I found myself sitting with my mobile phone in hand and perusing the social media when I should be watching the movie. But it was just so awfully boring and unappealing that it was hard to find any enjoyment in the movie. Well, aside from the production level, at least.

I do believe that with this movie, then it will be my last venture down to Amityville, because nothing good comes from there, anymore apparently. The first original movie was good, then it was a steady sloped downhill ride picking up momentum and speed as one more questionable movie than the next were spewed forth with the "Amityville" name in the title.

The acting talents in the movie had virtually nothing to work with in terms of a proper storyline or script, and everything was just working as an anchor around their leg, dragging them down as director Michael Angelo steered on the sinking storyline concocted by Amanda Barton.

Stay well clear of the 2016 "The Amityville Horror" movie, some of us suffered through the ordeal so you don't have to.
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Don't Waste your money and time
camarynormond828 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Worst movie decision ever. My roommate and I were expecting more scarier scenes like the conjuring or sinister type of horror/pop-out/ makes you jump, sadly that didn't happen at all in the movie. Our interest for this movie went from a 100 to 0 real quick. The movie effects weren't the best. Some of the scenes made no sense at all, so yeah. Also this is definitely not a kid/family/teenage(16 and under) movie, some nudity will appear. So please don't watch as a family. Overall, I wouldn't So don't waste your time or money on this movie.
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robert-baker-797-4417073 September 2018
I literally watched 3 min of this movie before Turing it of. What a waste of 3 min!!! In 3 min I determined that it had Bad acting, Bad Makup, Bad Cinimatography, and bad effects. Don't waste your time.
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redkurt16 October 2020
This was hard to watch...from the writing, to the directing, to the special effects. Total nowhere film. This WILL haunt me, but not in a good way. This film needs the RiffTrax treatment.
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More Amityville junk
BandSAboutMovies10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The poster for this movie features Disneyland Paris's Phantom Manor attraction with a few Photoshopped tweaks. No worries - it isn't the house from the original film or even the one used in this movie.

However, the actual house used in The Amityville Terror is the same house used to shoot the interiors for Amityville: The Evil Escapes. And Amanda Barton, who wrote and acted in this, was part of the wardrobe crew for a movie called Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers. That movie used the house from the 2005 The Amityville Horror remake. Man - these films are becoming incestuous and I'm not just talking about the antics between Sonny and Patricia in Amityville II: The Possession.

What this movie is about is the house in Amityville that Jessica and Todd Jacobson, their daughter Hailey and troubled aunt Shae (Barton) have moved into. Right away, Shae starts acting strangely, probably because there was a kid who used to live in this house that burned his baby brother in a bathtub full of acid. Obviously, Amityville movies have upped the ante from the simple shotgun.

They set up that Hailey can use a crossbow, which is a good thing, because she fulfills the Chekov's gun promise that this early reveal proposes.

Look, if you have a troubled marriage and family issues, I've found that moving to a haunted house is the worst thing possible. It doesn't solve problems. It just creates more of them. And don't sleep with anyone you meet inside that house that isn't your wife - well, sometimes even if it is your wife.

Maybe don't just watch Amityville movies. Then again, I'm doing an entire week of them, so allow me to take the pain for you, dear reader.
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This is very underrated
jacobjohntaylor117 May 2018
This is a great movie. It is very scary. This is part 16 to the Amityville series. It is a lot better then the 15th one Amityville no escape. That is not very good. Part 19 to the Amityville series Amityville awakening is better. But still this is a great movie. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. If you like horror stories you will like this movie.
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Not as bad as everyone seems to think
dgonzalez-407979 December 2020
Maybe I'm just a bad judge of movies- but I enjoyed the movie a lot. It definitely can be watched without prior Amittyville movie knowledge. This movie had a lot of different elements that made it enjoyable to watch- awkwardly funny interactions between characters, sex, jump scares, slight humor, etc. I don't think it was the best movie but I don't feel like it was a complete waste of time- worth a go in my book
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A stepping stone before the Awakening
jackmeat22 October 2016
My quick rating - 4,5/10. Just a standard demon in the house movie. It deeps into every cliché possible for this. Not saying it is done poorly, it is just there. The stereotypical characters of a small town are all present, usual romance, and people who don't leave a house that is clearly out to kill them. Expect everything you have seen before so if you enjoy these types of movies, it is just fine. One thing that really bothered me, the massively cheap, amateur burn effects. I swear for an extra hundred bucks they could've bought the upgraded plugin to make it look a bit more real then the free version they used. This distraction aside and you have a mediocre flick that won't bother you or make you want to see more. Bring on Amityville The Awakening.
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Being a collector has it's down sides
kittenkongshow17 September 2018
As someone who has a Pavlovian impulse when I see certain word's on a DVD cover I've watched a lot of crap and I'm only 17m into this one...and while that impulse means I'll sit through this I just have one thing to say STOP making cheap Amityville films please...although Amityville Zombies mentioned jokingly by another reviewer...hmm...
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