Contracted: Phase II (2015) Poster

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Love is blind, and sadly apparently so was Riley
Sleepin_Dragon12 October 2015
Now I get that when you like someone you're willing to put up with a little bit, but Riley bless him, it's fair to say Samantha wasn't looking her best when he made out with her, it's all i'm saying, everyone around poor Samantha was a little dense.

The sequel in some ways is a step up from the original, even more scenes to shock and gross you out, but as a film it's done on a much bigger scale, the first one was fairly insular, the second is similar but on a much bigger scale. It does somewhat turn into the typical Zombie movie, shocks, gore, cops etc, but it's worth watching.

It picks up exactly where the last one left off, after Sam infected Riley it concentrates on his story, his degeneration and battle to save himself and expose what's caused it. The scenes of Riley's degeneration are gross, don't have a hot dog watching this movie.

It's not on the Christmas wish list, but if this is your kind of film, you'll enjoy it to a point, i think we were left knowing that there'll be a third. 6/10

The moral, never lie to your Doctor!!
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It follows ... up on the original
kosmasp17 August 2016
If you have seen the original, you kind of know where this is going. And I will continue as if you have seen it. This time around it's a man who has the issue. The viewer might have a different issue though: We go through almost all the same things we did in part 1. Then again, why change a winning formula? Exactly, if you can "continue" something by adding to it.

The acting is OK and one can generally say that if you liked the first movie, the same will be true for this one. Predictibility aside, this has its fair share of moments that will freak you out, something the first one was able to do to. There are "contracted" movies that actually have major issues, so I guess we should be thankful for the better ones
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Continues after the disastrous events that unfolded in the first film Contracted(2013).
Vivekmaru4510 September 2015
This film is only 1 hours 18 minutes including end credits which is slightly shorter than the previous one, which had a run-time of 1 hour 24 minutes. The film has more special effects than the previous film and has a better plot.

Some characters from the first one reprise their role. The actress that played Samantha from the first film isn't in the film. The film shifts to phase 2, which means that the necroa virus is in the spreading phase. Since it is so highly contagious, it comes into notice of certain members of the F.B.I. Riley(Matt Mercer) who had sex with Samantha in the first film has now contracted the virus and it is now rapidly turning him into a zombie. He rushes to a doctor who takes a blood sample and tells him to wait for the results to arrive. Meanwhile Matt thinks back to the time Samantha was raped by an unknown stranger who passed this infection to her. Matt decides to track down this stranger in the hopes of finding a cure.

Verdict: the special-effects in the film are very good. There is a lot more action(even sub-machine gun action at one point) in this film. The acting and direction is okay to make this film above average. Again this film to me is just a time-pass film which I'll never watch again or add to my collection.

More Zombi Movies? Zombie 2(1979 Lucio Fulci Masterpiece), Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (1974), Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981), George Romero's Zombie Trilogy: Night of the Living Dead (1968 colorized version available), Dawn of the Dead (1978 cult status film and considered to be the best zombie film ever made), Day Of The Dead(1985), C.H.U.D. (1984), C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989), The Return of the Living Dead (1985), Return of the Living Dead II (1988), Return of the Living Dead III (1993 a.k.a Mortal Zombie directed by acclaimed director Brian Yuzna), Flight of the Living Dead (2007), Peter Jackson's Braindead(1992 the best Zombie special-effects I have ever seen and it is a cult status film and considered to be Jackson's masterpiece), Re-Animator(1985. Stuart Gordon's cult status film based on master of horror H.P. Lovecraft), Bride Of The Re-animator(1989 directed by Brian Yuzna), Beyond Re-Animator (2003. The final closing chapter and I consider this film to be Yuzna's masterpiece). As an after thought I add the Brad Pitt movie World War Z(2013) and George Romero's Land Of The Dead(2005).

Many thanks for reading. May you lead a long and happy life.
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An opportunity to right the wrongs of the first film is wasted.
satanicocarlos1 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*spoilers ahead*

In the original Contracted, characters lacked even the most basic logic in nearly all of their decisions. I won't recount the details, since they've been thoroughly torn to shreds by others, but shamefully, all of these prior mistakes have been carried over to and made worse in this abysmal sequel.

The film begins with Riley (the male who slept with zombie Sam towards the end of the first film), who is talking with a Scottish-accented (wtf) police detective about the body count that amassed in the last day. Instead of revealing what has actually occurred, he provides only the bare minimum. Okay, I guess after sleeping with decomposing maggot-girl and then stabbing a reanimated corpse in the mouth with a kitchen knife didn't cause Riley to stumble a bit in his standoff with the interrogator. He's let free from the police. It's not like his fingerprints, semen, and blood weren't at the crime scene, right? I mean, no worries.

Riley goes to a doctor (who is also his brother in law.) He wants to get tested for "everything" but won't give the doc any further details. Good thinking, Riley. I'm sure a blood test one day after sleeping with a zombie will clear everything up for you. Especially if you don't tell your doctor what actually happened. And oh yeah, the claw marks on your back with the fingernail you removed yourself? No biggie. That yellow puss is probably nothing the doctor needs to look at. Carry on!

The film continues with the villain, "BJ," stalking Riley for reasons that aren't explained. I mean, why does he care if Riley spoke to the police? The virus is already released and spreading. How could Riley have any info for the police that is worth jeopardizing the entire operation for? So, he saw BJ with Sam in the car. Does that matter so much? Another character that behaves without logic and whose actions serve only to progress the plot.

Riley lives with his elderly grandmother. He accidentally infects her with the virus by leaving his toothbrush next to hers in the bathroom. Doesn't take much to spread this, I guess. So why does BJ make such a fuss about sleeping with women to spread it? If he wants to destroy humanity, all he has to do is smear some of the virus in public places where thousands will come in contact with it. But I digress.

Riley goes to a memorial service for Alice (the zombie friend he stabbed) attended by friends and family. His sister gives a speech and some dude plays a shitty song on acoustic guitar in her memory. While this was occurring, Riley begins having head pains and bends over in agony. Blood drips in large thick drops from his nose and lands in some kind of dip. Mind you, his doctor/brother-in-law is standing right next to him in the room and even whispers something unintelligible to him while he's doubled over. Does he offer him help? No. Does he go with him to the bathroom to see what's happening? No. Apparently he missed the bloody agony 12 inches away from him. Thanks doc! In the bathroom, Riley sneezes and a massive amount of blood is spewed all over the mirror. He tries to clean it up and while doing so, talks to his date, Harper, through the door. She wants to know if he's OK. He says he's fine and then suggests they go for a drink. Yep, you heard that right. He blew chunky blood out of his nose, barely cleans it up, and then thinks a drink with a date is a good idea.

They go to a bar and Harper kisses him before heading to the bathroom. Riley is then drugged by BJ, threatened, and apparently brought home and placed in bed. He wakes up the next day even sicker than before. He goes to Harper's college and pulls her out of class. She is visibly very ill. As ill as Riley. I guess the disease progresses at different rates in different people? One of Harper's classmates tries to intervene and remove Riley, but Harper pukes blood all over him and they leave.

Riley is convinced he can find a cure for the plague and enlists Harper to help track down and confront BJ. Harper ends up plucking out her eyeball and Riley tends to his own maggot-infested decomposing body. They then go to their drug-dealer friend's apartment and attempt to buy guns from him. The Riley threatens him with a gun because he thinks he has info that can lead him to BJ. The detective arrives and breaks up the gun deal. Riley and Harper are taken to the hospital, but one-eyed Harper dies. In case you were wondering, no, you won't care if she dies or not. In fact, due to the complete lack of humanity and any believable character development in this film, you won't care about anything or anyone. That's a promise.

In the Hospital, BJ shows up with some kind of suicide-zombie vest on and begins revealing his plans to obliterate mankind, like all good villains do. Long story short, a zombified Riley jumps to save the detective who is in a standoff with BJ. After a brief, laughably undeserved montage of our not-hero, the detective shoots zombie Riley and we cut to credits. Midway through the credits, it is revealed that the doctor from the first film was in cahoots with BJ all along. I guess they wanted to make his apparent ineptness in the first film seem more believable. It didn't.

OK, so, we're set up for Phase 3. I will watch it. Not because I want to, but because like all good train wrecks, I'm compelled to do so.
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definitely worth it
deadbull-951711 July 2017
There seem to be a zillion flicks that come out of nowhere. They show up on youtube etc. All the actors and actresses look under 20 and you get the feeling they paid the production company to be in the movie. 95% of these things are hopelessly derivative and uninspired...they just crawl along.

This one though....a horror movie...has a few fresh twists despite it's reliance on the zombie/contagion genre.

It's good for what it doesn't do. It has pro moves right along. We don't have mediocre photographers forcing us to spend 2 minutes looking at a tree cause they think it's a well set up shot.

It's sense of horror derives from-primal fears we all have to some degree in this paranoid age where everyone assumes 3veryone else is a virus...

It never gets artsy or pretentious...just serves itself up for what it is....namely, an effective low budget horror flick with terse effective plotting.

nicely done
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An ugly, forgettable film that fails on building off of the ground laid before it
StevePulaski8 September 2015
Eric England's Contracted came on horror radars almost as fast as an epidemic or a bout of syphilis. It was a nasty little horror film, buoyed by a terrific central performance by the young Najarra Townsend as a young woman victim to a terrible sexually transmitted disease that eventually turned her into a walking zombie. England held his focus on Townsend's poor soul throughout the film, so we could see a gradual and frightening transition from a normal woman into a blood-thirsty, inhuman beast. It was a terrific example of how the most affecting horror films don't often feature numerous jumpscares or big budgets to back up their ambition.

Now comes the inevitable Contracted: Phase II, fresh off a very low-key video-on-demand release (I had no idea of its release until a day before it was released) and a whirlwind of production issues, most of which publicized by England himself, who started as the film's writer and director and winds up without even a "special thanks" credit on the end product. Anyone vaguely familiar with the underground horror scene of late knows of the numerous problems this particular film faced, from several directorial and screen writing shakeups, and the same people will likely be disappointed to hear that the end result feels like an amalgamation of several different script ideas without a shred of cohesion and purpose.

Contracted was a very methodical horror film; conservatively paced, but always interesting from a situational standpoint, England always found a way to connect you with the character at hand and knew how to make the audience wince at the grotesque moments on-screen. Contracted: Phase II feels perfunctory where the original film felt natural; it feels like the byproduct of studio greed and manipulation over a product that succeeded primarily for the love of the genre.

The film concerns Riley (Matt Mercer), who is left to search for a cure to the virus that took over his friend Samantha (Townsend) and several of her friends. Riley winds up developing the same sort of ugly afflictions on his back and arms that Samantha did in the early stages of her STD, and races against the clock with a woman named Harper (Anna Lore) as the two try to combat the virus and find its source before the world is at the mercy of blood-thirsty zombies.

Lost in translation is the realism factor that made the original Contracted such a thrill; it genuinely seemed like a simple instance of a woman partaking in a one-night-stand only to have the repercussions affect her for the rest of her life. This film enhances things on a larger, more corporate scale, citing sources for all the ugliness and increasing the stakes which, for horror films in particular, is ripe for implausibility and complete exaggeration of something that once worked so well because it was so simple.

Contracted: Phase II also woefully lacks cohesion, for the first fifteen minutes of the film involve an interrogation of Riley over the death of Samantha and Alice before scenes take over, in a very vignette-style structure, showing the growth of Riley's ugly illness as well as him dealing with the illness of others. The result is a film that becomes a repetitive and dreary slog all too quickly, losing its intimate focus and feeling like a narrative hodgepodge with no clear-cut vision whatsoever.

This is a real shame, with Contracted being such a rare film; a film made with little money that seemed doomed to fail after potential financial backers turned the other cheek when it was shown a variety of festivals. After a big hit in Sweden, Contracted was acquired by IFC Films, famous for their IFC Midnight brand of schlocky horror films, and the rest resulted in minor independent film history as a horror film that rebounded to become something of a sleeper hit almost overnight. Contracted: Phase II is a pitiful excuse for a followup, ugly and forgettable, in addition to being completely void of purpose or a vision when it comes to building off of the truly strong, stable ground that was laid before it.

Starring: Matt Mercer and Anna Lore. Directed by: Justin Forbes.
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Slightly More Intelligent
view_and_review18 January 2016
There are a few reasons I watched "Contracted Phase 2".

1.) How could it be worse than the first one? It wasn't

2.) Maybe there would be some answers for how and why all of this started. There were, somewhat.

3.) Will the people get more intelligent because the first movie was rife with stupidity. They were, slightly.

"Contracted Phase 2" picks up exactly where "Contracted" left off. Samantha was killed after hungrily attacking her mother on the street (how her mom happened to be at the scene of her accident is beyond me).

This movie was yet another warning about unprotected sex as it picks up with Riley (Matt Mercer) going to the hospital to be tested for "everything" after his sexual escapade with Samantha. We see Riley go through the same three day metamorphosis that Samantha went through except with more casualties.

The movie still lacked any real personality even though the acting was significantly better. But yet again, there were no characters to get behind. Riley deserved his fate for getting freaky with a walking corpse, everyone else was just collateral damage.

Although better than the first "Contracted Phase 2" still not a good movie.
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A proper sequel (but watch the first part first)
SkullScreamerReturns26 January 2021
I kind of liked the first Contracted and now got to see the second part too. I watched both tonight in a row.

I was a bit skeptical towards the idea of a sequel. First it was a girl who got a disease and when I noticed that there's a sequel where a guy gets the same thing, I wondered if there's any chance for it to be good. Will the character's gender be enough material to create something new?

To my surprise the sequel does not only do the same story over but adds new twists to the plot. There's a crime thriller element (think of Seven) that adds more excitement.

I think the first part was more "fun" and entertaining as a horror film, and my personal favorite, but the sequel was more genuinely scary and thrilling. Well... also the fact that I watched it when the corona virus pandemic is on the news every day, it kind of made watching this movie a bit heavy.

As a sequel Contacted Phase II is quite good. It continues the story but adds also new ideas and brings the thrill to a new level. If you still have appetite for movies about deadly viruses, well, check it out. Watch both parts in a row like I did, and have nice 3 hours of rotting bodies.
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Gorier than the first one, but otherwise less interesting
venusboys37 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I kindasorta liked Contracted... mostly for how the main character dealt, or didn't deal, with her condition. She was an interesting if not admirable character. In this second one the protagonist is a guy who is much less interesting and faced with the inevitable snaps into hero mode and tries to track down the man who started the disease. The problem is, that's the whole story... there's nothing else going on and none of it is interesting or surprising. There are a few other characters along the way but they're mostly just there to provide more gross out moments (can't have the main character going zombie on us too soon...). It did seem decidedly more gory than the first one... but a lot of that gore seemed absurdly excessive whereas in the original it was more subtle and disturbing, here it was almost comic. Also, why does he keep finding worms inside himself... it's not like worms spontaneously generate in corpses... flies and such have to lay eggs and... well, it's a process that seems to be skipped here in favor of having crawly things just show up under his skin.

Really, unless you're a bored gorehound, skip this one.
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The disease gets worse and grows in scale
jacotinto1 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I gave 6 to the first movie too,and even if my personal enjoyment was the same, i think the the are totally different: while Contracted was a "body horror" where we only see the protagonist getting worse and worse, Contracted:phase II's plot mixes a zombie/disease movie with the body horror, turning into something different from the first chapter. While the first movie was beautifully made in terms of makeup and symptoms, this is one is just...gross (not in a totally bad way though) . It's still well- made, but a couple scenes made me feel a little uncomfortable (and i'm a med student), so if you don't really appreciate the splatter stuff, this movie is not for you. The plot, by the way, is the clear continuation of the first movie (even with some scenes flash backed from it.) and i surely expect a sequel. What didn't really work is character development. There are way too many characters, all getting infected at some point of the movie, that are basically useless. That wouldn't be a problem if the main character, Riley, had a meaning. He just goes around stupidly, infecting everyone. He knows what's happening, so why does he decide to basically help BJ (who he obviously hates) spreading the disease? I'll never know. The only character with a meaning here is BJ himself, who is interesting, mostly because we know so little about him.

I'll watch the third movie, since i see the potential to make a nice trilogy, but this movie remains a slightly above average movie, not more, not less.
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May Contain Spoilers
ericburch7622 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I can sit through just about anything, and I've watched movies that most people would turn off within the first few minutes. Now, I did sit through this whole movie, it's kind of like a masochistic thing I do, how much can I take, ya' know? After watching the first Contracted, I was looking forward to seeing the second one. Waited for a long time for it to come out and was happy when it came out. Then I watched it. If was F*#^ing stupid. How did the full grown meelworms appear? And why were they meelworms and not maggots? SPOILER: Why did the virus take longer to kill the some people than it did others? SPOILER: Why did the cop just cry and whimper at the hospital at the end instead of handling sh*t the way a cop would? Why would the guy decide to not tell his doctor about the horrible infection on his back, and why lie about having sex with the girl in the first place? If you're going to lie to your doctor, don't go in the first place! Idiots. But even though he was an idiot, he still isn't as big an idiot as the writers of this movie. They have no idea about how anything works and should be blacklisted from Hollywood.
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A surprisingly good sequel.
emberstonepierce9 October 2015
Having thoroughly enjoyed the first installment, I wasn't sure that a sequel could really add much to the general plot line. I'm happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the impressive acting, well rounded characters and introduction of a whole back-story to the original film. This movie works well as both a sequel and a stand alone feature, so you don't have to have seen the first film to enjoy this one. Although lacking the shocking impact of the first, this film is an explanation of the protagonist and their motives, as well as exploring what people have 'Contracted' in more detail and depth. A great new spin on the usual offerings within this genre and well worth an evenings viewing.
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Perhaps slightly better than the first.
Patient4445 September 2015
I'll be the first to say it: did not expect anything from Phase 2, nothing better than the original, no improvement, I only saw a lot of gore heading my way.

On the gore part, I was right, this one being a lot more brutal than the original, but the plot, is really good. They actually followed the story, quite nicely too, linked some pieces together, showed a better and more complex plot that leads to a good ending. It is hard to watch at times, but this is what this kind of movies usually bring, so get your stomach ready cause you'll need to.

Overall, Contracted: Phase 2, was a lovely sequel, and now I can't wait to see what part three will be all about. I mean, I hope this will turn into a trilogy and I'm guessing next on the list is the breakout of the virus. Probably a lot more gore too!

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A disappointing sequel...
paul_haakonsen12 October 2016
I was a big fan of the 2013 "Contracted" movie by director Eric England, and thus I was really anxious to see the continuation of the movie as the first movie left us with on a cliffhanger.

Right, well I must admit that my expectations were shot down quite fast here at the hands of director Josh Forbes. Whomever wrote the script for the sequel clearly weren't as intense in their creative writing as those working on the first movie.

This 2015 sequel was at best a mediocre movie that fumbled and stumbled all around as it tried to pick up the cliffhanger of the 2013 movie and then turned it into something that was nowhere as interesting or intense as the first movie. No, they took a very good idea and mashed it into something that was laughable and generic at best.

While the movie does continue on from where the first movie left, then the storyline in "Contracted: Phase II" just was a scrambled mess of trying to show more infections in people and trying to piece in some background of how this infection came into being at all.

The background story was just ludicrous, and it was actually infuriating that they opted for such a ridiculous approach to it all. Especially because it just unraveled everything that the first movie had built up so well.

It should be said that the effects in "Contracted: Phase II" are adequate, and they are actually the thing that keeps the movie afloat and saves it from sliding down into a level of being less than mediocre. But effects can only do so much, especially when the storyline is taking a nosedive.

The acting in "Contracted: Phase II" wasn't the most memorable of performances, and it certainly wasn't fully up to level with what was seen in the first movie. Perhaps it was because of the ludicrous storyline and script, because I do believe that the actors and actresses were doing fair enough jobs.

"Contracted: Phase II" is a very dissatisfying sequel, and somehow I wish that I hadn't seen it, because it really was a laughable movie, and it tainted everything built up by the first movie.

I will actually go as far as to say that watching "Contracted: Phase II" is definitely not a must, because letting the 2013 movie hang on a cliffhanger is a much more worthy ending to it. I was sorely disappointed with this movie, but stuck with it to the end to see it finished. And anything even remotely zombie is of interest to me.

"Contracted: Phase II" manages to land a very mediocre five out of ten stars rating from me.
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It was an OK sequel.
milliandollarcassie15 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I think it stands without warning that this contains spoilers.

First thing I'd like to address is Riley being so out of character in this movie. In the first, it was established that he was a shy & awkward kind of guy that although seemed a lil off- putting, he truly meant the best. Well this sequel for some odd reason completely ignores that fact and portrays him as a bad ass. He withholds information from police when asked about the Samantha, Nikki, Alice, and some other girl when he had no reason to do it in the first place. Thus making the police believe he is a suspect. Might I also address the female police officer/detective who has a Scottish accent who makes multiple mistakes through out the movie that makes me doubt she's even an officer of the law. Other than mourning dead friends and witnessing people contract the sexually transmitted necrophiliac STD, we get a chance to see what BJ looks like and hopefully witnessed his death. I really hope he's dead at least. Riley also has a girl named Harper who randomly comes out of nowhere and has no significance to the plot. Other than witnessing her pull out her own eye ball, she really didn't interest me.

This movie could've done better plot wise as to actually further the plot. We didn't get much far other than Riley's and BJ's death.
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As Gore Increased Interest Levels Dropped
Poptart_Psycho9 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After reviewing the first Contracted thoroughly as I believed it was harshly crisicsed the Phase 2 disappointed me greatly...

I was expecting some of the unanswered questions to be answered like who was bj? what actually is the disease? but only vaguely mentioned At the first the movie picks up where we left off Samantha and the police stand off.

This time the movie is based around Riley, the guy from the first film who was infatuated by lesbian Samantha who he eventually slept with and contracted the sti.

We see how Riley is desperate to find a cure and find the mysterious Bj. In actual fact BJ has been stalking him. Riley lives at home with his gran and his heavily pregnant sister.

Riley has a new love interest in the for of Harper but little does she know of the truth Bj we come to realise has the cure but has his own agenda and wants to spread this zombie disease.

Throughout the film it shows that even just by kissing it can be spread.

The police led by Crystal Young try to control the outbreak but even the cops cannot control the vile disease Gore levels are risen, there is more emphasis on the zombie transformation, more detail on what the disease does. But unfortunately as the gore gets better the actual plot disintegrates into more of a fully pledged zombie meeting.
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Like nonsensical movies? Then this is the one for you!
joesiracusa198929 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I can't describe how much I despise this movie. The acting was terrible, the pacing was terrible, music was terrible and just about anything you could think of. Apparently, zombie std viruses affect guys differently then they do to women. The main actor was just starting to get affected by the virus which took him about 6 days and just out out of nowhere, his friend pops up and catches whatever virus he had contracted and zombifies before he The only redeeming quality to the movie seemed to be the gore/special fx. Stay away from this movie. The first one did it much better and made some kind of sense even if not by much. 4/10
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Thought it was great but gross
jcslawyer10 May 2020
I liked the first one, so I was thinking the sequel would be tired. Although it didn't totally introduce anything nee, it was really enjoyable to watch. Holy cow, it was gross. There were up in your face gross out moments where you need to look away. But can't. But should.

Acting was pretty good, storyline was direct continuation of the first one, and they did it nicely. Don't expect it to be better than the first, but if you liked the first, then you'll like this.
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Delivers What You'd Expect it To
Michael_Elliott30 April 2016
Contracted: Phase II (2015)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Riley (Matt Mercer) finds himself growing violently sick from the virus he contacted so he sets out to find the man he believes is spreading it around.

CONTRACTED: PHASE II is a sequel that picks up where the original film left off but to me this here is more of a remake than anything else. I enjoyed the first film a great deal and this one here is basically just a copy of it, although it's not nearly as good. With that said, if you enjoy these body harming horror films then there's enough violence and gore here for you.

I think the biggest issue with this film is that it really doesn't offer us anything we didn't see in the first film. I'd also argue that we don't care for Riley like we did Sam in the first film. However, this type of film is made to make your skin crawl and there are several disgusting scenes here. As with the first there's a lot of gore, blood vomiting and creepy things being dug out of flesh. The violence and gore certainly matches the first film and it will keep fans into the picture.

The performances were all good and especially Marianna Palka and Anna Lore. Director John Forbes does a good job with the material and delivers a well-made and professional looking film. CONTRACTED: PHASE II isn't a masterpiece but it delivers what you'd expect it to.
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complete re-tread of the first movie
phenomynouss11 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
the first movie "Contracted" was good as hell with compelling characters in a body horror that at the very end reveals itself to be a zombie movie, executed in such a way that the mysteries that were begun in the film end up seeming insignificant compared to the implied threat of a zombie breakout.

this sequel picks up immediately after the first, beginning with Day 4 (the first film had the Day 1-3 transitions, with Day 3 revealed to be "of 3". This film does the exact same thing with Day 6 revealed to be "of 6") with now zombified Samantha secured and contained.

From there, we basically follow the same steps as the first movie, only focusing on the derpy guy who can't act Riley instead of Samantha. Every scene, every beat done by the first film is repeated here as if the first film didn't do them first, like we're supposed to be shocked and horrified when he starts coughing up lots of blood or finding weird things all over his body.

The guy who initially started the infection gets some more screen time, with a dumb run of the mill "mankind is a disease" manifesto sent to the police as the feds get involved. More people get infected by Riley and showing the same symptoms he and Samantha had. More ridiculously, people act as if the horrifying facial deformations are just a minor thing. It was similar in the first film, but at least Samantha had long hair and hid her face as much as she could. This guy meanders about town looking like pure syphilis and no one's gagging at the mere sight of him and calling 911.

Overall, the acting has gotten significantly worse, with Riley being utterly awful, and the actor playing Detective Young constantly slipping out of accent to some kind of either Irish or Canadian accent.

about the only new thing done in this movie is the introduction of some manner of wide-ranging cult related to the zombie thing and BJ, noted by the word ABBADON tattooed on their fingers. The zombie outbreak starts unfolding, implied offscreen, at the end of the film, essentially making the vast majority of this film a waste of time
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Unusual viral/zombie movie
anakaday7 February 2016
The transformation happens through several stages over a few day so you feel for the slow suffering of the infected person and wonder what's going to happen to them next and if they are going to survive the race against time.

Betterthan most zombie movies for this reason.

You need to write at least 10 lines here so let me see...

The first film was kept the suspense up as you didn't know what was coming.

This film didn't have the same amount of suspense or shock appeal but the unfolding plot and extra gore makes up for it.
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An interesting approach focusing on the early stages of a zombie pandemic
clarkzrevs14 July 2020
A slow burn story, portraying the initial phases of what will eventually become an uncontrolled zombie pandemic. An unconventional approach to the zombie genre, but an interesting one nonetheless.

(I personally enjoyed the movie, but with a hazy plot which was poorly consolidated, coupled with mediocre acting at best; I rank it a 4/10 but a 5 would be too much to award, which is a shame actually, because with a little more effort it easily could have been)
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Above Average Zombie Movie
Carrigon4 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this one is GOOD. It was miles above the first movie.

The movie starts exactly where the first one left off. And then we switch to Riley, who has now become infected. And he's basically rotting away just like Sam did. And unfortunately, he is infecting several people along the way. We do get all the gross out moments and there are maggots.

There is also a detective and Riley tries to help her find BJ, the crazy guy who started it all. And there are some really good scenes with zombies and police officers and you can see how the disease spreads so easily.

The movie did an excellent job of fully explaining how the zombie outbreak started. There are a few unanswered questions and there's even a scene after some of the credits. I'm sure if they do a third movie it will give those answers.

The ending was excellent. Really well done. I don't think you'll be disappointed with this movie. It's much better than average. I felt it was worth watching every scene. I would recommend watching both the first and the second movie back to back because it's just kind of like one long movie they split into two. I hope they do a third.
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bit better than previous sequel
NijazBaBs14 April 2020
Nothing special compared to the 1st sequel. Just bit better in story and graphics. I am most amazed by the graphics which look so real, detailed, scary, exciting. Also story is more real with more people showing more appropriate reactions unlike in previous sequel where they were more ignorant. There are various small funny things like old man clerk, old woman, neighbor drug lord, police, criminal, doctors in hazmat. But still many holes in the story, too unrealistic, ignorant, not finished or explained fully. Still looks like good for halloween movie only. Not too real or serious, but still has some presence of pandemic and halloween environment that is fun.
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Destroyed the first part name....
thilagaraj-9612112 May 2021
The whole movie is completely predictable. It is easy to figure out that the movie will be end with predictable twist. Compare with Contracted 1, this is less interesting and completely predictable movements.

Double star only for special effect like self cleaning of infection, blood vomiting and some gruesome scene. Other then that, It is not worth to watch....
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