The Chosen (2015) Poster


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Corny production and odd casting undermine what little horror it could have had.
quincytheodore9 September 2015
A curse occurs in a family where everyone's age looks misleadingly too young or too old. It's one of the strange things about The Chosen, the leads seem very young for their characters who are playing the uncle and mother although they're more fitting as siblings. Furthermore, the brief jump scares occasionally turn into unintentional comedy with stiff acting and awkward scenes as though these events are pranks gone wrong instead of genuine haunting.

To its credit, the setup for the premise is decent. It's a more unique twist of the usual possession plot. There's a good use of family bond here, the two leads can at least produce on-screen platonic relationships. It's definitely aimed towards the younger audience who can relate more. However, the acting isn't superb all around, thus more character it tries to introduce the more they become like strangers bumping into each other.

Any attempt at horror quickly fades. The sudden pop up of random lady or the child staring bizarrely only makes it uncomfortably odd, far from creepy. Later on it relies on cheesy CG and unconvincing practical effects that utter hamper the tension. Drama between the characters is inconsistent, the development sometimes happens too sudden or just inexplicably arbitrary.

It's a missed opportunity since there's a good foundation for horror here, but with such shoddy presentation The Chosen is devoid of any thrill.
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white-johnfletcher31 January 2016
This film is visually interesting and disturbing, yet the acting seems wooden at times. It appears to rip off a rather more well know horror film in unimportant ways or at least refer to them. There are nice atmospheric touches throughout, and what we learn about the characters as they develop adds to the creepy feel of the piece as a whole. Willing suspension of disbelief fails occasionally, but there is plenty of detail to add a sense of creepiness to the film overall. On the one hand it is a bit difficult to keep track of who is related to whom, and in what way, but this, too, adds to the effect of the film as a whole. Films referred to seem to include The Exorcist and The Shining.
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story is okay but the effects are bad
trashgang9 June 2016
Another flick that picks in on the genre that is so popular nowadays. The possession. Here we do have a daughter being possessed by a demon only to be exorcised by killing people with the same bloodline.

So far so good and the acting was mediocre so on that part i didn't had any problems but it's the CGI effects used that made it a low profile flick. The demon appears in some kind of cloud to attack it's pray. The cloud is done CGI and isn't believable. To summon the demon they have to put a sign on the chosen body with blood. The problem is that the blood used didn't look like blood, way too red.

There's nothing scary and the atmosphere build with the grandfather in his wheelchair is a bit lame. Still, it's watchable but once the end credits are running you are already forgotten this flick. Are you the chosen one to watch it?

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 1,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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One of the worst films of the year...
Krackoon9 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Where do I begin with this mess?

Let's begin with by saying 'The Chosen' is one of the worst films I've seen all year. The acting is so bad, I had to double check to make sure this wasn't a black comedy. Kian Lawley is so wooden, he seems lost at every turn of the film, as he goes around 'marking' people after being told to by a complete stranger minutes into the film that he must sacrifice six family members. I mean, she couldn't be a complete nut job, right? Barbara Goodson is probably the worst actor/actress in the film, and if you can get through her death scene - congratulations, it only gets worse. Mykayla Sohn, although a child actress, deserves some credit, as well - she only becomes tolerable when her dialogue comes to a screeching halt. If anyone wants to remake 'Troll 2,' I'm sure she'll make a nice addition to 'Nilbog.' The random Nun that pops up once in a while is the only tolerable character in the film, but I'm fairly certain she's not really supposed to be there - more than likely a mix up in sets. There's many more bad performances to be seen here (Mykayla Sohn started talking again,) but lets move on.

The plot is also mind numbingly stupid, as this character just goes around marking people on the whim of a complete lunatic. One minute he's convinced she's crazy, and before the door closes we hear - 'Oh, well, if I wanted to mark someone...' Well, she did have an old looking book, so those people are usually legit, right? Bothered one moment by what he has to do, then seemingly enjoying it the next, he really doesn't know what the hell he's doing with his character. The entire film is a complete mess of random nonsense. You're not going to find many films worse than this in 2015.

Random Ramblings of a Madman: Now that I've seen 'The Chosen,' I'm going to have to get six people to watch it, before I'm able to move on. I'm still deciding on the ''lucky'' six.
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Chosen for the bargain bin.
g_burns-457-89020624 September 2015
How can I put this? You know how when you go to the dentist to have root canal work done and the dentist tells you that you may experience some 'discomfort' afterward and what he really means is that you'll be in agony once the anaesthesia wears off and you'll just want to lie down in a dark room and pray for death rather than live through one more second of the pain shredding its way through your nervous system? Yeah. This movie. This movie right here is like having root canal work carried out on your soul. Forget it. Don't watch it, don't look at it, don't even bother reading the rest of this review. For real. You will find no redeeming qualities in this movie. Okay, so maybe the main guy was OK acting wise. I do have one question for the movie producers...what was with the end credits soundtrack choice? Really? You're gonna hit us with some trap rap hip hop tune that was in no way related to anything that happened in the movie and really really really didn't go with the atmosphere (or lack of) that you tried (and failed) to aim for? Nope. I'm out. NEXT!
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The movie needs work. A lot Of Work.
kenyae-cagle3 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really needs a lot of work. First of all I don't think anyone would sacrifice another family member to save another especially the grandmother that was absolutely innocent in this movie. I did appreciate that this was all in the name of religion and the danger of the religions. The most ridiculous part to this movie was that it was rushed and now I'm not saying the movie had to be long, but it definitely needed the story to marinate to build certain characters to seem like necessary people to get rid of in the first place. I think this movie needed to have better child actors/actresses and better theme placements. I really think the movie was just in a rush to get finished. Lilith also, comes from the Jewish mythology and not the Christianity Mythology, so I thought that was interesting as well. I did find it awkward that a nun was the writer of a demonic sealing book. I just wish the movie was not so strung out on religious beliefs, but instead stuck to the concept of being a horror movie.
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What a pile of unmitigated crap
simonwelsh45430 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea why this managed to score a 7.1 out of 10. How very misleading.

The acting is terrible. The story is driven forward mercilessly by a plot that has about as much flexibility as rigamortis. What a waste of 88 minutes.

If you love your eyeballs, don't bother watching this movie. Seriously they ought to start fining Hollywood producers/directors/writers who think it's OK to come out with something as poorly put together as this.

I hope this review helped.
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Next Time, Get a REAL Babysitter...
dcarsonhagy19 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another yawner about a demon who leeches itself to children and leaves the affected family looking for its "pound of flesh," so to speak.

Cameron is left in charge of his niece, Angie, while his mom goes visiting. They live in a house with their grandparents, both afflicted in some way or the other. Even though Cam's mother forbids him to take Angie to see her real mother, an ex druggie, where's the first place they go once mom is out of sight? You guess it. During the visit, there seems to be a horrible argument going on next door so Cam (naturally) investigates. Angie follows. Angie is then overcome by a LOT of second-hand smoke and has a proclivity for big eyeballs. Cameron then finds out Angie has become possessed by "the devil's whore, a/k/a Lillith." In order to save her, he must kill six people in seven days and offer them as sacrifices.

Another amateur-night-at-the-Bijou attempt at horror that was so confusing it was hard for me to keep everything straight. In fact, I don't think I did. The script was absolutely absurd because in one part of the movie you have the girlfriend who suddenly is upset about morals...while all along she's been trying to help Cam kill people. Go figure.

The movie is unrated and has some minimal violence, faux lovemaking, and language.
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I Need the SMH Emoji
view_and_review21 December 2015
It's been a while since I've seen a movie so terrible I quit part way through. I'd actually been doing a fairly good job of selecting half way decent movies. This time I struck out (that's what I get for going with Netflix selections for me).

The plot of the movie is straight forward (I guess). Lilith, the first wife of Adam (as in Adam and Eve) is a child stealer because yada yada yada. That's pretty much what it sound like to me once the woman said Adam had a wife before Eve that was banished from Eden for not obeying Adam.

At any rate: child possession... weak scare tactics... ominous music... poor acting... etcetera etcetera... I quit.
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worst horror ever
andrasvaradi29 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
---This review contains spoilers !!! --

There is not a single minute when this movie can be taken seriously. Poor acting from the little girl, never even scary, completely pointless storyline, with the unexplainable appearance of a nun, who is - God knows why - can just disappear at will. Ghetto hip-hop music at the credits would kill any vibes if there was any. But there is none.

The film is consistently bad and boring and I really want to become a Hollywood director, 'cos I can put a film like this together every day before lunch. And I am not talented.

Shame it could pass through prescreening and was not revoked before going public.

It feels really bad that I watched it on Netflix (Don't they watch what they sell?) so I even paid for this 88 minutes. Save your money and time.
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Low Budget
gab-6759930 September 2021
Just because this was a low budget movie does not mean it was not good. It was interesting and entertaining despite this fact. I have seen worse movies than this one. Only annoying thing was when him and his uncle were fighting the background music was just awful. Oh and I hated Angie's mom, wish something awful would have happened there. There were some twists which make this a movie I would recommend. If you like low budgets that is. This movie was more of a 7/10 for me but I wanted to be nice to make up for such a low imbd score.
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jonathanchuter-747481 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Chosen is a good, entry level movie with moderate casting and good screenplay. The storyline was well thought out and the themes and motives were carried out faithfully.

As an overall production, it lacked some finesse in terms of special effects and cinematography, however it was "chilling" to say the least. With a bigger budget, I feel like this movie would have been far better. The actors were a little out-of-place in terms of age and in a few instances, the acting or script was forced. In light of this, the acting were good and the idea of it being a horror was tasteful, with not too much blood and gore.

I enjoyed this movie, yet I feel like some more time could have been spent refining very small details in the script. The story personally felt a bit rushed but is to be expected in a lower budget movie.
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Oh the horror
kosmasp14 November 2017
Horror gets a bad rep from people ... and movies like this one are helping with that false narrative. Of course there are bad movies in every genre, but Horror seems to be affected most by it. And with comedy, which is a genre where you could argue it's also easy to make a movie fast and cheap, you have the safety net of "taste". Because humor is in the eye of the beholder, but quality isn't.

So while it would be tough to come up with something completely new, you should expect that something better can be done, even with a devil takes people (sacrifices made) and so forth. There is a tendency to try to give characters some depth. The actors just can't pull that weight. Not saying they get a great script and they mess it up, but still they could and should have been able to raise the bar. Acting ain't that easy ... making good movies neither
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Entirely boring
Leofwine_draca3 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
THE CHOSEN is another sedately paced indie horror flick set in a family home. A little kid is ambushed by a demon while her family proceed to do their very best to save her. Sadly, this merely consists of endless small talk, lots of emoting, long conversations, and no actual horror content. As a result, it's entirely boring.
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Garbage story
fareedmemon-1426813 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The story is totally garbage and one of the worst movie ever he killed every one to save one little child
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Sickly immoral movie
kannan_jayaprakasam26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Don't let your child watch this movie! It is a pile of sick fecal matter not even convincingly made. The plot is immoral, treating human lives like pawn-able items. It pathetically tries but fails, in its attempt to portray that any human being would accept that it is OK to kill 6 innocent blood relatives to save your one niece. An escapee from mental institution for criminal patients might agree but the lead actors don't look the part. Also the lead actor doesn't have a consistent personality portrayed in the film. He is out to save his niece and also says he can't kill children to save her but he wants his own unborn baby aborted. What a pile of poop! As others have pointed out the plot is very rigid - it would have been better if there was some positive lead character in the film who finds out about the murders and gets the killers arrested. At-least that way it would have catered to those among us who are not escapees from mental institutions. The writer and director of this movie would do a service to humanity if they don't attempt to work in the cinema field ever again.
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Bland and Creepy
b1gm0nk3y27 November 2021
This film is not the best, but also not the worst. I found myself fairly intrigued by the beginning, but soon the movie begins to fall apart. I disliked a lot of the main characters as their actions felt unrealistic (even in a supernatural horror) and were constantly mad at one another. The creepy factor is quite nice, however, and is the saving grace for this movie. The effects are awful and the acting is terrible and stale half the time. Okay, but I would only watch again for the disturbing plot.
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jackyterrero5 December 2021
This movie was mostly people talking and dumb music, terrible waste of money, I switch my ticket for another movie, this is misleading, I thought it would be a movie instead it was mostly music playing and people talking about the birth of Christ.
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lmao these actors are so bad
GrumpyMustard11 July 2020
Well, it was at least amusing for how pathetic it was. But my friends and I couldn't finish it because it got boring after a little while.
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Interesting story, but mediocre and result...
paul_haakonsen15 August 2017
When I found "The Chosen" I had no knowledge about it at all. I didn't know who starred in it or what it was about. I just happened to find it in the horror section. And being a horror fan I needed very little persuasion in order to pick it up and give it a go.

I must say that I found the story to be rather interesting. It was a good story concept and there were some rather twisted and disturbing elements to it, such as having to sacrifice your own family members in order for a single person to remain alive and having to pick out which ones to sacrifice. It should be said that the story was rather predictable, so don't expect any curve balls here.

The acting in the movie was adequate, although I wasn't familiar with anyone on the cast list. Which, in itself, is a plus for me, because I like watching new acting talents in movies.

For a horror movie that involved a hellish entity, then it was a movie that was rather scarce on special effects. Sure, there were special effects and CGI in the movie, just used in moderation. Which was a shame, because it felt like it held the movie back.

The movie was in overall adequate, but at times it felt a bit forced and rigid at times. Whether that was because of the director or the writers I do not know. But it was an enjoyable enough movie for what it turned out to be.

As for the ending of the movie, well it made very little sense to me, so I guess that whatever the writers were aiming at was lost on me.

All in all, "The Chosen" scores 5 out of 10 stars from me.
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best movie ever
memeg-689037 March 2021
This was the best movie i have ever seen. Acting was immaculate. Main character was vey attractive. Don't know why everyone was hating. It was actually very funny instead of scary but whatever.
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