Sociopathia (2015) Poster


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A Waste Of Time
nebk17 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sociopathia is a low budget horror starring a bunch of relatively unknown actors. Other than an interesting if misleading name the movie does not have much to offer. The movie follows the murderous exploits of Mara who is a movie prop maker, lesbian and a murderer. She doesn't want to let go of her lovers and ends up killing them, dressing them up and treating them like dolls and talking to them until she replaces them with someone else. To highlight the level of Mara's insanity her dolls often talk back and get jealous of her other relationships. She sadistically kills a few girls until she meets Kat, an up and coming movie producer who interests her and Mara finds herself falling for the girl. But to her dismay the relationship between her and Kat makes her dolls get more possessive and jealous. Or viewed differently, Mara becomes more unstable and imagines her dolls getting more possessive.

The acting is relatively weak and the story never really goes anywhere. There is no real suspense as the identity of the killer is never in question. This might not be a point of contention though as the focus of the film might be Mara's further descent into insanity and possible redemption through a normal relationship with Kat. None of this matters though as the story is not captivating enough to keep the viewer interested to the end. There are scenes which are badly acted and could have been much better. There is a lot of female nudity and gory violence but this is not enough to keep the viewer interested in the thin and stretched story line. Overall a 3.5/10. Had some potential but it was wasted and in the end the movie is not really worth watching.
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Neither as sexy nor scary as it wants to be
quincytheodore18 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of psycho lady hunting attractive lesbian girls, among others, while performing risqué act might just be presentable enough for horror, although with such weak acting, repetitive plot and shifty production, "Sociopathia" is a lot of tacky cosmetic with any substance. The lead actress simply can't deliver the depth of character needed for a thriller. Meanwhile the supporting cast, in exception of one, looks more convincing as corpses than actual characters.

It tries to deliver a perspective of the antagonist as she struggle with mental disorder, it also has the benefit of playing around artificial props which already have inherited creepiness about them. However, the performance from the entire cast can be sum up to either girls throwing tantrum or over zealously and superficially seductive. Things get worse when they scream at each other, it's borderline numbing at this point.

It's also far from scary as well. This is nothing more than masked person randomly chopping people without any concrete plan. The chopping itself is utterly ridiculous, using overdose of blood even when she just pushes people or when the movies pulls off horror cliché of stupid victims flailing about at their last moments. This overblown proportion translates into the sensual scenes. Yes, let there be nudity aplenty.

Granted, the ladies are admittedly attractive, in fact they are more effective when delivering no dialogue. The notion of living doll itself is sufficiently creepy. Asta Paredes as Kat is the better performer here, she exudes more personality than the rest, and her character is easily identifiable with one or two quirks. Still, the movie tends to revert back to silly style when it looks like it almost gains any momentum.

It may have a few glints of horror potential and flashy cosmetics, but "Sociopathia" is simply lacking acting prowess and general presentation to be a decent horror.
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Maniacette with Attitude
shawnblackman24 September 2016
This one was directed by Ruby Larocca who everybody knows from Orgasm Torture In Satan's Rape Clinic (2004).

Story centres around a prop builder who we quickly find out doesn't have all her buttons and as a result she throws on a mask and kills people always getting blood everywhere.

The film just ends up being a female version of Maniac (1980) which is probably her homage of sorts but it comes too close to Maniac (2012) release which still leaves a bad taste.

I guess for Ruby's first time directing its not bad. Film quality is good as well.
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Sociopathic snoozefest...
paul_haakonsen12 June 2017
When I found "Sociopathia" I had no idea what the movie was about, nor had I ever heard about it. But the movie's cover and the synopsis that I read seemed like the movie could actually be worth watching, especially if it was in the likes of the 2002 movie "May" or the 2009 "She's Crushed" movie.

The movie starts out with excessive nudity, and that sort of set the movie as being just a bit too sleazy. And then it is followed up with some hilarious bad blood effect, which was so over the top that you just want to get up and find something else to watch.

I decided to give "Sociopathia" a chance any way, because initial impressions might be put to shame at hands of directors and writers Ruby Larocca and Rich Mallery. I found myself very hard pressed in terms of interest and entertainment at the 35 minute marker, but continued on watching. But I gave up once I hit 50 minutes, then I just had enough of the movie.

"Sociopathia" continues on with pointless nudity in some scenes, and that would work out so much better if the women had actually worn just a bit more clothing. I am not a prude or anything, but the desire to showcase women's breasts does not make for a better movie. And there was also a bit too much focus on pointless lesbian sex scenes - but hey, that works more than well enough for certain people in the audience, of course. And the love-making scene that involved a knife was just downright idiotic.

Now, I can't claim to be familiar with anyone on the cast list, so it was nice to see new faces and new talents in a movie. People were acting adequately according to the material they had to work with.

Some of the characters portrayed in the movie were like cardboard cut outs of stereotypical characters seen in so many other movies. And that was sort of frustrating, because a proper character gallery would have spiced up the movie that much more.

The movie does actually quickly get to the good stuff fairly quick, the horror and gory aspect of the movie, which is why we watch a movie such as this after all. So it is nice not having to wait for an hour while the movie builds up atmosphere and sets the scene. But after an initial sprint, then the movie sort of loses momentum and settles into a fairly monotonous trot, and the dialogue becomes dull and rather uninteresting.

"Sociopathia" is hardly an outstanding horror movie, and it doesn't come off as being particularly impressive. And it was the lack of pace and happenings that ultimately sent the movie down a steep hill. If you enjoy a good horror movie, then there most definitely are far better choices available then the 2015 "Sociopathia" movie.

My rating of the movie settles on a less than mediocre 3 out of 10 stars. And this is most definitely not a movie that I will return to for finishing watching, much less watch a second time, because the movie just doesn't have any kind of depth or contents to support more than a single viewing - provided you get through the movie the first time.
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stay away
BtzLtd5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A psychotic prop master kills her lovers and lets them rot in her bathroom. she refuses to address her mental illness and begins hallucinating. no plot to speak of, no consequences. lotta boobs though, if thats a big sell for you. from story to production to editing and back, this movie sucks, full stop
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Sociopathetic is more like it..
MrGKB31 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
...and even that may be too generous for this ill-conceived, shameless ripoff of/homage to the 80s exploitation classic, "Maniac," never mind that pointless 2012 reboot with Elijah Wood. "Sociopathia" evinces nothing worthy of its sleazy slasher inspiration; tyro co-writer/director Ruby Larocca would be well-advised to stick to being a Scream Queen. I was tempted to slag this off with a "1" vote, but there is at least a small modicum of talent on display besides naked breasts. I'm hard-pressed to say where or what, though. The lead actress makes no significant effort to match Joe Spinell's conflicted psycho; only co-star Asta "Return to Nuke 'Em High" Paredes shows any real screen chops, and the entire pedestrian cast, strewn though it is with multiple nubiles, is pretty much sunk from the get-go by its truly wretched script. From the pedestrian acting to the no-fi production quality, "Sociopathia" simply fails again and again. Small wonder actors reportedly bailed on this nonsense. Absolutely not worth your time or money. You've been warned; Spinell's grave must be blazing hot from uncontrollable rotation.
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No one ever trusts me
nogodnomasters20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Mara (Tammy Jean) is a mentally ill lesbian killer who makes up her victims as dolls. When Kat (Asta Paredes) enters her life, she doesn't want to kill her, but this causes other issues.

The characters were shallow. Acting wasn't much to speak about. The film was rather pointless.

F-bomb, F/F sex, ample nudity 5 stars for the nudity.
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rayray-590274 January 2019
This was probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It was actually ridiculous!
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Maniac rip-off is the pits
Leofwine_draca17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SOCIOPATHIA is a lame attempt at a psychological horror movie, a simple gender-swap rip-off of the banned classic MANIAC. The story is about a dull woman who works making special effects props by day and who kills her lovers by night, turning them into human dolls to keep her company. This dull film features indifferent acting and lots of sexual content, but not much else. A lot of effort has obviously gone in to make it quite nice looking at times but why bother when the film has no voice, no personality, and certainly no sense of menace or disquiet.
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Intriguing story but poor execution
Floated210 April 2024
The plot sounds like something relatively simple that could be of interest and entertaining. As a lower budget independent horror film, expectations weren't too high. Overall the story starts off decent as we are introduced to the lead characters and as we continue watching, we get a sense that she has mental type problems.

The story and film does get better once another woman enters the story, a character Kat whom is a new employee at their workplace of some sort of dolls production company.

However it tries to deliver a perspective of the lead as she struggle with mental disorder, it also has the benefit of playing around artificial props which already have inherited creepiness about them. Thoughtfully the performance from the main cast can be sum up to either girls throwing tantrum or over the too and superficially seductive. Things get worse when they scream at each other, it's quite numbing at this point. There is nudity and skin shown (including right as the film begins- all be it brief). The blood and violence is cheap looking but not too bad.

The main problem is the lack of suspense and thrills. We see the killer wearing the mask but we immediately know who it is, ruining the surprise. The ending was lacklustre as it just came to abrupt ending. A solid effort but with better writing and better actors this could have been a lot better.
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Absorbing portrait of female madness and despair
Woodyanders7 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Deranged and introverted, but still endearing kook Mara (a credible and sympathetic performance by the adorable Tammy Jean) has a job making props for movies. Things seem to pick up for Mara after she meets and falls for perky producer Kat (a winningly spunky portrayal by Asta Parades), but after their heated relationship falters Mara loses her already tenuous grasp on reality and goes off the murderous deep end.

Directors Ruby Larocca and Rich Mallery do a sturdy and compelling job of astutely capturing Mara's unhinged state of mind (the scenes with Mara talking to various toys and the rotting bodies of her victims are genuinely creepy and unsettling), ground the macabre premise in a plausible everyday world, and deliver a satisfying smattering of tasty distaff nudity and steamy soft-core sex along with a handy helping of nasty gore. The crackling erotic tension between the attractive and enticing leads provides plenty of extra sizzle. However, this film's key triumph is the remarkable way it depicts Mara as a tragic and troubled person who evokes a complex mix of fear and pity from the viewer. Kudos are also in order for Jared Noe's crisp cinematography and Sean Burnell's shuddery score. A solid little fright flick.
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More Background Into The Main Character Would Have Helped!
LasKeepsItReal20 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is my review for Sociopathia which will contain several spoilers throughout!

This film follows the story of Mara a young woman who often secludes herself from the outside world unless she has to go to work or is looking for a lover to keep forever!

Mara works for a film production company designing film props, she chooses to often pass on social activities with her co workers while using her work schedule as an excuse in reality she is looking for her ideal candidate to be her lesbian girlfriend and be loyal by her side.

Mara quickly meets young and attractive women on a regular basis although for them they either don't want a relationship with her, are looking for a casual fling or have another agenda. She kills the women one by one and does not want the women to leave her apartment so keeps their bodies as dolls and regularly has imaginary conversations with them. She is taking medication for various illnesses so believes in her hallucinations and can't control them.

Everything starts to improve for Mara when she meets another woman named Kat who is also working at the same production company and their friendship soon turns romantic and they embark on a relationship. It is not long before they both face problems and Mara will have to decide if Kat is the right woman for her especially when there is so much about her hidden life she does not know about and her beliefs that her previous dead lovers are being possessive and making her life more complicated.

I did find the idea of this thriller interesting and the obvious references to the films Maniac (1980) and May (2002) so i could understand where the plot was going. The only two characters who had the most substance to them were Mara and Kat although i preferred the character of Kat in the movie. I was however slightly disappointed that there was not more background information or a flashback into how Mara started to suffer from mental health problems which ultimately turned her into a murderess even though in one scene towards the end of the film there was a hint but it did not go any further. The film also had enough violence,blood and nudity to please most horror fans although for me this did not compensate for what could have been more that an average film.

I would rate this film 6 out of 10!
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urirantzer8 November 2018
In short, i am a huge horror movies fan, i have watched hundrets of them and this movie is one of the best i have ever seen, its a beautiful creation, perfectly crafted , filmed and directed, actors are great..i cant understand the poor user reviews.. for the makers of this art piece, please make more movies and thank you for this one.
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Movie about a sociopathic lesbian killer and plenty of nudity. Count me in.
groomsjw27 September 2021
Sure this wasn't the best movie. But it kept my interest and provided plenty of completely unnecessary female nudity. Gold, baby...
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Nope, not sociopathia...
janiteittinen22 May 2023
...BUT schizophrenia the main character was clearly suffering from.

Well, this is an American indie horror production / interpretation, so let's just be gentle with it.

Positive about it was that it was filmed in Baltimore instead of L. A. or California. Somewhere else for a change!

I liked the flick. It was not that bad. From my horror enthusiast point of view this was very likeble to watch.

A gem in the indie horror genre!

Ps. They even thanked the "Pope of Thrash" - John Waters that is - in the ending credits. That was something. Well, Waters resides in Baltimore, so that was a natural way of doing it.
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Haven't seen it , but looks like trash after watching trailer
casimirmillerj17 December 2018
Looks like a rip-off of the movie MAY. Like how desperate was the writer ? This is clearly a cash grab for horror fans
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