2047: Sights of Death (2014) Poster

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Beyond Tedious
bari-goddard-148-8979192 November 2014
Mind-numbingly boring film,the 'name actors' must have been paid a shed full of money to appear in this tedious drivel, there can be no other reason to perform in this 1/10 nonsense. There is not one redeeming feature, the plot is overused and has large gaps in continuity, camera-work is amateur and at best bland, everyone looks and acts bored. Script is beyond a joke - what a waste of so much talent on a vehicle that is this boring. Rutger Hauer etc should sack their agents for getting them involved in this, it was so embarrassing to watch I actually felt myself squirming as each ridiculous line was delivered and each plot gap widened by cutting to a scene which didn't follow on from the storyline, such as it were. Do not waste time or money watching this, you will regret it.
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Futuristic action flick where rebels, played by Glover, Baldwin and Leoni, face off against gov't bad guys Hauer and Madsen.
guyaintwright2 November 2014
The audience will find it tortuous trying to decipher the point of Glover and Baldwin's rebel 'mission'. The rebel opposition consists of a group of pseudo-military types led by Rutger Hauer. I'm not sure if the clownish attempt at acting like soldiers was due to the writers thinking it unnecessary to pay for technical consulting, or perhaps that really is how Italian soldiers work. Hauer appears in a state of constant obliviousness (which is reasonable, given the script). Thin plots don't really bother me as long as there is a little bit of good acting, a character to root for, or at least entertaining action scenes. This movie, having none of those things, is utterly unappealing and thoroughly boring. The script was completely incomprehensible. The actors never had a chance with this big steamy turd.
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barosanescu30 October 2014
Seriously? Never in my mind I thought that such a cast would play in what I call the worst movie of the year. Acting was horrible. Story was non existent.

What made Rutger, Glover and Madsen play in this catastrophe? I don't mention the other actors, since they are not really actors. Baldwins' performance was no better than his other movies. Hannah should have stopped at "Mermaid". Maybe a free trip to Italy was the motivation?

Boring and tasteless. The director should quit and retire, the script writer should get a job as a ... anything else but script writing. The editor should be a janitor.

A complete shame to the industry. 2047 makes any "B" movie look like an Oscar.
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Boring life?
yehoshua-wittmer1 November 2014
If your real life is boring like hell, and you watch this film, your life suddenly looks much brighter. I agree with the first writer that the actors were in need for pesos, or lira, as this film is Italian. It is actually in the tradition of the cheap Spaghetti western of the 70s, with a script not worth then name, likely made by a director using a fake name. Neva Leoni is the only one not selling herself below worth, as she is new, but the others should be ashamed. Rutger Hauer and Daryll Hannah (both from Blade Runner fame) are so far away from any decent acting, and that's how they want to be remembered, with crap like this film? Broke or desperate, or both.
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Without doubt THE worst film i have EVER seen!!
kaylabibby19 May 2015
Seriously!? How on earth did these actors agree to make this abomination!? I actually stuck with it in the belief that things must get better! I mean Rutger Hauer, Danny Glover, Michael Madson, Daryll Hannah, Steven Baldwin! You look at that cast and think, wow, this has got to be pretty good, I think i'll go down to HMV and buy it. The WORST mistake of my life! Honestly! I will never get back those 2 hours of my life ever again! The plot was non-existent and the acting.. What acting!! This isn't even a 1 Star, it's not even half a star! The writer, screenplay guy and director should be banned from making films for life! There is no reprieve, it just gets worse and worse. My DVD says this film is called 'Death Squad', I think the actors must've forced them to change the title so when people look it up online they can't find anything because they are that embarrassed of this abomination being associated with them

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An abomination against all that is art
dmstokes734 November 2014
This is a terrible movie and everyone involved, from actors to directors should be ashamed of themselves. This movie involved people who were in Reservoir Dogs, Lethal Weapon, Kill Bill but this movie is nothing like any of these. This movie is less interesting than the credits of these movies. This movie is terrible, the acting is trash, the plot is incoherent, the props were done by the high school art class and the director was obviously drunk most of the time. There are some good actors in this movie, or rather actors who have done good work in their careers. This is not that good work. I don't know how they became involved in this, guess everyone has to pay the bills. Seriously, don't go here. It is as entertaining as a drunk in an alleyway and smells worse.
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Too Painful To Watch
markwiseman5-988-10320715 November 2014
It brings a shiver to my spine to see the likes of Rutger Hauer, Danny Glover, Daryl Hannah, Michael Madsen, and Daniel Baldwin appear in such a low-budget, poorly created ensemble. I think of movies they were in like Blade Runner, Predator 2, Kill Bill, etc. and it amazes me these actors have fallen so low in their careers that they would even sign on to a D- list production such as this.

This is a high-school or community-college film-making class gone wrong - with former big-name actors in it. I am bewildered and confused by this whole train-wreck. Please stay away from this movie- it will leave you questioning your sanity and the future of film-making, in general. I have to go and drink a 5th of vodka now - so I can hopefully wipe out the brain cells that contain these sad memories.
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binge gone wrong
kopoko11 November 2014
So everyone's at Madsen's getting high as hell. Hannah is swinging off a chandelier slamming mermaid-tinis, whilst Glover has been on the sofa doing balloons for days. Then boom, one of the Baldwin brothers and that guy from Baderunner find a hundred pills from the early 90s. The party gets shipped to Italy with Glover on the sofa and all. After a week the comedown of we're all doomed begins; they have a look in the mirror and this turgid nonsense is created.

CGI wise it's like thy decided that Sayonara Jupiter meets Home and Away was the epitome of model/set design and recreated it. The production is so bad it's just bad.

The acting is depressing. You start wondering why Steven Segal didn't get the main role to give it more life. How low can we go? The rest are a joke as well. The only actor who gets away with anything is the girl in red who doesn't say a word. She's like that unfortunate really smart and fit South American girl that turns up in a dysfunctional sociopathic house share in Bethnal Green or some other arse-end of London.

Someone should edit this with only shots of the red girl with some Gregorian chanting music and turn it into a soft porn spiritual healing mind retreat. Sights of heavenly salami.
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Set in 2047, a rebel agent attempts to avoid capture and reveal war crimes against humanity.
norrthpier18 July 2015
Given the names of some of the actors attached to this film, I had some hope that the film would prove to be an uncovered gem. Now I hope its buried so deep no one will ever find it. Everything about this film is sub par. The dialogue is so bad it made me wish I was watching a silent film. It is hard to comprehend why a movie focused on the future, made in 2014, would showcase technology that was outdated by nearly a decade by the time the film was made. I followed it through to the end hoping it would improve. It didn't. There were only three women in the film. All were objectified and were victims of violent assault. The best part of this movie was reaching the very end of the credits. If I see any of those names listed on a film, again, I will immediately change the channel.
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Poor acting, hackneyed writing, amateur camera-work, nothing about this film compels you to see it.
ktboundary21 October 2014
Possibly a cry for help, the film is essentially a window into a sick mind. In addition to all of that, is boring. Whomever made this should be embarrassed for themselves. Shooting a prostitute in the face with a shotgun immediately after performing oral services? That's your idea of entertainment? Tells me all I need to know about the depravity and limited artistic ability of its makers.

Not only did I not make it through the entire film. Lasted maybe 10 - 20 minutes. This abomination deserves to be blotted from memory and wiped from the face of the earth. If you made this film, or remotely enjoyed it, consider that you may be in need of psychological help.
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Murky dystopian elimination derby.
suite9224 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Three Acts:

The initial tableaux: Set in 2047, we open with Sponge reminiscing about the disasters that led to the current strongly screwed up Earth. Cities have been largely destroyed and dosed with radiation. Satellites from previous eras fall to Earth now and then; they sometimes land with parts of their technology intact. Captain Ryan Willburn was sent after the latest fall to determine whether any useful technology or data survived the re-entry. After Ryan crashes instead of lands, he meets Tuag, a young mutant woman.

Delineation of conflicts: Sponge and Ryan are part of the Green War front, which opposes the Confederate Central Government, CCG. Just about everyone else is not part of Green War, and would rather shut them down. Colonel Asimov, Major Anderson, and Lobo (leader of a mercenary gang) are out to capture Ryan. Ryan thinks he has evidence from the satellite to bring down the current regime.

Asimov has more in mind than just official duties. He's hired longtime ally Lobo to help him do his extracurricular activities. This involves layers of cover up. Just to make things more fun, the whole area of interaction is laced with some hallucinogen.

Resolution: Look hard. I did not find one. The narration just dried up without any particular conclusion.
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A film that has the great possibility of becoming a cult legend. Absolutely brilliant.
juliachupira2 November 2014
From the beginning scene up to the end credits I was hooked on this movie. The story line was absolutely brilliant. The deaths, and how the deaths occurred throughout the movie was written flawlessly.

I easily can see this movie becoming a cult legend in the next few years.

If not sooner.

Some people might consider this movie to be a "B" movie, but I already consider it to be a master piece.

Congrats to the writers and director.

And especially the actors.

Who without them, this movie wouldn't be as great as it is.
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nogodnomasters9 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film takes place somewhere USA in 2047. Sponge (Danny Glover) opens up with a confusing narration as an explanation for the current state of the US. Sponge belongs to an organization called "Green War" who are at war with the "Confederacy." They hack into satellites and use them for communication, then destroy the information when the Confederacy re-hacks into it. A particular satellite went down without the data being destroyed. Wilburn's (Stephen Baldwin) job is to destroy the chip. Unfortunately it fell into one of the many "radioactive zones" where nuclear waste is haphazardly dumped. While there, the radiation is "fryin'" his brain. Colonel Asimov (Rutger Hauer) has a phantom operation going in the area and hires Lobo (Michael Madsen) to burn the mountain of bodies and help out. Daryl Hannah is there because Neva Leoni couldn't handle all the eye candy.

This film was a stinker. It was so bad, I liked it. Madsen had his own swagger music to open a car door, light a cigarette and stand there. Three bullet shots to the head to far from fatal. Rutger Hauer looks like he is wearing a converted German Nazi uniform and what was that cracked skull on Hannah's uniform? Just an extra patch laying around?

The nuclear science was a farce. There is no such thing as a anti-radiation drug. Radiation would effect the brain last, not first. It does not cause hallucinations. There is really no need to dispose of radioactive material in a haphazard fashion, even if the industry was allowed to do it. I had to laugh when they showed multiple cooling towers when they talked about radioactive waste. While the towers are ominous, many plants don't have them. They simply cool the cooling water before it goes back into the river. They are not radioactive. That comes from "the stack." And you don't venture into any area "saturated with cesium and plutonium."

The first kill scene of a shotgun to the head made me laugh with the blood splatter. However, after that the film didn't live up to its original grindhouse style and attempted to become a message film instead.

Some lines from the film :

Madsen: "You can trust me. I believe in God." Hauer: "I kill everyday, but I am not a criminal. Hauer to Hannah in uniform: "Stop looking so sexy."

Politically the film meets at the far left and far right with common conspiracy theories about haves and have nots, Illuminati and Bilderbergs.

The film works as a cult drinking film with everyone wearing aluminum hats to keep the government from stealing your thoughts.

Guide: F-bomb, sex. No nudity
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Not even bad in a fun way, just bad
snitbandit10 July 2015
"Stop being so..... sexy", muttered by a clearly crying-on-the-inside Rutger Hauer, is the only good thing about this movie, and mostly because it is so bizarre coupled with the fact that Mr. Hauer just want to be anywhere else, in that moment.

The plot twist in the end, renders the whole movie even worse, as the mysterious red girl, is the only remotely interesting part of this movie. Her purpose and story might have moved it to a small 2 stars. Alas, it all just fell flat. Very flat.

Writing, direction, editing, and acting are all atrocious. And unfortunately not bad in a fun way. Just plain bad. It seems to think it is a Pandorum, cult sci-fi, but instead it is any Uwe Boll movie, then beyond.

Can not be recommended to watch, if you value your time.
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Total Garbage
kris-gray21 August 2015
Now I have seen some total rubbish films, especially on the Syfi channel in the afternoons, how many disaster movies can there be with the lone American saving the world? However this one takes the golden Turkey prize. I wont go into the plot, or lack of one, it's a rehash of better ones you've seen in the past.

I find it hard to believe these respected actors needed the money so badly they had to be involved, well maybe Darryl Hannah did. Her performance was comical, when she first came on the screen wearing that hat I nearly chocked with laughter, is this a spoof movie I thought? Sadly no, I tried for almost an hour to find something redeeming, perhaps the script looked better on paper than it did when it hit the screen.

Avoid at all costs!
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Death Knell
jimbo-53-1865113 September 2015
2047: A Sight for Death, or Death Squad as it's also known ran into trouble straight away with me. The first very early problem with this film was Danny Glover's narration. Now I like Danny Glover as an actor and thought he was fantastic in the Lethal Weapon films, but the first 5 minutes consist of him mumbling random and incoherent dialogue. Worse still, most of his narration seems to actually be used to act as a framework for the story. I actually listened to his narration at the start twice and still didn't understand all of it. This might be one of the reasons why I couldn't get involved with the film because I felt like I never really knew what was going on??

Had this been the only issue then I probably would still recommend it, but the truth is that this film is so mind-numbingly boring. Once Ryan arrives, we see him sulking around and then we witness him playing a rather dull and tedious game of cat and mouse with the mercenaries. It just seemed to lack any sort of spark or imagination and was just tiresome and predictable.

The writers clearly weren't interested in providing the audience with any sort of semblance of an intelligent screenplay, which in itself isn't a bad thing if they would have at least made the film entertaining. The fact that the film is both boring and uninteresting means that they've actually created a film that isn't for 'anyone' rather than one that isn't for 'everyone'.

Many of the performances reflect the overall quality of the film with Baldwin & Hannah being the worst offenders. The former is a large piece of wood, devoid of charm or charisma who certainly isn't the kind of character you'd care for or root for. The latter is just plain bad and unconvincing. Hauer fares better, but that's not saying much. Madsen was ridiculous and terrible, but at least he looked like was having fun here and this does sort of translate on-screen, but this alone is not strong enough to make it worth watching.

Death Squad is an insufferable mess that lacks intelligence and is just downright boring. Even it's pathetic IMDb score of 2.5 is far too generous. It's a film that should be erased from existence.
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INCREDIBLE film. The cast is amazing. A must see.
imdb3-330 March 2016
This is a must see for just 10 minutes. Hang around if you wish. The cast is truly stellar. Every aging actor was a household name at some point and a bona fide star. One has to wonder whether they all met at AA or debtor's anonymous and they just needed the money. This movie sets the all time record for wasted talent, horrible music, laughable script and just must be seen to be believed.

Daryl Hannah is virtually unrecognizable, appearing to have injected her lips with all the fat from Kim K's butt. Rutger Hauer, like Daryl and Madsen and Baldwin all seem like they are working out of the old age home, too tired to convincingly recite their lines. It's an effort, every line. And let's not forget Danny Glover.

I took a look at the director. He has virtually no credits. How on earth did this guy con 5 world famous actors into doing this film? He and the writers have maybe a dozen credits for Italian short films. One has to wonder whether this represents the acting group that blew all their money on cocaine. Why else would they stoop so low so as to agree to do a film that is this preposterously ridiculous? It was a disaster you could see from just reading the first few pages of the script. Yes, it really is that bad.
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Pedestrian Pabulm
zardoz-1330 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Primetime Murder" director Alessandro Capone wastes a distinguished cast in his pedestrian futuristic thriller "2047-Sights of Death" that includes Danny Glover, Stephen Baldwin, Michael Madsen, Rutger Hauer, and Daryl Hannah. Danny Glover and Stephen Baldwin are the heroes, while Michael Madsen, Daryl Hannah, and Rutger Hauer are the villains. Captain Ryan Willburn (Stephen Baldwin of "The Usual Suspects") is a Green War rebel agent whose helicopter is shot down during the first combat scene, and he finds himself on foot in a contaminated area. Tuage (Neva Leoni) is a mutant survivor who resembles an Amazon warrior woman with a painted face who makes life tough initially for Willburn before she joins sides with him. As the villainous Colonel Asimov, Rutger Hauer is always fun to watch, but he does nothing significant here to elevate this lackluster opus. He runs an oppressive government with the help of mercenaries like Lobo (Michael Madsen of "Die Another Day") who makes a big deal out of firing up his cigarettes. Asimov spends part of his time leering at Major Anderson (Darryl Hannah of "Splash") and eventually admits to her that he killed her father. Meanwhile, as resistance leader Sponge, Danny Glover is confined for the duration behind two computers where mumbles orders to Ryan. This loquacious thriller boasts a couple of amusing scenes, the best one concerns the treacherous Lobo who conducts a classified conversation on his cell phone while a hooker with braided hair performs oral sex on him. Afterward, an apprehensive Lobo decides that she may have heard too much and orders his associate Evilenko (Kai Portman) to terminate her with extreme prejudice. The low-budget thriller lets its characters talk far too much during its lackluster 89 minutes. About the only real action occurs early one with three CGI attack choppers blow Baldwin's helicopter out of the air. Compared to the grindhouse classics of the 1980s, this movie has little action. Occasionally shots are exchanged, but nothing really significant happens while the principals stand around a chew the fat. The action concludes with Willburn cruising away into the darkness uttering this inane dialogue: "My mission was successfully accomplished, but I am unable to explain what precisely happened in contaminated quadrant B-2 nor my length of time that I spent there. I can't say if the hallucinations I experienced there were actual hallucinations I'm not convinced it or if the surviving girl I met received help from was merely an illusion or a corrupted figment of my paranoia."
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Beyond embarrassing
ianbhunter26 August 2015
Everything about this film is appalling, the actors have a catalog of work which I think we all have at least one DVD from each in our homes (other than Stephen Baldwin) yet the acting in this film is abysmal! Baldwins acting is so bad, I mean truly shockingly awful you have to watch with one eye closed to save half of your brain from the torture.

The moment Daryl Hannah stomps around in her military uniform complete with stacks of floppy bedraggled hair going in all directions from under her beret you just know this film has not attention to detail or direction.

To be brutally honest... I couldn't watch all of it, Stephen Baldwin took to speaking in a low gravely Batman voice for the close scenes and his visual acting, tilting his head and giving far away looks were something out of a kids Christmas production.

There is nothing to like about this film, if you're an aspiring actor though you MUST watch this and never repeat anything you see.
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Dragging names through the mud
Leofwine_draca10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
DEATH SQUAD is one of the worst indies I've sat through recently, a slice of sci-fi dreck which pushes the boundaries of viewer tolerance to the limit. It's a mindless, shot-in-the-dark slice of futuristic nonsense in which various rebels battle against some kind of pseudo-military government. There are about 10 actors in the cast and half of them are famous faces from the '80s and '90s: Rutger Hauer as the big bad, Michael Madsen as his slick henchman, Daryl Hannah as a trusted lieutenant, Danny Glover as a rebel leader, Stephen Baldwin as a rebel fighter. The performances are uniformly pitiable, the plotting non-existent, the direction completely awful. One of those films with no redeeming qualities whatsoever unless it's to drag the name of once-respected stars through the mud.
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A waste of everyones time, don't waste yours
yaaboosucks23 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
my first mistake with this movie was to believe that the poster bore some resemblance to the movie, it doesn't, it's a total rip off of "The Expendables" can film posters be prosecuted under the Trades Description Act? My second mistake was to assume that the cast would reflect in the movies quality. I know that Rutger Hauer only works for the money and is happy to phone in his performance but what about the rest? Stephen Baldwin "I was young, I needed the money" Danny Glover "I was old, I needed the money Daryl Hannah "I just need the money" Michael Madsen "what's money?" And who the hell is Neva Leoni? or Neva Lions or whatever her name is? My final mistake was to google "Death Squad IMDb" because instead of going to IMDb the first result goes to a "news item" and a link to sky movies which is deceptive to say the least. It took me a while to get through to the proper title which was "2047 : Sights Of Death" Now for the plot, special effects, costume, etc. who cares, the makers obviously didn't. The whole exercise with this movie is to deceive people into watching it SPOILER - it's bad, really bad, so bad, no redeeming features at all except maybe if you want a complete set of the performers work.
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ichirosho5 January 2016
The movie is not for everyone. The problem is that today's movies are composed of shine, tinsel. This movie is not the pinnacle of wisdom, but it is closer to reality, in which scary view of today's people. Was I a scientist I'd wrote: "Total infantilism as an attempt to escape from the terrible reality".

This isn't iron man and other dregs swallow. Keep staring into their smart phones and see you on the road (If you know what I mean ;) )

Here writes little lines, let me remind you: brevity-sister of talent. There is much talk about the play actors and about missteps, but better watch the essence. The fact I posted above. Therefore, the rating of films have low, they did not entertain a flock.

Just to remind you: the truth-she's the one.
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Don't buy! Rub salt in your eyes. It's more fun!!!!
e_design28 November 2017
I agree with all the comments that gave this horrific mess one star. This is really just to warn you that the Japanese title is "Into the Mission". So if you live in Japan, steer clear!!! Honestly, people should be paid to watch this. No wonder it has a different title in every country!
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jn1019 June 2016
2047: Sights of Death - very boring

I really don't know what else to say other than the cover of the movie probably has a higher budget than the movie itself!

I don't really recommend you watch this

I don't want you to waste time I don't want you to waste your money

I don't want you to waste the energy looking at this movie

If you're bored, go watch something else

If there's nothing to watch, I suggest you go out and find something better to do!

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Possible worst movie ever!
heybow7 September 2015
I have seen my share of bad movies but this may be the worst How did they get 2 A list stars (Danny Glover and Daryl Hannah) plus 2 B list stars (Michael Madsen and Rutger Hauer) to be in this horrible movie. Any movie with Stephen Baldwin should be suspect since all the talent went to his brother Adam. It consists of darkly lit scenes of actors sitting at tables shuffling papers ( possibly the script) Absolutely awful do not waste your time. There are a lot of really bad movies and Sci Fi seems to have a large share of really bad movies. But in today's environment a movie with no special effects is a disaster. Oh there are a couple of bad effects but they did not spend any money on effects. All the money had to go to the top 4 stars.
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