Poltergeist Activity (2015) Poster

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DO judge a book by it's cover
VeronicaW34512 July 2016
As a story, there were some good ideas.. but what made the movie fall flat was the dreadful sound, the lack of suspense and the casting.

So you have the Father: who looks good for his age but can still pull off the young father look, and to also note - I thought he acted the part quite well.

Then you have the daughter: who is supposedly still in school, yet looked the same age as the father! Which I found disturbing..

Some actors must think if they keep going for younger roles all the time, it may "extend" their career or something, but what made it worse, she couldn't even act her character's age either. If you don't look the part - at least try to act it!

In short, the DVD cover is pretty misleading in relation to the film inside.
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This movie is not captivating in the least
jen-991695 September 2015
I picked this one up at Walmart along with the Haunted Rectory. Both movies have the same actor in it. This one however, has no special effects whatsoever. They used people in cloaks with hoods like monks with white ceramic masks. Not scary at all. They even used music during attacks that sounded almost identical to the music used in "The Entity", a timeless horror classic. I was unimpressed and saddened I spent $10 on it. Better to download it for a buck or two to watch or rent it if you can. This is just my opinion though. You can watch it and come up with your own opinion but honestly this one and Haunted Rectory are both very dry and plain. Not sure how it really gives way to the actual true stories but I was unimpressed.
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The only activity that takes place here is the increasing boredom...
paul_haakonsen18 December 2016
Truth be told, then I made it no more than 30 minutes into the ordeal that is also known as "Poltergeist Activity". Indeed, the movie was just that unfathomably boring. I just simply gave up and threw the towel in the ring out of sheer and complete boredom.

I was initially lured in to watch this movie given that it was a ghost movie with some poltergeist activity - hence the name, duh! But wow, was this a swing and a miss. 30 minutes into the movie and still nothing had happened, aside from a dysfunctional family consisting of a father and daughter having moved into a new house and were just stumbling about with any direction or meaning.

I didn't even care one bit about any of the characters in the movie, because they were showing as much charisma as watered down cardboard cut-out characters would. And the dialogue in this movie didn't really help promote the entertainment value either.

As for the acting, well I didn't really see anything noteworthy, and I am sure that it was the result of having nothing worthwhile to work with in terms of script, direction and storyline. The actors and actresses here just simply had nothing to work with.

"Poltergeist Activity" came and went without leaving a dent or even the tiniest of scratches in anything. And I can honestly say that I have no intention of ever returning to watch the rest of the movie at any time in the future, because the movie just had nothing to offer.

I am rating "Poltergeist Activity" a mere two out of ten stars, solely because it did have some production value to it, at least. But when it comes to it, don't waste your time, money or effort on "Poltergeist Activity", because it quite simply just isn't worth it. It seemed that even whatever poltergeist was supposed to be appearing in this movie even was fleeing at full speed away from this stinker of a movie...
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I'll keep this short.
kgmmfdr17 April 2022
Absolute pants. Laughable. And, whoever was in charge of sound was likely on acid 😆 I mean...everything had a poxy horror sound...EVERYTHING...loaf of bread...butterfly on plant haha.

Very odd casting (a father who looked like he was in his late 40s and a daughter who looked early 40s...). In fact, when I first saw the characters together, they looked like a middle aged couple.

Just don't bother 🙈
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Just dont
kevanmoore22 February 2021
Dont even bother, just stop, dont even press play, dont even buy it.

First 5 minutes and you'll wish a poltergeist would end you.

Very bad acting, could be in eastenders how bad it is. The "score" is appalling and too loud. The whole premise is annoyingly over done.

In simple terms its cr app y.

I always look at low star movies and give the benefit of the doubt but this is shockingly bad.

Have you ever been to a school play and had to sit and wait through all the other year groups before your kid comes on?

That is better.

I'd rather go to the mother in laws and listen to them talk about my wifes ex partner.

I'd rather go to work !!!!

Just dont.
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nogodnomasters1 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers

A dad (Lee Bane) and daughter (Natalie Martins) move into a new home after 1 day of acting school. Mom has recently passed. Daughter is moody, takes pictures and hates the porcelain clown doll. Things happen. Medium and investigator come over. There is some "Otto" writing which we knew what it was going to say after "You" "Are" ... Sound track too loud and horrible. What was that sound? Was that a humpback whale noise trying to be scary? Could the sad piano player learn a tune or was that asking too much? Why was Jared Morgan talking like Treebeard?

The ghosts were people in masks. No special effects.

Guide: F-bomb. No nudity. Was that supposed to be poltergeist sex?
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mrsp-4905620 April 2022
I love a good creepy, scary film. This one wasn't.

I managed about half of it only because I kept thinking it might improve. By that point I was losing the will to live more than the characters in it. The acting was worse than in the 6th form panto I was involved in when I was teaching. And I was in it. At the time I knew my acting skills were dreadful but even I would have been better than this lot. I played a female Jerry Springer wearing a lilac jacket with my hair sprayed silver. I'm even more ashamed of my acting that the lilac jacket. I owned the jacket. That's how bad this film was.

I've recently been trying lots of films that I've not seen before and have been pleasantly surprised on many occasions, but not this time.

I started thinking "Ooh, it's British", I enjoy Brit films - because I'm a Brit - but this was beyond embarrassing. I'm also not sure why the Dad didn't seem to be wearing anything but a vest top. Bruce Willis did it a lot better, and his vest was dirty, and changed from white to khaki during Die Hard.

I'd rather watch Mrs Browns' Boys. And I'd rather poke my eyeballs out with hot forks than watch Mrs Browns' Boys.
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Don't bother!
blondierocker-9400117 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen some low budget/quality films in my time but this is something else entirely. Ok I may spoil this movie for you but I'm guessing you are half way through watching and decided to google the reviews on it because you can't quite believe that this film was made let alone allowed onto Netflix.

Anyway, where to begin. The story line goes that this father/daughter duo who I thought were a couple at the start of the film because they look the same age have moved to this quiet village in England/Wales (not too sure on this as the accents are a mixed bag) afterthe death of the wife/mother. They start to experience "paranormal activity" in the house which they don't really show, at one point the daughter has an outburst quite early on that she hears footsteps in the attic but as the viewer you are not aware of any of this it's as much news to you as it us to the father who downplays very worryingly photos in his daughters camera of her sleeping. As there are just the two of them in the house he simply shrugs it off in a "well I didn't take them" attitude as you would! Anyway other stuff happens like people standing in the house when she has her 40 year old classmate round one day that scares them and her father says she has been taking drugs if she has seen things, which coincidentally is exactly how I felt watching this rubbish.

On and on stuff happens in the night and the creepy old bird next door is on hand fully clothed at stupid o'clock to ask "what is going on" and then proceeds to tell the father she knows exactly what is going on and gives a full run down history of the house that needs to go back to the deep South of America where it belongs. So you do know what is going on after all love! She also mentions the doll is as old as the house itself so a new build then is it?

Cut to father going to a book shop where conveniently a paranormal guy is on a press tour for his book because where is more happening than Llandysul. He is giving a riveting talk on the paranormal to a group of people who look like they just wondered in off the street to avoid the rain. He even says " thank you so much" after his excellent talk to a crowd that didn't even raise a hand to clap. They ask some half arsed questions just he can show his expertise to add "quality" to the film, anyway, he obviously helps this dad who is at a loss as to what to do and the rest you can watch yourself if you are still interested because I could not be arsed. Thank you, thank you so much, oh wait, you didn't clap.
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Less than frightening activity
TheLittleSongbird20 September 2018
Was drawn into seeing 'Poltergeist Activity', with a cool poster/cover, a somewhat intriguing if very derivative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for the genre it fits under. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there (though there are decent to good ones as well), made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws present in those films are here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Poltergeist Activity' is really quite abominable, with so many huge flaws and doesn't do anything with any potential it had. There is nothing good here in 'Poltergeist Activity', just amateur hour all round.

Going on to the negatives, the story does feel over-stretched and some of it comes over as vague and under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less unsettled and never gaining momentum. All the characters are too sketchy and with cardboard thin and colourless personalities and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates. The chemistry is bland and unfocused.

The sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions), the effects are laughable and all of the acting is lacking severely on the whole, that's actually an understatement as the worst of it is horrendous. There is no sense of horror or engagement with the awful predicament they're in, and no connecting with the character, it just reeks of indifference which makes the viewer not care less too.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling while the pace and film drags on forever, apparent from the very start, never recovering that interest is lost fast. The ending has no build-up and just ends ridiculously. Found too many of the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Thrills are none, thanks to stodginess and excessive over-familiarity, and found myself never invested in the drama, which tended to be indifferently acted, interminably paced and statically directed.

A lot of 'Poltergeist Activity' has really dull and going nowhere plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you shocked are far from creative or unsettling. It all feels rather tame while the threat completely lacks menace and looks terrible.

Nothing freaky or interesting, no development and too derivative, while everything is unimaginative and are more odd than scary, completely failing to show any sense of dread. There is nothing interesting or illuminating with what the film was trying to do and the drama is overwrought with no momentum and a lot of weirdness. The direction is leaden, got the sense their heart was not in it, and the music is ill-fitting. 'Poltergeist Activity' is very amateurish visually, too drearily lit and shows no care in the way it's shot. The editing has more continuity errors than one can count.

Altogether, irredeemably terrible. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Waste of Time and money
nikkischultz14 September 2015
Just an absolute waste of a movie night....save this one for the old school horror movie buffs with no idea what decent actors or special effects are....felt like it could turn into an adult film at any moment with the age of the actors and general feel of the movie....ridiculous... not even scary in the least.. I suggest saving your money to use when the actual poltergeist movie comes out. Recommended only for those who need the background noise while they fall asleep at night. At least the views on the movie were pretty but still the storyline made no sense and is kind of irritating due to the trailer being so misleading about the movie
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I wanted to watch a scary movie but all I got was this
bucketcat11 July 2023
I have never before watched a movie and been this confused throughout the entire thing.

It felt like a fever dream. It's like trying to explain a story while you're stoned; you know what you're trying to say, but you have no idea how to make it make sense. It seemed like the actors freestyled the entire movie and God forbid they ever do it again. It's like you grouped up a bunch of 3rd graders, told them to make a scary movie on Windows Movie Maker & these are the results.

But at least I got a good laugh out of it. I don't think I have ever laughed this much even to a comedy, so if you're looking for something that can make you laugh - this is it! But if you're looking for a scary movie, keep looking.
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Not a bad movie!
foreversmom6 September 2015
I am not sure why this movie is rated so low. It isn't anything particularly special, but it is worth a watch.

This genre rarely produces any great movies anymore that haven't already been done a dozen different ways. This movie is one of those, but it isn't corny either!

It is creepy, but not really scary.

The young female lead is pretty well acted, certainly much better than the father role.

I would say that for my $2.50 rental fee it wasn't a waste of time. I generally fast-forward through most of the horror films released these days, but didn't need to do that with this film.
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poltergeist activity
nevewalsh4 May 2022
I hates this film.it's so bad written and i get its low budget but it's bad.didn't even make it to half way it's just really bad.the title of the film made me watch it as it sounded like a good film but as i started to watch it it just got worse and worse and i kept watching it.
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Awful in every way
karentindale-903126 May 2022
Bad acting, atrocious script (if there is one as seems they adlibbed most of it, staggering through disjointed dialogue) that is mumbled. Completely boring. The 'daughter' is supposed to be a schoolgirl but looks mid to late 20s and the dad is kind of creepy. The sound effects are cheesey and sound more like something for an alien sci-fi film.
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I found the acting extremely poor it was like they were rehearsing for a play. It was poorly shot and ended up with a disappointing horror.
hendryalison1 May 2022
Yes there was a poltergeist in the house but what the hell was the person with the baby mask about? Made no sense at all. Very poor. The characters were plausible at start but then turned totally off.
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Literally worst movie I've seen in ages, probably ever..
rsonupdown17 February 2023
Its a solid 0/10.

Everything is bad. Literally everything. Dont waste time from your life.

Manuscript is bonkers bad.

Dramaturgy, non existent.

Acting. Oh lord.

Sound? I dont even know what to say.

The camera is not even steady half the movie

This movie is like a schoolproject in filmschool that got an F.

So as you can imagine its not worth seeing.

I dont wanna make the actors feel bad, its hard to act to such a horrendous manuscript, maybe they just got into acting, i dont know. But as pointed out, you are wasting your time with this one.

People who rate this above 2 stars is trolling or have never seen a TV earlier in life and are amazed by moving picture.
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Why bother?
mhiggott3 May 2022
This is just filmmaking for the sakes of it. There are no new ideas here, which one could perhaps forgive if it was better made. Sure, it was made on a low budget, but the ideas could have been better developed and the script made a lot better without needing more money. It's well enough shot, but it really needed tighter direction and editing. The score is all over the place and detracts from any tension that might have built up. The people who gave this 10 stars clearly either worked on the film or are related to those who did. I think four stars is pretty generous.
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alexandragheorghiu-2691025 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
10 minutes in and everything has a horror background sound. It's annoying. Every scene, no matter what, has a horror sound. Turned it off after 10 minutes. Acting also not very good and casting awful. Father and daughter look like they're almost the same age.

Just... no. Sorry.
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Did someone say horror????
fictionalchicken29 September 2022
It's hard to know where to begin... let's just say that after watching this film, myself and my partner went on an hour long binge of the reviews across every streaming platform.

They were not kind.

The acting, as a whole, was shoddy. But you gotta give them credit as you can't polish a turd.

Which brings us on to the script. I can only assume one was written very quickly on a napkin at a bar the night before shooting began. There's a lot of moments that feel like they just winged it.

The first 20 minutes or so are filled with super loud "scary" noises. I'm sure the person employed to do this was picked up at the same bar the script was written at the night before.

I will admit though that I did jump once.


In the entirety of the film.

A horror film.

An entire horror film made me a little scared once.

In short, I've had scarier moments on the toilet.
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Is this a joke?
mekid-331837 August 2023
Is this movie a joke? Acting is way off, the kind of acting you see in primary schools plays.... This is so embarrassing, the story makes no sense, seriously Netflix, get a grip or I cancel my subscription.

Is this movie a joke? Acting is way off, the kind of acting you see in primary schools plays.... This is so embarrassing, the story makes no sense, seriously Netflix, get a grip or I cancel my subscription.

Is this movie a joke? Acting is way off, the kind of acting you see in primary schools plays.... This is so embarrassing, the story makes no sense, seriously Netflix, get a grip or I cancel my subscription.

Is this movie a joke? Acting is way off, the kind of acting you see in primary schools plays.... This is so embarrassing, the story makes no sense, seriously Netflix, get a grip or I cancel my subscription.
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tonitrish1 January 2023
I really do not know where to begin. The best thing about this is that the actors tried hard. It, that being the film, has elements of really good classics including The Entity, The Changeling, Poltergeist One and others. Scenes from these have been copied and pasted into a story that, as you can guess from this and other reviews, does not make an iota of sense. The annoying and unnecessary music accompanying almost the full first ten minutes of the film was sooooo irritating. I have to admit to fast forwarding through most of this as I just wanted it to end. To be brutal, something I don't like doing, I'd have to say, please believe me and the other reviewers, this is not worthy of your time and certainly not your had earned cash. Do yourself a favour and don't bother.
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Spoilers follow ...
parry_na28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It is not often the case that a teenager is presented positively in films. They are usually deeply unpleasant in a variety of ways, so it is refreshing to see Natalie Martins playing the very convincing and appealing Katherine Prescott, teenage daughter of David (Lee Bane), who is not only grieving for the death of her mother, but also looking after dad who, by his own admission, isn't handling being a single parent as well as she deserves.

This is another offering from the stable of writer/director/producer Andrew Jones who has produced, and continues to produce, a steady stream of micro-budget horror films. Some are put off by the lack of spectacular set-pieces and effects. What do they expect from a project with such limited financial backing? Not that the low-budget defines the ultimate production – rather the stories these films tell are smaller and more intimate (and to me, far more human and effecting) that some superficial mainstream blockbuster.

In a big spoiler, the two of them move into a secluded Welsh farmhouse and are menaced by china doll Otto, who refuses to stay in the attic/under the bed/in the dustbin. I mention this immediately because, bless him, Otto is rarely convincing. He's a spooky doll operated off camera. Rather more effective are the life-size versions of Otto – cherubic, blank faced creatures in robes that, if you look carefully, have sparkling eyes beneath the mask hollows.

The sound quality here, which has held back scenes in previous Jones films, is much improved, and we are treated to a number of heartfelt speeches – the most impressive from David, lamenting his shortcomings as a parent to a sleeping – or is she? – Katherine. Regular Jared Morgan is terrific also, as an eccentric, disillusioned paranormal investigator called Hans Voltz.

My only issue with this is the lack of a conclusive, or even satisfying, ending. A séance brings forth the strongest manifestations of evil yet. Father and daughter flee - and that's that. It would have been interesting to at least see something of what happened to the other cast members, and repercussions thereof. Ah well, at least in the post-credits sequence, it seems the trouble is not quite over yet.
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not very frightening, but acting not to bad
LetsReviewThat2620 April 2022
This was not all that frightening and the actually ghost was terrible. Otto the clown makes his first appearance here being very different from robert the doll and speaking of that lee bane is back whos performace I liked and his daughter Natalie martins was also good. The rest of the characters though seemed random and didn't really feel like they were part of the story, so overall not to good but not completely terrible.
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Dear Lord
Pegasus725 November 2022
This film popped up on Netflix and I thought I'd give it a go.

I should have known better than to waste my time when it appeared that the "school" kids in it (teenage daughter and her boyfriend) are clearly in their early thirties and don't look much younger than the "father".

When the Dad was attacked by a porcelain doll it was bad.

When the creepy neighbour said the immortal words "legend has it that......." it was worse.

BAD acting, BAD special effects that look like someone wrestling with a toy, BAD script.

BAD film.

Avoid this movie unless you want a laugh and fancy wasting a couple of hours of your life.
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Cheap, awful and embarrassing!
jseymour-4831924 April 2022
Honestly the WORST film I've ever watched, the sound quality is poor and the "suspenseful" music was too frequent and annoying. The story is bland and predictable and the acting is equally as shocking. Skipped to the end to see if it got any better (spoiler it didn't). Not sure if because I did skip through but the ending was underwhelming and didn't reach any conclusion. I wouldn't recommend to anyone with an IQ above 10. AWFUL film.
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