Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut (2024) Poster

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A different perspective on what healthy eating looks like
rocksy40126 April 2024
I think this documentary is easy to follow and makes talking about digestion and poop fun! It also offers a different perspective on what "healthy" eating looks like. Instead of focusing on the nutrients of certain food, it focuses on how our food contributes to the gut microbiome that then affects our overall physical health and mental well-being. It's a good way to restore relationships with food and offer valid reasons to focus on lifestyle changes rather than diet fads that are often restrictive. It does a decent job of following individuals with different lifestyle and eating habits, so the average viewer may resonate with one of them. It could be more diverse from that standpoint, but overall a quick and "digestible" film!
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Music to my ears.
Sleepin_Dragon1 May 2024
Well this really was a surprise.

An informed, well produced, balanced and fun looking at the complexities of the gut, thr micro biome.

I had pre conceived ideas, I went in expecting the usual Netflix documentary banging on about 'the message,' I was genuinely expecting to be told about the terrors of eating meat, this genuinely surprised me.

It genuinely, dared to talk about the damage caused by eating processed foods and sugars, even taking antibiotics. Stuff we've known for a long time, that's often ignored.

It resonated for me on a personal level, as someone who was obese, had IBS, used to pop tablets daily, and turned it around.

I really liked the mix of people, each of them played a part.

More like this please Netflix.

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The human body is crazy man
striklix30 April 2024
Honestly surprisingly interesting and a very enjoyable watch for me. I mean I'm not going to go out of my way to say it was amazing or anything but this might just be the most actually informative documentary I have ever watched in my lifetime, and definitely the best documentary I have watched so far this year. Before seeing this on Netflix's top ten movies list I had never even heard of it, or really any single thing that was talked about in it, but I am supremely glad that I took the time to sit down and watch it because it was filled with a ton of intriguing science stuff about the body I have never before known, most especially the 'microbiome' which is something I think I might've heard about once or twice before but never in depth, so getting insight from those experienced in the field was incredibly insightful.

The large majority of this documentary is narrated by a woman named Giulia Enders, who is a German practitioner specialized in this field, and the amount of insight she gives into the subject of the microbiome and just the way the human body works in general is super interesting and very impressive. This topic is just a very different way to talk about eating as a whole, and the different ways it can affect different people, and the ways each individual responds to it. This is demonstrated with a group of different people, one being a Japanese competitive eater who no longer has the feeling of being full or hunger, a Michelin star chef who finds it hard to eat without beating herself up for it, a girl who has tried everything to lose weight but nothing seems to work, and a girl who can barely eat anything. All of these different people are so engaging to watch and to understand how and why their bodies react to food in different ways is so enticing, and I really enjoyed learning about both them, and the way they interact with what they eat. The human body is such a strange thing and the fact we all react differently to things makes it even more compelling yet complicated to understand.

However; even though I think the actual human aspect of this documentary and just getting the ability to hear about all these different people's experiences and the understanding of their own personal microbiome and what they can do to help make the changes they desire - I would have to say that the best part about this short documentary is not any of that, but instead the really fun way it's portrayed nearly half of the time. This thing has some of the most visually appealing sequences I have ever laid eyes upon. It's done in such an endearing way that I was genuinely glued to the screen nearly the entire time, a large majority of it is done in differing art forms, my favorite of all of course being the adorable stop motion that appears at times - although; there is also 3D animation and 2D animation in here as well. It all really blended together well and made for such a visually engaging watch that I liked it more than enough just for that, and I am so very tempted to give it a four star rating.

This isn't a masterpiece by any means but it is a very good educational time, and that's really all I can ask for when it comes to a documentary, plus it's just overall a pretty enjoyable watch that never feels dull or like it drags on. With a brisk run time that only lasts about over an hour, and a whole lot of enlightening information that I am very glad to have learned about, I am more than pleased to have sat down to watch this and I obviously recommend everyone else does the same. It's a very standard documentary a lot of the time but it also has a lot of new and unique elements to it that make it an immensely entertaining watch, and it also just provides a whole lot of interesting information that I don't think a lot of people know. Watch it if you have Netflix, it's definitely worth it.
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A good starter for your gut
mariska8226 April 2024
Couldn't wait for this documentary. So I watched it right away. It was very easy to watch, a bit to easy for me.

But then I am reading a lot about (healthy) food, because we have allergies and eczema running in our family.

I hoped this would provide me with some more detailed info about how your gut works. Especially the combination of certain more specific bacteria and food on diseases. But it did not so much.

However, it did this in general. It certainly was a nice, step-in documentary to get yourself informed about the influence of your food. And the importance of this food and your poop.

I would suggest people who would like tot know more about good food, to also watch "you are what you eat, a twin experiment".

For myself, I can conclude food-variation of veggie and fruit is (always) the answer. And for now I will turn back to some books about the influence of certain foods to your gut. Perhaps someday there will be an expansion of this documentary, I'd be curious about that one.

Enjoy exploring your gut ;-).
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Important info
TheodoraEh28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The information shared in this doc is very important and it's stuff that should be known by everyone. Personally I wasn't that crazy about the delivery, with a million different kinds of cartoons and animations, I don't know why this specific mode was chosen. As if it has to be super cute otherwise people won't want to sit through a gut doc? I found that unnecessary and distracting but I tried to bypass it and focus on the info shared.

My one major thing though, is a conversation with one of the participants and the researchers at some point half way through. She expresses worry about maybe never eating bacon again and one of the researchers says something like "omg that's horrible, don't say that" and then laughs. Considering the whole process of making bacon is horrible, plus the actual effects it has on our health, I found that comment insensitive and off-putting. And then the same conversation continues by suggesting she microdoses chips, just to make sure she keeps eating chips in her life and not miss out on that extremely valuable food (sarcasm). Seriously, I wish this whole conversation was ommited, I feel like these two comments will undo a lot of the good that the rest of the doc tries to do. Eating bacon or chips is literally the last thing anyone who cares about their gut should he eating, so it's really OK never having either agsin, not horrible, and not something you should be "easing into". I'd have given it a 10 otherwise.
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I will think twice the next time I take a poop.
vapepurecbd1 May 2024
The film was very educational. It was easy to understand, and it was interesting to learn about the microbiome, how the gut works with bacteria, and how it communicates with the brain. The film steered away from all the new fads and BS supplements, including the latest craze. Hack Your Health, kept it simple: don't forget to eat your greens and fruit to maintain a healthy gut. I enjoyed the animation Bacteria/Microbiomes and stuffed animals, which made it more enjoyable and relatable. We are talking about poop here, so loosen up a little. This is where science and medicine are headed in the future.
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Interesting Ideas & Studies Presented in a... Poopy Way
MeadtheMan29 April 2024
The understanding of our gut health, as mentioned in the documentary, is gaining traction. So it's great to see ideas and studies being presented as they started rolling in.

However, these experts have to be wary that, since their goal is to inform and convince people of the facts that they've learned, they have to be very, very mindful about the boundaries between what are: i) facts (proven many times over), ii) likely scenarios (as shown by many promising correlations and results, but there are still many questions yet to be answered, and iii) personal hypotheses waiting to be put to test.

For example, when they're talking about bacteria giving us signals - what we should consume or not. I think that belongs to category ii) or iii) - more studies needed? It's terribly confusing, so should we give in to the signals? Nay (like the guy who says he doesn't want to because bread will make him gain weight) or yay (Enders or the guy who eats differently in China, not sure if he thinks it's entirely good or bad though). And speaking of the latter, I happened to live in East Asia and North America, alternatively, for a few years, the exact opposite happened? When I was in one region, I craved for things I couldn't get but was prevalent in another? So, perhaps it's psychological as well? What's the story here, don't throw things around like junk science when you've spent so many years making serious efforts. Some of the experts just spill things out like they're ironclad facts without any caveats (esp. Gilbert). It's self-sabotaging, really.

Then, there's the nutrition angle. I guess most of the experts here are not in this field, and diets are highly contextual... but haven't we established that red meat isn't that good? So for the woman who'd like to try a variety of foods, that's great, but why encouraged her to try pork/potato chip? If the goal is to "live life a little," then that should be said in a different way.

And as other commenters pointed out, it helps, tremendously, to put things in simple terms for the public. But that doesn't mean dumbing ideas down. You can present the general ideas, then go slightly deeper - without relying on inane illustrations - sometimes, most of us can handle the challenge, trust me.

"Hack" is an aggressive term, and it's not just irrelevant here, it may suggest something else entirely (think about hacking bros). So why used it? To make it more click-baity? Also, what happened to these people? Not even a short-term follow-up if they're doing/feeling better/worse? While it's great to have people with a variety of concerns here, but their concerns seem very disparate from one another? Yes yes, I know our gut is connected to our whole body and mind is the message being put forth here, but without a cohesive approach, it seems like they're just a bunch of people who have problems with food, and microbiome shouldn't necessarily be the main entryway for some of them, at least initially.

Lastly, we get it, we shouldn't treat poop as a kind of taboo... but honey, give us some time to get used to that idea? Why show such a long montage of the couple preparing poop? Goodness, we'll get the idea with just a short clip, it doesn't need to be SO literal.
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Finally a health documentary that is worth watching.
buildk27 April 2024
Finally... A real documentary on health with actual studies.. most Netflix shows are just having people sit and eat and test rapidly to trick people that it is good. But this one really dives in. As for the cartoon, I don't see any other way to present the bacterias, watching a scene with bacteria doing something under a microscope can be... A bit boring.. everyone is different and have their opinions, whether you like the animation or not.. and that is what's so great about this documentary because it is saying exactly that. Your body is different... Whether your a child or an adult... The information presented is very simple and easy to understand.
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A dummied-down documentary for dummied-down people
nitewingg27 April 2024
This is a dumbed-down documentary that assumes you are a child who only understands words like "poop" and "butthole". It also assumes you have an attention span that can only be held by little stuffed animals and cutesy animations. And while you're trying to digest all this (see what I did there?) you'll find it spends more time trying to be relatable than imparting any memorable information. So, no, I cannot recommend it to any serious health-seeker. In general, this documentary will insult any intelligent adult, and will wrongfully subject children to an influence of silliness and vulgarity.
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A helpful reminder to take care of your gut biome...
mdw05261 May 2024
I'm a sucker for just about any health-related documentary and this one was no different. The talking heads are knowledgeable and the host, Giulia Enders, is positively delightful. The heavy use of animations was (mostly) cute and effective. I've been kinda obsessed with gut health for a while, so it was nice to know I'm on the right track. We eat lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts and usually have stuff like yogurt, kimchi, natto, kefir, and a few other fantastic fermented foods in our fridge.

The title is probably too cutesy as there's nothing really to "hack" about gut health. The knowledge is out there: plentiful water and sleep; less sugar in your diet and no sugary sodas; eat less fast food; and reduce intake of highly-processed foods and anything that comes from a box with a list of unpronounceable ingredients. We'd all do better if we heed Michael Pollan and not "eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognize" and to "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." I know that proscription sounds easy, but at least have some sauerkraut!
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Ok if you're a child or adolescent
sebring-9262826 April 2024
I appreciate that these producers are trying to make these health shows more interesting and understandable for everyone. So we watched it for 15 mins to give it a chance.

However, from the giggling of the presenters to the constant cartoon displays of what looked like stuffed animals representing gut flora and functions, it just got much too childish. I felt like I was in kindergarten.

Unfortunately this style seems to be a trend today, and I wonder if humanity has dumbed itself down to the point where this is the acceptable norm for most shows, or does it reflect the wants and needs of the newer generations. Not to be a buzzkill, but we can't learn or be entertained by nothing but cartoons and superhero movies.
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Introduction to the wonderful world of the microbiome
DutchPancake12 May 2024
I read so much hate on this documentary because it's too simple, too easy, childish, for dumb people (?), etc. Sorry that not everything in the world is plain and serious. For the haters, just go back to reading scientific papers all day and let others learn in their own ways.

First of all, not everyone is on the same level about food and the gut. Not everyone is a hippie foody. Not everyone grew up in a family where healthy food is the standard. This documentary is understandable for everyone!

Secondly, the information itself is very interesting and completely backed by science. Not random internet foodies provide the information, but actual scientist and experts. It also show the lifestyles of normal everyday people who all struggle with food and their gut in some way. I thought it made it way more accesible for the viewer.

At last, it helped me a great deal with changing my course and I hope it will for someone who reads this review (and watches the documentary of course).
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Eating too many calories makes you overweight not your microbiome.
jlw9317 May 2024
Telling people that the microbiome, rather than caloric intake, is the main cause of their obesity is dangerous. This narrative undermines the well-established principle of energy balance, where consuming more calories than expended leads to weight gain. It can mislead individuals to overlook the importance of diet and exercise, fostering unhealthy habits. Additionally, it risks promoting pseudoscientific products and diverting attention from comprehensive, evidence-based obesity interventions. Simplifying obesity to the microbiome ignores its multifaceted nature and may weaken effective public health messaging.
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HIGHLY recommended
jimenaalvarezsoto30 April 2024
INCREDIBLY interesting and educational movie documentary from experienced gastrointestinal microbiome doctors and researchers brought down to general public understanding level. As opposed to other reviews that I have read, the documentary does make general and healthy dietary recommendations for the general public. They don't give specific food choice recommendations because that's part of the point of the show's message - won't give a spoiler. It is worth a watch from a general health benefit perspective. I was completely HOOKED and have recommended the movie to many of my contacts. Cheers to health!
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Loved it
info-7389329 April 2024
I read Giulia Ender's Gut book (which this is based on) a few years ago and thought it was great. Her way of explaining things and the illustrations were really helpful and memorable. I think the felt, stop-motion friendly bacteria in the Netflix version bring this all to life brilliantly and I think the 4 case studies of people who have inadvertently impacted their biome were really helpful and relatable. I've shown clips to my kids and they are really keen to feed their friendly bacteria the right foods now! There are a lot of more complex books and programs out there by Tim Spector etc but having something that cuts through the science in a user friendly and easy to watch way is great.
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Information was not comprehensible
lovintouch28 April 2024
I tried watching this since I do have gut issues starting with my fatty liver and gallstones and cholesterol which nothing was mentioned on these concerns where gut health begins after food comes from the stomach and is a very important part of digestion they never even mentioned. They only talked about the colon. The movie went so fast to the point it was getting on my nerves. I didn't find any of the explanations to have any professional truth to them and any simpleton could have created what exactly they were trying to speed talk about. The conversation was as if they were on hyper medications. I could not comprehend anything this documentary was talking about. They kept going off and on and back and forth to a number of people and it was hard to follow what the heck they were trying to tell the audience. Honestly I had to shut this movie off. It was aggravating and not very enjoyable or had an educational substance to it. The documentary was definitely made and created by a crew of people who had Attention deficit disorders.
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Wow brilliant work about health
secrets-shakeup-q4 May 2024
Innovative, easy to understand and extremely useful. Knowledge is key and they do this with real life examples and with fun animation. The ability to visualize difficult scientific topics really helps. The influence of the brain on the gut makes this different from all the gut microbiome documentaries out there. I like that they stick to the basics. Easy to follow and digest. Hearing from experts in the field gives this documentary credibility. Not boring like most documentaries. Hats off to the director and whole team. We need more like this. Looking forward to Netflix putting out more content like this. A great way to get science to the masses.
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Ok ... if you're a toddler
ysdwjhcch29 April 2024
This is a topic I'm extremely interested in learning more about more about, so was pleased when it came up on my Netflix feed.

After the first 5 minutes in, O couldn't believe what I was seeing ! ... was this made for children ?

The kindergarten style animations, silly childish puppet things to represent bacteria.

And then there's the presenter, oh my word ! ...she'd be better off with a Cbeebies gig on daytime kids tv ... making odd vocal noises like a Teletubbie.

This could have gone much deeper, and been presented a whole lot better.

Such an opportunity missed here, as it's a very good topic.
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Great documentary and worth a watch
oliviajd-973524 May 2024
I'm not sure why all these haters are saying it is childish. There are animations, but it helps visualize what is happening in the body. It's not meant to make anyone feel dumb. But the processes are so complex, sometimes people enjoy a visual to break things down. I have had constant gut problems for over 10 years and have gone to all of the doctors, tried all of the medications and supplements and no one thing had been the definitive answer. After watching this, I really focused on eating a much more diverse diet throughout the week. At first I was bloated. But by the end of the week, I felt amazing and I actually lost weight. So, I would say they're definitely on to something.
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It was okay, a lot of fluff
bryanpsweeney1 May 2024
There's some good information in here, but it's buried with a lot of unnecessary content and storytelling. The real life cases are useful but they waste a lot of time on presentation. The runtime is over an hour, but it feels like they could've had a better program if they cut it down to 40 or 50 minutes.

The parts with the little felt characters were easily the best. It's hard not to appreciate the amount of work that went into creating those, and those moments were definitely the most informative as they explain in layman's terms what's happening inside your gut, and how it all works. Just watching those scenes can give you a basic understanding of what's going on in there.

There's just so much pointless stuff in between the useful parts. I really felt for that lady that was having a hard time losing weight as a single mother of 3 and also had to care for her mom, but what was up with the motorcycle scenes? And that guy just laying on the floor staring up and smiling at an inflatable uvula? So pointless. Fair to say that some strange choices were made when making this.
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Life changing documentary
mnjmdbsz5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut will make you think. I love the simplicity of the clever explanations of the importance of our microbiome. The various dietary struggles showcased will resonate with everyone. After watching this film, I'm definitely thinking more about what exactly I'm eating. I have decided to try to get a better variety of vegetables and fruits in my diet and attempt to stay away from processed foods. Kudos to the director, Anjali Nayar, for making this topic interesting, understandable, and digestible 😉. Do yourself a favor and please take the time to learn about what's going on in our bodies.
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Insinuates Autism is caused by Gut health
agateansr2 May 2024
Calls autism a disease. Equates it to gut health. Through it is true alot of autistic people have gut issues gut issues do not cause autism and fixing the gut will not change a persons autism.

They cherry pick the fa ta and miss out vital contexts that explains why they are mentioning autism in the same breath as depression. Insinuating they are both mental health diseases rather then on being a neuro diverse state and the other being something possibly curable.

Netflix has been asked to remove this documentary by several autism and disability groups.

I advise not to watch it if they can't get the basics right how can you trust anything they say.
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Lack of science and loaded with filler/fluff.
RIK-227 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I imagine many of us are very interested in what is healthy eating and with Nutritional science almost being an oxymoron, this/that is good for you, next week its bad, etc.

I was genuinely interested to see what the evidence for gut health having an impact on more than just your waistline and toilet activity. However, what we got was a light touch of speculation without really any evidence or facts. Worse than that many things they said, can't be true.

If humans must eat non-cooked varied vegetables to be healthy, we would all be dead. A healthy human is one taking a natural diet, one mankind used for most of our history as we evolved, which would be what is local and seasonal. Moreover, we have cooked for most of history, which will kill bacteria, so therefore, we wouldn't be getting any, according to this doc.

We all know how successful a low carb, high fat, high protein, low fibre diet has been for many people, which again contradicts this documentary.

Our gut doesn't make us crave food, we have evolved to want calories, therefore we always look for those foods.

Most of the tone of the programme, was childish and simple, lots of fluff with no real revelations.

Disappointing, like sadly most of these health documentaries are.
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It starts well but then goes into a demagogy.
b4blue28 April 2024
This doc is really good at criticising the mainstream food narrative but when it comes to finding solutions it goes into myths from many past decades that have been debunked even a century ago, by scientists who are rarely mentioned. There is nothing new under the sun, yet some scientists wannabes keep trying to invent new ways of creating even more problems than solutions. Instead of taking what we already know, they want to discover marketable ways to keep the a rotten ship going. There is no pill or supplement that will fix things. You need to reset and go back to basics. The whole fiber story is ridiculous. It's just a patch for an unhealthy diet that does more harm than good. I wish I could turn back time and do things I needed to do in my 20's, but I'm happy I could still buy the next few decades with the knowledge that was always there, but didn't feel right, because of all the crap in the media but also pushed by bad doctors. Red meat all the way. Cholesterol is your friend.
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Takes forever to get to the facts
bradleyb-889445 May 2024
What's with Netflix documentaries taking forever and giving back story.

Hurry up and show us the facts and what diets are best, etc.

Starts off dumbing it down, basic human biology 101. And backstories of people that are getting interviewed. I don't care for these people's backstories sorry. I want the science experiments and facts, research.

Netflix documentaries are notorious for this and it frustrates me. I ended up skipping half the documentary as it just had B-Roll and backstories for majority of the documentary.

Cringey B-roll of the test subjects or whatever they are considered to be. If someone can please create a rundown version of this documentary that'd be great with all the factual parts.

When are documentaries going to be full of facts again and not trying to be quirky without dragging on.
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