"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" And a Trauma in a Pear Tree (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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The Good, The Bad, and The Confusing
MzKarizzma9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the L&O SVU shows are quite gripping and really bring the viewer into the drama surrounding stories drawn from contemporary headlines. But this particular show? Not so much. I loved the wedding and the girl bonding between Olivia and Amanda. The visit with Noah's "new" family seemed like a set-up with the boys going upstairs to play video games, but implied that might not be all they're doing - an implication that went nowhere. Neither did the thread that teased whether or not Olivia would reveal Noah's father's history to the other adoptive parents. The set-up and take-down of the illegal videotaper seemed to border on police entrapment. And why would he agree to go to this particular motel room where he knew he'd be on camera? Also, the hung jury at the end seemed improbable. Are we to believe that one officer's inappropriate outburst during cross examination (and a direct hit with a police radio while the perp was fleeing police custody) would tank ADA Carisi's presentation of all the evidence regarding multiple women who were held in a basement and tortured by this sick dude? Writers: we know you can do better. Looking forward to that in the 2023 episodes.
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And a Trauma
bobcobb3019 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
American said goodbye to Amanda Rollins on SVU in this episode and it was kind of, just there.

She was not a legendary character, but she was there for a long time and deserved some sort of quality send-off. Not sure if this was it. We knew Olivia Benson would end up apologizing for her outburst and I kind of question that initial reaction. It would not be like her at all to have that kind of breakdown if her friend said she wasnted to move on.

The stuff with Noah seemed random too. They should've just had a case take place to tie everything back together with Rollins and Carisi deciding to take the leap.
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crr-4081126 December 2022
Given Olivia Benson's 24 years on SVU and all the crimes she seen against children, how is it she isn't monitoring who her child is talking with on his phone?

And what parent in their right mind would Ever Ever Ever (did I say Ever enough??) leave their child with complete strangers overnight??

Olivia Benson, you should be setting an example for parents! And not ignoring all safety rules with technology and strangers!

Why would the writers even come up with such a ridiculous storyline? I'm sure some of some of them have children too and would be appalled by the thought of this taking place with their own children!
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Please Just End It.
ront-young15 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was the most boring episode ever! Noah was so annoying that I wanted the family to kidnap him. Munsi is annoying as hell. Finn is so tired he has trouble focusing his eyes. I'm still mad they got rid of Kat, her character had so much potential. I hate all the new detectives. I gotta be honest Organized Crime is much better than SVU. Amanda becoming a professor was the dumbest idea ever. The show has been on for so long and I'm trying to hang in there but it hasn't been great since Dodds character was killed. There's hardly any chasing because everyone is old and out of shape, too much whining.
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bkkaz9 December 2022
That's the sound of people vomiting after this incredibly over-the-top maudlin episode.

Where to begin?

You don't have to have a college degree to become a cop, yet Rollins somehow magically is qualified to be a professor at Fordham University. You know, the top-ranked Catholic University in NYC, where tenured faculty pretty much all have Ph. Ds. Rollins has a Ph. D.? She can barely figure out whose bed she just hopped out of.

Benson and Rollins crack down on some small town motel peeper and his brother. Do NYC cops have jurisdiction outside of the city? These two sure act like they do, barging around the place, including behind the desk, and ordering people around. They also get into what seems to be an illegal sting operation because, again, they're not officers with jurisdiction and have no authority, court or otherwise.

The ever whiny and teststerone-low Carisi continues his slide into eunochdom.

Benson and Rollins exchange weepy confessions of deep friendship for one another. Really? Yeah, they've occasionally been over at each other's homes for the requisite "we're not enemies" moments, but exactly when were they bestest buddies?

OMG, the kid who plays Noah can't act and there's no chemistry between him and Benson, but they somehow managed to top that with the weirdest, most Stepford Wives family I've ever seen. If you laugh at how families are shown in old shows like Leave it to Beaver and somehow don't see how odd and stiff this family is, get to an optometrist stat! Even what they say is weird, like "I hope this doesn't give you a negative impression of our little town." WHO TALKS LIKE THIS?

Just another self-indulgent, soap episode. Just when you think SVU can't get worse.
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starswithnolight26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Olivia, even with her really over drive over emotional over trauma driven story lines and responses, would never have the idiocy to leave her child with complete strangers over night, with someone related to her son only by his dead, criminal father. Going to meet them? Fine. Taking time to get to know them? Fine? Having the adults exchange numbers and talk, build a relationship? Wonderful. But, oh hi, here's my son, I'm gonna work a case out of my jurisdiction so you can keep my kid when I don't even know you. Also the line coming from Noah "he's my only real family" I don't care he's what, nine? And you didn't pick up the utter look of heartbreak on your own mother's face? What a jack a- I'm sorry but at that age you can tell when you've hurt your mother. And for him to be such a little ingrate, maybe Benson should tell him where he came from so he can watch himself. If you want to say nature vs nurture this kids got to be fighting two gene pools of gross to grow up from. (A junkie crack ho and a violent trafficking pimp, excellent combo) Also the Olson case is one of the worst I've ever seen, as a disgusting animal keeping a slew of women chained and brainwashed in a rural house isn't normal and the guy would be convicted, with a single radio hit to the face or not. And then the "girls night" drinking was such a crock. They have NEVER been that close. Olivia has NEVER been that outgoing towards Rollins and it was just unbelievable, it wasn't natural, it was a crap set up for her to say she was leaving. It was so bad. It was a bad episode all the way around. And the way she turned around at her talking about leaving THAT is how she acts towards Rollins. Always disappointed and disapproving. Even when it benefits Rollins. (Don't know how you get offered a professor job out of being a detective but whatever, it's better for her not to be working a dangerous jobs with two kids and a new husband)
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She many things wrong!
lconnolly-9030217 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rollins being offered a professorship? Really? So very realistic. Not! She's a smart gal maybe professionally (personal choices, not so much). But this just does not happen. Olivia knew something because in a prior episode she calls Amanda professor! Olivia suddenly becoming chummy with Rollins? There was nothing historically to support this. It seemed to be forced.

Noah is 12. His mom is an SVU captain. Why on earth does she not monitor his online activities better? He's being secretive? Bells going off anyone? It's one thing to meet the "brother" but am entirely different thing to meet them for the first time with Noah. Nope. You restrict this kids access while you meet the other family. She did some digging on them. But you meet first. Now she's leaving Noah with these people while she investigates a crime that's not in her jurisdiction. Ugh. The music playing while this family is around us foreboding. They're trying to make us suspect something when all the while Olivia lets her kid take the lead. She loses all credibility.

Noah saying his brother is his only family was so hurtful. Olivia should have talked to him about this. He's 12 for heaven's sake! He's a brat. But feel free to live your truth little person.

The case ending how it did was bogus. He was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Muncy is out of control and should have been schooled by Olivia. But no, Olivia was off meeting Noah's brother/fam. She threw a radio at the perp. I get that she's coming off the gang unit so there's a grit and toughness that comes with that role. But the team has a responsibility to reign that in! She blew the case. I wonder if we will ser it retried?
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