The Right Kind of Wrong (2013) Poster

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Not your ordinary romantic comedy...
kad3t3 February 2014
The Right Kind of Wrong is an unusual film...

It takes a lot from common clichés that we're used to understanding as typical romantic comedies but it builds upon it and presents it in a novel yet interesting way. The main protagonist is not a common well behaved steady earning good boy that we're grown to expect from this genre. On the contrary - he is a broken man with a joke for a career, no ambitions and plenty of other weaknesses to top that up. The girl however... Well, she's equally humane. :) And that's about it when it comes to things worth knowing about the flick. It's not the genre nor the cast that will make you enjoy watching it - it's just the fact that all the characters are so "real" and not over the top smoothed out for Hollywood role models. As the title suggests the right things about the movie are all the wrong ones and that's what makes it a definite watch!
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Story and characters that grow on you
caldepen15 October 2013
Filmed in beautiful Banff, Alberta. About a failed writer whose ex- girlfriend writes a blog about what a loser he is, that goes viral. He then falls in love with another girl on her wedding day. Fairly tame story that actually gets better in the second half. It does have its share of trite 'Degrassi' moments but overall I found myself liking it. Beautifully shot, in a fantastic location, the movie's setting really is what takes this movie to thumbs up. Jason Stackhouse (c'mon, you know who I mean!) plays the main character and does it admirably and the female lead is charismatic as well. The side stories could use a boost but I can live with them. The adversaries are straight out of 1980's college movies but it appears to be on purpose so it is forgivable and Catherine O'Hara spins a decent tune as the hippie mother. Enjoyable characters and an overall not bad!
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Just barely watchable...a mess of lost chemistry
Robert_duder3 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is really why Canadian film gets such a bad rap. The trailer for The Right Kind of Wrong actually looked fun. It looked quirky and cute and funny and I was reasonably looking forward to this. My expectations weren't huge by any means but there were some fatal flaws to this "romantic comedy." They mixed together the sort of crude humour that makes American comedies so successful with trying to be uniquely Canadian...something Canadian film makers can't ever seem to LET GO. The plot stumbles around and propels extremely vapid and annoying characters around each other. The script is honestly excruciating and as a writer I couldn't help but think how much editing could have been done to make this better. Now that I complained about it I will add that I did laugh a few times (both from gross-out shock and some decent physical gags and general silliness), there were some moments that at least tried very hard to be sweet but unfortunately for this film the bad outweighs the good at least two to one. After watching the VASTLY superior Canadian comedy "My Awkward Sexual Adventure" (one of the first Canadian comedians to truly impress me and was as good as any American counterpart) this just paled in comparison.

Ryan Kwanten is our lead hero. He's awkward and foolish and sort of a bum in life and managed to endear himself to his lady love. Kwanten tries hard and has some charisma on screen but just barely. I think the script was bad enough that he didn't have a lot to work with. He isn't the worst part of the cast by any means. Sarah Canning is the object of his affections...god knows why. I'm sorry to say that she is awful in this role. She is supposed to be this guy's dream come true but she is completely vapid and without any redeemable qualities at all. The script does nothing to develop her as a "dream" girl and their chemistry is literally non-existent. I couldn't have cared less whether they ended up together or not. Kristen Hager was actually better (and still not good) as Kwanten's disgruntled ex. She looks a little like Jennifer Lawrence and that's about as good as she gets. Her role is very small but I thought her chemistry with Kwanten was at least marginally better than Canning's is. Canadian comedy legend Catherine O'Hara is completely wasted in the film as Canning's mother. She has very few scenes and not even any good lines to speak of which is unfortunate. Literally the best character I thought in the movie was played by Will Sasso as the best friend. Its such an incredibly small role and he doesn't get any chance to try and redeem the movie but he has a few really funny scenes. Maya Sammy is also hilarious in a "kids say the darndest things" sort of way with shock value rants about drugs and sexual innuendos. Still she has some hilarious lines and is adorable too.

I am absolutely floored that the director of this film is the one and only Jeremiah Chechik. Who is that you may ask? His first directorial film was the classic, and downright hilarious National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. He has also done a ton of really great TV as well. I can only hazard to guess that he misread this mess of a script or owed someone a favour because honestly he is better than this. The film simultaneously tries too hard and not hard enough all at once by trying to be an American rom-com and failing but at the same time not trying to make sense of a very poor script. While this just barely gets a passing grade, it is watchable but really unless you're forced to...don't. Its something worth forgetting about in a sea of far better entries in the genre. 5/10
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Really enjoyable
Gordon-116 March 2014
This film tells the life of a failed writer whose ex-girlfriend wrote a book about him being a completely undesirable lover. He meets a charming woman on her wedding day, and they develop a unlikely relationship against the circumstances.

"The Right Kind of Wrong" boasts a satisfying story, in which the protagonist Leo undergoes a transformation for the sake of the woman of his dreams. The way he endures ridicule from the readers of the ex-girlfriend's book is sad but not overly sad, which is in keeping with the tone of the film. I like the way Leo and Colette develop their relationship, and how Colette realises the Olympic skier is not really for her. "The Right Kind of Wrong" eloquently states that it takes courage to leave the easy way into the comfort zone, and really do something you want to do. I was very empathic with the characters, as they are so real and not sugar coated. I really enjoyed watching it.
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Pleasant but deeply flawed
ajrg-17-38163916 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like the genre of romantic comedies. This has some good lines and good actors. It also has profound defects. The first is that the man she is marrying has no defects and is not a good actor. Here are some flaws he could have had: He was rich and could have been used to things going his way and thought he would get married and pull all the strings making her character and wants of secondary importance, he could have been hiding his use of steroids, addiction to pills or addiction to alcohol caused by his relationship with his rich father. They could have played more on his sense of entitlement which they only touched on. In short the enemy was without fault and you got the feeling the author of the film had an ax to grind. Complex villains with whom you identify and understand are the best. Second you had a hard time seeing the stalker as something other than annoying. He was supposed to be someone who "got" her and that is why he is not a standard crazy person, but that is not made clear enough. So it could have been a good movie and instead it was pleasant with moments. Catherine O'Hara was great.
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The Right Kind of Right.
anaconda-406589 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Right Kind of Wrong (2013): Dir: Jeremiah S. Chechik / Cast: Ryan Kwanten, Sara Canning, Ryan McPartlin, Kristen Hager, Catherine O'Hara: Wayward charm opens this romantic comedy about decisions. Leo is a dishwasher who becomes infatuated with a woman on her wedding day. This presents all sorts of problems with the bride and groom whom he feels are not right for each other. It opens effectively with his girlfriend breaking up with him. She exploits him with an online blog that bashes his every characteristic. She leaves and becomes an instant success with a book about exploiting his faults. He sets his sights on newly married Colette and this is where things become wayward. Leo is correct in that the groom is a wealthy jock handed everything but his stalking tactics are presented as cute and charming when in reality it is creepy and obnoxious. We know how it ends but it is questionable at best in terms of its ethics. Directed by Jeremiah S. Chechik who made the holiday classic National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. The screenplay is detailed and Ryan Kwanten provides the right awkward response as Leo whose humiliation and fear of heights never deter him. Sara Canning plays the feisty Colette stunned by this unwanted attention. Kristen Hager steals moments as Leo's ex. Ryan McPartlin as the groom is weak in his over the top standard jock snob presentation. Catherine O'Hara is featured briefly as Canning's mother who tutors Kwanten on his quest. It is a romantic comedy about being the right person for the wrong circumstance and the sparks that ignite. Score: 7 ½ / 10
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Worth watching...
Australian119 May 2023
For a start, way back, like 35 years ago, my wife and I both agreed that if a movie is Canadian, then most likely it will be worth watching.

There are a lot of good movies, TV shows coming from Canada, sure beats a lot of the rubbish coming out of USA or some other places...

This movie is Canadian, yes, some scenes didn't need to be in it, the paintings for one and some of the intimate scenes... But overall, it had a lot of good moments, the two kids were clever.

There is a message in the movie, people who are attracted to each other really need to know the inner person, not just the outside...
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I Just Don't Get It
Vogon-Poet17 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Quite honestly, I am surprised that this movie is getting such great reviews. To begin with, the main character, Leo, falls in love with Colette, a complete stranger, on her wedding day. He pretends that he is a guest at her wedding and proceeds to hit on Colette in front of her husband which (obviously) causes a scene and gets him kicked out. In a later scene, the bride's mother comments that she thought his actions were "ballsy". No, actually, it is extremely creepy and inappropriate to behave like that and cause such a scene at a strangers wedding.

The rest of the movie is dedicated to watching Leo's multiple attempts to get Colette's attention. She rejects his advances numerous times but he won't stop bothering her. Eventually, this starts causing problems in her marriage and she winds up with Leo by the end of the movie.

The plot of this movie disturbs me. After multiple rejections, he will not leave her alone and I couldn't understand why Colette and her husband were being so nice about it. 3/4 of the way through, the husband steps in and threatens Leo, which is the movie's attempt to make the husband look like the bad guy but the reality is that Leo is the bad guy. He interferes with complete strangers lives/marriage and will not quit until he gets what he wants. In typical romantic comedy fashion, they try to make his advances seem innocent and endearing however any normal person in real life would have taken out a restraining order about a half hour into the movie. I am tired of romantic comedies glorifying stalking behaviors that would normally get you arrested.
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A guy's chick flick
Miq2u30 August 2022
This was a chick flick written for guys, and I enjoyed it much more than my wife. Without spoiling anything, as you can see by the previews, she was designed to be the basic dude's perfect dream. The plot revolves around a guy down on his luck done wrong by his wife and him finding a new woman he falls for. It has a lot of unspoken truths and a lot of fun.

And as for the rest of my review, Apparently all reviews have to contain 600 characters just to get it published so I'm writing this to get it published. So I'm am still writing. Apparently what you have to say isn't as important as how much you have to say. Still writing.
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Creative, detailed writing
lydiajp4 October 2022
This is not a Hallmark movie, it seems like it with all the beautiful scenery but it has nudity and sex. Truly this movie has it all. It's funny, even slap stick at times. Lots of life lessons which I am such a fan since in today's movies is a rare quality. I didn't even care for the characters personalities but this movie really is THAT GOOD. You can truly tell the people who created this movie put a lot of time and cared about details. The characters grow and yes it's a happily ever after and A feel good movie. YAY! The main actor is really a good actor I didn't think so in the beginning but I think he did a great job.
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timing is everyth...
roadstar065 March 2014
A talented young cast, a reasonably workable premise and yet dis-jointed editing and writing that misses the joke more than it hits make this a disappointment. I very much wanted this to be funnier. there were so many chances and nothing..

I will not put this on the cast,although Catherine O'Hara was under- utilized in this storyline.

Incorporating her into the early "stalker" scenes would have reduced the potential creepieness, and her ability to lift a dialogue would have been wonderful for character development. Smoother more natural directing would have made this a gem.
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Favorite movie, this is why...
juliaekeklint29 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There is something very very special about this movie. Sure Leo is completely nuts in his mission to pursue Colette. Buts that is only a fragment of the actual plot, like the glue between the pieces.

Mostly I love this movie for everything it achieves, the scenery is beautiful and magnificent, and it plays so well into the story. From his fear of hights, to her love for nature. And I have never before in my life watched a movie in witch I did like every character. To the Troys trying to defend their friend yet still being professional with the gallery, to Julie and her need to find someone to climb mountains for her.

No scene or shot is boring, fore they all seem to have a bigger purpose. This movie has so many red threads and symbols yet they all tie into a beautiful knot at the end.

I also love how this movie has no rushed decisions. Colette did not even consider Leo until she found out that her husband did not respect her viewes on the renovation project, as he stood talking to a man he knew she despised.

Leo did not follow Colette like a lost puppy, instead he showed her that he was interested in getting to know her. He went on her four of her tours and listened to her views, but he stayed stubborn. Following his heart, trying so hard to make her see in him what he saw in her. When she punches him in the faces you do not feel sad for the guy. It is rightfully what he deserves. But his apology in sunflowers is the first sign that he might not be so wrong for her.

She needs a break after her divorce and she tells him that she did not leave her husband for him he leaves her alone, respecting her and listening to her Leo finally setts his stubbornness aside to please her request. Then in curiosity she picks up his book and fortunately falls in love with him through his words. In the end she is the one chasing him.

What I mentioned above, the whitty jokes and amazing humor is what makes this movie special. In my opinion this movie did not need a happy ending to be a 10/10, but I am still happy I got one.
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Its All Wrong!
rachelanastasia-3928014 September 2019
The trailer was Right, the film was so Wrong... On many levels
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The Wrong Kind of Wrong
Dave_Li4812 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To anyone who is in touch with the realities of life, this movie is beyond stupid. I get that a movie is supposed to be an escape from said reality however, that does not mean basic values should be thrown out the window. I knew exactly what I was in for but sat through it to see how deep the stupid ran and it really did run deep!

The main character is basically a bum who is completely disconnected from the realities of life - a failed writer (seeing how he lives his life, no wonder) and dishwasher (nothing wrong with being a dishwasher but it doesn't seem like he is trying to get anywhere in life). Wife leaves him because he is pretty much a bum and she's doing way better than he is.

Days/weeks later, he sees a bride at her wedding and it's 'love' at first sight. No. NO! That's 5th grade infatuation. Sends the wrong message. First of all, she is MARRIED. I should stop there but even if she was not married, she has done nothing for him, NOTHING for him to be 'in love' with her. In the real world, this is how you get friednzoned (at best). You never get a girl this way - ever. All this does if feed weak male behavior.

So he crashes the wedding and ASKS HER OUT. What? Seriously, who thought this was a cute thing to do?? That starts off a series of absolutely cringe worthy attempts on his part to get her attention. Again, she is MARRIED. If he had put HALF the effort into sorting out his life, he would have been able to get..... ah forget it!

So the woman. WOW. She had the so called perfect husband, who gave her everything. When his parents gave them a house (because they are rich like that) she gave him the whole 'we haven't earned it' speech. Finally, when she breaks it off with the husband (because his methods of trying to defend his marriage from the dude who did not understand that his wife was MARRIED to him didn't comply with her 'morals'), she tells said delusional dude that her husband will not come after her because he is afraid she will take HALF OF EVERYTHING. Now, did she stop to think if she had earned this??? LOL do you SEE THE PROBLEM?

People like this should NOT be portrayed as good people. Disturbing a marriage because you love one of them is NOT cute.

In summary;

Main character; Delusional, immature bum portrayed as this dreamer. His love interest; Immoral, unfaithful and..... you'll get it if you can bare to sit through this trash. Villain/Husband; The actual good guy who probably dodged a bullet - that woman is another guys problem now!

They should make a part two where she leaves this dumb mf at THEIR wedding lmao.

Men - if she left someone else for you, she will leave you for someone else. Don't get played.

RANT over!
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traviesa-conejita13 June 2014
An unexpected good movie, highly recommend it to those who think love and a relationship should be perfect and magical or to those who need have a laugh at the expense of another's misfortune and shortcomings. The scenery of the movie mirrors Sara Canning's character Colette: beautiful and wild, a blend of tomboy/kind of crazy woman who's just perfect for Leo. It's a pleasant change to see Ryan Kwanten outside his Jason Stackhouse persona, and leaving no trace of it as other actors get stuck or comfortable just having one face for everything they work in. Also, Will Sasso's character -and performance- is funny and sweet. Overall, it's an underrated movie, and let's face it, it's because of the cast, I'm sure you saw "Jason Stackhouse" on the cover or poster and thought: "Oh, hell no!", but really, give it a chance, as I said before, you'll be unexpectedly surprised.
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problematic setup
SnoopyStyle28 August 2016
Leo Palamino (Ryan Kwanten) becomes infamous for his ex-wife Julie Deere's blog "Why You Suck". He's a writer who can't write and works happily as a dishwasher. After 18 months, she has a publishing deal and he still hasn't read the blog. He falls for complete stranger Collette (Sara Canning) who is a bride on her way to marrying perfect guy Danny Hart (Ryan McPartlin). Tess (Catherine O'Hara) is her estranged mother. Leo's best friend Neil (Will Sasso) has an unusual marriage to Jill. There is a 'ghost' bear.

Leo is a pathetic delusional immature slacker that the movie is trying to pawn off as a charming dreamer. It would be helpful if Collette shows any signs of liking Leo in the first act. They should get together over ghost bear before she gets married. He needs to show his good guy credential by helping those kids in an early scene. As it stands, she should get a restraining order right after the wedding. It's trying very hard to be a bright, sunny, quirky comedy. The scenery looks majestic. I give it points for trying something but it doesn't work. The setup is wrong and everything following it suffers. It's also very weird to begin the movie with legendary Catherine O'Hara who disappears for half of the movie. There are relatively easy fixes but the setup needs to be completely rewritten.
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Surprisingly satisfying
hogwaump17 December 2015
This story is a good one. The only reason I don't give it a ten is the rough spots here and there. Yes, it is Rom-Com formulaic, but it does not have the smarmy Hollywood quality that taints so many similar movies. I found the the lack of super-slick production rather charming, actually.

It feels like a good first effort from a talented director, played out by actors that, while not at all novices, have not yet perfected their craft. It could have benefited from some more stringent cutting; several inessential scenes hit me as sophomoric or hackneyed and made me stop watching . . . but I kept coming back to the DVD for a bit more. A good thing -- not viewing all of this movie would have been a mistake, a disservice to myself.
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The story of a Narcissistic home wrecker (but we're supposed to sympathize)
thisisapollo17 November 2021
Could not wrap my head around how this movie revolves around a stubborn man child who uses women to as objects to the point where he stalks and harasses a newly married woman. This is supposed to be a romantic comedy but instead of getting a story of finding love, we get a story about lust, selfishness ingratitude.

Watching this with my wife, I asked her, because she seemed to somewhat enjoy it, "would you think this would be as funny if it was a woman stalking this man, showing up to his home/work, knowing he's married" and her face instantly changed. I love storytelling, but I can't feel sympathy for a lead character who's entire backdrop is being a man child who gets his heart broken to just have sex with any stranger, even if that included ruining a new marriage. Couldn't get to the end of the movie to see the resolve but honestly don't care to.
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Painful and unconvincing
phd_travel17 February 2019
This movie wasnt a great idea. A guy gets dumped by his wife who writes a successful blog about what's wrong with him. He falls in love with a woman at her wedding to a perfect guy and then pursues her non stop. How could he love her? Doesn't make sense. It seems silly and psycho.

Don't bother with this one.
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Just love it.
minis-781306 April 2018
I've watched this movie more than one time and it just gets better and better. It's one of my favorite movies and that's because it's just how I want a movie to be, romantic, funny and brilliant. The main character, Leo, is funny and really likeable. He falls in love with a girl at her wedding day and decides that she will be his. Leo's ex girlfriend writes about how much he sucks and those things that she find wrong about him may someone else actually find perfect, I think that is something very beautiful in life and the movie is very much about that concept. The story is really heartwarming and the mood is terrific. I think this movie has got something special and it just makes me smile every time I watch it.
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Awful Movie, Great Shooting Location
PedanticEditor18 July 2014
Although the plot doesn't match, story is basically a lot like that part of the TV show Just Shoot Me wherein David Spade's character fools a model into marrying him. Why? He's a sleaze, so is her current boyfriend, you can't really root for either one because they're both victimizing her. The main character is like David Spade's character, but the woman is more twisted.

It's a suckily written movie about horrible people (nearly all the characters; not just one or two).

Unfortunately, the shooting locations in Canada are so gorgeous I watched the whole thing anyway. I wish they hadn't overexposed so often and color graded so far into the yellow range though, as it kind of ruins the sky and people's faces. It'd be better to just watch a documentary about Calgary and Banff instead though.

Maybe you could watch it with the sound off, except the last 20 minutes or so 'cause there's visually gross stuff, and it would be enjoyable that way. Oh well.
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My Favorite Romantic Comedy
veganvessel5 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen literally hundreds of romantic comedies and this one is my all-time favorite. The main reason is that our hero sets out on an outrageous and ballsy goal, and the movie carefully and cleverly shows how he might succeed.

Leo goes gaga when he first casts eyes on Collette. The fact that this happens at her wedding doesn't faze him. Nor does her obvious passion for her new husband Danny--a tall, handsome, rich lawyer who skied in the Olympics and founded a children's charity. Nor does Leo's own place in the world: a failed writer working as a dishwasher, and the butt of countless jokes from a widely successful blog, Why You Suck, written by his ex-wife.

"Granted, there are obstacles," Leo admits. But he's not afraid to try to win Collette's heart even if Danny is looking on. Fortunately Leo has a high tolerance for physical pain.

Leo's big challenge sets up the movie's challenge: Give Leo a credible chance in spite of the obstacles. So the remaining 80 minutes are packed with intelligent twists and turns that might help him see daylight. Practically every secondary character has a hand in pushing Leo either forwards or backwards on his rocky path.

Another reason the movie works is that Leo is a likable guy. He's witty, honest, uber-idealistic and surprisingly low-key for the size of the torch he's carrying. He elevates his humble job to an art form, even using a dishwashing machine for a quantum physics demonstration.

The film features a clever script and beautiful scenes of the Canadian Rockies. Will Sasso and Catherine O'Hara help provide light-hearted depth, and Rachel Portman predictably nails the score. Even the closing song was a perfect fit.

I'm sorry the movie's IMDb rating is much lower than I expected. Ironically, the point of the movie is that something that's wrong for others could be right for me.
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Interesting idea, sloppy execution
baybars10899 February 2015
This romantic comedy does follow the three-act cliché to the letter. There is also the overused story of converting a long-shot into a done-deal, as in most other romantic comedies for that matter. To the movie's credit, the message that what seems wrong to one may be perfectly right for another is interesting. However, it needs to be executed well. Unfortunately, this is where the movie utterly fails. The plot seems improbable, the characters are shallow and their interactions often make little sense. The comedic aspect is exceptionally weak. So, what could possibly compel one to watch this movie? Only if one requires some escapist entertainment. The main characters are likable, including those who are meant to be the "worse halves". The shooting scene is amazing and, as already mentioned, the key message of the movie is not entirely disagreeable. Overall, the movie leaves that warm and fuzzy feeling that one has after consuming a serving of one's favourite sweets.
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What? Did I watch this?
cekadah8 November 2015
What vibrant colors! Great landscapes! Will Sasso's scrotum! Catherine O'Hara! That's it for this flick. The story is mostly forgettable.

Doofuss dishwasher (who is suppose to be charmingly clumsy) sees a bride on her wedding day and falls in love. His ex-wife is raking in the dough by trashing Doofuss in a blog on the internet and a book in print. He becomes infamously famous.

Somewhere he scores the bride he fell for on her wedding day. The end! Honestly that's all I remember about this movie. Did I fall asleep? I don't even remember exactly how the story ended. When it's over you are glad! Now I remember that - fer shur!
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Adorable, despite its definitely deserved R rating; Alberta scenery out of this world in beauty
inkblot1110 November 2014
Leo (Ryan Kwanten) is an aspiring writer. Unfortunately, just as a publisher was interested in signing him, creative differences with the editor doomed the project. Now, he works as a dishwasher for the local Hindi restaurant and hasn't found another publishing house. This upsets his wife, among other things, and she bolts, taking one of their two Persian cats, Snow. Now, Leo is left with Balls the cat plus the knowledge that his ex is getting rich writing a blog about "Why you suck", meaning Leo. Down and out, Leo goes out one sunny morning and spies the woman, Colette (Sarah Cannon), who is just right for him. Most unhappily, she's in a wedding dress and is about to enter the chapel near Leo's home. Dashing back to get his tux on, Leo crashes the wedding and makes pals with the bride's mother (Catherine O'Hara). She reveals that her daughter is making a mistake, having known the groom for only four months. This perks Leo up! After the ceremony, Leo makes a pass at Colette and gets thrown out on his ear. Yet, as he makes "opportunities" for he and Colette to cross paths, will there really be a chance for Leo to steal a bride away? This darling movie, though definitely R rated, is a must see for romcom fans. The cast is quite fine, with Kwanten giving a funny turn in the lead and others following suit. Then, what scenery! The Alberta setting in a town at the foot of the Rockies is just incredibly gorgeous. Likewise, the script is clever and brimming with comedy while the direction keeps the action moving along. No, don't see it if you will be uncomfortable with a fair amount of blue material. All others, go, go, go for it!
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