Stranded (2013) Poster

(V) (2013)

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"You've been exposed to chemicals: HIT THE SHOWERS!"
Patient44428 May 2013
Stranded is a movie. I'll give you that. A good one? Far from it. A medium one? Still not quit there. A C+ at its best because really, what the heck was the point of it? 4 people in space, with uber technology (except, the cars are still normal and other stuff that they couldn't "upgrade") with no power for light (the entire movie), with a dialogue that will make you weep at times, and with those very quite intelligent "hey, it really happened!!"; "Neah, it must be all in your head. Even tho what you say makes perfect sense regarding the surroundings, we can't believe you because the script doesn't allow us to".

So you have to watch something perfectly predictable, non captivating whatsoever, not original, not even trying to be something. What is the point? Why make a movie like this? It won't help anyone's career let's face it, and most of you out there, the lucky ones, won't get to see it, won't even ever find out it exists. Lucky bastards...

In 1986, the movie Aliens appears, a future like none would ever imagine, effects made brilliantly that still stand tall after almost 30 years! In 2013 they make Stranded, and you can't help to wonder, how is this even possible? Any of it?

Don't watch Stranded, you'll just waste time that you'll want back. So many other films out there.

Try Cargo, a German movie. Try Pandorum. Try Fortress. Just try something else!

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Miniatures and Practical makeup put this a notch above a SyFy Channel production.
mjconway14 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched STRANDED and its Bonus Features. I thought it was alright. It could have been more fun and suspenseful, but the concept is pretty good - meteor shower destroys much of a moon base's functionality and communications, leaving 4 astronauts stranded.

The ensemble is pretty good and each character is different from one another. The actors do a decent job with the material and props they have to work with. One example is how they talk into a communicator/holographic recorder, which is actually an auto-folding book light!!! You know it's a book light, but the actors keep a straight face, anyway. Same with some of the dialogue and character motivations (or lack thereof).

The writing and direction is pretty dodgy (from good to lame), but not unexpected from the man who brought you BATTLEFIELD EARTH! For example: There is an Earth-bound scene that could have had some real potential, but shooting it in daylight reveals a recovery team to be only one Hummer and 4 guys! Smoke and flashlights would have worked wonders - you could have used the same 4 guys, and made them look like a whole squad.

What really stood out for me was the use of miniatures over computer graphics. After reading about how cheap and awful this movie was supposed to be, I was pleasantly surprised with the look of the moon base, drilling machines, escape pod, and another ship that looked very good, in a Nostromo-type of landing. There is some CG, but it is appropriately used for heads up displays and holographs.

There are some creepy moments, involving contagion, a birth and clone replication. Some of the makeup effects are nice and gooey! Nothing mind-blowing, but I was happy to see some competent makeup effects. In other words, this isn't a SyFy computer FX fiasco, so points for that! To sum this up, the mainstream audience probably won't like this, but it's a potentially guilty pleasure for sci-fi/horror geeks, like myself. Just don't expect too much.
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Lame Déjàvu
claudio_carvalho11 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Lunar Base Ark explores ore and unexpectedly is hit by a meteor shower and has severe damages. Colonel Gerard Brauchman (Christian Slater) sends the crewwoman Ava Cameron (Amy Matysio) to repair a wing that is full of CO2. Dr. Lance Krauss (Brendan Fehr) warns that the gas may cause paranoia and hallucinations. Ava brings a sample of the meteor for analysis and Dr. Krauss finds that there are spores attached to the meteor.

Ava accidentally cuts her finger in a sample but she hides the cut from the doctor. Soon Ava gets pregnant and delivers an alien offspring. However, neither Col. Brauchman nor Dr. Kraus believes in her words and they believe that Ava is delusional. He offspring bites the crewman Bruce Johns (Michael Therriault) and the crew discovers that Bruce has been cloned by the alien. Soon they find how dangerous the clone is.

"Stranded" is a low-budget movie and a lame rip-off of "Alien" and other movies of the genre. The characters are not bright as astronauts should be and they usually take the wrong decisions. "Stranded" is not a good movie but there are others worse and worse. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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The story of 4 idiots who make up the crew of a moon base.
davelowell-777-45326428 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This story is about the dumbest spacefolk in the known universe. Who ever is in charge of hiring the personnel to man this moon base must have sent the company's most incompetent employees to try to get rid of them............. When one of the crew finds a meteorite with something attached to it they proceed to bring it inside for examination. After a while they decide to quarantine the sample as well as a crew member who appears to be infected. In spite of having quarantined one crew member in the sickbay the other crew members spend more time inside the quarantined area than outside of it, leaving the door open on the process... not that it matters by now..... and so on and so on....
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Sadly this movie is terrible
sws-697-69915428 May 2013
I am always on the lookout for a good SciFi horror film, so I really wanted to like this movie. I thought maybe with Slater it might be a low budget sleeper with good acting and plot. While the actors do try to get through their terribly written lines in a convincing manner, the movie is really bad. I had a sick feeling when Slater started talking into a folding book-light from the dollar store, that maybe this movie was in trouble. Nothing about the plot makes any sense, and nobody reacts in a manner even remotely realistic. Why wear a spacesuit if nobody else needs one in the same area? Why spend valuable time in the middle of a crisis playing with a rock? Why lock-down a room, just to reenter it ever other minute? The movie is a total waste of time. Don't rent this junk.
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Beyond words
colman0128 May 2013
Instead of telling you about the story which you by now already have a grasp of, I will instead focus on how unceremoniously bad this movie is.

1) Being a scifi you expect either a cool story or some nice visuals. This has got neither. It keeps telling us it's made on a shoestring budget, and I'll admit that some parts were actually nice looking - but all the good parts are ruined by blatantly stupid props and(see 2)

2)Contrived plot twists. OMFG. I was sitting there watching with my mind's mouth open - not sure that the movie unfolding in front of me was for real. It is like watching a train wreck albeit less mass deathy. It will only give you eye cancer and brain rot. I could not turn away though because this movie is played straight - it takes itself DEAD serious, no humour. I SAID NO!

3) The characters in the movie are supremely stupid and that just blows away all suspension of disbelief because face it - there is no chance in Hell that those people would be astronauts, technicians and doctors. No one would employ them and give them the responsibilities they have, much less send them to space and pay them. No, really - it's just sad.

4) Actually I just have to reiterate nr 3). THE CHARACTERS are so stupid it's insulting to my feces' ability to render art before it's flushed.

I could do a deeper analysis, but I doubt there is any need.

When all is said and done - I was entertained in a very weird way. This is in the same category of bad as "Suing the Devil", but not as enjoyably amusing.

/basement dweller
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A shockingly bad movie that should be avoided.
barrymcconville15 August 2013
A tale of some characters, who were totally undeveloped so nobody cares about them, running around a darkened moon base so you can't see the lack of budget. And that's about it really. Lots of shouting and worrying about this and that, but you couldn't care less about any of it. Could go into detail but, you know what, I can't bring myself to waste more time on this. I have a general rule that I'll switch off after 10 minutes if it's this bad (life's too short), but I stupidly abandoned this because I couldn't believe it was so poor. It didn't get better, just more of the same running around shouting. All I can say is that I suffered this so you don't have to. Amazed that this movie had received 3.4 on IMDb.
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Bad acting and even worse writing
jeff-in-singapore26 May 2013
This is a serious waste of time. It starts off with the worst special effects I have ever seen with obvious scale models getting bombarded by someone blowing spit balls from a pea shooter.

Then the acting starts, and it all goes down hill from there. Even normally somewhat respectable Christian Slater can't save this movie with its horrible plot line and disconnected stories.

The inside of the sets is equally poorly designed, looking worse that the early 1970s Star Trek scenes. The airlocks couldn't hold water let alone pressurized air.

There are too many questions left unanswered both during and at the end of the movie.

Trust me, do not wast your time.
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It's okay I guess; I HAVE seen a lot worse...
lathe-of-heaven27 May 2013
I know, that's not exactly the most exciting beginning when reviewing a film, but that honestly just about sums it up.

It's not that it's really horrible or anything; the acting is all right and they are definitely trying their best. And, it IS nice to see Christian Slater in SOMETHING! Man, I sure miss that guy. I was watching 'THE NAME OF THE ROSE' the other day and he was SO frigg'n excellent in it. I REALLY miss seeing him in more quality films...

Anyway, the outside shots of the moon base and equipment are nice; the film is clearly VERY low budget, but they create a moderately decent suspenseful atmosphere. There just isn't a heck of a lot to the story, really; basically a monster on the loose kind of thing.

So, I can't get wildly excited about the movie, but if you are in the mood for a simple, low-budget Moon Monster Movie and if you like Christian Slater, you might really enjoy it...
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A movie for huge sci-fi fans only. Tried so hard to be Aliens but fell way short. I thought it was slow and boring. I say C-
cosmo_tiger3 July 2013
"I've never seen anything like it. Some form of ancient cell structure, it's reproducing at an incredible rate." While on a year long mission in a space station on the moon Col. Gerard Brauchman (Slater) and his crew experience a meteor storm. While trying to radio for help the communication system is knocked out and the four astronauts are left on their own. While trying to figure out what to do they begin to notice strange things happening to each other. This is a movie that I had pretty low expectations for but it was even a little worse then I expected. Bad acting, pretty slow and boring. The one thing I will say about this is that the movie tried so hard to be Aliens but it just never quite made it. There have been some very good sci-fi surprises in the last few years. Movies like Splice and Moon come to mind. This one is not anywhere near those two. Overall, if you are a huge sci-fi fan then you may like this. I did not. I give it a C-.
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I have never, ever wanted to kill myself. Until now.
tom-11402 September 2013
I am a filmmaker and try to be as objective as possible. Understanding that many films have limitations, I try to see beyond the finances and look for other qualities such as performance, story, direction, and execution.

Well, I looked for nearly an hour and found myself, after the first 3 minutes, wishing that a piece of the space shuttle would re-enter the atmosphere, crash through my roof, and hit me in the head.

The most exciting moment of this viewing experience was when I finally decided to hit the stop button on my DVD player. The folks that made this fiasco should seriously consider Truckmasters or barber college.
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Better than expected
gamer223628 May 2013
So we have a good cast of actors, some pretty good visuals and an interesting story. My biggest comparison to this movie would be The Thing and Species due to "it" having similar features to the creatures in said movies. When I started watching Stranded, I thought it was going to be one of those serious psychological horror movies. It is not one of those movies, instead it's more easily to class it as a creature flick but not one of those overbearingly cheesy ones. My biggest complaint would have to be that it gets really interesting at the end and over. But I did enjoy Stranded and it's one of those movies where I'd really love a sequel just to further understand the progression of "it".
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Not enough characters
cudahawk3 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Stranded review. Somewhat compelling. Problems detected. No shields for Moon base. What are they mining for? Four people operate a mining operation, on the Moon. There's only one Moon base? The future has no carbon monoxide detectors. The Dr. can't tell the difference between a bite wound and a glass injury. No one cares about being covered in blood or possible infection. Zits! Bruce2 alien monster = dorky guy with a skin condition. Needed a cute little robot(mining robot had no lines). The communicators look a lot like a gadget flashlight I have. Apparently (according to Slater), the escape pod takes too long to prep in an EMERGENCY! No imaginary conversations with Elvis. Nice sets good acting. Fun to watch with friends. 6 out of 10.
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Not a disaster, but very silly in places
russell39628 June 2013
There's a pointlessness to this film that ultimately leaves you wondering why you wasted an hour and a half.

It's not completely awful, it's just not very good and the main problem is the story, of which there isn't really any.

The directing didn't seem too bad to me and the acting isn't as terrible as some reviewers on here would have you believe, but it's utterly, hopelessly predictable and there was clearly no budget left for effects. They do their best with what they have, but it can't have been much.

I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned the external shots of the moonbase - it is so clearly, painfully a model landscape that all hopes of immersion are immediately lost. And what passes for a moonbase control room is reminiscent of an early episode of Blake's 7 (remember that?).

This isn't the worst film in the world, if you've a couple of hours you don't mind losing or you're a complete SF nut, then knock yourself out. Otherwise, move along now.
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is there such a thing as C movie?
Invalid-User-Id26 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can not believe that Christian Slater would have a role in such a horrible movie.

Don't waste your time! It's worse than bad.

I don't mind a low budget, it is the plot that has been pieced together from other low budget sci-fi movies that sucks.

In short: 2 out 4 member crew of Moon base get infected by a microorganism from a meteorite that impregnates only female who in turn gives a birth to an alien that manages to mimic resemblance of one of the crew members who is a second infectee. 2 out of 4 crew members get killed by alien before it travels to Earth in an escape pod. The End
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Worst movie Christian Slater ever played in
torivar_s6 June 2013
It's a movie

Someone said it's maybe a C-movie. I'd call it trash, and this just shows how low Christian Slater has fallen. He is no longer considered a top actor. He used to be OK, but now he only plays in crap series or crap movies. This must be really hard for him, since he got a famous name and a good reputation. Too bad this is the worst movie he ever starred in. I wanted to kick my TV. I wish he could get a proper role. This movie is the worst attempt of a ripoff of Alien vs Species. Species and Aliens were good, but not together. Besides this, the casting crew had to be paid off to give these people roles. The actors he plays with are pure garbage. Did they win lottery and bribe their way into this movie? And not only that. The props are just awful. Nuff said.
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Christian Slater needs Money!
flypoorer28 August 2013
What a waste of time and money. I could tell in the first ten seconds that it would suck. The special effects were like 1950's sci-fi. The spaceships, the moon housing/buildings were all so so fake! Obviously miniatures and bad bad lighting. Don't waste your time, Slater must be totally embarrassed, not a B movie but an "S" movie for Sucks! The cast was mediocre and the storyline was very weak. Not believable unless you are a 8 year old and that may well be pushing it. If you value your time and your money just about anything else would be better. We rented it from Redbox as a regular DVD because there were no Blu-ray disc's available. I have found often, that when producers/movie companies won't spend the money to upgrade a rental to Blue Ray disc's they already know the movie totally sucks!
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Awful script and direction by Roger Christian
OJT22 November 2013
Stranded is a low budget sci-fi which fails on most accounts, due to a lame script and quite bad instruction of an otherwise OK plot idea, which could be described as a mix between the great Alien, Moon and Splice and some gory splatter movie.

The poor actors has here been in the moist hands of director Roger Christian (cathastophy when it comes to films, amongst them the infamous Battlefield Earth) and they didn't believe a thing what they were doing. It's so sad to see this, but not even the best of actors can survive a really bad script and an awful director. When you got both, as here, they are really in a clusterfuck. I feel sorry for them, and won't hold it against them.

I becomes obvious that Roger Christian should be kept far away from the industry, as he is both writer and director of this mess. Well he could direct music videos at best. This film should have been killed before birth, just what should have happened to the alien.The plot holes are enormous, and most of the film doesn't make any sense. They all act as madmen, without any reasoning.

When thus from me gets a 2, is based on the idea, which could have been working, and though this is made in a tiny budget, a great script would have saved it. The entertainment value is also there, if you enjoy a bad movie. This due to the film only taking itself too seriously, with not one single nod to humor. The score is OK. The alien is also quite well made, though Thea should have forgotten the lasting tube fingers.

The dialog is the worst, which all actors of course are forced to eat and breathe. It's easy too see that the actors just wanted this travesty to be over. When the film ends, you are happy that it kept under 90 minutes.

Watching only if you're a sucker for bad movies! Please keep Roger Cristian away from pens and cameras in the future. Or pay him to be sent out in space. Anyone who even thinks about giving him the money to make a film (yes I know he has a new one finishing now) should be tortured with watching this and Battlefield Earth in slow motion first, in a Clockwork Orange style. That should prevent us for further predicaments.
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Bad dialog, bad acting, weak script in this infection in space story.
suite9215 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A mining company on the moon has one of its bases damaged by a meteor storm. Some of the rocks break open after finding their way into the station. Some sort of life form is detected; it multiplies rapidly. Communications are out; attempts to re-assert communications fail.

Ava gets a knick on her finger through which she is infected. This gives rise to a rapidly accelerated pregnancy. She gives birth, but no one will believe her.

Bruce Johns gets cloned by the aliens. It takes the Colonel and the Dr a long time to figure this out. In the meantime, they blame Ava and keep her locked up. After a pleasant chat, they let her go and enlist her help.

The alien, as Bruce Johns, starts to shut down their oxygen supply system. They attempt a counter-strike, but this fails badly. Will their next attempt? Does anyone survive this one?


Cinematography: 4/10 Dark, with shadows placed so that significant things are hard to make out, but trivial objects are clear as day.

Sound: 8/10 Reasonably good.

Acting: 1/10 Zounds. Terrible. Brendan Fehr: better in Roswell or Bones or CSI:Miami; not all that believable as a staff physician on a moon base. Christian Slater: one of his worst performances ever. Amy Matysio: have not encountered her before, and this was a bad start. Michael Therriault: plays a weak, incompetent whom no one believes, and who is short on emotional stability. Why would such a character ever be hired for work in space?

Screenplay: 1/10 Absurd dialog. Weak, derivative story. Logical mistakes aplenty.

SFX: 0/10 Terrible. The opening sequence with the meteor storm was laughably bad. Creature effects were ridiculous.
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Harsh for even DTV
Tyypo27 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First off, there is no argument to be made that this was anything other than a bad movie. It's hard not to mention the use of common book lights as communication devices or the blatant use of miniatures for all exterior shots, as many before me already have. I was somewhat surprised that Godzilla (or Space Godzilla) did not come to finish the destruction of the moonbase after the meteor storm. The interiors were oddly typical for a sci-fi film, which was somewhat out of place.

No one in this movie deserved to survive - Sorry Christian. These people made such textbook awful decisions throughout the movie that it was impossible to root for any of them. I would not trust a single one of them to feed my dog while I was on vacation, much less the lot of them to man a zillion-dollar moonbase. For a room that was allegedly on lockdown, the med bay was accessed repeatedly, and NO ONE WOULD CLOSE THE DOOR, or even MONITOR IT. Have none of these folks ever seen a sci-fi movie? Also - and I've not seen anyone address this yet - why did they think it would be a good idea to access Bruce's logs for ideas to defeat the creature? I mean, how successful was he? And did not the faux Bruce seem a little lucid and well-groomed to be legitimate? That said, I really enjoyed it. It was a perfect subject for my regular Bad Movie Night with Friends, and it did not disappoint.
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Low budget Prometheus here
Cine_Virus12 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well...this is what happens when you probably spent 70% of your project's low budget to a B class star like Christian Slater: you ensure some traces of fame, but then you no longer have enough money for an average script writer and some decent visual effects. And your problem becomes bigger when the movie you want to make is a sci-fi horror movie. Because sci-fi horror movies without script and visual effects is like spaghetti carbonara without the spaghetti.

The producers of this film are decent, I give them that, they prepare the audience for a forthcoming C-movie experience from the very first minutes with that amateurish, almost funny "meteor storm" scene which proudly brings in mind those old visual effects from the 70's. Even "Space 1999" with its Alpha moon-base had more decent effects than this trash that certainly makes "Event Horizon" look watchable.

Acting is bad, bad, bad, almost funny, all actors should repeat their acting courses (if any) again, and maybe some of them should reconsider their future in acting, including Slater.

Oh, I almost forgot the "script". Actually there's no script, unless you call script some lame lines at which the actors repeat the word "Jesus" every 5 minutes like college students in a Fun Park. Prometheus scriptwriters you must feel unburdened - someone else wrote a more stupid script for a sci-fi movie than you did.

Borrowing some lines form the plot synopsis, I would say that watching this film leads to paranoia, fear and laugh and pure Boredom.
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Boreoxide leak
sebpopcorn4 June 2013
Stranded is a good choice of title for this movie because I felt stranded watching it, like I was just passing time waiting for something to come along and rescue me. Something like a plot, some pace, I don't know..anything really! The story mumbles on about the threat of monoxide poisoning causing hallucinations (give us some hallucinations at least..anything!) but there's also some blobby spores from a crap looking meteorite hitting a cardboard moonbase. So are they just hallucinating or is an alien loose aboard the ship? If the creature they keep seeing is in fact the alien where did the budget actually go?

Christian Slater is reduced to reading off some really dull lines and the rest of them don't look like astronauts at all. They also know nothing about any subject other than their specialty so for example the technician knows nothing at all about biology. However they got into being an astronaut it wasn't via acting school that's for sure.

This is a movie where you'll be rooting for the monoxide gas, it's just that bad. Check out the awful cover too, it looks like Christian is struggling with a different gas.
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I really liked it.
tallebrandi33 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the movie was really quite good. The plot didn't have too many holes, the visual effect were decent, and i am a fan of two of the main actors. Christian Slater, and Brendan Fehr (Jarred Boothe on Bones).

1) I do not agree with the other users saying it's and "Aliens" rip off. Not once did any of the Aliens ever mutate or think like humans. The Aliens were ruthless, acidic killers. The only time they "evolved" was in Prometheus, and that wasn't until the end of the film when the DNA from the octopus thing mixed with the "Engineer" race.

2) I liked that it was open ended. It left room for interpretation about where the asteroids came from, and why.

3) While it was only 88 minutes, it was the perfect length. Often I find that most killer alien movies, Alien and it sequels, are far too long for their own good.

4) If the Aliens are supposed to be such ruthless killers, then the movies should have been more like the video games where the humans were rushed by wave after wave after wave of Aliens. Especially the first movie; I thought it moved slow and clunky. The Alien should have been able to pick them off all at once. Also after having seen Prometheus, why were none of the dead humans ever transformed into Alien-Human hybrids? And why was there only one Alien when they discovered an entire ship of eggs?

5) It's completely believable that the Captain and Doctor would not believe the claims of seeing the monster. The woman did not report being cut by the tube with the spores, and the Carbon Monoxide poisoning would have made them hallucinate.

6) The only unbelievable part was that the alien thrived in an oxygen/carbon rich environment. Then they showed the air sacks on its neck to explain that.

I'm tired of everyone trying to compare movies to one another like some jaded hipster. "Oh it's too much like this..." or "This was too unbelievable because this...". IT'S A F*&%ING SCI-FI MOVIE! The whole point of sci-fi is that it's not believable or can be compared to another. Hell if people really paid attention the the entire Dead Space series ripped of the movie Event Horizon. Seriously, watch this movie, don't compare it or try to make it something it's not, and enjoy the ride. You won't be disappointed, I promise.
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Not as good as it could have been
pjr23525 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to start with this movie. Because of my low rating this will be one of my first review that might contain spoilers. I'll try not to spoil it all but I have to talk about it.

I'd like to first start by saying that the music used throughout the movie was nice and a good job was done there. As for the acting, from all the actors they did and acted their parts very well. However, I don't know if it was the writing/dialog or what, but the dialog seemed very rough at times and for some reason I couldn't settle into this movie. At times the characters were overly dumb and made even dumber actions. Like a heavy amount of it all seemed forced somehow.

The movie starts off with a group of people on a small moon base, a meteor shower knocks out comms, oxygen and power - pretty much the whole station. As the team starts to do repairs, one of the team members retrieves a small chunk of the meteor, which contained spores that were capable of rapid growth and mutation with very little resources. One of them gets infected (the only female of the crew) and it causes her to somehow get pregnant and give birth to a monster. But now I'm spoiling it without telling you's what was wrong with it all. For the entire time that the oxygen system is damaged and in the process of being repaired - which is like for half or more of the movie, the doctor on station warns the rest of his 3 crewmen that carbon poisoning has all these side effects like hallucinations, hearing noises, paranoia, yada yada. And you think this is going to be a cabin fever movie which I think it would have done better as.

What made it hard to watch was the fact that even with none of the crew exhibiting symptoms yet, none of them trusted each other. The lack of surveillance - sorry, screw this review. The point is that it played a lot like paranormal in which no one realizes what is going on before its too late and no one trusted each other even though they were all friendly crew-mates. There was a part in the movie where Slater had a chance to engage the enemy using his star trek-like pistol weapon and instead they just sort of run past him or something, there were too many lazy camera tricks and cuts to try and make it work. but time and time again the crew split up for no reason. With all the advanced technology you would think that there would be more precautionary measures put into place.

Also I am at all no expert but I think it'd take about 8 hours to get to the moon or vise versa to earth. The escape pod (containing the bad guy) did it in ten minutes, so that when the good guys were able to warn them it was already too late. Also the good guys were rescued about 30 minutes after the bad guy launched. There is just no way and maybe a spaceship would contain that technology, but not an escape pod which was very tiny. Win or lose, the ending was not at all satisfying.

I don't like mentioning other movies too much because its not good to compare but if you want to spend time on a better written movie check out 'Moon (2009)' or I dare even say 'Sunshine (2007)'. It's not a money issue, the effects in Stranded were good, but not the story. It just felt like a very long unfinished episode of X-Files. The actors did what they could with their roles, the acting was good, but the story was just a flop or maybe a good concept but wasn't executed well enough. I feel like its lacking somehow and I just can't put my finger on it.

Overall: I wouldn't recommend it, but I wouldn't try to stop you from watching it, it's a bit of time waster that feels more like a waste of time, if you know what I mean. It's always nice to see movies about the moon and space. Do I regret watching this, not completely as I was more interested on how things might work one day, the concept is pretty much the only thing that kept me in my seat. But there are a ton of other movies that show more on space travel concepts and extraterrestrial bases. 'Solaris' was interesting, it's been a while. I might go watch that or tell others to, instead of this.

I hate to see movies that were made and where people showed up and money was spent and the movie just turns out crappy. It played more like a well funded late night reject off the sci-fi channel. sorry to say.
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matt1138-66-2786799 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bad it is funny. What ever happened to setting up characters and a establishing a setting etc.? When did movies just get straight into the main plot (a ludicrously stupid plot with this film) right off the bat? You could honestly care less about anyone in the film from moment one. Their choices are completely stupid and make no sense. Why would the supposed Doctor take an unknown, apparent life-form aboard and not quarantine it immediately? Especially when the commander basically says to. Why would that doctor wait to quarantine it, and then still leave some out of quarantine for testing?? Why would another supposed scientist then reach for the broken petri dish said open sample of life-form is in and not think that she could cut herself?? Why was she only wearing latex gloves and no mask when handling said life-form?? Upon cutting herself on said container, why would she not immediately tell the doctor??? Why would they need only oxygen masks in an area of the ship that is exposed to space? Why did they not freeze instantly?? Why did someone then need a spacesuit in the same section of the ship at the same time??? And the others without were completely fine?????????????? This is only a fraction of the stupidity in the first 20 minutes of this movie. It goes on and on and on and on. Good for a laugh though that's for sure.
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