The Love Punch (2013) Poster

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Enjoyable Fluff
alfredsmith15 August 2014
I do enjoy a good British romantic comedy. My guilty pleasure I guess. They just make you laugh and feel good, just a little escapism and shouldn't be taken seriously. Being serious, well, that's for other films. Having said that, this movie has so many things wrong with it, it should be a huge failure, but oddly enough I loved it. I thought the two leads Pierce Brosnan and Emma Thompson were exceptionally well cast as they were so believable and likable. The other "good guy" Anglo-Saxon characters were good and as in so many other British films, the bad guys were French. I'm not sure how to judge their performances. The French accents were really dodgy at best and totally unbelievable, but this just added to all the fun. You know what? I must just watch this again, now.
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Good old times
kosmasp24 May 2015
Maybe the movie only "deserves" a 6 out of 10, but our main actors and their interplay alone is worth that extra point I gave it. It really feels like those two know each other their whole life, but we knew how good both are acting wise. The movie is also not really hiding the fact that it knows that we know where it is heading. We shall have fun on the ride there though.

And we can have fun, if we let ourselves. It's easy like that, just enjoy the two and some odd jokes along the way (let's call a repeated joke video chat "bombing", taken from photo bombing someone of course). Characters are very aware of what they are doing and in what movie they are in (villains are villains you see). Just enjoy if for what it is :o)
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Lighthearted fun
cinematic_aficionado28 April 2014
A divorced couple lose everything and so they plan a robbery in order to recover what is rightfully theirs.

This is a light-hearted comedy through and through, the type we are getting more and more used to in seeing the former Mr Bond. One could go on about the insufficient storyline as well as the sheer impossibility of the break-in executed by utter amateurs.

Whilst I stand by the above but to judge it on that basis would be a miss and by treating it as a fun/cheerie comedy about a former couple who have to put up with another in order to salvage their pension and embark on an adventure it will suffice for a somewhat delightful time on the big screen.
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A Light-hearted Comedy
atlasmb13 September 2015
In promotion of this film, Emma Thompson did an interview with Entertainment Weekly in which she lamented the "vulgar" comedies of the day. I think we know what she is referring to. Films about bodily functions. Scenes of crass nudity. Comedies seemingly targeted at the fraternity crowd. Anything by Seth Rogan.

"The Love Punch", as she was implying, is the antidote. It's the story of two older exes who reunite for a noble cause--to regain their retirement funds, which were callously liquidated by the young CEO of a predatory French company, Lexon. Emma Thompson plays the ex-wife, Kate Jones. Pierce Brosnan plays the ex-husband, Richard Jones, the owner of a company that was recently purchased by the French company. He is looking forward to his retirement years, until he is blindsided by the tyranny of Lexon.

He has to admit to his ex-wife that their retirement funds are gone, threatening their golden years and the college funds of their children. This is the setup that triggers a parody of "Mission Impossible", in which the couple reunites in a scheme to steal a celebrated diamond. They are assisted by their long-married friends, humorously played by Celia Imrie and Timothy Spall.

The unlikely foursome are the soul of unsuave and uncool, and that is the source of most of the comedy in this cute film. It's a light-hearted, kind film that offers later-life observations about the concept of length-of-life romance. I also love the soundtrack, which defines the tone of the film with pinpoint precision.

This film could appeal to anyone, but those who can relate to Empty Nest Syndrome and the challenges of Retirement are its primary audience.
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Crime-caper is a bit of a french-farce.
guchrisc23 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Film opens at a party. A woman, played by Emma Thompson, goes to the bar for a drink. She is joined by a man, played by Pierce Brosnan, who tries to chat her up. We quickly realize that they already know each other. They were married, and are now divorced. After this scene-setting first act, we get the seventies-style opening titles. Both graphics and music are spot on.

Our divorced couple are of mature years. Mr Brosnan's character is suave and sophisticated. He has been somewhat of a ladies-man but is now slowing down. He is in fact facing retirement and the chance to practise his golf-swing. However a problem arises. Just as in the 2012 film 'Papadopoulos & Sons', a financial crisis wipes out the business successfully built up over a life-time. This is of course merely the McGuffin that takes our story from its very authentically set middle-class British location, and off to France.

Not an economic slump, but rather financial skullduggery, is the cause of the change in fortunes. Laurent Lafitte, effortlessly playing the cardboard villain required in this paper-thin plot, is the nasty Paris- based businessman who needs to be confronted. A car-chase is the occasion for the second great rock-track of the film.

A plan is hatched that requires a change of scene to southern France. Thus we are in the same setting as the 1988 comedy-con-film 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels', though without the frenetic exuberance of that film. So we have a plan, and a con, in what seems like a crime-caper. However this film seems much more like a french-farce. Lots of bedroom scenes, including lots of hiding ensue. We even have a very tasteful nude-scene with the lovely Miss Thompson. Though 'No sex please, we're British' can be implied by the 12A certificate.

Tuppence Middleton had a small supporting role in the recent 'A Long Way Down', a film in which Mr Brosnan also appeared. Here Miss Middleton is given a more dramatic role, she plays a bit of eye-candy who also has a small action scene, all the while also having to use an engaging french- accent.

Miss Thompson, who last year demonstrated her acting-skills in her magic role in 'Beautiful Creatures', here has less to stretch her in this romantic bit of fluff. However although her role was not overly demanding, she did convince in her role. She plays well a rather poignant scene when she loses her daughter.

In 'A Long Way Down', Mr Brosnan adopted a sort of Bob Hoskins-lite accent, that this reviewer feels was adopted to portray a working-class journalist type of character. Here though he is virtually accentless. The voice is rich, middle-class, Home Counties, but also with a hint of an Irish lilt. Perfectly suited to his role as successful businessman.

Two ordinary friends and neighbours are played well by Timothy Spall and Celia Imrie. They complement the others. It may be a french-farce but these actors, who were all either born, or grew up, in London, or southern England, play their roles authentically.

Authentic too is the location-shooting, especially of the middle-class suburbs of London. These would seem more familiar to a larger number of viewers than the more upper-class settings of Richard Curtis. Writer/Director Joel Hopkins has given us a nice mix of action and romance. There is an iconic 'Reservoir Dogs'-like slo-mo scene. Mr Hopkins shows off Miss Thompson's beauty, whilst also showing her bedraggled in comic scenes too. Good work all in all!, though personally I felt the beach scene was too long. The writing too is good. Of course the plot is paper-thin, but it serves the purpose it is required to do.

Perhaps the worst part of this film is its title. Like 'Welcome to the Punch' of last year, this film too has a similarly bland and unmemorable title.

The recent 'A New York's Winter's Tale' was entertaining but preposterous nonsense suitable for young lovers and romantics. This film too requires a similar total suspension of disbelief in the action scenes and the plot. However, like 'ANYWT', 'The Love Punch' can be also viewed as a bit of fairy-story, though one more suitable to a more mature audience. Totally unbelievable and unrealistic, this rom-com however does serve as a pleasant way to pass the time.

Oh la la! 8/10.
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A new British comedy starring Pierce Brosnan and Emma Thompson arrived in cinema so I went to investigate.
OlieRendch27 April 2014
So I this trailer a few weeks a go and I liked what I saw, it looked funny and entertaining. The movie itself isn't too bad either; the story is basically a divorced couple have to venture to France to steal a diamond because the owner has stole all their money via his company. The premise is nice and simple, a tad boring in places as they use one or two cliché scenes that you get in these types of films; the beginning is a bit slow and some of the jokes fall a bit flat but by the time the plot gets going it's quite enjoyable, the humor is classic British humor mixed with some modern stuff as well which makes a nice blend of funny, the characters were a amusing to watch and although I wasn't invested in their troubles I enjoyed watching them go about the heist. The shots were nice as they showed lots of France and gave the feel of it with the French music played over the scenes. All-in-all I think the older generation will get more out of it that than others but as a young person I enjoyed the majority of it.
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Not funny enough
krzysiektom12 April 2020
Despite good ingredients like good acting, charming actors and nice locations, the film disappoints as a comedy. The script and dialogs are not funny enough.
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Frothy enjoyable nonsense
neil-47625 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Kate and Richard are amiably divorced following Richard's fling with a younger woman, when a French corporate raider asset-strip's Richard's company, leaving them with no assets or pension. They determine to exact financial reparation by way of stealing an enormously valuable diamond from the raider's forthcoming wedding on the French Riviera, aided and abetted by their friends and neighbours Jerry and Penelope. Shenanigans ensue.

This is a light and frothy romp, a mildly farcical romcom crossed with a caper movie. Pierce Brosnan and Emma Thompson have good chemistry and are very believable as Richard and Kate, and Celia Imrie and Timothy Spall are equally good in the smaller roles of the friends/neighbours. All four principals are having noticeably good fun.

The plot is nonsense, of course - it falls apart completely under close examination - but it is perfectly adequate as a vehicle for some amusing moments, likable performances, and amusing dialogue. The settings are bright and colourful - incredibly unusual these days - and the movie as a whole is undemandingly enjoyable.

My one reservation is that there are a couple of completely unnecessary F-bombs in the dialogue, although they are somewhat buried and may easily be missed.
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OK but nothing great.
jmariani-5979919 September 2021
This movie tries hard but fails. It's more stupid than funny, but the cast is great. They deliver even if there wasn't much to work with. The movie is cute in places, nothing obnoxiously horrible, just fairly flat. OK for a watch if you've nothing better to do.
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Romantic comedy dressed up in an adventure
estatelawcanada10 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Emma Thompson and Pierce Brosnan play a divorced couple whose retirement funds and savings are stolen by an unscrupulous French businessman. They enlist the help of their good friends, played by Timothy Spall and Celie Imrie, to carry out a plan to recover what they lost. It's a far-fetched, crazy plot involving kidnap, scuba-diving, impersonation, jewel theft, and wedding-crashing. The zany plot contrasts nicely with the normal, suburban lives lived by the main characters.

Oddly enough, even with the outlandish plot, the ending is predictable. That may be due to the fact that it's really a romantic comedy dressed up in an adventure. This movie is likable, but stops short of being great.

This is one of my favourite Emma Thompson roles, largely because she has resisted her frequent tendency to over-act. She has a couple of really wonderful lines, most notably "we should nick it", delivered exactly right. Pierce Brosnan does a believable job of playing the aging hunk who is starting to realize he's not 21 anymore.

The movie is not hilarious, but does deliver several laughs. Thompson and Brosnan are funny together, particularly the scene in Paris in which Thompson cannot believe that Brosnan's driving skills have not improved over the years.

Despite silly plot failings, this movie is worth watching simply to see four really good lead actors show us how it's done.
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darthsteele-393382 October 2020
Emma and Pierce, did you really need the money that badly? :-( The premise is stupid and the writing is bad. And it's not worthy of a review any longer than this.
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Brosnan and Thompson are perfect together and I laughed pretty much all the way through. a must see comedy.
cosmo_tiger24 August 2014
"I will find out what's going on it will just take time. I will make sure that everyone of you gets what they're due. I will not, will not let you down." Richard (Brosnan) is finally at the point in life where he is going to retire. He sold his company and has a comfortable pension coming. When he shows up on the last day he is surprised to learn that the company that bought his is under investigation and every asset they had is frozen. When he tells his ex wife Kate (Thompson) they decide to talk to the man that bought the company. When things don't go the way they want they are left with only one choice. I am a big Pierce Brosnan fan and I really like when he plays a take off of James Bond in comedies. He did that in the Matador. This one does have shades of Bond in it as well. Other then that the movie is hilarious. Brosnan and Thompson are perfect together and I laughed pretty much all the way through. I don't want to talk to much about it because to much would ruin it but not only is the dialog witty with some great running jokes but the soundtrack is awesome. Nothing is funnier then watching four 60 year-olds walking in slow motion into a hotel with I Fought The Law playing. This is one I could just go on and on about but all I'll say is watch this...very funny. Overall, a must see comedy. There is British humor but this is also more main stream. I give this an A-.
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A fun and light, entertaining story
tabuno28 January 2019
Pierce Brosnan and Emma Thompson star in this comedy crime caper. While not nearly as polished as the classic The Pink Panther (1963), there is a small resemblance in suave and characteristically capable comparison between Brosnan and Robert Wagner in the Pink Panther. Only slightly derivative, this deliberately clumsy caper is a fun and light, entertaining story about how a divorced must negotiate on a plan to recapture stolen pension funds from a French investment schemer as well as their tangled relationship together.
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Middle-aged heist. Won't upset granny, fun & occasionally funny.
TheSquiss23 April 2014
Kate (Emma Thompson) and Richard (Pierce Brosnan) are a happily divorced couple, with two well-mannered children, an excellent (platonic) friendship, a comfortable home each, a lifestyle many aspire to and retirement that is pleasantly near. Then Richard discovers an unscrupulous businessman has stripped his company of all its assets and left them, and many of his staff, jobless and unable to pay the mortgage. With retirement on hold, they hatch a plan to exact their revenge and seize back their money. All they need to do is steal his latest acquisition: the world's biggest diamond.

The Love Punch is fluff. It is nonsense, deeply flawed, as shallow and predictable as a stomp in a puddle and unlikely to bother any award ceremonies or be a threat to any hard-hitting movies currently vying for screen space. However, it is also completely inoffensive, mostly fun, occasionally funny and the kind of film you can take the family (including granny) along to without causing anyone any offence. Just make sure you reward your teenagers with something they actually want to see afterwards; they just might need a does of Afflicted to clean the fluff from their brains afterwards.

Emma Thompson and Pierce Brosnan had apparently wanted to work together for years but had been waiting for the right project to come along. Joel Hopkins, with whom Thompson worked on Last Chance Harvey, granted their wish. Perhaps they should have waited a little longer.

The Love Punch is simplistic, ill thought out and riddled with errors. At one point, director/writer Hopkins has Richard moan "What do you think we are? The Pink Panther?", presumably unaware that the Pink Panther was not the thief but the diamond itself. It is this kind of silly clumsiness that spoils the enjoyment.

Though Timothy Spall and Celia Imrie, as their friends Jerry and Penelope, are welcome additions to proceedings and enable the heist to get underway, the comedy highlights generally occur between Thompson and Brosnan when Kate and Richard are alone and just getting on with their relationship. Most of the stilted moments and embarrassing clunks occur, much like in Brosnan's recent swamp experience, A Long Way Down, when all four are together and trying too hard to be funny.

The Love Punch falls short of the effortless humour and feel great factor of 2011's The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel but it is far from being a turkey. It lacks the sharpness required to really satisfy and, with a little more work, it could have been a riot, but it is an easy, enjoyable waste of 90 minutes.

Overall, The Love Punch is like that third mug of tea on a lazy Sunday morning; it's quite enjoyable but you didn't really need it, it doesn't match expectations and you certainly won't remember it this time next week.

For more reviews from The Squiss, subscribe to my blog and like the Facebook page.
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Timothy Spall steals the show!!
PredragReviews20 March 2016
This was an amusing film - but nothing more than that really. In my humble opinion it fell short in a number of ways and missed out on several opportunities to play on the 'middle age/getting older/struggling-to-cope-with-the-modern-world' jokes. When it did do this however, it was very funny - but there were never really those laugh-out-loud moments that one would have hoped to find in a film with a cast of such combined considerable talent and experience. Unfortunately, there seemed to be this constant feeling that the four main actors involved (Emma Thompson, Pierce Brosnan) were holding back and could have done better - although it has to be said that the chemistry between all four (and most especially Thompson and Brosnan as ex-spouses) worked really well. However, the stunning locations of Paris and the French Riviera definitely help with taking your mind off the rather silly plot; I ignorantly didn't realize parts of France are so stunningly beautiful. Emma Thompson in particular does her very best with the weak material, proving, as if I didn't already know, that she is one of the most versatile and talented actresses around.

But, for me, the film's main surprise is Timothy Spall! He was the funniest guy in this comedy, in my opinion he really stole the show from Emma and Pierce together, he had some really funny jokes and his character is really peculiar and strange.. I loved it! Anyway, the script for this film seemed to 'fall between two stalls' as it were and was neither one thing or the other, resulting in a sort of grey hit-and-miss humour and genre. Perhaps it just tried too hard to be clever and witty, and it may have just been a simple case of 'less is more' - it certainly seemed to thrum along at a fair pace and complexity of plot.

Overall rating: 6 out of 10.
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Entertaining and funny but pretty improbable
mkenyon197814 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
An entertaining and funny movie. I love all the main actors in this and think they did a good job. The plot is highly unlikely and the fact that they pull it off even more so, but that just added to the fun. Yes they are old and their methods laughable and really only succeeded due to a fluke, but the fact that they tried and ran with their half-cocked plan is part of the charm. The bickering between Richard and Kate was believable and oh so recognisable and I also really enjoyed the more loving bickering between Penny and Jerry as, again, it's also very recognisable. I also loved that they brought their son in on the plan, mum and dad obviously passed on their felonious genes there.
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Three (and a half) decent actors collectively shoot their careers in the foot.
postmortem-books4 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It takes just 2 minutes to realise that you are just about to endure 90 minutes of seriously unfunny, ludicrously plotted and badly filmed "comic" action. Add in three actors that have done great work in the past - it could be argued that Brosnan's best work was as the non-speaking gunman in the final scene of "The Long Good Friday" - and you have a vehicle that careers over the cliff and buries them and all their previous roles five fathoms deep. I've had more chuckles watching the nth TV re-run of Carry on Camping than could ever be squeezed out of this mindless trash. Poor plotting, excruciating dialogue, gurning actors (Spall & Thompson battling to outdo each other) and a denouement that is expected from the first nano-second and duly (and cynically) delivered 92 minutes later. There was someone further down the row from me who was laughing like a drain but she had been wheeled in from the local alzheimer's nursing home. The rest of us were sitting in stony silence gradually getting more and more angry at the waste of our time and hard-earned money. I have never really felt so antagonistic towards the actors on screen as I realised our pockets were being picked and the money dropped into their bank accounts. By the end of the film I was stuffing my seat tickets into my mouth out of desperation. 12 hours later and I'm still fuming. (And by the by this is NOT just a film for the "oldies". I've viewed some wondrous films in my 66 years and my critical faculties are, I hope, still sharply honed to recognise quality when it surfaces. And equally recognise total tat when it bubbles to the surface like marsh gas. This is one of the latter.)
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Comedy by numbers
Denoument6 July 2014
Simple and predictable. One could, with no effort, finish each line of the dialog. Originality was certainly not the point.

Actors are charming and do their best with the material at hand.

It would be unfair to say that it was unfunny. I watched it in a packed theater in Paris on a Sunday afternoon (which in itself would be very strange were it not for the fact that the French are known to stubbornly queue for any film that features their actors and/or Paris) and everyone around me was laughing their heads off. I couldn't help but giggle a few times myself.

I would recommend it for a rainy afternoon, on TV.
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Terrible! I could not even finish the film.
Cowtownus26 September 2021
I am huge Pierce Brosnan fan. ANything he is starring in I will go see cause he is attached. But, this film has such terrible acting from Pierce Brosna and Emma Thonmpson. The sound on this film is atrocious. I like foreign films so I am used to accents. But, their accents were so think and the sound quality so bad that I could not understand the film and they were speaking English. The plot starting out seemed like it would be interesting but the movie was just a lot of shrieking and yelling in Paris. I am so disappointed.
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Silly and fun
kagey-2876914 April 2019
If your going to watch this thinking it's anything more than an enjoyable Sunday afternoon rom com then you'll be disappointed. So many comments saying it doesn't add up or plot holes is missing the point . It's throughly enjoyable as a romantic romp for people with aches and pains . I'd guess all involved had a really good time making it and that does come across . Just sit back and relax for a while and then simply forget about it
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I am embarrassed for these two fine actors!
shhughes1 September 2014
This might "spoil" it for some, all discerning movie lovers, I'm sure! I will keep this short. First I gave it a "1" because I couldn't finish the thing and I have only not finished about 3 movies ever, of tens of thousands. I love these two talented actors and have no idea why they would put themselves in such a...trite, mundane, substance lacking piece.

Let me also say I never review, I just couldn't sit still for this one. I blame the director/writer. There is really no story here, just fluff, and not pretty fluff. My condolences to Pierce and Emma. Joel Hopkins must have gotten lucky on Last Chance Harvey, it was OK, weak, but OK, but this one...well, it's insulting.
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A gloriously jolly romp
Figgy66-915-59847023 April 2014
23 April 2014 Film of Choice at The Plaza Dorchester Tonight - The Love Punch. A gloriously jolly romp starring Pierce Brosnan, Celia Imrie, Timothy Spall and the marvellous Emma Thompson who is nothing short of a national treasure. This is a lighthearted tale based on a fairly serious premise of a company being taken over and and stripped of it's assets without a single thought of what's going to happen to the employees. With everyone having lost their financial security, Richard (Brosnan) makes a promise to sort everything out and with ex wife Kate (Thompson) he enlists the services of their neighbours (Imrie and Spall) and the computer expertise of their son to embark on an adventure to get back what is rightfully theirs. Set mainly in Paris and the South of France, this film keeps you amused throughout and the four main characters work splendidly together to the gentle conclusion. Great Weymouth reference too!!!
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Easy 7
Nuno_Pessoa8 March 2022
Great cast, very watchable, funny and entertaining. Smart lines, script welll written. Some action in the beginning catches my attention when I changed channel, glad I stocked to this choice.

Easy 7 for the genera. Great popcorn movie!
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Oh dear!!!
essexepcs25 June 2021
Classic case of no better scripts available at the time but the money was ok!
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A fun film
Rogcust20 September 2014
An honest to goodness fun British comedy. Brosnan and Thomson are very funny with great backup from Timothy Spall and Celia Imrey. Great to see a film with a story, albeit simple, but with well crafted script. There are several scenes mimicking some great movies and the tongue in cheek way the whole story is put together brings a lot of smiles and some very funny laugh out loud moments. There are a lot of films currently available that are nowhere near as funny as this one, although critics ratings often seem to describe them otherwise. Haven'T seen any film critic reviews for this film, but I am sure it would not fit with the stuffy and serious ilk that befits the modern critics seem to think we may like.
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