Frogman (2023) Poster


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Not as bad as a 2, but a 10? Seriously?!
ian-7317011 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled across Frogman and, as ever, I immediately question it when I see a 2/10 and a 10/10 review next to each other. It actually drives me to watch a film so I can call out the fake!

And it was quickly clear which one it was.

I usually enjoy about fifteen minutes of any found footage movies - and that was true of Frogman. But overly long exposition, poor pacing and heavy handed use of glitch effects that many such films suffer from, were all present here in spades:

The build up to the first visit to Frogman Point was waaay too long (almost forty minutes) and did little to build tension, and the more intimate conversations between the friends dragged somewhat. Scenes of running through trees at night shouldn't last that long either. The glitch effects became very intrusive, very quickly.

The acting standard was variable, ranging from 'recent drama school grad' to 'been at it a while but not getting far'. Some actors displayed both ends of that spectrum in their performances.

I applaud the use of a practical creature rather than CGI, but they didn't quite pull it off. The hackneyed 'flashlight light cuts out, panic for five seconds, flashlight comes on, frogman is hanging upside down behind them' scene was a (presumably unintended) laugh out loud moment that I had to watch again.

The humour that some of the external reviews talk about as being such a strong feature of the film, well, I didn't see much that was notably funny (in the right way). That being said, the No Parking sign did make me laugh.

Without revealing the plot twist too much, I liked the reveal of a third party group just over an hour into the film.

Overall, the film was far from horrible, and had they worked on overcoming, rather than exaggerating, the typical found footage flaws, it could have garnered a 6/10 from me. For me, though, it's consigned to the pile of 'watch with friends and giggle for the wrong reasons'.

So, how about that 10 star review? You decide!
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Not the Worst I've seen, but definitely far from the best.
destroyer-2499612 March 2024
I'm gonna preface this by saying I have a soft spot for B-Tier Found Footage films. I've loved em since the good old days of Lost Tapes, and I still love them. Frogman hits a similar vibe as to that old show.

The acting is meh, the cinematography is pretty bad (even by found footage standards), and it definitely overstays its welcome by about half an hour.

I will say that the practical effects of the monster and a few of the scenes near the end are actually quite good, especially covered up by the handheld camera appearance of the film.

I don't review films really as there are plenty of reviews to form your own opinion, but there are so few for this one that I though I'd put in my two cents. It's a fine film to sit down with for an hour and half and laugh and cringe at the poor acting and filming, but it does have plenty of nostalgia factor for those like myself who grew up on the Lost Tapes.
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Could have been fun but ended up not
When the movie started, I was really enjoying it. My friend was talking and it bugged me because I found I wanted to be engaged - even if the concept was a bit silly or whatever, on the face. I thought the first reveal of the Frogman was fun, and was looking forward to the rest of it.

But found footage films are all about the thrill of immersion - feeling like this somehow could be real. If it's done right, it can make something average feel very impactful (see - Blair Witch Project). Unfortunately, Frogman suffers from some bad acting at times, but especially from 'film effects' that don't make sense. If we're watching 'found film' it doesn't make sense within the world of the movie to have glitches and flashbacks and psychological effects - so you get pulled out immediately. Unfortunately the end of the movie suffers a lot from this so I found the ending just a letdown because of it. It's too bad, cuz I wanted it to be good.
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Chuck The Movie Guy is a Grifter
mbrimb10 March 2024
Chuck the Movie Guy on TikTok recommended this poorly acted, terribly paced, and awful found footage movie. He pushed this garbage for weeks to get people to rent it and it was awful. The guy is a conman. Look, I'm not a smart man but I know when I'm being fed a bunch of BS. I rented this movie off a bunch of recs from social media people (the ringleader was Chuck the movie guy) that got an early viewing of it. All of them said it was a "banger" "slaps" or "fantastic" lol no it most certainly was not. Air was awful. The people that saw this early must have gotten paid of getting something in return to hype this up because again, it was GOD AWFUL. Don't waste your money. I will never again rent any movie based off of a rec because they got an advanced copy of it. This was awful and this score is at an 8 right not and will most assuredly will DROP to a 2 or 3 within a month when actual viewers review this movie like me instead of friends and family giving it a 10. Junk movie.
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This has to be a joke, right?
HunterGraham173 June 2024
Either the director/actors took this film way too seriously or this is all one supposed to be one big parody of the Blair Witch Project. If it's the former then how embarrassing for everyone involved. If it's the latter, then it was too subtle on the parody part of it. Unfortunately it never comes close to reaching "so bad it's good" status. It's just bad.

The thing that will make you the most uncomfortable watching this is knowing anyone involved in the making of this movie no longer has a future in the film industry. You watch 90 minutes of people ruining their careers and it's hard to watch.

Only thing keeping this from getting one-star is the makeup effects in some of the shots. Kudos to anyone who still uses practical effects.
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I would recommend this only for found footage fans
thehorrornerdgal1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As we all know, found footage fans love their movies religiously. You could put one person in a one bedroom apartment and people will still watch it all the way to the end. It's just the way it is.

Frogman is one of those movies that doesn't have a lot to show for. The budget is very limited and the acting is just bad overall. The girl has her moments during the funny moments but as soon as crap hits the fan, her acting abilities takes a nose dive which is understandable. It's really hard to pull it off with a budget like this.

But the main problem with this movie isn't the budget or the acting. No found footage actor is winning an oscar any time soon. The real problem with this movie is its unlikeable characters. They're pretty much hard to bear with for 80 something minutes, especially the main character Dallas made me want to turn it off and spend my time on something else. But I resisted the urge and stuck with it through the end.

Frogman's story isn't original by any means and the costume design is super cheap. It's so cheap that even those fast cuts, glitch effects and shaky cam isn't enough to hide its imperfections.

If you're a found footage fan, you should check it out just because it's a found footage movie. But if you're looking for a decent horror movie, this isn't it.
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Frogman Rules
kmkevinn-6473312 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great ending.....if you can take the slow ride to get there. It felt like it was trying to replicate the feeling of The Blair Witch Project, however, where this movie fails is in the lack of creepiness leading up to the final 20 min or so. TBWP was able to maintain a level of erieness throughout, whereas this was a FF movie of a guy and his friends taking a trip to a mediocre town in the middle of nowhere until it didn't almost an hour into the movie. It is a slow burn food footage film but I can promise you, stay till the third act for a slight change.

In conclusion: Frogman is the cryptid found footage movie of my dreams. It's not afraid to be silly and acknowledge how silly its premise is, while also crafting some gnarly body horror that'll leave your jaw on the floor. Cousins proves found footage creature features are possible, and I couldn't be more excited to see what he makes next. The first through middle second act, yes it does makes you bored plus slow burns to when it is just a guy in a suit that is frogman. When you'll get to the third act, that's when it changes your rating of your personal watch experience.
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Just another laughable found footage movie with shoddy camera work...
paul_haakonsen11 March 2024
When I stumbled upon the 2023 horror movie "Frogman", I was initially drawn in by the movie's cover. I have to admit that I found it rather interesting. I had never heard about the movie, so I didn't know what I was in for here from director Anthony Cousins.

Right, well had I known that this would be one of those dubious movies that is filmed on someone's dad's camera, complete with shoddy camera work all over the place, then I wouldn't have given it a time of day. I have to admit that I am not a fan of foud footage and movie that look and feel like they were made by a group of teenagers attending High School video club. And "Frogman" was exactly that.

The best part about "Frogman", aside from when it ended, definitely had to be the scene where Dallas brought out a flute and started randomly playing in the forest to lure out the frogman. Pure cinematic genius writing right there.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list. But, despite the questionable concept and shoddy camera work, then the acting performances in "Frogman" were actually fair enough. Fair is fair, and just because the presentation of the movie was a dumpster fire, then the actors and actresses deserve due credit.

The effects in "Frogman" were just as questionable as the rest of the movie. And whenever something even remotely good is about to happen or happening, lo and behold, the camera starts glitching and gets static. This is just lazy film making at its finest.

I will never become a fan of movies that are shot and presented in a way that is even more shoddy and questionable than what I can do with my own digital video camera. And "Frogman" was one such movie, so this was definitely not my cup of tea.

My rating of "Frogman" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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revscottpilgrim25 May 2024
Starts off quite slow but the last 30-40 minutes or so is absolutely bonkers. The movie feels surprisingly longer than its very short runtime due to its slow start. There's definitely some unnecessary filler. You can really feel the low budget but some of the practical effects work is surprisingly good. But the ending. OMG the ending. The ending literally had me shake my girlfriend in absolute shock. 😂 It's not necessarily a super creative conclusion but if you are having fun with the movie and its lore, it really punches you in the face. I went into this movie embracing the absolute absurdity of the titular "Frogman" and if you embrace its insanity, you'll have a good time. It's definitely a decent watch if you can tolerate the found footage look.
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SoumikBanerjee199622 March 2024
My admiration for found footage features brought me here; my inquisitive nature led me to this, but now I'm regretting my decision hard.

I understand the financial restraints and the logistical challenges, but I cannot get behind the shortcomings in the writing.

The process of writing any story and turning the same into a film script does not mandate any unmanageable resources, and hence, lack of funds will not cut it as a passable excuse.

Frogman, despite having a novel idea, failed to provide thrills or even some degree of excitement, and that is mainly due to its literary limitations.

The writing sucks. None of the characters had depth, nor did they come off as likeable. Not to mention, their performances are dramatic and far from convincing.
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I don't care what anybody says
jfgibson7317 March 2024
I thought this movie was fun from start to finish. For me, it had a midnight movie feel--cheap trash just made to entertain. It's found footage, and it definitely uses low-res shots and shaky camera work. The story feels like someone saw The Taking Of Deborah Logan and decided to do a Spinal Tap-like parody of it. I don't actually know if the tone was meant to be comedic, but there were plenty of moments that they couldn't possibly have thought anyone would take it seriously. I also liked how everything builds to an off-the-wall climax where they just totally go for it. I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen. It was a sweet rush of low budget horror.
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More cryptids need movies please!
sandeebhj16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very creative. Citizen Kane meets Blair Witch. Take note..The time to tell your highschool sweetheart you love her is not before she moves to LA, but rather right after your best friend turns into a frog. Watching this, we now know were little frog men come from. Loveland get ready for an influx of Norma Jean wanna-be's. Can't wait for Frogman Two.. Scotty does Loveland. Double bill this one at the drive in with Cocaine Bear or The Man Who Killed BigFoot and Hitler. Someone did not get a good grade in film school or in creative writing class, but it was fun to watch and had us rolling with laughter.
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I've seen much worse. I actually kind of enjoyed it for what it was.
manuelasaez12 May 2024
Look, we all know that horror is a truly subjective genre, and found-footage probably gets the worst rep out of any of the sub-genres. I genuinely don't understand the outright vitriol people have for it, where they automatically dismiss anything FF because of 'bad acting", "bad special effects" or some other subjective opinion. As one of my favorite sub-genres, found-footage has an authenticity that usually isn't found in other types of horror. It seems like so many people are busy trying to be scared that they fail to enjoy these movies for what they are; low budget entertainment made by regular folks and not seasoned Hollywood vets. That being said.....

I do agree that the premise is weak and the entire mythology around the creature is laughable at best, but for a low-fi, low budget found-footage film, it actually did what it said it was going to do, and it was fairly entertaining to boot. We got some genuine comedic elements, some decent acting, the pacing was good, and the film does not overstay its welcome. Although the creature itself could have spent a lot more time in the design stage, I guess what we got should be commended since it was actually exactly what anyone could expect from such a thing. So the film itself is pretty middle of the road, as far as FF films are concerned, and I've certainly seen my share of absolute garbage ('The Curse of Aurore' comes to mind as one of the worst).

My issues with this film are almost all related to the visuals. Yes, it's low-fi. Yes, the budget is limited. Yes, the frog has telepathic abilities that affect cameras and prevent them from working properly every time you want to get a really good look at the thing. But yet again we have a movie were all the action happens at night, no one carries flashlights or any other sources of light, and cell phones are only brought out at the very end. It's all very bizarre. You think I'd be caught dead in the woods without a survivalist lantern in this day and age? I mean, come on, now. Horror using darkness to hide its budgetary shortcomings isn't new, but I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of having to squint to make out "something" in the background, or having people running blind in the woods because they think it's much more effective to have people frustrated at not being able to see anything. I can't wait until someone has to balls to film an entire movie in daylight or with great light sources. I just think that keep everything hidden in darkness is no longer an affective way to make a horror movie.

Overall, I did enjoy this movie, it had be gripped to the end (as ridiculous as it was), the mid credits scene was a nice touch, and it definitely wasn't the worst FF movie I've seen. But with a premise as weird and hokey as a "frogman", they really should have knocked this out of the park with the execution, and they just didn't. I understand why others disliked this film, but I also think many people are just being overly critical because its FF. All of the reviews mentioning the 'bad acting' every time a FF releases proves it.
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The Loveland Frog finally gets the movie it deserves
scariman8 March 2024
Being born and raised in Loveland and growing up where our local cryptid was treated like it was a dirty little secret I was excited yet skeptical that the Loveland Frog was finally getting a feature movie.

Boy was I surprised by what a fun little exciting found footage movie this was.

Even though it wasn't filmed in Loveland Ohio (My only complaint.). They managed to catch the spirit of the locals of Lovelands past. I would much rather live in their version of Loveland Ohio then the current reality of the place.

If you like found footage or are into cryptids, cryptidzoology or general weirdness you will love this movie. Its unique and a fun ride. A must have for my personal library.
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Definitely one of the better Found the movies out there
riosusa23 March 2024
Ok I rented this film on googleplay based of off recommendations by several online reviewers . Here is my review of the pros and cons of the film. Overall the acting was solid and locations were nice.

Cons: First 20 minutes are really slow, you can skip past it and not have missed anything. The glitch effects were a bit annoying but are a part of many found footage movies.

Pros: An amazing 2nd half of the film will definitely keep you glue to the screen. Trust me the trailer show nothing that is about to come. I don't want to give away the finale is real long and very intense plus stuff you didn't even think about gets revealed at the end. This film maker has a rare talent and really knew how to close the show in fantastic fashion.
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I loved it and it was one of the best found footage films in a long time
knyzs29 April 2024
I adored it, made an account just to give a review.

Please support independent film making because it's the creative spirit that gives great stuff like this!!

Frogman really gave me the vintage found footage feel with an excellent cast, awesome camera work (which is usually the main detriment of this genre) and some stellar monster FX. It feels like a fever dream and when you think it's done, it cranks up the insanity even more. Don't listen to any of these bitter people hating it, it's a great ride from start to finish!!

Also, loved the humor it had with the frog giftshop and the frog flute. Lol.
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A genuinely effective found-footage creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder24 April 2024
Desperate to uncover a burning mystery, an aspiring filmmaker returns to his hometown with his sister and friend to find proof of the existence of a legendary creature rumored to haunt the outskirts of the area, but when they find there's more going on in the swamp try to get away alive.

This was a rather enjoyable found-footage creature feature. Among the main factors to be featured here is the rather fun setup that provides the impetus for the guy to go back and try to capture proof of the creature's existence. The initial video that was taken back when he was a kid showed the potential sighting of the fabled beast and the resulting folklore established about its presence in the community since the footage is a fine way to show off the lackluster world he's been thrust into since. With the failing prospects everywhere around him and finding himself on his last legs to make something of himself using the fame from the footage to try to find it, this sets up the desire to go back out with his crew and get the conclusive proof he can to find it. That allows for the fun to be had when they arrive at the particular point in the woods where the creature is set to be hiding. These scenes are provide far more intriguing and impactful sequences where the folklore established earlier plays off incredibly well, with the eerie sounds in the distance, physical secretions being left behind, or the one team member arriving at a spot in the woods seemingly possessed or under its influence simply like the stories relayed to them. That sets up the big final half where the revelation is given not only about it's presence in a genuinely terrifying ambush sequence perfectly playing up it's found-footage origins but a nice reveal about the origins and connection it has to the locals which are quite shocking leading to a fine series of scenes that end this on a high note for quite a lot to like about it. There are some factors here that hold it down. One of the main issues is the rather sluggish first half that manages to include some unnecessary elements here that don't need to be included in a film in this particular style. Working at this already abbreviated running time, the exaggerated recruitment scenes show how he grabs the cameraman and his sister into the trip, much less the scenes of the group goofing around at the clothing store or reminiscing in the car along the way. Thankfully, none of these are too long individually and don't impact this one too much, but the fact that it all comes together to keep the group from getting into the woods to find the fabled creature until later in the running time is the main issue. As well, there's also some expected issues involving the found-footage format as well as the low budget on display, these few factors are what hold this one down.

Rate Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Mild Violence.
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Hop on this one...
More people should be talking/croaking (sorry) about this movie. One of the most honest iterations of a found footage movie since Blair Witch. It has the pals, the lore, the shaky cam, the small town, the suspense, the mystery, idk what more someone could want. Tremendous looking creature work, story went places i didn't expect, and as an avid weird place/haunted/cryptid area traveler it really captured the feeling of arriving at a little town that embraces their weird monster. ♥ Really loved this.

(And as someone who has made the Loveland pilgrimage I sure wish they embraced the Frogman like they did in the beginning portion of this movie. :( Loveland needs a Frogman shop real bad)
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