No Good Deed (2014) Poster

(I) (2014)

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Formulaic, but not awful.
urbanlegend2326 June 2016
"No Good Deed" isn't a bad home invasion thriller, but it's completely unremarkable, and merely satisfied with fitting a standard studio woman-in-peril mould. It's not difficult to tell where the events are all leading right from the beginning.

To its credit, the performances from Idris Elba, Taraji P. Henson and Leslie Bibb are decent, and the film manages one strong suspense sequence early on (Elba's first encounter with his ex-girlfriend after he leaves prison). There's also one mildly surprising twist in the final third, but its not enough to save a tepid, predictable middle section.

"Deed" is a film is enjoyed best as mindless entertainment on a rainy, stormy night (like the one in the film), with the proviso that you expect a film that trots along an utterly formulaic, seen-it-before path.
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Violating Common Sense Rules
view_and_review27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Idris Elba and Taraji P. Henson will get me to watch just about any movie, even if it is on Lifetime.

When an extremely violent and temperamental man named Collin (Elba) broke free from prison transport over the dead bodies of two guards, he went to pay his ex-girlfriend Alexis (Kate del Castillo) a visit in Atlanta. Alexis had moved on from her psycho ex-boyfriend and Collin wasn't the least bit pleased about that. One strangled girlfriend later and he was on the move again until his vehicle crashed. He then wound up at the door of Terry (Henson) seemingly in need of a phone and some first-aid.

At this point Terry violated just about every common sense rule imaginable. She didn't use the peephole to see who was knocking at her door. Hello! That's what peepholes are for! She gave Collin her phone to use instead of sending him up the road (which is especially weird in the age of cell phones). She left her door ajar when she went to check on the kids. And even though Collin never entered the house then, she eventually invited him in. In other words, she invited danger into her home.

That's not to say Terry deserved all of what came afterwards, just to say, "Woman! You gotta be smarter than that!"

The movie took a little too long to develop. It was established early that Collin was 5150, but once he got to Terry's door it lulled. We didn't know his reason for being there nor what he planned to do to her even though we knew she was going to be the target of his insanity. The end had a nice twist to it that brought some redeeming value, I just think the movie could've been more exciting throughout.
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What it's supposed to be - very entertaining
vettworx22 January 2015
I read a lot of reviews before watching, and truly was surprised as this movie was MUCH better than the detractors let on. The acting is great, the storyline, though part of a formulaic genre, is well thought out and moves at a great pace, the dynamic of action/release/suspense/reveal is well timed, and unless you're unbelievably difficult to entertain, you'll not want to be interrupted during any part of this film. Are there plot holes? We debated this and decided it's truly up to your point of view, but the events are actually all completely plausible. Summarily, unless you go into movies for the sole intent of picking them apart and finding things to not like, I guarantee you will be surprised, uncomfortable, freaked out, worried, excited, and ultimately entertained by No Good Deed.
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Good Movie
bbickley13-921-5866414 September 2014
Idris Elba was the man, as a psychotic woman hating murderer who escapes jail and through a series of events, cross paths with Terri, played by Taraji P. Henson, who's was in a troubled marriage and vulnerable to the killer's charms.

It Reminded me of the 1986 movie, Extremities with Farrah Fawcett as the female victim being taken hostage by a criminal looking to steal her "goodies"

I thought No good deed was a lot more cleaver than most movies of this kind. In certain places, it has to fall into line of genre's plot (woman alone in the house without her man, then a scary bad boy comes to the door and charms his way into the lonely women's house), but the movie surprised me by putting a little ore substance into the female victim, by making her life more interesting than usual, and it helps having an Oscar nominee like Ms. Hensen play the role. A fact that was not used to advertise the movie as much as it should have. Definitely a better played out Victim than I've seen before.

A decent plot and a great thriller. I recommend giving it a shot.
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Pretty Decent Film
cattjones12 September 2014
The story portrayed in this film is pretty much spelled out in the trailer. Crazy escaped convict terrorizes a woman and her kids. That's pretty much it, but there is a nasty little twist in the story that I did not see coming (although I did have a feeling). You know…. When you ask yourself "surely it isn't this" and come to find out …. Oh yes, it is. I have to give Colin (Indris Elba) a lot of credit for playing it super cool to make his way into the house. Although you knew he was the "bad" guy who is eventually going to snap, you kind of find yourself liking him for a little while (with his fine self). Terri (Taraji P. Henson) was a relatively smart women who made some serious errors at the beginning of the film, but had I not known in advance what was going to happen, I probably would not have thought that she did anything wrong. She was just trying to be nice and do the right thing. Meg (Leslie Bibb) is Terri's best friend and she drove home the point that no one knows you better than your best friend. At first I thought that she was going to be a little ditzy, but she proved me wrong. Jeffrey (Henry Simmons) is Terri's husband who does not seemed to be vested in the relationship. This is very apparent right from the beginning. I went to the 2nd showing on the day the film was released and I have to say that the theater was pretty well populated. The one thing that I have to say about seeing a film with a diverse crowd is that folks talk (out loud) to the people on the screen (myself included). Toward the end of the film I heard myself saying "how does she think that's going to work" and then immediately after that I said "why does he think that worked"…... you'll see what I mean when you go to see it. Other than that, there are three reasons why I liked this film…., the great lead characters, the consistent flow of the film and finally the whole story was told in around 90 minutes. This is director Sam Miller's first attempt at a widely distributed feature film and I think that he did a pretty good job. I would recommend it to a friend.
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A Half-Baked, Woman-In-Jeopardy, Home Invasion Thriller
zardoz-1322 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Idris Elba and Taraji P. Henson have squandered their considerable thespian talents on "No Good Deed," a half-baked, woman-in-jeopardy, home invasion thriller that springs few surprises during its ephemeral 84-minutes. Ironically, Elba and Henson shared credit as executive producers, but they didn't serve themselves adequately enough with this mediocre but atmospheric crime drama. Despite some genuinely suspenseful moments in this PG-13 rated tale, veteran television director Sam Miller and "96 Minutes" scenarist Aimee Lagos ask us to believe that a former lawyer who dealt with cases concerning violence against women would behave as naïvely as Henson's hare-brained heroine does. A suburban housewife and mother with two children, one of whom is an infant, Terri Granger quit her job as a prosecutor who represented battered women only to become a battered woman. The conduct of Henson's damsel-in-distress will make your jaw drop in sheer disbelief. It is difficult to believe that a woman, who once prosecuted vicious felons like the criminal Elba plays with such chilling intensity, could behave in such a foolhardy fashion. Less back-story with regard to Henson's Terri Granger would have been better than more. Had she simply been little more than a housewife, her actions would have been more credible. Meantime, Elba is suitably menacing as a charismatic but ruthless predator. Early on, a parole board member describes Elba's serial killer character as a "malignant narcissist." Naturally, Miller and Lagos amass all the surefire suspense elements as well as the clichés to heighten the experience. Of course, movies like "No Good Deed" dispense with realism as readily as they exploit the artifice designed to make you squeeze your fists with white-knuckled tenacity. The robust cast and the nerve-racking predicaments that their characters wind up in are the kind of fodder that inflames audiences.

"No Good Deed" opens with Colin Evans (Idris Elba of "Prometheus") appearing before a Tennessee parole board. Authorities believe Colin murdered five women, but they have no evidence to convict him for any of those heinous crimes. Instead, they have managed to bust him for manslaughter. During a brawl in a bar, he killed an adversary. Since then Colin has served five years in the big house, and he touts his record as an exemplary inmate who taught other inmates how to read. Nevertheless, a skeptical parole board refuses to accommodate him. While he is being hauled back to prison, Colin disarms one guard and then murders both of them. You'd think that prison officials would have assigned more competent cops to guard him, but then we wouldn't have "No Good Deed." Later, Colin tracks down a former girlfriend, Alexis (Kate del Castillo of "Bordertown"), and strangles her in a fit of jealous rage in her own house after she lies to him about flirting with another man at an Atlanta restaurant. Colin appropriates her vehicle, but he crashes it during a noisy thunderstorm. Despite from his inferior driving skills, Colin qualifies as a dangerous but resourceful villain with no qualms about murder most foul. The same cannot be said for our heroine.

Terri Granger (Taraji P. Henson of CBS-TV's "Person of Interest") finds herself at home alone with her two children, young daughter Ryan (newcomer Mirage Moonschein) and a baby boy Sam, after her husband Jeffrey (Henry Simmons of "Taxi") takes a trip to visit his ailing father. Since Jeffrey is leaving her, Terri has invited her closest friend, Meg (Leslie Bibb of "Iron Man"), to spend the evening with her. They plan to treat it like a girl's night out. Colin stumbles onto Terri's front porch with a cut on his temple, and our heroine literally lets him have the run of her house! Colin does everything that he can to lull Terri into a false sense of security. Terri even cleans up the cut on Colin's temple. Of course, the familiarity with which she receives this stranger is hopelessly absurd. Meg flirts with Colin as he lies to them about himself. Unfortunately, Colin grows impatient with Meg when Terri is out of the room and gives her the same treatment that he gave his girlfriend. At this point, Colin brandishes a pistol and forces Terri to pack her kids into their car and give him a ride. Later, during their ride, Terri flashes her high beams at a policeman. Incredibly enough, Colin doesn't notice this act, and the cop pulls them over. The cop asks Terri to step out of her car. Terri has every opportunity to explain her predicament, but she fears that Colin will kill her infant son. This makes you wonder why Terri put herself in such a predicament. Impatiently, Colin takes matters into his own hands before Terri can do anything else to sabotage his plans.

Veteran television director Sam Miller has a knack for staging action, and he makes this implausible hostage thriller look exciting. Ultimately, everything boils down to a one-on-one fight between Terri and Colin. They struggle for possession of Colin's automatic pistol in a darkened room at another house. Essentially, this is a David and Goliath bout. Nevertheless, desperation turns Terri into a superior adversary, and their fight is a down and dirty match. Inevitably, just when she thinks she has Colin down for the count, he pulls a "Halloween" and catches a second wind. Nothing about "No Good Deed" except its big twist reveal in the final scene is groundbreaking. Sure, that surprise at the end will make you turn your head, but it constitutes more of a cheat than a coincidence because there is no way that you can see it coming. Again, Terri's lack of common sense puts her at risk more than anything skillful that Colin did. "No Good Deed" lives up to its title. Interestingly enough, the studio that produced this lackluster thriller—Screen Gems—had so little faith in it that they delayed its release for two years.
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Elba delivers
movies-by-db20 March 2015
Sure, I might have seen films with comparable story lines, we all probably have, but it still has it's own originality and a great performance absolutely nailed by Idris Elba.

All that Hollywood does is steal and rip off. Even (especially) our favourite wonder child Taranatino does it all the time. It's the way this is done that can make a film stand out. This, combined with plenty of atmosphere and solid performances all round make an entertaining and sometimes pretty tense watch.

I liked it, but must admit I'm a big fan of Elba's work so I am slightly biased. Just for his performance alone this is well worth a watch 7/10
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A predictable, cliché filled eye roller.
MontyBurns196919 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
WHY do they make movies like this?? I'll admit that sometimes I just like to watch a movie with a simple plot but this one was BAD. Take every cliché you can think of, roll them into 1 and you've got "No Good Deed." If this was billed as a comedy/thriller movie parody it would have been funny but otherwise, emotionless. Here are just a few of the predictable scenes from this movie (inserting SPOILER here would be a paradox).

1. Ominous thunder throughout suspenseful scenes.

2. Ditzy/sex crazed best friend used for fodder.

3. 5 foot something female fending off a 6 foot something male with random objects laying around the house.

4. Convict locked up tight with shackles taking over a transport van.

5. Female temporarily knocks out the bad guy during a struggle, then turns and runs upstairs.

And those are just off the top of my head, the bottom line is to go clean your house, water your lawn, or have a nap rather than waste your time with this one.
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A fun thriller
bestactress-114 September 2014
Even after having watched the trailer you'll be in for lots of surprises. There were a few things I didn't see coming, subtle twists and turns which caught me off guard. Idris and Taraji have great chemistry on screen, you want to watch them and you don't get bored watching them.

I love to see films with black people in them, which have nothing to do with race or where race isn't even mentioned once. You literally could have placed any one from any ethnic background in any of those characters and it would have worked.

This movie re-enforced to me that Taraji and Idris are really good actors, I got my money's worth. I went to see the movie at the Grove where there are lots of tourists and people from all over the country, who have normal reactions to what they see on the screen. The audience as a whole cared a lot about Taraji's character, they cheered for her when she was winning and they had natural human responses that were real, and so at the end of the day, that says to me all the people involved in making this movie did their job. Seeing the film there got me avoiding the jaded Hollywood movie "experts" on cinema with their snobby intellectual bully b.s, I was with regular people at a movie theater, the reason actors make movies to begin with, the people who are funding our industry with their hard earned dollars, not movie critics who go the movies for intellectual stimulation instead of reading a freaking book. You're gonna like Taraji's bff, she has a great moment with Idris that has everyone who has a best friend going "YOU TELL IT."

I personally love to go see a movie and turn off my brain and enjoy myself and you get to do this with this movie, it kept my attention from beginning to end. Go see it, worth your money!
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Never let strangers in your house...
deloudelouvain26 February 2015
I just saw the movie and I had a good time watching it.It's a decent thriller about an escaped psychotic convict played by Idris Elba. He did a good job with his role. The other main character is a woman (Terry) played by Taraji P. Henson that tries to help a man out. The story is entertaining enough to watch without getting bored. There are enough twists in the plot not to lose your interest in the movie. I don't get why so much people dislike this movie because let's be honest there are way much worse thrillers then this one. Okay it's not the greatest thriller ever but it's certainly watchable without being annoyed. Well at least to me it was.
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Very typical outcome...
Omar_innis22 September 2014
This movie had no substance, it was one of the worst I have to say I've seen so for in 2014. The storyline had a whole lot of holes, I can't make sense out of nonsense. Poorly done, love Taraji though so I rated solely on her. I have to give credit though for trying to put together a thriller, but all of these are always the same ending, only watched because the wife wanted to, without her this movie would have never gotten my time at all. If this is your kind of thriller, don't let my comment stop you from enjoying it. Those were just my thoughts on it. Idris alba, and Taraji Henson , love them great actors wasted energy however for them.
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Better than expected
phd_travel17 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This thriller is actually quite a lot better than expected. Liked the way things tied up together. Doesn't always happen in this kind of thriller but here it does.

Idris Elba is a charismatic lead villain and he may seem more of a hero than a villain at first but that is part of the story. Taraji shows an interesting transformation from naive bored housewife to woman who fights back. A couple of formula elements can't be avoided in this thriller eg the best friend and the cop. There is a twist in the race of the cast here with black leads and white supporting cast.

Ignore the negative reviews, its surprisingly good.
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Idris is worth so much more
bowmanblue11 July 2015
Idris Elba. Arguably one of the coolest actors around right now. He can pretty much carry any part given to him. Yes, I'm a fan. And, as I expected of him, he's damn good here too. Unfortunately, one great actor does not make up for a film which is short on originality.

Elba plays 'Colin.' A psychopath. Okay, so that's a generalisation. The early part of the film touches on his exact condition. However, he kills people, so 'psychopath' will work for me. And, he plays it pretty well, flitting between his natural charm and dangerous ability to bludgeon someone to death if he so feels inclined.

But, luckily for Joe Public, he's been caught and imprisoned. Of course the film would be a lot less dull if he didn't escape pretty quickly and resume his terrorising. So, he does this and seeks refuge in a woman's home, pretending that his car has broken down. Of course she succumbs to his charm and lets him in, but, again, things never stay that way for long. What follows is a typical 'cat and mouse' kind of game with her doing her best to survive in her own home. I should just point out that she can't just escape at the earliest opportunity, as she has children.

I have no problem with the plot. Yes, it could probably be a little more original, but I could still live with that. Or I could if it wasn't for the fact that it uses the same cliché over and over again (normally found in 'slasher' films). Three times (yes, I counted) in the space of about ten minutes does she totally get the drop on Elba and whack him with a fire extinguisher/lamp-thing/knife, only to run off instead of finishing him off. I know this kind of movie-gripe has been going on for years and, yes, I know if she killed him at the earliest opportunity it would be a pretty short film, but still... that lack of realism/originality just got to me after a while. Elba isn't supposed to be a monster or superhuman, yet he gets up from every blow and just chases after her – again, without killing her either due to ending the film early.

Ultimately, you can't fault the performances, both Elba and his victim do all they can with what's been given to them. It's just a shame the 'vehicle' they're in is a little bit on the stale side. I guess if you're not into slasher films you may not notice it quite so much, but, for me, it just bugged me to the point where I found it hard to carry on watching.

For die-hard Elba fans or casual viewers of the 'stalker/thriller' genre only.
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Stupid does not begin to describe with how bad No Good Deed really is!
RforFilm16 September 2014
As a little boy growing up in a suburban home, my parents always reminded me about the dangers of strangers and letting them into your home. When I asked if I should let them in if their hurt, I was still told no as I would have no idea if the individual in question was lying about calling for help. For a kid of seven, this seemed very harsh as I thought we were supposed to help others whenever they needed us. The goody-two-shoes probably would have asked first before letting them in to use a phone. As luck would have it, door to door folks never graced our porch before we moved onto a vineyard. Now that I'm a twenty-something, I thank my parents for that lesson.

I understand now about letting strangers because appearances can be deceiving. It's not that I tell everyone from girl scouts to Mormons to scram, but you need to consider you're the outcome before you act. Another instance occurred when I was in college when I heard my dorm door knock when a shady looking student claimed to have left their phone at home and need to use mine for a second. He sounded legitimate, but he looked like a drug user, given his filthy clothes and his constant scratching to the face. Another lesson on strangers is given in No Good Deed.

Convicted felon Colin Evans (played by Idris Elba) makes his case for a release after serving five years for manslaughter, but the board denies him his freedom. His ride back is cut short when he kills the lone guard and driver (you'd think these guys would have more guards) and escapes. He finds his girlfriend Alexis and tries to talk her into coming with him, only to find that she's been unfaithful. This results in the film's first kill.

Outside of Atlanta, young mother Terri Granger (played by Taraji P. Henson) is watching her daughter Ryan and baby Sam alone as her husband has gone for a weekend vacation. Her best friend Meg suggests a girl's night during the impending thunderstorm (code for obvious symbolism). The rain comes along with Colin at the front door, claiming the he just needs a phone after crashing a truck. The all too trusting Terri lets the shadowy-man in to dry up and make chitchat. What starts as a friendly conversation becomes a deadly game of cat and mouse.

What pains me about No Good Deed is that there is nothing original. No new characters, no new setting, no new serial killer, and no new weapons. There's nothing in the story that surprises us. There's nothing about Colin that separates him from cardboard cutout killers. There's nothing about Terri that makes her any stronger then any other stock scared woman character. The conversations the characters have are nothing of interest unless wealthy suburban problems excite you. The chases through darkness are a dime a dozen compared to the hundreds of other burglar in the house scenario. Even the ending doesn't seem to imply any change within these characters.

No Good Deed may be bad (and I mean awful), but carries the worse distinction of being boring. Even a running time of eighty-two minutes seems too long here. Watching the grandfather clock in my parents home would have been more exciting then this. Watching this movie is like looking at a board game you've played a dozen times before, yet you play anyway because there's at least one more persons whose not familiar. Stupid does not even begin to describe the actions that happen and once the climax is ready to go, I just don't care any more.

I'll give this two open doors out of ten. I really like Idris Elba and is angers me that his acting profession was a waste of thought. I hope that director Sam Miller is next in line for some guillotine that can put his film career out of misery.
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Person of non-Interest
Dr_Sagan21 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This a very common "Oh No! Don't do that" thriller. The kind of movie that its characters are asking for trouble and the audience goes "Oh No! Don't let him in" etc.

We've seen it before, and unfortunately "No Good Deed {goes unpunished}" (you see the effort for a moral here?) is pretty common indeed.

Idris Elba plays the charismatic (?) villain who escapes from prison after he denied parole and ends up in Taraji P Nelson's home during a heavy storm supposedly asking for help after his car crashed or something. There is a small twist at the end, but as a piece of entertainment this movie fails to intrigue with its uninspiring script and wastes the talent of its main actors.

Overall: You can pass that with no regret. It's a sub-par dull thriller.

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5.5 imdb review is right for once
georgio-2649028 July 2020
Lots of movies identical to this. husband goes away for a few days, leaves wife and kids at home. convict escapes from jail, kidnap and house invasion.

run of the mill thriller, good acting and good story. not bad, but nothing special.

i gave it 6 rather than 5 because of idris elba's portrayal of a bad guy was very good
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A good, old-fashioned psycho thriller
Leofwine_draca21 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
NO GOOD DEED is a fun little throwback to the type of psycho thrillers that were all the rage in the early 1990s. It's essentially a two-hander between Idris Elba's escaped convict and Taraji P. Henson's suburban mother. Elba is a long-established screen presence and it's no surprise to find that he's very good in his role here, bringing a kind of physical domination and burning intensity to the part; it says something that he's more than just a one-dimensional bad guy. I have no idea who Henson is but she acquits herself with the sympathetic role well. The budget is clearly low but the violent events are staged with relish and there's a good helping of suspense to boot.
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OMG don't waste your cash here!
tblaeducation27 September 2014
Look here is the skinny on this flick. It is so predictable I found myself saying out loud (but quietly) what was going to happen next. I mean really people can't these Hollywood money men find some better quality movies to get behind to finance. Let's not forget this movie as all the rest are a business. The business of INVESTING cash to produce a movie with the hopes you will spend your entertainment dollars seeing it so it makes them millions in profit. Don't let them make money on this one or we will never get them to stop producing trash and fooling us into thinking it's worth the price of a ticket and $15.00 popcorn. Plot plot plot help me find something entertaining about this movie that we don't know is going to happen before it happens. The acting is average and if an academy award ever makes it to this movie it will be because somebody paid somebody! Don't waste your money on this film you will be disappointed. Go see Denzel instead!!!! :-)
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Good Movie
tumultfitness12 June 2015
This was a very good movie. I don't understand what most of the reviewers are talking about. It has everything that ALL of these kinds of movies have with a little more action and strength from the main female character. In fact, in most movies where you are sitting at home wishing the victim would do certain things, she does them all. There is a lot of good acting by the cast as well. Idris is always a great actor and he does not disappoint here. Most thrillers are predictable; there's a bad guy and a good guy and they duke it out to see who wins, so those complaining about there here must not watch a lot of movies. It was good and I would recommend it.
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So trite
wingedheartart16 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Aimee Lagos is the writer and director of this film. A woman. I am so ready for more women directors and writers in this world, however, this was SO annoying and disappointing.

The beginning was typical of many other criminal movies. Main bad guy is handcuffed in front, not his hands in back or with a chain to his feet, despite being VERY violent with multiple murders under his belt.

He is an extremely violent prisoner, yet, because of his magical narcissism, everyone just fell under his well spoken spell. Then of course, he kills the guards in the van and escapes.

Typical actions follow, until his car crashes and he comes to the house he was heading for.


He knocks on a woman's door. She has small children. She is supposedly an ex prosecutor for the DA, focus in homicide/domestic abuse.

Seriously. She LETS HIM IN. INTO HER HOME. A stranger. If this isn't STUPID ENOUGH, she proceeds to talk about her life and job as if she is talking to a life long friend. A total stranger..."come on in, I have small children, but I am going to trust you, because you are charming and handsome."

What????? I know NO WOMAN out of hundreds who would do this. NONE.

She allows him free reign in her home. With a small daughter running around and then in bed....despite him being a TOTAL STRANGER. Who does this? And if there are women reading this who would have let him in, DON'T DO IT, IT IS STUPID.

NO ONE unless they are STUPID. Yet, she is an attorney....specializing in HOMICIDE IN CASES OF DOMESTIC ABUSE. Where the con artist ex spouses are as she puts it, aren't smart.

If she had been in the DA'S office as a prosecutor, how was she totally unfamiliar with this Colin guy? No, you can't keep up with all the bad guys in the county, but he had killed multiple people, usually to do with WOMEN.

So, then, her slutty realtor friend comes over, who almost instantly comes on to the stranger. WHO DOES THAT?????? At their age too? These aren't 18 yr. old young party girls. The friend proceeds to tell this stranger she would rather sleep around than get married, that it isn't her style to settle down. What? Within the first few minutes of meeting him.

Again, a STUPID thing to do.

My problem is that these women are stupid and don't really fit into what I would think most women would be like. I don't open the door to strangers and in NO WAY would I let one in, ESPECIALLY if I had small children in the house. You freaking call 911 if you are worried for the person at the door....and DON'T OPEN IT.

I am so disappointed that the writer/director chose to write this crap. Yes, crap. I love movies, and my first thought was that a man who didn't like women, had written this, sorry, not trying to be mean, but when I saw a woman had...was just disgusted.

Maybe Aimee Lagos thinks that once a woman has a baby and moves to the suburbs she forgets herself and becomes stupid? Or that women, other than herself are walking around asking to be victims?

I hope the next film she writes is not so trite and predictable. And, that she actually writes about strong women, who in no way would have done the stupid things these characters did, no matter how charming and handsome the bad guys are.

I gave it a 2 only for the actors, they were fine. I couldn't go higher because of the writing.
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Good Thriller
stevendbeard12 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "No Good Deed", starring Idris Elba-Heimdall in the Thor movies, 28 Weeks Later; Taraji P. Henson-Person of Interest_tv, The Karate Kid_2010; Leslie Bibb-Zookeeper, Law Abiding Citizen and Henry Simmons- Madea's Family Reunion, NYPD Blue_tv.

This is a nice little thriller that is directed by Sam Miller, in his first big screen movie-although he has directed some TV shows, including Luther, which starred Idris in the lead role. Anyway, here, Idris plays a psychopathic killer that is up for parole-he is in jail because he killed a man that he caught talking to his girlfriend. Idris is a very good liar, as psychopaths tend to be, but for some reason, is refused parole and so he escapes from custody on his way back to prison. His first stop, of course, is to see his old girlfriend and find out what she has been up to since he has been away. After....talking to her, he has a car accident and ends up at Taraji's house. Taraji is married to Henry, but Henry has been working a lot lately and is not at home at the present. They also have two children, one about 5 years old and one is just a baby. When the unstable Idris asks to use her phone, Taraji helps him, because she is a nice person-hence, this is where the title of the movie comes from, the old saying, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. Leslie plays Taraji's best friend that stops by Taraji's house a lot, because that's what best friends do. There is a nice little plot twist that I did not see coming, that takes place near the end of the film. It's rated "PG-13" for violence, terror, language, sexual content-no nudity-and has a running time of 1 hour & 24 minutes. I really enjoyed this one and would buy it on Blu-Ray.
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No Good Part
matthewssilverhammer19 September 2014
A thriller movie's number one job is to be thrilling. Someone must've told the makers of NGD that passionate yelling between well-dressed yuppies on top of melodramatic score swells can pass as thrilling. Instead of excitement and scares, NGD gives us artlessly directed stiffness that only manages to be shockingly unpleasant. It's the kind of forgettable, mindless dreck that completely lacks identity or personality. Sure it's mercifully short, but it's even more mercilessly ugly. (WARNING: bad pun coming) All in all, No Good Deed has no good part. Elba plays an escaped murderer who wreaks havoc on Henson's family by tricking his way into their home. Lucky for Elba's character, there's not a single sharp knife in the drawer of characters he encounters. He uses his powers of clichéd dialogue and lazily-written coincidences to get whatever he wants, which is…unclear, to say the least. We know he's a "bad guy", but why? And what is his end goal? Motivations take a back seat in NGD, with the focus instead on predictable thriller beats, harlequin-novel style plotting, and a twist that is far from earned. Elba and Henson are both formidable screen presences, and it would normally be a gift to see them work together. Unfortunately to call their NGD characters one-dimensional is giving them one too many dimensions, unless pure sociopath and complete moron are dimensions. They're characters are purely there to force a hackneyed and dangerous message: all men are evil. Go see Guardians or Turtles again, but do all you can to stay away from this mid-budget Lifetime Channel movie.
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Good Deeds Really Never Go Unpunished
briand646513 September 2014
Saw No Good Deed starring Taraji P. Henson and Idris Elba at AMC Theatres last night! "Terri" played by Henson is a devoted house wife and mother of two who resides in Atlanta, Georgia and appears to be unhappy in her marriage. "Terri's" husband played by Henry Simmons goes on a getaway vacation to celebrate his father's birthday leaving his own family behind, but promises "Terri" he'll take some vacation time with her after he returns.

"Colin," who is played by Elba shows up at "Terri's" door acting as a charming man asking to use her telephone after wrecking a stolen car, but is really an escaped dangerous convict seeking revenge in this twisted thriller. "Terri" lets him use the phone and gets a little too friendly and personal with him, but soon learns that "no good deed goes unpunished." She finds herself fighting for survival when "Colin" invades her home, kidnaps her, and terrorizes her family. Crazy movie! Suspenseful, thrilling, edge of your seat kind of film! My cinema score is 8.5/10! Go see it! ‪#‎maverickradio‬™
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A damn fine home-invasion movie.
Amyth4723 June 2020
My Rating : 7/10

Found this thanks to Malcolm Gladwell's 'Revisionist History' podcast and him discussing the plot of the movie and the possible actions by the main characters. I watched it and found it to be thought-provoking having listened to the podcast which goes much more in-depth and explores various philosophical schools of thought, rational vs ethical for example.

'No Good Deed' is fast-paced, engaging and right out of a thriller novel. Highly recommended.
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So many missed opportunities
fredetteb693 September 2021
This movie should have been 20 minutes long. The missed chances and obvious plot holes turned a short 10 minute story into a 2hr cliche driven annoyance.
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