2012: Ice Age (Video 2011) Poster

(2011 Video)

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Day After Tomorrow... Wannabe
HalphStaph29 June 2011
We watch a lot of movies - and I exaggerate not here. I would comfortably say we average two to three new films per day. Yay for the internet! So, understandably, we get our fair share of bad movies.

The best thing I can say about this film is that I didn't shut it off midway. Perhaps I was curious at what point it would get worse, or maybe I was holding out for some glimmer of authenticity. Sadly, it only got worse as it progressed.

The special effects were pathetic. With all the tech available for free download, this could have been way better. Plausibility? Of course, with any "disaster" genre flick, you have to suspend reality at some point so as not to throw the plot vehicle off the road - but this went beyond suspension - it was more like some horrible whacked out nightmare complete with somewhat incoherent sequences and sudden strange happenings that make no sense at all. Nothing is ever explained, probably because most things can't be since they are just impossible.

You can see all the base elements of the story ripped right from "The Day After Tomorrow", but the fun stops there.

So - I won't pick on specific scenes or elements (ha ha) so as not to spoil the film (errr... yeah.), but lets just leave it at... I didn't shut it off.

If you want a good disaster film, I would definitely look elsewhere, because this disaster is not the "Giant Glacier", its the whole movie itself. So bad its not even funny. *sigh*
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Just plain terrible
chris07067529 June 2011
This has got to be one of the worlds worst movies of all time… The main characters specifically the dad and mom have got to be the worst actors ever….and the director needs his a** kicked..so many screw ups and the editing is a nightmare…one minute the family is on a snow covered road with no traffic then they get a phone signal and pull over on a non snowy road with traffic going by them….just one of the many many things…....I mean the storyline is a good one but the they should at least cast actors that ...well....can actually act......

I think I could have edited this better with Windows movie maker.....complete trash!!
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In one word. Awful
Ph_vale29 June 2011
There is not much to say about this movie, it's dreadful... clearly one of the worst I ever seen in a long time.

It's a cheap copy of "Day After Tomorrow" but the the plot is atrocious and predictable, the special effects are 80's standards (I've seen better cgi in old Star Trek movies).

The acting is beyond poor, hard to describe, maybe a manual on "How not to act properly", but I have to admit that the plot doesn't help much.

There's not a thin shred of scientific validly on anything that goes around. I really can't write much more about it, I kept on watching just to see if somehow it would become better and it didn't.

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone to be honest.
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The only thing worse than the writing is , , ,
01rogue1 July 2011
the acting, no wait, it's the directing, no, it's the effects. Grr, I can't decide.

I usually enjoy the cheap disaster movies but this one is so bad there are no words that do it justice.

The best thing about this movie is reading here what others have said. At least I got some laughs. But the funniest thing is seeing 35 votes for it as a 10 star movie, that is just hilarious. I can only assume everyone who worked on this movie voted 10 though given the number of names in the credits I think the rest of them must be hiding in shame.

I sincerely hope if anyone made money from this waste they gave it to charity because it certainly wasn't earned.
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Poor Man's "Day After Tomorrow"
davidfurlotte29 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I disagree with "familypet" because I was laughing considerably at this movie, especially the ending. That's the only reason I gave it 2 out of 10.

Let's have a quick look at the similarities to Day After Tomorrow

1. New York City is the centre of the universe for both movies.

2. We have to "rescue" one of the family members from certain death.

3. In both movies there is a sudden SUPER COLD CELL that freezes humans in split seconds, mind you, the difference is they EXPLAINED it in "Day After Tomorrow" whereas in this movie they just hoped you watched "Day After Tomorrow" so you could understand what happened.

4. Dad in both movies is a scientist associated with weather and involved in monitoring what is happening with glaciers and global warming or climate change.

5. Dad is estranged from the child that has to later be rescued.

Now you would think with all those similarities it would be at least as good as the movie it was basically copying but unfortunately for the producers of this movie, Day After Tomorrow had a couple of actors that could actually do a good job.

Okay, I understand being so focused on something that you basically are too busy to be scared but realistically, when you have chunks of ice the size of small office buildings coming down around you a little bit of panic might be in order rather than just staring out the windshield like some curious hamster.

My biggest problem is the one plot hole that nobody can close and that is they left Bangor, Maine just as the glacier was arriving and somehow managed to outrun it even though they said the glacier was travelling at 200 MPH. Now I could be wrong but last time I checked, a Ford Taurus was not capable of speeds over 200 MPH, especially on traffic choked and snow covered roads.

Oh, I almost forgot something, my favourite line out of the movie is when the daughter says, "You're declaring war on a glacier?" Okay, so these writers actually believe that they can STOP a glacier with explosives, even nuclear explosives, and they expect that ANYONE with more than one functioning brain cell would go along with that? I mean, I don't mind being asked to leave it at the door and go along for the ride but seriously, do I really have to leave my ENTIRE brain at the door for this movie?

All in all, give it a watch just for the laughs you'll get from the silly science and as someone else pointed out, the poor editing.
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One of the worser movies i've seen
Awesomedude_0928 June 2011
Alright so the movie is awful, Lets make a list of Awful things.

Awful: The Start was awful! The effects was made by a 12 year old. Everything repeats all the time ( "The road is blocked! we gotta find another way!!!" , "BAD EFFECT INC"). I mean was the movie budget that low ? Actors in the movie could not act at all, almost like it was there first cast. The Ending were even worser then all of Steven Seagal's movies ( and they are really bad )

The Story was not even good..

I give this movie 0.0001/10 Stars. Good: nothing.

Filling in some text here. so that you guys can read this review and learn.
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You'll root for the glacier
bitbucketchip22 July 2021
Within the first five minutes the father establishes himself as the single least likable person on earth. A few minutes later we learn this out of shape obnoxious jerk is married to a former Playboy Playmate (MCCullough), so we know we know we are deep in male fantasy territory here. We then learn he has the know-it-all son and estranged teenage daughter required in all Asylum movies, implying he had sex with said Playboy Playmate at least twice. Our worst fears are confirmed. This isn't merely a teenage male fantasy, but a cartoon.

What follows is cartoon level idiocy of the highest order. The coyote and roadrunner is more believable. I won't spoil the ending, but if the "actors" lived through it you wouldn't know it by their reactions. I cannot imagine what a casting session for these films must be like. Where do they find these people?

No stars.
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Shaking my head
shanniepotter-130 June 2011
I don't know that I can add anything more than the other posters. So many inconsistencies. One minute it's pitch black and they can't drive any further, then four scenes later (maybe 45 minutes story time) it's bright as day again. The acting was horrible, I've seen middle school drama clubs do better. And the effects... I don't know anything about filming or computers but I'd bet money I could do a better job. I don't know if the budget was THAT low, or if they knew from the start that it was a crap story and decided to just throw everything together, but the end product isn't really worth viewing in my opinion. Unless you're looking for what not to do when making a film, then I'd say this is a must-see.
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Excuse me, can I have that hour and a half back?
scifimadman29 June 2011
I have just endured "2012: Ice Age" and, as suggested above, I feel that I have wasted my time. Don't get me wrong, some of the scenes in it were quite cool; it's just a pity that they were ripped from other films! The acting was stilted, the dialogue was inane, the casting was what I can only presume as being last minute (I mean, really! Would the son's attitude have been more appropriate if he had been 7 instead of 17???) and the FX were very trapped in the early part of the last decade. If I had a choice between watching this movie again with the associated risk of my brain melting out through my ears to avoid the trauma of "2012: Ice Age" or being caught under a glacier, I would gladly strip to my tighty-whitey's and dive underneath that big boy.

Please, don't insult your intelligence as I have just done. Avoid this movie like it was your mother-in-law.
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so bad i just had to comment
lindstrom-tim1 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
the negative things about this movie have been covered extensively already, but i just couldn't help myself. just a list of my top 6 favorite terrible things in this movie. (tried to do top 5 but there were too many)

6. the title of the movie is 2012 right? yet there is no mention of the year 2012 or its significance in the entire film! 5. the time line of the film has to be one of the most disjointed and poorly constructed in history. for example, i never knew you could fly a Cessna 100 miles, be "10 minutes away" from NYC, yet get there before a 4 minute timer on a bomb goes off. 4. every time some poor schlep or schleps gets wiped out by glacier shrapnel while the protagonist family are mere feet away watching or discussing something. 3. best line in a movie ever: "The visibility sucks balls!" 2. in a span of 5 minutes of movie time, they show the exact same scene of the family drive past in a van, only the lighting has been messed with digitally. i had to go back and check for sure because i couldn't believe it myself. exact same footage. 1. arrested glacier + family hideout in statue of liberty + abrupt cutoff = worst ending ever.
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Fat Grissom and the Glacier
katcocat4 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to start with this film. There's a family who are too stupid to live, an appalling script which relies heavily on the word 'ok', and unbelievably bad special effects. After 30 minutes, I was definitely rooting for the glacier. There are so many holes in the plot that even a glacier 1000 miles long would have no trouble slipping through. The father looks like an overweight Grissom and it's implied that he works in some sort of 'glacier watching' place. How he got the job there is beyond me, I wouldn't employ him as a cleaner. His wife appears to be equally thick and the daughter, who we're told is more than capable of looking after herself, depends heavily on her boyfriend rather than do so. The son looked suitably horrified throughout the whole film but I think that may have been horror at being in the movie rather than horror at the imminent glacier. The special effects mainly consist of shaking the camera rapidly and lots of white dots superimposed on the film. We have people freezing to death next to people who are running around in t shirts, a shelter where all the extras face the wall and wear hoods (presumably not wanting to be recognised and associated with the film). I admit that I've never been to the USA and know nothing about New York other than what I've seen on TV, but I'd be amazed if people living close to the place really do keep planes in their garages, especially garages that don't have enough room for the wing span. In fact the garage was a bit of a miracle place all around, since the man trapped in there in a shirt and jeans didn't freeze to death despite being seriously injured and unable to move. Seriously, don't waste your money.
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PartialMovieViewer30 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why all the hate? Did people miss the brilliant plot? How? Snowmgeddon begins with Mt. Hekla in Iceland (or did the senator say Greenland?) blowing it's top; spreading Ice and snow all over the place which eventually gobbles up Maine, forcing the evil military to nuke every city it can find. Now how's that for a plot and a superb run-on sentence. Speaking about grammar, what about the script. Ya can't get much better than this one. It must have taken a great deal of self control and focus to pen a script solely out of monosyllabic words. Now truly good writing means nothing until it is properly delivered. Delivery means acting. Acting! That's what this movie is all about, actors who act - even when it is not needed. This entire cast doesn't miss a beat, at least as long as the beat is a 4/4 count. Each star's (yes, I said star) delivery list clear and pronounced, all without irritating emphasis. Drab you say? What a weak descriptive for such spectacular bit of happy agony. Don't miss this gala entertainment event unless you have other stuff to do.
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Not bad, catchy
denpaul-831065 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Its really not that bad of a movie for a b movie. It is Kind of generic and its predictable but the story lines ok. Even though its a story line that youve seen in every weather related movie its a catchy movie. Once i started watching i had to keep watching, it had me wanting to keep watching. Bad weather strikes and the father has to save his child in new york or somewhere cold, total rip off of day after tomorrow. Anyways it was something decent to watch on freevee at 11pm lol........ OkThe father just found his daughter julia lol...you would think that it would be over now but no its not. Theres still like 30 min left....omg its over and its a really bad ending, thats all ill say, i dont wanna give it away too much ....
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Bad, just bad!
iTower229 June 2011
I was expecting the movie to be similar to "The day after tomorrow" or "2012", but the actors are horrible, the script is bad and the storyline isn't new.

You get irritated by the characters right off the start. Some movies are bad in a way that it become fun to watch, but this one is just bad.

Overall, I didn't enjoyed it because I didn't like you but merely because the movie itself is an empty shell. Characters were badly developed making you wanting them to die at the beginning. Also they focus too much on the characters rather on the actual event. So for those wanting to see The Day after Tomorrow style of movies, you be very disappointed.

You being warned.

+1 for effort +1 for video quality +1 for sound quality
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Amazing film
clive-181-1616228 October 2011
This is without doubt the worst of the worst films ever. I have never laughed so much, my eyes were streaming with laughter tears all the way through it.

When the big 6'6" guy full of muscles tried mugging the 5'0" skinny runt guy for his coat I just fell to pieces with laughter, what was he going to do, blow his nose with it.

To be honest I think the director has hit on a great format for future entertaining films, it was so bad I couldn't stop watching it. I didn't think it was possible to act that bad, the actors are either amazingly brilliant or absolutely the worst ever, it is quite hard to make up my mind which.

I thoroughly recommend this film to anyone that has a good sense of humour and is in need of a really good laugh.

It is without doubt the most entertaining film I have seen in a long time but not for all the reasons that the director would have hoped.
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Just bad
rozumberski29 June 2011
I just don't understand is this film had such a small budget or what ??? Special effects??? I can make almost the same on my home computer with the free programs. Casting? Very bad select of actors and i don't want to start about story! After all, writer's could came with a much better text line. There is a lot of mistakes, incredible snow storm the building are crumbling, people freeze, but the roads are mostly clear. Scenes with the technology are simply the last century and skip the unrealistic future, not to establish a telephone connection but can be monitored through GPRS - FAIL Having seen this movie and the director's name in the end I do not want to see any movie that he directed. No matter how reviews were good, my personal opinion is that this movie done great harm to all people who have played in it or were part of a team who had made ​​this movie This is a really disaster movie, but not disaster what you want to see... Simple as that i want 1:31h time of my life back!
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I wish that glacier would get them all !
zoltar-14 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing the moon falling onto Earth would not shock you as much as this movie - yes, it's that bad. It's not easy to watch, but if you manage, you'll see some of the most amazing things in your entire life bar none, because this baby is packed:

SPOILERS below !

  • you have a giant glacier the size of Australia running wild around the country side crushing everything in its path for a plot,I kid you not. You are shown volcanoes erupting somewhere north and in a matter of minutes the glacier is already ravaging entire cities in the US. They estimate the speed at 200 mph, but it's most likely 10 times that( I mean the glacier traveled from it's initial location to the city where the action starts, faster than our characters could get from the airport to their home to pack their bags) - wow, that's a pretty fast glacier. First of all the Great icecap is at the south Pole, not north Pole, but never mind that as the brain must be completely shut down in order to prevent permanent damage

  • some time later you have an emergency plane landing due to the lack of fuel, however as soon as it touches ground the fuel is flowing from the airplane's tank until it explodes like a giant gas tanker in a huge ball of flames. Moments later the plane is shown to be only little burnt...

  • now how do you find your missing family member ? Well, after you spend most of the movie traveling to New York in order to find/save her you find out that she actually ended up in New Jersey. Luckily, you remember that you have the phone with you which can easily track any other phone even though phones barely work. Even James Bond would be envious of such a gadget and skill. And what do you do with that phone which is your only mean of finding your lost sister ? Well, you drop it in the snow, of course ! And even though it's just half a meter away, no, you don't pick it up, because there's no time for that. It's easier to grab a pistol from a frozen policeman and start shooting. Now, if you're a girl caught in a storm with big chinks of ice falling everywhere, trying to escape from a huge glacier's path and you hear gunshots, what would be your first thought: a) hide/move away from the gunshots b) let's go meet the guy, it's probably dad looking for me ! Yeap, you choose b) - congratulations you are saved :)

  • and finally, how do you stop a giant glacier the size of country against which even nuclear bombs had no visual effect ? This is simply hilarious no matter how you think of it - how would nuclear weapons have no visual effect on a glacier ?!? at the very least it would make a huge explosion and the heat from an H bomb would melt a chunk the size of a city in it, but hey, our glacier is very tough, not even planted explosives have any effect on it. The glacier is impervious to the most powerful weapons mankind has at its disposal, BUT not against a few small rockets fired from jet fighters. It only takes a few hits from those and what do you know, the glacier is stopped dead in its tracks...

If you made it this far, you would deserve a reward. I though no movie would ever beat my No. 1 worst "Journey to Promethea", but this is just as bad if not even surpasses it.

Conclusion is the same as the title: I wish that glacier would get all of them, including the director, the writers and anyone else who helped produce this stinker and prevent them from making more movies as bad as this.
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That was a waste of time.
huntingsalems15 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Bad acting, bad effects, general stupidity. It's a cheap knock-off of "The Day After Tomorrow" and it's really not worth seeing.

The logic is flawed, where a minivan can outrun a glacier said to be 200 mph. And the teenage son, Nelson, apparently gets internet. While flying in the air during an "ice age" where a glacier has wiped out a lot of places. Wouldn't everything, including power and all of that, go down?

Nelson seemed to be more like a spoiled ten year old than whatever age he's supposed to be. His laptop was more important to him than anything else and concerning the danger that they were supposedly in ...

The father seemed like the person you should not go to when in crisis. He barely pays attention to anything, and actually puts his family in danger by flying in this sort of weather. I'm pretty sure that the plane wouldn't remain in the air with so many twisters and things like that ...

When the family stopped to talk about the people on the side of the road, the people just continued to stand there. They seemed more like cardboard people. They probably couldn't afford real extras. I would have thought they'd go up to the car or do something. I'd imagine normal people would have been trying to flag them down for help if they saw a car driving past.

Instead of listening to what people were telling them and going west, they decide to go save the daughter, Julia, from what they see as near-death. And once they learn Manhattan was hit, they still think she's there? They seem to think she's really stupid.

I wasn't paying much attention at that point, but where the hell did he get a gun?

When the boyfriend of the daughter, Logan, tells her that his dad's in Oslo which was one of the first places hit, he looks so unemotional that I had to stop myself from hitting my head repeatedly on a table. The acting is that horrible.

Anyways, yeah. This isn't a movie I'd see again.
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Clunky. Corny. Amateurish. A laugh.
bobwarn-938-5586725 January 2020
I kept thinking, this has to be a student movie. Definitely a first movie for the director. Yes. So far his only movie. Acting poor. But the actors have form, so it comes down to the director. Special effects so so. Shots of F16 aircraft look like stock footage of the Thunderbirds in a formation fly past, interspersed with F15s and even F22. I don't think that the movie was made with USAF help (😊). Script definitely not by a experienced writers. Why did I watch it through to the end? It was so bad that it was fun to watch. 😅
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Please save yourself those 90 minutes
antonroland130 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
For two reasons I will give this movie a one, first, I cannot score it any lower and, secondly, for all you brave people who watch movies like these out of morbid curiosity, be warned! Be sure to be doing something better while watching this as a fourth priority at best...

The special effects are just plain sad. The CGI was possibly better in the 1990's.

The story line is thin at best and the acting is as believable as a giraffe with sunglasses trying to slip into a country club for polar bears.

In one scene the dad indiscriminately fires a pistol into the air...hello...ahhh hell, just too much to mention.

The Cessna scene with ice on the wings really did it for me when the ice sat there like chunks of cauliflower and grew by the second...really now? Does this director think we are total idiots?

Plainly said, rather go knit with one needle and no wool, you might just find your 90 minutes or so much more productively spent!
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End of the World as We Snow It
NJMoon10 July 2011
Not ICE AGE. Not 2012. Not good. The film starts out in high gear with Irwin Allen time right from the start. No exposition, no character development, no interest at all. Just glacier madness. The plot is standard issue apocalypse stuff: "Let's get the hell outta here!". The special effects feel so very computerized, down to the snowflakes. This makes the characters feel just as computer generated, and although the actors aren't horrible, the script is so non-supportive they feel like they are adrift (pun intended) waist high in...well, snow. And they are. Not worth a look, unless it is on cable, late, and you have insomnia. It may cure it.
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So Bad It's (Almost) Good
mark-951-3376303 December 2011
This was shown on the SyFy Channel in the UK so I had a pretty good idea it was going to be a low budget piece of made-for-TV entertainment... what I didn't realise was just HOW low budget it actually would be.

From the outset, the film sets its standards low with poor quality special effects and over-acted bad acting, and it doesn't really improve from there.

Throughout the movie, which follows the age-old ethos of all B-movie disaster films, so many questionable decisions are made by the stars, who manage to narrowly avoid disaster at all points in their effort to make it across to New York to find their daughter as a glacier destroys the whole of North America.

Sci-fi movies do require the viewer to release their grip on reality just a little bit to make the script ring true, but in this the acting is poor, the special effects even more so, and the plot line so full of holes even somebody with the wildest imagine (my 12 year old son, for example) struggled to find the story even in the slightest bit believable.

Instead, we chose to find entertainment in spotting the continuity errors (of which there are many), the low-rent graphics (at one point the car they are driving becomes a CGI version in order to get away with an otherwise-impossible J-turn at a junction) and the clichéd plot, which struggles to hold your attention.

Worth watching if the battery's expired in your remote control and you can't be bothered to get up and turn the TV over...
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Lol, this film is unbelievably bad.
john-333-4121661 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review. If I'm watching a bad film, then I'll read the IMDb reviews to see what other viewers think.

The 10 stars is for all these hilarious Ice Age:2012 IMDb reviews - I'm having more fun reading them, than watching the film.

The film deserves NO stars as a film, but is worth watching for the sheer stupidity of it, the poor acting, ludicrous script, lack of scientific basis, ZX Spectrum effects, lack of empathy with the characters.

The moment you see the (alleged) F16's fly over, you know they're going to bomb the glacier.

I'd say that it was worth making the movie, just to see these reviews.
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Terrible special effects
tasha-beth17 February 2012
This film was definitely fake. The special effects were terrible but it was quite irresistible to watch, perhaps to see what happened next or to see if it could get any worse. Overall it wasn't the best film I've ever watched but I couldn't turn away from watching it. The actors weren't the best either and there were so many times when the main characters should have died but didn't which made it awful to watch. There were times when I didn't really understand what was happening because there was so many things happening. There were many happy moments in this but also some sad and gruesome moments as well. But like I said it was very fake and too many things happened that were so fake.
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May I have my $4 back...and my case of beer?
amunsbane30 June 2011
I gave this movie a 2/10 just to be fair with how much I enjoyed...turning it into a drinking game.

I originally rented this to watch during our B movie night with the kids. It was so horrible they begged me to shut it off after the first 30 minutes of horrible graphics, corpse-like acting and a storyline that didn't bother to have any dialog with other characters when one line yelled at random seemed to suffice. Later, when my husband got home, I had to show him the hilarity...he suggested beers to ease the pain.

1- Drink when Patrick Labyorteaux (the dad) ignores any conversations, questions or information screamed at him and just stares into the camera.

2- Drink when stock footage barely related to the current place in the story line is used.

3- Drink when the stock footage reveals the family is driving a different vehicle than the one shown in the previous scene.

4- Drink when Nick Afanasiev (the son) freaks about something. If this happens within the same 30 seconds of the dad staring into the distance, finish your drink.

We ran out of beer long before the movie was finished.
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