"Star Trek: Discovery" Coming Home (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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No no no I'm just not having this!
tony0784170901118 March 2022
This is too touchy feely, I wanted sci-fi. I wanted science with a lot of fiction. What I got was 'In treatment', there was too many scenes which were about different aspects of what it is to be human. Yes I didn't get it either. What's wrong with a new foe or baddie or have they run out of ideas.
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A Senior Trekker writes.....................
celineduchain28 March 2022
Well, thank goodness that's over for another year. I just about managed to skip-watch it to the end so as not to allow myself to be defeated by Mr Kz but if another season is actually made, I think I'm going to have to give myself a pass. As I already have with Lower Decks and Short Treks. Whatever that last episode of Discovery was, it was not any type of Star Trek that I want to give up my time to stagger through. It has sapped my will so badly I can't even find the strength to ridicule it.

Today I reached the end of my review of the Next Generation and next week I will start on the original 1966 series. The earlier productions that bore the name Star Trek are far from perfect but there is a lot of classic Science Fiction in there and the only tears being shed are ours: either from laughter or for the occasional genuine tragedy.

Please feel free to join me.
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Coming Home
bobcobb30119 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was an okay finale to a really underwhelming season. Unfortunately, instead of subtle political jabs they went for a clear one with that cameo near the end, turning off a lot of viewers.
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Zero-stake happy ending
isabellacheng17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic music, sound effects, CGI, cinematography as usual.

Terrible writing as usual.

Minor quips:

  • All of Ni'Var, a reunited people of Vulcans and Romulans, has 86 warp-capable ships in total?

  • Since when can Vulcans mind meld through space... and a window?

  • Since when do Vulcans hold hands?

But the biggest problem of all, is that there were no stakes at all! Many characters, the good guys and the bad guys, were all heroically willing to sacrifice themselves! And literally none of them died! It might work if it happened once or twice, but it's like, half the episode was people sacrificing (and not dying)! I'm pretty sure my list is incomplete, but let's go:

  • President T'Rina, "risked her life" to mind meld with the Ten-C (through space), was completely fine after a few minutes in the sickbay.

  • Discovery herself, blowing up the spore drive to escape the orb. Of course she's fine.

  • Book gave Reno his badge to beam her out, and stayed with his ship (controls encrypted by Tarka, couldn't beam himself out). Asked Michael to just shoot him out of the sky if she had to. Good news Discovery's weapons got disabled.

  • General Ndoye, after being confined to quarters due to her mutiny, was invited to give tactical advice on how to stop Book's ship. Her great idea was, let's ram a shuttle into his ship! Detmer volunteered, but Ndoye volunteered herself too ("redemption" yay, after putting the entirety of Earth, Ten-C, and Discovery's crew at risk). They said it was a suicide mission, there would not be time to beam out. Lol who am I kidding, of course she got beamed out to sickbay!

  • Tilly and Admiral Vance. Stayed behind Federation HQ to provide cover fire for Earth's evacuation fleet. Weapon's out, had their "final talk", and... they still had two hours of shields left!? Two hours!?!?!? That's two hours longer than any shields in Star Trek! Surely they survived.

  • Tarka, after Ndoye did her ramming, turned off life support to provide power to beam Book out. (What about the encrypted controls though? A "fractal encryption" even he himself couldn't break.) (Oh hey another cheap "redemption"!) His fate remained unknown, but he did suggest that when Book's ship hit the hyperfield, there might be enough energy to power his parallel universe transporter. Not even the baddest bad could get what he deserved.

  • Book, whose ship exploded before Discovery could finish beaming him out... Man, for a tenth of an attosecond I thought the writers had balls... then I remembered this list. Of course the Ten-C saved his teleportation signal in stasis and got him out.

That's about it. Seriously?

Now let's look at the fate of the baddies:

  • Tarka: Might have made it to the parallel universe

  • Ndoye: Got a warm welcome from United Earth's president (hey! A positive body image black female!) after, you know, her being a traitor, endangering the entire Earth.

  • Book: Community service.

That's just two aspects of why this episode is bad. The list goes on... I guess the only positive side lies in terms of operational cost saving: They just filmed the wrap party and called it the finale.

Last but not least, for a show that is so heavy-handed with wokeness, the cameraman sure loves to point the camera at Sara Mitch whenever there's an opportunity (or even when there isn't). The showrunners literally killed off the cyborg Airiam (played by Sara) to let Sara show her real face as Lt. Nilsson. If you want to feature a hot female character to attract non-woke viewers, at least give her a real role (think T'Pol, Seven, Kes), no? She's a real actress who has invested years of her career into this show, as did the other bridge crews who stayed on over the years. Least you could do is to dedicate some scenes to them, solo, instead of occasional one-liners playing off only Michael Burnham.
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People pleas
hollybeat6919 March 2022
Dear God you people with the politics, its just a tv show,if you don't like it don't watch it! The dislike for Stacy Abrams is just sad..but if a so called liberal espouses that same feeling about a certain other politician you guys lose your minds..man...Dont listen to such narrow mindedness it's actually quite good.
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I do like Discovery but .....
girliefingers18 March 2022
The show is OK but this episode highlights most of the things that grate with me. The main one being the constant posing / looking in awe at things. It all seems to make it very amateurish to me. The next gripe is the political correctness of this series. Why can't you just tell a good story and forget about political correctness?

Looking forward to series 5 but it will have to up its game.
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I'm out
syncopatedrhythm18 March 2022
I am so glad that is over because I will definitely not be watching any future Discovery. A lot more have said it a lot better than I can, but this was a total train wreck the last 2 seasons. To think at one point I actually defended this show. I'm so embarrassed. Words cannot describe how much I detest this show now. Good luck with this Discovery crew, you will need it.
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Profound message of unity and oneness!
nortegastar17 March 2022
We all have the right to different opinions and I don't want to jugde anybody.

I only want to express my deep gratitude to everyone in the Star Trek Discovery's Team. Writers, producers, actors, FX Designers and to all departments that made possible the series. I've been a fan for a long time of Star Trek in all its diverse manifestations and I just appreciate the evolution of this wondrous Sci-Fi Universe and it is so relevant right now, because we - the Humankind - in real life are also evolving and finally seeing our innate quality to connect to each other and to everything. This episode "Coming Home" as the season finale deserves all the praises.

Amazing message, finally getting in touch with what we really are. Thank you again!
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Sci-fi but not Trek
jmhabel18 March 2022
Simply caos compared to the structure established by all other StarTrek series. This is intended for millennials, it's the participation medal of the StarTrek universe.
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ST Discovery: Worst Season, So Far
goggolya18 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another train wreck of a season has ended, and it was the same pile of junk just like the last one. The writers didn't learn anything and chose not to listen to the feedback of the viewers from last season. The special effects are the living proof of this. Viewers were complaining for a long time about the ridiculous use of the flamethrowers, and this episode they put them in every room possible on the ship just to show that they don't care what we think. They're adding more of what we don't like just to spite us! Even the cocktails had mini flamethrowers in them...

This season was full of emotions and crying just like the previous one. Book was dead for 5 minutes so Michael could cry in this episode too. Discovery's ethos is fixing Galaxy level threats with speeches and hugs.

The seasons mystery box was the Burn all over again. Start of the season: The 10-C is a powerful and mysterious species, we don't know how to deal with them.

End of the season: The 10-C are just incompetent emotional space whales who didn't know what they were doing. We gave them a lecture and they promised to behave next time. They were just like a Kelpian kid who didn't know they have genocided billions of people by mistake, but we're all good now after a little chit-chat!

The 10-C didn't think species that are building warp capable space ships are sentient??? This has to be one of the dumbest reasons the writers of this train wreck had given us! And the 10-C was just a copy of the leviathans from Mass Effect. They weren't original creations from the writers, just stolen intellectual property.

T'Rina: "Oh, I just remembered I'm a telepath and I can communicate with them." Me: PicardFacePalm. JPG Episode 11-12: "It's extremely hard to communicate with the 10-C." Episode 13: "We have two telepaths that can now communicate with them and Saru is easily typing every word in real time. Piece of cake." Actually if they would have started with T'Rina using her telepathy when the 10-C was calm the whole season would have been one episode shorter.

Tarka didn't have any real motives. He just wanted to migrate to another universe at the cost of everyone else dying. He simply could have let Discovery finish the diplomatic mission and then ask for the power source to dimension hop instead of rampaging. For a genius, he wasn't too smart...

Book notices the cat collar that's next to him only after an hour, too late to stop Tarka, but not too late to save himself. Talk about deus ex machina!

Also, how were the 10-C powering the hyper field in the last thousand years if they started mining with the DMA just recently? Plot hole that's how!

Another plot hole is that Michael was explaining to the 10-C that Tarka was driven by grief because he lost his friend. But Book was the only one who knew this, and he never got the chance to tell Michael...

We didn't get a straight answer for what was the point of the hyper field. The space whale's system is in the middle of nowhere, what are they trying to protect themself of, space debris and asteroids??? Those don't require much more than basic shields. They have wormhole technology, they can escape anything anytime they want. Why are they wasting so much energy on maintaining a hyper field???

There are no consequences in Discovery. Characters don't die, bad guys apologize and promise that they won't genocide any more. They solve every problem with feelings and talky talk.

Multiple characters made horrible decisions and they got a free pass. Book and Ndoye committed treason, one of the most serious of crimes. Almost the whole galaxy died because of them. Ndoye doesn't even get a demotion. And Book does a little humanitarian work and he's back on Discovery...

This whole show is just a cash grab with ZERO logic. They're milking Trek fans because we have a shortage of sci-fi shows to choose from.

In the end this season was boring and dragged out to 13 episodes that could have been 6 episodes. Or just an email if we get rid of the special effects.

At least we have one good Star Trek show, Picard, which blows Discovery out of the water!
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Haters gotta hate
rrtiverton17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is not even 6AM Eastern and there are four (and only four) reviews slamming the final episode to this season of Discovery. Really?

How about start acting like adults and just STOP WATCHING IT if you hate it that much. If you feel so inclined, go nuke "Lower Decks" which I DETEST, but STOPPED WATCHING.

I give none of your reviews any credence, you folks are nothing better than some bot / trolls.

That said... ------------------------------------------------ Watched the Season finale. SUPERB! Absolutely superb! Well written, well executed, Emotional. NO WHISPERING! I even choked up when Burnham was contemplating the loss of Booker (and when the 10C returned him). Just a wonderful end to this season.

I am glad they took the last quarter of the episode to wrap up all the story lines, and nicely too. Good closure, and good closure to first three seasons, too. It felt that each of those seasons set up for the next, this time, no season-ending cliff hanger or zinger. Just the end of the story.

I am ready to watch the season again from the beginning! Just well done!

This season felt truly epic and organic. I hope next season is of the same quality.
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I've got to say....
jamisonjohn17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I must say that this was the best episode of the season. Yes, there's a bit of sloppy writing and some of the usual unnecessary voids filled with feelings blah blah blah, BUT, it felt like Trek and I didn't mind the surprise guest at the end at all!!
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A New Bar Has Been Set
MrBluenote18 March 2022
I reviewed "Stormy Weather" from the current season, which was a terrible episode, and I really didn't think things could get worse.

Thanks writers, uninspired director, etc.....for making this easily the worst season finale of any Star Trek series. It isn't even close. Best I could do for any episode this season was 5 out of 10 and I was being generous.

Sad, so very sad.
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Flat, bland, dull...
sumtim3s00n17 March 2022
Just meh... You dont really feel for anyone, mostly everyone is extremely annoying, constantly crying and whispering and talking talking talking about nonsense. Not like Picard talking in TNG where you thought about the morality and ethical implications in regards to the dialogue or story for the next couple of days.

Here it is just mindless generic babbling.

After the whole season of tricking us and stretching the plot into nothingness of complete travesty, this conclusion was nothing but a predictable bore.
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Embarrassing to watch
richardashbee23 March 2022
There was a time when Star Trek bravely took point on the importance of Representation and Diversity. But this vulgar incarnation is frankly embarrassing to watch.

Never has R&D felt so forced and false. Discovery is clearly cashing in on the current popular trend of virtue signalling.

Please stop making this show. History will look back upon it as a stain upon Star Trek's great legacy.

R&D is so important, and you are disrespectfully cashing in on it.
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Long term trek fan who is extremely happy with Discovery - Best season yet
addishat21 March 2022
I get that the tone is different from what many of us are used to. It is more overtly emotional (though star trek has always had an emotional core, don't try to convince me otherwise)

But it feels like Discovery has really found its footing in season 4. The bridge crew is coming together and becoming more defined, the ensamble cast feel like they've found their stride and it feels like a crew now.

And I'm not saying the fans who feel let down by the direction Discovery has taken don't have a right to that feeling. But it's time to let that go. If you really truly can't abide it, then watch Strange New worlds, Picard, Lower Decks or Prodigy, or one of the upcoming series, or rewatch the classics. (or you can go over and check out the Orville). But stop trying to tear this thing down that is working, just because it's not exactly what you would have made.

I for one am glad they are trying new things. I'm sick of Star Trek that tries to do more of the same. It barely worked for Voyager, it didn't work for Enterprise. I personally am sick of reboots and rehashes. I am glad to have Star Trek that is unafraid to do something new.

And Star Trek always has been socially progressive. If it isn't making authoritarians and xenophobes mad, and isn't making hardline conservatives uncomfortable and making them think, it isn't doing it's job.

This series has been coming together for a while, and season 4 has had a genuine sci-fi story with huge stakes and genuinely broken new ground. And it worked. And I loved it.
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Great season ender right up until...
tedlnicholson18 March 2022
Hollyweird just couldn't leave well enough alone, or a great series and season ending alone without sticking a political statement on it with the introduction of Stacey Abrams (failed GA Governor candidate) as the President of United Earth. In her and their dreams. Politics and Sci-Fi don't mix, Sci-Fi is where we go to get away from Politics!!!
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Why is Strange New Worlds so much better?
EntropyFashion15 July 2022
The newest Trek entry, Strange New Worlds, is so vastly superior to this dreck it's simply amazing. I won't belabor the idiocy and pandering of this episode as there are great reviews that detail the flaws of this refuse to great delight.

People, just watch SNW and then you'll be watching Real Star Trek.
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What is Star Trek?
hans-peter-7921312 May 2022
Hope of a better future.

Hope for better understand each other.

Hope to finding common ground during difficult times.

STD shows us a different kind of Star Trek, one that's more companionate, more emotional, more soul.

It's not Classic Trek, TNG, DS9, aso. And that's good.

I really don't get all the 1-Star hate. As it shows some people never understood the true message Gene Rodenberry tried to tell: be happy, be kind to one another. Never stop dreaming about a better future you can build.

Star Trek is this promise. STD one aspect of it.
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Great star trek.
cttnfzddt21 March 2022
This season has been a bit too self indulgent for my tastes. Too often too emo. I miss the days when deanna troi would sense "fear" and then the rest of them would get on with kicking the snot out of the enemy of the week. But overall this has been a great season and lots of fun. Looking forward to the next season 🙏
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One likable character
jmcdaniel-9149725 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Cmdr Reno is about the only breath of fresh air in this episode. I love her sarcasm and her deadpan delivery. Capt Burham cries....again. Everyone is super selfish. The United Earth general commits treason but gets off because the message of "the ends justify the means" is apparently part of "woke" culture now. Stacey Abrams' cameo? Hard pass. Keep modern politics out of our sci-fi escapes!
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Perfect!!! There is originality in STAR TREK
warjo261117 March 2022
A fitting finality to Season 4. The season reminded me of the great episodes of TOS and the first 3 or 4 seasons of TNG. BRAVO!!! To the writers and cast.
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Not perfect... but entertaining enough
simonbagola21 March 2022
Maybe different to all the other comments here, but I liked the emotional part in this season.... Let writers play with our (Burnham's) emotions... It gives extra depth to all these sci-fi stories/series, that are nothing more than just pure "easy entertaining"...
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Nope. That's all. Just nope.
kirkmartin-4315223 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I felt as if the last two seasons have been more political in the wrong direction than any other Star Trek franchise. And having SA on as the "President of Earth" was just a cry for help that's not coming. I'm out. Beam me back to the 90's, Scottie!
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OMG. Trash Trek-to endlessly chat drivel
gareth-7544219 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
12 episodes of unrelenting drivel to tell a bland story mired with pointless saccharine sub stories to then be resolved in a few minutes in the final 13th episode, still cannot understand the point of this season, the entertainment value was nonexistent.

Let's hope season 5 gets back to the quality of storytelling seen in the first two seasons but somehow can't see that happening.

2 stars for the cgi, although repetitive it was without doubt the best thing in this show.
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