388 Arletta Avenue (2011) Poster

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Refreshing Use of a Washed-up Formula
claudio_carvalho23 October 2013
James (Nick Stahl) and Amy (Mia Kirshner) is a common couple that lives at 388 Arletta Avenue. Out of the blue, a mysterious stalker sneaks in their home and bugs it with microphones and cameras positioned in order to cover the whole house. When Amy vanishes and leaves a handwritten letter to James, he suspects that someone has broken in his home. He calls the police, but the police officer does not give credit to him. Weird things happen in the house and James becomes paranoid without realizing that his movements are seen by the stalker. His obsession to discover what might have happened to Amy leads the family to a tragic end.

"388 Arletta Avenue" is a surprisingly effective low-budget thriller that gives a refreshing use to the washed-up formula of "The Blair Witch Project". The story could be shorter, but the tension increases along 87 minutes running time to a surprising and very creepy conclusion. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Avenida do Terror, 388" ("388 Terror Avenue")

Note: On 15 November 2022, I saw this film again.
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Tiresome concept.
Boba_Fett113820 May 2012
This is a movie that rides on the trend of the whole found footage/hidden camera movie sub-genre. But is it doing anything new or interesting enough with it? Not really.

It's of course hard to come up with something new and remaining fresh and interesting, since most had been done with the concept already and there is only so much you can do with it, since it's a quite restricting concept. It's restricted with its settings and movements and it is hard to keep things interesting for about 90 minutes, without starting to repeat yourself. This movie however does become a bit tiresome after a short while.

It mostly becomes a tiresome movie since it maintains its 'mystery' for its entire running time. You don't know what is going on exactly, or what direction the movie will be heading at. This all sounds like some good and positive points about the movie but it's actually more sort of annoying, since basically everything can happen at the end, when the big 'reveal' comes. The movie doesn't drop any hints and stuff just happens, without you feeling involved with any of it.

I kept thinking to myself; there better be a good resolution to all of this by the end, that explains everything as well, to let all of the events make sense. But no, in my opinion the movie takes a cheap way out and it absolutely wasn't satisfying enough and it's the sort of ending that leaves more questions than answers, especially when you start thinking back about the movie.

It of course still could had been good and worked out all if the movie was a bit more tense. For a thriller it is surely lacking some good tension at times and doesn't ever gets you involved enough as a viewer, though the movie still tries to achieve this through its concept.

The concept and camera-position are supposed to place you in the mind of the stalker. It's a voyeuristic movie but again, since you don't know any of the motivations or reasons for the events, you don't ever feel involved with it. It just doesn't do a good enough job at making and keeping things interesting and fresh enough to keep you interested in the story, its mystery and to what will happen with its characters.

I did like Nick Stahl in his role, on a more positive note. He has to carry most of the movie entirely on his own and does a pretty good job with it. Too bad that the movie didn't really knew what to do with his character.

It's not the worst thing you will ever see but it just isn't exactly a good or original enough movie to recommend either.


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Paranormal Activity without the ghosts
Leofwine_draca1 August 2016
388 ARLETTA AVENUE is a stalker thriller that's so long-winded, low-key, and drawn-out, that it becomes a literal chore just to sit through it from beginning to end. The box proclaimed that it was from the makers of CUBE, which seems to be a bit of a lie given that CUBE's director and writer aren't involved and producers count for nothing anyway. Unless they had a guy who formerly worked as a runner or tea boy on CUBE and put his name on there for the hell of it.

In any case, this is firmly a found footage movie, with an ordinary suburban couple whose lives are being unknowingly filmed by a stalker who has set up dozens of cameras throughout their house. A not-bad premise as it goes, but that's it; that's the story, and nothing else happens. Sure, there are a few incidents involving the police, pets, kidnapping, and the like, but this comes across as a non-supernatural PARANORMAL ACTIVITY but without that film's jump scares or creepy moments. It's just boring.

The film's husband protagonist is played by Nick Stahl (TERMINATOR 3), who could equally have played the stalker character. His wife is played by former child actress Mia Kirshner, who has very little to work with. Devon Sawa, former star of FINAL DESTINATION, is in the film as well, and he's aged into a convincingly hard-looking thug which fits his role quite nicely here. A shame they didn't have a real story to go with the set-up.
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Complete waste of time
fewsternoble4 September 2012
The trailer for this promised much, but in actual fact there is very little here. Maybe a great movie for a voyeur, everyone else should stay well away. At around 1hr 26mins it is quite probably a good 26mins too long, and could have been done as a TV special or similar. The main problem is that very little happens apart from the stranger watching them, which is happening from the opening shot, this is then dragged out for the rest of the movie and you find nothing out about the stranger or his/her motives. After an hour we just wanted it to end, and when it did, it gave absolutely nothing away and left you just thinking you should have maybe washed the car or done something useful rather than waste your time on this. This maybe harsh but, sorry, a complete waste of time.
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An hour and half of my life gone down the toilet.
n_rosaman12 July 2013
I am always up to watching a movie that is slightly out there, not your usual Hollywood blockbuster but I have to admit that I wasted an hour and a half of my lifetime watching this. I realize everyone has their own opinions when it comes to a movie but I was left disappointed and scratching my head in bewilderment at this movie. It lack any sort of meaning, the story line was weak and I think I only watched it all in the hope that maybe it may get a little bit better but it didn't. The acting it's self wasn't too shabby but I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you have an hour and a half to waste and don't feel like watching the kettle boil.
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Two tormented souls are terrified.
michaelRokeefe24 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Not exactly scary, or thrilling; but creepy it is. James and Amy(Nick Stahl & Mia Kirshner)live at 388 Arletta Avenue. Just an average married couple working through a less than happy relationship. But they love each other and this house might just be able to keep them together. They have no idea that a faceless voyeur will begin manipulating them into a cat-and-mouse game, watching through dozens of hidden cameras. Simple little pranks will set tensions at a snapping point. Manipulations will become more mysterious and serious when Amy disappears with hardly a trace. Every time James has a chance to help his own situation a bad decision only prolongs his torment. If he could only identify who is causing the anguish and why.

Sad to say the characters are neither interesting or likable. Sympathy is even hard to come by. Others in the cast: Aaron Abrams, Charlotte Sullivan, Krista Bridges, Devon Sawa and Gerry Dee.
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Interesting, unconventional thriller.
Kolobos5118 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
388 Arletta Avenue is a solid little low budget film that brings the "found footage" trend to the thriller genre.

The movie stars Nick Stahl and Mia Kirshner as a yuppie couple being menaced by a voyeuristic stalker that enjoys playing elaborate mind games. Sound familiar? Well, in theory this is pretty standard thriller territory but it's given an unsettling realism as the entire film is seen through the stalker's elaborate camera system which he has discreetly rigged every facet of our hero couple's life with.

Watching the whole movie through slightly fuzzy, often awkward camera angles might become tiresome to some but I liked the overall effect. It makes everything seem so much more real, dramatic, and more disturbing.

Adding to the realistic tone of the movie is the great cast. The leads are played by Nick Stahl (Sin City), Mia Kirshner (The Black Dahlia), and Devon Sawa (Final Destination), who plays a loser Stahl's character tormented in high school who may or may not be responsible for what is happening now. All three have been great in the past and this movie is easily the best any have been in many years. I will mention that Stahl is the focus and he carries the movie brilliantly bringing an unassuming everyman quality to his stressed out character. I particularly enjoyed watching how he goes from a mild, mannered suburbanite to an erratic, paranoid mess.

388 Arletta Avenue is a short movie and it won't be to everyone's taste. As a film from the makers of Cube and Splice, it is also appropriately off kilter and original, an engrossing, character driven thriller that will actually creep you out if you have the patience to sit through a slow burn.

Incidentally, it reminded me a bit of My Little Eye, a ridiculously under appreciated horror movie from a few years ago.
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Pretty Terrible
This whole "found footage" genre is really being run into the ground. "388 Arletta Avenue" attempts to take on genre in an original way, but due to unlikeable characters, a dull plot line, and a terrible ending this film just falls into the endless pit of bad "found footage" films.

The main character in this film was just one of the dumbest characters ever in any horror film. His actions will frustrate you to the point where you will want to shut the movie off. The way he goes about things is just so unrealistic and stupid, this makes it pretty much impossible to root for him.

The main problem I had with the movie was the fact that it was just plain out uninteresting. I honestly didn't really care about anything or anyone in this film because they did such a terrible job of setting everything up. Things start out very fast but not in a good way. You never really get a chance to get to know any of the characters, so once things start happening to them you don't really care.

"388 Arletta Avenue" was a very dull experience. A huge waste of time, avoid this one. Only positive thing I can say about this movie is that it wasn't the worst "found footage" film I've seen.

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Fairly creepy psychological horror
bwilkening15 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film is shot from the perspective of a stalker who torments and manipulates a young couple. He installs some sort of monitoring devices in their home, and much of the action is seen from the perspective of these hidden cameras that follow the couple around the house. Thus, the film has the feel of the Paranormal Activity films, despite the different subject matter.

The villain breaks in on multiple occasions to set up traps to toy with the couple. Fairly early in the film, the wife (Mia Kirshner) leaves following a heated argument that ensued as a result of one of these traps set by the stalker. The vast majority of the film, then, involves the husband (Nick Stahl) trying to figure out where she went and who the person is who has been messing with him. The sense of danger escalates as the film progresses.

The one major complaint is that the film requires some pretty major suspension of disbelief regarding the capabilities of the villain stalker. Specifically, he is almost like an omniscient puppet-master who is able to manipulate Stahl's character to do exactly as he wants. There were numerous times when Stahl could and SHOULD have reacted to some provocation by the villain in a completely different way, but instead reacted exactly as the stalker wanted, thus propelling the plot to its desired end. Stahl's troubles are compounded by some stereotypical inept, unsympathetic police and pesky in-laws who are suspicious of his story.

Overall, it's a decent little film, in my estimation certainly better than the low rating here. Just go with the flow and the film will give you some genuine chills.
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Two stars for completed project.....kind of
TuesdayThe17th30 June 2019
This is not a good movie... Even though it has nick stahl and devon saw a, this film falls flat on its face immediately. There is a TOTAL absence of any real atmosphere, dread, or tension. I literally own at least 200 found footage movies on dvd and blu ray and I am VERY fair when judging a movie because as a filmmaker myself, I understand just making a movie is a huge feat. However, Arletta Ave will always be remembered amongst all my ff movies......as being one of the worst right along side "the house on the wrong side of the tracks" super low budget ff films are better than this drudge because, in them, there is usually some level of tension... 388 Arletta Ave: what not to do when making a movie
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Psychological Warfare.
graeme-206-25500216 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, a film in the sub genre that actually works. I want to call this a found footage, however, it's not really, and maybe that's exactly why it works so well - there is no pretense that these events are "real", there are no ridiculous "shaky cam" moments that give you motion sickness.

Instead, Randall Cole gives us a solid bit of film-making, taking the POV genre to a new level with a well thought out storyline, excellent character development, and solid direction.

It's a story that could easily play out in real life, and Cole seamlessly takes us through the gradual break down of a relationship, one that he hints deliciously that has some deeper, darker demons in the past, but one we don't fully(or indeed need) get to see. The psychological turmoil faced by "James", brilliantly played by Nick Stahl, gets more over-powering as Cole takes on his journey into hell, culminating in a shocking ending that will leave you wanting more.

There's a definite feel of "The Poughkeepsie Tapes" about 388 Arletta Avenue, but this is a good thing, because whilst the Tapes has been around for several years, it's still somewhat unheard of and still a groundbreaking movie for what the story contains - 388 Arletta takes the premise and brings it right into your living room.

388 Arletta Avenue - unrelenting, unremitting. Unmissable.

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I enjoyed this movie simply because of the unknown.
furball4237729 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***MAY CONTAIN SOME KIND OF SPOILER*** Not many seemed to enjoy this movie, but i found it rather good. The whole movie was based on the unknown. Today it seems that everyone wants to have a finale.....a final fight. Sometimes, a movie is better without it. It basically seems as if the guy goes crazy....everyone around him thinks it too. At his work you can see his boss talking to someone and they keep looking over at him, and then he ups and leaves. They obviously think he is having some issues. In the end he wasn't crazy, but no one around him ever finds this out. There is no big finale, no simple answer for anyone to give....and this is what i loved about it.
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Absolute complete waste
ohhjaxie19 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
May contain spoiler. However, there's not much to spoil in this movie because the whole production from beginning to end is complete trash. The whole movie you're just basically watching the husband walk around the house in frustration, which is pointless. The worst part is You. Don't. Ever. Find. Out. Who. Took. The. Wife!!!! What's the point of even making a movie if you leave out the most important part?? Not to mention the lack of creativity was put into the storyline. Seriously, the dumbest movie I have ever seen. Which is hard to do since I love low budget horror films most of the time. The producer of this should honestly be ashamed.
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Worste Nick Stahl movie
lucidfire4051 December 2012
I am a fan of Stahl movies but this movie short of a filming perspective falls at the bottom in my opinion.This movie if turned in by a film student would probably get high grades but to pay or even watch for free it is a complete waste of money and unless heavily interested in film a waste of time.Although it is good to see movies like this being made I wish there were more reviews and a more honest rating of this movie.If you would like to see a movie filmed semi original with a semi original plot and don't mind being bored through it this is for you.The actors performances (well Nicks) is good and the idea of it and the filming are both something you don't come across often.The plot however has huge holes and or leaves to many questions that honestly I didn't even care about.
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A Movie is only as good as it's ending
bruisevain10 March 2021
I don't recommend to watch this. It tries to be a thriller but fails miserably. I will put all the illogical things aside. Somwhat in the middle the movie managed to became a liitle promising before turning to utter garbage. If you like movies that keeps that mistery box thing going like forever only to have an unstatisfying ending then this is the movie for you.Basically you get a movie that forces you during the overly long runtime in to thinking what is all behind this, only to get an ending that could have been written by a preschooler. It is both objectively a bad thriller and also a bad horror-movie. It is really a waste of time, i don't know what the screenwritter was thinking when writting this maybe he was on drugs idk.
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nogodnomasters28 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I can't imagine this film getting more than one star. I had no interest in it what-so-ever. James knows someone has been in his house and on his computer. Does he... Change the locks? Look at computer cookies? Nope. The movie is more about bad amateur camera angles attempting to creep us out in a genre that is already full with far better films.

I feel like I saw a different film from the other reviewers. At no time did I feel engaged, creeped out, thrilled, or even interested the real time slow moving actions of James. Hey Look! He just rolled over in bed and we get to see it from two angles!!! Whoa!
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Grim, unrelenting karmic payback
bob_meg30 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Karma's a bitch," says Devon Sawa's Bill to James, the protagonist of 388 Arletta Avenue.

James (played with a nicely dead-on everyman vacancy by Nick Stahl) has just confronted Bill with several disturbing facts: his home has been repeatedly broken into, his computer tampered with, his cat has been "replaced," and now his wife is missing. And that's just the beginning.

Turns out James and his friends tormented Bill relentlessly during grade school and James, in his desperation, believes Sawa's character is behind it.

Though that's far from the central thesis of Randall Cole's latest feature, it's a very engaging sidebar and probably the most alluring plot point in what seems at first to be a pretty standard found-footage psycho-stalker creeper.

Except that 388 is actually a very intelligently-crafted film with an almost diabolically clever script. Stahl is tormented by everything from phantom mix CDs, footage of his wife bound and gagged somewhere, and ultimately set-up for her impending murder (after he actually DOES kill someone).

While I was never bored by this film, I does suffer from a low-energy level at times. Stahl is left, quite unfortunately, to carry the film as Kirshner, an enjoyable and underused actress, is MIA (no pun intended) for most of the film. He does a commendable job, playing his ordinariness with an unsettling true-to-life banality, and he's never very likable... which is a very hard thing to achieve and still keep an audience's focus. It also probably contains one of the most creepy, amoral villains you'll encounter on film.

Don't expect a traditional thriller, and certainly not something that will make you feel warm and cozy. It's one man's descent into hell for absolutely no reason other than someone's sadistic kicks.
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Where is the action?
nelnmir9 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie/plot, but poor directing. Could have been more dramatic! For a low budget movie that relies on video camera and stuff, a little more action could have elevated the movie into a block buster. The role of the Bill is very ambiguous. He's not supposed to die the way he died. He should have been given the opportunity to defend himself in a more dramatic way or even be given a better edge as a payback to all the suffering he endured in the hands of James while in school. Police investigation should have been more thorough and done in parallel to what James was doing. Overall it's a good movie with intermittent scenes of actions and suspense, but could have been spinned in a more dramatic manner
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Home made
kosmasp16 June 2013
The idea/concept behind this movie is a really good one. The way it is shot though, may appall a lot of people from the get go. Having the "shaky cam" and fuzzy cameras including sound variation is actually pretty annoying (although you do wonder where some film material is coming from, but that's another story).

Nick Stahl plays the lead role and he has a lot to carry. Too much for him in my view. He can't pull off that transformation the character is going through. His outbursts are actually silly and look more like he's crazy than an actual human being. But for this movie to work, it has to be believable. And it just isn't. If you can't overlook the many flaws this movie has (like me), you won't really like this either. Acting wise it's unfortunately not up to the task (though the story/character changes do not help at times either).
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trenderwick6 April 2024
I don't write reviews, but feel this is worthy. I don't understand the pow scores. I'd even watch a part two and hope the writer/director make one. Plausible acting and reactions. I enjoyed this quite a bit. Creepy and suspenseful, and honestly my worst nightmare, someone watching me. I won't say more to spoil. The negative reviews are people that are looking for Hollywood effects. This is a cerebral movie without the glitz which I appreciate.if you are looking for a decent, slow burn, realistic suspense...give this a try. This style of movie, the good acting and good production reminds me the Blackwell Ghost series. Keep it coming Randall Cole!
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It tries but doesn't deliver
jmbovan-47-1601731 November 2020
Like many other found footage films without a real plot. This has a stalker secretly filming a couple and the disappearance of the wife causes the husband to freak out. And that's the movie. Nothing wrong with it, but also nothing much there either.
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See It For Yourself!
darad30 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on Netflix, I almost didn't as it was only rated 2 and a half stars, then it averaged just 4 here. The plot seemed interesting with two respected lead actors. Maybe the plot was done before, either natural or in supernatural form. There are a lot of movies using that voyeuristic home video look comprised mainly from the watcher's cameras point of views.

This one was different, being something that could very well happen in real life showing how easily lives can be unraveled by a total stranger. Just seeing how possible it is made it way scarier than the "paranormal" or "crime footage" attempts done to death. As others have mentioned, it's the unknown that makes this movie scary and interesting.

Oh yes, done before but what hasn't? It's not a recycled comic strip or classic movie remade, therefore for those reasons alone it contains an original advantage over re-boots. It also proves that a movie doesn't need extreme gore or violence to grab your attention just as much. There's also no nudity or unnecessary language. Perhaps that could very well be the reason for the low marks as some people may have expected that. There are no out of sync scenes, production gimmicks or flashbacks; it starts and ends in order.

I think this movie well deserves a fair watch but the real surprise to me was its classic way of still giving you chills and maybe forcing you to leave (or not leave) a light on after you see it.

Nick Stahl is fantastic and is one of the most underrated actors out there and I have no idea what the complaints are about. It's very well acted and is portrayed as realistic as anyone in his character's situation. Basically the movie focuses on Stahl's character, not so much the villain or victim, because he is just as much the victim and the one psychologically tortured to the breaking point.

SPOILER----> I would have liked a better ending but that too adds to the movie's realism of something very possible in real life going on under our noses, in our own neighborhoods and towns.
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Decent movie
colinkelly-9494428 September 2021
I enjoyed this movie from start to finish, different and Interesting film making, I'd really like to see a sequel please.
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The forward movie
artiestje200225 October 2013
It's Friday night. It's raining. It's one week and then we have Halloween. A perfect night for a horror movie. We don't check '388 Arletta Avenue' on IMDb, so I can see this film very objectively. The movie starts, as a true movie lover, I'm excited about what's going to follow.

10 minutes later, I start regretting. Because I realize the acting is so bad and there is no actual story. It's a dumb and stupid movie trying to make money out of the popular 'documentary style' movies. OK it's fine ,as a director you choose to use that technique, but that doesn't mean you don't need a DECENT STORY. Or that you don't need DECENT ACTORS. The movie really annoys, a lot of dead moments and the main actor ... is no actor at all. After a while you see this movie as a big joke. Big, big disappointment, don't ruin your evening by watching this... eh movie is not the right word.

I would say 0/10. But IMDb doesn't have that option so it's 1/10.
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A Voyeur Movie with a Difference and a Chill
mrcibubur9 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The only good things about this movie are the directing and the acting by the lead character Nick Stahl who plays the frustrated (and frustrating) husband James. I actually watched the movie a second time to see if it was as bad as I thought the first time and if i missed anything first time around. Nope, apart from a few minor details.

Quite frankly, James Deacon is an idiot and probably deserved some kind of incrimination but what happened to both James and his wife is disturbing in the sense that it could be acted out like this in real life without neighbours, friends or work colleagues being able to rationalize what was happening.

Actually the Bill Burroughs character, I assumed, was critical to the plot of the movie in relation to the song which was played - what was the song title by the way? This was no ordinary stalker or voyeur, not sure actually if he was either or both - and he certainly repeated his crimes. Why did he do it? Why and how did he select his victims? Was it purely entertainment? What would such a person get out of it? I was very dismayed with the ending. Personally, I thought police officers went around in pairs - and were not any neighbours or other folk who could have known what went on? How did James not suspect all the cameras hidden in his car when he was suspicious early on about the music CD?

I do not agree the characters were developed. At work, James looked out of place and dysfunctional, while what did Amy do all day anyway? Bill was the trump card for me, he said little but his acting was spot on and for me he was the star of this movie, not James Deacon or any of the other characters.

My guess also is that the time frame of the story was meant to be over several days and not any longer, gauged from the many reaction of Amys sister Catherine.

The film is enjoyable and worth seeing. It is not as dull as some have made out but it is no blockbuster. Nevertheless, thought provoking.
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