The Almighty Johnsons (TV Series 2011–2013) Poster


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Great fun
quick_silver2k1 April 2012
I'm impressed that the majority of reviews so far have been from outside New Zealand - good on you for giving it a go! The storyline is interesting, most of the acting is great - if a little flat from some of the younger guys, especially Odin.

I recommend it, if you're not from NZ you may not understand all the humour (it is similar in a sense to Outrageous Fortune - another Kiwi production) - but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

I'm not going to go into the plot, as others before me have summed it up nicely. I'm just going to add a few comments.

With regard to Odin not being charismatic - he's a 21 year old male, part of the storyline is for him to find himself, to grow up if you will. I don't know exactly what it's like in other countries, but I think this is one of the best depictions of an average 21 year old out there. He's awkward, still trying to find his place in the REAL world and now he has the 'you're a God' thrown in on top. Given the acting is a little flat at times, I think it often fits.

Also, I'm glad samiester is enjoying the show, but Netball is not the Kiwi version of Volleyball - it's a completely different game. Called Netball :)

The Oracles are brilliant. I think Olaf brings a life and humour to the show.

All in all the show is not about Gods and Super powers, it's a drama about how the family reacts to each given situation. It brings it down from the likes of Heroes and Supernatural and gives it a life of it's own.
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New Zealand family burdened with semi-godlike powers - not suitable for kids or prudes
sorrelm1 December 2011
Other reviewers have compared it with several other shows - I think the most relevant comparisons are with Misfits and Northern Exposure. Don't expect a Heroes style epic adventure, the stories are on a smaller (more human) scale, but very engaging.

The character development is nicely handled and by the end of the season I was really interested in all the characters - even the ones that annoyed me at first.

Some of the acting is a bit soapy hence my lower rating but it's a great concept, well executed and the story gets better and better as it develops. I can't wait to see where they take it next season!

UPDATE: Having watched and re-watched all the episodes of the first 2 seasons and having just finished and digested watching season 3, I felt I really needed to update my review, written after watching season 1. I have upgraded my vote from a 7 to a 9. I only marked it down (from an 8) originally because I thought some of the acting a bit soapy, but on reflection it wasn't the acting, it was the lighting, and this improved by season 2. The stories are creative and compelling and human; the actors play their parts really well. It just gets better and better as the seasons progress. I was worried at the end of season 2 that it would jump the shark if it continued, but season three was just utterly AWESOME! That is what pulled it up to a 9. There are very, very few shows out there as good as this one. It ended beautifully, but with a sneaky little something to leave a door open to continue and I really, really hope they do.
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Surprisingly likable
bbbl6724 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This show just started here in Canada on the sci-fi Space channel. I've watched maybe the first 5 episodes of it only, I understand it's already on its second season in NZ, but already my wife and I like it. Compared to crud like Heroes, and No Ordinary Family, this is a much more believable storyline. There's no great super crime fighting going on here, it's more about a bunch of ordinary people living ordinary lives, except that they also happen to be gods. And not all-powerful gods either, just weak gods with greatly diminished powers, however they are going on a quest to recover all of their powers so that they can become all-powerful again. And the quest is not to recover some magical stone or anything, but simply for one of the brothers, Axl/Odin, to find his opposite goddess, Frigg. These are two of the most important gods in Norse mythology as they are the parents of all of the other gods.

They aren't going around beating up bad guys, they are just living life in the suburbs, running businesses, and trying to survive daily lives, find ways to earn money, etc. Some of them are using their godly powers for their own advantage, and some are not. Their godly powers are actually not all that impressive actually, which again makes the show much more accessible. In superhero TV shows, you usually see a guy with such amazing powers that you often wonder how bad guys even stand a chance against them? This is kind of how Heroes started in its first season, until they totally screwed it up in later seasons.
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Awesome Kiwi series
csumm8 December 2012
As a Kiwi ex-pat, I occasionally watch some TV programs from back home to see what is happening. Sometimes they are OK, sometimes dire, but this is a real gem.

Great Kiwi humor, acting and story-line. I love this series! I have even introduced this to a few other Kiwi ex-pats, as well as other foreigners (including an American mate, who actually gets it)

To the Nay-sayers who dislike this program, I don't know what they are expecting or what they want. Perhaps another mass-produced American series ? there are loads of those.

This is original, and brilliant. I am so happy there is going to be a 3rd series!

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Clever & Down to Earth
routier21 April 2012
This is a fun show. Where did the Norse gods go? As far from Europe as possible, of course - New Zealand! The unlikely premise, and the typical NZ down-to-earth way of dealing with things are a great combination.

This show is hard to classify - sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's dark, sometimes exciting, sometimes intriguing. Various mysteries pop up. Enemies become friends, and friends, enemies. Alliances are made & broken. Everyone has their own agenda.

At the center of all this is Axl, the youngest Johnston brother, just turned 21, feckless, reckless, unassertive and a bit slow on the uptake. Which makes it at first hilarious, then very very interesting when he discovers that he's the greatest Norse god of them all.

This is not a show you can watch 5 minutes or even 1 episode of & make a decision. It'll make no sense to you. You have to watch a few episodes, pick up the storyline & get to know the characters. Then it's worthwhile.

If you like your shows formulaic & predictable, it's definitely not for you. But if you like a character-driven story line with the occasional laugh and supernatural thrill thrown in, it's great. The characters react very naturally, like normal people in an extraordinary situation.

Love it.
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Excellent series
vaultdweller-499-18643029 October 2012
Why on earth does IMDb display one of the few poor instead of the many positive reviews of this series on the main page for this show?

I came to the Almighty Johnsons after watching an ad for the show on Sky and thought "why not? I'll check it out". The show easily lived up to all my hopes and expectations. Starting off lowish budget but with brilliant acting and storytelling with action and comedy easily worthy of the Norse legends it parodies.

Olaf and Anders provide the comic relief whilst Mikkel and Axl provide the main, straight performances that move the story along. Ty is the dark one of the brothers, whose character becomes so much more so in the second series.

Don't believe the haters, try it for yourself. If you are looking for intelligent drama/fantasy with a dedicated, well acted cast then you could be in with a winner here.
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Great story from NZ
kelleher275 February 2012
So basically it does not have the production values of Supernatural or some other show from the US but I have been brought up on the cheap sets of Dr Who which requires a more interesting storyline and in that respect if you go into this show with low expectations you will actually end up impressed.

Going through the list of actors you can see that there is not much experience but they all pull together really well, I especially like Anders character as he adds a certain amount of lightness to the darker back stories and the Thor character from one episode was laugh out loud funny. I would certainly not classify this as a comedy but more of a light hearted supernatural drama.

I have just watch the first series through in three day and can't wait for the second season to air and really hope the good story pace and sharp writing is continued.
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Funny Adult program about a Norse gods living in New Zealand
braindeed15 April 2011
I came across this program by accident and what a find it was. I had been watching No Ordinary Family at the time and when I saw the synopsis of what this was about I thought it would be similar. Boy I was wrong. This is more true to life , out with the main subject matter, than most things on TV. There is swearing, but no more than in normal life, nudity, the same and plenty of adult humour. You could also say informative as it does educate about Norse gods. It's difficult to say much more without spoilers but I'll try to say briefly what it's about. There are people living in NZ who are the basically the Norse gods. They currently don't have all their godlike powers and so begin a quest to regain them. If you liked Heroes, No Ordinary Family and especially Misfits then you'll most likely love this, baring in mind this is decidedly adult with swearing, nudity and drug taking.
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Norse Gods living in New Zealand - Yahoo!
samitestar18 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
My hubby and I were showless, you know where all your favorite shows are on hiatus or have finished up a season and I just happened to hear about this show from, well, I can't remember now, so basically, I was at loose ends and thought, 'what the heck, I'd watch one epi." I've never watched a New Zealand show before, shamefully, I didn't even consider that New Zealand might produce their own television shows - I know, typical American arrogance, so I thought it might be kinda lame, a little like some of the British television shows of the 70's with good acting but terrible production values.

Boy, was I wrong. The acting is great and the production was pretty polished, granted all the main characters live in ordinary houses and have pretty ordinary jobs, but still, I'm convinced and fell into the story easily.

Basically, Axl Johnson, turns 21 and his older brothers + his uncle Olaf (who turns out not to be his uncle, he's actually his grandpa, confused? Don't be, it totally makes sense once you watch the show) take him out to the middle of the woods and tell him he's a god. A Norse God.

Axl is the reincarnation of Odin, king of the Norse Gods, the allfather. But he doesn't have full use of his powers yet, none of his brothers do (they're all gods too) and so begins his quest to find Frigg (a goddess) who is his lifemate and destined wife, once they bond Axl and his brothers will come into their full powers, if he doesn't find Frigg and dies before his quest is fulfilled his brothers will die and there will be a great cataclysm (think earthquake, tsunami, etc).

So the quest is on! What follows is terribly funny as the brothers try to help Axl find Frigg.

I had a few problems with the Kiwi accents, I spent two epis thinking the characters were talking about "Nipple" a lot, when in fact they were talking about Netball (the Kiwi word for volleyball! We laughed and laughed about that!).

Anyways, Axl's quest for Frigg is interrupted by real life problems, his roommate Gaia's dad visits, his other roommate Zeb is nosy and causes problems.

His brothers lives haven't been smooth sailing either as they try to make real lives for themselves in spite of their godlike powers.

My hubby and I especially liked the oracles, Olaf and Ingrid, being an oracle turns out to be a really terrible gift, but they handle it with humor and grace and their attraction and friendship turns out to be one of the highpoints of the show. I hope the second season has a lot more of them.

If I had to compare this show to another show I guess I would say it has a bit in common with a show like Buffy the Vampire Slayer - the characters powers mostly burden and ruin their regular lives and a little like Northern Exposure, the situations they find themselves in are unique to the life they've built and the place where they live -modern New Zealand home to Norse Gods.

I just found out the second show is in production and I can't wait to see what happens!
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Praise Odin!
district-231058 May 2021
The Almighty Johnsons is one of my all-time favourite shows. It's just so good.

It's filled with heart and great writing, and drama, and comedy, and everyone plays their role so very well.

It's definitely a product of New Zealand, but that's by no means a bad thing; in fact it's a wonderful tale of sex and drugs and finding love (sort of) in the most twisted way possible.

All (and I mean all) the characters are just fantastic, with some stand-outs from the bunch (Olaf and Ingrid are just hysterical).

What sets this apart from other shows is that, yes it's a family drama, but all the drama is magical in nature which is a really awesome take on something quite mundane.

While I gave up on hoping for a fourth season years ago, I will love this show forever for all its heart.
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More Sitcom Than Superhero
ben-798-60475821 December 2014
This show gets by with minimal special effects and has a lot more of a sitcom kind of vibe, only without the laugh track and its actually watchable. The show is about a dude who finds out he's the reincarnation of odin by being dragged out to a forest by his brothers, but the god powers come second to the situational comedy and dialogue. In the end its basically a show about a dude trying to get laid, only complicated by the fact that he has to get laid by a specific girl, the reincarnation of frig, or he and every other one of the gods will die. Of course some of the other gods have other priorities and play mindgames trying to meddle with his affairs, and there's the whole thing about adapting to human life and trying to stay under the radar with their powers, combined with the fact that some of the gods are arrogant and think they should be just ruling the puny humans, its all quite a bit of fun. Some of it is almost like a retelling of classic myths in a modern setting, like there's the point where Sjofn makes a bet to Uul that she can get anyone laid, even the most hopelessly unattractive so she gets Odins roommate laid by the goddess fulla who gets like full on over the top embarrassingly freaky with him and that convinces Uul to finally sleep with her and make a power alliance against Loki. Its a nice mix of light comedy and drama and it does well enough without a bunch of fancy special effects. Not that i'd be complaining if there were more.
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Brilliant and completely hooked
livingthefilmlife19 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love this show! There is nothing out there that I actually enjoy watching as much as this to be truly honest. It's enjoyable, fun, serious, romantics don't truly exist since Axl's to idiotic to understand the concept and it's believable, slightly... You have these four brothers, no parents (till later), who are completely dysfunctional, like to drink with no concept of how to be normal. The granddad is one of my favourite characters because he's so completely useless and always stoned! You then have the completely incompetent flat mate who doesn't seem to know the difference between a goddess and a normal mortal woman if they're willing to sleep with him, or at least that's what he hopes. The difference is one will kill you whilst the other will just slap him.


The only problem is they're brothers. If you saw them you wouldn't realise it, if they never mentioned it you wouldn't realise it. They don't seem to be friends, family or even like each other, there is no sense of brotherly love. They just know each other and that seems to be that. I would like a tad bit more union ship between them, just a tiny bit more brotherly love, possibly.
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All you need to know
stratus_phere29 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We'll start with 19 New Zealand terms that help understand this show.

1) did a runner - took off, left without telling people you were leaving or where you were going

2) shot through - disappeared, took off, left withoiut telling people, did a runner

3) buggery bollocks - Oh Crap! Darn! or other stronger terms that oppose IMDB posting rules

4) next time I'm through - next time I come by here, or through here

5) to look peaky - to look tired or sick

6) sammies - sandwiches

7) shoot round - to come around, to come by

8) jaapie - South African redneck

9) munted - broken, badly damanged

10) Indo - Indonesia

11) Hapu - pregnant

12) Up the duff - pregnant

13) sectioned - committed to a mental hospital

14) food is off - food has gone bad

15) pissed - drunk

16) to root - to have sex

17) top and tailing - two people sleeping in the same bed head to foot

18) catch up for a bevy - get together for an alcoholic beverage

19) tosser - obnoxious, unpleasant guy (you probably leaned this from Harry Potter movies)

Next, here are a few things that tell you the bad parts of this series, and how it ended...which was badly. Spoilers are included, so stop reading if you don't want to know.
  • Loki never gets what's coming to him. Throughout the entire series, Loki is horrible, but he ends the show being just as bad as ever, with no justice.

  • The Johnson boys spend most of their time losing. They lose at nearly every encounter in every episode.

  • When Mike and Michelle get together, they seem like the perfect couple. They are happy, and Michelle wants to heal people with the magic stick. Unfortunately, the writers took it in a terrible and weird direction. They turned Mike into a very horrible person, a real jerk with no sympathy for humans and zero common sense. You really hate him in the end. The show ended with Mike ending up with Hannah (Frigg) and they are together at the end. That is so utterly stupid and bad. Axl and Hannah were perfect. Mike and Michelle were perfect. The only explanation I can think of is that people in charge of New Zealand studios are the same as Hollywood, in that they are incredibly corrupt and amoral. They have no moral compass, they are no moral souls, and have no idea what normal humans want or how normal humans feel. It was just bad. It turned an 8 out of 10 show into a 6 out of 10 show.

  • I would never again watch any series by these same writers or this same studio. Bottom line.
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Stupid, Over rated and hardly any humor in it.
rukmal198730 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well after reading the other user comments i gave decided to this a try and all i can say is that this did not meet my expectations at all. its a adult program alright, with a considerable amount of nudity swearing and drug use. but i don't see how it can be compared with any other series about a bunch a heroes to be. all i saw was a bunch of guys who were supposed to be Gods, but didn't posses any considerable amount of powers. the guy playing 'odin' lacks the charisma the ruler of the Gods should have.the worst thing is they a just interested in using it for they own benefit. it's like some family story, where you find people running around trying to get there day to day stuff done. If you are expecting this to be something like No ordinary family you are going to be disappointed in a mega way.
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Viking Gods in NZ: a story which could be an Epic Saga
vogomatix8 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Axl is a guy just coming up to his 21st birthday, and has been brought up in a family consisting of his 3 older brothers after their mother left them under somewhat mysterious circumstances. A series of portents and events around his 21st birthday occur, resulting in him being the incarnation of the Viking God Odin, and discovering that his brothers are also Viking Gods. They're in New Zealand because only descendants of Vikings who were driven there in the 19th century can "become" Gods.

There's just one problem; being a Viking God isn't all its cut out to be as their Godlike powers have been substantially weakened due to being out of Asgard for too long and are unable to get back. In order to get back, the first step is for Odin to find his female partner, Frigg, who should also be inhabiting a mortal body somewhere. Just to make life complicated, for various reasons of their own, not all the Viking Gods and Goddesses want Odin to regain his full powers and minor domestic issues of this almost hillbilly family and their brethren Gods seem to slow or frustrate Odin on his path to power.

I have to say this is a really great premise for a series and it has you hooked. The only problem is that the series is missing the budget and tightened up plot lines that would convert this series from being simply "good" into being "Epic". The lack of budget shows to a certain extent in the limited locations and lack of finesse in special effects. I'm not however going to criticise the latter too much, but would've thought that since Doctor Who substantially tightened up its act over the last few years, and video technology has moved on, it wouldn't be too unreasonable to expect other series to do so to. The gods don't (in series 1 and 2) have awesome powers for the reasons explained above but the powers that they do have would have benefited from a better effects budget.

I also think the series could have benefited from some slightly better acting and wider use of the Viking pantheon of gods. I have no real complaints about Axl (Odin), who I can accept is a bit awkward due to finding his way in this newly opened world, or Mike(Ullr) and Olaf (Baldur). Ty(Hodr) and Colin(Loki) seem a bit wooden and overacted at times, and I'm trying to decide if this a plot fault or down to the acting. With Loki, the face fits the part, but I think he's missing the cunning that a real Loki should have. Whilst I can accept Zeb being the impulsive joker/fool, Stacy seems to be a bit overused in being a handmaiden to just about any goddess who needs one and a bit part filler whenever required.

The show has a fair amount of swearing and nudity, which as far as I am concerned is fine for an adult program, but sometimes has nudity when it doesn't need it and at other times is missing it when it does.

Maybe what I have said is too critical, perhaps because I love the series but can easily see what they have so narrowly missed. It's well worth a watch to see if you get similarly pulled in though.
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A Great Blend of Fantasy and Reality
Sherlock-potter-whovian18 February 2014
This show is really well put together. It is a perfect blend of fantasy and reality and explores Norse mythology in a compelling way. The main premise is that four brothers belong to a family of people that are living reincarnations of Norse gods. Upon his 21st birthday, Axl finds himself being told that he is Odin the All-Father, and is given a quest to find his Frigg. All four brothers - Ty, Mike, Axl and Anders - have distinct personalities. Alongside the main story line, the show also deals with how Gods interact with mortals and the grey-area that is prophecy.

This is a great show that is witty and quirky. There is quite a bit of nudity, but overall the characters drive the action forward and the mythological elements keep things interesting.
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More entertaining than Marvel's take on Norse mythology.
halcyonbear3 May 2020
It took me ages to get to see this show and it has exceeded my expectations. As a comedy drama it works on both of those levels. The main characters are likeable and as a fan of Norse mythology, I like the dilemmas they face as modern day Aucklanders who happen to be the vessels of gods and goddesses. I can't praise the cast enough but Shane Cortese as Colin/Loki is wonderfully sleazy, and Ben Barrington as eternally young grandfather Olaf/Baldur is believable as the Johnson who uses getting stoned as a means of coping with immortality.There is pretty good character development and the myths are used as a good inspiration for some of the storylines. I'm almost through all three seasons and I will miss it when I have finished watching it, although I very much feel that it is a show that will go out on a high. Earlier episodes show that the budget may not have been huge, but everything else makes up for that and you can see it has been made with love.
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Entertaining drama, fun/random context, full of alcoholic characters
almqvist_199218 September 2013
The concept of Norse gods using New Zealandeers(?) as vessels is fun, really. It attracted me partly because I'm a Swede and I've always been interested in the mythology. Acting is pretty good, story lines aren't always so predictable, which I like (although it was very obvious who was Frig). The only thing about this show that really bothers me is the insane amount of drinking. I'm not against alcohol per se. I drink it myself. But it is glorified like it's holy water in this show. EVERY SINGLE character drinks beer/whiskey in just about EVERY SINGLE episode.

What the hell are the writers/directors thinking? The more alcohol the cooler a show? Having watched two seasons in just a few days it becomes very disturbing and remarkable how people are drinking in just about every scene.

But, the alcohol aside, it's a good show and I recommend watching it.
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original and funny
surfisfun21 July 2020
Update: binging 3seasons, somewhere in the 2nd season it lost some of it original appeal. 3rd season felt mostly like couples tv drama wt sex happening all the time and fastforwarded some...i give it a 7 +1 for a conclusion that terminated the series properly.--------------------------------------------- Recommended. good cast. not a children friendly show( sex,drugs...) interesting take on the Norse mythology . humor is quirky, sarcastic, misognistic .give it 2 episodes may end up binging like idid. Too bad budget was low for locations and special effects . yes it ca have been better but also worse. thanks .
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Unbelievably outstanding
andymhancock4 August 2018
Extremely original and creative. Extremely down to earth in the personalities. Quite funny, and the story line is captivating. The acting? Right on spot. Some have panned a few characters, but hey, that's the kind of character that is being portrayed. It doesn't mean that the acting is bad. Just the opposite. It's a breath of fresh air to see something so enjoyable culminate from all of the above (and not forced CGI).
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... it's not the top from down under.. but still give it a go
bjarias20 August 2016 you're going to wind up with either the likes of a Siobhan Marshall or Michelle Langstone.. take you're pick and you are a huge winner in both instances (Gods and mortals alike). Siobhan might have come out on top had she not shortsightedly been given such limited screen-time (she is no doubt something truly special). But Michelle wins out, and there's no such thing as second place with this woman. Extremely beautiful and possessing talent that shows throughout the entire production (you just cannot take your eyes off her). As far as the overall production.. it has it's ups and downs, as with any such quirky a script. And to wind up after thirty-six episodes right back where it all started leaves such a letdown. They say that after two seasons, it was to be canceled.. but seriously, that third season came off as soooo totally planned. It's not one for another viewing, but Michelle and a couple other actors no doubt will pull you through at least once.
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rava-123 May 2015
I, like many here, stumbled upon this show without knowing anything about it. I am intensely grateful for that bit of luck, as I have ended up loving it. It really doesn't matter to me that sets are reused, etc. as some have mentioned in their reviews, because the writing is so clever and the cast is obviously committed.

For much of the first episode, I found the characters unlikable and felt like I just didn't connect with them. Something magical happened by the end of that episode though and I began to understand that I was in the hands of some VERY capable writers. I am now so hooked on this show that am in the third series after binge watching. The characters (and their messy family dynamic) have been masterfully developed. The tone is a wonderful mix of jaunty fun and pathos. I love that the production just doesn't take itself too seriously. These guys are not afraid to breath fresh air into plot lines or to smash typical expectations (and the show is all the better for it). There are so many "throw away" jokes that make me chuckle. The plot is full of unexpected moments and twists and turns, something that is difficult to find in today's corporate TV land. It is rare to discover a series where, as a viewer, I can just sit back and enjoy the journey. The makers of this show have taken me on a fun and unexpected ride and I'll stick with them through as many episodes as they care to make.
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A lot to be desired but entertaining nonetheless
nate-7239712 January 2017
Just finished the 3rd and final season and watching from the U.S..

Going into it I didn't expect much as it looked pretty cheesy and it was really cheesy at the beginning. The first couple of episodes were quite awkward but it got a lot better over the course of the remaining episodes.

If you're expecting action, special effects, and the typical fantasy genre, this show is not that. It is more of a drama/comedy and it can be charming at times. Most of the acting is pretty decent, save for the main character who, in my opinion, was quite poorly cast. Additionally, the main actor's character is so incredibly hard to watch - cringe-worthy in fact. Extremely awkward, creepy, weird, lacks charm of any kind, and has the physique of a birch tree rather than that of a god, let alone that of Odin.

If you can get past the plot holes and overall drawn out story lines that go no where, and the annoying Axl, then it's an enjoyable, fun show to watch.

The ending was quite anticlimactic especially after spending 3 seasons attempting to accomplish the goal that was established in the first episode. This show is like a bag of potato chips, which are tasty and hard to stop eating but lacks substance and ultimately unsatisfied.

I've noticed a lot of positive reviews and a lot of them mention the few poor reviews, mostly blaming it on the person not understanding shows from New Zealand. That may be the case for me, I don't know but, while I did enjoy watching it, I don't see how so many people gave it such stellar ratings and reviews. If your expectations are very low, especially after watching the first couple of episodes, it definitely makes the rest of the show seem much better but not as fantastic as so many reviewers keep saying.

I rated it 6/10 because it's above average but not by much. Again, it's entertaining and worth watching if you don't have anything else interesting to watch but don't think you'll be blown away by it.
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Ruined by endless sexism
onepict22 September 2021
Thought this had been filmed in the 70s, it's so outdated and barely five minutes go by without some crude sexist remark. I'd definitely not want to be a woman (or a girl growing up) in New Zealand if this is what the men are like. Has it's fun moments, solid acting, but I totally cringe at the terrible way the men talk about and to the women in the show.
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Good plain fun show
ElessarAndurilS7 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Almighty Johnsons is a show about a band of brothers who in the pilot are revealed to be Norse God's living on earth when on the youngest brothers (Axyl) 21st birthday it is revealed that he is the incarnation of the god Odin. The show is 3 seasons long following the quest of the family to fulfill his quest necessary for him to become Odin. They believe that if they fulfill this quest they will all become full fledged gods on earth with super powers allowing them to rule. So the premise of the show and the story is based on this belief. Gods and Goddesses don't get along well but never the less, they start out battling each other and by the end of the show the little band has all slept with each other etc., basically becoming this little band seeking to find the goddess that is Odin's life love so they can get together and all inherit their powers. The show is silly but entertaining as they pursue finding this goddess. Even with the family oracle they really aren't well informed about the history, traditions, anything of importance regarding being gods. So they are bumbling goofs most of the time making for just funny stories. At the end they learn when they finally find this goddess that when joined in marriage it doesn't result in them getting their God powers but the gods in them to ascend leaving them here on earth as mere mortals. Still a good thing as it saves the earth, but a bummer after expecting to be Gods and Goddesses their whole lives. It ends up with everyone being has happy as can be expected given the big letdown, but it is a very unique show that if you don't question to hard is just plain fun to watch. So my suggestion is to watch the 3 seasons and enjoy the story as it is good old basic story telling that entertains if you don't scrutinize to hard.
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