The Strays (2023) Poster


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Was hoping for it to get better...nope!
zack_gideon23 February 2023
This movie starts off with 35 minutes of pointlessness. A well off housewife stressed out and concerned. That's act 1. I don't want to write spoilers here so I'll just tell you it doesn't get better, it gets worse and worse and worse.

The plot holes are massive. I mean you would have to suspend all reality of society to believe some of the things that occur to set up the "story" or "plot" or whatever this thing is.

The "plot" is allegorical and so basic. Why do films like this even get made? How do scripts like this get financed? Black mail? I don't get it. Even the acting isn't great.

There are other parts where you will just shake your head and ask: Why. That's the main question. This is utter nonsense. Unless you're into watching a plot that moves in ways that confuse you and make you annoyed, I would avoid this movie. Not good. 3/10.
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A thought provoking debut.
darrenbjones25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Strays is an interesting and thought provoking debut by writer/director Nathaniel Martello-White. A woman flees an abusive life to create her ideal world with another man, only her past will not stay buried.

That's the basic outline, but Strays deals with a lot more. Told initially from Cheryl/Neve's viewpoint, we meet a woman who wanted more from her life. Clearly scared by her partner, she just leaves her life, walking out one day. We then move to see the new life she's created, a perfect suburban lifestyle. She's a successful deputy head teacher at an exclusive private school and is fundraising for a charity to help underprivileged children in Africa.

But Neve is more complicated than the stepford wife she is trying to portray. She's literally run from her past, and everything about it. She's living a 'white' lifestyle with her cultural heritage hidden from herself. She won't let her children identify as black, she's working at the most privileged of environments, and acting as a saviour for black children she'll never meet, guilting her neighbours into donating money to the charity that is used to improve her social standing, far more than it is to benefit the recipients of the charity.

She's not entirely comfortable with her place though, self consciously scratching herself under the straight haired wigs she wears to hide her natural hair. Her makeup also whitens her skin so she 'fits' more comfortably as a blackish woman in white society.

Then things start to fall apart, because Neve didn't just run away from her life as Cheryl when she left her partner, she also left her children, Marvin and Abigail, who have now returned after years of separation. Both have been traumatised by their lives since their mother abandoned them, in and out of care and foster homes, unwanted and unloved. Neve is terrified that their return will destroy the life she has carefully crafted. They're a reminder of her old life, her failed life, and it is absolutely important to note that these children are darker than her new children, it's impossible for them to 'pass' as Neve has tried to ensure her new children do.

Forced to confront her past, Neve opts to pay off her children to leave her life, burying her dirty secret with £20,000 and a vague promise to work on their relationship. Neve even tries to justify abandoning her children to her new family by saying she's done nothing worse than many men (and there is a point here, as a woman, walking out on your children is considered far worse than a man doing the same). It's another issue for black families who are 24% single mothers in the UK, vs 10% for single white mothers.

Neve, again selfishly buys off her guilt and expects it to just go away, an act of reparation for her previous transgressions. But her children wanted more, despite Marvin's anger and aggression, he wanted to be loved, to create a family for his sister and himself. So when Abigail's birthday comes around, her fragile psyche is broken and Marvin returns with her for a final confrontation with Neve.

True to her nature, in a jarring final scene, with the violent chaos of her life and choices closing in on her and her family, Neve opts once again to run away, leaving her children, new and old to deal with the consequences of her actions. The sudden end is jarring and may be disappointing to some viewers, but it's a perfect end as Neve leaves to most likely, repeat this one more time.

Gender politics, cultural politics, black shame, white guilt, colonial legacy, white privilege, broken families, there is so much to unpack in Strays that the viewer can look at this as a dark tragic drama, or pull on any one thread that Nathaniel Martello-White has left dangling. The performances are all excellent and the slow building tension is expertly crafted. It's not a film I'll likely watch again, but hours later, I'm still pulling on those threads.
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It brought something new to the table and I liked it.
and_shove_it_up_your_butt26 February 2023
The Strays isn't a movie that's going to leave you feeling good once it ends. It will require you to put aside your desires for a story that is clean, easy to follow and wraps up with a pretty bow. Most people, especially those of a "certain persuasion" are not going to like this movie because: A - They can't understand where it's coming from and never will be able to or B - They feel like it's racist which it is not

You'll just have to judge for yourself if it's worth watching. I can guarantee that you'll either love it or you'll hate it. I thought it was great. The young lady that played Dione needs to be in more movies.
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A Tale of Two Cities meets Nat Turner
Turfseer28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wikipedia describes The Strays as a British "horror" film. I would not classify it anywhere close to horror unless you accept the hallucinations of the main character and her possible "mental illness" as real.

The Strays really is an attempt at social commentary by way of revenge fantasy (a la Quentin Tarantino). It is full of distasteful tropes courtesy its neophyte creator/director Nathaniel Martello-White.

The basic story revolves around a bi-racial woman Neve (Ashley Madekwe) who as a young mother runs away from an abusive relationship and abandons her two young children to fend for themselves, eventually remarrying a rich white guy and moving to the suburbs.

There she has two (now teenage) children, Sebastian (Samuel Small) and Mary (Maria Almeida) with her nice-guy husband Ian (Justin Salinger). As the headmistress at a posh private school, Neve appears to have "made it" in upper class society despite her "humble origins."

Martello-White makes it a point how Neve has rejected anything that has to do with her original racial identity, refusing to let her hair out and constantly wearing wigs to make herself look more "Caucasian."

Act II finds Neve suddenly haunted by what she perceives as a black male and female teenager who appear to be following her. For a while it is unclear whether this is all in her mind or actual reality.

Eventually it becomes clear that the teenagers, Marvin (Jordon Myrtle) and Abigail (Bukky Bukray) are real and turn out to be Neve's children from her prior relationship. They make it clear that they're here to not only punish their mother for abandoning them but to humiliate her as well for what they regard as the betrayal of both her race and class.

On one hand, Martello-White seems to be pointing out the reality of class and racial enmity in modern society particularly regarding the highly charged conflict between black and white today. His is a modern day version of Dickens's "A Tale of Two Cities," in which an oppressed class seek to "even the score" for past injustices.

Indeed the old dictum of the oppressed becoming the oppressors appears to certainly be applicable here. The main question that remains is whether Martello-White supports or rejects the tactics of the oppressed class he is focusing on.

I would argue that the film's creator harbors a great deal of sympathy for Marvin and Abigail whom he deems to be the film's protagonists. This despite their vengeful behavior which makes little sense especially in the case of Ian, their main victim.

If Neve is the equivalent of an "Uncle Tom" in Marvin and Abigail's eyes, Sebastian and Mary are seen by them of having been corrupted by the class and race they were born into.

Marvin decides to "toughen" Sebastian up when he pretends that he is going to push him off the roof. But Martello-White perhaps acknowledges there is something unhinged about Marvin as he shows the effects on poor Sebastian (the kid pees in his pants).

But again, it's still clear where Martello-White's sympathies lie. Somehow most of the upper-class people here are despicable. Take for example the arrogant bully that Marvin helps Sebastian to beat up-Marvin evens turns gentle Sebastian into a monster like himself. And nice guy Ian must be sacrificed in the eyes of the resentful Marvin and Abigail as well, for he's still part of the "system."

Indeed, if Martello-White wanted to show solidarity with the real victims here, he would have had Neve tell the delivery guy to call the police. But she merely flees, and it appears her children from her first relationship have gotten away with murder.

Neve's flight confirms her as a cowardly character who refuses to stick up for the memory of Ian or take the side of the rebellious kids.

At heart Martello-White is only slightly conflicted by the actions of his protagonists. His upper class characters are stereotyped strawmen who deserve to be either humiliated (as in the case of Neve) or outrightly killed (like Ian).

Marvin's actions are reminiscent of Nat Turner and his Slave Rebellion before the Civil War in which both guilty and innocent parties were singled out for revenge. Martello-White resists showing the consequences when the "oppressed become the oppressors"; instead, there's the adolescent fantasy of a slave revolt without the predictable consequences.

There's not much you can say about the acting here as the characters are designed for agitprop. While some may give the neophyte writer/director credit for calling attention to the reality of racial disharmony today, insinuating you are on the side of violence will only lead to unproductive and disastrous consequences for those who see themselves as perennial victims of history.
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Netflix continues acquiring bad movies
karinahatem4 March 2023
Not sure what's up with Netflix, but they continue making / acquiring one bad movie after another. Nine out of ten Netflix movies are not just bad, but really bad. This was a very bad so called horror movie, completely meaningless, no clear story from beg til,end, unless that was intentional, it wasn't even suspenseful. Ending was just terrible. Sorry to say, but Netflix's quality of both movies and tv shows started declining, they cancel all the good shows and keep the stupid ones; and with the latest password sharing crackdown, I think am going to cancel my subscription soon, unless they do something big very very soon .
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WHEW...dull as dishwater.!
pjkblue-3592623 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers

The entire movie made zero sense and it was at the very least poor and not at not all entertaining.

There was no valid point for the original brother to kill the father who was just as perplexed and on their side to boot and the original daughter goes nut-case just to go that route.


Uber Eats?

Then, they aren't careful enough and let the mother just leave?

The guy had a bag of assorted tools, ties and probably ropes in his bag, but the family isn't restrained?

Outside of Ashley Madekwe being an attractive actress, the rest of the cast was mediocre.

Like I always least the cast and crew got a payday!
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jgoedhart-2261626 February 2023
I watched it out of curiosity because my dad left when I was young and never tried to contact me. After I had a son I wondered what would drive a parent to just disappear. Really cold. I would move mountains to see my son. I would move to differant countries just to be near him. Anyway, back on track...I never felt the way these kids did. I just never gave my dad a thought. A lot of complaints have been made about the ending but I could not have thought of a better one. I took two seconds, waited for the movie to resume, then burst out laughing. As comical as it was, it was so ironic that the ending itself deserves 10 stars. Though the movie is slightly predictable, it was worth the watch just to see the ending.
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If Jordan Peele did a Lifetime movie...
nickijjohnson-1695524 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think the title of my review pretty much sums up this movie. It's very clear at times this writer/director desires to be mysterious in a Jordan Peele way without actually having the end results Jordan Peele can produce. Big spoilers ahead. Basically a woman abandoned her two children in the ghetto, moves to the suburbs, marries a white man, and starts a new family. The children she abandoned grow up, do the tiniest bit of stalking, make friends with their half siblings then eventually kill her new husband in a home invasion type scenario that is weak and watered down (literally). Then she leaves and abandons all four children. This movie looks like a low budget Lifetime movie and has a plot that actually could have been intriguing but flatlines halfway through. I remember when the trailer dropped on YouTube and everyone in the comments thought it was just going to be so amazing. I assure you the trailer is as good as it gets.
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Flawed, but not as hopeless as the reviews would convince you
smartarsebutler24 February 2023
I clicked on The Strays knowing nothing about it, and i'm glad I did as I think the preconception of it being terribly acted/scripted would have dampened my viewing experience. Yes, there are flaws here but I don't think these are down to the actors abilities, so much as a mismatch of direction, staging and direction. It felt like it didn't know what it wanted to be. Was it a horror? Was it a gritty british itv drama? Was it low budget? High concept? It seemed to travel through all those identities and didn't seem to settle until the crescendo at the end of it being a horror thriller....kind of.

Having now read that the writer wanted to portray Neve as a multi layered character, neither good nor bad, I can make sense of what they were trying to achieve. The actors did the best with what they presented, but unfortunately there was a bizarre mix of surreal and realism that just became confusing. I couldn't help but think 'is this trying to be Get Out lite but got lost on the way?'. Also characters needed fleshing out a little. Details were scant apart from a mention of a stay in a psychiatric unit, children being 'got rid of', and a maybe abusive relationship. There was no explanation as to how Neve had achieved her position, or what her intentions were at key moments.

Saying all this, I'm glad I watched The Strays. It kept me gripped, I was interested in the subject matter, it just failed in a consistent tone or a fully rounded narrative sadly.
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Avoid Like the Plague 😠
islangurl22 February 2023
This was the most pointless excuse of a movie I have ever seen. I want my time back. It started off very promising and just went all the way down under the hill from there. Acting was terrible maybe because the script was sooooo poor. So sad. I'm so angry I can't give it less than a star. The only thing worse than sitting through it to see if it would by some chance redeem itself, was the ending. Such a waste of my time, energy and electricity. Wish I had read the reviews before watching this mess. My goodness the rubbish that passes for entertainment these days is astounding. Find something else to watch!
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People don't get it!! Glad I didn't listen to the reviews!
Idahogirlx26 February 2023
I didn't wanna watch this film first because of the bad reviews! I'm glad I'm usually never listen to reviews and always make my own opinions when it comes to movies bc let's face it, it's all a matter of taste.

Most people seem disappointed in it, too slow, no plot, bad acting, horrible ending bla bla. Ok but in my opinion this was a very well done movie that made me feel awkward almost during the whole film. Meaning it made me feel something that most movies these days don't! It was uncomfortable to watch mainly because of the topic of the mother being ashamed of her background, hiding her roots & her past. She obviously hated her old life and was mentally ill. This movie covers so many psychological aspects! It's an important story to tell and it's not meant to make you feel good or to have a happy ending. I'm tired of people reviewing movies bad bc they didn't like the end! Ever watched a Lynch movie seriously!

I can only suggest you to watch it, to have an open mind and to get your own opinion.

Ps the end was brilliant, it closed the circle perfectly fine!
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HumbleMensa25 February 2023
I think the confusion about this flick is that it's actually supposed to be the way it is.

I experienced a weird feeling watching it.

The main character is so constantly flustered by by her own perceptions of what should be versus what isn't versus internal guilt and manifested external rage...that it's actually remarkably crafty how indiscreet the acting is. If this makes sense.

That being said, I don't think it quiets get there and there are some farcical extended moments of doldrum that keep it from being a really good film.

I watched it to the end to see what happens and there is closure, so in my books the story was told. It is sort of creepy, more a thriller than anything else.
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Like a GCSE drama class play. Almost laughably awful.
FONYMAHONEY22 February 2023
Seriously - HOW did this get made?!

Netflix obviously have a habit of churning out pulpy thrillers, and I've watched (or at least tried to watch) almost all of them, and I can safely say, of all of them, hands down - this has the WORST dialogue and performances that border on the hysterical. It's hard to blame the actors for that, they're making the best of a VERY bad screenplay - and presumably, incompetent performative direction.

Visually it's decent. That was obviously the priority for the filmmaker. The only priority. It's the only thing that makes sense.

I really can't fathom how this got made. Who's this guy sleeping with at Netflix to get this off the ground ahead of so many blacklist scripts? They must be pretty high up or have a lot to hide because WOW. Rubbish.

Only given 2 rather than 1 because I did honestly laugh more than once in the opening ten minutes at the hackneyed dialogue.
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What did I just watch?
cmelaniesenf4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like to write bad reviews, but this movie took a good 2 hours off my life. So I have to put in my two cents as well. So let's go:

Apart from the fact that the idea is not bad, the implementation fails.

Annoying characters, impossible storylines and on top of that the worst music you can imagine.

My sympathy for the "forgotten" children is pretty much limited.

However, I have to admit, the ending was quite funny. How they stood there. All 4 kids, perplexed to learn that their mother abandoned her brood yet again. Again only thinking of herself... it literally screams for a sequel which I hope will not happen.
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I'm so mad I'm leaving my first review
chideraokafor-5721925 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, what a waste of my time Omg. The kids anger were justified but the way they went about it made me sick.

Also, there was so much they could've done to develop this story but they didn't ugh. I just wish the story didn't end the way it started. Also, what was the purpose of killing their dad?? Seriously? What did he have to do with anything? He was just as in the dark as everyone else. I don't know this movie really had me tight!

It started off so good, and then I just wanted to fight the producers and everybody involved in developing the story.

Thanks all for coming to my rant. Stay blessed xx. Remember not to waste your time.
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A horror movie where the monsters are POC
misterspike23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's a horror story where the monsters are two abandoned black children who terrorize, torture, and murder their mum's new half-white family.

The only one who survives relatively intact is the mum Neve, who runs away. (Again.) The rest end up horribly traumatized, in prison, or dead.

The director made it very clear that the black characters are awful and dangerous. Carl, the abandoned son, is a brutal sadist and a murderer. Dione, his sister, is selfish and infantile. Neve, the mum, hates being black, and is an irresponsible coward with major issues.

Nothing is resolved. There is no character development. No growth. This film does not deal with any of the problems it presents. It just turns into a standard horror film instead.

The only two white characters of any significance (the dad, Ian, and the white bully) end up being tortured to death.

The biracial boy Sebastian is bullied into being a thug and probably a murderer by his half brother.

The white bully (no idea what his name is) didn't actually do anything other than taunt Sebastian. Rather than taunt him back, Sebastian is terrorized and bullied by his half-brother Carl into violence.

The scene where the white bully is attacked is shown from the bully's point of view. The director presents him as the innocent victim being stalked by monsters in the night. He is powerless, terrified, at the point of death by suffocation, completely unable to fight back, and that is when Sebastian attacks him. We have no idea whether or not the poor guy even survived. I wouldn't be surprised if the two half-brothers buried the body.

The biracial girl Mary is the only one who still seems like a nice, normal person at the end, tho after finding her father's corpse in the basement, I would expect her to be traumatized for life.

This wasn't a commentary on racism. To me, it felt like like racism.
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Nonsensical and Disappointing
honeybloggs-6964823 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It started off well. Cheryl walks out on her life and reinvents herself as Neve . So 15 years later , Neve (aka Cheryl ) who is black ( but looked half white ) was married to a white man and had two teenage children Mary and Sebastian ( Seb ) . They don't know about Neve's past life . As Neve behaved as though she was white ,she'd bring up the kids that way too. Yet the kids weren't like that , which didn't add up .

The both went to a private school. . There's a new janitor at the school who is Black . Seb after one conversation with the new janitor becomes friends with him . That would NEVER happen . Firstly , Seb would look down on the janitor and also , be would suspicious of him . He wouldn't meet him in the woods of the school . In fact Seb would report the janitor for asking to meet him in the woods . On another day , the janitor invites Seb on to the roof of a building to smoke weed

A black girl who is a complete stranger approaches Mary on the street . And they suddenly become friends ! That would never happen in real life . You don't become friends with a stranger who approaches you in the street The girl invites Mary to her hotel room and they drink and 'hang out ' . Mary invites the girl to her mother's party for charity .

At the party Neve screams at the girl . The girl screams back and exposes Neve . She reveals that she is Neve's daughter and the janitor is her son Neve's family are shocked . At night the boy and break into the house . WHERE IS THE ALARM ? WHERE IS THE CAMERA THAT EVERYONE HAS OUTSIDE THEIR MAIN DOOR? The girl and boy go to everyone's rooms and takes their phones. NOT ONE PERSON HEARS THEM . They all wake up when the boy puts on the telly . The boy also turns on the tap in the sink and floods the kitchen . It's the girl's birthday so she demands Chinese take out

There is tension from the family . That is well portrayed . The girl and boy don't have any weapons . No-one in the family tries to run or tackle the boy. The boy takes the Neve's husband to the gym in the house . The boy kills the husband . When he is in the gym the family could easily have tackled the girl but they don't

The Uber eats delivery arrives , Neve takes the food, then gets her wallet to give the man a tip. She then gets on the back of the Uber Eats motorbike and runs off .

The people in the house all realise thar she's run off again .

The acting was good . The atmosphere was good but there were too many pot holes. And Neve kept freaking out. She offers her estranged children money to 'disappear ' . Neve had reinvented herself so she would have been more strategic and cunning when handling her estranged kids . She wouldn't have been so clumsy Everything the estranged children did made no sense. There was no 'body ' to the whole movie . Anyway ,how convenient that r the boy got a job as a janitor ant the school and the girl got a job at Neve's husband's business.
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wrong perception
flejklw25 February 2023
From the trailer I thought that this maybe a supernatural film with a twist, you get the twist I guess, but it was not what I expected.

Not one to read reviews and jump on the negative bandwagon, but I found the " Neve " character hard to stomach with her over polite correctness front, however, Ashley Madekwe played this role very well, you really did grow to hate her has the film went on, which I believe was the directors/scriptwriters aim.

I think the element of surprise has to the identity of the "strays" thankfully is explained sooner than later, and again Bukky Bakray and Jordan Myrie were excellent playing this out.

Maybe might appeal more to a british audience, just my take on this film.
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ythomas-0309524 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film was not realistic and relied on too many stereotypes. The cast was competent but didn't have an opportunity to display their talent. The motive for two of her children being angry and wanting to harm and kill those who did nothing to them is weak. The film's ending as it begins is weak. The Stepford family's cinematography was good.

The film premise of being so engulfed in self-hatred over your skin complexion for material wealth is fascinating and could've been a great psychological thriller. The writer and director making the mother's hair an issue was funny and extreme. The number of scenes at the school was unnecessary and made the storytelling drag.
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Don't read reviews before watching
sanzoshady26 February 2023
I'll start off by saying that reading through the reviews *before* watching the movie will almost definitely influence your opinion of the movie even while watching it. The movie is by no means a perfect one. But it has good moments, keeps you interested, has a surprise ending (some might not like that). The plot holes are glaring and I can see why people can be mad at that. But they are not something many people who watch with a suspension of belief, will be bothered by. The pacing is quite good, quality is good and acting is good. Storyline itself has its ups and downs like the movie itself.
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itakethesquare14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So. Another Netflix movie? Can't wait to see if this will be miss or maybe a hit. It has "social issues" in the title so can't wait to see what they can dish out without any backlash as it's welcomed in todays main-stream society.

The story follows a woman from the ghetto was in an a very abusive relationship, left the relationship without her two children. She moves to the suburbs and marries a wholesome dude who happens to be "white" (as if that matters). She seems to hate herself for being of a tanner color than most. They have two new children who happened to be mixed (as if that matters, again), and then the woman becomes extremely distraught and ill.

She begins to see a young man and woman who appear to look very insane and angry and begin to slowly corrupt her two kids while at school. The male forces the son to smoke cigarettes, and then threatens him to jump off a cliff making him release himself through his pants. Then, the young female befriends the daughter and fixes her hair into braids and get her into drinking hard liquor (The latter is more normal, I don't know what they're getting at here.)

Later on, the young man grabs a hold of the son's bully and wraps his face with plastic, telling the son to violently throw a basketball into his face breaking his nose (I don't know why there is blood. Did he die?)

The ending is extremely hilarious; so they finally admit that they are the woman's first-born children that she has abandoned in the ghetto and have come to seek reason and respiration (or so we think). She meets them in private and pays them 20,000 quid to go back to London and start a new life. They both agree this is a good idea. A few days later, they break into their home, flood the sinks with their cellphones, ORDER UBER EATS, and then play scrabble. The man pulls out a machete and grabs the husband (who is white just so you should know) and forces him to lift weights until he drops them on his neck, killing him (also a lot of blood for some reason). The mother then recieves the food from the uber driver, hauls ass, and leaves her current kids with the "forgotten kids". That's it. That's the whole movie.

This crapheep is an insult to everybody watching. I don't care if you have some animosity towards another for their skin color or wealth, it is evil. The forgotten kids act like psychopathics who want to act "poor and violent" for the sake of it. You don't feel bad for them, for the cards they were handled but they are literally the most ANNOYING in the movie. More annoying than the protagonist saying she hates being black. This movie hates itself and the whole thing ends up them killing an innocent person because of his skin color.
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I'm Black from the South and I get it.
Mommasaidknockyouout4526 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From the very beginning of the movie, I saw where this was going. SPOILER ALERT *** a black mother on welfare trying to raise two kids she admits she didn't want. Cheryl is selfish and does what SOME black men have done for years. She abandons her two children. "She left to get milk" as some would put it, and the abandoned kids get passed around, unwanted and grow up bitter. I get it.

"Neve" finds opportunity with her "light skin" to gain status, wealth and privilege. Like many (don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about because I KNOW) "Passé Blanc" blacks, she's living the life she's wanted, and doesn't want her biracial children to associate with Black culture although the kids are raised knowing they're black. The "one drop rule"... I get it.

Towards the end without going into too much detail because it's disturbing AF, there is no preference for dark skin black children, or light skin black/ biracial children, it's just a selfish, heartless human being who is only looking out for themselves. I get it.

The story has some plot holes here and there. I think the acting is great! Point made, and if you think this is a racist movie, you're correct. It is. It shows how a struggling black mother chose herself over the hardships of being black in poverty. Whiteness was a way out.
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Disturbing, as it was meant to be
aalefsen24 February 2023
It is one of those movies that leaves you confused, like a David Lynch film. It was disturbing in many ways and what a lot of people criticised as bad acting was, for me, intentional. Neve's reactions are purposely out of touch with reality and a lot is left for the viewer to guess, again, on purpose, as it all adds to the uncomfortable feeling the viewer is meant to feel. It is a psychological drama and in that respect has achieved its goal. I found it to be very disturbing to watch, because it touches on certain subjects that are real and frightening. It was everything but boring and I think that those who perceived it as such have misunderstood the feelings it was meant to convey.
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rowan-yehia22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible movie, no acting, no plot, no dialogue, nothing.....As usual for Netflix, the trailer was a bit catchy I was really excited to watch it but the movie's plot ended the first 10 mins. Do not expect it to be a typical revenge movie because the writers took a nap at this part and was bored to add it to the movie that to his/her surprise it was the most important part of the movie. The ending was the silliest thing ever. Please do not try to waste your time on that nonsense. Rarely ever that I write a movie review but I could not hold myself. All the actors do not have an inch of talent. The protagonist is expression less one.
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Not about animals
rosgembrun24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe I stuck with this through the end credits.

It is so awful.

It could have been a touching and heartfelt story about a woman who left her children and never looked back. And now must somehow find a way to welcome them into her new family.

But, no, instead we are server with a horror show.

It took me a long time before I understood why she felt so threatened by these 2 strangers coming around.

Once the 2 strangers are identified, we enter an entirely implausible situation.

She freaks out, seeming almost demented about the man and young woman who begin to invade her space. But then her 2 children become friends with the strangers and the mother is nowhere to be seen. And the father has no objections. Not likely. Especially having the girl over.

Also the boy and the man become friends. The man seems to be training the boy to be tougher . Together they attack a student from the boy's high school, who has been bullying him. What they do to him is horrific, probably a murder. But there is nothing mentioned about the attack afterwards. The bully did not report them to the cops? He was killed? Who knows. We will never know.

The very last minute, literally, is very satisfying.

I think this film is somewhat racist. The full Black ones are animals, and the mixed race ones are civilized.
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