V for Vengeance (2022) Poster

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I Hate Vampires That Leaves Behind More Blood Than They Drink
India_Ana13 August 2023
Nothing I hate worse then blood drenched bodies after a feeding. The human body doesn't have that much blood in it. So, if there is tons of blood everywhere and on everyone, very little of it was consumed by the vampire. Any vampire that can't drink more blood than they waste doesn't deserve to 'live.' I have a list of movies I will never watch again because the vampires waste more blood than they consume.

I gave this a 5 because it was entertaining, even though it was pretty bad. I won't recommend anyone who is as picky as I am, about vampires who are too stupid to drink blood without making a mess, watch this movie. Unless you're bored and need something to do. Or you're a writer needing to use it as fodder for what not to do. Maybe figure out how to make it better.
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Bad for even a B movie
jmbovan-47-16017323 April 2023
Start with a new mythos for vampires without any explanation of this. Highlight the "sexy" female vampire trope. Add in poorly choreographed and executed "wu shu (?)" Martial arts. Somehow take lame daddy joke style but twist it into girl power ideas. Add all the obvious plot twists that have been beaten to death in just about every vampire movie. Then end with the idea that more is to come (Please No!).

I gave this movie a three as the likeability if the three sisters was decent enough that I actually watched the entire film. But otherwise there isn't much joy in watching the film. It just sits heavy with its lameness.
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V for Very bad
gurumaggie1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hallmark level acting and clichés at every turn of the 'plot' I've seen better scripts in school nativity plays.

Ugh slap ugh is not fight choreography it's just dancing poorly. The lead actress is supposed to be 29, are you kidding me?. I always wonder why poor actors don't invest some of their wages in acting lessons.

Why is there no explanation of why these vamps are daywalkers? The flashbacks are laughable. This is like a spoof but it isn't funny enough or bad enough to be good. The look the hotel receptionist has is pretty much the look I had throughout this mess of a film, I think they wanted to start a franchise but this is just Poundland Twilight.
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The worst vampire film ever made?
garyaburnettesq15 December 2023
Some things in life just don't mix. And two of those things are horror and comedy. This tries, and fails on both levels.

The wooden stakes are actually less wooden than the acting. Apart from the fish who out acted everyone in the cast. Some people say that the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer film was bad, but this makes it look positively Shakespearean!

I'm desperately trying to think of one good thing about this film. But when the best part of watching it was the end credits starting, it's fairly obvious that there's nothing good about it.

Unless you like films with bad acting, a weak script, a complete lack of direction, and losing around 90 minutes of precious life, you should probably avoid this film at all costs!

The most frightening thing about this film is that films this bad tend to become franchises. And we all know what that means..... 😱
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Oh dear
ashleycholerton29 January 2024
I went into this expecting very little and it still managed to disappoint.

The daytime vampire thing sucked (pun intended) when twilight did it and is no different here. The film is about as predictsble as a train going down a single track. By 20 minutes in you can start to figure out where it's going and by 40 minutes there'll be no guess work left.

The second star was purely because the action sequences at least flowed reasonably well, nothing outstanding, but not completely dreadful either. Nothing great to say about the acting. The girls just came across as potty mouthed teenagers. It's like they tried to give them depth and a backstory but nothing felt like it mattered.

My favourite part about the film was giving it a thumbs down on Netflix.
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Not that bad
aluntracey22 June 2022
The acting isn't the best and it's cheaply made but it is what it is, overall it's moderately entertaining and passes the time, can't ask for much more really from a low budget film.
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One big tease
jdorego27 July 2022
Movie with many very beautiful women with no nudity and a little bit of profanity. Only one missing is Debby Ryan. Repeating the bloody scenes is annoying not a hi-lighting.
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It is what it is
asadbanana10 June 2022
From the poster alone you could basically guess what you're going to get from this film, so hating it for living up to that expectation is sort of pointless. You don't go eating ice-cream when you're lactose intolerant then give the brand a bad review, now do you? So with that in mind, I watched this film and thought it was okay. I got a few laughs and actual effort seemed to be put into this work. It was fine for what it is and that's all there is to it.
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Nice idea, acceptable execution
srdjan_veljkovic13 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of not taking oneself too seriously when it comes to a vampire movie is good. It's _not_ a horror movie and if you expect that, you're up for a disappointment.

Casting is also good. The three main girls/sisters are cute, the oldest one is hot, the middle one is interesting and the youngest one is very cute. The main guy is tall, dark and handsome.

There are other things that makes this a good idea, but are minor. The problems come from several areas: apart from the hot and interesting sisters, the other actors are not doing a good job, except for a few supporting cast with little screen time. The main girls (the third one has much less screen time) don't do a great job, but they are OK.

Story also suffers in several places and there are a few focal points which are a complete miss (like when they poison the vampires at dinner, at a time when the conflict has already started and it's really unlikely that the vampires would not suspect something's afoot when out of the blue there's a peace offering from the girls and thus the vampires would not just drink it all in one shot).

There are also too many flashbacks, some of which don't work so well and some are repeated for not much effect.

At long last, even though there are several jokes, a few of which are good, and for the most of the part it's fun, it's too little for such a movie, where the whole point is to have fun and crack jokes.

All things considered, it's a way to rest looking at some cuties having some weird fun. There are better movies like this, but, this one's OK, you don't need to look for another one.
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"NOT BAD"....
bumbray993 July 2022
This flick was everything I expected it to be, so there's no need for harsh criticism, plus the girls in this flick were attractive and worth watching during the course of the movie, the plot was average and predictable but still very much entertaining even though you already know there going to succeed in the end!
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yankeedoo8 June 2022
Ignore the rating its ok to watch biy like the low budget zombie series from yrs back Z if this was a series i would watch=fit ladies and vamps hell yea=even thou not enough budget-if they spent more it would have been superb but honestly watch laugh dont take serious enjoy to many hayers in 2022 as there is.
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4* for the villain
galvas4 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The only redeeming qualities - the main villain's acting was alright and the oldest sister had some occasional sparks. Dumb "Scarlet Johansson" sister can't act at all while the youngest miss cuteness aka genius felt being in the wrong movie - should have tried Nickelodeon. There is no plot. The visuals were not that bad for a cheap movie, the story was the major letdown followed by cheesy lines and flat acting. Alright for a background movie when there is nothing else to stream. The worst: "family" time and dumb 500 vampires eagerly drinking form the enemies chalices. Looks like years don't add in the wisdom department.
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I was amazed how bad this was
jmuzikants9 June 2024
This movie had one of most generic dialogues and story line as bland as a single slice of bread and water. You will find yourself wondering how is it even possible to make something so lame for most part of the movie.

That being said it is so terrible that at times actually becomes entertaining and if vampire movies are your thing you still might enjoy it in it's own grotesque way much like music made with broken and out of tune instruments or art made out of garbage.

But myself I can't in good conscience rate it more than 1/10 as this is the most one dimensional and badly written film I know.
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Popcorn Slasher Without Much Context
t-d-t-m824 December 2023
It's an ok slasher movie with some nice visuals; good weaponry and a typically-attractive lead cast. It's just not that wow as a movie script as it's been done so many times before.

The script could do with a bit of tweaking; you're not a genius if you know about genetics. It's got some goofy moments which are funny and it's a nice revenge plot but it doesn't take itself too seriously and neither should the viewer.

It's just fun popcorn entertainment. It's got massive inconsistencies like when Marcus is not registered as being a vampire and the blood plot is goofy as best.

It's just a bit of fun and doesn't deserve a low score as it's not pretending to be a big movie.
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gab-6759914 June 2022
If you love vamp movies then you will love this one. Much better than some I have seen as of late. So much action, never a dull moment! Unique vamp story in a way that they do not do or are affected by normal vamp things. Low-budget, yes. But entertaining for sure!
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Has its fair share of issues but for a low budget indy flick, its decent
destroyerwod10 November 2023
So this is obvious from the get go that this movie was made on a very low budget. That said when it comes to fight scenes and blood effects (even tough there is not a lot of either overall) its pretty well done. Where the movie show its limits is mostly on the set piece, overall environements and lack of "grandness".

For instance the big bad vampire guy is supose to be the most wanted vampire in the USA yet he hides in plain sight? He is after the younger sister but she hides what looks like at most a few hours from him? You never get the impression that these peoples travels much in between locations, like everything happen in the same county. I assume they rent a few places close to each other to shoot and that was it.

When it comes to the vampire lore, this is another of those where the vampires are not hurt by sunlight. If you seen my reviews you know i dislike this overall, as it remove from the creature of the night aspect wich make vampires for me so cool. I feel that was done only to save on budget as EVERYTHING is shot in daylight or interior. They also touch a bit on various parts of the lore without a lot of explanations like vampires being well known to exist in this world but it never really play a huge part.

I won't go into spoilers but there is also a bunch of stuff that make little sense story wise. I guess you ain't supose to pay too much attention to these and just roll with it.

That said despite all this criticism i wrote about, i think the movie was fairly enjoyable as long as you understand what you getting into, wich is a low budget indy flick.

The sisters (especially the older one Emma) are charismatic and enjoyable to follow, and the interactions between them felt genuine.

The movie is fairly short at 1h25 credits included so it never overstay its welcome. Overall i had a good time watching it and was not bored at all, i got into the characters and the story (despite the issues i mentioned) and this basically for me is enough to give a movie a decent 7 for having entertained me.
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Fangs For The Fun
Pairic4 December 2023
V for Vengeance: Two estranged sisters who as children were turned into vampires in an attack where their parents were murdered combine forces when they discover that their other sister is alive and under threat. One sister is still with the pack which took them in, the other is more discerning and only feeds on predatory males. A good B Movie romp with good vampires, bad vampires, a vaccine which will prevent humans from being turned and a duplicitous bounty hunter. Vampires aren't a secret, There's even a Federal Vampire Control who do stakeouts or stake ins rather. Silver bullets will kill Vampires as will Holly Wood. An interesting mixture of science and the supernatural. Some good fast moving Vampires and throats ripped out/cut. A lot of double dealing and plot twists as well. Well worth watching. Directed by Kelly Halihan. Written by Steven Paul and Peter Moore Smith. On Netflix. 6.5/10.
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Big twist
ernesteva11 June 2022
Best vampire I seen since underworld. So if you like vampire movies then watch this one. It will keep you guessing and wondering but reveal all at the end.
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Pretty enjoyable
LetsReviewThat2611 December 2023
I'm a sucker for all things to do with vampires. And I might be bias with that but I really did think this film was pretty good. From the title you would think it would be a low budget film, but thankfully it was nothing like it. Emma is a vampire. She blonde and she's got and passes through town trying to get a life. Her sister Scarlett turns up and they have a pretty hot cat, or vampire fight. They end up having to save their other sister kate from the people that killed their parents and turned them. Pretty good action here and I thought it was acted pretty well and overall it was enjoyable.
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