John Doe: Vigilante (2014) Poster

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Gritty and intense low budget movie
idontdodrugs2 September 2014
Having recently watched a Battlestar Galactica marathon, I must confess that the only reason this little movie caught my eye was that Jamie Bamber was in it. As I often enjoy watching what TV actors do after their successful years I must say that this was an experience I did not expect. From the start, the movie throws the audience right in the plot. Jamie Bamber plays a serial killer vigilante that enjoys increasing popularity among the general public. Things unravel in a straight forward manner with the occasional twist. The amount of detail in composing the shots was generally way above a movie with that budget level. It is one of those films where the graphic violence is felt very intensely instead of just being gory, thereby giving away a very gritty and dark feeling. The performance of Jamie Bamber is exceptionally intense. Some might call it over the top but in the context of the movie it delivers very well. The story is endearing to the point that I was grapped right away and wanted to know how it all unravelled. It carries quite a lot of social commentary if you want to be open about those things. If not, it can still be watched as a genre piece that entertains. In comparison with Law Abiding Cititzen with Gerald Butler, an A-list movie with a quite similar general setup, I clearly favor John Doe: Vigilante. It feels way more real and carries more impact. In general, I can recommend the movie to all that like dark, gritty, and intense films and do not have a problem with large amounts of violence.
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Original, compelling, and thought-provoking!
rprince-832-629424 April 2015
-John Doe: Vigilante (2015) movie review: -John Doe is a masked vigilante who does out on the streets and hunts down serial killers so he can somewhat brutally murder them. Lovely. One of the unique things about this indie film is that you get to hear both sides of the story, one of them from John Doe who has already been caught and arrested, and another from the media and police, which many films dealing with vigilantes focus less on.

-So is this a sort-of superhero film or a crime flick? The film brings the moral issues of taking the law into your own hands and give it to you right out of the gate, leaving it to the audience to decide what side to choose. I like that the film is impartial about it, I really do. And I really liked the film for the most part.

-The character backstory is set up like a superhero film, minus the powers and rule against killing. However the non-linear story helped lay the moral point out in a way that they build on each other from multiple perspectives, which is really good! -The pace was too quick I think. It could have taken longer to wait before just jumping us into it, but it never really got slow.

-The acting was good. Jamie Bamber, Apollo from BSG, stars as John Doe and offers a very deep, compelling performance to a character like this. It has some other actors I didn't know and they did a good job but nobody else really stood out.

-The character of John Doe is a really compelling character because of haw many questions he brings up. The caution he takes is admirable and you can't feel bad for the horrible people he ills, but does it justify killing them? He offers more depth than just that, but I can't say too much. The media characters are pretty interesting, as well as the detectives in charge of the case. There is also a following John Doe develops that take his vigilante thing the wrong way, which is interesting to look at. A certain Batman film did that too if I recall.

-Some of the music seemed low budget, but some other parts sounded really good. So mixed bag here.

-There are some CGI effects in the film that are not great, but to make up for that, the practical effects in the film are impressive. There are a few scenes where I just do not know how they made something look so realistic. I will get back to that in my content section.

-John Doe: Vigilante offers some new elements to an inflated hero/crime genre through unique storytelling elements and some really good moral questions and effects. It did not seem like a super high-budget film at times, but that has cult-classic written all over it. Being a limited release film, I cannot say it is worth seeing in theaters. However John Doe: Vigilante is totally worth checking out! -John Doe: Vigilante holds an R rating, naturally, for some language throughout and some rather violent images and themes. Thus the rally good practical effects. Violence on par with Daredevil and language with the first Punisher. Seems fitting.

-So have you seen John Doe? It probably means you are a serial killer and have not long to live. I would run. Like now.
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This'll get you thinking
haphazard724 March 2015
This is thriller that will get you thinking.

There's a part of me that supports the whole concept of vigilantes given how inadequate our court system can be in Australia. Then there the part that says no matter what, there's no place for vigilantes.

Again, this movie will make you think a bit about where things are at and where your morals and ethics are.

The acting was fine, not great, but it worked for this movie.

The scenes were graphic enough for those looking for that, to be interested.

The ending wasn't what I expected, but I won't give it away (I thought it was a good ending, though!!!!)
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Ambitious premise, but flawed execution
siderite10 September 2014
I wanted to like this movie, I really did, but I couldn't. My biggest qualm is that it tried too much. You see, the story is that of a vigilante who is killing bad people and the film is trying to make you think and pick a side. Is he really guilty or is he justified? Or both?

The problem is that the movie is clearly biased towards the vigilante and the tools they use to make us feel for him are lacking any form of subtlety whatsoever. The bad guys are mostly child molesters, if not they are wife or adolescent beaters. They are portrayed are completely remorseless, people who are "plain evil". I love that expression, as evil is something plain, easily defined and explained. Then the discourse is always being accompanied with some grave music whenever the characters make a point towards taking justice into one's own hands.

It reminded me of another film that had a similar small budget, ambitious premise, but failed execution: The East. This is practically the same thing, but with vigilantes and with as many Australian actors to ever have played a doctor on TV. As many a film wanting to "raise awareness" or "inspire the masses", it fails when all of its characters come off as self righteous assholes.
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Death Wish 47 (or more, I didn't really count)
voyou-703-65535026 June 2014
On the minus side, I predicted the ending from the very first line of dialogue; ouch. At least that part of the denouement makes sense. The post-verdict part doesn't; it's just there for the show, and (kind of) ruins an otherwise consistent storyline.

On the meh side, the subject is your routine fascist propaganda about self-justice. It's very well delivered, but brings no argument that hasn't been told a killion times, and that doesn't contradict itself instantly. It's just a modernised version, meaning that it uses the current definitions of worst crimes, such as child abuse, to justify murder, posses, lynching, terror, militia, and whatnot.

On the plus side, this film offers a fantastic casting. These people are all new to me (not being familiar with Aussie cinema), yet I found myself engrossed from the start, not by the average story but by the performances. I just rode along easily, as each new face happened to have great screen presence and impeccable delivery of its character. The direction (of both filming and acting) is excellent, and so is the photography. The film even uses, to the best effect, all the contemporary cliché techniques that so often fail elsewhere, such as the pseudo-documentary format, street cameras, etc.

JD:V has an average plot and a weak message, but delivers them with great skill and a good amount of flair.
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Aussie Thought-Provoker
wamwatcher7 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Recorded off cable just because I was curious about Jamie Bamber acting outside of Galactica. The DVR listing said "Thought Provoking," but they say even the junk is "riveting," but this time they got something right. And you'll notice most of the reviews mention John Doe made them THINK. You can go through a lot of movies without that happening. Especially now that Summer is coming. :>)

{TINY SPOILERS HERE!!} Some plot points get glossed over, there is a twist at the end that is fun but could use more explanation, & an audience gratification ending.

Which is the best I can do for complaints. RECOMMENDED
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Well worth 90 minutes of your time
PanamaVeggie3 April 2015
While not all were stellar, most of the actors were solid. Sam Parsonson (Murray Wills) deserves a special mention; I expect to see him in more films as his unique look and utterly believable portrayal are sure to make directors sit up and take notice. Brooke Ryan (Mary Jones) had a small but significant role and more than delivered. There's also something very special about Gary Abrahams (Sam Foley), who reminded me of T.R Knight, Peter Dinklage, and Justin Bartha (earnest eyes, lol). Ditch Davey's detective James Clint was too "Dirty Harry" for me. He overacted and came across as a bit ridiculous. I was actually about to give up on the movie during one of his early scenes but the questions being raised were too good for me to not finish watching. We've all seen TV shows and movies dealing with revenge and vigilantism but generally they focus on doling out revenge or "justice" and not with the moral implications of taking the law into your own hands. This movie, on the other hand, raised every question imaginable. I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just conclude by saying that this is a very solid movie--a perfectly good way to pass the time if you, like me, enjoy a good revenge/vigilante flick. When it comes to the premise and screenplay, however, I can't praise this movie enough. If you, like me, are always looking for a film that is truly different (and goodness knows, there are precious few), then you must watch this.
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Food for Thought
MrEnjoy23 June 2014
After reading the plot and seeing the few good actors in the movie I felt it was something I could give a shot, it might be good. Well after 90 minutes of my life I don't feel disappointed. In fact it has made me sit in silence (for a solid 15 minutes) just thinking more and more of the meaning.

It surely doesn't have the effect as say "Her", in a thought provoking sense, though it is a solid movie.

What honestly can be done to forgive someone for such heinous crimes, if you know they will commit them again? This movie asks that question and more.

Over all the movie had some shaky shots, little over the top acting conversely not enough acting, some shots were not needed and could have added a bit more background to the story in a few places but I still ended up questioning myself after. Which I always find as a good sign.

Whats a good movie without a good afterthought?
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Classic vigilante theme presented in stylish fashion, but not to greater effect
quincytheodore1 March 2015
John Doe asks a valid question, "What if law fail to protect civilian?". It's a very intriguing premise, and the film succeeds in involving the audience to mentally invest in the dilemma. For the sake of enhancing the social nuance, it portrays the story with back and forth pace as well as accounts from journalists, lawyers and polices. However, it's also very heavy-handed in its execution, many other movies have done better with more refined production.

The title is pretty self-explanatory, this is the story of a vigilante called John Doe, who kills repeated offenders. Unlike most movies, it's presented in almost exclusively in cameras' point of view, such as recorded interviews, homemade video or CCTV. This semi-mockumentary approach does have its merit, it's easier to produce participation for viewers as though they are watching news or investigative journalism. Unfortunately, it's a tad too ambitious in creating layers as well as multiple perspectives on its timeline.

Most of the recording feels awkward, it tries to reveal information in order for audience's benefit, like Social Network. As the killing becomes well known the situation escalates, creating more perspectives from many other characters, most are delivered with the same found footage style. This becomes convoluted and restricted, as too many accounts are choppily edited for shock effect. At some points it becomes too fervor in delivering its message, it literally screams at audience. While it could be effective, V for Vendetta and Dark Knight films have done better with subtler method.

Its strong point lies in the visual. The graphic is crisp and pristine, the scenes are very polished, which makes the mockumentary style more confining. It could have portrayed the scenes with poise, and links them together smoothly. For the acting, its main characters perform well, especially John Doe himself. Characterization has a few problems though, they might be one-dimensional and the plot exaggerates John Doe's ability, dumbs down the law and vilifies his victims till the point of Satan incarnation himself.

This film might make audience contemplate on its theme, if so it has already succeeded, but the means for that goal is crude, almost preachy. It could have reached out more with elegant, delicate and rich discussion.
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Cannot believe we waited for this
fco1922-737-2008814 June 2014
One word sums up this movie: turgid. I almost didn't catch it as it opened and closed so fast (three days), but other than having some nice shots of Jamie Bamber, there is nothing to recommend this movie. Indeed, the only people who seem to like this movie are Jamie Bamber fans That's sad because people are essentially commenting on his physical attractiveness as opposed to his acting.

I must admit to being puzzled. Jamie Bamber has done some excellent work (The Smoke). Yet his movies are invariably poor. It's as if he cannot act in a movie. In this case, a non-existent plot and poor script don't help matters.
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Worth a look
whitelight_3320 June 2014
I must admit to being a bit perplexed by some of the reviews for this film. I found it extremely compelling and confronting, perhaps audiences and critics no longer want to be challenged to think when they see a movie?

It seems to me that the only way this film wouldn't resonate with you was if you had managed to get through your life without ever feeling victimized at any level.

I would highly recommend an open mind if you do choose to see this title as well as the willingness to think about your own morality and level of participation in society, this is not a gentle film, it is film that will challenge you on a number of levels.
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Clever Aussie Indie…Heavy Handed at Times but its Decidedly Different
LeonLouisRicci4 June 2016
The Conundrum of Vigilante Justice has been the Topic of Many a Movies and the Message is Delivered here with a clearly Different Style and Tone. That makes it Worth a Watch because it isn't just More of the Same, it is More of the Same but Served with a bit of Low Budget Grittiness, coupled with some Clever Turns, that adds to the Film's Gravitas.

Sometimes the Indie Budget Betrays and Exposes some Weaknesses, like a Muddled Montage and Mediocre Acting, that at times is so "In Your Face" that the Suspension of Disbelief teeters.

On the other hand its Standoffish Camera gives the thing a Detached Demeanor. Being Removed from the Proceedings the Audience is in essence Layered and Given a Pass from the Guilt that John Doe states is not as Easy as the Killings.

There Never is an Easy Answer to the Questions Posed in this Scenario and John Doe makes all the Necessary Points with an Occasional Outburst from His Detached Demeanor. The Film borders on the Exploitative at times but does Hold Back enough to be Engaging to say the least.
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This Australian thriller is far from exciting.
peterp-450-29871615 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Killing is easy. It's living with it that's the hard part." John Doe is a modern Robin Hood. But instead of returning stolen money to the poor, he brings criminals to justice. And this for the relatives of someone who was a victim of a crime. "John Doe: Vigilante" is an indictment of the failing justice system and the apparent impunity of criminals who slip through the cracks of the judicial system. A person therefore takes the law into his own hands and begins a series of murders on criminals who got a second chance to return to society, but ultimately continue with their criminal activities. The zone between revenge and the pleasure to kill, fades as the film progresses. Don't expect a "Silence of the Lambs" or "The Zodiac". This Australian thriller is far from exciting. It's a series of excerpts from the courtroom, an exclusive interview with the consent of John Doe (Jamie Bamber) conducted by journalist Ken Rutherford (Lachy Hulme) and video recordings of the different executions. It rather looks like a television documentary than a film. The end result is a slow and boring movie with an unmistakable message. Whether it's advisable in order to proclaim that message in this way, is another question. What if certain individuals start applying this message in reality ? You can ask the same question when it's about other movies, of course. The difference is that this film feels really realistic with this documentary-like packaging. There is even a Facebook group that posts messages about "vigilantes" who perform heroic deeds and about errors made by the court such as a judge who sentenced a rich guy to probation after his conviction for the rape of his three year old daughter, because he wouldn't fare well in prison. After reading this nonsense I wanted to become a vigilante myself ! Jamie Bamber plays the role of John Doe in a convincing way. It's wonderful to see how he plays that charismatic figure who firmly believes in the ultimate goal of his one-man operation. In the interview with the journalist his moods fluctuates constantly from determined and intellectually, to after glowing in a melancholy way about his actions, and then again full of anger and with resentment loaded fiery rage against the injustice that was done to him. The reason for this revenge is that his personal family life was completely destroyed by the murder of his daughter and the death of his beloved wife who couldn't cope with this tragic loss. So a justified act of vengeance began against all offenders who are guilty of pedophilia, rape, child neglect and abuse of women. Lachy Hulme personifies the journalist who tackles this story with both hands and interrogates witnesses, after which he confronts John Doe with these facts in order to prove to him that taking the law into his own hands is not to condone. He tries to find out if John Doe is now operating on his own or in cooperation with allies such as the founder of the group "Speak for the Dead" Murray Wills (Sam Paronson) or the over-enthusiastic news reporter Sam Foley (Gary Abrahams) who's only too happy to broadcast the video of John Doe's actions since all the major stations refused to do that. There were two moments of brilliant acting in this film that I want to mention. The first is a subtle trifle that I've noticed. The moment Rutherford asks Foley whether he would do anything for John Doe, even kill someone, for a moment there's that tiny smile before he gives the answer "I've never said that." And the metamorphosis from a pathetic backstabber to a sadistic insensitive person, portrayed by the killer of John Doe's daughter. "John Doe:Vigilante" finally is a dull action-less movie with a few cold blooded murders on tape. It's a controversial issue that's raised and it leaves you thinking about how you would react if such a disaster strikes and you find yourself in a similar situation. I admit that I wouldn't care if someone like John Doe would arise, killing perpetrators of such despicable crimes. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" situation. It's the principle of the film "The Purge" extended into a continuing process whereby the eradication of lowlifes is unpunished and tolerated. The only and always recurrent problem is the line that needs to be drawn in such a process . Who decides whether someone has hurt someone else unintentionally or not? Is someone who drove through a red light and could have made a victim, a candidate for the black list ? The final question that remains is whether John Doe operated on his own or whether it was indeed a masterly put together plan with fellow thinkers. "John Doe: Vigilante" : a movie to rack one's brain and to do some deep thinking about this thorny issue. Can you justify violence? Who judges about what is right and what is wrong? And why does the current legal system fail? It's not a movie to watch on an intimate date. That's a certainty !
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Thought provoking but disturbing.
spocktom21 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I understand the rage people might feel if the justice system lets them down...if legal technicalities let an offender walk free from court or a rapist is not convicted because there is no material evidence. This film deals with an even more controversial area of pedophilia and the main character, John Doe, makes it his life's work to execute as many pedophiles and child killers as possible.

Now most of us would cheer his actions, being that pedophiles are the lowest of the low in terms of human society but the film challenges us to think of the whole legal system as a total failure unable to dispense true justice and that the only true justice comes at the hands of vigilantes. To me and I bet many others this is dangerous territory. Once you start to disassemble our legal system...once you have no jury rules of procedural rules you are left with lynch mobs and kangaroo courts where an accusation is enough to see one hanged. This puts us one step away from savagery where anyone could make an accusation and a group could just decide to do you in without any real evidence at all. That's not the type of world I would like to live in because not only would justice cease to exist but democracy as well. So before you all choose the cheer the protagonist on in this movie think about what the director/writer seems to be advocating... a world without an organised police force or legal system. Is that what you really want?
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2nd Watch
unclet-3016913 December 2020
I had seen this in 2016, and forgot about it, saw it again, now in '20 and liked it. Some aspects are a little amateurish but if you like provocation then you're good to go. Grab some 'corn and enjoy. 😎👍
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Absolutely outstanding!
jackr00326 June 2014
John Doe: Vigilante is an amazing film.

I will begin by saying that I am generally more interested in lower budget films compared with big budget blockbusters so I may be a little biased. However I feel some of the reviews I have read online for John Doe are incredibly unfair.

The subject matter dealt with in John Doe was addressed in a highly effective way. The film was able to make a situation, seemingly out of the realm of possibility for most of us seem as if it were unfolding in reality.

This film is not just an excuse for glorified violence and bloodshed. It makes a powerful statement about the ineffectiveness of the Australian Justice System.

I felt so strongly after watching that I immediately went to the website and chose to review the film (firsts for both).

If you like to think about what you are watching, both during and after then be sure to check out John Doe: Vigilante. There are some fairly confronting images used without being obscene.

I am a film student in Australia and am genuinely inspired by this film and highly recommend it.
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Surprising, will make you think if you feel strongly against injustice
Iambetterthanmew30 June 2014
This was, really surprising, I just wanted to pass some time and relax, didn't have big expectations for this movie but it really got me thinking.

*** I get sidetracked a bit here, reflecting over the movie ***

Besides the whole vigilante question, we as john and Jane does should do more than just give a like on face book. We should get off our arses and help each other as people, we know the neighbor is beating the sh*t out of the kid, go do something, if you're afraid to go on your own get some of your buddies with you. If you see a group of people harassing others do something, stop and call upon the others to help you. You should of course be reasonable, I've seen brawls where I didn't do anything because it was 4 people fighting each other and I didn't know who to help, the bouncers were already breaking it up, so I let the bouncers break up the fight and let the police handle the rest. I have seen a fight between just two, I helped break them up. I've seen people collapse and followed them home. It's our duty as citizens, as people, as human f****g beings to help one another and contribute to this world without going all "the f*** should I care" if you see injustice.

** side tracking done **

Besides that it was an interesting movie, it had some really interesting points. I was really surprised by the movie, and it managed to fill me up with strong feelings because these are topics that really concern me. This was an inspiring movie and I hope it will inspire other people as well. Now with this review you could probably figure things out about me, if you feel the same way you'll like this movie.
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One of the best movies I saw in the past year
zero-cool10313 February 2015
I must admit I was no expecting this movie to be this good and it could may be a story from our real life in today's world.

Everybody knows there is much injustice out there but don't care mainly because it does not happen to them. I don't want to spoil the movie but who is on the fence about seeing this ... GO FOR IT .... is going to awake the justice that is in all of us and makes us think what world are we leaving in(that is if you are a law abiding citizen) + takes some things from the real world hacker group Annonynous witch is always great news.

To bad this is not going to be seen by many because is a small budget movie.
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Nice crossing of DEATH WISH and V for Vendetta
A_Different_Drummer12 February 2015
Movies with a message are by their nature problematic.

David Schwimmer for example did a film about teenage girls and the internet. It was more message than movie and for that reason it may well be already lost to time.

On the other hand Paddy Chayefsky's NETWORK was both a message and a film opus. Fantastic movie and it will live forever on the "top 10" lists of viewers all over the globe.

This Aussie effort, featuring a FANTASTIC performance by Bamber, who, to dig out the old cliché, does silent dialog using only his eyes, gives you a nice slow start and then builds and builds and builds.

The best thing about it is that it keeps the viewer off-balance right to the end, achieved by some of the best editing of "flashbacks" I have seen since the days of Sergio Leone.

There is a particular scene at the 1:19 mark involving a small child who "thanks" Bamber that is likely the highlight. True to form, not even this scene ends the way we might expect.

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Hollywood, move over for Australia
mkrpark13 February 2015
I get tired of Hollywood blockbusters---the car chases, explosions with the hero calmly walking away, unflinchingly and one man armies do the impossible---taking on dozens of bad guys all alone. The impossible becomes implausible and difficult to believe or enjoy. The Aussies are starting to impress me and John Doe is an excellent film. I admit, I love guy movies, crime movies, action and revenge movies and this has it all. Gritty violence that seems very justified, excellent acting from ALL players---even the bit parts, great directing, great camera work and most important----well written. And some mind-blowing surprises and plot twists to wrap it up and it is what I call a perfect movie. Well paced, never slows down---it kept me transfixed throughout. The kind of movie that must be watched again and I call it a perfect ten.
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Entertaining & Powerful - why is IMDb railroading it?
fallguy_jack6 July 2014
I liked this movie, read the other positive reviews, which is most of them.

They also have the highest helpful ratios, as in of the people who voted whether a review was helpful or not, my experience with IMDb indicates that one of them would be on the main page.

Yet this is not the case. When I first came to this movie's page, the main review was one of only 2 negative ones out of 7, and 2 of 6 people voted that they found it helpful. So I voted it as not helpful with the other negative review.

Now minutes later (like 2) that review is not on the main page, but the other even more negative review is with a 12 out of 45 helpful rating... (all my numbers are off by 1 as my votes are not counted yet - even though they've already effected change)

There is a 10/10 review with 25 of 38 finding it helpful, there's a 13 of 16 positive review, and a 1 of 1, a 3 of 4...

Clearly something fishy is going on here, are they afraid of a vigilante uprising? Or maybe Bamber punched some Hollywood fatcat(s) in the face instead of granting the sexual favour(s) requested. Maybe both, as Bamber's work get's a disproportionate amount of flak. He's no Hopkins, but he is without a doubt a capable actor at the VERY least.

I wonder if anyone will even see this review... in preview the only spelling mistake highlighted is "fatcat" yet in typing this I show Bamber's name and the Canadian spelling of "favour" underlined squiggly red as well...
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Killing is easy. Living with it is hard.
nogodnomasters16 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with John Doe (Jamie Bamber) in jail granting an interview to a reporter (Lachy Hulme). He is accused of killing 33 people, all of which "deserved killing." The list included pedophiles, murderers, and wife beaters all repeat offenders. 20 minutes into the film we discover Mr. Doe was a social worker, who knew the victims or his victims. As time goes on copycat killers arise as "Speak for the Dead" spring up across the world.

This was an interesting film that engages the viewer with questions about justice and the legal system. At one point it equates vigilante action with war. At another point it asks, if the vigilante kills because he enjoys killing then is he a hero or part of the problem? The role of the media is criticized and questioned. The film was done rather well, and leave it to the Aussies to come up with a heartfelt slasher. Nice surprise ending too.

Perhaps the most unbelievable aspect of this film was that events that happened in Australia somehow were of interest worldwide. Like that would happen.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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A wonderful, must-see film!!
mmawilkinson821 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First off I would like to say that I found this film by accident. I was trawling YouTube watching movie trailers and John Doe:Vigilante was in the associated videos section of another I was watching. After seeing the trailer, I decided I had to watch the film so here we are! John Doe:Vigilante tells the story of arrested vigilante serial killer John Doe who sets up an exclusive interview with journalist Ken Rutherford to get his side of the story across. The film flicks back and forth between the interview, John's back-story and the murders themselves to brilliant effect. We get to experience the build-up and reasoning behind each murder and John himself then explains. Jamie Bamber certainly has an air of mystery and sinister to him and his portrayal of an ordinary man driven to extraordinary lengths to protect the citizens of Australia from the failing justice system is nothing short of superb.

I was kept on the edge of my seat throughout and only when the credits appeared could I stop biting my nails. The tension builds and builds, particularly in the final third where we find out the whole truth behind John's vigilante killings and the final twist is nothing short of shocking. I honestly did not see it coming and for anyone who has not seen the film - the twist is no "Sixth Sense" style twist that you get hints about. Instead for about ten minutes after the film I was still digesting what I had seen - it hit me for six.

Director Kelly Dolan and writer Stephen M Coates should be proud of John Doe:Vigilante because it neatly side-steps traditional revenge clichés and instead with the final payoff delivers a hard hitting message.

A wonderful film that I will watch again because it was just that good.
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Watch it , You wont be disappointed!
Evanoil24 July 2015
First of all , I must say that at first look this movie looks like some low budget Australian garbage , The big surprise is that it has some descent actors that delivered the messege very nicely and a very good story . I started watching the movie with low expectations and got hooked up with the story-line .I can gladly say that the storyline is packed with some nice twists . I would gladly give this movie a solid 10 if it wasn't for the Directing job and some flucks that i found while watching it ,i guess there is no perfect movie anyway.. In conclusion i would strongly recommend this movie to every grown up out there, And i hope it will get a little bigger recognition in the future.
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A different kind of hero movie, in a good way!
martin_ringen13 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A really interesting and capturing movie. It takes the vigilante concept and goes deep into the problems, but also the justice, in having a man giving criminals the prober punishment.

I will say that this movie is very violent, maybe so violent that it sometimes seem unrealistic. Everyone in the movie is in one way or another a violent person. That is my only critic of the movie, because it is quite interesting. It poses the question of what is the right punishment for a crime committed. Is an eye for an eye mentality right or not. The movie doesn't answer this question but lets the viewer be the judge. It's cool in that way, because it's really the essence of John Doe as he is the judge (and executioner) of his victims.

The movie is good and capturing. The acting can be so and so at times, but the Jamie Bamber is really good! It's absolutely worth watching!
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