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Good light-hearted comedy
trueman-12 May 2010
My wife and I just caught this movie in the theatre and we both found it an enjoyable light-hearted western/comedy. To those who have never heard of a Canadian "western," you must be very young because there have been a few, mostly Hollywood, and involving Mounties, but also some home-grown ones, though these never made it to the big screen.

But I digress. This movie is one of good clean fun which the whole family can enjoy. Perhaps this is one of the real complaints for those who compare it to a CBS movie - no gratuitous sex, violence or foul language. If you are going looking for these elements you'll be sorely disappointed. It does make a political statement regarding some differences between Canadians and Americans, and against handguns (though thankfully doesn't group shotguns and rifles into the same category). However, overall, the production values are quite high, especially for a low-budget movie - something I think many people tend to forget - and certainly compared to a CBS movie-of-the-week special. You can't even pay the salary of a lead Hollywood actor for $10 million.

Generally this movie should appeal to those who go in with realistic expectations, and of course fans of Paul Gross. Oh, and watch the credits for a time before you leave the theatre.
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Props to Gross for this quirky Western from the north
Samiam31 May 2010
Well here is a first. I've never heard of a Canadian western. The idea may sound promising or risky. What it turns out to be is delightful, a bit amateurish, but fun.

The movie is played mostly for laughs. Paul Gross is terrific. To be honest, the guy feels like a cross between Bruce Campbell and Matt Dillon to be honest. Gunless is definitely not a traditional western, but like all the best ones it has a fiery showdown, throwing in some satire for good measure.

Western and Comedy don't often come together. I think Blazzing Saddles is the only one that ever tried, either that or the only one which succeeded, (well there is also Shanghai Noon). Gunless, though far from the humour of Mel Brooks, offers something fresh amongst all the mediocre/gimmicky pre summer features currently running. If it has managed to get theatrical release in your country (to all my non-Canadian readers), go see it, if not rent it when in comes out in a few months.
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Gunless Keeps the Safety On
gatsby60130 April 2010
Promoted as a comedy, Gunless is your basic 'fish out of water tale'. This time out a hardboiled American gunman encounters a town full of sweetly naive Canadians who, seem to have settled the west without even raising their voices at each other let alone resorting to - gasp - violence.

What the film actually is is a pleasant but not really funny or dramatic exercise in safe script writing. Americans, as is usual in Canadian films, are portrayed as violent and stupid and authority figures as ridge and out of touch. That's about the extent of any social commentary.

Paul Gross, to his credit, tries his best to carry the film - and accent - but everything here is surface. Dramatic scenes like when the love interest talks about being abused or when the Kid recounts the men he has killed come off flat and unconvincing.

Shot more like a t.v. movie then a feature Gunless is mostly limited to close up and two shots. It fails to convey a sense of time or place and you never feel this is a small isolated town on a vast frontier.

The final act, a stand off between the Montana Kid versus his old nemesis, a scarred bounty hunter, never has a chance. Refusing to commit to the humour of a Blazing Saddles or the grit of Unforgiven, Gunless keeps to the middle lane of the uncommitted.

Gunless then is a brisk, polite and forgettable time waster.
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The Montana Kid is very out of place in British Colombia.
TxMike25 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
With a very unusual title, and a very quirky story, I found this delightful movie on Netflix, via streaming video. The actors create unique, funny characters that are also interesting.

The year is 1878. Paul Gross is the Montana Kid, and he shows up in this small Canadian village of population 17, tied up and sitting backwards in the saddle, on his horse. Clearly he has been in some sort of disagreement, and he doesn't even know where he is.

We see very quickly that he is a gunman with a quick temper, and soon is threatening to add number 12 to his list of killings.

But this town has gentle people and, except for the one that Montana has, not a handgun anywhere. This makes things difficult to challenge the local blacksmith to a gunfight after Montana is insulted.

I have a special liking for Sienna Guillory and here she is Jane Taylor who needs help repairing her windmill so that her water pump will work. She bargains with Montana, she will provide the handgun if he will repair her windmill.

It is refreshing that no one actually gets shot and killed in this movie. Montana and Jane take a liking to each other, and with the help of the Canadian mounties they actually run the bounty hunters out of the country.

Nothing special or lasting here, just light entertainment. Paul Gross is very good in his role as the Montana Kid.
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Is this entire country insane, or is it just this town?"
classicsoncall10 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was my first look at the two principals, and I thought Paul Gross and Sienna Guillory acquitted themselves well given what they had to work with. This was billed as a comedy, but finds itself in between all out funny and serious revenge Western, and the effect leaves one a little off balance. What's interesting is the set up, in which gunslinger Montana Kid (Gross) arrives in Barclay's Brush somewhere in Canada quite under duress. We come to learn that he's on the run from American bounty hunters, but in the mean time, decides to avail himself of the good will that the few citizens in town have to offer. That is, except for blacksmith Jack (Tyler Mane), who gets on Montana's wrong side by 'stealing' his horse. That whole scenario was the basis for Montana forcing a showdown with the giant horseshoer, but with no one in town owning a gun, expectations for an eventual gun battle get watered down by film's end.

The character I got the biggest kick out of had only a mere presence in the story, and that would have been Graham Greene as the Indian sidekick N'Kwala to Canadian Mountie J.T. Kent (Dustin Milligan). Greene had such a natural presence in the story, he made even the slightest mannerism noteworthy without uttering a sound. There were others in the picture that seemed destined to play a more significant role but just went nowhere, like school teacher Miss Alice (Laura Bertram) and the coy Miss Adell (Melody B. Choi). Even the leader of the bounty hunters, Ben Cutter (Callum Keith Rennie), seemed to have been wasted as a major villain. He was disadvantaged quite easily at the finale in a showdown that had no tension at all.

So where I was hoping for a likely contender to "Blazing Saddles", this one missed the mark, even though the film turned in a relatively sanitized story line with no foul language or sexually explicit scenes. But then again, we didn't really need a lot of passing gas jokes around the old campfire to make it likeable, and I'd recommend the picture as fine, family friendly movie fare.
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Wow - Refreshing
ihometech-128 August 2010
Refreshing original look at a tongue in cheek Western...a tale of the Montana Kid up against Canadina sensibilities.

Has the look and feel of an old fashion western and is wonderfully played by the leads.

Not meant to be a story of particular depth, if you look for what isn't there then you never got it to begin with. Having said that there are scenes which do have depth, and a great feel of honor and, at times, nobility.

I enjoyed this movie for a lot of reasons...not least of which are the performances of Paul Gross and Sienna Guillory.

Excellent Canadian gem!
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not funny enough
SnoopyStyle31 August 2014
The Montana Kid (Paul Gross) is a stinky gun toting American outlaw who objects to being called common. He arrives in the Dominion of Canada to find the townfolks annoyingly helpful. Jane Taylor (Sienna Guillory) is a self-assured pioneer and a widow after killing her no good husband. The blacksmith is a giant who keeps helping him despite being called out to a duel. Hopeless corporal JT Kent (Dustin Milligan) and his native guide N'Kwala (Graham Greene) come sniffing around. Then bounty hunters come into town looking for the Montana Kid.

The central premise isn't funny by itself but that's all the movie is relying on. Paul Gross doesn't come off as a hardened killer. He doesn't have the swagger. There is a need for more and better jokes. This is still a watchable story with some interesting characters. It's just not that funny.
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Underrated movie
shaynetonio10 October 2010
This is a lighthearted Canadian western (if there is such a thing). I don't think this film has a lot of international appeal but for those of us who live in Canada, I believe that this film is one to try out! The comedy in this film is cute, and the action is not bad considering how many cast members are in this film. But this is what gives this film its charm.

But what really pulls this film off is the scenery, I believe they filmed this out in Osoyoos BC (in the interior) and you really can't complain about the beautiful night sky full of stars, and the rugged dusty terrain of one of the most charming parts of BC.

Overall, this ain't no Unforgiven but it is a unique, Canadian made, film that is fun to watch.
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Why Do Canadian Movies SUCK?
Trombonehead2 June 2013
As a Canadian, I have to say that I'd like nothing better than to see somebody make a really good Canadian movie someday. In the entire history of the motion picture industry, Canada has only made a couple of movies that stand up as world class. We just do not seem to have the wherewithal to make movies like other non-American countries do---Australia, for example, which has made many great features over the years. So with "Gunless" here we go again. How can one possibly come up with enough adjectives to adequately describe what a totally lame, pathetic, useless waste of time this movie is? It's just embarrassing to think that this is all our Canadian movie industry can come up with. You have to start with the script, which could never have been accepted for production anywhere else but Canada. Our country seems to be so desperate to come up with movies that the Canadian government helps to fund this trash. Two thumbs down for this turkey---it's as lame and pathetic as you can get. Paul Gross is a joke, and so is everyone else in the cast. About the only thing that is good is the background scenery, which is the one thing you can't go wrong with up here in Canada. In every other respect "Gunless" SUCKS!!
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Gunless - and clueless. a low-budget flick that rocks!
torrentstorm1 September 2010
I had not seen Paul Gross since Passchendaele, and Sienna Guillory since The Time Machine. This was a pleasure to see them work together in a movie made for the enjoyment of everyone.

There is little else I can add to the above reviews, all of them quite accurate, except, I would not call this movie a forgettable waste of time. Comedy it is, yes, more tongue-in-cheek, but I know I wore a smile throughout the viewing because of the light-hearted-attempting-to be-serious story. On more than one occasion I could not resist laughing at the irresistible parodies. Some clichés were a bit silly, but not irritating.

Not so for The Montana Kid. A hardened gunfighter used to killing and death, is not easily swayed by pretty smiles and kind words, nor clueless people (hence the word clueless in my title). What can a hardened killer want with a small town full of innocent, warm people, living what appears to be in a dream world, who had never seen a gunfight, let alone a hardened killer (or was he)?

Lots of pleasant moments in this movie, one I'll want to watch again in time. But, that is not the best of it. The best part lies in this question: Can a town free of guilt and murderous hatred help a seasoned gunman to change his ways and thinking, helping him to find forgiveness and peace, without being bossy, or preachy, or pushy in any way? Moreover, can a wanted man, with a bounty on his head, learn the spirit of self-sacrifice and redemption, to protect those he has come to love and appreciate? That final scene, when both Montana and his lady love Jane were facing the bounty hunter was touching, showed the true nature of my previous statement, especially because of how they both played this out.

A really nice movie, friends! Worth every moment! Take your kids too! The fact that there isn't any real sex, violence is low-key, no foul language, does not make it a worthless movie. Nor is it a stupid comedy.

I never thought I'd see a low budget flick this good! Give it a go, friends!
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Promising premise, but doesn't quite work
Wizard-819 May 2012
Despite being one of the rare Canadian films to get a theatrical release in Canada as big as some Hollywood blockbusters, "Gunless" was a big bomb in theatres. A big reason for that was probably an inadequate promotion campaign; despite all my hours of watching TV, I didn't see one commercial for this movie. Some people may claim that the movie being a western doomed its commercial prospects, but if you look at the Hollywood westerns that have been made for the past 30 years, you will see that the GOOD westerns have almost always done at least decent business.

As you might have guessed, "Gunless" isn't a good movie. It isn't a movie that provokes hatred or real dislike from viewers, but it's kind of bland and toothless. Paul Gross was a poor choice as the American gunfighter. What the role really needed was someone who oozes a tough charisma, like what John Wayne and Lee Marvin gave in their performances. The production values, despite a hefty budget for a Canadian movie, often make the movie look like a made-for-TV production. And the comedy isn't that funny, coming across as goofy.

Not everything about the movie is bad. The background scenery (shot in southern British Columbia) looks very nice. Also, when the movie decides to be serious, it actually isn't that bad. I think that if writer/director William Phillips had treated the premise of this movie in a more realistic and serious fashion, we might have had something here. But as it is, it's a movie you'll forget not long after watching it.
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If you are not Canadian, don´t bother
zentist-563-97698624 December 2018
The best humour in this movie is about the difference between the US and Canada. I lived in Canada for 13 years and had two rifles. you could buy them in Sears with no controls in the 1970´s but not hand guns. So the very idea of "gunless" would be lost on people from the states. The movie is amusing at best and, as people have said, the scenery is nice. Apparently the movie won awards in Canada. i think that says a lot. I remember talking with a guy in Toronto, Canada who has just come back from seeing a Shakespeare play in Stratford, Ontario. According to him the best Shakespearean actors were Canadian. Like William Shatner. Suffice it to say, three months later I left Canada for good. There is only so much you can say about ice hockey and snowmobiles.
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mani-nanna-650-15734812 September 2010
recently, I grabbed few low-budget westerns to watch on my DVD during the weekend. (I have reviewed one of them, 6 Guns, that was pretty bad, and I didn't even bother to review the second one, so awful it was) So you can guess that i didn't have high expectation for this one. Especially if you add the fact that movie is Canadian, and I didn't really know Canadians do westerns too.

Now boy, was I wrong to look at the film with a wrong eye.

From the first shots till the end, the movie proved to be fun. There was this specific Canadian humor I guess, which I understood perfectly (Being non Canadian and even non American at all), because it was delivered very well by very talented actors.

Speaking about actors. I can say for sure that for a long time I never saw such a good acting in low budget movies.

God... Russel Crowey gets millions of salary for ruining the epic legends (yeah, I mean Robin Hood parody he did), while these guys delivering much more fun gain ten times less.

Action scenes were shot well, camera work was good and lightning and the editing caused no questions.

Of course you feel all the way through the film that this is low budget, but it adds to the charm.

9 out 10...
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Low-key comedy/western from Canada
RogerB-P3RV323 February 2020
Low-key comedy/western from Canada. Fugitive gunfighter The Montana Kid (Paul Gross) ends up on the north side of the border and assimilates himself quite well into peaceful town of Barkleys despite the gruff manner he goes about it.

The tough exterior of the American are no match for the local folks hospitality and one smitten widow Jane Taylor (Sienna Guillory). The charming townies grow on the Kid but trouble is not far away. It's time for high noon when bounty hunters close in for the kill.

Crude situations and slapstick go well together. Too bad they were too far and few in between. The funniest bits are outtakes bloopers shown during the end credits.
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unique, entertaining, well done
thesiouxfallskid25 November 2010
First of all I have to give it ten stars out of a possible ten. Uniquely written about a gunfighter having a difficult time picking a fight. Actors well chosen, music nicely arranged, a film where we see people as people. Very entertaining. Intelligently done. I could never tell what was about to happen next, so in vivid contrast to most westerns that I have seen it was in no way clichéd, at least not to me. You might want to watch the credits at the end or you will miss out on some things. And the film has a worthwhile message. I do disagree with some of the other reviewers. I would not say low budgeted as that has a negative connotation. Perhaps the film simply didn't require a high cost of production and had no gratuitous spending. Nothing cheap in what I saw. As for no foul language maybe those reviewers were munching on chips each time that certain word (ahem, ending in ck) was used as well as several other such expressions which to the merit of the film came out very naturally, or maybe they heard a different audio track from what I heard.
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Thumbs up to this pleasant, funny, time-period comedy
bmrao198025 August 2010
It felt just so good to be watching this pleasant non-political, no-gore, light-hearted comedy. I for one would definitely pay to watch more of such movies. This really is the definition of good clean fun. I loved the story-idea, the various little sub-plots (especially Jack, the Blacksmith one), and the acting of all the characters was pretty competent. Sure, it had an amateurish feel to it from time to time, but that didn't take away from the fun of watching the movie. My only complaint are that the villain could have been a little more menacing and/or a little more funny - he ended up being neither. My only serious complaint is the hairdo the protagonist sports - that was a disaster!
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Very Enjoyable (Rare) Current Western!
omni_purch25 January 2011
With the dearth of any, let alone decent westerns nowadays, this movie was a breath of fresh air. In the vein of the classic Briscoe County, it was a treat to watch. Acting was as well done if not better than the junk Hollywood offers. (Yes, Lower Case!) Obviously I enjoy westerns, and most of the recent movies guised as westerns have not made the grade. I will certainly watch this one again as well as recommend it. Oops, I see I need to write more... I guess simple and succinct doesn't rate. So, sorry, here are a few more lines. Nice to see it was based in Canada - clean skies and a lot of green... duh, am I done yet??? Let's see.

Thank you.
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Gunless: A glittering diamond in the rough
AlienOscillator6 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When is a Western not quite your average run-of-the-mill Western? When it's Canadian and it's "Gunless".

Paul Gross (magnificently) plays the Montana Kid, -- an American gun- slinger and outlaw who crosses over the Canadian border courtesy of a botched hanging and his wayward horse. Having arrived at a small village, half-dead and stinking to high heaven, the local community of a dozen or so individuals (including the village idiot) become obsessed with the Kid as his notoriety is legendary. The Kid manages to get into a situation with the village blacksmith (fueled by the fact that the blacksmith was doing the Kid a favor but the Kid doesn't see it that way) and this results in a duel. However, the blacksmith has no six-shooter therefore the Kid must provide him with one and the only gun available is broken. What will happen when the gun is finally repaired?

I don't want to give too much away but to say that the script is cleverly and masterfully written. There are plenty of dark comedic elements. Paul Gross could almost pass for young Jack Nicholson and plays the role of the Kid oozing with charisma and an acting charm that immediately won me over. Time and care is taken to build the characters in the village without over-burdening you. The characters are likable, appealing and entertaining.

If you like your movies full of mindless violence, cursing or shots crammed with 110 MPH computer generated objects, then this movie is not for you as there is none of the above. If you are looking for extremely entertaining albeit different 'Western' that is dripping with great acting (courtesy of Paul Gross), great writing, dark (but family orientated) humor, great vistas and above all great entertainment, you can't go wrong with Gunless. It's a rare gem indeed.
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Great movie, funny witty humor and good acting for a small budget.
livetoexist6 February 2015
I was more than pleasantly surprised by this film. It isn't a big budget block buster, but it is just plain fun. The witty sarcastic humor had me entertained at all times. There is a silliness to it, but it is balanced out with some action and a little romance. The acting was very impressive, especially for a title I'd never heard of. Nothing looks cheaply done, despite it being a low budget film. It doesn't have the flair or extravagance of a block buster, but it is remarkably well put together for what they had to work with. I enjoyed every minute of it and even watched it again with my family, who all also loved it. It reminded us of the old movie "Support Your Local Sheriff". (If you've ever seen that). Pay attention to the dialogue, the witty humor makes the movie.
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A Fun Little Western Which Will Make You Smile
MyAvatar24 April 2012
No, this is not the "The Forgotten" or "Dancing with Wolves". This is a comedy Western in the vein of "Cat Ballou" or of "The Frisco Kid" although for me "Gunless" is much more of a hoot. Clearly not a large studio production, this lack of glitz in no way impedes this movie.

With its tongue firmly planted in its cheek, this fun exercise in the cowboy genre never takes itself too seriously. The result is a very watchable light-hearted film.

The hero (The Montana Kid) is played by Paul Gross (Men with Brooms) in an understated yet almost John Wayne manner. I found myself wishing that he and his character would return in a sequel or a TV series. He often made me smile, if not chuckle out loud with his sarcastic deadpan delivery and excellent timing.

The script is well done and the dialogue is sweet and refreshing.

The movie has unabashed heart without being sappy. I was very surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. The outtakes at the end are very funny also. Clearly they had a lot of fun making this sweet little nonsense of a movie.
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Loved it even the 3rd time
tm46444 June 2012
I've never left a movie review before, but after seeing the rankings left on this movie I was motivated to share my opinion. I look for stories and entertainment in movies more than special effects or shock value sex / violence. Majestic scenery, witty dialoge, colorful characters, chemistry between the main characters, pleasing sound track, and a quirky story line. Except for a few slips of language, could have been rated G. I've got it on my DVR and have viewed it 3 times to date and enjoyed it every time. Jane and the Montana kid make a nice couple. The story line is thought provoking without being overwhelming. I loved it and wish I could find more of its nature.
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This movie blows away Hollywood crap
PeaceSouljer28 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about a basket full of interesting characters! I would insist that this film be re-made by a major studio to improve the production values but they would spoil it. Look away from that and you see a charming little film with a believable story and a great script. I would have given it a 10 except for some of the words/phrases were not nineteenth century appropriate and it was just too short! More like a yarn than a film but I enjoyed every bit of it! And they say that I need to write more lines so I will tell you more. Lots of it was period appropriate I guess, and I did find the "philosophy" class to be most interesting. I especially appreciated the character of Jack, like Shawn's mirror, and his desire to just be normal that adds to it. The Chinese folks were portrayed without stereotyping which is good also.
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More fun than western
annvalerie9919 August 2013
The husband and I don't agree on movies-- he likes westerns, for example, I generally don't, but last night we stumbled across 'Gunless' and watched it together. It's cute-- not laugh-out-loud funny every minute, but it had it's moments. The idea of a gunless/boozeless Canadian wild west town is sort of unique, and 'Gunless' made the most of it.

The story line is fairly predictable, however the delivery is made fresh, probably because none of the actors were known to us, but they owned the parts.

With the exception of a few curse words and bawdy references, the movie is generally mild in that respect (the outtakes, however, were much more raw... I would have skipped those).
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Sweet, funny and loving look at the West
skoyles23 February 2011
I had read about "Gunless" and had high expectations. When my wife and I watched the DVD, and laughed ourselves silly, my expectations were exceeded. So what is "Gunless"? First, it is a Western. It is a Western made by folks who love Westerns. The gorgeous BC border country is photographed lovingly (unlike the travesty of e.g. "Heaven's Gate"'s butchery of Montana). The plot is that of a classic Western - turned sideways. Second, the acting. Every actor does well and bounces off other actors with great skill. Characters are broadly played without going over the line. Third, the script is very fine: funny, tense at times, involving and with few anachronisms. A well written, well acted Western and totally hilarious. Paul Gross manages unselfconscious comedy as well as anyone. All the other characters are excellent. It seems from the DVD extras that the cast enjoyed themselves making this film; we enjoyed it even more. It is a sweet story with the cultural differences on the opposite sides of the 49th parallel well spoofed.
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What If Liberty Valance hadn't been shot?
thwingr22 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The ethical clash of the old Law of the West and the new Rule of Law, explored by John Ford in the Man Who Shot Liberty Valance has an up-beat sequel in Gunless. In the sequel, the gunslinger is not shot with the rifle of the friend of the harmless lawyer ... he is saved from being shot by the rifle of harmless man he has sworn to kill from the forces of Law and Order. Law and Order is represented by the merciless bounty hunter who can tell if someone is telling the truth just by looking at them crooked. In Gunless, the gunslinger lives long enough to regret his killings and to reform his own character. The climax is the gunslinger's recollection of his killings and how each killing was required to maintain the self-image resulting from his first killing. Then with just a touch of the Rashomon effect, he admits he never even had justification for his first killing. Add a dash of Aristotle to suggest what character is and how it can be changed ... has any other movie been able to pull that off? The result is neither drama nor comedy but something more like a morality play. Not since Groundhog Day have I seen a movie with so many levels of meaning, and not since Galaxy Quest have I seen a movie with more satisfying ending.
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