Archive 81 (TV Series 2022) Poster


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This show trully deserves a second chance
mirwais-orbit25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Archive 81 is based on a homonymous podcast. The show uses a lot of sci-fi and supernatural elements to create a terrifying experience together with so meticulously used technics from the classic horror genre. That atmosphere is brilliantly explored since its first episode and as they goes on, references from the likes of The Exorcist, Poltergeist, The Blair Witch Project, Hereditary, Midsommar, original The Twilight Zone, Stranger Things or even Silent Hill games may pop to our heads. Authors like Dante Aligieri, H. P. Lovecraft, Edgard Alan Poe and Stephen King are also very much related to the way writers develop characters, myths, unfortunate events and its own narrative pacing. Sure that there may be much more than that - on purpose or not - but those aforementioned references are the ones I could remember while watching. The mix works in a way that few shows are capable of and it succeeds mostly for its production values and performances.

The story seems simple, about a man that is hired to restore damaged recording tapes found in a residential building entirely destroyed by a fire incident, and the author of those found footages is believed to be one of the many victims of the disaster. But as its main plot unfolds the complex layers are also revealed.

The story's build upon two different narratives, the third person to set the present, the first person to set most of the past events. It's not a rule though, since those approaches sometimes can blend at each other but never making the different time frames confusing. In a time that a lot of productions are using flashbacks tirelessly much more as an element of distraction than as a real complement part of the storytelling, it's a relief notice that's what does not happen here. And the found footage situations, even though sometimes overused, are forgivable because the narrative explains it by the character's intentions.

It's unfair discuss more about its plot and subplots because anything may spoil the experience.

The most interesting thing about this show is how it builds the horror atmosphere as a living character and not as a momentary object to only scares audience randomly. James Wan works better here as a producer than on titles he has directed or written maybe because he's not the main person behind it, while creator-showrunner-director-writer-producer Rebecca Sonnenshine (The Boys) develops entire show with coherence and elegance knowing exactly that horror isn't about gore, jumpscares, monsters or computer effects but a concotion of subtle unseen elements that together grows slowly escalating to an unbearable distress that is only noticed when we get ourselves uncomfortable without knowing exactly why.

Although not a horror show, the last time I could feel this way was watching Homecoming's first season, another very good example of how images, effective edition and sound, when precisely combined, can make us feel threatned even when everything seems to be pleasant and ordinary.

The same happens here masterfully. The score is never intrusive but is there all the time to make us unconsciously apprehensive. The cinematography also pushes that forward with absence of light to increase the claustrophobical environment and the sense of loneliness of the characters. The industrial architecture of the house Dan's located (also the snowy woods that surronds it), or the 70's architecture of the Visser building, entirely covered by wallpapers on pastel tones, both locations intensify the coldness of it all, or the lack of empathy of others and how much vulnerable the characters are.

The cast is amazing. Mamoudou Athie and Dina Shihabi are the ones who carry the show effortlessly making every single aspect of it works, having great dramatic and frightening moments that are never overacted. Great versatile actors. The same about the supporting ones.

Unfortunately it loses a little of its pace when answering most of the questions in the last two episodes and keeping some others ones unsolved. The writing doesn't help maintain the same tone of quality that is felt until then and characters start rushing into events. Some lazy plot twists that could have happened earlier takes the front and a predictable ending happens, one that we've already seen before. A cliffhanger moment that probably will never happen to reach its conclusion as Netflix canceled the show a little after it's release date without further explanation or even without trying to promote it as deserved.

In fact, doesn't matter if you get the story or not, if you feel it's developed in a satisfactory way or not. It's one of those rare shows where the brilliance of it is entirely upon the horror experience that it provides. For the first time in years I could get chills while walking alone at home between watching breaks at dawn. That's what truly horror productions are about.

And if Netflix is interested on increasing its values on the horror genre, the streaming service should give the show a second chance for sure.
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A very good series, one which crosses many genres.
Sleepin_Dragon25 January 2022
Archive 81 is the most watchable series I have come across for some time. It manages to combine so many genres into 8 very different, but very entertaining episodes.

We are given sci fi, horror, thriller and surreal elements, no two episodes are alike, it really is the most incredibly varied show.

For me, this peaks in the middle, where they really deliver several scares, in the last few parts it takes you on a somewhat different journey.

Very nicely acted, with two very strong leads, it's very well presented, with some nice special effects. Part 7 in particular looks great.

You could easily lose interest part way through episode 1, but stick with it, it takes a little time to open up, by episode 3 you'll be binge watching it.

It seems likely we'll be getting a second series.

Overall, a very good watch, 8/10.
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Why I hate Netflix
ebwiemann7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed every minute of this show, it was really unexpectedly awesome.

It ended in a cliffhanger and of course, true Netflix fashion, no plans for season 2.

So mad!
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Better than the reviews make it out to be!
babyychelso15 January 2022
I'm not sure why this got such low ratings. I didn't find it slow at all. In fact, it reeled me in pretty quickly and I was hooked after the first episode. It's not your average slasher type of horror, it's more psychologically thrilling than cheap jump scares.

I also don't understand why people complained about not being able to understand the lead actor's voice. I can understand him just fine, he just has a deep monotone voice like Adam Driver.

Don't let the reviews turn you off, give it a chance!
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Wow, excellent
mageh16 January 2022
Finally great supernatural horror drama. Yes, it is slow and definitely not for people with short attention span. Also, not for people who look for gore or silly jump scares. But it is super creepy. I started to watch at night and had to stop because felt uncomfortable alone in apartment with this show. Finished the next day when sun was shining. It is well done, the atmosphere is intense, actors are great. Highly recommended for people who like slow burn mystical shows.
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This is quite good
calicut11015 January 2022
I was surprised how good this was. The story is pretty original and the acting is great. There are some nice scares but it's much more of a slow brooding build up. Without spoilers this body of work kind of reminds me of a more scary stranger things.
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The right kind of weird
m_i_t_j14 January 2022
I don't write many reviews but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this. After watching the first one or two episodes I thought it was just another standard found footage show but I ended up watching the whole series over the course of the day. The story was original and all doesn't start becoming clear until the later episodes. I highly recommend.
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So sad to hear it was cancelled
mfeierskov26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm usually not one for shows/movies with a horror vibe, but this show threads the needle very well. It's very exciting and you just want to keep watching to find out happens but it doesn't rely on jump scares or excessive gore like so many other things in this genre.

The story isn't a huge departure from other stuff with the occult, but it was different enough and the characters are likable and we'll acted.

The ending is bit unsatisfying, because it sets up a second season, that is never going to come, because Netflix have their heads up their asses. It would have been nice to have an alternate ending where Dan gets out, because so few of these types of movies/shows have happy endings, and it would have been a nice touch.
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Builds up interest in the unexplained, ends with cliches overload
kuarinofu17 January 2022
Archive 81 is a fine series that limits itself in many ways.

It never goes full mystery and never tries to bend your mind and leave you confused for a couple of episodes.

What it does most of the time is it builds up to something, leaves it right away, builds up 5 new things and 2-3 episodes later tries to pick up on these but gives up. Some episodes are also tonally very different, which shows in random motivation and attitude changes, like when our main lead suddenly goes Oceans 11.

Surprisingly enough, the most mysterious episodes were done by Benson&Moorhead duo, although I dislike their other films.

If you strip the series of all the basic "cult" shenanigans (overused by Kill List, Hereditary, The Empty Man), the story becomes so simplistic they sum it up in a few sentences in the last episode.

The series has a nice feel to it, the atmosphere is great, although sometimes it's grainy, sometimes not, and color correction changes, there's probably a reason for that.

Acting-wise only the supporting cast performances can be enjoyed (although sometimes completely misdirected), the main archivist lead is wooden and a complete bore, lost girl Melody is memorable, but not due to the acting, she's unique in some way, but I can not say for sure why. Sadly we didn't get enough supporting characters on screen. Even though some of them were barely believable, like the Davenport brother, who is so useless you can't buy him for a powerful company CEO.

The 90ties setting was ok, they didn't go full nostalgia, but kept some of the pop culture references.

If the ending wasn't such a cliched failure, I'd give Archive 81 an 8-9. It is still a good watch, just drags a lot, wasting too much time on boring leads. Additional creativity would've greatly improved this. Like seriously, if the most intriguing part in your series is the otherworld and the demon-god, at least try to make these look good.
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Slow burn but keep with it
MovieQween-3362216 January 2022
I wasn't sure exactly how this series would end up but I knew I liked it enough to keep with it, and I'm so glad I did. Having James Wan as a producer really was what grabbed my attention. If you know James WAN's previous work, you'll recognize this subject matter as being a familiar one. This one really kind of felt in a similar vein of Insidious and maybe you'll see why once you get towards the end. I binged the whole series in 3 days with my mom!! I liked it a little more than she did as she got a little impatient with the initial pace. Also she wasn't happy with the ending. But the ending was something I expected in a way. I saw a lot of people giving the main actor a hard time but I actually liked him a lot!! He was also in another horror film, Black Box, that I loved. Definitely recommend this series!!!
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I am hooked!
C-Blossom15 January 2022
Wonderful! Wonderful lead with a beautiful voice, a kind of engaging charisma that is entirely his own and a wonderful actor - he never overacts or makes use of cheap tricks to convey emotion. He's a real talent. I really got into the plot and it's a beautiful, complex and creepy weave. Masterful acting, plot, storyline and directing. I was itching for something really juicy and complex and thrilling like this. If you're looking for something brilliant, clever and original this is for you. If you like like films or series with little to no plot, predictable and full of gratuitous gore look elsewhere. This is wonderfully crafted mounting sort of psychological horror it's a fine instrument not a big whacking stick.
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Atmospheric and mysterious start but loses its way
jon_pratt123455 March 2022
I really liked the grainy 80s aesthetic and oppressive, isolated atmosphere. The show starts out very strong with a slow mystery revealing itself reminding me a lot of Lost (2004), the framing of the story, largely through replaying of VHS tapes is clever and disorienting leaving you questioning the reality you're seeing. The 2 leads and very good as is the best friend character and there is a strong emotional undercurrent as well as paranormal and horror elements. However, as I often find with shows like this, it is exceptionally difficult to deliver on the mystery. As the show builds to conclusion I felt some level of repetitiveness as well disappointment as more is revealed and the subtlety is gradually replaced with propulsive action and characters become more archetypal. That said, overall I still really enjoyed it and love that stuff like this is being made with a good budget behind it.
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pretty bad acting
mantisandexsidea29 January 2022
The story is ok but kinda generic but the acting is pretty awful especially the main girl and the dialog is robotic and just overall bad. Idk if youre high enough to ignore the bad acting or super bored i guess it's worth a try but there is way better movies in this genre people rating 10 stars are insane.
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"Do You Wanna Help Him Build a Death Star???" :o
midnitepantera17 January 2022
Wasn't sure what to expect from this series as it has quite a few great reviews, and quite a few bad (which mostly complain that its slow and boring). Well, I watched it anyway and Glad I did.

I thought it was one of the better Mystery / Sci-fi thrillers I've seen in quite a while. I don't really consider it Horror, but it is very suspenseful, creepy, and a bit anxiety inducing. I love creepy cult movies, and lots of Victorian architecture, artworks, and sculpture eye candy and Long Creepy Labyrinthian Hallways and eerie basements and such. So scored quite a few points from me just for that. I love Dante's Inferno too.

If you have the focus and attention span of a Mayfly, then this is NOT for you. If your a person who grew up in the 60's and 70's as a kid and are used to tension being built up slowly, then you May well enjoy this like I did.

I just binged 1st season and Loved it and Hope they get a season 2. Can't wait. ;D.

I actually enjoyed the actors, and while I didn't recognize a lot of the actors, seeing Matt McGorry as a secondary character and comic relief was quite fun.

So, if your unsure still, give the 1st episode a chance. You may well find a new series to add to your future watchlist. :D.
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A delightfully strange chiller with occult undertones
Tweekums6 February 2022
Daniel Turner works as a restorer of damaged film and video tape. One day he is approached by Virgil Davenport who wants him to undertake a project for him. It will involve working in a remote house in the Catskill Mountains; here he is to restore a set of fire damaged Hi-8 video tapes. They were shot in 1994 by PhD student Melody Pendras. She was working on a project concerning the inhabitants of the Visser Building. She is now missing but it is assumed that she died in a fire that destroyed the building. As Dan works through the tapes he learns more about Melody, the Visser Building, its inhabitants and a strange cult active their... he starts to feel a connection to Melody and even feels that somehow he may be able to save her!

I rather enjoyed this series. In the early episodes I was intrigued to see which way it would go; especially after Melody discovered the cult... would the cultists be misguided or would they be tapping into something supernatural; and if so what. The way the series switched between Dan's work in the present and Melody's in 1994 was effective; it would have got irritating if we'd only seen her footage of her research. There are some impressively creepy moments and a few shocking scenes; nothing too disturbing though. The cast is solid; especially Mamoudou Athie; who is frequently in scenes by himself as Dan and Dina Shihabi who impresses as the increasingly perturbed Melody. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to anybody who likes a good chiller. I hope we get a second season.
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Silent hill fans will love this!
Susana_loves_movies14 January 2022
This series could definitely be a silent hill game, and I'm pretty sure inspiration was drawn from it. A slow burn, with lots of talks, conversations and plot twists. It's promising, and a hell of a ride.
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Occult Timeslips
Pairic18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Archive 81: A film curator in the present day is hired by a billionaire to restore video tapes which were found in a fire damaged building. The researcher soon discovers that he has a personal link to the fire. Timeslips, Occult Covens, worship of a God/Demon and strange drugs are involved. He also discovers a lost film by a famed horror film director. Quite a few jump scares but psychological horror predominates. The conspiracies and apparent contact between timelines add to the overall strange mood of the series. So many secrets held by different people and contending forces. Great performances by Mamoudou Athie as Dan Turner the film curator, Dina Shihabi as Melody Pendras the researcher who shot the tapes in 1994 and Ariana Neal as Jess Lewis, a precocious young teen who gets entwined in the mystery. This series goes far beyond it's found footage roots in the way the past timelines are fleshed out. Developed and Co-Written by Rebecca Sonnenshine from a Podcast by Daniel Powell and Marc Sollinger. Eight episodes on Netflix. 9/10.
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Decent slow burn horror series
gc-1736515 January 2022
It's a slow burn for sure but it is a series so don't expect all the answers in the first episode

Binge worthy. Interesting intersection of timelines

As an aside what the hell has happened to Matt McGorry?
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Stick to, at least, episode 4
PedroQuintans198215 January 2022
Because episode 4 changes everything.

Sometimes people need to have patience to see where it goes and don't give up after one episode... Yes! The first 3 episodes are a bit slow which doesnt't mean they are boring and the acting is not bad, but episode 4 gets things in motion in a good way, at least for me.

For now it's a 8.
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Awkward dialog. Slow pacing.
dennisforbes21 January 2022
Netflix has come to love taking one or two hours of content and stretching it to eight or more (another recent example being Midnight Mass). That doesn't make it a "slow burn", as the apologists so often claim, or some sort of demonstration of one's superior patience.

It's just a lazy way of controlling your time for longer with less meaningful content. Of padding out viewer hours, and giving more of a sense of "return" for a subscription.

This show definitely has its moments, and if you have time to burn it has an interesting premise. But to enjoy it you have to look past a script that seems to have been written by an angry fourteen year old (the number of awkward, completely misplaced F-bombs might just set a record, and just to be clear I'm no prude and partake myself when appropriate, but just an endless barrage renders it impotent), some seriously cheesy effects, and just loads of lazy filmmaker tools. Every shot, for instance, tries to get a newspaper box in frame somewhere (a lazy trope making sure to communicate "It's a city, remember?!"), including locations like "church entrance".

The main actress, whose acting is basically making pained faces and giving a performance reminiscent of community theater, often gives an exhaustive narration of what she is looking at, what she is doing, among the many F-bombs. I guess it's a homage to its podcasts roots, but it's ineffective and distracting in this medium.

Neat show. Worth the time if you have little else to spend your time doing. But it isn't a positive that it's so drawn out.
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A wholly original, intriguing eerie series!
LeAvantGuardian15 January 2022
A supernatural mystery at its best. Borrows elements from great shows that came before it, but goes at it from a completely unique angle.

This is a supernatural, mystery, light horror slow-burn series that will keep you gripped and extremely invested in the story and characters.

It's got elements of Falling Water, The Silent Sea, Stranger Things, and Silent Hill.

This is a very cool little show. I highly recommend checking it out!
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Unexpectedly good
pablo_moriano14 July 2022
Didn't start this one hoping too much of a huge enjoyment but as episodes went by it kept me hooked and I liked it til the very end of it. Well done here working out some creepy stuff that I've missed in some others that allegedly were more likely to that sort of thing.
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Missed Opportunity.
tworthers7 February 2022
There is a great series somewhere in this, they just didn't quite get there. It's so muddled in its plotting and structure, chucking way too much at the core story, which is a shame as some of the ideas and scenes really hint at how good this could have been.

On the positive side though. Martin Donovan is incredible and steals every scene he's in.
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Excellent Occult Horror Series
ladymidath19 January 2022
Finally the kind of horror series that has great actors, an excellent music score, a compelling story and moody atmospheric scenes that you will remember for a long time. Archive 81 is definitely one of the best offerings that Netflix is showing. After several missteps, like the live action remakes of Deathnote and Cowboy Bebop, they have some really solid shows and this is one of them. I won't go into the story as many other reviews already have, but you like your horror with creepy atmosphere and a genuine mystery, this is for you.
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Requires patience.
Samuel-1816 January 2022
Great slow burn show that builds the mystery and has this omnious dread that builds with every episode.

Solid acting, eerie music and visually appleazing. Satisfying pay off near the end too, with a few annoying cliches and character choices that slightly held it back from greatness for me.

Overall a good show that ended up being better than I was expecting. If you don't have patience or like slow world building id probably recommend giving it a miss.
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