The Osbournes Want to Believe (TV Series 2020– ) Poster

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So fun!
UrbanElysium28 September 2021
First and foremost- Ozzy cracks me up! Indelible 'ball lightning'!! It's interesting, the Jack vs parents believability because Jack does paranormal investigations and Ozzy/Sharon don't and their 'ratings' have (mostly) disappointed Jack.

It's good to be skeptic but sometimes ya just gotta believe.

It's interesting and entertaining.
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If you love Ozzy
morganparker221 September 2020
I grew up listening to him, he's an interesting and funny guy, I can't resist his reactions. He throws some little stories in sometimes.
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Ball Lightning!
Janf5111 October 2021
This show's a crackup. I enjoy the interaction between Jack and his parents. They're funny. Some of the clips are bizarre and make you want to believe and some seem staged but they're all entertaining to watch.
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I love this show!
kikikitt24 October 2021
Ozzy is hilarious. I love his Brittish slang and his facial expressions. I like the banter between all of them. I'm glad they put subtitles on screen because I can't understand Ozzy sometimes.
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Is this show still on?
drbc77771 October 2020
There was no new episode last Sunday, is the show still on the air?
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loubop10 October 2020
I absolutely love this show! I am a huge fan and believer in the paranormal so combining that with the comedy between Sharon and Ozzy is just awesome! You might not always agree with what they believe and don't believe but hey it's their own opinion. Also, that episode with all of the dolphin talk had my wife and I rolling. Wish there were more episodes but hopefully there will be another season and soon!
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Absolutely love!
denisencrystal21 September 2020
I love watching the interaction between Jack and his parents. They have such a loving and fun relationship
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Ball Lightning!
drewneri24 December 2021
I love Ozzy no matter how mediocre the show is. My favorite character on the show is DOG. I do wish they were nicer to DOG. It seems they're always annoyed at DOG just because he's large and not a lap dog, he's not treated fairly. GIVE THAT FN DOG SOME LOVE!
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Love it..Great show
Draysan-Jennings15 January 2022
I was never really a fan of the Osbourne's until I started watching this show. I'm definitely hooked. Some of these video are gnarly and the commentary cracks me up. Glad I stumbled onto the show. Keep it up guys. 9 stars.
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The Osbournes want to believe.
thenewneighborhasaplan13 September 2021
Man that title isn't lying, at least from the Oz mans perspective. Boring and derivative, much of the "supernatural" phenomenon is so fake, I bet I can fart in front of a candle and have them believe it's spooky action. Of one thing I am sure though, Ozzy does want to believe..., believe that they'll pay up on the drugs they promised him to produce this mess. A show so boring the actors can't even stand it, Ozzy's boredom is too representative of this (s2ep3), meta isn't it?
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This is Osbournes first, paranormal second, and it's aces!
siliconadoptionservice12 January 2022
This is focused on the Osbournes firstly, with the videos (often either well known already, or not exactly earthshaking in their design) coming in second.

It's a confirmed believer & host of multiple paranormal shows over the last dozen years presenting some well known & higher quality videos as examples, punctuated by some intentional duds, to his parents. Their collective reactions are the entertaining heart of the show. It just so happens that his mum is a famous tv presenter & talk host, and his father is "The Prince of Darkness" (as the old publicity trumpeted) who himself is quite sedate & normal.

It works! Nobody's trying to inform or convince *you* -just allowing *you* witness entertaining family dynamics from a family who are entertaining individuals, and more so collectively!

Faaaar more "normal" than the old reality show!
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Love this show!!!
exists-5125620 September 2020
My husband and I love this show so much! Ozzy, Sharon and Jack are hilarious! It's nice to get their opinions on some interesting stuff on you tube! Would love to see more bigfoot videos!!
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This was fun!
jaccer116 October 2020
Had fun watching this family again! Their banter, conversations, comments, chemistry are all hilarious and great! Keep them on tv! Even if it's in a different capacity, because this idea could get old quick. But, because of the Osborne's, I'll keep watching!
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Nothing going on here
asherstuhlman20 October 2020
There's just not much to this show. The three Osbournes sit in armchairs next to each other and the son shows his parents videos of supposed supernatural phenomena. It's not particularly ambitious. I would love to see this family sit together and talk, but the subject of choice doesn't work for me.

And the overall production feels amateurish. It's got stock visual effects, sound effects, and music, all used in the tackiest ways (someone will bring up Mexico and suddenly mariachi music is playing!)

Not the best in genre for The Osbournes content or for paranormal investigation content, to put it mildly.
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Osbournes Want To Believe drinking game!
FramesJNCO15 May 2022
1) Take a drink every time Ozzy says "double exposure" or "ball lightning".

2) Pass out before the episode ends.

Perfect game for your next gathering/party/shindig!
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awful. not insightful nor interesting
masterpiecemarvin12 December 2020
Who did they pay to get the show? They sit on a couch and pass comments that are drab, at best.
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If you are a fan of the Osbournes it's fantastic and funny
sigrogan-7485929 October 2020
Lovely to see the Osbournes back on tv it's so good ozzy has not changed a bit it's great to see them back in action hopeing for season 2
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gregpblwst28 November 2021
I love this show. It's fun to watch. Jack tries his best to get Sharon and Ozzy to believe in the paranormal. I think that they are slowly coming around.
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Episode where tree gets ripped out of the ground.
jasonrcampbell-4068020 September 2021
On the show where it shows the trees from Russia being torn out of the ground, if you look closely you can see something big kneeling down beside the tree and ripping it out of the ground and then it takes off running with the tree.
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How can this show be on television
Xavier_Stone29 November 2020
I had to check and see if it was a self produced vanity project but it wasn't. That means that studio executives thought that this would be a good idea. They succeeded in getting Ozzy and Jacks World Detour on the tv with propped up ratings and I guess this is another installment.

Someone out there actually likes this family and they continue to get opportunities and everything still comes out terrible.
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I like it
flacntrygal5 November 2020
Not much here, but I adore the family. It's a simple look at supernatural phenomenon and possibly explanations of such.

Maybe a suggestion for Jack.... dude, quit picking/scratching at your hair/scalp. It was distracting.
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Ultimate Trash
Johnny_West9 April 2022
I love Ozzy the rock star, but he looks brain damaged whenever he is trying to engage in a conversation. His family is just a business to Sharon, who started out as his manager, and then created a business family out of it. She is as cold as a fish, and it is easy to see there is no love lost between any of them. They just keep churning out any kind of product that will put money in their pockets.
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Jack "explaining" science is like a kitten pointing at a map of the Middle East, promising to fix all of its problems.
fedor817 February 2023
Jack explaining science is like Katy Perry talking about the intricacies of the Cold War (i.e. Attempting to, with her 11-word vocabulary and zero knowledge of the world). Jack explaining science is like a hamster describing its intentions to take the NBA by storm. Jack blathering about gravity, forces, and momentum is like an amoeba collecting small pebbles and sticks in order to build a rocket to the Moon.

Jack theorizing about the fakeness of the Moon landings is like Pol Pot accusing his victims of being serial-killers. Jack babbling about Physics is the end of the world, pretty much. We've hit rock-bottom. Soros has won, we've all lost. Dumb is smart, and smart is dumb. Good is evil, and evil is good. Up is down, and down is up. They can even make you believe that elephants are smaller than mosquitoes, because that's the kind of intelligence level they're dealing with among their future serfs. Why wouldn't they? Droves of morons are just waiting to be served the next batch of nonsense, which they will happily adopt as their new Commandments, without asking questions, without having doubts. A zombie army ready to turn the world into garbage. The plan worked. The Frankfurt School has won.

Just how desperate must one be for a "show biz" career to actually stoop this low - to actually join all the other ghost-house/UFO losers in their quest to earn a pittance while helping dumb-down the dumbed-down even more, if that's even possible.

About as desperate as Jack Osbourne, and that's probably as desperate as you can get. This entitled little balloon doesn't even need this gig in order to survive, he's set for life, and yet he agrees to host this and several other abysmal plebby shows geared for the lowest of the low, for the most inept of audiences, simply because his frail Ego needs a support system. He needs to know that somebody gives a hoot about what he's doing, what he's saying... Can't he just open an Instagram account like all the other narcissistic layabouts?

Just like Sharon, he is prepared to do literally anything for an additional buck. Using cheesy special effects that make trashy found-footage horror films seem like "The Shining" by comparison, Jack plays stupid clip after stupid clip to Sharon and Ozzy, trying to "convince" his parents that BS isn't BS, that science is the real BS.

Of course, the witch and the bewildered clown humour him, alternating between pretending to be impressed and pretending to be skeptical. The key word here being "pretend". Jack pretends he is playing real clips, and the Evil Twosome pretend they are taking it at least somewhat seriously.

Alas, the boredom is simply written on their faces, they can't fake it away, try "hard" as they might. Not that they do try very hard, something that is cringingly obvious... Ozzy appears especially bored. This is one of the many needless things he'd been coaxed into by his dollar-counting mercenary wife, including the latest spate of awful albums and several "farewell" tours.

This show is something they do out of obligation, because they know that their appearance is what will draw in the audiences, or at least a fraction of them. (Enough to make a solid buck out of this pitiful malarkey.) Neither Sharon nor Ozzy give a hoot what they say, they are so blatantly unmotivated that they literally have to be prodded with a stick (from behind) to react to Jack's dull clips and his monotonous commentary. I believe there are several people (or just one very bored and barely employed film student) prodding them throughout the shoot, reminding them that the camera is on and that they have to react, even if the reactions are minimal.

Given the rich history of manipulation, lies, violence, no self-respect, scheming, cowardice, greed, and fakery of Sharon and Ozzy, it is no wonder that Jack (and Kelly) exhibit most of these traits, and so shamelessly. Jack is no moron: he is 100% in kahoots with the special-effects team; this isn't some naive geek being lulled into promoting gobbledygook. It's too obviously stupid for Jack - or almost anybody else - to be involved without knowing what they're doing. You'd literally have to be Forrest Gump in order to fall into that category. It is an impossibility.

Just waiting for Jack to endorse Biden or some other Soros muppet during an election campaign. That is the only way he could stoop even lower.

I'm waiting, because I know he'll eventually do it... If he even becomes relevant enough to be asked to.
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I Believe!!!! Can't explain it, but it's all around us.. we must, BELIEVE!
rhiannonmezquita4 March 2022
BTW Ozzy"s song " SEE YOU ON THE OTHERSIDE" let's just say magnificent, love, love it especially with miss Mary Jane, ;) it's one of my energy outlets, almost as If it's a door:/or portal... I suppose that's what music does for us all and that's why it's such a gift and a blessing and I am super grateful for people like you!!!! For the amazing contribution that you've given to us all!

Now about the show, that's the reason we're here right lol ... I think it's smashing, it's absolutely grand, but we must always keep our minds free in this prison we are living unaware bc we are programmed from Birth to see life in this perspective, basically we are molded.

If we only believe so much more can come true, the manifestations we constantly create!

I've seen many things I cannot explain and if you open your mind you're opening doors.

Also.... Your family is amazing I love the energy, the vibe and who you guys are! U R beautiful keep it up and always remember you have to believe, magic is real! It's all around us, it's waiting there for us, we just have to open the door and believe and then it becomes.

We become..what we have always been, hiding within, soon to be revealed, our intentions and our purpose of being.
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Mind numbingly stupid...
frostymarine11 October 2021
I have somewhat enjoyed Jack Osbourne's paranormal show, but this latest installment can, I believe, actually damage brain cells if you watch it for any amount of time..... Perhaps the executives at the Travel Channel did way too many drugs just like Ozzy.....
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