The Good Guy (2009) Poster


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"The Good Guy" surprises with its drama
napierslogs22 June 2010
"The Good Guy" is a relationship drama. You would be forgiven if you assumed it was yet another twenty-something girl trying to sort out her love life and career in a romantic comedy. You would be forgiven for thinking that, but you would also be wrong. It's actually better than that.

The film is driven by three characters, all of them completely fleshed-out and three-dimensional. Not one of them is central, but all of them individually and triangularly. The film continuously surprises in very subtle ways. The characters are better written than first appears, and even when the film tells you the characters will surprise you, it still comes as a surprise.

I was expecting a film about Beth - a very standard, trying to find herself story. What makes it better than that is the fact that it's a drama - I am hard-pressed to name a similar film without comedy undertones or overtones. This is a drama - dark and sombre.

"The Good Guy" may not be for everybody but it is a good twenty-somethings relationship story told through drama instead of comedy. In the film, Beth complains about a novel that she read where half-way through the narrator turns out to be unreliable. "What's the point of that?" she asks. Daniel responds "Well isn't that life? It surprises you." Indeed it does. "The Good Guy" may be just like life, dramatic, and it surprises you.
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"Gilmore Girls," Continued
evanston_dad23 November 2010
Was this movie made in 1985? And shouldn't it star Molly Ringwald?

Though set in the present day world of hip, young urbanites, "The Good Guy" is the movie John Hughes might have made if he'd moved his stories of teen angst out of the Chicago suburbs and into the middle of Manhattan. O.k., so the kids in this film are at least five or so years out of their teens, but the kids who starred as the teens in Hughes' films weren't really teens either, so the comparison stands.

Alexis Bledel basically plays Rory Gilmore, picking up her story where the T.V. series "The Gilmore Girls" left off. She's a conscientious young do-gooder with some kind of job having to do with conservation. Her boyfriend is a Wall Street hot shot who only cares about money. Enter Bryan Greenberg, playing the new guy on her boyfriend's team, who thinks he wants to be a Wall Street shark but is far too sensitive and quiet to make it. We know he's meant to be with Bledel, because his favorite book is "Pride and Prejudice" and he's awkward with girls.

"The Good Guy" is almost hopelessly young and hits its notes with all the subtlety of an episode of "Melrose Place." But it has a great message to relate about life priorities, and I found it refreshing for once to find a movie in which the character of the old (32) married guy is the happiest character in the film.

My wife and I did a lot of chuckling at "The Good Guy," but I admit that it won me over. And one wonders if the makers of this movie weren't more aware than I'm giving them credit for of how much it plays like an '80s teeny-bopper film, because there's good old Andrew McCarthy, not playing the dreamy heroes he used to, but rather a foul-mouthed obnoxious boss.

Grade: B+
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Don't Miss This!
amaudet-225 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie, a lot. Please don't be turned away by the usual overly done trailer that might make you not be interested in this film. It goes farther than its surface.

The story is told from the point of view of a narrator, one of the main characters, who makes it appear to be a love story and then the story of a love triangle. Not all is as it appears to be however, and the more the story develops the more you come to realise this.

The only spoiler I'm giving here is *if* you have read The Good Soldier by Ford Maddox Ford, this film will have an entirely different meaning for you, and as Beth says in the film it does have one of the most memorable opening lines in literature, "This is the saddest story I ever heard." This isn't the saddest story you will ever hear, but I think that is partially what the film is about.

The acting isn't superb, but all of the main and supporting characters do their best in their respective roles. There are points in the story where it's frustratingly vague or the story goes a bit thin, but in the end it has a certain pay off that is satisfying in its own way. When I saw how few reviews this film had, I thought it deserved more attention and thought I'd review it myself.
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The Good Guy & The Bad Guy
Chrysanthepop12 September 2010
Julio DePietro's 'The Good Guy' tries to combine the romantic genre and buddy flick genre. It does use a lot of clichés. The story is quite predictable in the first hour and then there are some interesting subtle twists that unfold well during the final half hour. I liked how the director mislead the viewer into thinking one thing while they turned out to be something else. I felt the ending was a copout and a little too convenient as I would have preferred something darker.

While the characters are well developed, they are clichéd, especially the Daniel character who happens to be the ideal guy (his favourite book is 'Pride and Prejudice', he was in the army but he is gentle, soft-spoken, shy and kind of a pushover etc). The luminous Alexis Bledel is terrific in a role she's familiar with. Although I would like to see her play different characters in her forthcoming movies. Scott Porter is average and Bryan Greenburg is adequate. Anna Chlumsky is wasted.

'The Good Guy' could have benefited more had the clichés been reduced and the story been more layered, complex and dark. It isn't your average date movie as it would appear to be but it's better than that.
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WHYeat31 March 2010
The Good Guy stars Alexis Bledel, who is synonymous with "girly". Having a long successful run on Gilmore Girls and starring in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants it's hard to imagine her starring in a non-chick flick. Of course if Adam Sandler can do "drama", then I wouldn't put it past her. Anyhow, although Alexis dominates half of the movie poster I'd say the movie was less than half about her character, Beth. Beth serves as the center around which Tom (Scott Porter) and Daniel (Bryan Greenberg) are forced to orbit and eventually collide.

Tom is a Wall Street champ and Daniel becomes somewhat of a protégé. From fashion tips to stock tips they bond. In a book store, Daniel is coached – more like egged on – to approach a attractive girl, who turns out to be Tom's girlfriend, Beth. Bros before hos? What do you think? The movie has the typical clichés: A "book club", which serves as a female support slash male bashing group and a band of bar-hopping girl-hunting bros. You have your typical run-of-the-mill chick flick situations and resolutions. Not much surprise here. The only surprise is that this isn't much of a romantic comedy, so don't think "at least it might funny". It throws a decent jab, but doesn't finish with a right cross, a uppercut, or even a dirty kick to the groin.

Men: Go with low expectations and you won't hate it. Bro-Approved.
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A thoroughly pleasant surprise -- widely underrated
rinoa-327 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"The Good Guy" was one of the "comedy/romance" films I got myself when, for the first time in my life, I found myself craving a chick flick (which I usually despise) to relieve myself of the stress I've been immersed in lately. To tell the truth, I only chose it for Alexis Bledel (not because I find her a particularly good actress, but because she gives me that cozy familiar feeling that I was looking for) and because the movie poster looked good (now that's a futile reason). Since I looked it up beforehand, I knew it was rated 6.2/10 on IMDb, so my expectations were pretty low -- I tend to be a hard critic. However, I was up for a surprise: to begin with, I got something that could and SHOULD have been labeled as "drama" as well. In fact, "The Good Guy" has very little "comedy" to it, except for the intelligent, well-measured and well-placed jokes that make the film even more enjoyable without detracting from the story's seriousness or credibility.

This film focuses on a very interesting concept that Beth (Alexis Bledel) directly alludes to in a scene where she mentions "The Good Soldier", a book sharing the same basic idea: that we automatically trust a story's narrator out of habit, without taking the time to realize there might be other versions to the events, and that they may not be as innocent as they make themselves look. "The Good Guy" takes on this challenge amazingly well by presenting us with a likable protagonist/narrator (Scott Porter's character, Tommy) that, as the story unfolds, turns out to be (pardon the language) a total jerk, and definitely not trustworthy at all. His betrayal is not only harshly felt by Beth, his girlfriend, but also -- and this is the highly praise-worthy part -- by the viewer, who does not see it coming, partially because the well-constructed events make the "twist" very subtle at first, and partially because, well, he is the narrator, after all! -- this unexpectedness is a lot like what being betrayed in real life actually feels like, and that's why the film becomes so personal, making it even easier to hate Tommy and relate to what Beth is going through. In fact, the story is so well-built that, in the beginning, Beth seems to be the more loose, less trustworthy one, and you expect her to mess up somehow -- until the tables turn and the truth about Tommy is exposed, leaving us, the viewers, with a feeling of having been cheated on by the narrator, who has made fools of us all along, as he has Beth.

In addition to a very original and successfully achieved core concept, "The Good Guy" is composed of decent enough acting and directing (with a few minor mistakes -- but it must be noted that Julio DePietro is a newcomer), is never boring, is funny only when it has to be (and serious most of the time) and does NOT overdo the cheesiness that necessarily derives from its "romance" label: on the contrary, the story and characters feel realistic enough; everything seems "possible", and everyone's actions are justifiable.

All in all, where I expected a light chick flick, I ended up with something much better: a light relationship drama, with some comedy and romance mixed into it. While it is certainly not a great film, The Good Guy is a very enjoyable one with many strong points, and definitely deserves more than the 6.2 IMDb is currently giving it.
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Killed Itself Before It Even Got Started
Willie-1222 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There are certain gimmicks used in movies that really should only be reserved for those who are seasoned and confident movie makers. One of those is the "let's reveal the ending at the beginning" gimmick. Basically the filmmaker is betting that everything that will come after the reveal (which basically is a flashback) will be so compelling, it won't matter if the audience already knows what's going to happen. It's risky. And when used by a lesser filmmaker, it's poison. It will kill a film before it even has a chance to breathe. That's exactly what happened with The Good Guy. Here's a film that definitely has it's problems. It's not very well written. It has decent acting performances, but nothing worth writing home about. It has a pretty generic and formulaic plot. But it still had the chance to be somewhat interesting. Had I not known the conclusion, I actually would have been mildly interested in how it was all going to turn out. However, because of the poisonous reveal at the start of the film, there was no real drama involved in any of the major plot points. I never felt sorry for Daniel, because I assumed he was the one wrapping his arms around Beth in the very first scene. I never really hated Tommy because I assumed, from Beth's statement, "I feel sorry for you Tommy...I really do," that he'd done some pretty stupid and crappy things. So by the time the ending of the film got back to the beginning, I actually had a little compassion for Tommy, when what I really should have been thinking was, "Hey pal, you got what you deserved." Was this ever going to be a great film? No. Could it have been a decent one? Maybe. But even if it was going to sink anyway, regardless of the poor film making decision, I'd rather it had sunk on it's own.
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MIamiReviewer10 June 2015
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Huh. I'm surprised this didn't get a better rating. I just watched on netflix and thought it was half decent. The acting, while not Oscar-worthy, was passable and not distractingly bad. The script, while a bit cheesy and clichéd throughout, was also fine. More importantly, I thought the ending twist was quite clever. Yes, as others have pointed out, they flash forward at the beginning of the film gives you some idea that things don't work out well in the end. But it was such a quick comment (I feel sorry for you) that it really didn't cloud the rest of my watching for the next hour. So when the story suddenly shifted and Tommy suddenly starts talking about the long day he spent with another woman, it felt like it was from left field. And then they did a great job quickly shifting the story from the point of view from other women and Tommy's other life. It felt surprisingly like you just learned you'd been duped by a cheating spouse, and had to go back and see how you'd had your rose colored glasses on for the first part of the relationship. Again, not rocket science, but i thought it was clever in a way far surpassing your average rom com.
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Relatable story
jennerate16 August 2010
The film had its ups and downs and wasn't a smooth enjoyable ride. I liked the three main central characters, particularly Daniel and Tommy whose characters were fleshed out well by the actors. The plot was likable and explored a young woman's journey trying to create a 'good' life for herself.

I was let down by Alexis Bledel though who I felt didn't get into the character enough for me to connect with her. I am a huge fan of Gilmore Girls and she grew on me over the seasons, but this film could have gone a bit further if she had delved more into the role and let the audience in.

Not bad work from the other two mains and nicely shot - some good visuals. Watch it if you're interested in the premise of the story and for a decent exploration of a relatable story from three different perspectives. Don't expect ground breaking performances.
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Fairly Enjoyable movie.
Malcolm-Y15 June 2010
I've noticed here on IMDb when people review a movie they concentrate on the technicalities too much. which fine, but people like myself don't really care much for that.

Anyway, this movie is very enjoyable, especially if you relate to some of the situations mentioned in the movie. Like one of the comments said, don't even try to understand the wall street guys conversations lol.

Bryan Greenberg is awesome as he is in one tree hill, although here he plays a guy that doesn't even know how to say a single word to a girl (I think that's enjoyable in itself).

Long story short, I liked this movie. I give it 6/10.
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Wall Street doesn't work that way.
maeander9 February 2022
Screenwriters of a certain age think a stockbroker can make a cold call to a rich/poor person on the phone and they will sell them massive amounts of stock by pressuring them to buy now. That really doesn't happen.

It is true that this is only a muguffin to set up the three way romance. Still, the premise is so silly...They might as well be scientist trying to cure hiccups or philosophers fighting over the meaning of existence...or farmers growing the perfect ear of corn.

The basic premise is silly. That undermines the entire film. Nothing new happens in this very pedestrian film. A complete disappointment. The basic story has been done so many times before...and done so much better.
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The Good Guy
Angelus21 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I came across the trailer and was hooked and so I immediately watched the movie...It's not a Romantic Comedy, more a of a Romantic Drama, about a young man's search for the right girl and when he does find her...she turns out to be his friend's partner...

Tommy is suave and cool, he has the perfect life, great job, amazing apartment and a beautiful girlfriend. So, he feels its his duty to help his protégé, Daniel a naive gentleman who seems to be perfect for any girl...But he is painfully shy...

Daniel, with the help of Tommy tries to meet girls...But things take a turn when Daniel meets Tommy's partner, Beth.

The film is worth the watch as you root for Daniel, the 'Nice Guy' who gets ignored by the girl, there are some funny moments that combine awkward and funny together brilliantly, Bryan Greenberg is fantastic and he definitely has come a long way from One Tree Hill.
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Not bad, but please don't add in stereotypes!
Starlitelet7 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was not expecting much from this movie. In other words, I was not expecting anything other than the clichés. However, the beginning really caught my attention. Even though it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, it caught my interest and once I was interested, I was expecting more. The clear distinction and stereotypical emphasis on the "Good guy" and "Bad Guy" were clearly obvious. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the character development of Daniel from the start to the middle. It really made the viewers root for the good guy. However, I still did not HATE Tommy that much. The part that disappointed me was that I did not expect Tommy to be the stereotypical bad a** player because I liked how the movie started out so much until the middle that I was so hoping that Tommy wasn't a stereotypical jerk like in other movies. Unfortunately, he is 101% the jerk from most chick flicks and hence, did not deserve the girl. Daniel and Tommy were too black and white like good and evil that it just made the storyline fall down a notch.

I also expected Daniel to finally find the courage to ask Beth out, but we don't even see this. All that happens is that we see them sleep together without even dating or nothing. I honestly do like the chemistry between the two, but I was expecting more near the end, but it somehow left me feeling like Daniel is similar to the other guys.

Enough about the stereotypical emphasis, I would have gave this an 8 if it was a little more creative near the end. Overall, it was an enjoyable movie. The acting was average and the storyline started out strong, but ended poorly in terms of direction.
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Ending better than beginning.
thindi3129 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was drawn by the actors but was turned off immediately by constant f bombs. The only reason I watched it to the very end is to see what the first scene meant and to find out what happened to Beth and Tommy. I was totally turned off by the constant obscenities. It was as if they got their degrees and job experience in a prison yard instead of in finance or college. The men were mostly users and out to get only what they wanted themselves. Total jerks and immature. Only one or two of the men in their office had any integrity. Don't want to tell you more in case you want to watch this however I don't recommend wasting your time. Not to spoil too much but I liked the ending.. they got what they deserved.
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I really wanted to like this movie, but other than McCarthy's excessively foul mouth, there isn't much to the story.
TxMike15 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have to start my comments with my observations about the lead actor here, Alexis Bledel. I really like her, she was perfect as a high school student in 'Gilmore Girls', she seems like a very sweet person, and very attractive. But she simply is a lousy actor. In this movie, and others, where she has been in scenes with other 20-something females, the others are always more convincing than she is. I wish she would either improve her acting skills or quit trying to handle lead roles. In one scene she asks "Have you ever been in a hot air balloon." Easy question. I asked my wife, "What did she say?" We replayed that 2 more times, neither of us could understand her. We had to put on the subtitles. There is no excuse for such poor enunciation.

To the movie. Here she is Beth Vest, a successful young professional in New York, who has met a really nice guy Scott Porter as Tommy Fielding, with a successful career as a Wall Street banker. Beth begins to think maybe Tommy is "the one", but she gets offered a promotion, in San Francisco. What to do?

Meanwhile the new guy at the bank, Bryan Greenberg as Daniel Seaver, seems to be an absolute zero when it comes to socializing, and especially women. Tommy gives seemingly all his free time trying to improve Daniel, even going so far as to sending him to a bookstore to meet women, encouraging him by cell phone. As fate would have it, Beth walks in and Daniel is smitten, not knowing who she is. Eventually Beth, Tommy, and Daniel all get into a romantic triangle of sorts.

Andrew McCarthy looks pretty good for almost 50, who can forget him in 'Mannequin'? Here he is appropriately named Cash, and as the boss he is fond of telling Tommy and all the others, "Your job is to make money for me." Except for the excessively foul mouth, he is pretty good in this role. The rest of the guys are caricatures of young Wall Street professionals, who work the phones to make deals during the day, and spend nights boozing and chasing women.

Overall a pretty poor movie, even if there had been a better actor in the role of Beth.

SPOILERS: Tommy was not what he first appeared to the audience, and to Beth. While he came across as sincere, he always had several other young women, and one prostitute, just a call away. When Beth found out what was going on she quickly severed ties and it appeared that she and Daniel were well on the way to a solid relationship. Well 'solid' by Hollywood standards.
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Feel-good romcom. Enjoyable but could have been so much better with a few adjustments.
giuliamodesto24 November 2020
I love Bryan Greenberg! His characters are always a breath of fresh air for me.

This could have been a much better romcom if they cut a bunch of those boring scenes at Wall Street and if they gave more scenes to Bryan Greenberg (Daniel) also at the beginning of the movie... Scott Porter's character (Tommy) was so not likable that it kinda ruined part of the movie for me.

Some characters were very stereotypical and I feel like some people could get offended by some of those racist jokes nowadays...

And what happened to the colors in the posters?! Those posters make it seem like such a low quality / independent kind of movie! It's the little things in life... Anyone with some photoshop skills could make a better job than that, come on!

Anyway Bryan (Daniel) and Alexis Bledel (Beth) saved the movie for me. Enjoyable romcom overall! I gave it a 7 because I found it a feel-good movie that I would be down to watch again! I might be biased because I love romcoms and I'm a fan of Bryan and Alexis though.
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A fairly enjoyable movie
hicksholly23 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great cast. Andrew McCarthy is an amazingly convincing asshole boss. The main character and voice of the movie Tommy takes Daniel , a very shy non aggressive rookie under his wing, in the game of Wall Street trade. There's also Alexis Bledels character Tommy girlfriend who is weighing her relationship with Tommy under the added pressures of a possible work relocation She and Daniel inevitably fall for one another shortly after their meet cute at a book store. You know cause they are both readers I didn't like how the end outed Tommy as they protagonist that ending would've been the same had he been faithful or otherwise I don't regret watching this film. I'd recommend it to your chick flick Queue for a rainy Saturday
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Man, Alexis Bledel really needs to do better job of picking scripts.
MBunge14 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Writer/director Julio DePietro apparently thought having a plot twist toward the end of The Good Guy was all he needed to make this movie worth watching. He was very wrong. This romantic-bromantic-comedy fails as romance, bromance and comedy and after mostly wasting 90 minutes of your life, reveals that it never really had a point to make in the first place.

Tommy (Scott Porter) is a Wall Street stock broker with a pig of a boss (Andrew McCarthy), a collection of a-hole work friends (Aaron Yoo and Andrew Stewart-Jones) and a beautiful girlfriend named Beth (Alexis Bledel) who won't sleep with him. Tommy and Beth do eventually end up boinking, even though this story never presents any reason for why the two of them are together or care a whit for each other. Tommy also winds up taking a guy named Daniel (Bryan Greenberg) under his wing, getting him a job as a stock broker and trying to cultivate Daniel's personality and skill with women. Neither of those things are easy because Daniel makes Opie from The Andy Griffith Show look suave and sophisticated.

As Tommy keeps pushing Daniel to hit on strange women, one of those feeble passes unknowingly ends up aimed at Beth. But wait, the film doesn't become all about how Beth is unwittingly caught between two friends because the movie almost immediately has Daniel, Tommy and Beth show up at the same party where they find out about each other. Daniel does end up joining Beth's book club with her female friends, a situation notable only for how it emphasizes how little romantic interest Beth seems to have in Daniel, while he tries hard not to openly moon over her.

There's a couple of scenes thrown in there with Daniel, Tommy and his friends doing some male bonding and a couple of scenes with Beth doing girl stuff with her friends. The Good Guy then sort of stops and broods for a while before coming to a plot twist that not only had no emotional impact on me, I have no idea what emotions it was intended to stir or how it was supposed to stir them. If this movie weren't so tepid or Alexis Bledel weren't wearing so many clothes, I'd be sorely tempted to view it a second time while listening to the commentary of writer/director DePietro just to try and understand what the hell he thought was doing. I surely can't make hide nor hair of it.

What makes the twist not working even worse is that after it happens, it becomes clear the story was entirely about the twist. There's nothing interesting about the relationship between Tommy and Beth. There's nothing interesting between the relationship between Beth and Daniel. The only reason the relationship between Tommy and Daniel is even marginally interesting is that it mostly occurs in the middle 20 minutes of the movie where it's trying to be funny. For those 20 minutes, there's a real effort to generate some comedy from the city mouse/country mouse dynamic between Tommy and Daniel. The 35 minutes before and after that are almost devoid of humor.

Bledel and her luminescent blue eyes are nice to look at and you don't realize how stupid much of the movie is until the end when you realize the supposed foreshadowing and build up to the twist doesn't really fit. Most everything else in The Good Guy either falls flat, never rises to any point where it could fall flat or exists in the movie to kill time until it can get to the ill-conceived twist.

This thing won't leave your mouth agape at how dreadful it is, but it is less entertaining than a good nap. It's not as painfully cloying as many chick flicks are, but it doesn't engage on any level at all. If you're a dude being forced to watch a chick flick, you can do worse than this. However, that's a little like saying being beaten with a rubber hose isn't as bad as getting your genitals electrocuted. You're better off avoiding those kind of experiences altogether.
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Self-explanatory story of a boy meets girl
jordondave-280853 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(2009) The Good Guy DRAMA

Co-produced, written and directed by Julio DePietro with the movie opens with a young man ringing on the door of a girl's apartment who she s with another guy. At this point viewers are oblivious about it's three main characters. And by the time the girl decides to come downstairs, she then hands him some money and says-she pities him. He walks away sulking going into cab. At this point viewers do not know what kind of relationship this is, but on the next scene the movie steps back six weeks earlier. And as it turns out, the guy that was banging on the door is really a wall street trader, Tommy (Scott Porter) and that the girl "was" his girlfriend Beth(Alexis Bledel) as we see how they first met which he saw her at a book club. And as the movie continues, we are then introduced to someone of an introvert named, Daniel (Bryan Greenberg) the third wheel who was at her apartment at the beginning. Apparently, Tommy was looking for another man since the previous insider wall street trader left for another firm who was offering more money, and Tommy was given the task of finding another replacement to fill in the gap so to speak. So when Tommy and his friends are hanging out at a pub, it is when he meets Daniel as a server and offers him a better job as an insider trader.

Spoil And it is during then we also see Tommy's extra-marital affairs with other women even though he already had a girlfriend, named Beth who she seems to have more in common with the introvert, Daniel than the current boyfriend she is dating. What ends up happening she bumps into one of Tommy's current ex's at a bar and learns he is still sleeping with her. Forcing her to dump Tommy to be with Daniel. Self-explanatory set up of a 'boy meets girl!"
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Basically, it's about a Wall...
mayylalaa9319 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, it's about a Wall Street guy named Tom Fielding (Scott Porter) who's dating Alexis Bledel's character, Beth. She's too stupid to realize that he is cheating on her, despite her bitter girlfriends warning her over and over again. Tom has a new employee, Daniel Seaver (Bryan Greenberg) who does not have a personality, so he teaches him how to be a successful trader on Wall Street. Beth and Daniel have a spark. They get together in the end when she realizes that the successful Wall Street guy is a dirty cheater and has been since forever.OH! But there's a twist! The beginning is actually the end. How clever.

Oh and Tom turns out to be the bad guy. Throw in an Asian and a black guy to spice things up, so they wouldn't be criticized for no diversity. Well, got that covered, now how about the script...I could not stop banging my head with my palm because every line made me shiver. Every line was just another cliché line. It's a horrible "romantic" flick filled with the lines of every other romantic Hollywood movie. Characters weren't developed well enough. Hell, they weren't developed at all, so there was really nothing to this film. I did not feel any connection between the characters. They tried to show the comfortable relationships that surround the group of friends with constant cursing. It shouldn't be rated R because there wasn't any sexual content that was unbearable; there were no naked bodies and aside from the cursing, there was nothing insane. Glad it was a short hour and 37 minutes. AND DON'T EVEN TRY TO UNDERSTAND THEIR CONVERSATIONS. THEY'RE NOT UNDERSTANDABLE.

And Bryan Greenberg is too good to be on this piece of sh-t. He was on One Tree Hill, damn it. As for the others, I do not give a ...

Gilmore Girls suxxxx.
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Offensive anti romcom
endymionng5 July 2012
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No, seriously - This movie is obviously made before Wall Street became unpopular and it is filled with obnoxious, superficial morons. The money guys is chasing tail, drugs, alcohol and most of all the respect of their colleagues. To top it of the girls are stupid beyond belief and are still dreaming about "Mr Right". Sadly some of it is probably somewhat realistic. None of the cast(except Andrew McCarthy in a small part as a Douche) can act and are just pretty faces... If even 10 % of this is close to reality then it explains why Wall Street is destroying itself and the rest of the US. Watch American Psycho (2000), Wall Street or the Stillman Trilogy instead.
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Underated Movie
michmccoydc29 January 2020
I really enjoyed this movie. The setting in NYC, the actors, the soundtrack, and the story were all great. I thought it was a nice spin on your classic good guy - bad guy love story. I don't know why it isn't rated higher. I've wasted time I'll never get back on movies less entertaining. Worth a watch.
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Rory Gilmore and the opposite of Jason Street made a movie...
Kimtheswim21 February 2017
It took me three sittings to finish this movie. I LOVE Scott Porter. I don't hate Alexis Beidel, but this confirmed how little she can actually act. She's lucky she's beautiful, otherwise she would have nothing to offer Hollywood. I wanted to like this movie mostly because the beginning was somewhat interesting. This was until I started watching it and realized it got really bad as it kept going. By like all good train wrecks, you see it through the end.
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Moderately entertaining
phd_travel26 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Moderately entertaining romance drama set in the world of Wall Street finance. It isn't great and I can see why this movie didn't quite make it in cinemas but it's quite an okay watch on cable. Good points: Firstly the way the story unfolds and characters personalities are revealed is quite interesting and watchable. The romance is quite subtle. Alexis Bledel is okay though a bit girlish looking for a young adult. Liked the outcome. The casting is good. Bryan Greenberg is well cast as the more sensitive love interest. Scott Porter is okay as the wall street hot shot - liked the way his character played out. Andrew McCarthy is good as the hard boss.

The faults: What was clichéd about the script is how Wall Street people are portrayed as hard drinking womanizing schmoozing and procuring etc. If you worked hard you wouldn't have the energy to party like that. And in reality the actually don't.

Worth a watch but not a must see.
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linear807 July 2014
The worst Comedy and Romance movie that I have ever watched :( Since this movie got 5.7 rating from 3000+ users, so I expected that I would get some good laugh and heart-touched romance scenes but NO, I didn't. Except good laugh and romance scenes, I got no idea that who is the main protagonist, female or male cast. I have no idea about what movie wants to show me "The good guy" and I just saw a d*ck who got a lot of chicks' numbers in his phone and F*cked a lot of girls who thought they were his only one love and spent the rest of their life together......... The ending also ridiculous......that such D*ck still got a girl with him, like he lives happily ever after which drove me crazy while watching it.
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