God of War III (Video Game 2010) Poster

(2010 Video Game)

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Slightly Better than the first two games
opponent6924 March 2010
What can I say about God of War 3. It is an amazing game. You never want this game to end and at the same time you do not want to leave the joystick until you are done with the game. Sony have really worked so hard on the graphics, you can really feel the difference in the graphics. As for the fights and story, it is different than the previous games, but the quality is as good. I expected a better ending, but still, this is God of War, I love everything about it.

It is only slightly better than the first two, it's just because there was nothing wrong with the first two! The weapons are much better in this new game, plus you get to keep the things you got in the previous game, i.e. your wings.

I hope everyone enjoys this game as much as I have enjoyed it.
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Destroyer of Games
Vezon12312 November 2010
The latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine is in, and it's got the first review of God of War 3, giving Kratos' third outing a 9/10.

Is it better than the recent rip-off (but pretty bloody good) Dante's Inferno? Yes, says the review in issue 43 of OPM, and it even destroys the first two GoW games too.

"They fall a long way short of the series' long-awaited PS3 debut. Like, a really, really long way - this is on a scale PS3 has never known. It makes not only its predecessors seem small, but the competition too. Darksiders and even the very decent Dante's Inferno have nothing to compare with Kratos' almighty comeback," it reads.

So why a 9 and not a 10? "The game is inches from scoring 10/10, and it's only the familiarity of the core gameplay (standing on the shoulders of giants) that makes it feel less than the very, very best. But it's definitely the biggest, and if this is the finale (and the corpses littering the stage by the end of the game suggest it might be), then God Of War III gives PlayStation's toughest hero the send-off he deserves," says the review.
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My favourite PS3 exclusive.
DustinRahksi31 March 2013
I remember the day I bought this, I don't remember why I wanted it, just that I needed something new, and it definitely was something new and worth while. This was the first game in the series that I played, it was relatively easy to learn and get used to. From there on in it was the most exhilarating and grand game I have ever played. It got to the point where I was obsessed with it, I couldn't get enough. I ended up buying it twice, just to get the collectors edition, it was worth it for the art book. The first two games weren't as good in my opinion, and ascension was fairly good.

The Game: The first thing you will notice is the impressive graphics engine. The scale of this game is the best and biggest I have ever seen, nothing can compare to it. The game play was very easy on normal difficulty, hard difficulty makes you a little more cautious of offencive style game play. I have played through the story twice. I also enjoyed loading an old save just to fight the boss's again. The Poseidon boss was a great way to open a game. The hades boss had a lot of cool combat moves, such as when hades tries to take your soul or when you lodge your blades into his head and bash his face into the ceiling, it was great. The real boss that stands out is the Cronos battle, it is the grandest moment of the game, it is a testament to the graphics engine. Of course there is the usual sex mini game, this time with Aphrodite, it shows how life like video game characters can look. Let me tell you the character models from Kratos to the chimera or the titans, is visually impressive and realistic. Overall the presentation is as high quality as it gets, maybe not on par with Uncharted, but still great.

The game play: The combat feels and looks the best out of the base games in the franchise. The blades of exile will be your best friends throughout the game, the rest have little purpose other than variety. The animations on the monsters are incredible. I would look forward to every time I could see the Cerberus or chimera. This may very well be the most bloody and graphic video game ever made. Organs are spilled in great detail, eyes are ripped from Cyclops's heads. Legs are severed and heads are ripped screaming from bodies. The quick time events on the mini boss's are always great to see. The chimera takes the most punishment, he has three forms. The first one you cut off his tail, the second you stab and rip his eyes out, and the last you break his horn off and ram it through his skull. It holds nothing back.

This is by far my favourite game on the ps3, and will remain there since this console generation is starting to close up. Highly recommended.
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Cracking game
andrew_flay22 September 2018
What a game only now playing it because it's free on PS4, wish I played it along time ago, it's simply a beautiful epic game.
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A wonderful installment.
Analog_Devotee3 August 2021
A fantastic entry into the series. Some reviewers say it's better than the first two -- I would say it's equal to the first sequel, but not quite as good as the original. That being said, these three main games are must-plays for any hack n' slash fan, and will probably tickle the fancy of darn near any gamer. How could you not like these games?
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Amazing game
lawrencestevens-5836913 July 2018
Very good game. This is the only other game I've played in the god of war franchise, I played the remastered version on PS4 before I started the new one. It is great fun. I can't compare it to other titles in the franchise but what I can say the story is epic, the gameplay is fun and not too challenging, and the boss battles are memorable. For a remaster I don't think the graphics were really improved that much tbh. This is a must play for playstation owners. It's very different to the new god of war and most games I play, but I found it very refershing. The fixed camera angle could be a bit annoying sometimes. And no boss or area was too difficult to the point of me dying excessively and raging. It's the right difficulty and not too challenging for me playing on normal. Overall I highly recommend this and I can't wair to play the newer one
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This game is fire!
u_mbaptista20 October 2011
My only serious complaint was that it was almost too manly, and my PS3 leaked testosterone every time I played for more than a few hours at a time. Aside from that, the story is interesting, the puzzles were fun despite being easier than those of GOW2, the combat was solid (despite rage of the titans being completely useless), the boss battles were epic and boner inducing, and the environment and character design were straight up eye candy. Kratos is probably the best character you can't relate to. He's such a kill happy douche that you can't really feel sorry for him, and at times i feel like I'm playing as the villain. He's such a badass though that it's forgivable :)
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The destroyer of worlds
Badr90s4 October 2021
The best god of war in the series, it was the epic conclusion of the triology, the most bloody the most intense with it's bossfights, gods and giants clash once and for all, Kratos was the real deal this game tells every gamer why he is one of the best in video games as a protaginist maybe antagonist too + god of war is one of the best game series of all times.
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Kratos finally arrives on the PS3!
Aaron137521 April 2014
Yes, we all thought that Kratos would be arriving on the PS3 a bit earlier, with God of War II. However, instead he was once again on the PS2 system. So, the third game comes out and of course it is on the PS3...and it is a bit of a letdown as I found the two games on PS2 more satisfying than this one. Do not get me wrong, I enjoyed this one a lot, but at the same time it just did not feel as large an adventure as the previous two games. It just seems to be on a smaller scale as it did not seem as long, there did not seem to be as many locales and the battles just did not feel as spectacular as before. The graphics are impressive as the PS3 was an impressive piece of hardware. Kratos has never looked more alive...unfortunately, as I said as good as it played out it just felt more underwhelming than before.

The story picks up where the second game left off. Kratos rides Gaia to the top of Mt. Olympus in the hopes of settling things with his father once and for all. All the gods join with Zeus in defending Mt. Olympus and it is not too long after this one opens that Kratos is once again back in Hades. Of course, not before putting a major beat down on Poseidon. Well, Kratos must navigate the underworld and soon learns of Pandora and a weapon that has the power to destroy a god, even Zeus. So Kratos must navigate a maze that is very reminiscent of the one found in the horror/science fiction film Cube and will soon have his showdown with Zeus, again.

The game play is essentially the same as the previous two games as Kratos fights with his standard chain weapons and will pick up more weapons along the way. He will also pick up other items and abilities as he progresses through the game. I died frequently on jumps, not sure if this was due to bad controls or a bad controller though. Something was just off with the double jump so I spent a lot of time falling to my death. Still, it was nice that the combat was the same as the game is easy to pick up and play if you have played the earlier games. I had heard it was different in the demo and a lot of people complained, but not sure if the controls were changed due to this or not.

So, this journey of Kratos was good, but just did not feel quite as grand as his first two journeys. Perhaps having the exact same antagonist made the game have its been there done that feel. Perhaps it is the lack of places for Kratos to explore as it is pretty much Mt. Olympus and Hades and going up and down a shaft (this was especially tiresome. Whatever the reason, this one just was a good game and not a great game. I won it in under ten hours and again, it felt very rushed. Not sure if there will be a game that happens after this one as the ending did not really end on a cliffhanger like the last game. I know there was a prequel last year, but I am not a fan of prequels. A good game, but a lack of certain things made Kratos' first journey onto the PS3 less memorable than it should have been.
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His vengeance is complete.
Pjtaylor-96-13804412 May 2020
'God Of War III (2010)' picks up directly where it's predecessor left off and sees Kratos continue his quest to kill... well, everything in Olympus. I mean, this guy literally kills everyone. He's an angry, vicious warrior capable of tearing off a head with his bare hands. Jumping to the PS3 doesn't just allow the title to look and feel better, it also allows it to double down on its gore. Of course, violence is - and has always been - a part of the franchise. Here, though, you can actually feel it, especially when the game puts you in the POV of one of Kratos' victims. This entry is really where the storytelling starts to do some bold things with character. Essentially, Kratos is a villain. While you're playing, you're constantly wishing he would stop his quest for revenge. However, the only way that could happen is if you stopped playing and the thing is just too darn good to do that. The narrative goes out of its way to portray the negative consequences of violence - and vengeance, in particular - which begins to elevate it from pure hack 'n' slash entertainment. It does get caught on some of its own trappings, though. It kind of escalates the franchises' prior poor treatment of women and feels icky whenever it does. This is a small issue but it does have an impact. The gameplay, once again, consists of combat and puzzles. Both feel more refined than before, essentially the same but tweaked just enough to feel distinct. Your abilities build throughout the title - after an obligatory 'reset', of course - and it's very satsfying to master new techniques. The enemies provide a decent challenge and the bosses are all distinct. The end-game, in particular, is epic. A lot of the title is, though, as you clamber up walking mountains and defeat foes even larger than that. It's brilliant. It also has a tragic feel to it, bolstered by a ballsy and unexpected ending. The relentless killing of its gameplay mirrors the 'train wreck in slow motion' nature of its story, each justifying the other. It's a holistic, impressive and enjoyable affair throughout. 10/10
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The end of the trilogy that cemented it's legacy!!!
bensam-739238 September 2022
Thank you Santa Monica Studios and Stig Asmussen! This game was exceptional. When it comes to puzzles and different enemies this is the gold standard. I can't name a single game with better enemy and boss variation (as frustrating as some of them can be), not even the new God of War. The mechanics are great and this game being as difficult as it is makes you feel amazing every time you beat a boss. Zeus, the giant scorpion, and the giant hell dog with the goats in Hell took me forever to beat. But boy did it make kratos punishment that much better. Kratos legacy as the video game character was cemented in this game. The game is a literal journey from him at the bottom to the top. Each god fight is just so epic. This was the first God of War game I played after finding it at a Half Priced Books. Now this series is my favorite (so excited for Ragnarok) and my favorite game of all time is God of War 2018. Get this game off Amazon or somewhere and play it!
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Epic and Bloodthirsty, and Mostly Brilliant
brad-9562710 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a trilogy-concluder and a follow-up to the epic cliffhanger ending of its predecessor, God of War 3 had a lot on its shoulders. The game does accomplish everything it was meant to do, and the good things are delivered in spades. This still stands as one of the most wow-factor games I've ever played, and just about every second of it (starting before even the main menu) just feels absolutely epic, for lack of a better word. However, while this game spends about 90% of its play time being an unapologetic slaughterfest, the story makes an attempt to bring Kratos to some kind of enlightenment, while simultaneously squashing all the sympathetic aspects of his character from the original game. Unfortunately, these parts always feel like a kind of hollow attempt at adding depth to the story. It's the only thing holding this game back.

STORY: As mentioned above, the story starts out knowing exactly what it's setting out to do; the previous game ends with Kratos leading the Titans to battle on Olympus, providing a very singular mandate, for this game to fulfil that conclusion, and from the epic score and opening recap, to Zeus's pre-battle monologue to the Olympians, to the battle that follows, the first 20 minutes of this game go down as one of, if not THE best opening in a video game. The sheer scale is mind-blowing, and the remastered graphics still hold up. For the most part, this trend continues, with each boss battle feeling distinct, each kill getting more brutal, Kratos sinking to new depths at every obstacle to his revenge. However, this rhythm is interrupted by the introduction of Pandora, who, much too quickly, becomes a surrogate daughter for Kratos, as he deals with the guilt of having killed his own daughter. Pandora's sole function in the story is to introduce the concept of Hope, which will become the game's shortcut to an ending, and to give the game an attempt at adding pathos or redemption to Kratos, which feels so out of place with the rest of the story.

In hindsight, the developers may have been trying to pit the player against Kratos, wishing for his redemption, by attempting to repulse the audience with the increasingly brutal and detailed violence. To be fair, the violence in this game is accomplished to brilliant effect, and is definitely not for those without a strong stomach. However, even when the violence in the game turned my stomach, as certain moments in the previous games did too, I didn't find myself yearning for a redemption arc - more just accepted that I was playing as a villainous character, which is the point made by the entire rest of the game. There's nothing inherently wrong with a more harrowing and sorrowful look at a revenge story, or attempting to play on a sense of player empathy - The Last of Us II does this to perfection - but here it feels like the game is trying to have its cake and eat it too.

In addition, the whole culmination of the Pandora's box mystery feels very messy and doesn't fit with the internal logic established by the previous games. It left me with more questions than answers, but that's the result of trying to pull off a plot twist spanning multiple titles when it's not set up properly from the beginning.

GRAPHICS: The visuals on this game are the pinnacle of the original trilogy, and among the best on the PS3 and PS4 alike. When I played God of War 2, I was impressed by the visual fidelity of the pre-rendered cutscenes, especially for having been on PS2. That level of graphic is more than outmatched by this sequel, and the fidelity is carried between the amazing pre-renders and the gameplay too. Every second of cinematic in this game seems to push the hardware to its limit, and the game is visually stunning for this from beginning to end. The details go all the way down to pores on Kratos's face and flecks in his irises, deservingly shown off from the main menu and opening cutscene. It's a triumph of graphic achievement, and the gory violence being dialled up to 11 just looks incredible, in all its cartoonish, over-the-top glory, and is stomach-churning at several points.

GAMEPLAY: God of War 3 continues to improve upon the already solid combat and traversal established by the previous 2 games. Many reviews say that the additional weapons feel mostly like re-skins of the Blades of Exile, but I disagree. They each have their own tweaked move set, they behave differently than the regular blades, and they all have their own magic that feels unique and tailored to the nature of the weapons. The Nemean Cestus also provides a more dramatic shake up, similar to the Barbarian Hammer in GOW2. This game also finally resolves the issues I had with the fixed-perspective camera from the old games. The camera no longer gets stuck so that I can't see the objective, and is used to phenomenal effect to frame and enrich the game's most showy, cinematic moments. This is especially important because the enemy variety in the game is awesome, and forces you to really strategize when played on harder settings. Every minor gameplay gripe I had with the first 2 games (bad camera usage, frustrating difficulty, counterintuitive traversal) have all found remedies in this game, making it my favourite from a gameplay perspective. It rarely gets old, most puzzle segments are still very well thought out, and it keeps me fully engaged every time I play.

SIDE CONTENT: The game offers a little more replay value (if the opening itself wasn't enough to make you want to relive it over and over) by interspersing collectibles that unlock bonus abilities on replays of the game. In addition, there are a couple of challenge maps, and an extensive behind-the-scenes documentary, which I really appreciate on all the God of War games.

OVERALL: For its graphics and gameplay, this is the best game of the original trilogy. Story-wise, the game is a mixed bag of timelessly epic, near-perfect action sequences, and hollow-feeling attempts to add a depth that feels like it doesn't belong. The ending is a little confusing and doesn't fully stick the landing, but does not sour the overall experience. It's not much to suffer through for the rest of the spectacle this fantastic game offers.
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The shoutiest of all bois
TheCorniestLemur7 September 2020
So I joked about Kratos being the shoutiest video game protagonist of all time in my God Of War II review, but I had no idea what I was talking about, it turns out. Kratos has now lost his indoor voice along with his mind.

He'll scream at, and kill, anything and everyone in this game. The constant murders of important Greek mythological figures and gods are an amazing spectacle, likely pushing the PS3 to it's absolute limits, and the voice acting and music are as spectacular as ever for the series, but with that comes the complete eradication of anything that was interesting about the story or Kratos as a character.

It's not a huge problem, since the story is obviously not a big focus, but if Kratos had just been the biggest jerk in Greece I would have been fine with it, but then they start trying to give him a redemption arc that feels as hollow as the insides of most of Greece's monsters at this point. If this had been the Kratos from the first game, whose rage was all-consuming but at least focused on someone who basically deserved it, and was occasionally remorseful, it might have worked, but when Kratos is channeling judge, jury and executioner - emphasis on the executioner - to virtually everyone he meets, it just feels insincere and unbelievable. Plus, the entire game's narrative feels like it only exists because GOW II ended on a cliffhanger, and they had to fill the time necessary for a whole new game somehow.

Fortunately, the trend this series has of the story getting worse, but the gameplay getting better continues. This is by far the best gameplay experience in a GOW game up until this point, the idea to tie magic into the different weapons was a fantastic touch, allowing for even more items to be usable in the same way magic was in the last two games and making the game much deeper than the last installment.

In the end, GOW III is fun, but doesn't really feel like it should exist, story-wise anyway. I'm glad they drew a fine line at the end of the Greek era and started something new, because this was a good conclusion at the end of the day.
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God of War III Review
Moviememmer30 October 2019
  • Kratos is a BADASS
  • Great fast-paced Gameplay
  • Great graphics
  • Creative level designs
  • Amazing boss fights

  • Story is kinda light (but who gives an f)
  • Extreme cinematic zoom-outs in levels can be abit annoying

Verdict: While playing this game feels awesome and satisfyingly brutal and gory. Filled with colossal levels and larger than life boss fights, this game is a must play.

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Platinum #10
ocesarebr9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I believe this game can now be considered a classic, right? It's spectacular. I remember that in the ps3/x360 generation, I only had the x360 and watched videos of God of War 3 and was fascinated, in 2018 I had the ps4 and fell in love with everything about this game. Starting with the fight against Poseidon, which is wonderful, one of the best scenes ever made in games without a doubt. In terms of platinum, it wasn't the first time I'd gone platinum so I knew the tricks. Closing on easy by getting all the collectibles, the 1000hit is much easier on ice scorpion and leaving only the trophies from the Olympos challenges and the one from closing the game on hard mode. Then, after completing the entire Olympus challenge, go to the combat arena and set everything to infinity and hard mode and place it against the gorgons and jump so they petrify and you are defeated, do this until the message that you want appears. Change level, then you say no and you will be sent to the menu and then just start in the new game and put it in hard mode and you will have infinite life and all weapons complete. And then you can skip 2/3 of the game for the judges' place in Hades where you can break it with Hercules' weapon. Platinum #10 Platinum Game on December 9, 2023.
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amacalperen18 December 2022
The latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine is in, and it's got the first review of God of War 3, giving Kratos' third outing a 9/10.

Is it better than the recent rip-off (but pretty bloody good) Dante's Inferno? Yes, says the review in issue 43 of OPM, and it even destroys the first two GoW games too.

"They fall a long way short of the series' long-awaited PS3 debut. Like, a really, really long way - this is on a scale PS3 has never known. It makes not only its predecessors seem small, but the competition too. Darksiders and even the very decent Dante's Inferno have nothing to compare with Kratos' almighty comeback," it reads.

So why a 9 and not a 10? "The game is inches from scoring 10/10, and it's only the familiarity of the core gameplay (standing on the shoulders of giants) that makes it feel less than the very, very best. But it's definitely the biggest, and if this is the finale (and the corpses littering the stage by the end of the game suggest it might be), then God Of War III gives PlayStation's toughest hero the send-off he deserves," says the review.
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God of (nearly) Perfection!
moritzherz9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
God of War III does something no other medium could do before. It places milestones for greek mythology, for action games, for brutality in entertainment media and for a lot of other things. This should be played by everyone, not just gamers.

Story: Maybe the only weakness of the predecessors is wiped out by this game like the enemies are wiped out by Kratos. The arc of revenge shows us not only the gods of olympus and their shiny mount olympus, but also the dark underworld and gigantic titans. This game has not a single point where you feel bored and it includes nearly everything of the best what greek mythology brought us. Dadälus labyrinth, the Hades, the olymp, the gardens of olymp, the tartarus and so much more. If someone says he is interested in greek mythology and hasn't played this game he is shurely NOT interested in the materia!!! This game is a must! (9/10)

Gameplay: The gameplay of the first two titles was near perfection, this IS perfection. You not only get the chaos blades and some spells. No, you get uncountable weapons and gear throughout the game when beating bosses or reaching certain points in the story. So your playstyle will change over the time without losing quality. The possibilities you have in this game cannot be told with words, you have to experience them yourself. Also the sex minigame with aphrodite shows how you can implement sex in videogames perfectly and be woth a R-Rated. (10/10)

Graphics: I played the remastered version of 2015 and this looked so good, I did not saw a difference to games released nowadays. So good work remastering this masterpiece Sony! (8/10)

Violence: I have to do this because this game is the best piece of entertainment I played in my whole life speaking of the usage of violence. No movie, tv show or any other videogame has created such a masterclass brutality. The finishing moves of the centauri are just brilliant. In general there is nearly always blood on your screen and when it comes to boss fights this is going beyond perfection. The finishing of Poseidon, watched frim the player out of the perspective of the god of the seas is just ART! Also the fight against Hermes, showing Kratos cutting his legs showing the bones is amazing. The detailed animation of organs flashing out of the gigantious titan Chronos is also worth a watch. This game is a new benchmark of using violence in videogames and it is until today not reached again. (10/10)

Verdict: I say this now for the third time but if someone interested in greek mythology did not play this game yet, you can't keep him serious. But this is now beyond greek mythology perfection, this is now a must play for every human being over 18. Only exception is if you cannot see blood.

With this said, go and play this game it is more than worth your time!

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God of war 3
amitshmueli16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The excellent sequel to the two excellent games GOD OF WAR 3 god of war 3 is a game that goes straight into the plot and the continuation of the story The game starts right after the end of the second game of the series and gives us crazy battles Poseidon was a really great boss and fun same for hades There were bosses that were also less good like helios and hermes And finally the final battle against Zeus The fight was amazing in my opinion the best fight that was in the game and probably also in the games you can say that the god of war game series is a violent series and there is too much blood, I can agree if it is but in my opinion it is wrong to say that But there are other games that are equally non-violent like Mortal Kombat Dark souls GTA And I could go on if this list The game is undoubtedly violent but people forget that there are other violent games I have to say something about the ending of the game The ending is mysterious and not mysterious On the one hand we saw Kratos die and kill himself but after that you can see the place where he lay and a trail of blood leading to the cliff This suggests to us that Kratos is still alive and survived his own attack Of course there are some things I didn't like about the game like The Titans What happened to the other titans except for Gaia?

We don't get an answer later in the game Another thing I didn't like about the game is the puzzles it brings, they were so annoying and not fun

On the other hand, one of the things I liked most about this game is the weapons, there are more weapons than the rest of the games in the series, which is undoubtedly excellent.

In conclusion the game god of war 3 is a great adventure game and a great sequel to the god of war game series and without a doubt one of the best games ever released GOD OF WAR 3 (9/10)
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like ehh
BatuhanEnizToprakman28 October 2018
Now I stayed a bit low compared to the first 3 games for me the good visuals are good, the action is also good but the storytelling came a little strange to me that every single episode of God cut me a little squeezed but the finale was really amazing.
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Epic but flawed
TheDireStrait15 March 2010
Alright,so i received this game on the 12th of March,5 days before release(long story) so i have had ample time to play the game so i am going to summarize it in three words:

Epic but flawed

When i popped the disc and started it up, i was expecting over-the-top action,massive scope and all the bloody gore that can be stuffed into one disc,and for the most part this game lives up to my expectations.the game is massive and the gameplay and graphics are nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Story: if you have or have not played the previous GoW titles you will be swiftly brought up to speed with the events in the game and the plot is fairly straight-forward. Kratos wants revenge and will stop at nothing to get it, but then again i hardly doubt that the people that are waiting for this are expecting a deep storyline ala Mass Effect 2.

Graphics: in a word,beautiful.the game made my jaw literally drop! problem is,when there is lighting this game really shines and shows what this game can really do,but whoever decided that a mass portion of this game should be placed in the dark,should be lined up against a wall and shot.the game looks just the same in the dark and there is nothing that really stands out,but when this game wants to,it will blow you away.

Gameplay: this is the sole reason why God of War 3 is one of the most anticipated games of the year,maybe even decade.this game yet again sets the bar for hack-and-slashers that all so blatantly copy this great game.The problem? the platforming and puzzles. yes it is a change of pace but this game simply was not designed for climbing and carefully jumping from one platform to another, but really im nitpicking right now.

verdict? it is a great game if you are into hack-and-slashers with a great soundtrack that puts movie scores to shame.if you can overlook slight problems then you are in for a great time and i would definitely recommend this game.buy now!

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it's one of the greatest games ever made, but..
imo9621 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
first of all i loved the first two and especially the second one maybe i enjoyed more than this one ,the story itself of this game is phenomenal with the graphics wow what can i say about the graphics ? they are amazing but the game has some flaws like 1-the voice acting was really bad 2-too much violence (maybe for me :P)

1)first the voice acting was really really bad ,the voice of kratos himself was the worst thing in the game

2)too much violence even much violent than the first two ,its disgusting to see skulls crushed like melons guts ripped from body cavities and torsos halved. And such things go on with relentless
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