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mikemdp18 December 2012
So at one point, the leader of a cult that really has little bearing on anything in this movie proclaims, "We control the life blood of this planet!"

Wait, what? It's not just that it makes little sense. It makes no sense whatsoever. Not much of this movie does.

But hey, you want a tight plot that makes sense and gives you pause to think? Netflix "Glengarry Glen ****ing Ross." This ain't that.

You want to see a ninja cut a man's arm off with his ninja sword and the man goes "Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!" while blood spurts out of his stump, then this is the movie for you.

You want to see a stacked gravure idol as a dojo master's daughter who always needs to be saved just because she's a stacked gravure idol and even though she's a ninja, too, then this is the movie for you.

You want shurikens, poison blowgun darts, a ninja flying suit, and an SUV that rolls over and blows up spectacularly for NO FREAKING REASON, then this is the movie for you.

You want to see two ninjas have swordfight on the rooftop of a skyscraper with the Empire State Building in the background and you say, "This is the most awesomest thing ever!" in your best Peter Griffin voice, then babe, this is the ****ing movie for you.

You want sense? Read Jane ****ing Austen. You want ninjawesome, grab this baby, some chips and a Stella Artois and you're set for the night, brochacho.
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Dudikoff never moved like that!
ericthered0124 November 2009
"Ninja" does something that is hard to do.... it updates something from the past but still retains a nostalgic feel about it. Sometimes it felt like it was 1985 and I was a kid sitting on the living room floor eating popcorn and watching American Ninja. But then I see Scott Adkins do an amazing aerial kick and I know I'm not watching Michael Dudikoff. "Ninja" takes a similar formula and story from those ninja movies from the 80's and combines it with a hard hitting and acrobatic fighting style seen in today's martial arts movies. This movie was a lot of fun and if you grew up watching ninja and martial arts movies in the 80s like me, you will definitely enjoy it.
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Ninjas for ninjas sake...
loogenhausen8 November 2011
The highest praise I can heap upon Ninja is that there is absolutely no fat on this thing. It's lean and mean and gets right down to the point: ninjas! It's a scientific fact that ninjas are way cooler than pirates and robots combined. Even dead people know this to be true. That's why it's hard to even muster the energy to attempt to try to bag on a movie like Ninja. The script is flimsier than a leaf in a hurricane, the dialogue is spotty at best and trying to make sense of every plot detail just outs you as an unpatriotic ninja hater. What the movie does do well is show you ninjas killing the crap out of everyone on screen. Scott Adkins and Tsuyoshi Ihara have a hellacious final duel and everything leading up to it is paced faster than a one hundred yard dash. Let's be honest, you didn't have any interest in this movie for its stern position on global politics and the humane treatment of thoroughly owned ninja victims. You came here for ninja-on-ninja action. It's way better than Casper Van Dien's suckfest Mask of The Ninja and in my opinion slightly better than Ninja Assassin. It is not, however, better than Chris Lambert's The Hunted. That one is the high water mark for trashy non-Japanese ninja movies.
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2009 action in an 80's movie
Egi5 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Wow... I saw this movie two weeks ago on a sneak preview in Kuala Lumpur. I had no idea what to expect but being a 30-year old guy who grew up on Sho Koshugi and Michael Dudikoff ninja movies I just had to see it.

As to the script it's a plain 80's rip of. An American ninja fighting a envious Japanese ninja including a secret criminal organisation "The Ring" (How's that for a cliché?) makes this movie a typical no brain action movie. Couple it with the east Europe crew and locations and an almost voice over synchronization and you got your selves a good laugh.

In some of the action scenes (that were quite well made most of the time) a street punk almost kills the ninjas where as in others ninjas do a one-blow kill. Kind of inconsistent, don't you think?

All in all I give it a 5/10 just because it took me back to late 80's, early 90's and made me feel like a kid again. I'd actually watch it again for the same reasons I sometime watch "American Ninja", i.e. so I don't forget the lines like:

Soldier-Sir, have you ever heard of ninjitsu, the ancient art of assassination? General-"Of course I have! (American Ninja 1)

And laugh my a** off with my buddies...
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Yes, it's cheesy...but still pretty enjoyable
Heislegend24 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Like undoubtedly 90% of the people who will watch this movie, I was whole-heartedly expecting something in the vein of those awful 80's movies like American Ninja or Master Ninja. Well...OK...I was partially right. But this seems to have a little more going for it. Namely: Scott Adkins. Look, I know martial arts doesn't have a nationality, but it's been a long time since I saw a westerner do such a good job in a screen fight. I didn't even realize this was the same guy from The Tournament and Undisputed II. I guess he's got a thing for low balling his own talent and being in cheesy movies? Regardless, this guy has the screen fighting ability to carry a whole movie...but he's settling for this? To each his own, I suppose.

The plot is...lacking. That's a nice way to say that, right? It's basically about a disgraced member of a dojo who sets out to steal it's prized possession...some dumb box. Whatever. So the sensei (you knew there'd be a sensei, right?) sends two of his best to protect said dumb box. Well, OK, to be fair one of them is his best student. The chick doesn't do much except get knocked around and kidnapped...constantly. You can probably guess where this is going, so I'll spare you. Oh...there's a secret society bent on evil. Can't forget that.

But like I said, it's still pretty enjoyable. The fight scenes are very well done...surprisingly so considering they didn't come out of Hong Kong or Thailand. A lot of the "stylized violence" (a really stupid term meaning pretty much all blood is CGI) is pretty poorly done, but it can be excused. I just can't imagine it's cheaper to do than practical effects. All in all I actually liked this movie, flaws and all. Definitely a movie you can crack a few beers open and watch.
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Not a great film by any means, but Scott Adkins is a thing of beauty
callanvass11 November 2013
The plot is pretty weak in this movie, and lacks a really intense story, despite trying so hard to be intense. It gets by on some incredible fights with Scott Adkins, and quite frankly, I bet I'm not alone when it comes to people watching this movie, simply because of Adkins. It starts off a little slowly in the first half. Tsuyoshi Ihara provides some great intensity, and some good villainy, but it lacked the proper excitement for me. Once the second half begins, things really begin to heat up. The action is so strong, you tend to block out the average story. If Adkins's subway fight sequence isn't enough for you, then Adkins's going completely ballistic in the finale, by making many martial artists look foolish will definitely hit the spot. This guy is incredible, and if given the chance, he could be the action star the genre has lacked since the heyday of the 80's action heroes. I wouldn't call it a great performance, but he acquits himself decently. If you're not blown away by some of Adkins's moves, I really question your judgment. His love story with Mika Hijii isn't anything groundbreaking, but it's moving enough. Speaking of Mika Hijii, she's far from a damsel in distress. Not only does this woman kick major ass, but she takes a beating like a champ. I cringed in some of those scenes, but she held her own big time. It's pretty violent, if you like that sort of thing. I personally like violence. The finale is a bit over the top with the dramatics, but it does the job

Final Thoughts: See it for some of the terrific action scenes. Scott Adkins won't let you down. As long as you keep in mind that it's not a great movie, you should be able to find mild enjoyment. I didn't mind it. I'm actually curious about the upcoming sequel

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Fun, albeit flawed
RipTheJacker15 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has potential, but within that potential are several flaws. Though the flaws don't make this a terrible movie, they do deter from some of the film's positive aspects.

The film tells the tale of American orphan Casey who is raised into a clan of ninjas and rivaled by an equally powerful warrior. Eventually the rival's anger gets the best of him and he is banished for breaking a ninja code of honor. He is then forced to pursue a new career in assassinations and theft for an evil organization. Casey must use what his master has taught him over the years to protect the sacred 'box' and stop his rival. Sounds promising, right? Well, it goes slightly downhill from here. Casey is accompanied by a female companion who is able to out-maneuver Casey several times, yet she manages to get herself caught and nearly killed several times. She bears a huge burden of Casey, and most of the film consists of Casey keeping her from getting hurt, saving her from getting killed, and finding her after she gets kidnapped.

Unfortunately the negatives continue. The movie tries to hard to merge East with West, and often times I find myself cringing at the Japanese actors attempting to speak coherent English, although I do admit Casey does a splendid job. Throw in some incompetent cops who can't seem to do anything right but get in the way and die, and you have yourself a crumbling premise.

Another problem is the character development. We don't really get a background check of most of the cast as to how they ended up where they did and why they are exactly there. Which brings me to my next problem, the so called evil organization. Without any intent, motive, or purpose we are introduced to this organization of wealthy leaders and street thugs. The thugs are persuaded to join this clan and they are represented with leather hoodies and a branding to the chest. How they got there, what are they doing, why are they doing it remains a mystery. It seems the film-makers just wanted to toss a group of enemies as sandbag punching fillers to get Casey's juices flowing.

Well, it worked... which brings me to my positives. This movie has a lot of action, a lot of amazing choreography, and a lot of blood. Mix it together, and you have yourself a winning combination. While the blood CG seems to be a bit off, that can be forgiven due to it's minimal budget internet release (I). The action is kept as realistic as possible, while maintaining a lot of amazing ninja skills we've grown to love from Eastern cinemas. The slow-motion and camera work is top notch, and the cinematography deserves a praise. For a (I) this movie is built and presented really well.

Another positive is the actor who plays Casey, Scott Adkins. Some viewers might recognize him as Uri Boyka from 'Undisputed II' (and soon to be III). This man is BEYOND fantastic at martial arts. He is right next to Michael Jai White as being one of the best American martial artists I've witnessed. He can very well be the Van Damme of the 21st century. He's built well, his acting is great, and his fight choreography is simply amazing. The stunts, added with the camera angles and the slow-mo make for a roller-coaster of a ride.

This movie may not be the BEST martial arts movie out there, but it is simply enjoyable to watch for any fan of martial arts. If you enjoy the brutal street brawls of 'Undisputed' and the choreographed martial arts of 'Ong Bak' then you will DEFINITELY love this movie. Just don't expect anything from the story, the extras, and rest of the actors. Go into this film with an open mind, and a thirst for bloody good violence, and I'm sure you will leave satisfied.

I gave this movie a 6/10 because even though the goods outweigh the bad, it's simply hard to ignore the fact that there still are flaws to the film. Regardless, it is a very enjoyable film, and to those who enjoy martial arts films and/or enjoy East meets West mash-ups, then you will definitely enjoy this film! Give it a try!
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A worthy addition to the genre
Wizard-89 February 2010
I have been wanting to see a new ninja movie (that's good) for a long time, and I was impatiently waiting for this one to be released, seeing that it's a Nu Image/Millennium film (they make above average direct-to-DVD movies) and that it was to be directed by action expert Isaac Florentine. And I was overall satisfied. Granted, I could list some flaws, such as the fact the Boaz Davidson screenplay contains elements that will be familiar to those who have seen other ninja movies in the past, and it has the hero on several occasions dragging the female lead behind him despite the fact she's an accomplished fighter like him. But there's a lot more to like. The movie is slickly made, well-photographed and lit, and the chosen Bulgarian locations manage to pass off as New York (believe it or not!) The fight scenes are pretty brutal and exciting, resulting in some great splatter (though I wish the blood and gore had not been mostly done with CGI). Yes, this movie is far from great art, but if you are looking for ninja action, this movie delivers.
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You have GOT to be kidding me! **SPOILERS**
crosshatch-612-30050520 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Are you people out of your minds? STUPID. Bad acting. Poor script. Ridiculous plot. Completely predictable from beginning to end. OK, I suppose it wasn't COMPLETELY predictable. Just when I thought I knew exactly what was going to happen, it got even dumber. I must say, I got some great laughs. Just about everything in this move was ridiculous and not believable. Batman wings? Seriously? So predictable...why was the only guy wearing black in the beginning, the soon-to-be-bad- guy? When she orders coffee and "two sandwiches"....what? Who wrote this? the restaurant only has one kind of sandwich coming from a guy that just happens to be from the "secret brotherhood"? A brotherhood run by a guy who claims, "We control the lifeblood of this planet." HUH?? What the heck is he talking about? A brand new plot twist? What the heck is the lifeblood? Their cool matching jackets, hoodies and scars? Even to the bitter end...the cop hands him a U.S. passport when he was never even a U.S. citizen. Is he going to have to run around and collect all his ancient weapons sticking out of dead guys?
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A good action movie
gulrez-iqbal11 April 2013
Yesterday i saw NINJA.I am very impress to see this flick.Scott Adkins's performance is very good.Action sequences is also impressive.Story is just OK.This movie is much better than NINJA ASSASSIN in every term.Film location are good.Script are also good.Music is suit the film.The Most good thing in the movie is Scoot Adkins's action and performance.All the stunts seances are original.Plot of the story is also good.Train seances are very good and impressive. Makeup is good. Direction of the movie is very good.We can compare the movie with kill bill.The action sequences done without CGI technology.
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This movie was appalling.
shoxmaxim1211 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ninja 2009 Trailer gave me so much expectations, it delivered some great scenes and looked like a true Japanese ninja-themed motion picture. There are some pretty clear points on why this movie is so awful. The 2 main characters "Casey" & "Namiko" grow up at a school of martial arts, yet they struggle to deal with common thugs. And I'm sorry but the actor for "Casey" is awful, he is untalented and should consider a new job, throughout the film he looks tense and uncomfortable. Although the story line is predictable to some extent it is also outrageously spontaneous, for instance "Masazuka" at first it's too fond of "Casey" the next minute he tries to kill him then when the Sensei expels him, he acts surprised I mean for god sake you just tried to kill a student what do you expect? Can I also add in the script was poorly thought through, some of the wording (especially the translated language) is very poorly constructed. We all like movies with outrageously impossible stunts and super cool Kick-ass movies right? ninja 2009 is an insult to my intelligence. I can understand someone scaling buildings or throwing darts, but since when can ninjas fly? I mean seriously, he clips the girl to around his neck and flies off like a batman, it probably wouldn't of been so bad if he used a zip wire, or even if the effects used were acceptable. the Ninja showdowns were pretty good quality, they keep my entertained but there was an unneeded amount of blood exploding in every direction when someone got injured or stabbed etc. In my opinion the most important part to any movie is the music, movies such as "the last samurai, hidden dragon crouching tiger" and many more had classic Japanese styled music because it fits and sets the scene. The music in this film is awful, even the Japanese music is bad. I would also like to add that the mastered Blu-ray DVD did not fulfil the expectations of any DVD the sound effects where too loud.

I have to admit that I did not watch the end of this film, I was disgusted that this film was allowed to be sold. The acting was bad. The camera angles were cheap. The Music and sound effects were disappointing. The whole ninja theme was ruined by the fact that they can't even beat thugs. This film was a disappointment on the whole, it didn't resemble a old ninja-themed film, it didn't even resemble a ninja film. Poorly thought through and executed.
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Ninja movies are back!
wormtheace30 November 2009
First let's get one thing straight! This is a genre movie. If you go into it thinking you are going to watch the Godfather then you are going to be disappointed. Scott Atkins delivers the goods big time as the hero ninja Casey further cementing him as a go to action guy. The moves this guy can do are out of this world. The story is pretty basic. An adopted American taken in and raised as a ninja. The fight scenes for the most part are beautifully done. Tsuyoshi Ihara is the real discovery of this movie. This guy should be getting some steady work. Now the bad stuff. The C.G.I. blood was cool in some parts, but over the top in others. The gliding with the wings could have been left out. The C.G.I. was a little over the top in the sword fights. I was also disappointed with the character Namiko. She was a little to frail for modern day women in action movies. Yes there are some cheesy lines, but that is part of the fun of these movies. The movie screams old school 80's movie, but in a good way. It ends up being a far superior film than Ninja Assassin and was made for a fraction of the cost. If you love action movies and hate the metro-sexual heroes that we get jammed down our throats every film then this is the movie for you. I hope we get to see more like this because this movie had my blood racing the entire time.
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Scott Adkins' Ninja: a very good movie with couple of flaws
CoolGuyJ8426 November 2009
After getting Ninja DVD sent from my uncle in Russia, I decided to watch this movie. But since there was quite a bit Japanese language being spoken and DVD had no English subtitles, I decided to watch it with a friend who is good at Japanese and is an action movie fanatic.

Now I will say this movie is not perfect, but as a action movie, and Ninja movies fan, I was thoroughly entertained nonetheless. on par with Blood and Bone in terms of entertainment value, falling just a little bit short from Undisputed 2(8.5/10) due to some of its little faults. But despite its faults, I love this film and will be watching it time and time again (actually although I gave both of them same grade, I like this movie slightly better than Blood and Bone, because of my favoritism of Ninja movies ).
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who's gonna pay to see this comedy ?
tweester752019 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
You always have to praise first. So, let's praise for the first (and last time) : at least, they used real Japanese actors, and not some Asian looking buddies pronouncing some inaudible ad-lib. Now, for the main part. Story is 150% laughable. Let's find a reason to come to NYC : hide a so-called sacred box to the "other side of the world". Let's find a reason to have a white man in a Asian club : he lost mama and daddy ! Let's find a reason to have a woman : it's the master's daughter ! Let's have a reason to have hooligan looking guys : it's a secret society, so secret that you don't really understand what are their values. What's this ninja doing with night vision goggles ? You must show that tradition surpasses technology. What is this "that is anger" thing ? They don't know that StarWars has used this before. What's this ninja girl totally incapable of defending herself ? Okay, okay, muscle man defending small weak girl. Where's the usual sexy scene ? Oh yeah, the double hot shower with clothes on, almost forgot it. What's the last scene opening to the future ? A family grave in the middle of the training field ... to show the next generation of Ninja ... (why not a pregnant Namiko while you are at it). BTW, what's the meaning of beheading Masazuka ? And, we still don't know who is the next Soke. We definitively need a part II !!
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Blood and Violence! Not that great of story!
mmaeramirez92322 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
***Possible Spoilers*** (Maybe not) The story basically consists in an American orphan raised in a Ninja School who attempts to protect a box of ancient Ninja weapons from an former schoolmate of the Ninja School. Thats the basic story, a little romance is thrown in of course from a female schoolmate. Not a great story, the action though is entertaining, lots of stunt moves but a kind of overused beginning for Ninja movies, corny ending with a kind of disappointing final showdown, a couple of actors a tad bit over-the-top that makes the dialogue a little funny from time to time. Overall I'd give it say 7 out of 10, it's not a GREAT Movie, but its fairly good if you're looking for a movie with action and little story to it. Some scenes at the end trust me, when you see it you want to laugh, I'd watch it again, I recommend you watch it, NOT opening weekend, its not a HAVE-TO see it movie, but its a fun movie to watch for some entertainment.
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Really bad !
limona_razvan28 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After 30 years of ninja being around, this movie look more like an Scot Adkinss advertiser. There are no ninjas whatsoever in the movie, just a bunch a samurai wannabe and bad at it. The daughter of the soke is lame, because no women dedicated to her martial art could be so weak. Second, their weapons and outfits look more like a cheap imitation from those seen in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra and that's not good ! The characters have no power or charisma, no character development or interest - staring half-angry, half-bored to someone had been done to oblivion in bad Hong Kong movies. Moreover, the trainees from the ninja school have no concept about team work or how to subdue a superior enemy. The main heroes don't make any plans, weapons or analyze the situation to create an advantage or use police/bad guy weaknesses. They just run around in the same clothes used before, the same haircut and 'do' good because they're supposed to be ninja aka invincible. Usually, Scot Adkinss routine involve kicking and more kicking, while ninja are supposed to be experts in hiding/silence and not mortal kombat characters. Really bad !
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Gripping and violent tale with full of noisy action and fights in a comic-book style.
ma-cortes6 August 2021
A westerner young ninja named Casey Bowman (Scott Adkins) is trained since chidhood to be a deadly Ninja , studying Ninjutsu in Japan , then he is asked by the Master (Igawa) to return to New York to protect the legendary Yoroi Bitsu , an armored chest that contains the weapons of the last Koga Ninja . But an angry revenger called Masazuka (Tsuyoshi Ihara) is nowadays seeking a merciless vendetta for his old mates and taking on the former master who trained him . As the ominous Masazuka to return demanding vengeance against the veteran Sensei . Things go wrong when Casey's girlfiend , Namiko Takeda (Mika Hijii) , is captured. At the end the terrible happenings leading to a lethal confrontation with the old fellow Ninja , our tough-fisted hero and other Ninja assassins . A silent warrior. A deadly past. A lethal mission. Revenge will rise . From the shadow of the night, a warrior is born not the weapon but the hand that wields it. Raised to become an assassin... until betrayal made him a target . Prepare to enter a secret world of heartless assassins .

It's a westernized oriental action film with an interesting mingle of suspense , brutal martial arts , sword-play , ancient ritual with typical code of honour and bloody combats . The gory plot is simple and plain , a nasty Ninja confronts the clan that raised him , and starring Casey/Scott Adkins being forced into action and steadily butchering his relentless enemies , while inching ever closer to the long-awaited bloody reunion with the infancy contender. This a nail-biting thriller with ustoppable action , including impressive fighting with a lot of blood and gore . It's a mindless but enjoyable story for martial arts aficionados of the old style , but adding some new technical being made by means of wires , cables and digital computer generator . Abundant fights as swords struggles in which arms , body parts and beheading are slice off here and there and limbs are slit open everywhere or blasted apart . Of course , highlights of the film are the breathtaking and groundbreaking fights with lots of blood dropping here and there . Cruel, savage murders and blood splatter , make only recommended for those adults no squeamish and with strong stomach enough to take it .The motion picture was professionally directed by Isaac Florentine .

This film belongs to ¨Ninja sub-genre¨ that achieved splendor in the Eighties : The first movie was ¨Enter the Ninja¨ (81) by Menahem Golan with Franco Nero , Menahem Golan was director of the first film , and was to direct its sequel also , but shortly before production was to start he decided to turn over directing chores to Sam Firstenberg . It was followed by the martial arts features ¨Ninja II¨ or ¨Revenge of the Ninja¨ (1983) with Shô Kosugi , Keith Vitali , Kane Koshugi and ¨Ninja III , the domination¨ with Lucinda Dickey and again Sho Kosugi . These pictures were well produced by Cannon -Golan and Globus- and all rightly directed by Sam Firstenberg . Following others also directed by Sam Firstenberg for Golan-Globus' as ¨American Ninja¨ , ¨American Ninja II and III¨, ¨Forced vengeance (82)¨ and ¨Avening force (1986)¨ most of them starred by low-grade expert on karate genre and Ninja sub-genre Michael Dudikoff . Following this 2009 ¨Ninja I¨ by Isaac Florentine , along with ¨Ninja II¨with Scott Adkins and Kane Koshugi . Furthermore , ¨Ninja Assassin¨ by James McTeigue with Rain , Naomi Harris .
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Tongue and cheap
p-stepien12 June 2011
As we are taught by this movie the Japanese ancient art of espionage, covert ops and murder has evolved and has now become a respectable martial arts focused on the spiritual perfection. As we all naturally know becoming a good person always involves learning the traits and usage of a multitude of deadly weapons, poisons and such. In one such respectable establishment (Dojo) the noble art of killing is taught by Sensei (Togo Igawa) and amongst his students are his daughter Namiko (Mika Hijii), the ultimate pupil Masazuka (Tsuyoshi Ihara), an American orphan Casey (Scott Adkins), and a lot of cannon fodder.

Namiko is probably the strongest and most potent fighter of the three easily beating Casey in combat in the beginning of the movie. Unfortunately she also has a severe weakness: in various key life threatening situations she forgets she is a trained deadly martial artist and indulges into the age-old tradition of screaming her face off playing a helpless female victim (albeit maybe this is a sinister ninjutsu ploy to distract the opponent and to make enemies ignore Namiko?).

Masazuka is set to take over the dojo from Sensei, but envious of the attention Casey receives from the ninja master, he loses himself during a training combat and attempts to kill the hapless American. This ends in Masazuka being expelled from the institution, as killing is not accepted in the ninjutsu code of murder. Or something like that.

Naturally Masazuka turns bad and becomes a prominent assassin for hire. One of his best clients - the Temple Corporation, who has a secretive para-fascist organisation, which loves shooting people in broad daylight. However still stricken with regret and full of spite he decides to take over by force the legacy of Sensei's ninjutsu, Yoroi Bitsu, an armoured chest that contains the weapons of the last Koga Ninja.

Fighting ensues, carpets of blood and bodies populate the streets of the movie and the good guys fight the bad guys...

The plot is totally nonsensical. Extravagantly nonsensical. But unlike the very enjoyable "Ninja Assassin" it fails to take a tongue and cheek approach and just feeds us a bad movie with a bad plot with some exceptionally terrible acting... all of these flaws are supposedly supposed to be glossed over by the impressive fight sequences and good tech credits of the movie. Alas... in this time and age my expectations are not so low as that.

Despite some terrible acting (fronted by Scott Adkins and Mika Hijii) which reminded me of a Nigerian nollywood movie I watched a couple of days ago I must however commend a very convincing Tsuyoshi Ihara, who does a great job as the main protagonist.
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lukem-527608 October 2020
WOW, What an excellent movie that looks & feels like an 80's movie!!! This is the movie that definitely should've made the extremely talented Scott Adkins a huge Action star but for some reason it didn't? I don't understand it? Jason Statham is huge & i would say Adkins is even better (yes i like Statham) & Adkins brings such a realistic impact to his films & has such a natural every guy charm & is ridiculously watchable & entertaining in every role. Adkins was excited in, Expendables 2, he stole the show as Van Damme's main henchman & he blew me away with his Awesome action scenes in Van Damme's The Shepherd: Boder Patrol, yes he was a brutal villain again but that shows his range as he's made such a Classy Career out of playing Villains, Anti-heros & Good guys, Adkins is a class-act & a true skilled fighter & demands your attention whenever he's on screen. Adkins is truly Outstanding in films such as Avengement, Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning, The Debt Collector & Ninja but each performance he puts out is always great & such fun to watch. Adkins has truly carved out a fantastic Career as a CULT action hero within the more "underground" low-budget Action genre & it's great, i love the fact he's probably the only one truly putting out extremely raw, brutal & very old skook style action films, he's a generation too late but us action lovers love the guy & appreciate that what he's doing. I can't say enough about how good Scott Adkins truly is & how talented he is, he's a superb actor & probably the best fighter in seen in movies or atleast one of the all time best!!! Like a Van Damme for our times but even more brutal & one of the greatest talents to rise up from England.

NINJA is a superb Action Thriller that is drenched in 80's style & with another excellent Scott Adkins performance as American born Casey an orphan who has dedicated his life to studying the art of the Ninja & has to travel to New York City & face an enemy from his troubled past. It's a nice simple story that feels so 80's or very early 90's & often feels like a Ninja Turtles film & story & i love it for that. The fight scenes are absolutely fantastic & bloody as hell, extremely entertaining & kick-ass brutal with an Adkins is his prime & in incredible physical shape, the guy is a ripped beast & a savage warrior. The villain of this flick is a scary & extremely dangerous Ninja Assassin called, Masazuka a deadly disgraced fighter who tried to kill Adkins a few years ago but is now an expert Assassin for hire. A fantastic villain that is actually scary as he's so quick & so deadly with No MERCY. Ninja is expertly directed by Isaac Florentine who has worked with Adkins on many films such as the sequel to Ninja, The Shepherd: Border Patrol, Undisputed 2, Close Range & more, a great creative team of Actor & Director. Ninja is a stylish blast from the past with Adkins in one of his best roles & proves what a fantastic lead hero he can be & should be. Outstanding fight sequences & an exciting fast pace of thrills & action, a GEM of a B-movie & a treasure of the low-budget DTV action genre. I loved it
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I've a sword, you have a pistol... so came near to me please ?!
hugop-129 November 2009
Along the time I've grown up, i've put aside action movies because we start to like more complex arguments and not much of explosions.

However sometimes i like to watch some action movie, to steer way and to vary a little, so today I saw this movie and at the beginning it was sort of fun, besides the very same argument of most ninja movies, and its is not so bad after all.

The thing that cripled me to come here make a comment, and believe me I'm not someone who comes here to make comments, furthermore to read, but this time it was way far so i must tell Who is the smart guy producing this that it is so mad, trought most of the fighting lines in the movie a sword can beat a pistol. I actually recall guys with machine guns running straight to the ninja, what is this ? Suicidal tendencies i supposed, because to kill the ninja you must press the trigger dear.

Please educate the children with blood, explosions, fast cars, gorgeous women, but please don't make them dumb.
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"We control the life blood of this planet!"
ExpendableMan28 December 2020
'Ninja' isn't a film to watch if you want ground-breaking, thought provoking cinema. However, if you're in the mood for a fast-paced action movie that features martial arts experts kicking the living daylights out of one another, look no further. It's very silly, very violent and at times comes across like a live-action version of a bloodthirsty anime, but it makes for an entertaining evening in front of the telly.

Originally released in 2009, it had the misfortune to come along around the same time as 'Ninja Assassin,' a similarly themed movie with a much bigger publicity budget. This may well have led people to dismiss 'Ninja' as a direct to video knock-off, but it's actually much better than that. This isn't a top level production by any means, but it is way more competent than the atrociously cheap movies that get churned out by Asylum Studios or the Sci-Fi channel. 'Ninja Assassin' is the superior film, but 'Ninja' is easy to recommend and well worth a watch.

The film focuses on Casey Bowman (played by the King of DTV action, Scott Adkins), a westerner raised in a Japanese Dojo. While on a trip to New York, Casey finds himself targeted by an evil secret society and a former rival turned Rogue Ninja. Soon he's fighting his way across the city, taking on gun-toting goons in order to safeguard a chest full of priceless heritage items. And it moves so quickly, there's no time to take a breath and notice how little sense the storyline makes. The secret society are trying to do something with the oil industry and the stock market, but it's not clear if they're a religious order, a cabal of financially motivated evil businessmen or just a band of heavily armed thugs with a taste for the theatrical. The script is hammy, the lead character gets surprisingly few lines and there's more than a faint whiff of cheese about the whole thing.

However, none of that really matters. The focus here is on the fight scenes and 'Ninja' delivers the goods. This is a movie where cars flip over and explode for no reason, limbs get severed and blood fountains from sword wounds in high arcs. Adkins is so adept at leaping into the air and kicking people in the head that the laws of gravity don't seem to apply and his climactic battle in the backstreets of New York is an adrenaline pumping finale.

So yes, it's daft popcorn munching fun. This is a B-movie flick that sets out to deliver an entertaining series of action set-pieces held together with a flimsy plot and it succeeds admirably. The few stabs at deeper mysticism are no more than the fast food equivalent of Eastern Philosophy, but if you want to see a man thrown out the window of a moving train and into the path of another train, 'Ninja' is your film.
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This movie upset me so much!!!!
glance9149 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched so many ninja movies over the years, so, the thought of another modern one excited me. On the surface this looked like it was going to be a great movie.

Alas, no!

Like other people have cited, you have a bunch of ninjas that have been trained for years, but, yet you are confronted with situations like,thugs bursting into rooms whilst firing guns, and one ninja has to tell the other to get down. I mean for goodness sake, you do not have to be a ninja to know what to do that when guns are going off!!

The female lead being so utterly pathetic, that she should not have even been a ninja. Apart from being slapped around throughout the movie by common thugs, she was so good at hiding in plain-sight, that when their faces are plastered all over the TV and press, she happily pops out for coffees?!?! Where she is immediately spotted by a guy linked to the thugs (the coffee shop clerk), who with a call has bad guys surrounding them in seconds, literally!!!!

Even before the above, her love-interest, the main guy/ninja type fellow, never even noticed that she left the room, because he was sleeping. I mean what kind of ninja are they!??!

There are so many scenes like this where the ninjas are just plain stupid; they show no intelligence, no foresight, and no skills. They fight like bog standard martial artists, not showing any ninja efficiency or killer instinct, just posturing and blasting off roundhouse kicks and the rest, and the female just gets constantly kicked over. No, I have nothing against fighting like that, but I do when they are suppose to be ninjas!!!

The main characters are constantly pursued, but they have no plans, they just run hand in hand from the bad guys, there is no going to ground and regrouping later, just very un-ninja like!!

Check out the main bad guy when he was pursuing the pathetic ninja female in the police station, he goes to the trouble to kill the electrics, yet he walks around in bloody tap-shoes!!

I am not even going to bother talking about the bat wings and night vision goggles!!!!

Oh, and the ending, with the antidote in the sword, there again, just plain stupid!!
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zombola14 December 2009
I didn't think they made them like this anymore! This film instantly transported me back to the 80's. To a time when I'd been out on my BMX all day, building tree houses and eating crisp sandwiches, riding through the fields that are now poorly made housing estates and back in time for tea and a dose of ninja action. When plot, script and acting didn't really matter and all you really cared about was: 'How many roundhouses does he do?'

There's an abundance of dumb henchman, all wearing the same get up but who are actually members of a secret cult, controlled by some scary businessman who worships... err, something or other and have the same salute as the Nazis. These guys are loosely involved with the main ninja bad guy who has a nasty scar, ooh nasty.

You've got your Sensai betrayal, high tech ninja sh*t, stupid copper, traditional weaponry, beautiful girl and even a cameo from Batman.

Could this film be any better? Well, yeah it could... a lot actually but, who cares? It's so authentic in its simplicity, it achieves what 1000's of high budget films nowadays lack - watchabilty.
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It was Quite Good
b-molloy28 November 2009
Another commentator has said it was good but he has a bit picky.

Quite a good, kick ass v bad guy, girl survives, guess the rest. I like technique and I was impressed that he was quite skilled AND the bad guys stayed down when it looked liked you had hit them BAD, as it appeared. Apparently you can't register a comment on a movie unless you have 10 lines. This type of decadence lead to a many a company like (IMDB) going bad and defrauding companies and leading to the unemployed sending=ding a lot of bull222s22t o sites that they shouldn't't't't;t. why do i bother well i enjoyed the movie and i like "Blood" and "Azumi" and "Underworld" and "Dune". "Asumi " has 2 movies and I want a 3rd has anyone seen it yet?
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Bad movie
dasa1089 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film had a generous budget and an outstanding production team. Even the director is a specialist in action movies. What happened? The story is untenable: we have a teacher who chooses two potential successors: one of them is hysterical, the other is a Westerner who inexplicably ended up there, never has to shave, and seems to have enough time to show off his amazing hair to everything. Moment. The motivations of the characters are idiotic. One wants to be a leader despite his obvious emotional lack of control, the other misses her dead parents and has a rare love story with a Japanese woman who, having spent years training ninjutsu, is unable to hold a fight when necessary. Eventually the evil disciple becomes a hitman and inexplicably fights for relics that will fill his emotional void. Everything that happens is unsustainable, the fights are insane, the use of sophisticated weaponry is inconceivable and within minutes you want all the characters to die, including Adkins, in the worst possible way. When I saw her, I remembered Sho Kosugi and how he made his films credible. It is the bad thing about this movie, everything is so incredible that there is no way to swallow the story without vomiting.
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