Kill Switch (Video 2008) Poster

(2008 Video)

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A step back
dolemite7219 August 2008
Where do i start, pointing out the many problems, this movie has?

First off.....the plot. I've come to expect over-complex plot points in recent Seagal movies, but in KILL SWITCH it's not overly just doesn't make any sense. The flashback to Seagal as a child (witnessing his brothers murder) serve little purpose to the storyline, but i guess they help pad out a few minutes of screen time. And believe me, this movie felt padded. It doesn't even have the (so-bad-it's good) camp value of ATTACK FORCE.

Secondly....The editing. This was some throwback to the days of film-making in the 80's. Occasionly, Jackie Chan (or Tony Jaa) may employ this 'repeated' camera angle stuff, but it's usually to highlight an extremely choreographed fight move or stunt. In KILL SWITCH however, it once again feels like padding (and given that it runs throughout the movie, it feels like it's makers have only got 45 minutes of actual footage, and therefore NEED to show everything twice, thrice and even ten times) Seagal is chasing a suspect at one point, and he comes to a doorway. The viewer is treated to about 20 different shots/alternative angles of this 'monumental' moment.

Thirdly.....The fights. To me it seems that Seagal was not trying to make a martial arts movie at all. Apparently, the makers of KILL SWITCH attempted to beef up (what would usually be a four second fight scene) with extra stuff involving stunt doubles. This is all the more annoying, because Seagal's actual fighting is better than his stunt doubles. The final fight (against the serial killer) is all Seagal (and it shows) it's quick, brutal and efficient. Yet all fights before it, are heavily padded out with lazy punches, reversed shot of Seagal (sometimes wearing a different jacket, because it came from another scene) URBAN JUSTICE and PISTOL WHIPPED have proved that Sensei Seagal can still mix it up as a fighter. But these shoddy film-makers are tarnishing his rep, with these underhanded tactics. It(in turn) makes Seagal look weak, as he'd usually demolish his opponents in 5 seconds (such is why we like the guy) but here, the 'padding'implies that Seagal can punch a guy 30 times (in the face) and STILL not put him down. And i also want to see Seagal break an opponents arms and legs with HIS hands....not a hammer. Don't even get me started on the shoddy (couldn't hit a guy two feet in front of him) gunfights.

Finally...Steven Seagal. He actually puts in a good performance (once you get over the 'southern' drawl) and looks in good (allbeit heavy) shape. He rarely mumbles, and seems genuinely interested with the project (unlike say...FLIGHT OF FURY?)

KILL SWITCH is a step back for Seagal (just as he was regaining some well needed credibility) after URBAN JUSTICE and PISTOL WHIPPED. Although the movie is U.S lensed, is well lit, and crisp cinematography, the god-awful (quick cut, repeated shot) editing, and unnecessary doubling, betray whatever potential this movie may have had. The supporting cast is OK (Rest in peace Issac Hayes) and the music is quite good also. Now that (it seems) Seagal is regaining his passion for acting again, he needs to associate with better film-makers in the future. His next movie RUSLAN is also directed by Jeff King (director of this) so i won't be (honestly) expecting anything special of that one. But as long as they don't start interfering and chopping up their filmed product, it won't need to be great to be better than this movie. My theory on KILL SWITCH is that they've only had limited screen time with Seagal, and (hopefuly?) HAD to cut and paste this movie, to pad it out. If they think that repeatedly showing a guy fall out of a window 12 times, or making pointless scenes last four times longer than needed to cutting edge film-making then (to quote Seagal) "Lord have mercy")

Big Lee gives this movie a 5 (only for Seagal's screen presence, and a OK final fight scene)
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Another let down for Seagal
shogun-3411 October 2008
I have to give Steven Seagal the credit he deserves, he is an excellent Aikido master, and I am always keen to watch his films, not least because I also train in Aikido, His early films were a breath of fresh air, however of late the films he has made have had bad story line and limited action. Kill Switch is no exception.. Seagal need to go back to his roots, and portray characters that are closer to his own personality.

Kill Switch was a let down, poor editing and the use( or rather over use) of a fight double, inter cut with library footage of Seagal giving a mean face..... for hardened martial artist I would give this a miss. Unfortunately Seagals action films are being surpassed, by the truly excellent Bourne Identity trilogy, The superb Forbidden kingdom and recently Liam Neesom in the also excellent Taken.

Mr Seagal, go back to what you do best.. Aikido action film with a good story line ( please don't continue with the eastern European locations doubling as US/UK locations.

I hope the next film has more substance and Seagl at his fighting best ( think Under Siege/Nico etc.)
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gridoon20246 February 2009
Steven Seagal's previous film, "Pistol Whipped", was a pretty solid little low-budget action thriller, and it looked as if Seagal was finally starting to learn from his mistakes and improve upon them. "Kill Switch" makes "Pistol Whipped" look like a fluke. Does he honestly expect people to like this movie? For starters, the fight scenes are a joke. They're hardly even fight scenes - mostly just Seagal beating up people. Or should I say, his frequently obvious stunt double beating up people. They are edited very annoyingly, with lots of dropped frames, repeated shots, and close-ups of frantically waving arms. Seagal adopts a ridiculous (I think it was meant to be Southern - "Y'all", "Lord Have Mercy", "Sho Nuff", etc.) accent, has a love interest at least 20 years younger than him, whom he completely ignores, because that's what all supercool detectives like him do, and is joined in his latest investigation by a rookie female FBI agent, whom he's a complete jerk to, because, again, that's what all supercool detectives like him do. Did I mention that "he's a genius" and that "he doesn't follow protocol"? And what's with the film's fascination with torture, sadism, close-ups of corpses....blergh. Is Seagal making a play for the "SAW" market? And let's not even mention the completely nonsensical ending. The only semi-redeeming features of "Kill Switch" are some unintentional laughs, and the presence of Holly Dingard and Isaac Hayes (in one of his last roles). *1/2 out of 4.
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Switched It Off
qormi3 November 2008
This could possibly be the worst Seagal flick ever. Where do I begin? The fight scenes are laughably phony and are a throwback to the "Dolemite" movies of the 70's. Yes, that bad and then some. Seagal's face is shown close up while a stuntman does all the work. It's comical to see the ill-fitting wig on the back of the stuntman. The fight sequences constantly use instant replay and this adds to the hilarity.

Seagal himself looks like he is literally dying from some undisclosed illness. His skin is red as raw meat and just as slimy. His face is full of weird pockmarks and it shines from the sweat. The man looks like he should be on some sort of life support. It's funny to see the actresses in the film have to pretend they want to jump his bones every time they look at him. Seagal once again uses his fake southern drawl as he's done in the last three films.

The gunfight was awful - he kept punching in clip after clip and must have shot off 40 rounds without hitting anything. Ditto the three bad guys. After that, my brain disengaged and I fell asleep.
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Another Segal movie
calgar66630 July 2008
When I started to watch this movie and saw that Seagal wrote it I got the feeling that this wasn't going to be a good movie. First of all Seagal is his usual self showing of his awesome acting skills. To support him in this movie Isaac Hayes has the role of the forensic doctor and he is awful.

The way this movie i cut in its action scenes is very annoying, every punch is seen 2-4 times and every so often you get a close-up at Seagal looking grim. The choreography in the fight is also bad, since there basically isn't any to be found. The fights are mostly Seagal holding a guy and punching him in the face repeatedly. The gun fights are just as bad and you start to wonder how Seagals character ever made it into the police force, because he can't hit anything at all.

All in all, this movie sucks
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Kill Switch has just killed me
info-620627 July 2008
Where do I start on how bad this movie is? Segal has always been proud to show off his fighting skills in each movie he has appeared in however this movie features a stunt double in every fighting scene – even the hand to hand scenes! You'll see a fight scene about to start the real Segal, the camera then cuts to the back of the Segal double, his hair looks nothing like the real Segal!!! Segal will pull a mean face the camera cuts to the stunt double who then throws a punch, back to the real Segal, pull another funny face….stunt double throws a kick – this is how every fight scene is cut! Oh and in case you missed anything each hit is shown again TWICE from a different angle. We see a guy get kicked out of window & the shot of him coming out the window is shown to us SIX times!

Segal punches a guy, guy falls to the floor, guy stands up once his 2 friends comes & help him & tells Segal "You're in trouble now". Segal batters his two friends, camera goes back to original who is now on the floor semi conscious????

I turned this movie off at exactly 19.54 it really is that bad
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A Mess.
JoeytheBrit2 November 2009
The name 'Steven Seagal' may not put the fear of God into many people these days, but when it is preceded by the two little words 'written by' it is something to strike fear in the hearts of stronger men than me. Summoning that peculiar kind of bravery possessed by a masochist equipped with a dozen clothes pegs and a wet shoelace I girded my loins and pressed the 'forward' button on my remote. There was no going back now, like one of Seagal's on screen sparring partners I was to be exposed to every sweaty punch and chop the big (big) man chose to throw in my direction.

I can get back the precious 8% of available recording time KillSwitch occupied on my Sky box, and the 90 minutes I lost watching the film are, in the grand scheme of things, only a minimal fraction of my intended lifespan, but my faith in the movie-making business may never be the same after watching this unholy mess.

The story is rubbish – that was to be expected after we learned who the screenwriter was – but the direction and editing in this film are surely something to be amazed by. The direction varies from pedestrian to excruciatingly bad – we see one bad guy crashing through a window half-a-dozen times, another bad guy collapse onto a table three times, etc. The editor keeps cutting away from the fights to the same headshot of Seagal in which he looks like a mildly interested bystander. In one fight scene, his opponent's bloody scars keeping appearing and disappearing. Another fight seems to go on forever, with all participants seeming to possess super-heroic stamina levels, and you end up watching in stupefaction, not quite able to believe that a movie fight scene is actually boring you.

Seagal plays a Southern cop with issues. It seems he witnessed the murder of his brother when he was a kid. What bearing this has on his present-day pursuit of a serial killer is never really explained. Neither is the identity or motive of the murderer. In fact the incident just seems to have been added to fill out the running time, give the director (whoever he is – I really can't be bothered to check) a chance to show off all the flashy tricks he learned while balancing on top of a dustbin to peer through the window of the local film studies classroom, and to give Seagal the opportunity to come over all broody every now and then.

Seagal was never sylph-like but, judging by the way we are treated to a lot of head-and-shoulder shots but hardly any full-lengths shots of him, his girth has expanded considerably since the 90s. In fact, he doesn't even move when he fights: he just parries his opponents' blow and waits for them to stray close enough for him to fell them with his meaty paw.
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Now this film is something else....
matjusm14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had been watching a lot of Steven Seagal film reviews on Youtube. They were not good film reviews, but mostly just highlighting how lazy, nonsensical and bizarre his films are. After some Googling, I found that this is a film that almost perfectly captures that style of filmmaking. I had to give it a shot to see if Seagal's recent work is as bad as they say it is. Also note that not only does Steven Seagal star in this, he also wrote it, so it is truly his creation.

In short, yes, this movie is hilariously bad and filled with things that are just utterly bizarre. But if you want to watch an example of how hilariously bad filmmaking can get, then this is not a bad candidate.

Lets see, where do I even start (spoilers incoming).

The basic plot is that Steven Seagal is a hot shot (there are several scenes where other characters praise how awesome Seagal's character is) Memphis detective on the trail of two unconnected serial killers who like to kill beautiful young women. Yes you read that correctly, the film has two parallel but completely unconnected storylines. At no point do the two serial killer storylines in any way interact with one another. I think the only reason there were two of these put into the film was because with just one of them, there wasn't enough material to drag this out into a standard length 90-ish minute feature, so the writer (Seagal himself) just thought that lets just copy and paste the same storyline a second time into the film, with some modifications.

Seagal's character is one who in real life would be fired from the police on day 1. Every place he goes to, he starts to seemingly arbitrarily and with no justification just beating up or shooting people. People who have not done any crimes or endangered anyone, people who he's not even sure are the ones he's after, he just starts beating them up for no reason at all.

The production quality is decent at times, but then at others is a complete joke. The audio quality wavers up and down consistently, where characters in the exact same location are perfectly audible in one scene, and then the camera cuts to a different angle and you can barely understand anything at all. This isn't helped by Steven Seagal's insistence that he speak only in a mumbling fashion, and for some reason insists on doing an accent like he's African American which is just so bizarre. That's if he speaks himself at all, because large parts of Seagal's dialogue are dubbed over by someone else. And not just one person, there seem to be multiple voice actors jumping in and out of the film reading certain lines for him.

In fact Seagal's laziness isn't confined to speaking lines. The use of body doubles that look nothing like him for scenes that really don't need body doubles at all just adds more unintended hilarity to the movie. His laziness is also evident in the script, where numerous things that happen seem to do so for no reason, many things aren't explained at all or it seems like Seagal had an idea for why A leads to B, but it remained in his head and didn't make it into the script, leaving the viewer scratching their head as to why something happened.

The cherry on the cake is the ending. After the two serial killers are aprehended by Seagal's character, you'd think the movie would end, right? Nope. We then get a scene where he arrives at some mansion in what is presumably Eastern Europe or Russia with a luxury SUV, to meet his model-esque wife and two children (plus a nanny he's eyeing up). Leaving aside the question of how he manages to fund this expensive parallel life and family on the salary of a mid-level policeman, the entire thing has no connection whatsoever to the rest of the film. Like there was zero reason for it to be included, and zero things leading up to it. In fact the character had a girlfriend in Memphis as well, on top of this second family.

This hopefully gives you a flavour of the calibre of high quality filmmaking that Steven Seagal has been busy with these past years. I did get a lot of good laughs out of this film, but they were not intended as the movie takes itself very seriously.

A showcase of truly bizarre, lazy and nonsensical filmmaking. Watch this with your friends and have a good laugh.
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What was I thinking to waste a $1.00 on this movie!!!!
marybaughman320 November 2008
It irked me how he spoke. Was that suppose to be a southern drawl? I wonder why he chose to do that??? I was embarrassed for him. The fight scenes were ridiculous. I mean, how much of a beating can a person take before they are knocked unconscious? I guess the bad guys must have been on steroids or something??? The ending confused me because I must have missed something during the movie. Oh, I know what happened, I didn't miss anything, I was just bored!!! It's a shame because I used to like SS movies. You think one would get better with age. If he still wants to act, maybe he should try a different type of role. It's just my opinion.
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Seagal is back in Inaction!
mbrooks-85 October 2008
Steven Seagal, looking more like Wayne Newton each day, plays super detective Detective Jacob Stillwell who is desperately trying to track down an evil serial killer. In this latest direct to video outing for Seagal we are treated with horribly choreographed fight scenes (with 90% of the action shot with the back of Seagal to the camera so as to hopefully fool us into thinking the hundred pound lighter stunt man is actually Seagal), and gun fights that are beyond belief as Seagal is apparently carrying a .45 automatic with a 150 bullet clip, but funnily enough he still can't manage to hit the bad guy. The script is populated with characters who spend their entire on screen time telling us how awesome Seagal's character is, they even introduce an young, female FBI agent who has been sent on this case for the sole purpose of witnessing his awesomeness, and you'll love the scene where she throws up at a crime scene while badass Seagal just chuckles.

Just how do these films get green lit?
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Funniest film I've ever seen
richard-duncombe28 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so it might require a drop of beer to smooth it down, but Killswitch is the most entertainment i've had in years. From the first time Segal opens his mouth its just laugh a minute hilarity for however long it went on for. I have no idea what accent he is trying to pull off, but it fails in comedy fashion, most of the time you cant understand what he is saying, but that just makes it better! I'm not really sure there is any plot, I actually think Segal just plays some weirdo no one understands so they give him a big fake case to solve to keep him out of the way of real police business. I guess its a bit like Se7en but with a more slapstick approach. The fights are hilarious, just shots of segal looking vacant, then a body double in a wig shot from behind, then another (same) shot of Segal. We counted 26 re-uses of the same shot in one of the fights at the end which forced us to pause the film for fear of death by laughter.

Im still having trouble working out who segal plays in this movie and the many flashbacks have no relevance on the film at all and are never explained, which just makes them better! There's just so much gold in this film! Why everyone in the film hate women? Who is the random FBI expert who turns up to help the case though admits she only ever worked on one homicide ever? where does segal get his knowledge of astrology from? why does he live in the biggest apartment ever? Who is that woman he lives with? what does his partner do at all in the whole movie? why does the murderer commit any of the crimes? and the ending!!!! WOW! Forget the sixth sense, you did NOT see this coming! trust me, in the 'so bad its good' stakes, this takes some beating 10/10
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It was OK if you knew what to expect.
tardigrade816 January 2009
Well after reading all the reviews on here, I went out and rented it expecting a good laugh and a horrid film, and to my surprise I ended up finding it pretty entertaining. I will say this, I am very upset he would make such a poor film after making 2 very good films: Pistol Whipped, and Urban Justice.

HOWEVER with that aside even knowing there was the classic stunt double in most of the scenes there was still quite a bit of action and yes the editing and showing every punch a billion times got annoying, but for some reason I was able to sit through it and laugh and a lot of the scenes and actually found the stunt double to be very good at what he did.... And surprisingly the scenes where Seagal actually did fight (the end) he looked pretty good himself....

Maybe some need to watch it again knowing what to expect this time haha.... If your looking for a classic Seagal movie like Our for Justice, or Hard to Kill this is not the one for you... but if your like me and have seen his straight to video movies as of late I would say go out and rent it.... what do you have to lose.

By the way Black Dawn, Shadow Man, and Flight of Fury were all way worse in my opinion. So its not like its the absolute worst yet, but compared to Pistold Whipped, and Urban Justice I am very displeased.
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Excessively brutal serial killer mishmash
shakercoola16 September 2018
An American action thriller; A story about a homicide detective with a reputation for violent street-justice methods who partners with another detective and a coroner to track a psychopathic killer leaving cryptic clues. Murders are being perpetrated by a serial killer who leaves cryptic clues. King goes on a brutal rampage with the assistance of his partner. Next stop Memphis for Steven Seagal. With plenty of action and fighting sequences of arresting brutality, the film keeps the viewer diverted but there is also plenty of distraction from its poor production values. Looped action replays of key pieces of action are used for emphasis, jump editing and fast intercutting gives it a jittery feel. Also, Seagal is often body-doubled without much effort for disguise. All in all, it's a well=paced procedural but it's hard to recommend for the overwrought storyline, poor acting performances, poor editing and direction.
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One of the worst films I have ever seen
drauga10 November 2008
I used to really love Steven Seagal movies. His first films were great when they were made. When I saw that there was a new film with him, I thought it would be pretty good. It sucked! I didn't even make it through half the film. His obviously fake accent was the first clue. As soon as he started speaking, I knew I was going to hate this film. I found myself wondering how he ever made any good movies. Whatever he had in the beginning, he has lost. He wasn't the only problem. All of the characters were unbelievable and horrible actors. The "bad guys" were not intimidating and reminded me of old bad action movies. Another thing that was annoying was that they would take an unimpressive action scene and show it over and over again. I guess someone figured out how to use a new toy in their editing software, but it was not nearly as cool as I guess they thought it was. I know this review seems harsh, but if you watch the film, I think you will agree that Steven Seagal should retire. You would be better off watching static on t.v. than watching this movie.
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Not One of his best
gor-don21 October 2008
If you want a accurate account of the flaws of this movie just read lee nicholson (dolemite72) review it really sums it all up It's a pity really as the film with better editing could have been quite decent the fights scenes in this movie are rubbish choppy and use a really unconvincing stunt double apart from the last fight which is all seagal and boy does the difference in quality prove it the earlier scenes seemed to have been put together by a five year old with a inserted image of a mean seagal intertwined with poor fighting from a stunt double just watching the last fight scene with seagal doing most of the fighting shows what could have been if he did the earlier stuff as for the character seagal plays they seem to over exaggerate the violence him been a cop and all the arrest of the serial killer is a prime example of this as he virtually breaks all his ribs with 2 cops watching then taking him away with no complaint of police brutality I know seagal is a maverick cop but that was just plain verging of stupidity if seagal had did more of the fighting apart from just the last one this would have been a half decent movie but he didn't and this isn't
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SS needs to learn when he's burned out.
jasarthur10 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but close! And compared to Under Siege 1 & 2, this was a real bomb. How can someone with martial arts talents stoop so low as to fabricate scenes with micro-editing? I was truly bewildered by the poor quality of the fight scenes. His enemies were beaten way beyond death and yet came up time after time without any injuries begging for more! And what's with that horrible southern accent? He didn't sound anything like a Memphis native. It was as if he was imitating some black dialect that represents the South in his mind. Steer clear of this, and I dare say, any future products from this shell of an actor.
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Kill me for watching this movie
judgeh8 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my god, where do I start. I am a big fan of action movies and I am usually a Segal fan. But this movie has to be not only the worst Segal movie but the worst movie of all time. I wish I had read the reviews on here before I paid money to rent it.

His accent was atrocious, the fight scenes consisted of showing him making a face and then showing the back of his stunt double doing the actual fighting, they showed some of the scenes over at least fifty times. I mean how many times do you need to see the same man falling out of the same window.

The ending was totally confusing. It's like they put it in just to show a half naked woman. He leaves Memphis after his girlfriend is killed, goes to another country and suddenly has what I am assuming is a wife and two kids. Then the woman leads him off to the bedroom and she does a strip tease. What was the point? It would have made more sense if they showed him going somewhere else to start over.

If you enjoy horrible movies then this one is for you. As for me I am going to try to forget that I ever saw it.
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Kill Switch
Scarecrow-8831 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Seagal is a Memphis homicide detective dealing with a serial killer obsessed with astrology. Also, a psycho bomber is released from prison practically unscathed despite after being tossed out the window of an apartment building, crashing hard into a street. In fact, this guy seems good as new, where most people thrown out a window from such a height, with such brute force, would never walk again..but, not this maniac. Anyway, Seagal must contend with a FBI agent sent down to observe and assist in the investigation regarding the astrology murders.

One of the least Seagal pictures I have seen and his fight scenes are beyond pitiful. It's never more clear than in this movie how uninvolved he is in those scenes where his Jacob King is dueling with bar scum and killers. How a loser like Lazerus(..played by Michael Filipowich), the astrology psychopath, can go on and on and on with King for not one but two fight sequences(..not to mention shootouts where neither man could hit the broad side of a barn)shows how puny Kill Switch is. The serial killer story is generic and familiar, reminiscent of many films that have been done countless times before after Se7en(..the Zodiac influence has contributed to many films of this type over the years). The editing, camera speed, photography, fight choreography, gun fights, are all sub-par and disappointing. And, to top it all off, I don't think Seagal has ever looked as bored as he does here, more so than usual if that could be possible. Mark Collie, as King's ultimate nemesis, Billy Joel Hill, is an effective creep, but Kill Switch has to underwrite his story because of the ongoing Lazerus debacle. After Billy Joel Hill kills his lawyer and two others just after being released(!)he picks up where he left off, with little heat directed his way, due to Lazerus' activity. Isaac Hayes is the Shelby County coroner, Holly Dignard the female FBI agent no one wants around, Chris Thomas King as Seagal's partner, and Karyn Michelle Baltzer who portrays Celine, Jacob's beat cop love-interest eventually kidnapped by Billy Joel. The film also establishes how Jacob is haunted by the murder of his twin brother on their birthday, at an early age, and how this has motivated him as a detective.
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Another 21st century action-packed-nonsense!
fatollahzadeh_armen5504 September 2009
Don't get me wrong because I like Seagal! I like the way he beats the living hell out of the bad guys, it gives me a warm satisfying feeling. Unfortunately; though, it's been going downhill for this actor. I remember Nico, Hard to Kill and Marked for Death, all of which were top of the notch Seagal-stuff but even so neither of his titles are quality products worth Oscars or emmies and there's not much to say about the plot because anyone can join at any given time of the film and still be able to figure out who the bad guy is and what's going on. In his movies Seagal is either married or divorced and sometimes (most times) he even has children, all of which are exposed to danger from the second they're introduced until they either die or the bad guy dies.

Kill Switch is no different from the description above and for 96 minutes you'll be exposed to heavy duty-assaults and forensic investigations, lots of fighting, lots of shooting and indeed lots of bodies but NO BLOOD!!! On numerous occasions Seagal is in a fight with 1 or 2 guys that are in for their worst day ever (or so it would seem). Seagal punches really hard but there's no blood to be seen and once it does actually come out it's gone as soon as they roll on to the next scene. The entire movie is like a deja-vu experience because every time Seagal throws the bad guy into a wall (or something similar, and it happens a lot) they show that scene repeatedly for 3 or 4 times. Then there's the shooting, I never seen somebody aim that bad! Seagal empties 50 magazines without even hitting once!

Point being, if you're a Seagal-fan you're probably in for a disappointment. It lacks a lot of that originality his titles used to have back in the 80's and 90's...
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Switch if off before it Kills your Mood
enquire77 January 2010
I was a devout Steven Seagal fan for years but his recent movies are major disappointments.

To begin with, Seagal is looking increasingly like he's missed too many visits to the salad bar. His face is red and puffed up like a blow-fish and you don't even need the slow motion function to see that he is now simply incapable of doing his own stunts. The fight scenes look very suspect and the supposedly clever camera angles fail miserably in convincing the audience that the much leaner and agile stunt man is in fact Seagal. The plot is weak an his pistol never runs out of ammo.

This is daylight robbery. Seagal is getting paid to act and as a paying customer, I am expecting to get my money's worth. Instead, what I get is an over-sized action hero who looks out of breath even when he's talking on the phone - never mind fighting using a stunt man.

His low-budget, straight to DVD films receive poor reviews and yet he continues to have a loyal following. Its time he demonstrated his appreciation to his fans by shedding the pounds and giving them what they really want to see; Steven Seagal using his graceful Aikido moves to kick butt.
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The Lord Have Mercy: Kitch Action At Its Finest
TrashMustache5 June 2013
The thirteenth entry in Steven Seagal's direct-to-video canon elaborates on his snuff-wish in ways only an incompetent filmmaker can, but the noteworthy frenetic execution propels it to cult status.

I think it's safe to assume you will watch this in a state of disbelief. Consider an early scene where Billy Joe, one of Seagal's enemies, is kicked out of a window and the shot is repeated five times over. This is really just the tip of the iceberg. The layers of mistakes and deliberate editing choices are what steal the show from the get-go and it's a beautiful ballet of dissonance bathed in self-seriousness, making this the ultimate Steven Seagal movie. Every cinematic tool is abused, mysteries put aside to indulge in bar fights that reach an unthinkable climax of choreographed silliness, with editing that serves the absurd and experimentalism. The violence is extremely phony and the body double reveals, the abundance of cheap sound effects, and a misinterpreted use of the JUMP CUT technique only add to the delicious frenzy.

Seagal with his trademark uninvolved voice (though the southern accent he adopts is hilarious) and his catchphrase "Lord Have Mercy" is on par with the screenplay's lack of emotional resonance, basic coherence and the senseless urge to kick the living __it out of generic antagonists.

That urge is what makes Kill Switch his greatest film to date, that viewers affectionate of irony must absolutely see and see to believe. It wouldn't be a post-millennium Seagal flick if the stunt doubles didn't do the fighting and the music didn't do the acting but in Kill Switch this phenomenon seems almost celebrated.
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Low Budget Glimmer Man
rynlarson11 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Most people are going to laugh, but I enjoyed this latest Seagal film "Kill Switch". Sure, whoever edited this film was color blind as Seagals jacket and weight change mid fight scene. Sure, shots from earlier scenes with Seagal are inserted in the middle of a fight scene to make one think he is actually there doing the fighting (horrible when you notice it). However, the concept of a simple story (Memphis detective tracking 2 serial killers) was a great idea by Seagal. It sets up fight scene after fight scene which is what his fans want. The fight scenes are brutal, the flash, quick cut style can be great if used properly-here it is overused...most likely to compensate for Seagal's lack of involvement. The double, triple, quadruple takes on the punches with minimal blood and bruising is also a let down. However, there are some positives (the clown story "does this taste funny to you?") is terrific. I think the overall concept of what Seagal wanted to do with this film is what every Seagal fan wanted. The problem is the low budget, lack of re-shoots with Seagal hurt a lot of his "D.T.V" releases and I have to believe it has to do with his contract. The first 10 minutes of the film are good followed by a bad 15 minutes. The middle part of the film is decent with a terrific ending (I'm talking before the weird Russian family scene which looks like it might be a part of his upcoming release "Ruslan"). I think if he got a theatrical budget for a concept like this film fans would see different results.
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This One Is Bad
slightlymad2211 September 2019
I just watched Kill Switch (2008)

This one is bad, its trying to be like Se7en, but also Above The Law at the same time, it has Seagal with an appalling accent and I just don't buy him as a genius crack detective!! He just doesn't have the range to pull off serial killer detective. Seagal makes a great former secret service or former Marine special forces or whatever. He also makes a good cop on a revenge mission taking down a huge organized crime organization. But as a serial killer expert, it just came off as urrggggh.

It's filled with stupid quick cuts and jerky camera moves. The fight scenes, are repetitive, overlong and poorly executed. Seeing as Seagal managed to write the script, other characters call him "a genius" among other compliments, (I have never seen an actor be talked about like this in so many movies!! It is laughable) although evidence of genius, or even mild intelligence, are not really on display. Seagal could have written anything for himself, but he chose to make Jacob a horrible, unlikeable torturer!! There's no possible way an audience can like this character as he's brutally, mercilessly, unnecessarily torturing his victims.

And as for the fight scenes, oh dear...what appears to be happening is Seagal just stands there, while stunt doubles don oversized leather jackets and ridiculous wigs and pretend to be Seagal. The way this is all edited together is laughably bad. It's so blindingly obvious it's not Seagal, who do they think they're fooling? And the real crime is that the scenes, especially the first major one in the bar, go on for a ridiculously long time, leaving the viewer ample opportunity to see it is not him.

Skip this. It's a waste of film.
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gacsogergely26 September 2022
Seagal's contract with Sony started to run out, so he went back to Nu Image/Millennium films for one more movie. This means the script is better, the cinematography is better, and they tried to use Seagal more.

The problem is, Seagal realy picked up bad habbits: arriving late, leaving unauncedly, and generaly being fat, as well as becoming more and more disinterrested.

Though for his credit, it seems with guaranteed income lowing out, he maybe went to the gym for this one. I screenshotted him from every momvie, and he does that at those occasions.

Now onto point: Seagal is fat. He probably has conditions related to that, and his work-ethic is garbage. So the studio had very little material of Seagal to work with. They tried to work around this be repeated shots and fast cuts - but this went to the point is can induce seasure.

You have been warned. Oh, yes, and the rumour is true, Seagal for like the second time is ripping off Se7en.
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There was a scene in which a perp was kicked out of a window by Seagal and 13 repeat cuts were shown in that scene and I liked that scene.
HJordan9756951 December 2022
There, now that I've stated my favorite part of the film, let's talk about the rest. "Kill Switch" is a terrible film that tries to copy the ideas from the 2007 masterpiece "Zodiac", but fails miserably in a very laughable way. The editing is an absolute joke, the fight scenes make "Fatal Deviation" look Oscar-worthy, and Seagal speaks in a terrible accent that supposedly sounds Southern, but I'm really not sure. The only good thing is that it is riffable for its content, and that Isaac Hayes made his peniultimate cameo on the silver screen. Oh, and one more thing to note: ze clown joke is a no.
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