Bullet Proof (2022) Poster


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Crazy reviews.....but I enjoyed the movie somewhat
sahlgoode19 August 2022
No less than 30 reviews were posted on June 14, 2022. All them rated this movie a 10. Yet when I submit this, I'll be sent an email stating that some admins are going to parse mine before it's posted. I gotta chuckle outta that.

Alright, so we all know there are a handful of movies out of the tens of thousands that have been produced in the history of film that actually rate a 10. This ain't one of them.

This is one of the better Vinnie Jones films out of everything that's been released over the past decade. He does "Vinnie Jones" in this pretty well. In a lot of the others he seems to force the character. What else is he going to do? He's been typecast into the role.

Aside from nothing being original, from the script, the soundtrack, and the cinematography, it at least was a smooth ride from beginning to end. There were no noticeably huge plot holes, and the continuity of the film seemed bang on.

Not too deep, paced to keep me interested, I guarantee you've seen worse.
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angelos-bakas19 August 2022
Maximum a 3, if you don't care about stupid scenarios or even stupider characters. I kept watching expecting a few decent scenes, but no. It kept getting worse. I had to stop half way to calm my nerves. What a waste. Skip.
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Mediocer or less
opticuscro24 August 2022
I started watching this film without too many expectations, but somehow I watched the film with interest to the end wothout rewind. The story is not exactly the most unique, it reminds me of many works I have seen, but I say that it also retains a certain amount of its own originality. The plot moves too fast so many things suffer because of it, too fast plotting is never good. This is a below average action movie that is watchable but nothing more, it doesn't leave any special impression.
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We can be a family
nogodnomasters5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with James Clayton driving around a junkyard being chased and shot at. We know he is relatively the good guy because he is playing Chriss Cross and real movie bad guys don't play Chriss Cross. He ends up taking a different car with his sack of stolen drug money from a crime lord named Temple played by perennial bad guy Vinnie Jones. In the trunk of his vehicle is expecting mamma Mia (Lina Lecompte), the wife of Temple attempting to escape. Temple sends out an APB to get them back which includes Frenchie (Janvier Katabarwa) a hitman.

I was bored with this action film. There is zero characterization. It lacks good build up. People can't hit a target at 20 feet. Mia was quite spry for a pregnant woman. No duck walk for her.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. Subtitles: English, Spanish, French.
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Typecast Vinnie...again!
gbftl20 August 2022
It's the same old same old with added shmutz and a piss poor story that has been told numerous times afore. Embarrassing and amateur for the most part.
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Not One Good Thing
pararealevents21 August 2022
...to be said about this. Absolutely terrible. Poor script and script direction, some awful acting and a story thats about as original as Vinnie Jones' look.

Not sure whether Clayton should stick to acting or directing, or, maybe even find himself a new vocation.

Tell me Mr Clayton - what's the need for a cigarette throughout the film?

A movie to avoid.
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This is utter garbage. Don't waste your time,
jondubya2 September 2022
This film makes absolutely no sense, the script was rubbish, the direction was rubbish and the actors (Vinny Jones aside) were rubbish. I don't get how other people have rated this higher than a 3, let alone the 10s that fooled me into watching this tripe.

I will forever avoid films 'directed' by James Clayton from here on. He's definitely 'one to watch' in the future alright....but not in a good way.

There's a radio button that appears while I write this review which asks if what I'm writing contains spoilers...I'm afraid it does, "This film is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E". Sorry, but unless you're related to anyone producing this film, I can't see why anyone would want to watch this. This really is up there with one of the worst films I've ever seen....and I've watched a load of turkeys.
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I don't get it
nimrod-1490817 September 2022
What is the fascination with hoillywood and Vinnie Jones. He was an average soccar player, known more for his temper than his skills and it seems that in america, he lacks either. He really REALLY can't act worth a toss, he's not a hard man, just a dodgy looking wannabe geezer. He only had his debut in the Guy Richie film Lock Stock and two Smoking barrels because he was a drinking buddy with Guy and because he was so desperate for work he'd do it for virtually nothing. Maybe it's the fake east end 'cockney' accent that hides his lack of ability. Well I suppose given the tripe he appears in it's all his audience can stand.

Basically what I'm saying is if you see Vinnie Jones on the cast list, advoid like the plague. Take some laxatives and a book to the toilet - you'll have a much more enjoyable time.
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Decent action flick which does well on an obvious budget!
prendj0119 August 2022
I agree many reviews look like spam bots praising the film too highly or just about right IMO. I suspect the several highly negative reviews are from people who are unable to judge B flicks too well as they expect the very best and get disappointed when they don't get it.

The lead action actor reminds me of a serious Ryan Reynolds type, there is a Frenchman who is tracking him whose fun. Simple Plot, Simple Action, Simple Fun.... Oscars material no, but if you like B action flicks and or Vinnie Jones this ones just fine!
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truly awful
squintykids21 August 2022
Pure unadulterated shizzle !!

I wish I could say that I avidly watched the whole thing ...no chance.. The fil-m was playing in the background, I skipped bank a few times,- middle-end when I should have simply closed the player.

Had to give the movie 1 star because there isn't a zero.
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What is it with every Vinnie Jones film and all the blatant high reviews?
Top_Dawg_Critic21 August 2022
It's a pattern with Vinnie. I am a fan, but he needs to realize that his viewers aren't dumb, and the insult to their intelligence will give him just as many 1's for all those 10/10's. And that's a shame, because I actually really enjoyed this one. It's one of the better B films I've seen in a while, and the best part is that this is actor, producer and newb co-writer James Clayton's directorial debut - as well as starring in his own film, and he did not disappoint.

His directing, along with the great cinematography, was actually impressive for his debut. It's hard to pull off a film wearing too many hats even for a seasoned filmmaker, let alone a newb. The writing did have its typical genre cliches, but also had some refreshing ideas and actual funny dry humor that made us laugh out loud. Sure there were some expected rookie filmmaker mistakes like some plot and technical issues, but overall for a B film, it was still top-shelf. The score in almost every B film is usually loud, overbearing, constant and unfitting, but this film's score was spot on and impressive with a cool soundtrack. The 81 min runtime flew by with excellent pacing and constant action and suspense. Clayton's performance was outstanding, as was newb actress Lina Lecompte in her only (you'd never guess) fifth ever acting credit. For that matter all casting and performances were excellent and convincing, especially considering Clayton was cast-directing and acting at the same time.

It's a shame the overall rating wont be accurate with all the shill 10/10's and undeserving 1/10's, but for me, it's a well deserved 8/10. I hope Clayton leaving the door open for a sequel happens soon, just keep the Vinnie Review Club away from this site.
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No too bad - cheeky
perry_cooper18 October 2022
The adverse reviews here are a little too harsh. I mean c'mon, this film is not pretending to be a grandiose film. Pretty decent directing with some nice 'Guy Ritchie' touches. Reasonably charming with some ok touchstones to distract from some plot stretches . Doesn't take itself too seriously and the lead James Clayton does a reasonable job both acting and directing. Maybe a few plot holes and inconsistencies Ending a little cheesy perhaps but possibly the funniest moment as well. I was pleasantly surprised - and Vinnie Jones was better than expected. He can be somewhat one dimensional but showed some range this time round. Recommended for some fun.
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As bad as a movie can get.
matthewroyal-8961814 September 2022
Summary: Do not watch this.

Bullet Proof is as bad as a movie can get, I hope. The plot is pedestrian, the action sequences (an overstatement) are underwhelming, the acting is juvenile, and it looks like it was shot and edited on a really nice iPhone.

Absolutely no effort or thought went into the production and there was clearly no concern for whether the film had any entertainment value or communicated to its audience at all.

I made this IMDB account just to leave my review of this. It is that bad!

At best, this movie was a C- indie film school project that someone's "well-connected dad" pulled strings to get made.

I concerned for the young actors who, instead of honing their craft, have damaged their résumé's by adding this to it.

I do not intend to be bashful for the sake of it, it's really just that bad.

I hoped to give more details tell you exactly how the plot failed and could have done better, highlight the issues in the acting, detail to plot holes and story telling errors. But I can't. It's just that bad. It should not have been made.

A true disappointment, I want my money back.

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Beware: NOT a Vinnie Jones movie, because he only has got a tiny part.
imseeg21 August 2022
The bad; another B-movie that puts an A-list actor on the poster, who then only gets a very tiny part of a mere couple of minutes. Such a rip off! The rest of this movie is entirely casted with C-listed actors with NO charisma whatsoever.

Another B-movie, cheaply made, with no suspense or thrill whatsoever. Not even funny.

I only wanted to watch it because of Vinnie Jones, but since he only had got a few minutes of screen time this movie becomes totally pointless to watch...
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Everything Awful
gunnapaul-7432427 September 2022
I knew this movie was terrible within the first few minutes, the acting itself immediately made me expect it. Vinny Jones acted quite well, but the rest was awful.

The storyline was boring, but workable, unfortunately it was all just too terrible. Guns being fired all over the place and yet 99% missing the targets.

If it wasn't for the poor acting, it might of been acceptable to watch just the one time, but now I feel like I've just wasted my time. It felt like they were reading the script as the movie was playing. The main character should of been the best actor there, and yet he was far from it.
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Continuity mismatch new Chevy switch to old in same scene
psharawakanda10 December 2022
So at 1h31min they arrive on scene in a 2022 Chevy Tahoe and a few sec later pull off in an old Chevy Tahoe in the same scene, obviously a prop continuity error here. Shocking shocking shock.

The start looks like a A grade movie but with errors like this that are so noticeable it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Characters are not well developed and the loose story line makes it seem like they made up the story as they went Has some good picture capturing authentic blue skies and places that make you feel like you are a part of the story and can identify especially if you ever been to a junk yard.
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Could have been reasonably good
cudax19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am definitely NOT a fan of Vinny Jones, and this is just one more example of how terrible he is as an actor. But, he obviously has a loyal fan club that are willing to give this movie a much better rating than it garners otherwise. James Clayton has done a bang-up job for his debut as a writer/director, and does a surprisingly good job of acting, but this movie is totally carried by Mia Lecompte. She's not the typical sweet, meek, good girlfriend of the evil druglord. There's no doubt that some of the scenery is beautiful, and the junkyard scenes are believable. I have never seen Mia Lecompte in anything before, but she has a promising future if this is any indication of her talent, and, she is also good looking. Just don't hesitate to take the Vinny Jones fan club ratings to heart, because it's undoubted a good B movie, but doesn't deserve a 10/10 rating!
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A one because there isn't a zero.
bdcongdon11 March 2024
This movie is awful. Complete waste of time. Ridiculous plot. Horrible acting. There is nothing worth watching. It made almost no sense. Everyone in the movie did ridiculously stupid things. It's not a poor B movie.....it's an F. There are currently 31 reviews. It must be bad.... I'm wasting all this time entering enough characters to meet the requirement to post this. That's how bad this movie was. Might be the worst movie I have ever seen. Don't watch it. Going to the dentist would be a better experience. If you watch it I challenge you to enter your review. Hard to believe you can make a movie this bad in 2022.

Bad bad bad.
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Ignore the low scores, brill film.
craig_t923 October 2022
Can't believe all the low ratings. I watched this as fancied a good action film, and action it was, right from the beginning and throughout.

Vinnie Jones was born to be a bad guy, a villain.

The plot's decent, and constant action.

Defo worth a watch.

Can't believe all the low ratings. I watched this as fancied a good action film, and action it was, right from the beginning and throughout.

Vinnie Jones was born to be a bad guy, a villain.

The plot's decent, and constant action.

Defo worth a watch.

Can't believe all the low ratings. I watched this as fancied a good action film, and action it was, right from the beginning and throughout.

Vinnie Jones was born to be a bad guy, a villain.

The plot's decent, and constant action.

Defo worth a watch.
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Danny Mac was incredible!
brent-5274821 August 2022
It was great to see Danny Mac act in an action movie. Can't wait to see where he goes!

Sorry, your review is too short. It needs to contain at least 150 characters.
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The Good Thief
JohnRayPeterson27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With this action movie you will be entertained. James Clayton, 'the thief', who wrote the story and directed the movie also plays a starring role. The one character who however steals the show is Mia, played by Lina Lecompte. Her character is not sweet, she's feisty and is running for her life, away from Temple, played as you'd expect by character actors Vinnie Jones. Temple is the tough guy villain drug lord who Mia is running away from, because he's brutal. Oh yeah, and Mia is pregnant with Temple baby, a son to be born, if she survives. Clayton's character turns out to be a good guy when Mia's fate at the hands of temple is not something he wants to be responsible for, given he has an opportunity to save her and does. That's it in a nutshell. I had my doubts about watching this movie, but in the end I was entertained and now I have an actor, Lina Lecompte, who I hope to see in another movie.
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Typical Shoot Em Up/Chase
stevendbeard22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Bullet Proof, starring Vinnie Jones-Law & Order:Organized Crime_tv, X_Men:The Last Stand; James Clayton-Genesis Code, Down the Line; Lina Lecompte-Charmed_tv, Rogue_tv and Janvier Katabarwa-Hello Au Revoir, Deadpool 2.

This is a low budget action flick. It won't win any awards but it is a typical shoot em up/chase movie. Vinnie plays a mob boss that gets robbed by James, a master thief. When James is making his getaway, his car is damaged and he has to borrow one of Vinnies'. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to James, Lina is hiding in the trunk. She is trying to escape Vinnie-she is tired of his way of life and wants to go home. Oh yeah, Lina is also pregnant with Vinnies' child. Of course, Vinnie is not happy and sends everyone under his payrole-and then some-to get Lina and his money back. Janvier is one of those hired guns that uses martial arts a lot. There are plenty of chases, fights-both martial arts and guns-and the usual mayhem to keep you entertained.

It's rated R for violence and has a running time of 1 hour & 21 minutes.

It's not one that I would buy on DVD but it would be alright as a rental.
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Pulse Pounding Thrill Ride. Breezy 80 minutes.
mattseeleyfilm20 August 2022
Walked in knowing nothing about this film, was highly impressed with the action, performances, stunts, cars, armoury. This was entertaining as heck. My appreciation for Vinnie Jones has spiked and The rest of the cast is awesome too. Not gritty and depressing either! Incredibly light hearted for some of the subject matter.

If ya can, go see it in theatres! Great big screen experience.
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A fun action film! Nothing crazy, but definitely entertaining!
anonymoushuman-1527623 August 2022
People need a reminder that not all movies have to have insane budgets or be award worthy or deep for them to be entertaining. This was a fun action film! It was really fast paced, it made time go by really quickly. I was impressed with it for what it was. Action sequences were cool! The Frenchman is not your typical hitman, more soft spoken, but it kind of worked. There's some great humor that I wasn't expecting, and yeah it hits a lot of action movie tropes, but that seems like it was on purpose, so I liked it. Reminded me of 90s action films. Vinnie Jones isn't the greatest actor, but that's okay, he fits the bad guy thing well, there's a reason he's typecast often and it worked well in this. The new actors that play Mia and The Thief were both pretty good and had some great and sometimes funny chemistry. 7/10.
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qw-4897827 September 2022
Actually, what the movie is trying to say is very easy. We just have to enjoy this movie. I think the reason why we watch movies is to have many of these movies. These movies need to be made a lot. If a bigger actor and a bigger crew join forces here, the film will be perfect. Especially, it was a movie with many good elements. The action was perfect, even though it was a little sloppy. I could also feel a total thrill. A thrilling movie I might watch this movie again someday. Like looking for a favorite movie over and over again. I hope this movie will be left as part of my favorite movie. I was very satisfied with the realistic expression.
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